Unemployment down, wages rising at 2.7%…but the BBC told us that that was ‘nothing to celebrate’…the jobs are all rubbish, low-skilled and low paid, part-time jobs[em…no they’re not] and wage inequality is a huge problem…that’ll be despite the ONS telling us the other day that wage inequality was continually reducing and was back to the levels of the 1980’s. [BBC ignores fact that the Rich are paying huge sums in tax now and that the tax allowance rise has taken millions out of tax altogether and that there has been a rise in the minimum wage, or the living wage, whatever.]
The BBC is also trying to encourage a movement for a general election telling us May has set out her ‘manifesto’ for Brexit and therefore it should be voted on. Trouble is she has a mandate for that Brexit ‘manifesto’ already…it’s that thing the BBC and the Remainders like to ignore…the Referendum to which Parliament ceded sovereignty and gave the government its mandate to act on the result…which is to leave the EU. A general election would in essence be a second referendum but with the added complication that not all the votes would be because of Brexit but for a myriad of other reasons. The BBC knows this and hopes Labour will win, or take enough seats to remove the Tory majority and thus be enabled to block Brexit by claiming no mandate in the country. Once again the BBC is interfering in the politics of Britain trying to rig an election and block Brexit.
Funny how before the referendum the BBC was telling us that the uncertainty was killing business [no, no it wasn’t] but now they are agitating for not only another ‘referendum’ but a general election which would, they hope, throw into question Brexit…thus causing even more uncertainty and instability in the economy…odd how that is apparently OK now as they peddle the same line as Labour and the LibDems.
Anyway, another open thread to name and shame…….all yours….
Hey is something fake about Zuckerbergs own Facebook posts ?
The man who is going to clean the internet of fake news has a team of staff curating them for him.
BBC Aus – “CAR” ploughs into pedestrians in Melbourne
The wreckage of a car is seen as police cordoned off Bourke Street mall, after “A CAR” hit pedestrians in central Melbourne, Australia, January 20, 2017 Four people including a young child are killed, but police say it is not a terror attack
This chap was “Known to the authorities”,
“suddenly using a vehicle as a weapon”,
“stabbing attack”,
“taking hostages”,
Oh he has “mental illness”
he “acted alone” ie a erm … lone wolf
and he screamed, allah ackbar as he attacked.
has a suddenly mystifying Greek/Kurdish etc lineage that to anyone in authority has them completely baffled as to a motive, astoundingly despite his now blocked Facebook apparently stating that he s a Islamic convert
“Most evidence appears to be in his facebook account that have all been blocked, it showed that James “Jimmy” Gargasoulas was a convert to Islam”
Bbc/Amazon to do joint production of Pratchett novel Good Omens, as a series.
Despite Brexit the Bank of Cyprus has moved its stock exchange listen from Athens to London
Nowt on Al Beeb about that ?
But just in case their researchers ‘missed’ it, here it is for them ……….
” Bank of Cyprus listing a ‘vote of confidence’ in London, says chief
Lender moves shares from Greece to Britain despite Brexit”
Just this minute saw Trump being sworn into office – Not many demonstrators there ? His mission statement “America First” !
Poipulist!, populist!, populist! Al Beeb and the MSM don’t like it.
Controversial !
By the way, I am chatting with Gambia friends in Gambia at this difficult time. They are watching Trump on TV and like what he is saying. BBC headline ” Black Africans like Trump “.
Strangely , most of them liked George W. Bush. But not Obama . ” He is stealing our clothes ” ! A Little bit of African wisdom amongst the mayhem !
Controversial, divisive, populist. etc etc ……
Yeah man ! Yo !
Most Kenyans I know were very proud when he came here and President Kenyatta told him that gay “marriage” was not our agenda:
Obama was popular here because of his ancestry, but he had become too American. George W. Bush was respected because of his work on HIV.
Yes ! That is real world stuff !
Yes, when Trump said “America first,” the Beeb twonks immediately retorted, “but, but, but …that’s isolationist and protectionist.”
Well, no it isn’t you Beeb dunderheads. It’s what any good Government should do. It’s what our Government should do: put the country and its people first.
