I’m sorry, we were going to have a new open thread to start the week off but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously] from the BBC’s James Harding. He tells us that in view of the fact that this site inconveniently shines a brutal light of truth upon BBC’s prejudiced and partisan reporting, exposing liars, charlattans and those who peddle misinformation as news, we unfortunately don’t match the criteria that conform to the BBC’s stated aims of closing down debate, curbing free speech and imposing boundaries on free thought and thus we are to be shut down.
Still…rules are made for breaking…I’m sure you’ll find a way to have your say…..
I don’t know if anybody else caught Dominic O’Connell’s slot on Today earlier, but I’m sure he’s made a note not to invite that guy from Aberdeen Asset Management again. 🙂
They may be running out of people to invite on the ‘nice step’, and a recirculating Polly, Penny, Owen deal may look a bit suspect eventually.
I made a similar comment about the appearance of a Lancaster Yooni business professor on the 7.30 news last night. Perhaps the impending appointment of David Clementi, former investment and BoE banker, to be head of the Al Beeb trust and his initiating a review into their (im)partiality over Brexit since the referendum vote has concentrated their tiny minds.
“There are loads of GREAT stories this morning, and when I say GREAT, I don’t mean good news… warnings from companies… prices of food going up… all in light of yesterdays’ Brexit announcements”
Sally Bundock presenting for BBC Business at 8.30 can hardly contain her excitment as she brings us a brief glance at what she terms ‘stories on the tablet’.
Blimey, it’s almost as though she works in an office culture where kudos is earned by trashing Britain’s prospects outside the EU
Imagine, if you will, that Britain had voted to remain in the EU and that since then, every EU story on the BBC was about all the bad things that were happening/were going to happen to the country because it voted to stay in the EU. Imagine if a pro-Brexit MP, say Douglas Carswell, had been shot dead before the vote by a madman shouting ‘EU First!’ and the BBC had tearful coverage of mourners heaping up flowers in Clacton town centre.
Impossible to imagine such a thing happening.
Turn it round in this way and you see immediately just how biased the BBC is in this matter, with its constant gloom and doom on Brexit.
Another example of good news being actually bad news. You’d think that 300 tech jobs being created was something to be glad about, yes? And a London head office? Not in the viper’s nest that is the BBC Business department. Just keep on pushing the negative.
300 tech jobs – the stock picture used is a delivery man FFS
“Growing pressure to give more workers rights” – well, the TECH employees will have the same rights as their existing employees by law. So where’s the problem?
“£18 million loss.” – yes, perhaps. Worldwide. Anyone who knows accounts (obviously not the intern who wrote the story) also knows that this can be offset against future profits to reduce Corporation Tax.
“Reference to Uber.” – just chucked in, because, you know.
BBC – the station that’s good news for people who like bad news (even when it’s good).
This morning on the Today program radio 4 some climate change liar / fantasist came on by the name (if I caught it right) of Eliah Highwood (although I can’t find any reference to her on line.)
She told us that 2017 would be the hottest year on record. She knows that because she knows that climate so called scientists will make sure that it is recorded as such even if it isn’t.
She went on to tell us that El Nino was caused by global warming, which is a lie, and that last year was an El Nino year when in fact there was a weak La Nina.
Why on earth the BBC thinks that people like this aren’t going to get caught out when the data is so easily available on line I don’t know. I guess it is relying on the fact that most people don’t know and won’t look it up, plus the fact that their radio/TV and a ‘scientist’ told them trumps someone like me telling them the truth.
Well, yesterday Today did cover a story that, I think, did not contain anti Brexit, anti Trump, Global Warming or gender spin.
The story of saving reverse spiral shelled snails. But snails are spineless so that might be a referance to the likes of Farron and Clegg. Reverse spiral may be a reference to the Labour party. The snails have to be protected from the predatory Wolf snails – well, that’s clearly an parallel to the predatory right and the likes of Trump. And finally the rescued snails had failed to mate which, no doubt is due to oppressive gender stereotyping.
Well, yesterday Today did cover a story that, I think, did not contain anti Brexit, anti Trump, Global Warming or gender spin.
The story of saving reverse spiral shelled snails. But snails are spineless so that might be a referance to the likes of Farron and Clegg. Reverse spiral may be a reference to the Labour party. The snails have to be protected from the predatory Wolf snails – well, that’s clearly a parallel to the predatory right and the likes of Trump. And finally the rescued snails had failed to mate which, no doubt this is due to oppressive gender stereotyping.
“The story of saving reverse spiral shelled snails…… And finally the rescued snails had failed to mate.
If the BBC employed any practical people they’d know that you can’t screw the bolt into the nut if it has the wrong thread.
Nor for that matter a bolt to a bolt or a nut to a nut, regardless of the direction of the thread.
But then anything that exists, or could be imagined to exist, no matter how rare, in the universal set is now part of the new ‘normal, (and they have the nerve to suggest that ‘post-truth’ was invented by Farrage and Trump!).
It was
“*Dean for Diversity and Inclusion*, Professor of Climate Physics, STEM Ambassador, mum to 2 boys. Opinions are mine, not employers!
* Dean of inclusion ! FFS
University of Reading
The trick with R4Today is to immediately search Twitter with #R4Today cos then you’ll see people discussing the speaker.
she shouted the mantra “hottest year evah !”
Of course she can’t say that cos global temp records don’t go back that many years.
Even 100 years ago it was only a rough calculation from limited number of sample sites.
2016 was not the hottest year even on the 30 year satellite datasets
… never mind All time
.. For the surface record it is likely to be downgraded a few years later cos of the way NASA PR gerrymander the records to cool the past and so make current date seem proportionately warmer.
2017 is not an el Nino year but predicting temp is a mugs game.
The Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading is run by Professor Mike Lockwood, who seems to be the BBC’s only favoured solar scientist. So he would have appointed Eliah Highwood.
Both Piers Corbyn, Astronomers and Mensa members have complained about scientific fraud being traced to this establishment. An example was finding out that Professor Lockwood was involved with the production of the bogus rebuttal of the Svensmark theory using low energy cosmic rays rebutting a theory based upon high energy cosmic rays, which seems to have been successful in fooling all known journalists with the exception of Nigel Calder, who has now died.
Bbc Kids TV Official account sneers at Trump.
For the slightly older juvenile, they have Newsbeat. Or Newsnight.
