On the same day that the BBC glorifies the terrorist murderer who was a commander in the IRA as it killed men, women and children, Martin McGuinness, and who is still proud and unrepentant for all that he did, it asks you if you are appalled and disgusted by Donald Trump. #BBCvalues.
A new open thread for the weekend…all yours….
These protests are against Trump are being made by people who regard him as protectionist and nationalist and an opponent of free trade. But ten years ago many of these same folks would have been protesting against globalisation.perhaps they are too stupid to see the contradiction. But I suspect that their motive in both cases is driven by fashion and wanting to accepted by their equally foolish friends and they don’t actually think about what they are doing at all.
There are three parties in a trade deal, the company it shareholder and executives being one, the customers a second and the company employees the third group. With free trade between countries of roughly equal prosperity all three groups benefit and so free trade is a win all round. But with free trade between a rich country and a poor one , Assymetric Free Trade, the outcome is very different. The company invests in the poor country to produce its goods cheaply and generates higher profits, the customer gets a cheaper product and so benefits , but the worker in the rich country loses their job. Basically the wealth of the rich country is exported to the poor one. Exactly what has happened in Europe and the USA and what President Trump opposes.
The EU is actually a little protectionist itself . If it had remained a trading block with protectionist policies and not sought to become a Federal state , I would have wished to remain in it. We do need to be careful with our free trade deals and avoid Asymmetric ones otherwise we will lose our jobs to China, India et al in the long term.
Doublethinker, it’s worth pointing out frequently that about ten years ago, the anti-globalisation movement was about as fashionable as the anti-Trump movement now. But now the situation is reversed – there was a good article about this online, I forget who wrote it but you can probably find it via Google. Anti-globalisation seems to have done a total volte-face, like the scene in ‘1984’ where the politician is handed a note in mid-speech and completely reverses his opinions. We are truly down the memory hole.
Thank you I will try and find it.
Many of us long ago accepted that this is a culture war and named the enemy. The enemy sneered and forgot this was for real. Suddenly President Trump makes a speech and it is all to real for the snowflakes and they can’t handle it.
Just look at the Guardian today. Self deception that is mirrored in their mouthpiece the BBC/C4.
This is just the start and now battle is joined. This culture war is going to change the world and our world in particular. We could lose but that is always a risk. The cultural marxists really believed that an ancient civilisation was going to go down with out a fight.
Wrong again boys and girls. Life is just not like that.
This is a critical year for us and now is the time to give no quarter to the enemy.
Dave S, it’s symptomatic of how rotten our society has become, when a man who is elected by the people of a country, pledges to protect and serve those people’s interests as best he can, and is publicly villified, with protestors howling in rage and anguish. Can you imagine this happening at any other time in history? It reminds me of Kipling’s lines on anti-militarism:
Yes, makin’ mock o’ uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an’ they’re starvation cheap.
An’ hustlin’ drunken soldiers when they’re goin’ large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin’ in full kit.
Then it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Tommy, ‘ow’s yer soul? ”
But it’s ” Thin red line of ‘eroes ” when the drums begin to roll
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it’s ” Thin red line of ‘eroes, ” when the drums begin to roll.
We aren’t no thin red ‘eroes, nor we aren’t no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An’ if sometimes our conduck isn’t all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don’t grow into plaster saints;
While it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an` Tommy, fall be’ind,”
But it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind
There’s trouble in the wind, my boys, there’s trouble in the wind,
O it’s ” Please to walk in front, sir,” when there’s trouble in the wind.
There’s trouble in the wind alright, and Trump is one of the few to realise it; but the rest just think the trouble is an invention of ‘western capitalism’ or some such, and seem intent on believing it regardless of how many innocent people are killed and terrorised.
Excellent point Cranmer. And thanks for reminding us of that brilliant Kipling verse
Looked at the Guardian today as you say Dave S.
When you glimpse them all (Younge, Hyde, Viner, Garton-Ash)-you realise what a crock of guilt-ridden privileged crybabies have been let loose into the culture via hack schools and(no doubt) daddys/mummys contacts.
