On the same day that the BBC glorifies the terrorist murderer who was a commander in the IRA as it killed men, women and children, Martin McGuinness, and who is still proud and unrepentant for all that he did, it asks you if you are appalled and disgusted by Donald Trump. #BBCvalues.
A new open thread for the weekend…all yours….
Beeb website has this non story masquerading as news, which is simply a blatant attempt to link Hitler to Trump.
Pope Francis warns against rise in populism
When will useful socialist gospel types like Pope Francis and Welby realise that they only get a name check(or shout out as they`d call it) when they are scraping Satans Sphincter?
When they preach anything meaningful-they do NOT get mentioned on the BBC.
But when they are useful dolts. the likes of Stourton and Katz choose to quote them.
Didn`t work so well re Trump though did it?
Because he was shown to know more about the Bible that did Francis in America early last year.
This surely rolled in the Catholics for Trump, so well done Liberals.
But when Trumps theology beats the Popes-we`re in trouble.
Indeed-the “Build Bridges not Walls” banners only remind us all why Trump knew more than Imbroglio.
Funny Beeb don’t report Pope Francis Warns Against Judging Trump Too Hastily
For some vague reason, probably a combination of inertia and a desire to extract a bit of value from the licence fee, I have persisted with watching three episodes of the expensive BBC/Tom Hardy vanity project Taboo.
The drama seems to delight in mystery and mumbling for the sake of mystery and mumbling and the dialogue becomes more sweary-mary as it goes on. The slime punk unpleasantness and especially the bad language inserted into this historical piece is obviously put there for effect. You can imagine the producers saying:
“Let’s do an anti-Jane Austin, for real… for the millenials, take out everything the kids don’t get – start with the clever words and replace it with some effin’ and jeffin’ cool. Plus, it will get the show lots of socail media attention, hopefully”
It all fails to shock, in fact for some vague reason it just reminds me of Dick Emery’s sweary word twisting vicar
Good grief! Why would anyone bother to record such poor picture quality? Looks like analogue reception on a set top aerial. Dreadful. Incidentally I met Dick Emery once at Fortes near Barnsdale Bar. It was 3am and he was extremely tired.
Fred, got a better copy ?
That would be surprising chance, especially as I never liked Mr Emery’s programmes. He didn’t seem to like me either when we met, despite me being young and rather beautiful at the time.
“Brexit will kill Good Friday pact”
Gerry Adams, that peace-loving president of Sinn Fein, has threatened a return to violence, bombing and terror should Brexit go ahead.
He states that the fundamental human rights enshrined in the 1998 accord to end violence could be undermined.
No doubt the BBC will be cock-a-hoop at the thought of the IRA indiscriminately killing innocent people and blaming it on Brexit.
Did these fundamental Human Rights he speaks of apply to the British Army? Who are still being prosecuted. But not IRA members who murdered.
Thanks to Tony Blair for the mess.
There is an interesting article in the Irish Independent by Ian Paisley Jnr on Martin McGuinness. It seems that Paisley takes him as a truly reformed character. Of course, Adams has always denied that he was ever, ever in the IRA, while McGuinness admitted it. The amnesty for the IRA but not for the British soldiers is just typical, leftist double standards.
Ta Kennedy.
This article changes much of what I thought.
That`s the evil of the BBC-that they laud the likes of Castro mean that I`m automatically hostile to McGuinness.
But Ian Paisley Jnrs article changes everything for me. He was party to it all, I was not.
BBC Online News:
“”Fighting to hold back her tears, an A&E nurse has told 5 live Investigates: “I really struggle when management comment and they ask how many hours will the patient be alive for… because we need the bed.””
No mention of course by the biased-Leftand anti-Brexit BBC of the strains caused by uncontrolled immigration.
350,000 new patients every year from around the world causes a strain on the NHS, does it not??
Isn’t it actually over 600,000 PA? The c.300,000 that we are told, leave, are not going on stretchers.
Well, SELL the BBC send the ‘LICENSE’ money to the NHS.
alive for… because we need the bed.””
Why don’t they get those beds out of storage that are locked away in closed wards then ? – that’s what I told the Ward Manager last October when they tried to chuck me out 3 days after a replacement hip operation. I stood my ground (on one leg) and stayed in for another 24 hours until there was help at home for me.