The BBC, left wing spongers and Eurotwats must be apoplectic after Trump’s speech …. listen to the people …. action not words ….. what kind of talk is this ??? Expect lots of Nationalist, Fascist, Right Wing, Nazi type comments form the MSM. Remember …. American and British patriotism bad …. Scottish, Welsh and Irish National Socialism good. American protectionism Bad EU protectionism good. Those are the facts .. aren’t they ??
No empty champagne bottles in the corridors of the BBC tonight. So sad .
Nothing at all in President Trump’s speech to give any comfort to the BBC/C4/Guardianista. Absolutely nothing and you know it feels great to know this.
A good day for the West and for all of us .
The BBC and all of its beeboids (with few exceptions) must be about to go apoplectic after Mr Trump’s inauguration speech.
The fixed grin from former President Obama and Michelle Obama’s sour puss said it all….
New President, New Era.
….and it didn’t take long at all…
Just a flavour of the rather brittle commentary on BBC TV on the inauguration: when the sparsity of today’s crowd compared with the record crowd at the Obama inauguration was flagged up, Katty (by name and nature) commented that Trump will claim a record crowd anyway. Nice – and so impartial!
BBC keep on saying that America is a ‘deeply divided’ country.
Well BBC whose fault do you think this is?
It can only be Obama’s fault as he has been the person in power. The net result of his Presidency is a ‘deeply divided’ country. After 8 years in office, I call that failure.
However, I get the impression that the BBC seems to blame Trump for the creation of this ‘deeply divided’ country,who until today has never been President.
Odd.Very Odd.
This can’t be right, wronged, the bBBC on scene, have just watched saint barry flying off and telling us that he is leaving with very high popularity ratings. They wouldn’t lie to us would they?
If only we had someone in our government or opposition party with the guts to speak up for the United Kingdom, in the same way Donald J Trump has spoken up for the US. Someone more concerned about the unemployed in Nottingham, than the rights of girls in Nigeria to an education. The hardships of living in run down towns and cities in our North, than filling ATM’s in Afghanistan and Pakistan with foreign aid cash. Britain First please…………, oh, and by the way, if anyone is still allowed to say it these days…. ‘God bless the United Kingdom’.
Having given up watching the UK-based disinformation channels, I landed on Fox News and watched their coverage. One comment made as Obama left in the helicopter made me smile: “Obama’s legacy can be easily summed up in two words: Donald Trump“.
Is ‘Populist’ the new hate word on Al Beeb. I suppose all the posters on this site are populist.
“Odd” ?, wronged … not really, I’m afraid.
After all, the sun shines out of Obama’s rear orifice as far as the BBC is concerned, so it couldn’t possibly have been him who divided the US…. I know – let’s blame the next guy in the White House. After all, Mr Obama’s reign start in much the same way – i.e. the BBC and its ilk celebrating a Nobel Prize almost before he’d arrived at the White House (having done nothing at all to deserve it), and so sloughing off any blame on Obama when he’s leaving the White House for the current state of the country (for which he really can’t be held responsible) is really no problem whatsoever for the BBC and the US MSM.
Just read a very interesting comment piece in the DT “Is this Nichola Sturgeon’s annus horribilus?”
If anybody has the ability could they link it for me please.
I have little doubt that it tells the truth about life north of the border. Perhaps any of our Scottish friends can advise if it is wrong, but, if true, I think we can guarantee that the BBC will not be doing an expose to enlighten the English on the joys of living in a socialist Utopia in the UK for fear of never getting Labour back in power, and perhaps more so for fear of the lives of their employees in Scotland!
This might work.
That is the one. but with a different title!
Hopefully it might get read despite the new Weekend thread.
Thank you very much
As sure as night follows day…..the bbc never fail to disappoint!!
BBC Headline earlier today – A divisive Trump calls for unity
Followed by –
“As Donald Trump prepares to take the oath of office, he faces public approval ratings for a newly elected president without precedent in modern US political history. The five most recent polls from major news networks have his positive ratings at 32%, 37%, 40%, 40% and 44%.
Exacerbating all this has been Mr Trump’s behaviour in the days since his election. He continues to act like a candidate on the campaign trail, lambasting his opponents – including members of the intelligence community – roasting the media and answering every perceived slight and criticism with a broadside of his own.