Sheer denial, outrage and affrontery-how very DARE the US not vote as The Guardian required of them? Colonial blimps and larded thick types who simply don`t get the Greatness of Merkel, the Consensual Clegg.
Never normally enter a coffee shop with the Guardian to read in it-but felt that I ought to today.Funny!
As in May 2015, June 2016 and November last-todays is a riot to read.
Hope Donalds First 100 Days entail a howling rage of pain from all the sections of entitlement like Greens, Trans and Yale…one a day, make them howl LOUD and hit them so hard they`ll end up in Supermax with the provocation.
Obamacare was a great start-99 more please Mr President.
Alicia – Did you have the pleasure of hearing “Professor Paul from Shetland” on Any Answers this afternoon?
A churlish, smug and supercilious git if ever I heard one, espousing the “outrage and effrontery” you describe and bleating away that Trump “wasn’t an academic” and “didn’t read books”.
Don’t ANY of these @rseh0les register that Trump won a democratic election? That’s it, get over yourselves and suck it up for the next four (hopefully eight) years.
Al, The next caller was pretty blunt about the Professor and what he had said. Great piece of radio. Am sure that if Anita had been in charge there would have been some ‘tut-tutting’.
That bloke doing the programme was more even-handed than she is. I was digging a trench when Professor Paul was on and I accidentally cut a worm in half. I wished the worm was Professor Paul. What a patronising git!
Agreed Fred.
Listened in as Al said.
The bloke was much fairer than the usual lefty eejit Anita.
Clearly a lefty too-but he was PROFESSIONAL and even-handed in his willingness to question the cliches.
So hope he gets more air time.
“We are lucky, after 24 years of unrelieved liberalism, we are lucky to have a man in the White House who doesn’t think that America’s main problem is a shortage of public restrooms for people confused about their sex, or an insufficiently confrontational attitude towards Russia, or a public debt that’s too small, or a historic deficit of mulatto Attorneys General.
Welcome to the Trumpening!” John Derbyshire http://www.vdare.com
BBC news currently leading with the anti Trump march in London. Marches of this nature happen all the time in central London and rarely gain coverage from the national broadcaster other than in traffic reports on local radio ‘road closed because of demonstration’ etc. They’ve certainly gone to town on this one but it doesn’t appear to be particularly large, the article goes on to report that the largest anti Trump march was in Sydney, Australia with 3000 people, so fewer than 3000 in London and yet it’s the lead story on BBC news.
From the BBC piece on the wimmin’s march.
‘Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has congratulated President Trump on taking office, saying “we are both committed to advancing the special relationship between our two countries and working together for the prosperity and security of people on both sides of the Atlantic”.
‘But in an interview with the Financial Times, the prime minister said she would have “very frank” talks with the new president on issues where their opinions appear to differ, such as the future of Nato.’
That is the way Treezer, support your BBC and alienate Trump thus damaging UK/US relations. Are you sure, Treezer, that you want to exit from the EU and Merkel’s migrants?
This is just spin from May. She will do as she is told as always when a US President wants his own way.
When will the snowflakes get it. This is a new era when only the powerful nations get to make policy. It was that way for centuries and it is now back.
The EU is irrelevant. We are irrelevant .
The power is with China.Russia ,India and maybe still Japan. Germany could have been included but the nation has had a collective nervous breakdown and is irrelevant
Yet when there’s a Muslim demo it isn’t reported.
BBC report that UKIP leader Paul Nuttall is running in a by-election. They seem to have gone out of their way to use the most unflattering picture of him possible.
Melbourne terror attack.
“A close friend told said Gargasoulas’ rantings were driven by heavy use of the drug ice, and that he had recently converted to Islam”.
“he converted to Muslim and changed very quickly. For over a month he’s been on edge,’ he told Daily Mail Australia.”
This confirms everything I have been reporting about this incident. But there appears to be a massive cover-up by Australian media and law enforcement. In any case, this clearly deranged individual was unlikely to just have been coolly and calmly carrying out an act of jihad
R Spencer
The BBC? … its still the “cars” responsibility
BBC – Melbourne car deaths, note also they re moving it very fast away from the headlines, despite very little big news from Oz
It’s not rocket science is it?