They pop the word ‘news’ in there to convince themselves, as in BBC Trust.
Huh! ‘Newsbeat’, a silly name for a ridiculous programme cobbled together in the early seventies, to try and engage youngsters in the ‘news’.
Lots of fading ‘pop’ stars wearing flares and big collars, trying to look hip and trendy, while spouting drivel.
Much like it is today…
A few moments on R4 XTRA and a trail for, ‘News Jack’ and you guessed it – an anti Trump comment. Astounding.
The 9:45 R4 prog is surreal beebleworld . .’Now you don’t fully condemn this racist Trump’
I note that the BBC invited the Czech Ambassador on R4 this morning to claim that hate crimes against Czech nationals had gone through the roof since the Brexit vote.
It annoys me immensely that the BBC allow these unproven claims to be made, since all they do is create divisions not heal them. Come to us with actual increases in convictions, or you’re no better than the fictitious racists you are moaning about.
I’m sure if someone said their cheque had bounced it good be reported and recorded as a hate crime.
They are not fooling anyone with these spurious claims, only the folk who want to be outraged, as they have nothing else to fall back on.
Earlier this week we had a Swedish representative making the same claim. ” So Mr Czech Ambassador, exactly how many millions of EU migrants have come to your country, with their families used your free health service, swamped your schools and undercut the wages of your workers putting them out of work?. How often do you walk around a major town and hardly hear a word of your own language spoken, or be the only white person in view?” If only the BBC had the courage to ask questions like that.
So each morning this week the Beeb have sent one of their hacks to drive down from Illinois to taking in the new reality of Trumps America.
Yesterday they stopped at Obama’s favourite diner “Hooray” , one black Lady went off message and said she expected Trump to be good for her as she is a business Woman, oh dear.
Today they were in a rural area that voted mainly for Trump “boo”.
The hack asked one of the agricultural students on hand if a big business man like Trump could understand how rural economies work, and address the concerns of country folk.
The implication being that Trump would leave them to fester in their dung heaps and break all his promises.
Of course said hack never enlightened us as to Obama’s great knowledge of the farming communities. No need to confuse the viewing public with facts or details.
It is fascinating how they continue to push the falsehood that Obama was wonderful and Hillary would have been better. People believe it but the facts just don’t add up. That’s ‘facts’ as opposed to ‘fantasy’ and thank God there are still some of us who know the difference.
R4 ‘The Listening Project’ – Two ten year olds in Leicester, ‘devastated’ that Trump was elected.
OK BBC I think we get the message. I know we’re ill educated and irrevocably Right Wing but we do get the message – REALLY! HONEST!
R4 Now – Living in the Social Media Bubble. “Can UK social media influence America?” “I have no patience with Trump supporting, racist, misogynists and those who can’t think outside the box”, says a, self proclaimed, intelligent, educated woman. Ho hum.
Shelly – Obama has great knowledge of the wide open green spaces. They are called golf courses.
I caught part of this yesterday (BBC1). BBC hack was with a “Hispanic community” on a real “Division St” (see what they did there, how clever he is – no, not really).
Hack sets up great revelation (to BBC mindset) by saying, “You can get some unexpected answers.” A woman called Rosa Sanchez tells him that she is in favour of a wall “to keep out ILLEGAL immigrants”!
Well, however would have thought? Is the USA a country subject to the rule of law? Just because you have Hispanic blood, does that mean you will want to turn a blind eye to the law? Does BBC guy need to consider his subconscious racism here? And also maybe just have a think about why established LEGAL immigrants might not be thrilled to have others simply grab what they have worked hard towards achieving – and then have to live with the undeserved suspicion and resentment that inevitably forms when too many illegal entrants do simply march in and upset the balance.
Yesterday on R4 Today..an interview with a Sinn Fein representative…
….who took the opportunity to use lots of snide innuendo about the DUP,
refused to acknowledge the UK Parliament, pointedly referred to “The North”
throughout, made the ludicrous claim that Theresa Mays use of the term “Red, white and blue Brexit” was “inflammatory in this part of the world” and then, laughably, claimed that the DUP “discriminated against LGBT rights and equality”…unlike the cuddly Sinn Fein.
If only the BBC`er had had the nerve to ask him how the search was going for the remains of the still missing victims of the IRA, still denied a decent Christian burial, including Capt. Robert Nairac G.C.
Has there ever been a more loathsome party than Sinn Fein in the history of British politics?
Lobster, Are you fond of your kneecaps?
I’m more worried about my claws!
Tah bay shure.
“claimed that the DUP “discriminated against LGBT rights and equality”…unlike the cuddly Sinn Fein.”
Embolden, I have to disagree with you. The IRA (in all its forms) didn’t discriminate against the LGBT community. Their car bombs killed indiscriminately. If you were close enough when it went off you were dead, no matter who you were holding hands with.
P.S. I know your comment refered to Sinn Fein and mine refered to the IRA, but unlike the BBC I still can’t see the difference.
Thomas Cook holidaymakers to be flown out of The Gambia
A minor story one might think (although not for the poor holidaymakers caught up in the vortex of corrupt black African politics, I hasten to add) . But if one considers the basic elements to the story – the will of the people manifested by a democratic process is rejected by the elite because it doesn’t fit with their version of the status quo – the story has a strangely familiar ring to it.
As usual the bbc amateur sleuths side-step the real story – it’s not about Thomas Cook or the British tourists – it’s about corrupt black people.
Oh, have I said something off message?
oh how i did laugh at the radios reporting of gambia this morning, martial law because the president refuses to accept the result of democratic elections, neighbours preparing to invade, you could hear the implication in their tone, “typical third world despot”, next report .. right lets kill brexit
The media seems to take out different things from stories than I do…
Even with their ‘facts’, all I can see is a bunch of anti-democratic juvenile thugs trying to ruin democracy. And the people they report upon.
It seems that the people of The Gambia, supported by their neighbours are trying to restore their democracy, despite opposition from the ruling oligarchy.
The Reithian BBC would have thought that a good idea, but Lord Reith is long dead and the BBC should follow.
A Nigerian warship is off the coast. Nigerian and Ghana troops are being advised by the British Army. Senegal troops by the French Army. If Ecowas backs off from military intervention , they have no credibility. I think that Bukari, Ellen and Macky will get the job done.
