On the same day that the BBC glorifies the terrorist murderer who was a commander in the IRA as it killed men, women and children, Martin McGuinness, and who is still proud and unrepentant for all that he did, it asks you if you are appalled and disgusted by Donald Trump. #BBCvalues.
A new open thread for the weekend…all yours….
Apparently all those nice cuddly left liberal students and others keen to ensure their safe spaces, ever keen to support pacifist agendas, multicultural and equality agendas, are…….errrrr………rioting in Wahington DC.
Oh, the irony.
Or is that hypocrisy.
Or just the true character of the Far Left.
Katty Kay became a little over-emotional.
Longer clip = more to laugh at!
I commented earlier on the silly snowflake woman throwing her toys out of the pram……
I witnessed one ‘Snowflake’ on TV issuing what the reporter described as a ‘primeval cry’ as a protest just at the time the President was taking the oath.
You just could not make it up.”
Message from the day ? – The media don’t like Trump because he is Draining the Swamp. The media are the swamp and they have no power over him just like our Nigel Farage.
Well done Nigel Farage for ‘Trumping’ the media by starting the populist revolution off.
Just look at all the reporter’s faces, its a treat. 🙂
Very funny, but she’ll be back teaching a classroom full of kids on Monday.
Drain the swamp.
That is hilarious, I wonder if I can save it as my ringtone.
I don’t know if you guys know about George SOROS paying $2000 or more to any anti-Trump protestor who turn up at Trumps inaurguation!? :
Billionaire financier George Soros provides the money for anti-Christian activism and violent protests worldwide.
Step forward financier George Soros. The billionaire funds ‘Occupy Wall Street’ through an intermediary known as the Tides Foundation in San Francisco. Look for any anti-Christian NGO worldwide, and you can be sure the Tides Foundation is funding it. Gay rights in Uganda, abortion rights in Tanzania, you name it. Tides, and others like them, are putting up the money.
Reuters News Agency says this: ‘According to disclosure documents from 2007-2009, Soros’ Open Society gave grants of $3.5 million to the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based group that acts almost like a clearing house for other donors, directing their contributions to liberal non-profit groups. Among others the Tides Center has partnered with are the Ford Foundation and the Gates Foundation.’
According to RT a Macedonian group have set up ” Stop Operation Soros” organisation . Given that Macedonia seems to be the home of fake news I wouldn’t hold my breath but if true this is a long overdue development .
Aaah, bless! Poor wee soul.
(That’s what they used to say, I recall. Think it may come back into fashion.)
PS. This should be closer to under Mice Height’s 11.14pm post but appears to have been bumped down here.
Typical of the left:
She raises her eyes and takes a sneaky look round to see if she’s got the attention and if she is being filmed and then she makes that noise.
As I say, typical of the left – that ITV site claims her “scream” is involuntary. Is it buggery, it is all carefully planned in a clear narcissistic moment. ITV are as bad as the BBC, Sky and Channel 4. That is – not fit for purpose.
Yes the ‘primeval scream’ as it was described. The point I object to is the fact that we don’t have to pay for ITV’s Cr@@p. But, Al Beeb is a different kettle of fish. You have to pay for that according to the law of the land .
And, most likely, destroying property of fellow Democrats – since Washington DC voted 90-10 in favour of Clinton.
The BBC are being as negative as ever and are showing little respect for the new President of the United States of America.
The inter-changeable photo in the link below is supposed to “show” that the place was thronged when Barak Obama was sworn in as President and how few attended the inauguration of President Donald Trump.
But it has been pointed out on the internet that the picture they have used for Donald Trump was taken BEFORE the event started and was when people hadn’t even started gathering.
More Fake News, eh BBC?.
Did the BBC show any pictures of the rioting [soros funded] leftards that might of stopped people getting to the inauguration of President Trump In the sprit of that famous BBC balance, truth and factual reporting??
Oh, I didn’t even know about that. I guess it WASN’T reported then!!.
BBC Trump – “Donald Trump changed the image at the top of his new @POTUS account after Twitter users spotted it was from Barack Obama’s 2013 inauguration”.
“the number of people who turned out to view his midday swearing-in appeared to be smaller than the estimated two million who turned out for Obama.
Images of the National Mall, taken from the top of the Washington Monument, showed sections of the white matting laid down to protect the grass were largely empty.
There will be no official estimate of the crowd’s size to settle the issue.
Compare the 2017 inauguration with 2009 with our interactive image”
For goodness sake … BBC give it up
A good friend of mine in Washington tells me that the photo taken was first thing in the morning. He states that everywhere was pretty much full as far as he could make out.
BBC lies debunked –
What I read on many USA sites, people were put off by the threats of violence. Many supporters of Trump could not get the time off work.
They are working many hours several jobs a day to survive.Obamacare resulted in a lack of full time jobs. Thats exactly why Trump won .The forgotten people ,not on welfare or hand outs just trying to survive.
If the BBC could come down off its high horse ,they could do a decent in depth documentary about the people who support Trump and why he won. they used to be able to do it.Instead they put out a disgusting hit job about him.
What you never hear is that these are many of the same people who voted for Obama and are deeply disapointed in him.
Crowder summed it up perfectly on election night –
I don’t recall the BBC mentioning the size of crowds when covering the respective campaign rallies.
The BBC lost again….viva la Trump! ! Viva la beautiful wall….viva la nationalism…..viva la melting snowflakes.
And our nigel has got a job working for Fox news, that’ll defo piss the beeboid off
Happy days 🙂
The BBC will just see that as confirmation that he is a racist/fascist/nazi/evil, because they consider Fox News to be these things. They won’t question their assumptions and wonder if they’re guilty of confirmation bias, because all non-racists/fascists/nazis agree with their assessment.
The BBCs Trump ed again, and they ve followed through
BBC – Accusations of plagiarism Charges of plagiarism are usually enough to bury a political appointee – particularly an outsider who doesn’t have close ties to the Washington establishment. The age of Trump is no ordinary time, however.