Someone lives a life which can’t be seen as “good”; in this case a drug taker. They find islam and the Koran tells them that because of their sinful life they can only enter heaven if they kill unbelievers.
We’ve seen the same pattern again and again, and every time we’re told it’s nothing to do with islam. The lesson is that the converts are the most dangerous.
If Trump tossed the coin at the Superbowl, I’m sure there would be snide remarks about him “dividing the teams”.
Fighting racicism with More racism
Demo at West London theatre
Cos there’s a play set in ANCIENT China
…. And white actors are being used. Pg 17 Times
Duh the whole point of an actor is to ACT the character not to already BE.
I’m guessing that when they do Shakespeare in China they use Chinese actors.
Or when the Merchant of Venice is done in UK we don’t import Italian actors.
And surely these same protestors and their ilk will be tramping the streets of Washington DC (and, no doubt, London, when it arrives there) complaining about the parts of white founding fathers of the United States being played, deliberately and exclusively, by non-white actors in the play ‘Hamilton’….whose cast chose to make ‘race’ an issue in their political, publicity-seeking, post-performance ‘dig’ at the then Vice-President-Elect Pence (who graciously didn’t turn his back on the whining lefties in the cast and audience).
Nah – don’t think so. Hypocrites all.
It’s called “Cultural Appropriation ” Stew, I kid you not. Another stick to beat the white man with.
Can we complain about all the BME actors playing white parts in Midsomer Murders?
Not if you’re white, RJ, google, “project diamond.”
There must be plenty of money about. All the news channels sent contingencies of news teams for 48 hours to cover the inauguration – at what cost ?? flights, hotels, expense account food etc etc, all so that we can see fatty Bolton walk the pavements with a face covered graffiti artist, watch Kay Burley accosting anyone she coul on the streets of Washington for a soundbite, and then the BBC team huddled in overcoats while Sopel took a photo of Obama leaving in a chopper ! None of it was necessary because all the film feeds came courtesy of the US networks, so they all could have remained in the London studios for their commentaries.
But then Soapy wouldn’t have his photo would he. They are all hoping that Barry will return to Washington and lead the ‘resistance ‘ of the overwrought , leftists. No doubt Tim Farron will be announcing that he is visiting Washington soon and hoping to bump into Barry in the supermarket car park so they can swap notes on how to lead the ‘ resistance’. Soapy may well be skulking around and get a photo of that to.
Interesting Brissles! I watched the inauguration and switched over after the President entered his new house. It never crossed my mind to keep watching until the previous had left. My subconscious must just have been glad to see the back of him.
Not sure I agree.
It had fallen from any hint of grace ages ago. It is now simply cementing its place in the bunker without thinking of installing a waste pipe.
Classic FM leads its ‘news’ with the wimmin’s march and Yvette Cooper whittering away. Earlier three vox pops, two with US wimmin protesting here.
I have asked the missus to research ways to wifi the alternative classical music site shared here to all our amp’d units around the house.
Enough is enough. They have crossed the line.
I use a web based, Swiss, classical music site, GW, not chat, just classical music with a list of what can be expected. Am in the Lakes at the mo, with a flakey web connection, will send you the link from my PC, manana, when I get home.
I use Swiss Classic. Very good it is too.
Tooblwan – many Tx. I will google.
Viking Cruises, HMG Tax Office… other advertisers, please note. This is how one demonstrates with those who are not uniquely funded at least.
OT, but the butthurt emails from various NGOs are clogging my inbox.
This is from Michael Bune, headed ‘Deleted’.
This is what we’re up against. The minute Trump took office, he scrubbed every mention of Climate Change from whitehouse.gov.
Donate monthly
His new energy “plan” will make your blood boil:
President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan…
We must take advantage of the estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands…
The Trump Administration is also committed to clean coal technology.
We are mobilizing and launching an emergency grassroots campaign to stop Trump from derailing everything we’ve worked for.
I need you to make a monthly donation before midnight tonight so we can fight back before it’s too late. Will you help?
