Unemployment down, wages rising at 2.7%…but the BBC told us that that was ‘nothing to celebrate’…the jobs are all rubbish, low-skilled and low paid, part-time jobs[em…no they’re not] and wage inequality is a huge problem…that’ll be despite the ONS telling us the other day that wage inequality was continually reducing and was back to the levels of the 1980’s. [BBC ignores fact that the Rich are paying huge sums in tax now and that the tax allowance rise has taken millions out of tax altogether and that there has been a rise in the minimum wage, or the living wage, whatever.]
The BBC is also trying to encourage a movement for a general election telling us May has set out her ‘manifesto’ for Brexit and therefore it should be voted on. Trouble is she has a mandate for that Brexit ‘manifesto’ already…it’s that thing the BBC and the Remainders like to ignore…the Referendum to which Parliament ceded sovereignty and gave the government its mandate to act on the result…which is to leave the EU. A general election would in essence be a second referendum but with the added complication that not all the votes would be because of Brexit but for a myriad of other reasons. The BBC knows this and hopes Labour will win, or take enough seats to remove the Tory majority and thus be enabled to block Brexit by claiming no mandate in the country. Once again the BBC is interfering in the politics of Britain trying to rig an election and block Brexit.
Funny how before the referendum the BBC was telling us that the uncertainty was killing business [no, no it wasn’t] but now they are agitating for not only another ‘referendum’ but a general election which would, they hope, throw into question Brexit…thus causing even more uncertainty and instability in the economy…odd how that is apparently OK now as they peddle the same line as Labour and the LibDems.
Anyway, another open thread to name and shame…….all yours….
America gets a new President, but in the media it was all about Obama .
“Austria’s interior minister says the arrest of a man in the capital Vienna has averted a possible terror attack in the city.”
“Wolfgang Sobotka said the 18-year-old was an Austrian citizen of a migrant background and there were “indications” of jihadist motives.”
Stop waffling, was he a migrant or not ? was a terrorist or not ?
How the media operates to cover up!
“The decisive leads came from foreign intelligence services.”
Most probably our MI5
Just another “man”, NTDWI!
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