A recent CNN Money investigation revealed that Monica Crowley, named by Mr Trump to be senior director of strategic communications for his National Security Council, had committed more than 50 instances of plagiarism in her 2012 book, What the (Bleep) Just Happened”
Well plagiarism, a lot of crap around in political, books a lot pretending
Oh look … Obama
Courtesy of David Maraniss’ new book, we now know that yet another key prop of Barack Obama’s identity is false:
His Kenyan grandfather was not brutally tortured or even non-brutally detained by his British colonial masters. The composite gram’pa joins an ever-swelling cast of characters from Barack’s “memoir” who, to put it discreetly,
differ somewhat in reality from their bit parts in the grand Obama narrative.
The best friend at school portrayed in Obama’s autobiography as “a symbol of young blackness” was, in fact, half Japanese, and not a close friend.
The white girlfriend he took to an off-Broadway play that prompted an angry post-show exchange about race never saw the play, dated Obama in an entirely different time zone, and had no such world-historically significant conversation with him.
His Indonesian step-grandfather, supposedly killed by Dutch soldiers during his people’s valiant struggle against colonialism, met his actual demise when he “fell off a chair at his home while trying to hang drapes.”
… But ask not for whom the drapes hang, they hang for thee: today it’s curtains for Barack Obama, and curtain up for Donald Trump”.
Mark Steyn
Not for the first time today, I`ve heard a BBC shill-as well as the odious Matt Frei-say “well all previous Presidents have at least PRETENDED to seek unity, to “reach out” to the losers” etc.
Anybody else remember Obama being asked to “reach out to Romney supporters”?
Nor me-only crap about his “having a landslide, a mandate”.
This is the idiot left. Castro a healer-but Farage divisive(which is the new mortal sin, as opposed to kneecapping Protestants)
For the liberal gobshites from England to assume that Obama was OK to promise stuff he`d never had ability or intention to do, only shows why the US swamp needs draining.
Britain too Mr President- we`ll be learning now every day.
What I find interesting though is that wherever you look, the World seems to be breaking up into roughly 50/50 viewpoints on virtually every subject.
All President Trump has to do to reduce the BBC and the snowflakes of the world to despair and to send a real message of defiance to the useless overweening nations of the world that amount to sweet FA (and that includes nearly all of Europe) is to move the Israel embassy to Jerusalem.
The single most public display of the new US policy to the world.
Face it the only countries that now matter are the USA,China,Russia and India. The rest can go screw themselves and that includes us.Sentiment might be a help but as for our media it is finished in the USA.
Reality has struck at long last.
I think Palestinains will make peace pronto. as they know that Trump means business. They will be given a chance, then the American embassy will move to Jerusalem. By then, European nations will fall in line with President Trump, or they can face Russia alone.
I think we will have peace between Israel and Arab nations. If the Arabs don’t play ball, they will be sidelined, and Israel will get all of Jerusalem, and whatever they like of the West Bank.
The UN is also in for a tough time.
A recent study shows that one out of three liberals is just as stupid as the other two 🙂
Ha ha ha ha!
Marvellous! Great start to an already great day – thank you!
Brexit is happening, Trump is President and the BBC is pissing into the wind.
So, the cream of our liberal media have done their best to negate, belittle and nullify the inauguration of a man who, on their own admission, is now the world’s most powerful. And he also likes to hold a grudge, does not forgive those who cross him and enjoys taking revenge.
Not the wisest course of action, eh? Or are they so far up themselves as to really believe that they speak for the majority, and that they are also so pure and unsullied as to be beyond retaliation?
Only the sheeple who are too lazy or stupid to do any research believe anything the BBC calls news and current affairs those of us who are awake go eslswhere and access multiple sources on the internet, alt-media, social media, youtube etc analyise them and make our own minds up rather than relying on the BBC and the rest of the lying dying media
JosF I agree with the thrust of your comment but it’s unfair to call the man in the street stupid or lazy for not seeing what the BBC and others are up to. For many, they have busy lives and other interests / hobbies and look at the news once or twice a day with half an eye just to keep up. They can’t be blamed for assuming that the BBC etc are honest and honourable institutions when current affairs aren’t really their thing. This is what the MSM depend on which is why what they do is so utterly dishonest and disgusting.
Thankfully people like you and the many others on sites like this who ARE interested and who DO take the time to question the BBC etc by verifying facts elsewhere, are slowly but steadily exposing what is going on. I believe that Brexit was proof that your ‘sheeple’ actually ARE waking up!
Just saw some BBC advert for itself from one of their am-dram dressing up historians.
Lucy Worsley.
She`s doing a programme on “historical fibs” that we`ve unthinkingly accepted as true.
I`ll let you pick YOUR favourites that the BBC will be choosing.
But I saw some crap by Timewatch re how the Crusades have been portrayed by the BBC in the last few decades last night. Left them to it after twenty minutes.
But the bit I heard-nasty Christians being all horrid to peace-loving Muslims in Jerusalem and other Islamic “holy sites”-made me heave.
Reckon Lucys already started early-and we heard more than four fibs in a few minutes last night.
Typical lefty Islamophiliac crapola. But it`s the BBC-so what ELSE would we expect?
Will she be dressing up as Mary Seacole, the pioneer of British Nursing?
Now that’s another beauty…
Jerusalem had come up in conversation with a work colleague a few weeks back.
He wondered why I thought Jews should have control of Jerusalem.
I had to tell him that Muslims were not native to Jerusalem & they didn’t arrive there until the 7th Century. (by conquest) He asks, I kid you not- “where are they from then?” This highlights the big problem with people acquiring attitude with no education.
This crap should have been nipped in the bud years ago! They don’t like the school kids learning facts do they? Teach them they owe compensation to the world for being white. Neglect to show them how Muslims are the worst colonisers of all. But we keep hearing that it was the “uneducated” knuckle-dragging Englishmen who voted leave. The remainers are all intellectuals lousy with higher education.