Grant, hope that you, friends and family are all safe and well.
Many thanks. My family and friends are all in safe places within Gambia. I am acting as Corporal Jones ” Don’t panic ” ( no pun intended ). There are also some British ex-servicemen living in Gambia who are staying calm. I am in the UK now, but wish I was in Gambia. But getting hourly updates until Jammeh cuts off the internet, if he has the power to do that. Everyone is storing food and water now. I just had an email from one of my adopted sons who says ” Daddy, I have 12000 dalasi ( about £200 ) under the bed !
PS, he emailed me to say that he promises not to “eat it “. Even at the worst time in their history, Gambians are still joking. I salute them.
I just hope the West African group of nations acts very quickly to oust Jammeh by force. Any delay would be fatal in that it would allow Jammeh to assemble mercenaries (from al-Qaida, ISIS and the like) to enforce the continuance of his illegitimate regime. Once there are enough such terrorist fighters by his side, then the country is finished. As I opined before, an islamist leader does not relinquish power voluntarily, and will do anything to retain power and prevent a return of democracy.
You are so right. They have to do it. As to Jammeh, his beliefs are Ju-Ju, Islam is just a cloak which he wears .
Ju ju is some serious bad religion that needed no help from Islam to make it thoroughly evil. Ex-shamans have (pardon the expression) spilled their guts over the years regarding the traditions of Ju Ju as practised in Africa pre-Islamic conquest.
The combination of Ju-ju and Islam is toxic and it creates many mental health problems.
As if Islam needed any help on that score. Grant.
A disabled man has won a Supreme Court case after a dispute with a woman with a buggy over wheelchair space on a bus.
So better for a baby to be dumped on the street (far from home?) to wait for the next bus than this chap with an overgrown sense of entitlement? The BBC report certainly does not have a thought for the displaced passenger.
i really dont understand what this has to do with the bus company, are bus drivers really going to be expected to become some kind of law enforcers?? perhaps he should be taking out a civil suit against the mother?
So there was plenty of room on the bus BUT the baby was asleep. Really a nothing story I’m afraid and a million similar things occur every day.
The guy that won the case seems to be a serial campaigner and activist and i’m sure hes been on the beeb before so not a regular joe soap. Half the story all the time.
The BBC pour cold water on encouraging employment statistics
“Analysis: Anthony Reuben, BBC News
The unemployment figures are based on the very large Labour Force Survey. The ONS talks to about 40,000 households, or 100,000 individuals, every three months.
But because it’s a survey, the results are only estimates, and they have a margin of error.
For example, the ONS is 95% confident that its estimate of a fall in unemployment of 52,000 is correct to within 81,000.
That means we cannot say with 95% confidence that unemployment has fallen at all, so the drop is described as not being statistically significant.”
I wonder if when unemployment numbers rise in a month, the BBC will wheel out “Statto” Reuben to tell us that it hasn’t happened.
Yes I noticed that.
No discussion of uncomfortable confidence intervals in April 2016 when unemployment went up:
‘UK unemployment rises to 1.7m’
But when the pound or the FTSE fluctuate by 0.1% it’s headline news on all outlets and proof of Brexit doom all day long. It’s a weird old unbiased world in Broadcasting House.
This actually a direct quote from ONS, so not BBC bias.
The whole point is not about who was quoted….it is about when they are quoted.
The original post was pointing out that the same extended analysis is rarely (if ever) quoted if the news doesn’t fit the BBC’s mindset. So, definitely an indicator of BBC bias, if not applied equally, in all events.
According to Harding, “We want Reality Check to be more than a public service, we want it to be hugely popular.
We will aim to use styles and formats – online, on TV and on radio – that ensure the facts are more fascinating and grabby than the falsehoods”
So how is this going to work James?
BBC Reality Check.
AKA Divorced from Reality Check.
AKA Would not recognise – Reality – if it bit them on the Bum – Check.
AKA Has no intention of letting anything Trumpy or Faragey, however Grabby, anywhere near the BBC airwaves unless it has been given a thourough BBC fascination makeover – double Reality Check.
Original, boring, factual, report.
“Man bites dog”
New, improved, grabby, fascinating, BBC “reality” after four thousand million pound makeover.
“Ahmed, a three year old bearded Syrian refugee from Mali fled Christian genocide. Ahmed spent two years each in Turkey, Cyprus, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Germany and France before reaching the homeland of his people in Britain.
Ahmed, then two years old, adopted Goliath after being released from prison [for careless driving in Nicosia, really careless, his lorry missed two of the crowd of 116 – TS]. Goliath, a Turkish Pit Bull puppy was starving and moribund when rescued from Christian abuse. Goliath became Ahmed’s only companion as they travelled, usually cold and hungry, through the lands of the unbelievers.
Goliath, then unknown, became internationally famous during the year he sat outside a prison in Belgrade. A latter-day Greyfriars Bobby, Goliath waited patiently until Ahmed was released [after being unjustly convicted of testing eleven home made swords to verify that the sharpening process was successful,- it was TS].
Later, during the voyage from Greece, Goliath jumped immediately and fearlessly into the icy sea [an allegorical apotheosis into Newfoundland status – TS] to rescue and carry to the shore 112,000,000 Iraqi refugees from Christianity [All refugees from places beginning with Z; Zanzibar, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Zululand .. – TS].
Upon reaching the land promised to them by Allah [usual prolixity^5 – TS], Ahmed, by now four years old, entered Goliath into Cruft’s Islamic Dog Show.
Protected by the might of Allah [yet more prolixity – TS] Goliath was awarded Best in Show.
At this precise moment, the pinnacle of his canine career, Goliath was attacked and bitten by both Brexit voters [misled and lied to – TS] and all three Trump voters [misled, lied to, Russian stooges, Clinton hackers etc – TS].
This consequences of this underhand, cowardly attack were :-
The value of Sterling became zero in one nanosecond.
The Euro became the leading converible currency, replacing the, massively devalued, Trumpodollar.
It’s only a first draft James, what do you think?
You forgot to mention that the icy sea and the cold weather were caused by catastrophic man-made global warming, a crime committed by Big Oil, the Koch Brothers, and Rupert Murdoch.
