Unemployment down, wages rising at 2.7%…but the BBC told us that that was ‘nothing to celebrate’…the jobs are all rubbish, low-skilled and low paid, part-time jobs[em…no they’re not] and wage inequality is a huge problem…that’ll be despite the ONS telling us the other day that wage inequality was continually reducing and was back to the levels of the 1980’s. [BBC ignores fact that the Rich are paying huge sums in tax now and that the tax allowance rise has taken millions out of tax altogether and that there has been a rise in the minimum wage, or the living wage, whatever.]
The BBC is also trying to encourage a movement for a general election telling us May has set out her ‘manifesto’ for Brexit and therefore it should be voted on. Trouble is she has a mandate for that Brexit ‘manifesto’ already…it’s that thing the BBC and the Remainders like to ignore…the Referendum to which Parliament ceded sovereignty and gave the government its mandate to act on the result…which is to leave the EU. A general election would in essence be a second referendum but with the added complication that not all the votes would be because of Brexit but for a myriad of other reasons. The BBC knows this and hopes Labour will win, or take enough seats to remove the Tory majority and thus be enabled to block Brexit by claiming no mandate in the country. Once again the BBC is interfering in the politics of Britain trying to rig an election and block Brexit.
Funny how before the referendum the BBC was telling us that the uncertainty was killing business [no, no it wasn’t] but now they are agitating for not only another ‘referendum’ but a general election which would, they hope, throw into question Brexit…thus causing even more uncertainty and instability in the economy…odd how that is apparently OK now as they peddle the same line as Labour and the LibDems.
Anyway, another open thread to name and shame…….all yours….
Is it just me or does this whole article sound like al-beeb’s weasel way of implying Trump is racist, including the pic?
“Kanye West was not asked to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, which will be a “traditionally American” event, the chief organiser has said.
(…) Tom Barrack, the Presidential Inaugural Committee chair, told CNN the ceremony is “not the venue” for West.
He said the rapper is “a great guy” but “we haven’t asked him”.
Mr Barrack said: “He considers himself a friend of the president-elect, but it’s not the venue.
“The venue we have for entertainment is filled out, it’s perfect, it’s going to be typically and traditionally American, and Kanye is a great guy but we just haven’t asked him to perform. We move on with our agenda.”
Didn’t the unfortunate Mr West have some sort of ‘tired and emotional’ mental breakdown during a recent performance on stage with his beat combo? I have every sympathy for him but for that reason alone one would think he wouldn’t be the best choice to perform at a presidential inauguration.
Things my not always be what they seem?
“Laura Kuenssberg report on Jeremy Corbyn inaccurate, says BBC Trust”
Tim Farron is ” A Minor Fart” if you make him into an anagram.
And Kate Middleton is Naked Tit Model as I recall.
A Minor Fart….
Apologies not BBC related, except that it concerns fake news, BBC favoured luvvies and the Labour Party
Mook news is a satire publication , producing fake news.
Band Aid to reconvene to re record Do they know its Christmas, for the Labour Party
‘Bono, Cheryl Cole, Paloma Faith, Lily Allen, One Direction, Honey G and Tony Blair have all agreed to record the charity classic.’
BBC Online News:
“”The man correcting stories about Muslims””
“”All I’m asking for is responsible reporting.””
Covered by the BBC. But no criticism of the BBC.
I wonder how many stories the BBC has run about BBC Watch or Is The BBC Biased or here when these sites provide clear factual evidence of compromised reporting about Israel?
All one could ask for is not being utterly hypocritical and bent.
And perhaps some editorial integrity on occasion?
Classic tweet
The swamp is beginning to drain, could this be our salvation to Al Beeb News ?
Perhaps now we will get some Unbiased and Uncensored reporting ?………….
Al Beeb and the rest of the MSM must be worried , very worried. 🙂
This is what they say ………
“Great to have you here.
What an incredible year 2016 was! Seismic political change swept the world, first with Brexit, followed by the election of Donald Trump as US President. The establishment took one hell of a beating.
The pundits got it wrong. The polls got it wrong. 2016 truly was a victory for ordinary people. 2017 might just be even bigger.
In an age of transformative political change that has been spearheaded by groups like Leave.EU, the media landscape is quickly changing too. And so here we are.
Pro-Brexit, pro-Farage, pro-Trump. Anti-establishment, anti-open borders, anti-corporatism.
Westmonster is part of the growing movement in the UK and right across the world that wants to see radical political change.
Stick around. You might just like what is to follow…”
Irony of ironies! BBC with its overwhelmingly pro-EU bias complaining that pro-Brexit newspapers are guilty of “confirmation bias – the tendency to interpret events in a way that accords with pre-existing prejudices”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-38666066.