You should have watched all of it. A balanced and very different point of view, disputed parts of previous programmes. Well worth watching again as I will do, having recorded it.
They are such delightful, calm and reasonable people these Progressives:
I can’t help wondering how many of these “Trump Protesters” were members of the public, and how many were embedded reporters trying to help the story along a bit?
The media and academia are responsible for whipping up this hysteria and causing naive scum to behave the way they are in the video below.
This ‘Left = good, Right = bad’ lie needs to be crushed for good.
An acquaintance tells me that in the UK we are much worse & we deserve all the violence because we killed Joe Cox.
A quick bit of research will show that jo cox and her husband were far from the martyers that the BBC and the rest of the MSM maker them out to be but since when did facts bother the BBC when it came to pushing its agenda on the sheeple
Notice how many are masking their faces up. Hiding behind anonymity. Chickens.
They took it in shifts.
First they did their MSM jobs then popped behind the satellite truck to mask up and pop up as a demonstrator.
Trump’s inauguration day is the BBC’s Racial Discrimination day Emily Maitlis On News Night speaking to Danielle Allen “I was just wondering how it struck you, Danielle just how white the crowds of people were on the lawns here today”
What is Emily Maitlis for? Just not up to her job these days.
Oh Emily, so what?
Embolden – That reminds me of what the (Yorkshire) writer John Braine said to some posh lefty on a tv show many years ago, Braine was extolling the wonders of the U.S. and his co-interviewee intervenes that: “Well, it isn’t so good if you’re black.” – it was around the time of the civil rights protests over there.
Braine’s response: “Well I’m not black, am I? You daft old bugger.”
Al, I love it! I always did like Yorkies – like em even more now!
I wonder if she has ever noticed how white the audience always is when attending an event when our Queen is present.
Did you notice that a lot of the Washington ‘protesters’ had identical black haversacks? I wonder who paid for those? Maybe they got a job lot from Protesters R Us. On another topic, did anyone notice Hillary having one or two of her swivel-eyed/excess-nodding/extended-grinning turns. Maybe her pneumonia is back.
Black haversacks matter, for holding a nice ciabatta, some humus and salad and a hardback copy of “change we can believe in” for lobbing at the Feds.
“President Trump should build the wall, secure the border, impose tariffs, cut taxes, free up the American economy, bring the factories home, create millions of jobs and keep us out of any new wars.
With rare exceptions, wars tend to be fatal to presidencies.” Pat Buchanan.
Can’t really argue with that for the U.S. or for the U.K. either for that matter.
Let me see. You have the privilege of living in a wealthy free democracy. You complain all your life that you hate politicians and want things to change. Your fellow citizens select a new president who is not a professional politician. So you cry and smash up your town centre. Right. You fight tooth & nail to help establish the most extreme & restrictive ideology on the planet while lambasting your own culture as evil. Twisted.
This is what happens a couple of generations down the line when a load of doped-up hippies try to be parents.
This behaviour is an insult to the memory of Dr ML King. They would hate him if he were here today. Unabashed Christian that he was. RIP
‘The left is going to have it’s nose rubbed in Trumpism’
I really hope you are right.
The greatest thing to come out of the Trump/Brexit victories is that the “progressive” Left is eventually going to come to the painful realisation that it will never again be relevant until it learns to stop whining.
The victimhood culture and identity politics, as exemplified by the BBC’s alternate sneering and hand-wringing for the last 7 months, is dead as a force. People are sick to death of it. Not just in the UK and US, either.
The “progressives” will have to relearn how to be *for* something, not just *against* everything, whether it be perceived bigotry, oppression, injustice, marginalization, and all the other words from the Leftist playbook.
I think the progressives will only ever shut up when they are forced to get a real job.
If the money tap was turned off, from direct government grants or national lottery – to all the fake charities, quangos, councils promoting useless diversity crap..the the poor luvvies would have to face the awful prospect of competing in the real world.
Combine this policy combating the state behemoths – privatising the NHS, abolishing the BBC, mass sackings in teaching & ‘universities’ you could probably transform this country within a few years.
And silly cows like Lily Allen would be trying to hold down a job in Boots rather than being on air burbling on about slavery.
Yes, the question, and it’s one that needs a Trump-like focus to deliver is: What are the simplest and quickest actions we can take to get us back on track.
Example: for the UK, I would love to see the effect of a simple policy of checking people’s passports when they leave the country (as almost every other country does already).
Just the announcement that this was going to happen, along with appropriate penalties for illegals and overstayers, would have an instant salutary effect on the UK’s balance of illegals problem, although I can already hear the Left calling it a discriminatory policy…
And silly cows like Lily Allen would be trying to hold down a job in Boots rather than being on air burbling on about slavery.
I am still waiting for the leftards and islam’s useful idiots to start campaigning about the arab-islamic role in the African slave trade and that also includes the slaves still held in 21st century Arabia. Something times me that I might have a long wait for this to happen
And I am going to cancel my Private Eye subscription on the grounds that it just isn’t funny any more , it’s just snide lefty loser garbage . They just can’t help themselves , and I’ll be nearly £30 a year better off.
Don’t start me on “Have I Got News For You” .
I stopped getting “Private Eye” thirty years ago. Being told what to think by Hislop is akin to being lectured by a dyspeptic marmot which has partially premature dementia. Hislop’s shameless, spineless failure to address the dishonesty of the global warming scam proves he is nothing but an Establishment toady.
Hislop has actually been editor of “Private Eye” throughout its post-Ingrams, fanatically pro-alarmist existence. I don’t recall that Hislop has provided any better justification for his devotion to alarmism, beyond the fact that he knows no better.
