I’m sorry, we were going to have a new open thread to start the week off but we have just had an email [via Moscow curiously] from the BBC’s James Harding. He tells us that in view of the fact that this site inconveniently shines a brutal light of truth upon BBC’s prejudiced and partisan reporting, exposing liars, charlattans and those who peddle misinformation as news, we unfortunately don’t match the criteria that conform to the BBC’s stated aims of closing down debate, curbing free speech and imposing boundaries on free thought and thus we are to be shut down.
Still…rules are made for breaking…I’m sure you’ll find a way to have your say…..
“HSBC’s chief executive, Stuart Gulliver, told Bloomberg he was preparing to move 1,000 staff from London to Paris.
And Axel Weber, boss of Swiss bank UBS, told the BBC “about 1,000″ of its 5,000 London jobs could be hit by Brexit.”
Key words ‘preparing’ and ‘could’.
There is a HYS running ………looking as if they are pro brexit
Repeating my comment from above….
HSBC is one of them going to move to Paris costing us a 1000 jobs, if I had a HSBC account I would be closing it and making sure they know why.
If UBS like the EU so much, why is UBS still based in Switzerland?
Absolutely, Lobster!
I don’t give a monkeys if they all bugger off, it’ll make room for proper firms to expand here, using people they can nurture and trust.
Can anyone with half a brain really think that Docklands and The City will become a wasteland? The bBeeb would love it of course, but there again, anyone believing a lightweight commentariat with little more than an ‘o’ level in Economics for Children can see through that one, even if they bother to listen to some autocue-reader in the first place!
Scroblene, the EU Ref continues to push together unlikely bedfellows! The Liberal Left as well as the Firm, usually Bankster-bashing, Left with all the Banksters they blame for 2007-2009, the loss of a Labour Government in 2010, the loss of the GE2015 and, no doubt, Brexit as well.
I heard Jacob Rees-Mogg in a “discussion” with some pro-EU tw@t on the Jeremy Swine Show, albeit hosted by Fatty Feltz, J R-M was as polite as he always is and listened to the other chap’s unsavoury verbiage, yet when Jacob spoke this cretin kept butting in and talking over him.
Fatty didn’t make any attempt to control said tw@t and when she did pipe up, it was to ask BOTH of them to stop talking over the top of each other, as though they were both equally to blame. This is a tactic I have noted employed by al beeboids before, with an interviewee who is misbehaving but is one, the views of whom, al beebus concur: try and make it appear that the other side are doing it too.
I must say that when one did have the opportunity to hear was J R-M had to say, it seems such a waste of talent that he isn’t in the Cabinet; he would be a great asset to David Davis’ department I would have thought and I’m surprised at May not using him in some capacity.
J R-M during the piece got a nice dig in about Fatty Clarke, comparing him to the tw@t mentioned above as having neither of them read the EU treaties properly.
Sorry to change the subject but the subject of John Kerry.
A year ago I had a lovely trip to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Hanoi, Halong Bay and Hoi An. Visited my daughter who was teaching English.
A truly lovely country and people.
The American War museum in Ho Chi Minh City was very educational. A very graphic account was on the walls of John Kerry’s time there. The Vietnamese people aren’t keen on him and no wonder why!
BBC announce that people are refusing to attend Trump’s inaugural and post a picture of a sad and lonely Dondal writing a speech that allegedly few will be there to hear.
The shortage of guests is so bad that
‘Trump’s team have been running adverts on Facebook and Twitter “personally inviting” people to come visit Washington for the inauguration and featuring a video of Mr Trump promising that the concert will be “really fantastic”.’
Pull the other one BBC fake news department
Try to watch Obama’s FINAL press conference. Soooooooooo boring ……… hard to remain conscious. Maybe that was his secret weapon? I’d agree with anything to get away.
He’s complimented the press on their, high standards of reporting and truth seeking.
He has, “Expanded the rubber band of inclusion but now with Trump, the rubber band has broken”. He’s now delivering the rationale of why Trump won and he seems to be fitting himself in the frame. But he’s OK so that’s OK then.