According to early reports, Mr Trump’s inaugural address will chart a different course – decrying “ideological thinking” and emphasising unity.
If this turns out to be the case, the question becomes whether this marks the beginning of a new direction or a temporary blip.”
Who would guess that we have just endured 8 years of the most divisive and authoritarian President I can remember in Obama, who spent much of his time blaming his predecessor for his difficulties?
I was surprised to see Jim Bowen from Bullseye sitting next to Hilary Clinton at the ceremony. Apparently Trump invited him so he could show her what she could have won. LOL.
PS anyone else think that Bill Clinton looks like Blakey from ‘On The Buses’? (without the hat, obviously).
“polls from major news networks”
I think we know how much credence to attach to those.
The penny hasn’t dropped for the bbc yet – can someone draw them a picture.
Listening to the news on all channels its all Obama, Obama, Obama ! I cannot ever remember this amount of adoration for an outgoing President by the media before. The Regans, Clintons, Bush’s all cleared off by helicopter without a second thought, but honest to God, listening to the output on the box, John the Baptist couldn’t have been given a bigger send off than the Obamas ! Of course they looked ‘sad’ to leave, they’ve lived in luxury and high living for the past 8 years and now they’ve lost the lottery ticket. He’s had his time, like they all do.
Dear Mrs May,
Don’t you think that the reporters of the national broadcaster should be impartial in their reporting of the news. Well its time you did something about it.
Watching the 6 o’clock news on the BBC with my wife. Unlike me, at least since Brexit, she still drinks the BBC Kool-Aid but after 20 mins she turns to me and says, “can we have Eggheads on I’m getting fed up with this constant Trump negativity”.
Is there any British TV Channel that can give unbiased coverage of the Trump inauguration? All I saw was Obama love fests, crap journos talking over the main events, guest commentators (mainly Democrats), and snooty jibes from the BBC Kathy Kay and Sopel. Ended up with RT.
No point in looking for less bias on ITV gb, the hatred there was palpable. My current favourite, Martin McGuiness lookalike Robert Moore summed up his innate inability to grasp the new message when he said of Trump’s speech:’….he seems unaware of America’s obligations.’ That is the man’s point, you idiot. Without American money under the Marshall Plans which rebuilt Europe after WW2, the French, Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German economies would never have resurged, let alone become major exporters. Without American money (currently 72% of budget) NATO would not even begin to exist as a military force. Things will change and, hopefully, the UK will see the benefit – not that any of our major media will wish to see it that way.
Yes, ITV was atrocious, and loaded with Trump haters – nobody had a good word to say about him. Disgraceful. I refused to watch the BBC coverage, out of principle.
Beltane – Solid post.
Dipping into the BBC coverage of the inauguration, it seems to be mostly about the leaving of Obama, with Kathy Kay on the streets covering the rioters, never remembering so much violence at an inauguation before. And whilst the BBC did mention a few enthusiastic Trump supporters who travelled to the event, the White House Correspondent noted that many of Trump’s supporter did not want to listen to him.
Tara McKelvey
BBC News, White House correspondent
Posted at
“Once President Trump started speaking, hundreds of people – many wearing Trump hats – started heading out in the Silver Ticket section. Some said they were hungry or wanted coffee. But still it was surprising to see so many people leave during the speech.”
Yes very surprising mate – eager to ram in your bit at the end.
I am inclined to believe that the BBC’s ongoing hate fest on Trump is
just what the Appeaser wants. She has had a good week with her Brexit speech, but now back to weakening the links between the US and UK, and the continuing nudge back to the EU.
Otherwise, she could have slapped the BBC down for their bias and propaganda with one phone call or public remark, or just one tweet.
Yup – Katty Kay and some other Beeboid who also wasn’t on the streets (he was back at the inauguration arena, in front of the capitol), were commenting from on high on a few scenes being featured by the BBC.
The first scene was of a whole bunch of people looking across a road junction towards a row of policemen, who were just standing there, stopping the ‘protestors’ from going where they wanted to go. One ‘protestor’ was on his knees with his hands up (you know, ‘hands up, don’t shoot’,style ?)- nowhere actually near being arrested, nor even within 50 yards of any policeman. The other 20 or 30 people or so people in shot were all wandering about posing and photographing each other and the twat on his knees. Only towards the end did the camera pan around and there was clearly no-one behind this bunch of amateur paparazzi. But, of course the tone was ‘so many people protesting’…… yeah, right.