Talk about pots and kettles!
They are not even correct in suggesting that Fleet Street is strongly weighted towards Brexit, as the Guardian, Times, FT, Independent and Mirror are pro-EU; while the Telegraph, Mail, Sun and Express are pro-Brexit. I make that 5 versus 4.
The BBC is obviously concerned that the near monopoly of liberal-fascist views in the broadcasting media is not mirrored in print media. A frighteningly totalitarian outlook.
From Noraid Central, AKA AlGuardianPollyBollox.
“Martin McGuinness, the man who helped steer IRA away from terrorism”
From Reality Check, AKA IslamicAlBeeb.
“Martin McGuinness: A life in politics”
From BBBC, we don’t believe you.
Listening to Climate Change Weekly or Inside Science as the BBC laughingly calls it, presenter Adam Rutherford attempts to make a disaster of the closure of the UK Antartic Base. Bit of a waste of time as it was built to be moved because ice, well, moves. “Because of Global Warming?”, our Adam flings in his catch-phrase. Sadly no.
Can we use ‘mouse models’ to predict human response to drugs? “Well no” says our gene expert, “But we can learn a lot about genes”. (I paraphrase). Our Adam is in there with ‘Climate Change Models’ and how they can surely add to our knowledge too. Mouse man is out of his subject and, being more mouse than man, concedes Adam’s point.
The trouble is that the term ‘model’ can mean many things. The biologist can ‘model’ the behaviour of a gene by putting it in the proverbial test tube and conducting experiments on it. It might not behave in the same way as the same gene in the human body but it is a real gene and its behaviour in that controlled environment does tell us something and adds to the body of knowledge.
The equivalent in the ‘climate’ world would be to put some gas in a jar. Get the right mixture and it could be described as a ‘model’ of the atmosphere. We could measure things like, density, specific heat, velocity of sound or the absoroption of radiation. If we are lucky the model might ‘scale up’, but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t.
Unfortunately this isn’t how ‘climate change’ modelling is done. Here they take historic data sets, ignore the ones that they don’t like, fill gaps with the ones they do like, then stick them in an equation which they fiddle the terms of until it ‘fits’ the past and nearly ‘predicts’ the immediate ‘future’. One can play this game with any time-variant data set, e.g. ‘predict’ the FTSE 100 by logging early/late arrival times at Heathrow. Once the model is ‘proved’ then run it out 20 years and claim disaster. This method is so successful that the various ‘proved’ models can’t agree on the future. As we used to say before ‘post-truth’, “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.
Bring back Material World..please!
One wonders if Global Climate agitators ever read the local papers on what the real weather is doing outside. Huge chill acress Europe.
Just watched a bit of Newsnight’s latest despairing efforts to denigrate Trump. Gave up in despair after a while, but managed to hear a quite breathtaking piece of hypocrisy from Emily Mattersless-Each-Day. She sneered at a Breitbart reporter she was interviewing, saying that Breitbart wouldn’t be able to criticise President Trump (only one day to go!) because Steve Bannon was in the administration.
Her comment reminded me of a certain James Purnell, recently appointed as director of radio at the Beeb, who had previous employment as a Labour cabinet minister. (I know that sounds far-fetched but for those younger readers, there was a time when Britain had Labour governments). Does Emily think that anyone working under Mr Purnell will feel free to criticise the Labour Party?
“It’s time to rewrite the rules of economics to end the growing chasm of inequality
Liam Byrne”
Done that one already Liam (There is no money left because we borrowed even more so we could waste it to deliberately bankrupt the UK).
And here is one of your Stalinist mates BTL telling us how it is.
packc47 gtegte 11h ago
“We have never had socialism so you are wrong.”
Probably correct about socialism, never happened without millions of innocents murdered by the Left.
I made the mistake of tuning in to the BBC News channel whilst I had my tea tonight.
Just in time to hear a story about some “Britons” killed in a bus crash in Saudi. On their way from the “holy city” of Mecca. I mean the news reader said “holy city” Why should it be necessary to call it holy on the news? It isn’t holy to the majority of The British public.
Most of us would not be allowed to drive on the holy road to Mecca.

Kind of reminds me of signs in South Africa, Rhodesia and the Southern US in the 1960s: “Whites only”, “Europeans only”, “Black rest rooms” etc. Even today, Liberals and BBC-types wake up in a cold sweat after nightmares about those times, or imaginary apartheid in Israel. So why no Panorama and Newsbeat specials about discrimination against non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia? What’s that I hear you say? Oil, weapons sales, pension funds in London?
I travelled the non Muslims road several times in the 90s between Jeddah and Taif, there was sand blowing across it!