Newsnight coverage of Trump inauguration was typically atrocitious there expert panel Ben Smith (fake news) published fake dossier left of the left, someone from politico Left and Michael wolf leftie newsprint and the worst by far Emily Matis. Anybody who sure interview with Michelle Malkin had no doubt where Emily came from.
I don’t think Emily has recovered from the thorough mauling that Glenn Greenwald gave her last week about the Russian hack stuff, re Pissgate.
Polite throughout, Glenn demonstrated what a vacuous, shallow, uninformed, biased talking head Emily was.
“I didn’t say anything even remotely like that,” said Greenwald, in response to a lame fishing expedition by Emily asking whether that meant that Trump would ignore the CIA as a source of information.
The desperate Emily tried to buttress the CIA’s credibility, to no avail. Greenwald replied: “You can take the naive view that the CIA is trying to do its job, but it’s very obvious that this … was a way of undermining the President-elect.”
(Very fast muted sign-off from the wretched Emily).
Biased and totally out of her depth.
A winning combination.
Well, at the BBC.
At an actual professional, impartial news organisation, not so much.
Listening to R5 Live early today, Dotun (who is not always as biased as most of the other Beeb presenters), had a great discussion with a gentleman from Abroad Magazine, a Russian Publication. The guest, (whose name unfortunately I am unable to spell, but his first name was Yuri), made several very positive and interesting comments on the incoming relationship between the US and Russia, and is well worth a listen from 3:05.
I’m sure Dotun’s masters groaned/wept into their lattes when Yuri mentioned the ‘real wreck’ of the previous two and a half years, and Dotun’s standard reference to Russian interference, (they all have to do it in the bBeeb, whether they like it or not), evoked a surprising insight from the Russian view, into how hard Mr Trump had to battle with the news coverage in much of the US. He didn’t mention names, but assumed we all knew who they were.
The comment that Mr Trump was essentially an Independent candidate, showed an erudite understanding of the commercial opportunities, and not the war-mongering hate from recent years, which may well have escalated had the Democrats returned to the White House.
Some media are trying to nudge, nudge a story out of Russians giving their kids sweeties in reaction to the election of an overseas politician, which is a change from the BBC ignoring the Gaza post boom bonus teams.
Frankly I feel this might be better than reacting in other ways to Peacemaker Barry sending tanks several thousand miles from the US to park on their doorstep.
“Should cycling be allowed on pavements?”
I thought the law was pretty clear on this,
And once our authorities start choosing which laws they wish to enforce then what credibility will they have?
What really caught my attention was the picture of the rather prim and proper looking cyclist in Jennifer Scotts article, where on earth did they find that? Not really representative of the lycra clad tour wannabes that I encounter daily.
Maybe Stuart Hughes can start a campa… write a ‘story’ about it?
He could call it Death Pedal 2017.
The “authorities” as you call them, have not only been choosing which laws they wish to enforce, for many years, they also select the individuals targetted by “their” laws.
Nick Griffin exposes mass paedophile Islamoscum rapes in many (or is it all?) Labour “controlled” cities.
Naturally the law did not apply to the disgusting, stone-age Islamofilth, just Griffin.
How about a campaign to force cyclists to undergo complusery training have licences and carry insurance just like the rest of the road users and force the cyclists to maintain their machines to comply with the fitness for use regulations I have lost count of the number of lycra louts i have nearly hit due to them having no lights and reflectors etc and my Land-Rover Defender will always win in a car v cycle contest
What has this got to do with the BBC.? Seems more like the regular anti- cycling bits in the Daily Mail.
Two million untaxed uninsured motorists, zero rated road tax on so_ called low emissions cars. You can’t cycle on footpaths near where I live, far too many cars parked on them, 43 on one 3/4 stretch breaking up the pavements, obstructing driveways, Same with the local cycle paths, cars in the way.
How many of those who have ticked the anti- cycle box will have exceeded the speed limits today?
So there we have it for America a new year and a new President!
I originally had my doubts about Trump as he is not exactly modest or subtle and definitely not a “smooth operator” but that is why he hopefully he will succeed (despite the liberal establishment knives) as he is not afraid to take the establishment on face to face. America has had years of being run by “smooth operators” who saw power as a right and not a privilege. And it seems finally they have someone who will act big as well as talk big and take these parasites on.
And that seems to be the complete opposite to what we have in the UK. We still have a Prime Minister who despite the brexit result tiptoes around the establishment, lets Hammond off the leash in Davos and is talking about “transitional arrangements” despite the fact that “transitional arrangements” will mean years could well be added to our leaving.
She hasnt even got the humility to “thank” Nigel Farrage without whom, she would not now be Prime Minister. Instead he has been publicly sidelined and kept away from the Vicars daughter. I suspect Jimmy Saville would have been made more welcome at a Downing Street childrens party more than Farage has been welcomed by the Teezer.
Like Trump – Farages face does not fit. And with one or two exceptions such as Davies and Rees Mogg most of the tory party are just as ineffectual as their leader. They will make the right noises but carry on sitting on the fence until the cows come home. There will be little change to the establishment until we get someone who does not give a figg for them and their finer feelings.
So roll on Trump and lets hope he manages to light a fire under our leaderenes bloomers as well. If not we may well have a long wait in the EU exit room.
Imagine in the UK if, (follow the demand of the Apprentices and use the salutation, “Lord” – what crap!), “Lord” Sugar was to, as Donald Trump, stand as PM. The country would overwhelmingly shout: ‘Your’re fired’ I don’t doubt.
G, please don’t make these comments appear more unpleasant with reference to that asshole, Sugar.
The Beeb had a chance to do something good, and then chose his particular nasty ‘personality’ (wrong word), to try and make themselves look as though they understood proper business.
Pathetic, and a crap programme to ‘boot’. (which most of his farty old electronics didn’t do either).
He`s already done it Oaky!
Ukip may well be hopeless. But Farage flies above like the last great bustard, somehow his colossal wingspan does not cast shadows-but bathes all below in light.