Another scene took in a bunch of street litter bins set on fire, with one guy standing with one foot up on another litter bin, declaiming, whilst….. you guessed it, 40 or so people in front of the Beeboid camera were all taking photos of each other and the twat with his foot on the bin, with the burning litter bins in the background, of course. By then, the BBC camera crew had learned not to turn around, because clearly, there was no-one behind them. (No-one new was coming into shot, there were no sounds of large-scale protest, pushing and shoving, hordes of protestors passing by this disruption, etc., etc.)
So, around 2 or 3 people protesting, and 100 or so people photographing themselves… and that constituted ‘unprecedented protests’ in the minds of the Beeboids ?
They did show one fairly large bunch of thugs (note, not protestors at all) running down the streets with ball-pein hammers in their mitts, busting business and shop windows. Well that was clearly-articulated protest against Donald Trump and his policies, then.
Every single Beeboid failed to note that, compared to previous inaugurations, where the Republicans had behaved in an exemplary, and respectful fashion, Hilary’s Democrat supporters in this case showed absolutely no decorum or respect whatsoever, and some were nothing more than hooligans. But hey – what can you expect from the BBC ? Nope – all they could mention was the divided nature of the current situation, but, of course Saint Obama couldn’t possibly be held responsible for that having resulted on his watch.
Well done, BBC, for all sorts of bias in these little scenarios. You never fail to disappoint (as another poster on this blog put it, very wisely).
Looking back to May last year , “The UK PM has called the Republican hopeful’s proposal for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US “divisive, stupid and wrong”.
“Mr Trump replied by warning he may not have a “very good relationship” with Mr Cameron if he enters the White House.”
Wonder what our ex PM is thinking now, having fluffed it with Trump and the EU ?
Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter has updated his earlier report, including the following observations –
New headline reads Trump inauguration: The president’s angry call to arms
“This address, however, was very much aimed at his supporters – uniting the people with pitchforks against an out-of-touch establishment.
This was not a message to the American people as a whole – many of whom likely feel the past resident of the White House, Barack Obama, reflected their beliefs and their diversity.
This was a speech for the angry, the frustrated…………”
BBC reporters seem to believe that anyone who disagrees with their groupthink is vile, angry and appealing to people’s baser instincts whilst they represent everything that is good in mankind. There is no need to do any serious research, they instinctively know what is right. I would have no problem with this provided the BBC was a subscription service and its reporters were honest about their partisan views.
The most momentous day in my lifetime has taken place. The world of guaranteed succession and power has been broken, and been broken by the only man egotistical and narcissistic enough to take the full hate and bigotry of the self serving establishment.
By Allah they have unleashed their entire arsenal of hate and bigotry on Messiah Trump. Tolerance and acceptance are a complete lie to the hate filled bigots on the left. To believe and desire anything different to their selfish, delusional doctrine, will result in utter hatred, aggression against you.
These prejudiced and hate filled maniacs who relentlessly attack trump do not realise that they are attacking everyone else in the process. This gloves off scatter-gun approach is the real cause of division in the west.
The left have had complete power, completely ballsed it up, and want to pass all blame to you for it happening. Their complete failure needs to be passed to us so that the sheeple continual vote for the hand picked elite. This protection exercise has utterly failed, and the illusion will never just be accepted again…
Excellent post !
Yes it is. Profound is the word that springs to my mind. Well done To.. Let’s all hope the POTUS succeeds.
Just got in from work, had a quick look on Facebook, already two Lefty ‘friends’ disapointed that Trump wasn’t shot, talk about ‘hate crime’.
Has the US Presidential Election taken place yet?
Tuning in to the biased BBC’s wall to wall coverage of anti Trump demonstrations in Wahington DC and in London (wtf) and the endless insinuations of a divided country I presume it is still all to play for.
The BBC. Yesterday’s news today.
Don’t think the BBC is ever going to accept President Trump. Who cares any more really?