Nice and quiet though, good to avoid crushes, stampedes and collapsing cranes.
Just watched the inauguration concert on fake news CNN. Even they had to grudgingly admit it was spectacular. The Don and Melania have knocked it out of the park, again. I don’t know how Al Beebistan are going to spin this one in the morning.
inauguration concert? I thought it was tomorrow. I don’t want to miss the MSM misery.
Really playing it down this morning as if its a nothing thing. The beebettes on the sofa dont look too happy at all. Turned over to sky and the same sadness was written all over the face of the female presenter. Everytime Donald was mentioned it was like she had smelled a fart. All it is is Trump or the billionaire never Donald and always with a bit of venom added. Drain the swamp time.
I just watched This Week, which had Jess Phillips on the sofa with Portillo; the Labour Party really do have a surfeit of under-educated, utterly charmless and uninspiring human cr@p as MPs.
That ‘thing’ really is a horrible excuse for a human being.
So the idiot EU Sikorski lets the cat out of the bag on the This Week programme. Not only could he not explain why protectionism was bad in the US but good for Europe but his final statement was that the EU was not about being a superstate but about being a superpower.
I read an article years ago, can’t remember the author but he was involved in some capacity in the EU, which stated that the EU was not about free trade, or better relations, or making conditions better for it’s citizens but solely so that the EU Bureaucrats could sit across a table from the US and bang on the table as hard as they could.
It always was, always is, and always will be about Eurotwats like Juncker looking in the mirror and pleasuring themselves whilst thinking about how powerful they are.
Sky news headline on MSN – “Three killed by ‘rogue car’ in Oz”
“rogue car” – what on earth are you talking about?
Clearly, Herbie has finally flipped.
Maybe Kitt got sick of hasselhoff and went nuts. Any of our norwegian friends maybe?
Damn those lone wolf cars!
George Soros has apparently lost $1 billion due to having backed the wrong candidate in the US election. He’s reacted by writing that Donald Trump is a con man, a would-be dictator and will fail.
There’s nothing like a sore loser.
There more to it than that! It was also reported (Business TELEGRAPH) that GEORGE SOROS also called the sage of * (who gained $1billion dollars betting against Britain on BLACK WEDNESDAY when the pound was linked to the German Deutcmark, prior to Euroland), lost spectacularly in the recent BREXIT vote has lost $8bn dollars. He’s not skint but he’s lost an awful lot of leftie investors money. He is also a dangerous leftie globalist.
Bill ‘The sexual deviant’ Clinton = “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”….
“Islam is a religion of peace”….
Abdul Bin Stabbing Infidels Islam = Muslim from Somalia who went full Islam on London’s infidels, as instructioned by Mad Mo, and incredibly ended up changing race to become Norwegian….
Cult Leftism mandates you must be a master in the art of lying to be a follower, and those devious, conniving bastards own that craft in every way, and they have cooked up another beaut here folks…
Al Shabeeb webshite
“Car ploughs into pedestrians in Melbourne, police say” … (have they been watching too many Transformers movies?!?!)
“Three people have died and up to 20 are injured after a car deliberately struck pedestrians in central Melbourne, police say.
A man was arrested soon after and “the situation is now contained”, police said.
The incident was not terror-related, said Victoria Police Acting Commander Stuart Bateson.
He said police believed the incident was linked to a stabbing in Melbourne’s south-east early on Friday”…..
…so it’s nothing to do with terrorism! Then what is it? As is all the fake news and propaganda spouted by islamic Al Beeb, nothing mentioned regarding motive or who carried it out! Which doesn’t look good for our peace loving death cult….looks like I need to become a journalist again! Thanks Al Shabeeb!!
….10 seconds later….no wonder the mentally ill, traitorous, new age Nazis want to control the internet!!! Bingo! !
“The driver of the maroon-colored car was described by witnesses as appearing Middle Eastern. One tourist told Melbourne’s Herald-Sun newspaper that Arabic music was blaring from the car”……
So Muslim trying to kill infidels in his car is NOT terrorism now?? Haha! Is only 1 person dying not enough to classify it as terrorism? If his race and the fact he was playing “Allahu Akbars greatest hits” on his car stereo not a factor in this Islamic act, then why have you purposely missed it from your article you lying bastards!!!
Already looking forward to the left’s reason for this Islamic act when the truth can no longer be contained, thanks to internet. …
“Islamaphobic pedestrians”, “Racist sat nav”, “Mentally ill car” ……..