A miracle. T`would be criminal to confine such a high-flying bird to captivity, ceremonials and impotent effete party games.
Like Trump-let him run, fly free.
Zlatan and Eric come along only once in a while-too many Bryan Robsons and Stevie G`s would make us dull and unable to see the whole of the moon.
It`s Bombers Moon every night with Nigel and Donald.
Stuff Newswhine-enjoy LBC and Fox!
chrisH – Great post.
cH I have been informed, educated and entertained by you in the past.
I cannot agree with your comment. UKIP deserves, and needs, all the support we can provide. We cannot trust any other faction.
Wilders, le Pen and all other versions thereof also deserve and require our support at every opportunity.
Death to the BBC and all its allies.
One good thing about this BBC hate feste on Donald Trump is that the fifth columnist editors ,
sub editors , and researchers who have embedded themselves at the BBC over the years have completely exposed themselves now. Of course most of us that write on this site know what the BBC has been for years. However its defenders have always said that it was just being
“balanced” in its reporting.
Over Brexit, and the Trump victory they have given up any pretext of being balanced. For those of us who knew just how disingenuous was their reporting in the Middle East with stooges such as Bowen and Guerin . It is now time to drain the swamp at the BBC of these liberal fascists and trotskyists. I would start by sacking every single one that controls
their Londonistan programme which is an absolute disgrace in regards to the fact that the 35% or so indigenous Londoners do not excist sofar as this bile of a programm is concerned.That their presenters and reporters are just there to do the political bidding of their disgraceful editors.
This morning on breakfast, with charlie eunoch and steve mcgovern. Trump bad x50, brexit bad, nhs underfunded/ crisis, womens sport. Thanks for watching.
The Prof who ‘reviewed’ the papers shut them up though, when related how his family in California voted 60% for Trump, and the rest of his family hated Hillary so much they didn’t vote ! Charlie called a halt to it then !!!
Thats about par for the BBC shut someone up when they expose the lies and bias of the BBC which has never done anything else when Auntie Beeb has been caught with her fingures in the cookie jar
Proof this morning that the BBC news culture is pathologically incapable of admitting fault.
Our Samira Ahmed on that obscure marginalised show Newswatch has to mention that BBC News and their top girl political reporter Laura K got a ticking off from the Trustees. You can guess that any complaint to be upheld must have been Lefties kicking and screaming, and so it was… this was the Corbyn ‘I wouldn’t want to shoot to kill terrorists’ storm in skinny latte cup. Tell us something we don’t know.
And even with their own in-house self-regulation panel of lukewarm trusty Trustees telling them they got it wrong our Samira still quotes BBC News as saying they think they got it right.
It’s hopeless. These people are like sharks – if they were to stop for a moment they couldn’t breathe. Scrap the thing. We can’t aspire to balanced news in this deeply divided cultural world. Stop pretending and let the market decide what ideas are supportable.
As far as I can tell, the ticking off from the Trustees was aggressively brushed off by the Beeb. Just underlines that there’s no point in complaining and even the Trustees are powerless in moderating the BBC. The BBC is out of anyone’s control.
The BBC has been marking its own homework for far too long already, but who is going to call it to account?
I’ve not subjected myself, today, to the awful Teeside tones , half Geordie, half broad Yorkshire, of Steve McGovern. I don’t expect all presenters to have RP these days, but for heavens sake why do the BBC impose this woman on us ? What exactly are the BBC trying to rub our noses in? Yes this country has a diversity of regional accents, it’s even something that, in BBC-speak , we can ‘celebrate’. But we don’t need such speakers on our national programmes .
Meanwhile back to Radio 4, pure anti-Trump bile and invective from encouraging presenters , Sopel and other staffers, plus interviewees from an establishment still in denial. My favourite piece was about European reaction and how awful things would be for Germany due to Trump. Yes folks , the country that has used the Euro and the EU to loot and impoverish southern Europe more effectively than the Nazis achieved, let over a million economic migrants and would- be terrorists into countries that didn’t want them and has consistently sheltered under American military protection without paying the bill . Don’t you feel so sorry for the Germans just now ?
When is the BBC going to employ a Scouse newsreader ? And if not , why not ? They must have their reasons .
Breitbart-Couldn’t agree more. With diversity the name of the game I would love to hear somebody, preferably ugly with a very strong brummie accent reading the news. Or even better still if our Steff Mc Govern who sounds as if she has just come off the set of Coronation Street can, and talks on -well I don’t really know because I cant understand a word she is saying. Then why not a REAL Indian English accent. Not like the sub -continent hordes they already use with their dulcet Oxbridge tones. But one like GUPTA the train driver, from that great fifties film North West Frontier with Kenneth Moore and the iconic I.S. Johar as Gupta.Watch the film ,and just imagine Gupta reading the news! I
reckon the BBC would win all the BAFTA’S!!!
Actualy I don’t think the BBC will ever put on North West Frontier again.It’s
not politically correct. The villian played by Herbert Lom is a fundamentalist
Muslim ,who finaly gets his comeuppance. No you wont see it in again on the BBC.
Just about the only radio programme on the BBC I permit myself to listen to each Saturday, is ‘Sounds of the Sixties’ – which is totally devoid of the bias crap welded to everything else.
However, I frequently catch, and endure, the last few minutes of the previous programme hosted by Anneka Rice. This morning, she told us, prior to signing off, that she was “attending a march, a sister’s march…”. I didn’t need, or want to know that, but nevertheless all the kiddiewinks listening are now aware of the leftward leanings of Ms Rice.
Why is it, that these broadcasting personalities are permitted to give vent to their own personal political leanings in this way, using their employer’s broadcasting facility (for which WE have to pay) to do so?
I had radio 6 and two on yesterday, the only presenter who didnt make a snide remark was ken bruce. Bbbc, we get it, you dont like trump. Unluckily for you enough americans do.