This from theguardian but I have heard similar on BBC radio:-
China’s premier, Xi Jinping, has delivered a strong defence of globalisation, serving notice to Donald Trump that Beijing will seek to usurp America’s traditional role as the champion of free trade and open markets
So both left leaning organs appear unaware that the Chinese currency does not operate in an “open market”. It does not float & its value is manipulated by the Chinese government.
Well remember the Chinese getting a pounding by the liberal left toads at the BBC for supplying goons to protect the Olympic flame in London a few years back.
But that was before Trump, and President Xi gracing them all in Davos.
So now Xi is the coming man, globalisation and stability to follow.
As opposed to reckless Trump and his support for Taiwan, his wish for the S.China Seas to abide by the rules.
So the Chinese are now the BBCs friends-didn`t Osborne get a hammering for this last year?
BBC rules then.
Just one thing though-the BBCs talking head on Newsnight last night seems to think that Chinese human rights issues maybe ought to be put on hold if Trump becomes President.
As if the Chinese are right about democracy if globalisation is put at risk, if votes for Trump or Brexit are allowed to stand.
Very dangerous talk, but that`s the BBC for you.
Speaking of juvenile media, I was thinking of the BBC ‘reporting’ of business/economics news they tie to trigger issues (AGW, Brexit, etc…) to suit…
A warning perhaps to a nation of shopkeepers?
But also to any who do not move with the online times. And I mean more than creating endless new platforms like ‘Trending, pop up, magazine, etc’.
And in other news, the future of oversight is being decided…
‘need for at least one non-executive with serious editorial/journalistic background’
That rules out in-house, surely?
This made me laugh too, and hopefully will Graham Norton’s viewers:
‘It was Clementi who thought that Clementi would make a good chair of the BBC’
Sounds like he got it about right for the new head of CECUTT.
Badge of honour. I wonder if he ‘lost’ an iPad recently?
The execrable VD show this morning what a load of tripe
BBC reporter on hm hmm secondment to MSF for the last year
reports on the migrant crisis , sets the scene with tear jerking statement about migrants bringing their women children old and injured on perilous journey , shows us how dark it is at night, go fucking figure.
cuts to boat they just “happened” to come across in the 965,000 sq mi of the med, full with what is quite obviously young black african MEN, boat has no visible form of propulsion but is 35 miles out from the coast. First of 2 they will “find” today.
(these guys are so efficient/lucky we should get rid of our coast guard and lifeboats and just employ them instead)
they then show us some scenes of 2 women and 4 children on the rescue ship, its not clear whether or not that they were on this particular saved boat, or they have just edited scenes from another selection of boats.
tells us a story about a unaccompanied 9 year old from the ivory coast (who doesnt speak much french!) doesnt show us that one
one women conveniently then gives birth again whilst onboard, so that a family of 5 to drop on the italians, but as they seem to understand english, i will presume they are heading here as we speak.
then tells us about the terrible conditions they are fleeing from (in Libya) doesnt show us the ones saying this either.
and to think that twat cameroon guaranteed to waste our money with these glorified people smugglers.
they aught do do a simple DNA test, find out where they’re actually from and put them on the first boat back.
Why does the BBC broadcast ONLY to the minorities? Remainers, Hillary supporters, Global Warming subscribers, ethnics, homosexuals and the differently abled are a minority. We know their Charter does require them to cater for, but not exclusively broadcast to, minority groups.
We, of the majority happen also to be involuntary customers of the BBC via the TV tax.
Quite how our national broadcaster gleefully ignores the majority, who for the greater part finance their very existence, ranks as one of the World’s greatest mysteries.
I watched the Marlon Brando documentary the other night As I worked my way through it became clear that it was just another liberal smokescreen – married from Haiti, supported Indian Americans, fucked up social life, unloved, but wasn’t a bad facsimile of a cock hound. Typical Hollywood hero, all money and principles but no humanity. I just wish I hadn’t wasted an hour and a half on the bullshit.
Being a fully paid up movie buff, imo Brando to me was like the Kings New Clothes, lauded by some as a great actor but not rated at all by others. Mumbling and looking moody were his attributes, but he proved he couldn’t sing either, when he insisted on doing so in Guys & Dolls. His diction was better in Mutiny on the Bounty, but to most he will still be regarded as a great actor of his generation.
On the Waterfront was his best.Role made for his style and what a supporting cast!. The rest of his films not much good really.
Two terms used every second by the County Council where I receive the best value for money anywhere, anywhen.
I waste my time every day explaining to these [complete as desired] that a customer is someone who has a choice and if we really had a choice we would place our custom elsewhere and the public sector would die, as it most deservedly should.
The thrust of the BBC’s criticisms on May’s so-called “threats” to the EU is really laughable and totally pathetic. We have had to put up with all the negative comments and criticisms of the EU with regard to the majority (yes, ‘majority’!) decision to leave the cosy club yet when May actually spells out the likely facts of our exit, the pro-EU BBC and their sponsors, the EU, become exercised. Personally with the EU being as arrogant as it is, I think that UK exasperation with, “negotiations” no doubt being unnecessarily protracted, May will have no option but to tell the EU that we will depart without any “agreements” in place. I can see that coming. I, again, am reminded by something that Liam Fox explained to a Select Committee pre Referendum. He said that it was put to a senior EU politician that roughly half the population in Europe believe that the EU is doing a bad job and were not happy. The reply? “Well that means that half are happy”. I think that just about sums up what the UK, ‘negotiation’ team will have to put up with.
Just easier to zone out these days G.
We voted-Trump is in-and if May wants to head a Government when she calls an election, we`d better be out of the god-forsaken European Union.
Or else she`s toast, and we can book riots for 2021.
Every ten years remember? We have riots.
So the more the liberals squeal-put their anti Brexit stories together likes some daisy chain of theirs, and otherwise wail?
the more we need to step on their corns and mock their clunk-handed efforts to stick us back in Junckers lap.
We are finished with them-and the more they bully,threaten and warn us of our leaving-the faster they`ll be gone themselves-and let islam take them for all they`ve got.
Hopefully Marine, Geert and AfD etc will have done their bit to back us.
Otherwise it`ll be WW3 with us and Trump. We`ll win that one as well.
History will show that Verhofstad, Juncker, Schulz, Prescott, Kinnock, Mandelson, Heseltine, Clegg, Jenkins and Heath once trod the boards on the Eurojunket Pier-and nearly led us into the sea.
But we wised up and made them all walk the plank themselves.