More death’s. More brutality. More deaths caused by Islam and more importantly because the left allowed it to, again. The war on the control of information must be won
What will the aussie equivelent of the BBC Not to mention the BBC itself put it down to? Prehaps it was Asians, Russian Hackers, Global Warming, Mental Health issues etc we wonder. Rather than stating the truth dear BBC and the rest of the lying dying MSM do your job and state the truth and facts its muslims and islam rather than going into denial mode it no longer works anymore as we have the internet, alt-media and other far more reliable sources of news and information
“They say it’s not terror related”
Our BBC reporter in Australia is most keen to get across the local police take on an incident of someone driving a car into crowds of people.
Ok, but where do we suppose the chap get the idea for such a mad act?
Maybe they got Mishal Husain write a sequel to ‘Christine’?
Youtube video of the Melbourne murderer in his car. He looks middle-eastern to me.
He has now been identified as the person who describes himself on line as “I am actually Greek Islamic Kurdish ANGEL OF CULT” along with the warning “I know exactly how to take you DOGS down”.
So, by his own admission he is not Norwegian, but the Police Commissioner has recovered ground by saying the man is known for “mental health problems.”
Gee, what a surprise.
If “Bruce” is a RoPer, Rick, mental issues are a given.
“Known to the authorities”, history of
“suddenly using a vehicle as a weapon”,
“stabbing attack”,
“taking hostages”,
Oh he has “mental illness”
he “acted alone” ie a erm … lone wolf
and he screamed, allah ackbar as he attacked.
has a suddenly mystifying Greek/Kurdish etc lineage that to anyone in authority has them completely baffled.
Now I m no, “Slipper of the Yard” but erm anything similar
in recent history?
… no, no, I just can t … no nothing 😀
Like the Glasgow lorry – not terror related. The Aussies need to learn how the Brits do cover ups.
Joking aside, seems the BBC may have plans for their token ”balance’ outlet…
Pinteresting glimpse into the world of BBC oversight:
Maybe Ms. Bradley should pull a BBC and expedite him as her decision is secret and final?
He doesn’t look all the ticket but then anyone who volunteers to work for the BBC ………..
Just another reason for the BBC to dislike President Trump
‘The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized’
What’s that, you ask?
Does this ring any bells…? ‘The Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 requires the CPB to operate with a “strict adherence to objectivity and balance in all programs or series of programs of a controversial nature”. It also requires it to regularly review national programming for objectivity and balance, and to report on “its efforts to address concerns about objectivity and balance”.
I know, that’s all next to an impossible task in this day and age. So let the audience decide through subscription. They like it, they pay for it. Simple. It could work here too.
Trump hater @ScottLucas_EA was on bbc 3 times this am
8:40 breakfast tv
9:08 5 Live shouting Charlie Wolf down
10:00 World update
Founder/Editor of EA WorldView (@EA_WorldView), Professor, University of Birmingham, eaworldview.com
Ok ladies and gentlemen,
it has been nearly 10 years since the BBC announced the results if their own investigation into impartiality. Following that they launched 11 impartiality principles that would become integrated with their own editorial guidelines.
Obviously having specific principles means that they want to measure themselves objectively.
So the simple question is, looking at their own published principles, as linked below, how do you think they have performed?
So the all new BBC Board is up and running – will we notice the difference?
In about the same way as we do EU presidents.
Taking just two:
“Impartiality is no excuse for insipid programming.”
Only the BBC could manage a BOGOF
“Impartiality applies across all BBC platforms and all types of programme. No genre is exempt”
Except Twitter. But that may just be my own view.
The BBC is rather partial to Luton…
I had never heard of a young BBC leftie reporter called Stacey Dooley (until yesterday) reading the Telegraph of (Thursdays) TV highlights (on yet another BBC binge ‘operation’ into ISIS). But I found this previous BBC documentary quite revealing into why Luton voted Brexit. And as pointed out in this BBC documentary Muslims don’t vote unless they are directed or they face reprisals from fellow Muslims.
‘Stacey Dooley investigates what is going on in her home town of Luton and finds out why it is known as the extremist capital of Britain.’…. Published by on May 22, 2013
‘My Home town Fanatics: Stacey Dooley Investigates (Muslim Extremists – EDL – Luton)
An interesting BBC video (May 2013) Stacey Dooley asked in her Home Town (Luton) on an Islamic March organiser if Muslim respect any nation they live in… the answer was ‘no we don’t’. The video is BBC3 (the BBC yoof of Britain herself talks candid to camera that she does not recognises her home town Luton. I bit fearless and frankly ‘thick’ but thought provoking questions. Reminds me much of the outspoken but slightly thicker ‘Lilly Allen’ the songstress. At least Dooley nods her head (a lot) as if she BBC ‘understands’ (she doesn’t), as she has no historical knowledge and just wanders in a complete awe a simple dream-world denial of any danger (very worrying) but oh so very BBC. For this simple girl it’s all a ‘like’ or ‘not like’ like problem. Nothing to fear! (God help us all) we’re all as thick as Dooley now!