It’s a good thing they only came up with the idea of the NHS after the Second World War. If it had been formed any sooner we would have the best health care in the whole of the Third Reich…..
When my dad was in hospital following a heart problem caused by a virus he seemed to me to have recovered enough for me to nurse him at home. I suggested to the staff nurse that he was just ‘bed blocking’. She said, magnificently, “That’s my problem, not yours Mr Stubber. Don’t you worry. We’ll look after him for a few more days.”
Rod Liddle’s hilarious article in the Sunday Times (pay-walled) reproduced below:-
Terribly disappointed not to have seen you on the Wimmins March Against Trump yesterday. Thousands of us who approve of democracy only when the people we like are elected marched for two miles around Westminster. We shrieked and howled and stamped our feet and carried placards and banners demanding an end to Trump, to the people who voted for Trump, and to the vicious military-industrial complex that installed Trump and wishes to institutionalise the rape and degradation of women worldwide.
Trump actually said that’s what he wanted to do, according to a fellow marcher from the excellent campaigning organisation Neasden Women Against Everything. It’s incredible the mainstream media hasn’t picked up on this (though maybe not so incredible when you consider that the MSM is run by bigots, racists, Zionists and misogynists). Anyway, we are determined not to let this happen. There is still time for Barack Obama to decide to return to the White House, given that the result of the US presidential election was motivated by hate.
Hate is not democratic, so the result can be totally ignored. It was effected by that most hideous of all demographics: straight, white men. What have these throwbacks ever done for the world, other than impose upon the rest of us science, civilisation, agriculture, art, literature, commerce etc?
I was there because of a post I read on Facebook by some American woman who said: “We are in a state of national emergency!” She really did say that, and didn’t mean simply that the local deli was out of gluten-free wheat grain for her young son, Mandela. So I turned up to what was supposedly a women’s march but which, because of this impending crisis, this Trumpageddon, had become a shade more inclusive as a consequence.
“The inclusive nature of the event, the organisers say, calls for participants to come together to safeguard the freedoms of all people that have been threatened by recent political events,” the Evening Standard reported — so I was in. And indeed, across the Atlantic last week, Robert De Niro had joined a New York rally, alongside the eminently sane singer Cher (whose ex-husband became a Republican politician, so she knows of what she speaks). Barred from the march, though, were “Terfs”. I had not heard of Terfs. If, like me, you are on the radical far left, you must keep abreast of acronyms as it enables you to hate more people quickly and succinctly. Terfs equals Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. I kept an eye out for radical feminists excluding transgendered people but didn’t see any, so it seems they abided by the injunction to stay away.
I’m delighted to report that the British contingent of Black Lives Matter were present, all nine of them. They had not done as I suggested and blacked up — a shame, as they have come under fire for being entirely white and middle class. A bit of blackface would have rendered those fascistic complaints null and void.
According to the BBC, about 200,000 people took part in the march — and I have no reason to doubt that figure as I counted at least 114 people near me.
I was particularly struck by the words of a left-wing man, interviewed by the BBC: “We have an obligation to listen to women, recognise the privileges that come from being male, serve as vocal allies and constructive partners for change, and speak out.” Isn’t that right? But I was aware there were people who would look at this march and say: “I’m not sure about Trump, but if these idiots are against him, maybe he’s got a point.”
Donald Trump has got more fat women out walking than Michelle Obama did in eight years.
Hat tip Guido.
Brilliant !
That was definitely a Laugh Out LOUD moment.
Many thanks for reproducing this here, thirdoption. Have recently fallen out with a friend (partly over Brexit – she’s a fanatical Remoaner) who used to give me his articles. They’re the best single thing about the Sunday Times, these days, IMO.
Yesterday millions of young, selfish, self interested people “protested” against Donald Trump.
Actually they weren’t protesting about Trump. Most of them didn’t have any clear idea what they were “protesting” about. Most of them went along because their friends and peer groups were going and you have to do what everyone else is doing or face serious social consequences. It was above all a social event, a party.
What were they protesting about? It can’t be about women’s’ rights. If that was their concern they would be protesting against Islam or Saudi Arabia or Iran where women are forced to cover their faces and bodies and are whipped or stoned if they step out of line.