Utterly priceless, utterly useless, utter twat.
I watched it and waited patiently for the moment he apologised profusely for having tried to influence the Brexit vote by lying through his teeth and saying we’d be at the back of the queue if we voted leave….sadly it never came.
If you want an accurate review of Caliph Abdullah Mohammed Bin Laden Obama’s utterly wasted and dangerously inept stint as the worst ever President of the USA, look no further than the magnificent Gavin McInnis…Brilliant stuff
Great delivery there, To!
Many thanks for the link! Only a few more hours to go before positive history starts again!
Off topic, I’m afraid, not even BBC. ITV’s Midsomer Murders. It used to be a mildly amusing, rather quaint and old fashioned murder mystery series. A sort of Miss Marple set in the present day in beautiful rural settings. Now these lovely little villages seem to have been (over) populated by more minorities than Albert Square. The baker, the postman, the pub landlord, the forensic’s officer…It’s bloody ludicrous!
I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a Rastafarian scarecrow…
The BBC give us Eastenders, portraying an east end that hasn’t existed for 50 years and Midsomer Murders depicts a pc ethnic mix that has never existed in these areas.
They’ll keep the old white people in the show because they’ll still want to cast them as the murderers.
I had the same observation.
Just in the opening sequence there was an indian looking bloke & a black man with his white girlfriend.
As time went on I started noticing more and more misplaced ethnic minorities in an apparently quaint English village.
I quickly lost interest once I realized this program was part of my re education and ended up going online….
In my experience, an ethnic walking into a proper country/village pub results in a drop in the decibel count plus a few “knowing” glances.
“an ethnic walking into a proper country/village pub results in a drop in the decibel count plus a few ‘knowing’ glances.”
Its certainly in my experiencing.
Serves you right for heading into Cardieland. The Jacks get a similar response round here.
Nowt wrong with Caridis !- we just look after our money better than the Jocks.
Chwarae teg.
You are quite correct Jeff, ever since Brian True-May (foolishly) told the truth and was fired when asked: Why there weren’t many members of the BAME “community” cast in MM? Answer: Because it’s set in the country and reflects the reality that not many members of the BAME “community” reside there.
I have noticed over each new series since the “outcry” following True-May’s comments and his removal, that there are more and more ethnic minorities appearing; to almost a nonsensical degree.
I used to enjoy watching it, filmed as it is in such a lovely part of England and it was nice that British people had a programme (just one) that overwhelmingly only had other Britons in it. It was also an accurate reflection of the racial demography of the UK countryside’s population, yet it was still taken away from us.
Diversity is paramount and overrides all – the facts; the demands of the viewers and the wishes of the makers as to what they want their programme to be; none of that matters a damn if someone says there aren’t enough black / brown faces.
The BBC, ITV, Channel 4, and Sky are all taking part in Project Diamond, a scheme which will gather data on the gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity of all key staff working in television production, from the actors to the sound technicians
TV advertising seems to be affected with the same malaise.
“…a scheme which will gather data on the gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity of all key staff…”
And, when they realise the proportions don’t represent the actual make-up of Britain, the data will be discretely flushed down the memory-toilet.
It’s been going on for over ten years, Lurkio,
From Wiki
“In the seminar former BBC business editor Jeff Randall claimed he was told by a senior news executive in the organisation that “The BBC is not neutral in multiculturalism: it believes in it and it promotes it.” The Daily Mail claimed in 2006 that Andrew Marr stated, “The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It’s a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias”.[8]”
For “liberal”, read Marxist.
They certainly seem to like putting people into boxes. I remember the Nazis requiring the same sort of information to be recorded, that turned out well for most on the lists.
Could be interesting with regard to BBC London.
I don’t think they actually employ any white anglo saxon males.
Will they ‘welcome applications from anglo saxon white male candidates who are under-represented’ in the work force’?