Unbelievably the film interviewees declare that there is no such thing as ‘radical worshippers’ In Islamabad Luton!. As long as your Muslim, no problem at all… Its clear that it’s not complicated either; ‘democracy is the problem’ (as one of the street leaflets she looks at states clearly). She is also told ‘Capitalism is a failure in your society!’ She takes us on a BBC tour of Argyle Avenue (the home of the now locally famous ‘Stockholm bomber’. It’s all a bit of a girly giggle with ‘Dooley’ and her speech is charmingly disarming but also worrying.: ‘eetsa awla beat orf a misunnerstanin, downchar feink?’ (56 mins documenary)
And for those less inclined to think Islam is ‘safe’ multiculturally for ‘integration’ into western values (UK or Europe) , it’s worth remembering why these third world problems are not easily solved using Western liberal values. It would mean the end of Western values and that is what is happening in Europe.
On Islam itself: “The ditz does not realize that far from being a religion, Islam is a system of predation whose victims are disbelievers; whose mission is mercenary: the emolument and empowerment of its founder through pillage & plunder.” here
I am aware of Miss Dooley; she strikes me as a decent person at heart but ultimately, a fully paid up member of the BBC bubble, who doesn’t seem to have any real understanding of the deeper social, political and historical issues surrounding what she reports on. Her wikipedia entry makes no mention of any schooling or other bona fides whatsoever. I suspect she is popular because she is pretty and charming enough to be eye candy for men but not enough to be threatening to other women.
Just watched Miss Dooley. Some people like vanilla ice cream some people prefer strawberry flavour. Its just opinions and if we get together and talk we will realise that it is only ice cream. There are a minority of ignorant people who take extreme views and are hostile to those who prefer vanilla just as those who prefer strawberry have extremists too. It is just a matter of education.
” ‘The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized’ ”
Most of that regarding balance etc. is in the BBC Charter, which they are legal bound to adhere to – they ignore it. They contravene the Charter on a hourly basis – no one is prepared to address this.
If it’s about jobs then I’d prefer my license money to go to somewhere beneficial such as the NHS, Police etc.. rather than the venomously anti British, anti democratic, propaganda machine of the BBC.
Melbourne – The BBC this morning, were shocked … SHOCKED! I tell you
at the motiveless, randomness of this attack despite
“Known to the authorities”, history of
“suddenly using a vehicle as a weapon”,
“stabbing attack”,
“taking hostages”,
Oh he has “mental illness”
he “acted alone” ie a erm … lone wolf
and he screamed, allah ackbar as he attacked.
has a suddenly mystifying Greek/Kurdish etc lineage that to anyone in authority has them completely baffled.
Now I m no, “Slipper of the Yard” but erm anything similar
in recent history?
… no, no, I just can t … no nothing
I think they must have these two investigating the situation :-
“Al BBC Asian Network import Nihal, a long interview, with
Islamic expert who wanted to “understand” Islamic Sta … apologies “Daesh”
About the … nothing to do with Islam, Islamic State,
The nothing to do with anything Muslims do, Mohamhead.
The way muslims don t take, (Rotherham) sex slaves,
Don t condone,(Saudi) it,
Could, (Pakistan)never do it as they are piously,(Christians/Hindus) “religious”
How mandated slavery is OK, nothing to worry about because,(Sudan) muslims wouldn t dream,(Qatar) of doing it.
Rape? relax! Mohamhead oops apologies “THE Prophet”, wouldn t (at least 61 victims)dream of it.
No kids neither, put it out of your, (6yr old Aisha/wife) mind entirely
The Islamic State!, pah! just killers, Moh would never do, (700 Jews)anything like that.
The fawning wretch, was only surpassed by Nihal s obsession with Islamofauxbia
Sheesh! thought it was John Brennan
… Absolutely Toe Curling!”
2hrs 22 mins
I am starting a petition. Is it about time that the BBC presented their Londonistan programme
after the 6PM News in Urdu? We could have sub titles in English for all of the
other ethnic communities whom are covered in the programme.
Post Bexit. More good news for Cornwall. Huge find in Cornwall will transform the area. Expect the BBC will come out with GREEN lobby agitators (link it to GREENPEACE protestors on Fracking) but if you want Electric cars ‘duckies’ they all need (expensive) Lithium batteries and this is how they are made… The only other source of lithium is only currently found in China or deep (they predict) in the deep oceans off Japan. This could transform a neglected part of the UK. Viva BREXIT!