And like with the people who saw through the EU funded BBC bias and ignored the delusions of the BBC, Al-Guardian etal and voted Brexit the Americans who ignored the BBC,CNN and the rest of the lying dying MSM thought about what they were doing unlike the leftards and voted Trump. In the UK and the USA the BBC and the rest of the MSM are finding themselves increasingly irrelevant
I was listening to 5dead yesterday and the female presenter spoke about having a ‘Clinton’ fridge sticker. No neutrality there then… but a loser none the less 🙂
Maybe when she is accessing the tofu it is under sniper fire too?
Fridge sticker?
Blimey, I thought a table-end was the norm with that particular gentleman!
I must get out more!
Interestingly, Anne Rice (to use her real name) is allegedly a supporter of the Conservative Party:
Mind you, given the politics of some of the ‘Tories’ that’s not too far fetched. One can imagine somebody like Nicola Morgan refusing to go on a “Sister’s March” on the basis that it was not sufficiently anti-Trump.
Well done BBC.
Up with the lark in Sydney to film all those millions of women who are protesting about Cologne, Innsbruck and Polanski-let alone Gathenburg and Telford.
Usual Yvette Coopers and Andrea Dworkins, Billy Whizz and Millie Tants.
Not a looker among them.
AND-need I add-not an Aborigine, not a Maori-not even a hijab on some Manley Moocher in sight.
Racist, discriminatory-and hope the Black Lives Matter lot KNOW that this happened-and we were there when it did!
Rolf Harris not mentioned either.
The only news I need to know on Radio 2 is
a) Why isn`t Alex Lester given more time-let alone the buggers trying to sack him?
b) where`s the live daily bulletins on the health of Brian Matthew?
Knowing the BBC Soviet-Brian may well be laid out in his casket whilst the Beeb frantically seek a look alike to fool the Kremlinologists.
We want Brian back….and his health updates are the only news I will take from the lying BBC bastards.
PS-where is Roger “The Vocalist” Bowman-and what role did Phil “The Collector” Swerne play in his defenestration-THIS is Isvestia sighing out now!
Our girl in Germany Jenny Hill reports on what the BBC frames as the european far-right parties meeting to discuss their opposition to the EU.
Yes we get to dwell on the protests against this meeting, the linking of the buzz word ‘far-right’ to Donald Trump, and mention of immigration and islam – but our Jenny gives the game away somewhat with her editorialising cri de coeur:
“And what makes it worse is they have banned the mainstream German media from the event”
Aw, bless her, she’s simply sticking up for her friends and work colleagues.
Can you imagine the scene: 1945, Richard Dimbleby for the BBC goes into the liberated Belson Concentration camp to attempt to explain to the uncomprehending listeners what went on there and over the crackly wireless airwaves he intones: “…And what makes it worse is they banned the mainstream German media!”
Jenny is totes the best…
Just a cursory flip through Jenny’s Twitter but the tone seems very supportive of Merkel. I guess when you’re working abroad it helps to get on well with the locals. Odd, BBCers based in Washington take a rather critical stand where Trump is concerned. I guess they didn’t get quite the same preparatory pep talk from their employer prior to taking up their posts.
If the story is true about the BBC putting wrong subtitles on the Presidential inauguration ceremony, then this is a very great scandal. The story appears in all the newspapers, with the Sun the most detailed (though, scandalously, the bimbo who wrote the story calls it ‘hilarious’) https://www.thesun.co.uk/living/2667738/hilarious-bbc-news-subtitles-fail-mean-soap-dialogue-is-shown-over-president-trumps-inauguration/
If true, then it must have been a deliberate act by the BBC producer and others: how else would such particular lines get attached to particular stages in the ceremony. It is especially scandalous that prayers had inappropriate subtitles attached to them. I did not watch the BBC programme, so do not know if this actually happened, or whether this is fake news. I suspect (and hope for) the latter, but I didn’t watch the BBC coverage. Can anyone who did so, corroborate the story?
Posted at the same time Martin ?
Maybe it was those pesky Russians intervening again just to stir the pot………
‘Just shut it, yeah?’: BBC gaffe shows children’s show subtitles during Donald Trump inauguration
If it was deliberate then someone should be prosecuted. If it was a mistake then someone should be sacked.
About as much of a ‘mistake’ as when they placed the black pixelated area on Farage’s upper lip, I would imagine.
Remember, the Regressive Left are stuck in a state of perpetual adolescence.
“perpetual infantilisation”, I think you mean.
After all, the biggest-selling book of the Regressive Left was “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” by one Robert Fulghum.
As Evan Sayet points out, if you view the “progressive” mindset as being that of a 5-year-old, you can pretty much predict all of their actions.
Don’t like Trump? It’s toys out of the pram time. Don’t like Brexit? You didn’t play fair, or Let’s make it 2 out of 3.
Gove called them snowflakes; that’s an insult to beautifully crafted frozen water.
They will have got it about right, the person responsible will be reminded of BBC rules, and placed on paid gardening leave until promoted for a job well done.
In the pub last night with Sky overhead (sound off, probably for the best), obviously on the inauguration.
People glancing up every so often as Kay ‘you can’t say that’ Burley and blubber open and closed their mouths silently.
There was also some frantic blonde bird the men in the high balcony had sent down to cover the anger and protests (BBC maybe commissioned Paul Mason for the day?) in split screen. Hope she made it.
Best bit was when the ratio of ninja trash can arsonist to photographers was about five to one.
Everyone stopped chatting… and burst out laughing.
The MSM are now a laughing stock. Good game, guys.
I hear an intended joint gathering of Marine Le Pen, Geert Wilders and the German AfD party has BANNED the media from attending. It’s only to be expected, the distortion of fact and truth for the purpose of deceiving the public can only go on for so long before those that create the news simply dismiss the media one and all. You can see this also in the States now with Donald Trump preferring Twitter rather than giving interviews. The Worlds media are being slowly starved of the air they breathe and, how wonderful it is to behold!