Fight back every day for the next four years. Make a monthly donation to the Sierra Club this second.
Nice try, Mike. No.
Dear MoJo Reader –
Trump has just been inaugurated as President.
Since 1892, we’ve fought against powerful forces that threatened to defile unscarred wilderness and destroy our environment. But we’ve never seen this kind of threat before.
Trump’s actions prove his only loyalty lies with Big Oil and industry cronies. Climate deniers now control Congress. Our clean air, safe drinking water, iconic wild lands — it’s all on the table like never before.
So what can we do?
It’s simple: become a monthly donor now to help our EMERGENCY defense efforts.
It’s simple, and still no.
Sadly, the BBC remains ‘uniquely funded’.
GW, thanks for posting this as it includes an interesting admission of guilt by that Climate Activism group:
“His new energy “plan” will make your blood boil:
President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan…”
Not sure the Sierra Club’s lawyers will be too pleased with that. Hope somebody will sue them. A Court decision might make life interesting on the AGW/CC front.
Welcome. Maybe Penny Red handles their PR copy?
Comments are worth it…
I have been told that all the primeval screaming, misery and ‘butt hurt’ on Al Beeb of late is due to PTSD ? Yes PTSD !
Post Trump Stress Disorder.
And to add to it, especially for Al Beeb researchers ……..
BBC heading and article on Marine Le Pen saying patriotism is the policy of the future, which merely shows pictures of people designated as far right and a few comments about anti immigration. Enough, perhaps for academics and leftists in the BBC bubble.
Don’t expect the BBC to have any interest in exploring the debate on patriotism in France today. Part of this debate considers Simone Weil’s attempt to understand patriotism, and draw a distinction between the patriotism of the fascists, the patriotism of De Gualle, and what she saw as patriotism.
But for the BBC and the Trots and Islamists of the antifacist movements patriotism is reduced to Nazism.
Here is a link to Weil’s account of patriotism, which in many respects is considered by Marine Le Pen
The national press ran a story about a ‘chemical incident’ in a house in Oxford where a woman died. Police (?) were seen in entering the house wearing chemical protective clothing.
No mention anywhere on the BBC. Surely it wouldn’t be suppressing a news story?
I was loving the prayer section of the inauguration ceremony! It must have worked like holy water on lefty vampires everywhere. I’m surprised BBC kept the cameras rolling. Five or six Christian leaders said prayers. With the audacity to invoke Jesus. Then a blessing on America by a Rabbi. Notably no Mohammedan leader present or any talk of multi-faith equality. IMO this was a good move because it sent a message that America is still a Judeo-Christian nation. Not an Islamic dhimmi-state.
Also this CBN news:
“Donald Trump will use two different Bibles in his inauguration ceremony. Trump chose to use his childhood Bible given to him by his mother along with Abraham Lincoln’s Bible.”
No unholy Koran in sight.
OT, but an interesting email from another state supported broadcaster…
After the inauguration: the resistance
Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of Washington this morning to protest against Donald Trump’s stance on human rights – and particularly his attitude to women. The Women’s March, as it was called by organisers, was timed to take place on the president’s first day in office and offer a response to some of his more extreme comments during the election campaign and in yesterday’s inauguration speech.
I’ve been talking to one of the most high-profile women taking part in the march, the actor Patricia Arquette.
Dan’s the man. In the USA. Talking to Madonna’s offsider in a desperately seeking attention movie a while ago.
Quite apart from everything else, when he says “the actor Patricia Arquette” it just looks ridiculous doesn’t it.
Yes but not as ridiculous as ‘the journalist Emily Maitlis’ ;-0
Did anyone see the interviewing of those halfwits protesting in London ? those silly placard carrying bints when faced with a mic and camera would have had trouble giving their own name ! most spouted ‘diversity’ and something about ‘wimmins rights’, and clearly couldn’t give an articulated response about their reason to march. Yet the BBC said thousands were on the streets here and around the world, er yeah right, and ? what’s the point ? they cant change the Presidency, and I don’t recall a massive white rally when a black man took over the White House. Funny, but when the camera panned the ‘crowd’ there were a few woolly hats who no doubt went off to the nearest Costas once the cameras had gone !