Oooo look. A flying pig.
I’m waiting for the episode where Mohammed Akbar brings chaos to the once quiet country village by blowing himself up in the beer tent.
Still might be in for a long wait on that one, doesn’t quite fit with the leftist version of reality that gets further from reality by the day.
Mrs Groovelid is watching Midsomer Murders as I type. I’ve been taking the piss for a couple of weeks now. Tonight’s opening scene had us both laughing out loud. It seems the entire staff of our local Indian (actually Bangladeshi… exceptional food and great guys) has infiltrated Midsomer, unnoticed, in a matter of months.
Cannot wait to see the Rasta scarecrow!
Here I am banging on about Father Brown again ! this week had a white colonial who worked for the postal services in Tanganyika (this is the 1950’s remember) and his (extremely) black daughter when faced with the look of surprise he said his wife was Tanganyikan, well this young actress was in no way mixed race, so they got that wrong ! Whereas Midsomer is now becoming a parody of itself – (even the pathologists in a lot of dramas are mixed race or black,). There are now more black and ethnic minorities being cast in the likes of Endeavour and Father Brown – both eras I have lived through, and was in my late teens before I even saw a non-white in my vicinity !!! This fallacy is going to get mentioned at some point by someone willing to get shouted down as ‘racist’, and it only takes one to publicly mentioned it and the floodgates will open !!
The best joke in tonight’s episode of Midsomer was that the asian pathologist was away, so the replacement was black.
They did miss one trick, There was a running joke with a toy badger, but although it was half black and half white they didn’t call it Obama.
Just out of idle curiosity I wonder at what point of a Midsomer Murders being constructed does the blacking up, sorry I mean cultural enhancement, process take place? Does the script come ready marked out as to which character should have which efnik origin? Or is it at the casting stage where the producers sit around working out the necessary quotas? “Now the two main leads are hideously white potential rapists so to compensate we need a couple of Asian wimmin, preferably one a lezza and a Caribbean gentleman or two. Oh dear me we will have to change this look! We have got a white man married to a black woman – needs swapping round does that. And what’s this? careful we can’t have a black murderer – use the spare white man for that role.”
Brian True-May = Brian True-Hero.
Same with Morse though. The best ones were the first 7 or so with the hunchbacked pathologist Max. After that, almost as a foretaste of what was to come, they got a “liberated woman” in to take over and the programme never really recovered. Then when it got to “Lewis” the whole lot were either black or female apart from Lewis and his sidekick.
I am a bit behind on MM episodes. We are currently halfway though watching one where a black male doctor is in an apparent bumming relationship with a white male undertaker. I used to think some of the thoughts in my head were a bit dubious but the MM producers make me look like Mother Theresa. Where do they come up with these ideas?
Synchro . ..Then when it got to “Lewis” the whole lot were either black or female apart from Lewis and his sidekick.
Ahhhh but when Lewis ‘retired’ his sidekick Hathaway had a new bagman, enter mixed race Angela Griffiths !!!!
“‘Inspiring, determined, kind’: Who are these London schoolgirls describing?”
Melania Trump?
No of course they are not, it’s an article from the biased BBC about Michelle Obama.
For double bonus points, they are all Muslims (from Londonabad) in full desert headwear, from 90% Muslim Mulberry school.
And is it news, well no, it’s about how Michelle Obama ‘inspired’ them 2 years ago.
Praise Allah.
(For a different perspective, try this
David Davis is very good in this short al beebus interview.
Who’s the stupid woman with the dolls hair and a dolls brain?
Anyone get the message now that Al Beeb are pro Europe and anti Great Britain?
Stop paying your Licence Fee if you feel so strongly about it . Over to you all …..
The racists have taken over Newsnight. Don’t watch tonight unless your blood pressure medication is up to date.
Christ help us! I thought for a moment that the BBC had cloned and rejuvenated the Hackney Hippo.
She is a POD – person of diversity
Has a resident gone missing from a care home in Westminster?