A, “Defence Centre for Disinformation” (read: stopping truth and facts from leaking out) in Germany? We already have our own: its called the BBC! –
The Times newspaper today. Page 32 World News.
“Continental freeze pushes European hospitals to breaking point”
Those Tory Cutz are everywhere…where’s the Red Cross and it’s £180,000 per year British boss when you need him?
Well they aren’t going to get any of those 10k EU jobs that pay over £150k so may as well take what is on offer. BBC employment or V&A Director isn’t too bad a consolation prize.
If you want to sign the petition:-
Re. Dame Louise Casey:-
She implies that anyone who holds traditional views about marriage should not be allowed to teach in school and that religious schools cannot teach in accord with their faith. This is yet further evidence of the state creeping (or perhaps barging) into family life and education, and it cannot continue.
The Casey Report says:-
“…it is not okay for Catholic schools to be homophobic and anti-gay marriage. That… is not how we bring children up in this country. It is often veiled as religious conservatism, and I have a problem with the expression “religious conservatism”, because often it can be anti-equalities. We have got to be careful that people can choose, obviously, to live the lives that they want to live, but that they cannot condemn others for living differently.”
How very odd, only Catholics get a mention? My kids attend a Church school because we prefer a Christian doctrine – our choice.
It could be worse.
‘Jo Coburn of the BBC Daily Politics programme felt that Gove should have taken the chance to go on the attack’
Imagine if she were given the chance to sit opposite Barry?
Guest Who
The BBC – envy of the world – reduced to interviewing a person who has interviewed a person of significance. Rather like a school magazine that interviews a member of the school who met someone important.
I suppose it is better that hiring activists who pose as journalists when they quote from the Twitter utterances of important people.
Bias is a given for the highly paid BBC/MSM progressives but stupidity is something even they would not want to be charged with. Yet they are just that stupid. It is inconceivable the the Trump administration does not know just how appallingly rude and biased the BBC/C4/ITV /SKY have been. So it means no interviews for them probably and no respect for them at all. Mr Trump made his feelings on CNN quite clear and it is going to be interesting to see what happens now .
The BBC in particular is a sad case . Ratings falling and losing sport, drama ( now celebrity rubbish ) and it’s news division a joke.
How it can demand it’s tax is beyond me.
The BBC, stupid as they are, know that the likes of Netflix, Amazon and Google are coming for them. Let’s see how long before they begin bleating for increased license money or my preference, ‘pay per view’ which would give us, perish the thought, freedom of choice.
I think the BBC were miffed that they didn’t get the chance to co-produce Netflix’s The Crown series. Just think – if they had we’d probably have seen a black Churchill, a muslim Prince Phil and a cross-dressing Anthony Eden.
They have rather high pension liabilities, Dave, for all those “self employed” faces we see on screen. Champagne won’t be cheap either ( granted, not much excuse to drink it of late)at W1A prices.
“I Never Done Nuttin'” – The forthcoming smash hit story of the Obama legacy and not forgetting, “We Wus Robbed” by Hillary Rodent Clinton.
i see the twat faced trollop opened her big gob again
Brainless Celeb Opens Mouth Again
And I don’t blame the world for hating us. After all it was the British who built Sumer with slave labour 6000 years ago. It was the English ruling elite governing Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome with their hideous slave trade. Then there’s the on -going Muslim slave trade we instigated at the expense of those poor Saudi desert dwellers. She’s right. No wonder they hate us. The white man invented slavery. Everyone knows that.
No point in considering ALL of human history when you can use your narrow geographical & historical view as a stick to beat down Britain.
I feel sorry for Lily Allen. She’s probably lived all her life in a leftist intellectual bubble, taking as mother’s milk ideas of national self-hatred and guilt. She’s the classic example of ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.’ I hope the backlash against her makes her question some of her received opinions, rather than re-inforcing them.
Also , she came from a very wealthy family.
That’s why everyone and their camel are trying to get into Great Britain, because they hate us along with all those “kids” in Calais .
Who gives a f**k what she thinks!
I don’t even know who she is or what she does, Cockneyboy, so I’m happily in the dark on this one!
Is she some sort of boyband impersonator, like that Edie Ezzard thing that crops up now and again?
I wonder how much he matters to the BBC, now they have heard of him?
Arrived with little by way of fanfare, didn’t he?
Or public votes.
He matters to Kuenssberg but not to me and millions of others.
Forgive me but I’m more than a little bemused at the BBC recent initiative on ‘fact checking’.
Are we not led to believe that the BBC is already, uniquely, the font of all truth and proberty. Is this new department to turn its attention on BBC output to put that through the fine toothcomb? We must doubt it.
The BBC’s so-called fact-checkers will therefore be looking outward then… at – how shall we put it – rival news sources?
But wait, just take one example: they say Islamic State, BBC says so-called Islamic State. You pays your licence fee and you takes your choice. Sorry that analogy went all wrong seeing as how the TV Tax is compulsory. But you get the idea? The end of the debate and the beginning of the fight is often announced by the phrase: ‘Says Who…?!’
So all we know is that the BBC are weighing in with their latest bid in their fast losing war for hearts and minds.
The Left-liberal minded will love it and take BBC fact checking as gospel. The rest of us will ignore it in the same way 99% of us already opt out of buying the Guardian newspaper.
Referendum on the license fee – please.
Yes, I was wondering about something like that, Gaxvil.
What happened the last time anyone wanted one of those polls to reach 50,000 before Parliament had to actually face facts?
As a recent apprentice to this seriously interesting website, I’ve probably missed all the fun that would bring, but did anything ever happen?
The Government polls we can sign and maybe get a debate don’t do so well. I guess not enough people ever know about them.
When the BBC does get debated in Parliament there are cries of, “British Institution, Jewel in the Crown and Freedom of the Press”. Mostly politicians are just too afraid or misguided to do anything about the ‘beloved’ BBC.
Thank you Gaxvil.
I wondered if that was the case, considering there are still people out there who think the Beeb is right all the time!
Hopefully, continued exposure on sites like this will bend a few ears in time!
Davos 2017: Serving up a food waste barbecue
“What kind of a barbecue is a Brazilian-based food charity serving up for global leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos” ? Well it’s a good question and the answer is they’re not serving up jack shit for the global leaders. The global elite still have to suffer the indignity of eating caviar, quail eggs and filet mignon while supping a rather good Chateau Lafite. The leftovers bbq is only for the homeless and bbc liberal twat reporters. I’m not sure how many homeless people there are in Davos but I would guess at not very many and those that may be would have been conveniently sanitised out of sight long before the elite arrived.