I think above all else, this is a collective howl from the next generation of the privileged elite. Don’t be fooled by their anarchist slogans and far left politics. That is simply a fashion statement among trendy, progressive uni students.
You are looking at educated, privileged, middle class kids who, when they leave uni, will be expecting well paid public sector jobs with cosy, comfortable working conditions and index linked final salary pensions.
Yesterday was a gigantic “noooooooo”! moment for the next generation of the elite who have been brought up to expect well paid jobs in environmental NGO’s, the media, academia, EU funded organisations, the NHS or countless other semi corrupt establishments paid for by high taxation, vast borrowing and debt.
But these people sense that the world is changing. The world they felt entitled to own and exploit at the expense of the rest of us is slipping from their grasp. Because the majority of us are disgusted at the corruption and dishonesty and want to take it back.
Make no mistake, in these post-truth, fake news times; these “anti-establishment” activists are the reverse of what they pretend to be. These protesters ARE the establishment. This is what the young of the establishment elite look like. And they’re terrified their gravy train is about to be cancelled.
And of course, one of the jobs this supposed ‘elite’ will be hoping for will be working for the BBC – taking their empty-headed notions with them.
Expect the next generation of Antiques Roadshow presenters and sports commentators to wear ‘pussy hats’.
Feminists were protesting in London against Trump. Here is one
HI! I’m a social justice activist currently working in advocacy at the Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network which is an EU funded non-profit organisation. I’m a dedicated feminist and I’m really worried that Trump and his supporters are bascially just Nazis, bigots and racists who encourage hate crime. I love my job which is all about encouraging social cohesion and green projects to save the climate from the deniers. My job’s also great because it’s well paid and I get to travel and it’s all on expenses and I get an amazing pension and it’s all paid for by other people. And that’s why I’m marching today.
Eu funded.
WE fund the EU. It probably comes from our tax.
Well, there you have it;”THIS IS WHAT A FEMINIST LOOKS LIKE!”
An absolute, virtue signalling xxxxing tosser!
Where’s Izzard?
The things some blokes will do to get laid.
Joke’s on him because he misspelled ‘narcissist’.
Also, I can’t help noticing that ‘feminist’ is an anagram of ‘I fist men’. Coincidence?
Communities United Negating Trump Supremacism.
T shirts available in a rainbow of colors….Caution….Acronym may cause offence.
Looks like one of those Cologne types doesn`t he?
If I were marching next to him, I`d be watching my daughter.
Maybe even my son.
Thought all those “This Is What A Feminist” shirts were made using sweatshop abour from Indonesia.
Don`t be surprised if the next IS atrocity involves a bloke with a similar shirt.
Only hope the Indonesian copyright to this phrase was not infringed-and let`s hope the BBC dig deep eh?
Do you think he (it is a he isn’t it?)sports a mangina? Or is he just a mangina?
I happen to know that there were quite a few people who work for the BBC who were very excited to be part of it. “Because, like, oh God…I mean Trump…and…and Brexit…and HATE…and we should all be concerned that we are in danger from this hatefulness from democracy…and women!”
And, as well as massive protests for women’s rights throughout the Muslim world, truthdoctor, most major cities in African countries were inundated by protestors of all colours and creeds, protesting about the practice of Female Genital Mutilation, women having to bear far too many children, the molestation of young women in North African city streets, and so on. Further East, meanwhile, we had massive protests around the sub-continent about arranged (i.e. forced) marriage for young women, and molestation of young women in streets in India. Even in the Midlands and northern cities of England, there were uncountable numbers protesting about the grooming gangs and their creation of thousands of young female victims. In all these places, the crowds were swelled by western men and women protesting in solidarity with their ‘sisters-in-need’.
Oops – sorry, got a bit carried away there….Trump has clearly said he is going to introduce loads of policies which will cause more harm to women than any of these things. Must get my priorities right.
With you until I reached “semi corrupt”.
Semi? If this is part of the humour please explain it to a bear of little brain.
A lovely ending to your contribution with reference to Southern Rail if I’m not mistaken!