Just watched a recording of This Week with Jess Phillips a Labour MP as one of the guests. Once again she demonstrated that Labour women MP know very little about economics or trade or history or international relations. She wasn’t as bad as D Abbott or the famous car crash interview when Brillo had to take pity on Harriet Hartman , but she was in 2 out 10 territory. Since retiring 4 years ago I have taken a much greater interest in politics than when I was busy working and I am surprised at the low level of knowledge of many MPs from all parties but the group who seem the most ignorant of all are Labour women. I suppose this is what you get if you have positive discrimination in any field , second and third raters make it to the top. I am sure that Jess would be a very effective local councillor arguing about local services but as one of 650 MPs who can decide so much that happens in our national life she is well out of her depth. Another of Blairs deadly legacy along with mass immigration, wars, politicised judiciary, a devolution settlement that discriminates against England, inoperable and Un British hate crime laws , ineffective Education for millions of children. What a legacy that bastard left us, he should be impeached.
“….in any field , second and third raters make it to the top”. Problem is these ‘third raters’ mainly come from a particular gene pool: Local Authority Councillors etc. and they only do that because they are no good in business otherwise they would be in business themselves and with no time for day-dreams that, if come to fruition, normally detract from our quality of life.
Ah, Jess does come across as slow witted as a goldfish that’s ingested a large amount of cannabis, but she does find the thought of male suicides greatly amusing. What a sense of humour, eh?
Now you tell me, how many people would find male suicides amusing? Even Yasmin Alibhai Brown only wants white males to be killed off.
R4’s Today team’s pre-orbituary for Martin McGuinnes this morning claimed that “he had helped save lives”. I suppose in this sense I too have helped “save lives” by not going out and murdering ten people at random everyday for the last decade. Desisting from the incitement, planning and commission of mass murder is not “saving lives” in any meaningful sense. BBC language perversion at its most insidious.
BBC’s announcement on the Today programme: new ‘breakthrough’ in early identification of Prostrate Cancer. If you are a man, “of a certain age group” you are statistically more likely to be harbouring a cancerous growth. Obvious – – http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/health-professional/cancer-statistics/incidence/age#heading-Three
If you are a man, “of a certain age group” i.e. > 50, you will also statistically be likely to be suffering osteoarthritis and in need of a hip replacement.
I’m afraid this “new” breakthrough does not impress me. Having had a MRI 4 or so years ago in MY efforts to determine whether I had the dreaded (I had to reaserch what tests were available and press for them to be carried out), I learnt that because of the “Artefact” (one hip replacement), the MRI scan was only partially of benefit since the MRI could not “see” through the replacement. If you go down the biopsy route you will need roughly 32/34 biopsies for a definitive ‘yes’ or ‘no’. With the six month gap in between each test, you will probably be dead of old age before the ‘Big C’ gets you. I hope my experience helps.
Not seen on the BBC yet but a toxic cloud is threatening Londonistan.
The mayor has issued a red alert.
It seems to be affecting areas where there was a high incidence of remain votes, which suggests it is Brexit related. Or maybe Trump and his Russian allies have arranged it to bugger up the wimmin and Moslems march on Sunday.
Diesel engines are said to contribute to air pollution and Sadiq Khan is about to impose alternative green transport
Not BBC but surely BBC-inspired Talk Sport Radio news reports that British protesters will unfurl anti-Trump banners from bridges across the UK.
This is narcissistic moral virtue boasting of the worst most self-righteous kind.
Hey, look at me! I’m not racist or anti-women! Please like me!
The left-liberal media led by the BBC have encouraged this hopeless way of thinking which is skewing our every political and economic debate. These issues are too important to be swayed by such moral highground grabbing. Stop giving these worthless twits the oxygen of publicity and stop creating the politically correct cultural playground in which they flourish.
They should treat them lke streakers at sports events, they are dong it for the same reasons after all, and not give them what they crave…..publicity.
I hear that to celebrate the Donald’s inauguration, the biased BBC are rebranding.
Welcome to Clenched Teeth TV
I think it’ll be Clenched Arse TV when Trump really gets going.
Or perhaps the ‘touching of the cloth’ will help them get through their bile containment a bit quicker, Lobster.
And what on earth is this quote from the bBeeb schedules doing anywhere in print?
“But unofficially, the event has been treated by many as a political stink-bomb. Not surprising, perhaps, after a divisive election process, but several artists took merely being invited to perform as a provocation: former X Factor singer Rebecca Ferguson, for instance, agreed to accept the invitation only if she could sing Strange Fruit, the protest song made famous by Billie Holiday. A right-wing commentator suggested celebs feared being blacklisted by liberals if they dared to perform, and dubbed it ‘reverse McCarthyism’.”