It’s a complete non-story, bullshit, waste-of-time article. How much have we paid to get that clueless bint her recycled lunch?
I hear Jamie Oliver was there at DAVOS showing them all how to cook…
I had a lovely feeling today in my local supermarket, when I saw some ‘special’ Jamie Oliver olive oil, and chuckled to myself as I chose another bottle…
And there are still fat kids wandering around, eating turkey twizzlers. He really made them popular didn’t he!
P2, was Oliver showing the billionaires how to cook?
Or was he showing their Chefs how to cook? Or even their Butlers, so that they can multi-skill/multi-task and the Chef can be made redundant in these straightened Brexit & Trump imposed times?
On the other hand, Jamie Oliver may have been going around these top people to drum up some custom because the hoi polloi, apparently, are deserting his restaurants in favour of ‘café society’.
gaxvil “Referendum on the license fee – please.”
ASAP-No fannying about!
There’s a petition here (for what good they do) that could do with a little support, Lucy.
Oh crap – we’re now being bombarded with R4 Xtra’s News Jack trails.
Can’t wait but this time I will have a medic on hand for when my sides split.
Heard a few minutes of John Humphrys inane and unlistenable “interview” with David Davis re Theresa Mays Brexit plans.
Interruptions, false flags ack ack deflections and live distortions from start to finish.
NO WONDER that the BBC learn nothing-they had a seasoned politician, experienced EU bloke and not the usual lightweight to talk to, If they`d only listen like a Walden, Frost, Day or even Jimmy Young-we might have actually LEARNED something.
But Dismal had his script and yapped away to no effect. Davis walked all over him.
Blunt nose syndrome again at the clueless BBC. Fifteen minutes later he was on Breakfast TV at the BBC-and the dolly on the sofa fretted in exactly the same way and to no effect either.
Pointless cherry picked soundbites to take out of context and to flap them all.
So Today are no better than Breakfast TV now-same dopey cliched housestyle these days.
Dan Walker is far easier on the eye anyway. But what a crock the BBC is over Brexit.
Following on from Theresa May speech yesterday. Ignoring all BBC protestions of cuts to its income… The EU faces a bit of a financial shock! UK (£8.5bn loss) as we’re still the biggest Net payer (Not Total but in NET contribution*) of EU funds after Germany. Countries in the sinking EU confines will have to ‘fight-each-other’ to reduce their debts to the EU. But its far more serious than that…. As Keith helpfully comments in today’s edition (Daily Mail online) * ‘The key here is NOT the total contributions but the NET contribution – which takes account of what each nation receives back from the EU. Germany is the largest NET contributor with the UK the second largest! The impact on the EU of BREXIT is far greater than is being suggested here.’ So a bigger hit for the EU to absorb, as they won’t be able to replace us or the City of London ‘World’ financial services, or anything remotely positive (such as hope) for any other nation state in fairytale Junckers Euroland.
But Germany has deep pockets – providing they’ve not been picked.
The BBC is breathless with excitement:
2016 likely the warmest year since records began
As always (and even allowing for that sly use of ‘likely’), the devil’s in the detail…
“…Not all of the reports on temperature data in 2016 are clear that the warmest year record has been broken.”
Oh, I see. Not to worry – the BBC end the piece with some tried-and-tested climate propaganda (just in case the comrades are starting to have any doubts):
“…”Climate change is one of the great challenges of the twenty first century and shows no signs of slowing down,” said Prof Mark Maslin, from University College London. “The decarbonisation of the global economy is the ultimate goal to prevent the worst effects of climate change. The hottest year on record is such a clear warning siren that even President-elect Trump cannot ignore.”..”
The BBC: Fake News 24/7.
The Antarctic Has Been Warmer Than Now For Most Of The Last 8000 Years
…We are continually told that humans are pushing the earth’s climate into unknown territory, but once again we see this is not true. As far as the Antarctic is concerned, all the evidence points to the 20thC rise in temperatures being no more than a natural recovery from the LIA.
R4MediaShow talking about FakeNews Germanbgov facebook.
A German Mininstry of Truth.
German reporter called @David_Schraven with @AlbertoNardelli of @BuzzFeedUK
Saying Breibart is working on German rustbelt stories which are true …but adding on bits of lies “oldest church inGermanyn set alight”
He says that’s a lie cos the fire was next to the church.
Outrageously he said Breitbart does this deliberately to foster hate.
\\ #Germany to “filter” news in favour of #Merkel in its coming elections.We’ve seen that b4: The Nazis “filtered” news //
Just happened to catch that piece on Radio 4. Unbelieveable bias – the talking heads were more than happy to put the boot into literally anything Breitbart reports, but when asked how the ‘fact-checkers’ would have dealt with the recent ‘golden showers’ anti-Trump fake news (Buzzfeed and CNN) they were suddenly lost for words and felt unable to pass any judgement.
These people are mean-hearted, regressive, authoritarian scumbags. The left is now actively attempting to ‘game’ information so that it can decide what is and isn’t ‘news’.
Ministry of Truth
This article has a fuller version of events, which explains why Breitbart’s reporting on the matter is seriously suspect:
I mean, I realise that the Breitbart piece plays to your own views, and so anything which would make you pause and consider its motives is likely to be dismissed as “fake news”, but it’s worth a shot.
Ah, so you don’t like news that plays to peoples views? How’s your news feed algorithm setting?
Breitbart Headline: “Revealed: 1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church Alight on New Year’s Eve”
The Local de Headline: “No Breitbart, a Muslim mob didn’t set fire to Germany’s oldest church”
In this article young Ms Emma Anderson reveals the Breitbeit news was fake. Her arguments include:
1) It was not Germany’s oldest church – it is rather the second oldest church in Germany according to the Bishop of Trier who says his Cathedral is older.
2) It was not a 1000 – man mob attack, it was less than a 1000 if you take away the teenage boys and their mothers. And anyway it was not a mob it was rather an aggregate of men and not a mob.
3) The Muslims didn’t set fire to the church: it was the gunpowder that set the church on fire.