I don’t believe Trump will care terribly much about al beebus’ view of him or anything else for that matter.
Personally i loved trumps speech and wish we had a politician who would say the same …. oops we already have one arise Sir Nige
America first, exactly what an american president should say , is there anyone in our selection of rotten useless bastards who would say such things without qualifying it!!
we can only hope to ride his coat tails and only because a few non-mainstream british politicians are smart enough to grasp on
and i liked the dig at barry obumma, mentioning “islamic terror”, actually saying its name , its only taken 8 years to finally come out of a president’s mouth
gods speed President Trump
Kaiser – that was why it was so important that Trump won, the U.S. charts the course for others to follow.
The most important thing now is that the Secret Service do their job – I can’t recall a president with as many enemies, some of whom are extremely powerful. There are a few U.S. presidents (and senior politicians) who have died after mysterious short illnesses or “complications arising from…”.
it would appear most of his enemies are of the domestic fifth column type, the swamp needs to be drained quickly.
he is a very very smart guy, he will know that if you overthrow the entire ruling establishment your putting a target on your back and i dont think he hasnt thought this thru.
IMHO the ‘swamp’ is the artyfarty actors and the media.
Notice how many ‘snowflakes’ appear to be actors, pop stars and film stars. Those people who the media hold in high esteem and are the mouthpiece of the ‘libtard elites’ .
Al Beeb and the MSM are loosing their hold over the people because of the many excellent websites like this that are spreading the real news and message to the people
Or Sluff – The BBC. Yesterdays lies served up again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again …………………………………………………
The BBC is a bit like a spoilt, resentful six year old who is losing at a game of ludo with his friends. His only response is to throw the board in the air and run crying to Mummy and say that everyone else is cheating – pathetic!
I am afraid if he was my child I would give him something to cry about – but I guess this is not “The way of the Snowflake”
I witnessed one ‘Snowflake’ on TV issuing what the reporter described as a ‘primeval cry’ as a protest just at the time the President was taking the oath.
You just could not make it up.
Taffy do these pretentious arseholes ever get over themselves? – Obviously not!
Spoilt Brats, always used to getting their own way but this time democracy has taught them a sharp lesson and they can’t handle it .
Climate change next ………
“The White House’s climate change and LGBT rights pages have disappeared”
Now lets see if Al Beeb’s researchers pick up and run with that story?
I thought the al beebus coverage of the inauguration was p*** poor: the fatuous Katy Kay (?); Jon Soapbox and one affirmative action hireling interviewing Trump supporters on the street; it was very bad – even if they dislike him as much as they do, there was no need for their presentation to be done in such an amateurish and slip-shod way.
Trouble is Al the media in a way have been aided and abbetted in rubbishing Trump by by members of our own Government. The bloke has only just been elected and has not had a chance to do anything and yet even now we have Hammond at Davos making indirect sideswipes at Politicians who go down the populist route.
Well you elite dickhead guess what – politicians who go down the “populist route” generally do it because it is popular! because they are doing what the electorate elected them to do not what the Gaurdian or Georgina from Islington wants!
End of the day problem is the “wrong politician won”
If only America had had Tiny Tim rather than Hilary I am sure the americans would have seen the error of their ways and voted the right way!
There will come a time in the future when a reporting member of the BBC, ITV and SKY will be at a press conference or suchlike where its possible to ask the POTUS questions. I sincerely hope to God that he treats the lot of them with the same contempt he dealt to the CNN reporter. This man will never forget who his supporters are and who has criticised him, and if the media in the UK get short shrift then they deserve it. Sadly it will only give them more fodder to attack him with.
I like Garrison’s latest cartoon – The “Swearing-In” Ceremony.
Within the first couple of minutes of tonight’s Any Questions (in what was actually a surprisingly nuanced contribution), Labour MP and professional racist Diane Abbott mentioned that ‘Hillary Clinton actually won the popular vote . . . I just needed to say that’.
Because it’s not common knowledge? She’s obviously not been listening to the BBC for, ooh, the last couple of months.
That’s like a football fan saying that their team had 80% of the possession, in a match that they just lost 3 – 0.
I think it’s about time that the hackneyed word ‘elite’ is chucked out, as most of the people who thought they were special are now largely sidelined, almost forgotten and not very influential.