Who really gives a monkeys about celebs squawking? We’ll be muting any celeb outpouring, because it’ll be worthless drivel anyway, and I hate crap singing and performance at the best of times. It’s a shame really, as ‘Strange fruit’ is one of my favourite Billie Holiday songs, and in fact, as a duo, I accompanied a great local jazz singer with that very song back in the sixties.
But why do the bBeeb say it was a ‘divisive’ election? Surely not voting for a crooked politician with a lying philanderer for a husband is a pretty damn good way of trying to bring people together, let alone atone for the fact that she was useless in her job under the previous president (well he will be in just over an hour’s time).
Roll on 4:00pm our time.
Not often I turn the radio off – but just hearing James Naughtie liken Trump supporters to children was pathetic.
And I pay for this…….
Did I hear Vanessa Feltz (sitting in for Jeremy Vine on Radio 2) correctly?
“This isn’t quite tax, this is Council Tax.”
Hmmmn… Would she be happy to be as forthright when speaking about the ‘spare room subsidy’, otherwise known perversely (and incorrectly) as the ‘bedroom tax’, which isn’t a tax either.
Or the TV tax, for that matter, which serves vital gems like Strictly and Mark Byford’s pension.
“which serves vital gems like Strictly and Mark Byford’s pension.”
And Jimmy Saville’s extramural interests.
Brexit causes decline in junk mail say Roya Mail
Yorkshire Post
…Times reported same story in November.
They seem to feel it is a bad thing, which is a different view of junk mail to those I hear usually.
More and more of the unseen voices introducing programmes on the Beeb are clearly non-white. One in particular had me scratching my head for days, because the voice is so clearly distinctive that I knew I’d heard it before, as he reports on an upcoming NHS programme. Lightbulb moment ! he’s an actor who appeared in Judge John Deed (I love the internet for information) – as a Clerk and always trying to get the better of the Judge. Black actor James Frazer. Sorry had to share that with you.
Sorry if this is a bit off topic but after enduring Question Time and the Daily Politics I felt I just had to get something ‘off my chest’ so to speak. Here goes.
When it comes to any programme about the EU, why are the BBC,determined not to include the question of political sovereignty into the EU debate?
Political sovereignty overrides everything in importance in the EU debate. It intrinsically affects, and is the prime determinant of the ‘four freedoms’ of the European Union these being the freedom of movement of goods, people, services and capital over borders.
Sovereignty is fundamental to a nations identity. It is the most important area of discussion, yet is ignored in most BBC debates. It is the very reason I voted to come out of the EU.
It is sovereignty which which should be discussed not, as is the case on television, the obsession with the Single Market.- Or to give it it’s rightful name in the EU states,- the Internal Market.
Why don’t the BBC discuss sovereignty?
In my view, it is because sovereignty is a clear open and shut case.
The BBC don’t want the people to consider the blindingly obvious question about sovereignty.
Why? You might well ask.
It is because by using the Single Market argument they can blur and obfuscate the debate. The BBC don’t want Britain to be in control of its own destiny. They believe in Global Corporatism where the individual is of no importance. A widget if you like. It is against their own personal agenda based upon controlling the naive amongst us.
As a supposedly national broadcaster, should they not ask of its people, through debate, the following question?
Question. Do you want other unelected bureacrats,-over which you have no control, in other countries, to decide upon your laws and therefore govern your country?
Answer. NO. Simple. (Barring Remainers of course, of whom I consider to be lesser mortals, to anyone with even the modicum of common sense, it should be an easy question to answer).
Therefore, any discussion about the four freedoms are thus null and void, and therefore, utterly and completely irrelevant.
Please ask my question to any Remainer you might meet.
“….It is sovereignty which which should be discussed not, as is the case on television, the obsession with the Single Market”.
Within the realms of the “Single Market”, EU trade amounts to no more than a surprising 12% of World Trade apparently. I distinctly heard this on the BBC earlier in the week from a so-called ‘Expert’. I can’t believe that the BBC would misrepresent this figure, so, it really puts a different perspective on the remaining 88% of the World market which exiting the EU would present as potential.
Absolutely agree, wronged. The issue of sovereignty was the overarching reason I voted leave. I want to be able to vote out those whose actions I disagree with and that was the only opportunity in what remains of my lifetime to ensure me that freedom
‘..why are the BBC determined not to include the question of political sovereignty into the EU debate?’
Answering your own question, the BBC does not introduce anything that delivers answers they don’t like to contemplate.