4) …
Breibart acknowledged that they got it wrong about the Church being Germany’s oldest church and are quite open about it. But Tomi their reply to critics and the MSM indicates that the age of the church does not determine whether their story is fake. Indeed Breibart cites reports from the MSM which supports their account.
So off you go Tomi, as you say ‘give it a shot’, check the article and come back with details which support your view.
Nice to see you ignoring the substantive parts of the reporting – that incidents were down year on year, etc. – choosing instead to concentrate on the least important part of the story.
Presumably that’s because you realise that the Breitbart story was fatally flawed, but you lack the courage to admit it.
So off you go, G.W.F., you check the article I linked to and address all the issues, insted of swallowing whatever bullshit Breitbart has dredged up to appeal to the credulous halfwits that make up its target audience.
Ah Merkel’s Germany. The first European nation since Greece and Spain to bring in it’s own definition of free speech.
WE tell you what to say and then what to think.
Germany? An example to all of us of an overmighty state.
“Facebook rolls out fake-news filtering service to Germany
Berlin fears false stories will influence voters in election campaign”
Example of Shravens past work
Is he one of those who hate more than ‘haters’ ?
Apparently the new facebook filtering service identifies all criticism of Merkel and her immigration policy fake news.
The magnificent and utterly irreplaceable Douglas Murray doing what he does best.
Truly one of the great men of our time
Another great article from the main man himself, and legendary user of the left’s kryptonite…truth and facts.
Glad to see professional delusionist, and future islamic beheading victim Tomi keeping the fight going for team Slaughter! Committed to the very end like that Japanese solider still fighting 29 years after the war in the Pacific ended! Good job Tomi!
PM continues to bang the Irish/UK land border drum, a major problem for Brexit.
Mrs May says she wants a common travel area, the Irish government wants a common travel area, so where is all the ‘problem’ talk coming from? Completely made up stories that cross-border traffic might be held up for four hours per day and this will break the economy.
Martian spaceships landing in Manchester might cause traffic congestion in Salford. Fake, fake, fake. Just stop making it up BBC.
haha we heard the same nonsense (my comment is below)
If this does not see the LKnickers command a premium in a Japanese vending machine, what will?:
How many ‘blows’ has she given?
Yes R4 pm proudly blaring on this story. And embellishing it by adding another bank “is thought” to be also moving jobs. Very poor standards at the Beeb.
In the end I’ll believe when it happens. There’s a lot of positioning going on and I’d bet HSBC is angling for some tax break or other. Of course I’m speculating, but unlike the BBC “journalists” I’m unlikely to obtain a large salary in order to broadcast my speculations.
Re Laura

Um, didn’t bBeeb also move out of london?
I thought they went oop North somewhere, or maybe I’m mistaken.
R4 PM. Beeb trying to raise panic stories after May’s Brexit speech.
They decide to focus on Ireland … surely there’s going to have to be a hard border between the North and South? This will decimate trade between North and South! Families split again! Panic! Panic! …. until the Beeboid interviews the Irish ambassador to the UK who calmly and rationally swats aside the panic stories and believes everything will be sorted satisfactorily for all.
There wasn’t a hard border bewtween the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland prior to joining the EEC so why would we need one now?
I looked earlier at British citizens’ voting rights in the Republic. It seems the Brits can vote in most Irish elections, but not referenda and maybe some votes. The same restrictions should be made on Irish people living in the UK. Equality both ways is fairness.
Heavens BBC – it must have been like this in wartime – Lord Haw, Tokyo Rose etc..
Constant drip, drip of propaganda designed to undermine the enemy. That’s us by the way. Apart from it’s entertainment value it didn’t work then either.
Drips like Lord Haw Haw fed us. I thought it wrong that they hung Lord Haw Haw, for years after the war my mum and many others would repeat his stories and imitate his voice with merriment. He provided such a service for morale, much more amusing and entertaining than some of the crappy moral boosting war time shows from the BBC.
In fact the BBC today, churning out its Brexit and Trump gloom is rather like Lord Haw Haw’s failed attempt to demoralise us.
R4 Media Show allowed a German verbal attack on Breitback over `fake news` but did not mention that it was Breitback who broke the news that hundreds of females had been raped in Germany on New Years Eve 2015/2016.Mainsteam Media had avoided the news story for 4 days for politicaly correct reasons.
The programme also failed to mention in its 2nd feature on USA Vogue offering Theresa May a front page cover that the USA Vogue editor Anna Wintour is in Theresa May`s recent Honours list.Anna Wintour has live in the USA for 40 years and was such a big Hilary backer that USA Vogue for the first time ever publicly told its readers who to vote for .Turned out to be the losing candidate and yet she gets a gong.
Now cynics know why
The Media Show in its 3rd feature on why the breakdown of the Ulster powersharing govt did not get highlighted more in mainstream TV news failed to mention that the underlaying reason for the breakdown is linked to corruption in green energy subsidies in Ulster and that maybe the MSM have tried to downplay the story was because it had a negative climate change angle to it.
The corruption in green energy subsidies is a story largely off the radar because it might make people question the actual green subsidies themselves
I watched Al Beeb’s newscaster announce with glee that some banks were moving about 1000 jobs abroad due to Brexit .
Well lets all hit the treasons B’*&ards where it hurts! The banks I mean, not Al Beeb.
We can all take our business, our accounts and savings out of the banks that are moving, and let them know why – they need our money now more than ever.
They forgot it was our tax money that bailed them out after their mismanagement.
Are you with us !
yep who are they?
Some of the highest people in the country.
Some of the highest paid people in the country.
HSBC is one of them going to move to Paris costing us a 1000 jobs, if I had a HSBC account I would be closing it and making sure they know why.
It may well be quite sensible to set up nameplate companies in EU countries, which may well be easier to do now than later.
As Great Britain goes in to ‘negotiations’ with the EU who’s side will Al Beeb take?
Will they try to undermine demoralise us the British just like Lord Haw Haw ?
I smell Desperation blowing in the wind coming from Al Beeb followed by panic from the EU.
Watch this space !
You really need to ask?! Don’t forget that even in recents wars with lives at stake (Falklands, Iraq) it has been possible to rationally believe that the Beeb was on the other side.
engineerdownunder….. and our Governments fiddle on, are they afraid of the media ?
Trump isn’t.
Well now, the BBC has declared war on the majority of the people of it’s country AND the majority of the American people.