A classic non-objective BBC News Chanel feature earlier: Jon Kay travelling south in the US through four States interviewing as he goes for two days (on our dime!). The question posed at each stop: ‘What do you expect Donald Trump will do for you?’. An awful lot of Black interviewees if you ask me. Anyway, due to the obvious squalor the interviewees were surrounded by, you will all know the negative answers to Jon’s questioning. But, the only vital question (not asked) should have been: ‘what did Obama do for you over the past eight years?’. But I’m sure the BBC would not have appreciated the answers to that question……… Not fit for broadcasting when you are anxious to continue the Hate Donald Campaign. Jon Kay, now well schooled in the Black Arts of BBC reporting technique.
C4 News was in a state of hyperventilation about the Wimmin’s March.
Jon Snow seemed to be even less in contact with reality than usual when he asked his co-presenter if this momentous event would cause Trump to “reach out to women”. Surely, for some, the reason for the Wimmin’s Waddle was that Trump was rather too eager to reach out to women, or at least their pudenda muliebre. Silly old tosser.
Trump to “reach out to women”? Surely he’s had enough of alleged reaching out to women for one campaign……….
7.00pm Radio 4…. groan, that dismal bore Lionel Shriver has fifteen minutes to spout yawningly predictable lefty anti Trump crap. Why do I listen to the BBC?
Why does she use a man’s name? Maybe she was on Obama’s gender reassignment list and is concerned that Trump will cancel all that crappy nonsense.
I saw a program where James Delprego from Britbart (I known spelling of James name is wrong). And a black author who supported Obama. What stands out about Obama’s presidency? Black author Obama crying over Sandy Hook shooting on TV and the historic fact that a black man elected for President. Skin colour and crying his Obama’s legacy com on!!!!!
Apologies if this has been said before today – I’ve had a busy day and not had time to read all the posts…but what I want to say is this:
Just what do all these “wimmin” and celebs hope to achieve by all these worldwide protests? Every action should be taken with a main aim in mind, one that is possible at least. Just WHAT do they think all their wailing and placards will achieve?
Perhaps the beeb might ask them???? Oh, sorry…forgot…they don’t do proper journalism!
Only a matter of time our German friends……….
They are marching because they are better, more caring and more intelligent than us. Therefore they feel we should retract our Brexit and Trump votes and give them back their power. Two hopes. Bob and No.
R4 now :How Marx Made the Right
Tim Stanley makes the case that the Right’s ideological debt to Marx is almost as large as that of the Left. He argues that, both historically and on a personal level, conservatism is largely a response to Marxism..
Wasn`t a bad programme was it Stew?
Stanley did a fair job in going through the economic timeline between Marx and Trump-and great to hear Hayek and Friedman, Lawson, Lillie and Sir Keith, Janet Daley.
Need another programme though to show how the Right left the cultural wars and battlefields to the Left-BBC, universities, schools and all that hideous Brown/Blair EU fit ups using the likes of Chris Patten and Roy Jenkins etc.
THAT needs telling too-it`s why we`re in the pickle we`re in with Silly Lily Allen and Heseltine being in Common Purpose to riot when they lose a ballot or send for Soros, Blair and Branson to fund their legal challenges etc.
Donald Trump is a bloke and he fancies women.
That is basically it and doesn’t it show what a screwed up World we live in when that simple fact can be construed as wrong.
That’s right,lock, when did the septics become so bloody puritan?
Trump uses locker room talk, thirty years ago and is demonised for it, Clinton, on the other hand, didn’t just talk about it, the randy satyr actually did the deeds and when the women went to court, they were made out to be liers by his harridan wife. The same woman, according to the bBBC, most yanks would like to see in the WH.
They are weird lot TW – I spent fives years there and the wholesome ‘everything is great’ started to wear on me. That was early this century though – no idea what kind of a lefty load of crap New York has become it was bad enough when I was there.