Because I am still celebrating President Trump’s inauguration, I’m still thinking of a suitable word, so unlike the bBeeb, I won’t try and influence greater minds here…
I dont know Scrob the word “elite” is quite useful as on the whole, it straight away marks the person out as being an absolute W####R without upsetting Granny.
This is good news for Nigel:
You really can’t blame him but it’s such a shame to be losing him from UK politics.
The BBC types constantly point up, label and divide people into categories.
Like somehow we must constantly take account of every minority, interest, view, aspiration, prejudice, religion, sexual proclivity etc.., etc., and so on.
Tiresome and utterly counter productive for them to keep reminding us and trying to force the majority to accept the minority view – it can’t be done.
Maybe it would be an idea just to deal in ‘people’ who do or do not exhibit a level of behaviour that might be described as, decent, honest and legal. That’s it.
Leftmob are chamions of Fake-Narrative & Misreprestation.
So how does Hufpo headlime Trumps Inauguration speech ?
— “In His Inaugural Address, Donald Trump Embraced Anti-Semites’ Slogan” —
The linkage of America First to the US Nazi supporters of the Thirties has already been seen on both Channel 4 and the BBC.
That The New Deal and Woodrow Wilson first coined the phrase seems not to have been mentioned by either Snow or Katty.
This came up only two hours after Trumps speech “independently” from both the BBC and Channel 4.
Which only tells you one thing.
That the Liberal left go only to the one well-and amplify each others memes and points of attack-and we get it phoned over from the States as if they`ve actually THOUGHT this crap up themselves.
Which cheers me up-all they`ve got are their own owl pellets to regurgitate-with the rest of us completely indifferent to their impotent squauks.
Not even original critiques anymore-all they can do is pass on what the Clintons left in a fortune cookie.
Reckon we`ll not see the Democrats as a force any more that the Labour Party. They simply have no contact with us all-and can`t even criticise unless somebody has implanted it. There`s just no thinking any more from them.
Still can’t figure why the anti-Trumps are so upset.
Do they think Trump will, give IS a home in the USA, introduce apartheid, set up death camps, remove trial by jury or make cannabis illegal?
Probably the last 3 words of your post G.
Be fair, just think of all those poor drug dealers finding themselves homeless and on benefits.
And they’re just the ones that supply our “favourite broadcaster” in the United States, allegedly.
I wonder who Tim Montgomerie can have been thinking of.
Some newsrooms have been so busy recruiting more women and ethnic minorities – very correctly – that they have forgotten other forms of diversity which ensure that groupthink doesn’t compromise editorial decisions. The result is the equivalent, if we were to put it into a British context, of an editorial conference full of Remainers: they can try their best to reflect the views of the rest of the nation, but it won’t be easy or complete. On top of which, such journalists often choose to think the worst of people they don’t naturally agree with, or even mix with. This is one reason why wanting your country to govern itself – the dominant motivation of Leavers in the UK – is regularly and disproportionately portrayed as racist or xenophobic.
Probably why he has been sacked from the (quiet as a mouse) “THUNDERER”.
PS. How’s the Grauniad’s begging article getting on?
A piece well worth reading among all the crap being spouted by the broadcast media.
Very interesting to see “Tim Mongomerie is a Conservative commentator” at the end.
If only we could get the BBC to adopt the same approach!!!!!
I just saw this on Guido’s site and thought it was well worth sharing.
Lobster – that is a wonderfully pithy description of the Progressive Modus operandi.
Thank you for the link, it should be shared far and wide – I certainly intend to.
Yes, excellent summing up of the liberal project.
Copied, saved and printed.
I was being berated this week for having the audacity to challenge the “Accepted Opinion” that Trump is awful. The link is the best, concise explanation of why the left/BBC are throwing their toys out of the pram.
As has been described before – “We are The Left, we are the intelligencia, we are the holders of truth. You are wrong, you do not understand our superior intellect, you have no education and no ability to comprehend our (far superior) ideology which is bringing peace to the ENTIRE world. As this is the incontrovertible truth, you are not entitled to have an opinion/vote as you don’t understand why we superior to you unintelligent plebeians”.