“slowly starved of the air they breathe”
I hope you will be reporting this, literally, instead of figuratively, in the near future.
Best wishes to all Trump supporters everywhere. Do not forget to kick the enemy while they are down.
I hope the BBc look at this site. I have a song for them.
Find it on Spotify
Ray Wylie Hubbard – a good old boy from the USA.
Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother. Everything they hate and very funny.
A kinder, gentler politics.
As I read stories, and see video, of the violence being used by the Trump protestors I think to myself “Isn’t this left-wing terrorism?”
What should Prevent be doing about this? We hear a lot about how Prevent is just as interested in extreme right-wing views as it is about extreme Islamic views, presumably to deflect the false claims of Islamophobia, but here we have left-wing violence actually happening.
And then I wonder about the BBC and other media’s role in all this. I really worry that something horrible is going to happen. If it did could we expect the BBC to become self-reflective and consider that they might have played a part in fuelling this hatred?
A kinder, gentler politics……the left make two huge errors…..and are always allowed to get away with them, one is the belief in the magic money tree that goes under the name of “government” or “Europe”.
The other is the belief, entirely to the contrary even of the lefts own false gods like Mao and Stalin, that political violence or the romanticised “revolutionary violence” doesn’t hurt anyone….and anyway, anyone who does get hurt deserves it (unless they are a leftist).
Hence we see the bigging up of the likes of McGuinness, and the denigration of all opposition.
The left are dangerously hateful, and based on the idea of destroying western civilisation to replace it with a collectivised wonderland in which they take the best of everything for themselves.
The liberal media, steeped in cultural Marxism, are complicit in this project.
I don’t know what McGuiness’s illness is but I do hope it’s one of the more unpleasant ones.
On 5dead yesterday they interviewed a man whos son was murdered by the IRA, he met said terrorist and actually stated that he ‘admired’ the man. He clearly was suffering from ‘Stockholm syndrome’ and actually believed the IRA terrorist had suffered himself giving his life to ‘the cause’. It was sad as well as sickening to see the BBC using a mentally disturbed man for their agenda.
The way the terrorists were sucked up to after the Good Friday agreement is another Blair inspired disgrace.
The missing are still missing, the prison releases should have been made conditional on the return of all the dead to their families.
Apologies first, if this has been mentioned elsewhere….but did anyone notice that….
During yesterdays inauguration coverage (was it BBC or was it Sky? can’t be sure because I find them both equally inseparable and insufferable) the female propaganda presenter used Mr. Trumps new first names …’Billionaire Businessman’ on many occasions? Why not rename Mr Obama ‘Millionaire Barack Obama’ for he was such before taking office. I suspect it was to add a note of divisiveness to the proceedings. The very accusation she later made against Donald J Trump’s inauguration speech.
Marxist politics of envy….simple as that.
I must tell you about a marvellously funny programme I came across last night on BBC2 . It is side splittingly funny you really must watch it, it’s called Newsnight. They really took the piss out of liberal lefties mourning the loss of useless Barry and cringing at the prospect of President Trump. I don’t know who the actors and script writers were but they should get BAFTAs or whatever for this programme. For once there was no canned laughter and the delivery from the actors was so deadpan that you would have been forgiven for thinking it was for real . The only give away that it was a spoof was the fact that as the story unfurled the script became so absurdly cataclysmic that it became obvious it wasn’t for real. Well done BBC this is the type of comedy we pay our LF for.
it was hilarious. Our Emily is the next Tony Hancock she is that good.
DS “the next Tony Hancock”
A version thereof, without the humour. With the overdose?
Did you see that the feisty Trump supporting lady who dared to be black and argue back over the Harvard Obamashady lady and Emily herself( somebody sewed numbers badly onto her jacket so we could locate her if she got lost)?
Funnily enough she got the ejector seat-so by the time the “black experience” of poor Jaylen etc got a rollcall-our Black Trumpette had been sent back to the possum grits as THE REAL adults spoke of the return of the KKK and segregation.
Newsnight is funny, but dangerous sociopaths never laugh at jokes-especially when they`ve already noted that John Oliver and Nancy Pelosi were NOT to be laughed at-but Ann Coulter ought still to be.
Satanic “comedy”-Jerry Sadovitz and Newsnight.
Christopher Meyer on a Central London street talking to poor Gavin Esler who`s got to “Occupy” the next few hours until the purple-haired lezzies trash the Cenotaph.
An anti-Polanski demo apparently.
But Le Pen says he`s “an insatiable aesthete” who only wants the poor not pay Obamacare taxes on pain of fines from Capita.
So the BBC ought to like that-ought then not?
That`s the news on Red Button as I ramble on.
The above is garbled confected and conflated stream of consciousness jazz hands rip offs and scatological scatcrap. There MAY be news in it-but pick and mix,it`s all good and heroin`s hurting my head maan.
Nuttall for UKIP and Le Pen in Koblenz?
Somebody take the REAL people away will ya? Tristram Hunts in moving the V&A to Copeland, so we`re just hearing from Polly Owen.
So-until the next bit of reality from Trump-here`s some piece about Beyonce and the rise of the Pink Power Movement of 1997-with Lord Bex on Desert Island Discs no less to follow, you thick chimps out there.
The BBC and their liberal scum scuzbutts seem not to have listened to Trump and his words of 2/3 syllables tops. HE got elected by the “forgotten men and women”-not by Gavin, Sir Christopher and all the others now cast into outer darkness when it comes to REAL power to change things.
So let them film their freakshows, let us SEE their segmented griavance hustlers, mongs and mongers weep wail, riot and “thweaten to be thick”.
Brendan O Neill puts it so well on Facebook as a friend posted earlier on this site.
If the Left aren`t dead and reduced to a Squonk puddle with a Eurine rainbow fading over Lord Vaz corpse within four years?…we here are not doing our job for Don and Nigel.