Go Trump
John Snow on C4 news going orgasmic over the worldwide, unprecedented woman’s protests which far eclipse the numbers of Trump supporters yesterday. Women worldwide are all little bit miffed regarding the Donald’s attitude to the sisterhood and if they don’t do something about it, they could end up with eight years of Trump.
Lezzies against liberty!
The bastard Snow could give lessons in bias to the bloody bBBC!
Snow is simply a walking tampax dispenser to the liberal elite.
Shrouded in a colonial linen suit, giving preference to the menopausal matrons like Lady Nugee and the Baroness Scotland.
That bloke needs a job where he doesn`t mop liberal brows for a living like a psychic squeegee merchant.
Liberal is just the fluffy, self awarded word for Marxist, Alicia. Similar to the way they rename patriot, “extreme right wing” (predictive text just suggested Neanderthal for patriot, worrying!)
I used to like Clarkson but didn’t he turn out to be lefty liberal too?
Not a Brexiteer
..maybe emotionally blackmailed
He was worried his drives around Europe would become more problematic with all the border checks for vehicles from the U.K., Stew.
Not a good day for the academics then…as Al Shubtil cites Prof Paul above getting a mauling on Any Answers, now this Cambridge oaf gets a slap.
And an Oxford clot who reported Amber Rudd for talking about migration-and hadn`t even read it, let alone heard it.
Should and surely will get plenty more biteback then?
Question “You are a feminist ?
Tell me about Bill & Hillary Clinton’s offences against women … And what have you done about it ?
Tell me about the NYE 2016 Cologne sexual assaults
… And what have you done about it ?
Do you care about actual assaults or just feel hate for Trump ?”
if that many women across the world are that pissed off about trump, just imagine how many millions are currently protesting the embassies of every islamic nation worldwide, ….. none … cunts
It would make more sense if the women in the UK marched for the rights of wimmin attacked/assaulted/raped by Muslims in this country.
The same goes for the women in Germany, and so on. But while ever the marches include hajib wearers that aint gonna happen.
R4 Play I see it ticks the VS boxes
“explores the immigrant experience and the power of humanity. Caught between France and Africa, three women take flight, and their lives are altered forever.”
Bet that will break all records for listeners eh. One radio left on by mistake and somebody walked past
Trump to meet Treezer. I hope he tells her to sort her biased BBC out and remind her that it has a charter. Silly moo will be probably more interested in choosing her shoes, and placating the Moslem Council on her return in case they think she has abandoned them for the bogy man
“Trump to meet Treezer”
I think he is bound to mention Al Beeb’s conduct to her.
Nigel Farage, the CIA and this site will have already briefed him about Al Beeb.
It has already unleashed the Prescott in fine foot shooting form, so all good.
Over the next two weeks just watch the faces of Al Beeb’s presenters as Trump starts ‘work’ on the media .
I am often told that that Al Beeb is accused of being biased to the right also.
So my dear posters, why aren’t there any posters on this site complaining about the ‘Right Wing Bias of Al Beeb’?
What does that tell you ?
So my dear taffman, why aren’t there any kikes or nig-nogs posting on Stormfront?
What does that tell you?
Pass, you tell me?
nig-nogs lol not heard that since the 70s who are you maxinco-lon-ospcyy
alf fucking garnet
My dear taffman, well done. You have succinctly provided an an answer to your original question.
A canteen dweller on overtime whose laptop keyboard shifts not, neither does it sow?
A Void, a literary product of socialist parsimony starring [Ee]yor[e]?
A mature lagomorph with orthographic issues? H[e]llo Bright [E]y[e]s, sorry to learn about the optic nerve problems.
A Norwegian, SubPontusMinimusAqueous irritatus?
And as the echoes of midnight chimes echo to silence, so they stir….
Guest Who – Brilliant ?
I am afraid he has not really – I think that he merely made a point that you were using dated language.
Now, you have proved that you are able to post on this site quite freely, lets see what you have to state about the Bias of the broadcasters . We look forward to your future viewpoints. Left, right or centre.
Welcome or Croeso.
Welcome back Zero et al under the name of Maxicony. Same style, never put an argument together, refuse to answer a question, but deliver insults to everyone here.