In the classic line from Independence Day.
Copyright – 23/6/2016
A very prescient track from 40+ years ago.
Rant over!
Apologies to those I may have offended.
Number 7
Nice. Today I was singing The Stones – You Can’t Always Get What You Want
to the hard-lefties. When I was young there was a name for these people.
When I was young we, as Mods and proto hippies, soon described them as bankers (Cockney Rhyming Slang).
This is how I would describe 26/6/2016 – Hopefully!
“If I told you what it takes
To reach the highest high,
You’d laugh and say ‘nothing’s that simple’
But you’ve been told many times before
Messiahs pointed to the door
And no one had the guts to leave the temple”
I’d like to add, no one is to BLAME. It’s not a catastrophe. The election result is a positive. Not so much who to blame but who to thank.
A great start from Sir Donald.
He`s removed Climate Change nonsense from the White House web site.
Oh boy-does Jon Snow not like that?
Should be a fun weekend.
Did note however Snows shiftiness when Michael Moore said that a “popular vote” is final.
Snow obviously not wanting to follow THAT logic-for Article 50 is on the end of THAT horrid road for him.
So Michaels Moores matephors simply sailed silently by .
Snow also seems to think that Trump didn`t reach out to the sore losers.
Of course he did-on Nov 9th 2016-but Snow and his pals seemed happy to riot and spit on it.
Oh dear-no way back Snowjob. The liberal left are simply Oscar Grouches in historys trash can. Should be fun. Never seen a swamp drained before.
Nor had I ever seen an inauguration before either. We loved it.
The reason why the democratic election process was adopted is simply too difficult for the media to follow.
On Newsshite, Dateless was, as expected, whining on about healing divisions, bringing people together after the fractious election, etc. etc. She seems to forget the use of voting on controversial matters was precisely to avoid the outbreak of violence or neverending disagreement. If there is no disagreement there is no need for violence or to put anything to the vote. In more enlightened times, the convention was that violence or continued squabbling would be avoided by a vote under certain rules and the result would be accepted by all parties involved. Snow is typical – he argues that the popular vote is supreme in the US, yet a clear Brexit majority in the UK is somehow invalid as the result in not inclusive enough. Random thoughts thrown together sequentially count as reasoned argument on C4. They do not realise that some kind of logical connection between ideas is required.
Unity through Diversity. Yes we can!! Blah, blah, blah What oratory!
BBC Online News:
“”Trump’s @POTUS Twitter account used Obama crowd image””
“”…the number of people who turned out to view his midday swearing-in appeared to be smaller than the estimated two million who turned out for Obama””
But 50% of Washington DC is black. Wouldn’t this account for a higher turnout for Obama? The population of DC is about 700,000.
One of many digs at Trump throughout the day by the BBC.
Expect more of the same for years to come.
Yes – the next four or perhaps eight years are going to be a relentless tide of negativity from the MSM. The way Trump will be treated by comedians will make the way they treated Bush Jr look like the way they treated Obama. This may, in fact, be part of the undoing of the mainstream media and hasten its decline, because the bias and the hatred will be naked and raw.
If you don’t believe me just check out the right hand column in this report!
Take a look at this blatant piece of BBC propaganda:
Apparently the Trump photo was taken an hour before the inauguration.
And Sopel is still moaning about how Clinton got more votes, like it’s in the slightest bit relevant to report. It’s only relevant to people who feel it discredits Trump, thereby proving Sopel and the BBC’s bias.
Exactly! How many votes did UKIP get in the General Election of 2015? About 5 million. How many MPs? About one…
i didn’t hear the BBC complaining about that then or since.
DS – That is the best response to anyone in the UK who raises this “popular vote” bulls**t to attempt to delegitimize Trump’s victory: what’s sauce for Hitlery’s goose is just as good for UKIP’s gander.
As Trump says it – Unite under a flag. It produces the solidarity of common purpose.
But no, our elite superiors and socialist/communist flower children must continue pointing up the differences, the divisions and trying to diversify the diversity to some point where everyone is equal and tolerates the intolerable. But hey, lesbians don’t love Muslims, Pakistanis don’t love Poles, Indians don’t love gay men and the grand BBC plan for social engineering stinks like a Turkish wrestlers arm-pit.