Enjoy what`s coming folks!
As predicted, bibistan salivating over anti-Trump wimmin marches worldwide.
The defence of Obama Care the Republican’s did not vote for this and have campaign for repeal for the last 4 congressional election and senate rlection. The republic have gain numerous seats in house and senate Obamacare has never been popular and has hollowed out the Democrats in governorships and state elections
It can’t work and the cost cannot be sustained by America.
I think the one thing we can say with absolute certainty is that after this week the BBC will never again be able to pretend it is a professional, impartial broadcaster.
We on Biased BBC may have known it and been saying it for years but they have now proved our point beyond any shadow of doubt.
For two days running now the BBC are fussing with liberal critics about whether they should have allowed Gove onto Today to talk of his meeting with President Trump(sounds so good doesn`t it now?).
Feedback yesterday, Week In Westminster now.
So let me get this straight-as President Trump sets about his greatness and calling-the BBC are asking each other whether a journalist is an MP or not when he`s sacked-and all their influence and weather changing since 1979 is now reduced to asking a hack about whether an unaccredited or traitorous fellow-hack ought to have been able to tell the BBCs Licensed and accredited Today Hacks about what tomorrows President said, thought or otherwise-well lived I guess?
Not sure how many spheres of influence that there are in hell-but the BBC have definitely spun into outer random orbits in the dark zone, energy shells demoted to random aimless firings and no influence or effect.
Still-took up an hour on the BBC-hope they get used now to gossiping in the waiting room as WE change the world, as WE scoff and scorn their lies and lazy irrelevance.
Feels like 50% Romanov,40% Pahlavi and 10% Ceausescu at the minute.
9, according to Dante.
But if you wish to add a few more for the especially vile deeds of the Muzzies and Marxists I doubt if anyone here will object.
Of course the BBC would want to put the ugliest picture in respect to President Donald Trump’s excellent speech. We should all want such patriotism here in the UK, if only-everything has been dumbed-down for so long in the UK, it is unlikely that the population would know how to react if it altered.
Multiculturalism-if anyone has been watching Midsomer Muders recently, you like me will no doubt have almost blown your top over the number of black/coloured actors & actresses that have been included in an English country area scene. Absolutely incomprehensible that such a place as Midsomer would ever have had so many non-whites. It puts me off watching such progs that are so obviously biased against the white population of a country that, has always in the main been, a white race of people.
Google “Project Diamond “, tarien, all will become clear. We have that Geldof familiar/negative, one Lenward Henry to thank for these anachronisms.
Dear Mr President,
Congratulations on your sensational victory in the face of implacable and hysterical hostility from the entire worldwide Establishment, msm with Al bibistan leading the pack of baying hyenas, Hollywood and its swamp of luvvies including Meritless Meryl, all political parties worldwide including our very own Labour and Lib Dems natch, half the Tories too, and every unfunny ‘comedian’ on beebicrap, and the list goes on and on.
From your inaugural speech I gather you lean more towards smiting thine enemies than turning the other cheek. Well, you have no greater enemy than the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, so please smite away. (Yes, the one you referred to as ‘another beauty’.)
Perhaps as Commander-in-Chief you could dispatch an F 15 from one of the USAF bases a short hop from London. If you need the coordinates for the Satnav and missile guidance system, the postcode is W1A 1AA.
I live in the area so a precision surgical strike would be preferred. However, should I be obliterated in the collateral damage, I would consider it an honour and a small price to pay for the immense service you will be rendering to humanity.
Best wishes,
Love it Peter ?
Today programme, Radio 4, Saturday morning. John Sopel, reporting things that President Trump is already initiating, asked with a straight face (at least I assume that, it was radio) about the changes that Trump is making to Obamacare. He reported that President Trump had said that he wanted health care for all. John Sopel sneered as he said, “and how is that going to be paid for?’ Shame those at the BBC don’t ask the same question about the UK.
World Service report on President Trump’s speech stated that it was nationalist bluster.
I hope the president will continue to show contempt for media that includes such opinionated comments in its news reporting.
Meanwhile here are the forgotten men and women of the USA.
So stuff the “nationalist bluster” eh BBC.
Your game is up and that`s all it`s ever been with you.
Yup, another example of the BBCs corruption by cultural Marxism in which all language can be parsed, deconstructed and made to say whatever the Marxist wants it to say…..
President Trump mentioned “patriotism” in his speech, this is a word and idea (love of ones country and people) that is anathema to modern Marxists (and those who have absorbed the lefts ideas without realising it…..sorry to say that means a lot of people).
So they switch attack, not to what was said….”Patriotism” but to another word “Nationalism” a word that has been freighted over the years to be synonymous or at least closely associated with Nazi/fascist/racism.
It’s a form of subtle but effective bias that many on the right find difficult to combat…..but combat it we must.
Nationalism like Patriotism isn’t what the left say it is……it is love of country and people, nothing more, nothing less.
You won’t have to wait long to hear leftists saying things like……”you don’t get to decide what racism means” to a white male commentator or like last night, Trump was actually saying this rather than that…..to another commentator who disagreed with them.
All this hate trash towards Mr Trump is financed by the likes of “Planned Parenthood” (PP) because Trump has promised to de-fund their “death clinics” were millions of abortions are performed!
IT will be the leader of PP who finaces the yobs rioting and this sudden surge of women marching the streets! PP will try to deny their involvement but they will be found out.
Indeed, patriotism is simply that. It never had the strictly negative connotation that the hard-left have ascribed to it. Everyone knows that if taken to extreme at the expense of all else patriotism like anything, could be dangerous. But they [think they have] changed the meaning of the word (in Orwellian fashion) to suit their own purposes. What they don’t realise is that many of us still understand English. We can’t allow the Marxists to define words for us.
BBC website masses of anti trump stuff yet not a mention of an incident in Washington University which shows the true nature of the protesters. A man is shot move on.