In setting it’s face against Brexit AND Trump. The BBC has put itself out there as a radical, anti British, Anti American organization that exists purely by parasitizing it’s unwilling financers ie: us. I do not watch the BBC’S TV output but am required, by law, to pay for noxious propaganda.
Recall the stink over union sub’s going to the Labour Party from people who did not support Labour – Exactly.
…… Rant Ends ………
Wouldn’t it be marvellous if, as a result of Brexit, the biased BBC transferred some jobs over to Europe.
Preferably all of them.
That could happen if we take away the Licence Fee.
Oh I hope so .
They already draw a salary from them. sluff. I wonder if the brown envelopes are stuffed with sterling or you roes?
BBC fail to spot major story?
Lost in the above article is that wages are rising at 2.7%. Surely there should be a splash headline above a story.
What was the fact check department doing a couple of weeks ago when we were told the opposite.
More fake news from the BBC?
It was mentioned quickly on R4 news and quickly moved on to lowest unemployment figures for x years which was turned on it’s head as being a bad thing because it will lead to price rises. It really is becoming unlistenable propaganda.
Mallard, the problem for the BBC on that story is that the figure is an average increase. Those in the top earning deciles are seeing their pay rise faster than rail fares and everything else for that matter. Those lower down are getting around 2.7% while those in the lower deciles are seeing, perhaps, a 1% or 1.5% offer from employers – if they are lucky.
The other factor that might embarrass the BBC is that their Bremoaner Poster Boy, Mark Carney, will have more pressure on him and the MPC to raise Base Rate back to where it was before their £ Sterling and business and Brexit supporting cut took effect. That will strengthen the £ and limit the chance for fake news, er .. no, sorry .. I mean Brexit Scares about Sterling. No, no, that will not do, ummh … how about ‘a balance of probabilities in covering all angles of the story’?
Not with you there I’m afraid Up2snuff. The attached does not seem to agree with you.
Try figure 2 in section 5 of the attached. Top 20% disposable income group going nowhere. All others heading up. Increase in minimum wage also boosts the bottom.
I’m on a little more than minimum and moved up about 5% last rise.
Just as fares rise is an average I must assume that the average wage, excluding bonuses, which mostly affect those higher up, is too.
More Guff
“According to Nasa figures, 2016 is now the warmest year in a record that dates back to 1880.”
So what about before 1880 ?
I blame Brexit, how about you ‘guys and galls’ at Al Beeb ?…………
Just heard Salmond on RT ( can no longer watch bBBC “news”, weapons grade BP medication no longer effective) saying that the people of Scotland will not allow a reduction in their living standards, brought about by an English Parliament, by leaving the biggest market in the world. This decision by those exhibiting a little Englander mentality has made a second independence referendum a certainty. Anyone else spouting the racist shyte this washed up racist bastard spouts would be buried in a twitter storm and be looking at a book full of hate crimes. How is this turd allowed to get away with his naked, anti-English hatred?
I hope to God that Wee Krankie has the guts to call another referendum (though I doubt it as she knows if she loses, she’s finished) if the vote is to leave the U.K. – fine, watch your tartan clad @rses on the door handle on the way out.
If the vote is to stay together – then scrap the Scottish Parliament and truly be one country again.
There should be one parliament and one government, get rid of these glorified county councils which Blair set up in Scotland and Wales, they are superfluous and harmful to the U.K. and post Brexit we shall have even more need to stand together, not have even more ways to divide us.
The creation of the “national”assemblies, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland, under the Blair (pbuh) government, was nothing more than carrying out the EUs plan for the break up of the UK into regions, directly governed from Brussels and provide work for even more otherwise unemployable seat polishers, allowing them to stick another set of hands into our pockets. With Brexit looking like it means Brexit and the EU in self destruct mode is there any need now for these showers of bastards to continue?
A lot of my countrymen are disillusioned with the Welsh ‘Government’. They never wanted it anyway. It got voted ‘for’ in referendum with the lowest of margins…..
“The Assembly is another expensive tier of Government which is totally unnecessary. We in Wales already have Councillors, MP’s, MEP’s. How many tiers of government does Wales need?”…………..
I like the bit about them wanting to increase the number of parasites from 60 to possibly a hundred, taff, hardly surprising though but what if the WA did go quietly into the night, (hard to imagine with whining Woody letting air out of her head) what would the feelings be about being governed from Westminster again?
“what would the feelings be about being governed from Westminster again?”
There are plenty of Welsh MPs in Westminster they can be responsible – as before.
There was no big demand for an assembly . It did not happen in the first referendum. So lo and behold a second referendum was taken .
As usual keep on having referendums until you get the ‘correct’ answer . As per the conduct of the Libtards and the Nats after Brexit .
AS, doesn’t Westminster have to call the second Scottish Independence Referendum? Especially after the recent High Court decision concerning the EU Referendum that is still under Appeal.
The Holyrood Parliament may pass a vote to that effect but any result would need the endorsement of the full UK Parliament. Wee Krankie may not get that at all, as there will be a fair few Labour MPs very happy to have the chance to put the boot in, to get even for the GE2015 result.
Salmond and Sturgeon would be really stupid (as usual) to have a second referendum on Scotland, as they would probably lose, and if they did win Scotland would be well fecked without England to subsidise them, I reall hope they go for it, (and I love Scotland).
There are 400,000 regular wheelchair users in the UK under the age of 60. Lets say half of them are women. Thats 200,000 out of a 65 million population.
The BBC has a disability correspondent who is both female and a wheelchair user.
What are the chances of that?
Anyone would think that the bBBC might have a virtue-signalling agenda.
I’m surprised she’s not a Muslim too.
The comments on here about my friend Doug and his legal battle with the bus company are based on ignorance and prejudice. You people should familiarise yourselves with the facts before opening your big gobs.
So Fred, please enlighten us ?
Yes Fred, prejudice against who?
“Yes Fred, prejudice against who?”
– anyone who has a friend called Fred Stubber ?
So Fred Stubber, after 5 hours can we take that as a ‘no enlightenment’?
Any way, its always nice to have a new poster as long as its not ‘Scotty’, ‘Manon’ or the other chappie who’s name escapes me .
Welcome, or in the ancient language of the land of the West, Croeso!
Always impressed with any counter on the subject of ignorance and prejudice that has the term ‘you people’ in it.