Some old bloke with a beard got in to the House of Commons and started talking incomprehensible drivel alternately with the Prime Minister.
People this video is incredible! Professor✔ Oxford ✔ Intellectual elite ✔ utterly prejudiced towards trump and feeling superiority over the great unwashed ✖…WTF!!
The Al Shabeeb husk is all over the shop! Absolutely no idea how to cope with this great man owning this entire conversation! Highlight is definitely when he explains to the cultists at Al Shabeeb that they are part of the problem. ..all before getting the traditonal leftist treatment and shut off! Absolutely brilliant! Enjoy
Totally of topic I know, but Jane H. is looking very drawn and under strain ? Brexit or something else ?
Is she young enough for PMT??
Could be mid-life crisis or change ?
Brilliant – make that guy the next DG.
I notice that the Video captions are at odds with the content, showing what the BBC would like to state as fact – even if the interviewee clearly states the opposite view entirely and the BBC news is hogwash. But I guess the BBC has no control over ‘live captions’ feeds but IF I were to turn the sound OFF– (for example) you would get a totally different impression. Unfortunatley in many public places with Live TV (i.e Passport Office waiting queue), the sound is turned off and all you’ll get is the BBC bias interpreted as News captions. But a good video clip (above) highlights how the BBC cuts off any dissent that does not fit the liberal elite perspective. No wonder cut short.
Ffs no need for ConTheory the captions are provided by Youtubes auto caption
That is why they are rough.
Re Malory Factor
Thank you for posting that! You made my day.
I can go to sleep happy now.
Aaron Banks just launched new online news portal similar to Drudge report
New Stories to go live midnight tonight.
Existing stories
Welcome to Westmonster
Brits want Burka banned!
Brexit Election?
Spain: We will have a friendly divorce
Single Markout
Just one problem Stew, I just googled it.
It’s on Twatter!
No its not,
I just gave you the twitter cos its the quickest way to follow updates.
Same for Guido and Breitbart.
Saves you loading the whole heavy webpage.
Chwarae teg – It’s now bookmarked.
Thanks Stew + apology – google only gave the Twatter link
I really laughed at the biased BBC coverage of the Aaron Banks story.
First up was a piece from the BBC Media Editor. Yes, they have such a position. They really do. And whoever he is, his name is, ahem, not exactly anglo saxon.
Then we had a hilarious interview with, guess who? The bBBC’s very own, the Guardian editor, who with a straight face and no sense of irony, talks in terms about the need for truthful, factual reporting. Hahahahahahahahaha.
Talk about being totally totally out of touch.
Tonight’s BBC Points West
1 – Main story, transgender crowdfunding for treatment sob sob (non story)
2- Syrian refugees say thank you one year on (but still through an interpreter…)
3 – 2016 was the warmest year on record…..
I’m just lost for words, other than just fuck the fuck off BBC…
At the same time as the BBC is pumping out it’s drivel on TV news the late great Tommy Cooper is on Channel 19. No comparison really at all.
Last night the duck sketch was a classic and tonight the tax inspector and the dummy. How can BBC news compare with these?
This is a superficial observation but does anyone else find it odd that there seems to be almost no interest whatsoever in Melania Trump? Doesn’t the media normally rabbit on about the First lady’s fashion choices and so forth? You would think they would be having a field day with this one. Ok I’m not a man but as first ladies go isn’t she a bit of a stunner? She’s Slovenian as well & speaks 5 languages fluently. I would like to point out that bringing an Eastern European First Lady into the White House disqualifies The Donald as a racist. No one seems to be highlighting her at all. I wonder why?
You mean like they never mention Farages German wife and chilsren ?
BogusBC all about Narrative and not about Truth
She aint black, lucy.
Er, they did highlight that she probably worked illegally, probably doing ‘glamour’ work, and that Tom Ford doesn’t want to dress her. I thought her second speech was pretty good, as she spoke as a mother and an immigrant, albeit with shitloads of dosh.
From tonight’s surfing.
