Interesting video from 1990…
Remember during the referendum campaign when Boris ran through the reasons people had suggested as to why Obama might not be a fan of the British,one reason being his Kenyan ancestry and that his grandfather was allegedly tortured by the British. The BBC et al rounded on him shouting ‘racist’….and yet the BBC, the Guardian and senior diplomats had all said the same thing before. As always with the BBC the ‘truth’ is a flexible thing…changing and adapting to better target the enemy…in this case a Brexiteer.
The video pretty much confirms, in Obama’s own words, the feeling that he might have some antipathy towards Whites and colonialisation and that this could influence his attitude towards Britain. So Boris was right, as we already knew…and the BBC helped ceate and exploit a ‘racism storm’ for its own political purposes.
Also of note is Obama’s observation that having educated the people in Kenya or other black countries, if there are no jobs then ‘things could explode at any point’ and mass civil disturbances break out. So in 1990 Obama predicts what just happened in the US as a political and social earthquake hits the liberal world and Trump gets elected because the workers were dumped on the scrapheap. Perhaps Obama should have listened to his younger self and applied it to America just as much as to ‘black’ countries.
So having educated the Kenyans (thanks for the recognition there, Mr. soon to be ex President) it was also our responsibility to provide the jobs was it, whilst simultaneously getting out of Kenya because we were all racist exploiting colonialists.
Whitey just can’t win.
I’ll believe Obama accepts he is no longer President when they prise his fingers off the jamb. He has made so many noises, throughout his terms, indicating that he should be president-for-life (oh, how is Hugo Chavez doing, these days, Barry O’Barmy?). Even Truman, who left office amid the Korean War, and Johnson, who handed over to Nixon at the height of the Vietnam War, didn’t deliberately manufacture end-of-term crises, as Obama has been diligently doing. If he can start WWIII in the next couple of days, as a pretext to stay in Pennsylvania Avenue, he probably will.
Good point, Owen.
Mrs Scroblene asked me only yesterday, what would happen if a ‘catastrophe’ occurred between now and the inauguration! Would it be down to Obama to deal with or President-Elect Trump?
Depends on what form it takes.
Biden or Pence?
Interesting… probably a national emergency will be declared in which case we can safely presume that Obamas administration will remain in power as he is president till the inauguration.
The swamp dwellers would back Obama, but the army wouldn’t go along with it. Obama has made no secret of his contempt for the military and Trump has appointed a couple of well respected generals to his cabinet – Mattis at Defense and Kelly at Homeland Security. The army might not like that both are from the Marine Corps, but it will be close enough. In three days Trump will be President, unless they manage to assassinate him.
On a lighter note – any attempt to assassinate him would give his security team the chance to shout “Donald, Duck”.
“On a lighter note – any attempt to assassinate him would give his security team the chance to shout “Donald, Duck”.”
RJ – As long as his security team aren’t a Mickey Mouse outfit …..
Ah, but those you mention, Owen, didn’t have the massed ranks of Hollywood and its worhippers or most of the MSM ranged against them.
“He has made so many noises, throughout his terms, indicating that he should be president-for-life”
Has he really? because I can find quotes where he says the exact opposite (they’re really easy to Google, try it yourself), but none that back up your assertion. I suspect this is one of those occasions where you’ve convinced yourself that something is true because it reassures you that your opinion is the correct one, without much concern that the facts don’t bear you out.
“Things could explode at any point” if there are no jobs.
95 million unemployed in the US under Barry O Barmpot.
Socialism is a mental disease.
The Telegraph has joined the Graun in losing any pretence of dignity over this mediocre man.
I expect Beeboids will be wailing like promising footballer mothers as the First Hole Family relocate to even more profitable positions.
given that barry obozo is like a skunk half white and like a skunk every thing about him stinks though of course the BBC Al-Guardian and the rest of the lying dying MSM tend to forget about barry obozo’s white mother
The sanctification of Obama based purely on his skin colour is truly nauseating. One of the most divisive and unsuccessful presidents in living memory, yet his gormless supporters and the MSM give him a pardon because of their racist liberal bias. Same as they can convince themselves Hillary was anything other than a disastrous, loathsome candidate and ignore her privileges and corrupt actions because she has a minge.
Projection politics are at the heart of the leftist narrative. They see everything in terms of arbitrary collectivist identifiers and have no concept of the individual. They therefore assume everyone else sees the world through their lens.
When I look at Obama…I don’t really see anything. Take away the mixed race and what have you got left? A non-practising lawyer and erstwhile ‘community leader’. He seems to be a blank canvas on which the left have projected their fantasies. There is a danger that the right are doing that with Trump also, but at least Trump has had a real career outside politics and seems to have concrete ideas about things, rather than vague lefto-waffle of Obama. Every time he does that affected pause, looks around, waggles his finger and says slowly, ‘Make no mistake…’ followed by some waffle, I want to scream.
I think this reveals that Obama was an “Internationalist” with a misconceived notion of needing to correct “White Male Privilege” in favour of International Non-Whitey Male Folk. Hence his willingness to ship US Jobs to Mexico and China, to have an open border policy, and to give Iran the Bomb.
I would indeed like to see the BBC analyze the extent of Obama’s use of last minute end of term policies compared to previous out-going Presidents. It does seem to me that Obama (or his controllers) has deliberately decided to make life difficult for in coming President with last minute change on UN position on Israel settlements, expelling Russian diplomats, sacking Head of Washington National Guard, and probably a lot more we not hearing about.
BBC Nrwsbeat has the scoop on the big stories that matter here:
“This is one way to make your feelings known about Friday’s inauguration”
Go on, guess.