Add Fred Stubber and Marion to that list. Same faces, different names.
It`s good to see Europe finally getting united.
In Koblenz today, Le Pen, Petry and Wilders met up to come up with an alternative united Europe.
Little about it on the MSM. But isn`t that as it should be nowadays?
Wilders refers to it all as the coming of a Patriotic Spring.
Pity the poor Beeboid who had to read THAT out as a news headline at 7pm.
Fun times indeed.
Terrible eh?
The Russkies trying to influence a Presidential election?
The Guardian-and indeed Newsnights Captain Arab-Ian Katz would NEVER do such a thing.
Nor have they ever tried to.
Oh dear.
Oh such things are fussings for the little people aren`t they Ian?
Has Hillary read Donald’s inaugural speech?
Al Beeb think Trump my not help UK . How will Carwyn of the Welsh Asembly react to Trump ?
Well here is a bit of ‘old’ news for you all. This is Pre Brexit 2015
“Overseas investment in Wales ‘bucks trend’ ”
“But the United States is still Wales’ biggest trading partner – accounting for nearly a quarter of all exports, worth £2.9bn “
R4 this am – a discussion presided over by what sounded like a woman of foreign extraction – so diverse BBC, it’s not diverse anymore!
Anyway, some minority efforts, Greens, SDP, Women’s Equality Party etc., etc.,
who could get together to fight the Right. Trouble is, they don’t like each other and all think Corbyn is toxic. But, “Over 90% in a poll said that they didn’t want to totally leave the EU” and Global Warming and Global Warming and Global Warming and Global Warming – like that’s the burning (pardon) issue at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts.
Oh dear and that’s the best they’ve got?
Hat Tip to @MarcusJuniusBrutus Odo Saunders
Lucy Worsely said earlier on R4 Loose Ends :
School history is just “A story” not “THE story”
Agree the old narrative is that Drake was just a national hero.
The more nuanced one is that “he was a pirate as well”
So Post-truth is not new at all.
BUT now this word is being abused to bat away statements Leftmob dont like.
I heard this in the car.
Our Lucy has risen from obscurity at quite a rate of knots. But did anyone else notice how she sidestepped and did not answer Anderson’s question about how she came into broadcasting from her ‘day job’ as a Curator? All we got was some guff about running tours around the buildings and lectures and it being sn extension of that
Was she chosen in open competition for example, or in the James Purnell way?
A telling example of the power of the cocksure bBBC to make (or break) people.
Perhaps they think she is sexier than David Starkey? Or less right wing.
I was not sure that my ears were hearing correctly earlier this evening.
8.00pm Radio 4 and a whole hour of pro Conservative broadcasting with the excellent Tim Stanley, good he brought in briefly the brilliant Janet Daley. What is going on? Are the BBC changing their spots? No, I suspect it is merely a sop to attempt to mitigate accusations of left bias. Well one lonely hour will fool nobody!
Yes – Its looking good, – see my above posts.
They are worried, very worried.
Weird how BBC is so David Icke these days
Look at their behaviour
A few months ago
– “UKIP are just a bunch of losers with only 1 MP” (see the denial about 5m votes)
– “Trump had some rallies , but we won’t mention the crowd numbers”
Now these days it’s :
– “Hillary won the popular vote”
– “Obama inauguration rally crowds were bigger than Obama’
Warning. Al Beeb researchers please note………
Re: “Common Purpose” and it’s usurping of democracy.
Google shows me
#1 A pdf foi response on the BBC website shows me that in 5 years the bbc’s ‘non commercial’ divisions spent £100K on Common Purpse training progs
#2 an 2009 aricle about ananti CP campaigner
In the midweek thread someone mentioned that there a 7 page list of BBC staff that did CP training
Wonder what the crossover with Agenda21 is ?
This FOI reveal what exactly the BBC felt such training added?
I think this might be my recent favourite.
Meanwhile, a BBC QT producer’s hand reaches for the phone…
Pete may have hit on something, albeit a few decades late:
Hugs is going to have a conniption.