1. Best anagram – Tim Farron = Minor Fart.
2. Best spoonerism – Juck you Funcker.
Is it not time for a new Mid week link, Alan?
Suggestions could be…’May’s Brexit speech mocked in Europe’s newspapers’,’Birmingham father charged with murdering his children’ (his name is Mohammed, its a cultural thing), ‘Amir Khan sex tape video prompts fears for other celebs’ (yes and he is an ex BBC presenter) lots of XXX;s involved” ‘EE is fined £2.7 million by Ofcom for overcharging’ (if only I could get my money back from the BBC for the past 20 years of non broadcasting proper news without bias), ‘Sarah Vine: The truth about Notting Hill carnival mayhem’ (true its not really more of a nightmare if you live anywhere near it), and then there was that odd altercation with BBC Jeremy Vine on his bike in court charged with obstruction of a large coloured lady in Car with no insurance but has ‘all the rights’ in court plea. Lost the link but was in the papers somewhere… Goodnight!
(No I didn’t make this up its all in the Newsfeed trusted below)…
Yes very funny .
Now, to balance things a little bit, and so there is no bias, how about something taking the P@ss of the EU and their border/customs control …………
Shwmae taffman.
Please don’t send that clip to Boris!
Shwmae tithe.
Watch the second clip.
Nos Dda, mae gwaith i’w wneud.
Shifft nos eto
Nos dda
This is the one That came up linked by Youtube!!!???
7min that you won’t see on the BBC.
And they say Trump’s a nutter!
Intended reply to taffman.
BBC Paradox
One minute – cuts BBC Monitoring “no money”
Next minute – Starts new unit to Combat Fake News
“In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act. ”
— George Orwell
Times pg24 Prof Ted Malloch the Trump supporter on R2Vine yesterday has a column about Davos.
Justin ‘the mad’ Webb gets more than half a page
Some notes on ebook rolls out fake-news filtering service to Germany
Berlin fears false stories will influence voters in election campaign in FT
It says
“Germany is to become the first country outside the US to benefit from Facebook’s crackdown on fake news…”
(How does a country benefit from censorship? Will they benefit from cybersurveilance of own citizens and warrantless arrests, too?)
It also says
\\ German users of the social network will now be able to report a story as fake and it will be sent to Correctiv, a third-party fact checker. If the fact checker discovers it is fake, the story will be flagged as “disputed”, with an explanation. Disputed stories will not be prioritised by the news feed algorithm and people will receive a warning if they decide to share it.
The German government announced last month it was planning a law that would impose fines of up to €500,000 on Facebook for distributing fake news. //
A sign of False-News like BBC Guardian is debunking by commenters is not allowed but this is FT so a commenter says
\\Facebook has a big decision to make … Be the “Thought Police” for Government(s) or an “Open Source for Social Discourse”.//
\\ Merkel was caught on microphone last year asking Zuckerberg to censor Facebook posts that were “anti-migrant.”
To which Zuckerberg replied “we are working on it.”//
“How does a country benefit from censorship?” Same way we benefit from and “celibrate” diversity, Stew.
Apologies if already commented on. Earlier, the worlds most trusted (most despicable) broadcaster’s web page featured an article on missing RAF serviceman Corrie McKeague, to tell us that he was a member of swinging websites. Thanks bbbc, I’d rather you helped find him, you utter pigs.
Second, article on who might host the Brits (yawn), with a slightly bitchy section on Ant and Dec (the competition). Best laugh though is their criticism of Ant appearing in a dress, with the comment ‘because a man dressing as a woman is funny, right?’ How I laughed. Actually, I did think he looked funny, and it is funny – many comedians have done it – pantomime dames, dick emery, Danny la rue, lily savage, two ronnies, Kenny Everett, Steve Coogan and on and on. But it’s ok for Eddie izzard, Greyson Perry!!, blah blah
Rant over, thx.
Sorry, link
Who will host the Brit Awards, as Michael Buble takes time off for his ill son?