See QT, Today or Newsnight guest ‘experts’, etc…
Totally agree. There were (unfortunately still are) 3 main areas of debate on Brexit:
1. Sovereignty (we vote for who governs us or not)
2. Immigration (control of our borders or not)
3. Trade (inside single market / customs union or not)
The RemainBBC know they have no chance of winning on arguments 1. and 2. Indeed the more spotlight on these topics the more they will lose. Hence forever banging on about the single market with scare stories and untestable forecasts of doom. Rationally they lose this argument too, but they have to keep the focus off 1. and 2. to have any chance at all of reversing Brexit.
The BBC along with the other mainstream media earlier presented the Melbourne car murderer as carrying out his act which, needless to say, they claim, was not an act of terrorism. The New Observer report differs from the deceitful mainstream reporting, thank goodness – http://newobserveronline.com/melbourne-car-ramming-terrorist-muslim-kurd/
Jeez! Melbourne police officers are amazing. Even without questioning the suspect, taking statements from witnesses, checking his home, or medically examining him, they are able to confidently tell us the murderer is not a terrorist but a drugged up criminal.
Why do British police waste their time investigating a crime, forensically checking an area, or courts debate a case, when Melbourne police officers instantly know reasons behind murders?
I feel sorry for Poirot and Miss Marple – they must feel really inadequate.
BBC getting worked up over the wimmin’s (and some men) march in London on Sunday. They are drawing attention to many things but hush, don’t mention the little girls groomed and raped by RoPer gangs, as that would be racist.
‘British marchers have highlighted a wide range of issues: the Brexit vote, anti-immigration feeling, the refugee crisis and Irish and Northern Irish women being denied access to abortion.
Emma McNally, one of the eight UK organisers of the London march, says that Mr Trump’s election was a catalyst, but the London protest will also be against social inequality, and aims to promote human rights.’
FGM and “honour” killings seem to have been overlooked as well for some strange reason …..
“Celebrities including singer Charlotte Church, Alexa Chung, Pixie Geldof and comedian Sandi Toksvig have all said they will be at marches.”
I can’t wait. (By the way, who the f*** is Alexa Chung?)
Checked on her, something to do with fashion and modeling and Ch 4, which means her opinions are sooo important
BBC editorial integrity at play:
Don’t ask, don’t tell.
Just trust them.
“The FCO used to be the best in the world.”
If they say so themselves!
It certainly used to be (and may well still be) one of the best gravy trains: housing paid, hot & cold running staff paid, travel paid, school fees paid, little or no taxes to pay, nice salary, bomb-proof pension plus every prospect of a knighthood and a nice sinecure back in Blighty once you’ve done your stint bearing the white man’s burden overseas.
BBC gal in the States Katty Kay gives us the view from the metropolitan elite – she happily recognises ‘a Tiffany Box’ for us as Melania’s present to Michelle Obama then tells us it’s so cold she needs to be dressed as though she were on her ski holiday. Let me translate: she’s wrapped up as though she were out walking the whippets in Yorkshire in January.
When Trump is inaugurated, I’ll be watching Hilary Clinton.
I wonder what she will be thinking?
Why are the BBC showing the demonstrators smashing windows because the don’t like democracy.
NB If the BBC have to show these acts of vandalism why don’t the commentators verbally attack these animal ‘lefties’.
Come on BBC, state that they are ignorant Democrats who are opposed to democracy.-Not unlike our ‘Remoaners’.
For once BBC, just tell it like it is and condemn this ‘spoilt child’ behaviour.
They are not protestors, they are villains.
They are probably Republican windows and therefore were asking for it.
I’m off to walk the dogs… in the sun.
Some may not feel it is such a lovely day.
On Sundays me and the missus, and my visiting children often get through a chicken.
We (the wife and I) always like to pull the chickens wishbone with our with our little fingers’.
We then give each other a quick kiss and promise not tell each other or else it won’t come true.
I guess that means I can tell you as you’re not my wife.
I feel a bit ashamed of some of my wishes. I once wished Soros would die. In fact I’ve wished loads of people an unhappy life which isn’t very nice. Most of whom I’ve never even met. Emily Thornberry, Diane Abbott, other lefties, extreme Muslims, etc.
I did wish for Brexit, I did wish for Trump. So maybe my wishes do come true!
Watch out George Soros. Your days are numbered. Chicken again this Sunday.
No one can blame you for wishing such low-graders as the Hackney Hippo dead.
However, as Donald Trump is still alive, you have conclusive proof that the death wish, much loved by bitter and twisted leftist losers, is completely ineffective as an instrument of political change.
Nice timing?
At least Tristram Hunt had the good grace to resign his seat when he got another job.
Hey R4 Feedback just started 30 mins early