“Common Purpose” may have been an inappropriate choice of words.
Just one page of the “graduates”, picked at random, whose surname begins with A, reveals four BBC employees, #7.
I wonder how many an FoI request would winkle out?
Having a bit of a furkle (lovely word) around that site may enlighten you.
The “moron” is in there.
Just used BBC as a filter, #7, and it spewed out four pages of fifty names per page of past and present attendees.
These subversives infest the police, local government, education (saw a few head teachers on the list, worryingly) social services, NHS, in fact anywhere they can undermine the system and they will take some shifting!
If you think the Masons, Illuminati are bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The sneering SJW repprters are the ones showing HATE not HOPE.
I saw the sky coverage of the ceremony from 3pm onwards until just before 5 and I must say it was two hours of the worst bile negativity whining and bitching from burley Bolton and the gang. An utter disgrace. They were showing a split screen of the ceremony and the so called protestors with a female journo embedded with them. Thy were following the protestors around until they smashed up a macdonalds glass front with hammers. Bolton didn’t even condemn this violence. The split screen soon ended after that incident as somebody must have had a word in someone’s ear. I had to leave at five but recorded the don being sworn in and watched it later but the Nile and negativity just flowed. I saw Katy Kay presenting on the Beeb at 4 but switched immediately as I cannot stand her smug superior tone. Cnn we’re also having a bitchfest as well. Just on sky now they have bonnie Greer who appeared earlier on daily politics with her usual trump bashing and shite. Barry may be gone but the msm’s love is strong and deep.and they are rewriting already his many failures and the huge divisions he has caused.
YBuzzfeed who reported the dodgy Trump dossier last week, this week tried to point the finger at PJ Watson and Infowars.
A Scots guy set up a fake NBC Twitter account and then tweeted Paul Watson ,
‘hey quick as a smear to spoil the the inaugration NBC are set to release 2 mins of bad out-takes from Trump’s TV show’
So PJ Watson quickly tweets and did a small story.
Buzzfeed then shout Fake News.
Well except
#1 Watson’s report kept only to saying “a source says”
#2 His commenters showed mostly that they didn’t believe the story or they’d wait and see and ‘anyway what would such a smear tape matter now ?’
I heard that on Thursdays Radio Scotland Media Review the show you go to if the normal BBC is not Trotskyist enough for you.
Ironically last week they’d gleefully chortled about Buzzfeeds releasing of the Trump dossier, with only 1 panelist warning that the claims werent substantiated.
– Then this week Stuart Maconie chortles as he recounts this new Buzzfeed narrative. Saying “See its these rightwingers who don’t check their facts and report fake news”
original Infowars story
Anyone else listen to Radio Scotland’s Media Review ?
I find it surreal, cos they are so in a bubbleworld.
Just the same was R4 Feedback as usual.
Brexit is happening, Trump is President and the BBC is pissing into the wind.
Succinct and a Bull’s Eye.
How awful is that c**t on ITV News Robert Moore! FFS! He almost out beebs al beebus! Which is saying something.
I have never heard him utter one, single positive word about Donald Trump since he became a serious contender for the Republican nomination; Moore is a disgrace – it’s not objective reporting or journalism but his own opinions and prejudice against the man who is the new POTUS.
They are such delightful, reasonable people these Progressives:
That clown does not understand Darwin’s Theory – Survival of the Fittest.
If “IT” (c.BBC) leans forward much more it may end up struggling on it’s back waving it’s arm and legs in the air.
A bit like a sheep without a shepherd to help it!
According to the BBC, the populists need to go to “Re-education” camps.
“How could you dare to vote for Cameron, Brexit and Trump? How many times do you have to be told to do as you’re instructed?”
Here’s an opinion on the alternative to Trump.
As an afterthought, are the BBC brainwashing the “populists” or is it purely an “in house” project?
“Another beauty”.
After hammering Clinton News Network and Buzzfeed…
Ian Pannell asks a question from BBC Central……
Good Luck with any hope of friendly discussion with the POTUS beeboids.
Number7 (Rhif Saith)
Al Beeb will not like it, in fact “they don’t like it up em !” 😉
Not allowed on AlBBC these days!