But, joking aside, you describe what is, now shown to be, the increasingly delusional Liberal approach to life. The expressions: ‘anything goes’; ‘whatever turns you on’ sum it up – go your own way and sod the rest. But also, what is yours really belongs to all of us to share and share alike is the prevailing attitude. PC is a new example along with devolved Governments where it is thought that, being closer to the people is best, never mind the expense and cock-ups created by second-rate politician/managers with no practical idea of how to manage anything.
Nevertheless, you are completely correct in your summary of “protesters”.
Because the BBC has gradually worsened with their political bias over the last few years, I do wonder whether the journalists/presenters have to agree with this ‘leaning’ when they agree to sign their Contract. I say this because there must be at least one rebel who, when given their ‘script’ or whatever, thinks to themselves “I really cannot say this !” or “this is bloody ridiculous”. Surely they cannot all be Guardian readers like their paymasters – or is the lure of the BBC pension too much to lose.
Most (if not all) of the media appear to be left of centre in their reporting; but I remember the years of the Cold War when we lived in fear of Communist countries attempting to impose their way of life on the West – during those times when nuclear war was a real possibility. The reporting by the BBC at that time was a totally different animal. Today’s idiots in the media should have lived through those times, they would have a very different viewpoint today with the threat of annihilation hanging over them ! To me they are just ‘kids’ playing at being ‘right on’, after having a Yuni education and now think they know it all.
It’s more subtle than the signing of a pact. The BBC recruits graduates who, almost by definition, will have been awarded degrees by Left wing academics. You want a first? Swallow the medicine.
It then interviews candidates who have shown the right attitude and appoints those that will fit in with the cultural Marxist groupthink.
This is a self-perpetuating environment and is why reform of the BBC is actually impossible. If you were to sack all the Guardianistas, you would be left with a handful of technicians, the occasional cleaner and a car park attendant.
Tear it down. It’s the only way.
Many, many years ago, when I was a student, my tutor was an extreme left wing academic, rumoured to be in the pay of the Stasi. But he was also an old-style English Marxist, prepared to debate and discuss matters. He was friendly towards me, probably because he mistakenly interpreted my opposition to globalism, big business and war mongering as signs of a ‘fellow traveller’. He asked me what I wanted to do when I graduated and I confessed I did not know. “How about working for the BBC?” he suggested, “I have contacts and I can guarantee they will take you if I put in a word”. That’s how it operated then and no doubt it is exactly the same today.
Very enlightening Ian, and confirms the thoughts of many of us.
Many many years ago I had a student, Mardell his name, who went to work for the BBC. I did not have any contacts.
Was it you who taught him to eat too many pies? ?
Friends! My latest Sunday Selection of Tweets is now – literally – available! I gather that some of you have apparently been a bit concerned about a post Jeremy wrote in it the other day – well, that is literally dealt with, too …
Friend Lefty. This is literally wonderful news. I was in danger of deviating from progressive ways into the paths of deviant hard right May junta Brexit loving Trump worshipping ones. Saved by your tweets,
Thank you, Friend Dave :). Not just for your comment here, but all the ones you’ve made on the Blog, including of course, today’s. Greatly appreciated. Sorry I don’t always reply but that’s only because I’ve – literally – nothing to add to what you’ve said.
BTW, are you happy to – literally – take a turn at the organ for a future Blog? Think I – literally – roped you in for this a few weeks back, but guess it’s more polite to ask. Friend Singer, as you may have noticed, viciously refused to – literally – play along, and will therefore be added to one of my Little Lists.
Of course I will play the organ on any progressive blog. . Singer under Bridges must by now be number one on all progressive lists everywhere. He or she is not just hard right but deviant hard right. I think we on the progressive left have a right to know which bridge to avoid. No doubt the May junta is to be found under that particular bridge
Thank you, Friend Dave. Diane used to play the organ all the time, but for some reason she’s been – literally – crying off doing this in recent weeks.
You are literally right [Groan! – J.C.] about the criminally Hard-Right Singer. He is now on several of my Little Lists. Curiously enough, this doesn’t seem to have made any difference to his wayward behaviour. Perhaps I shall have to do something more drastic, e.g. highlight his name in purple.
Panto Nikki, should religion have any place in politics? … goodness here we go
Islam it is a political ideology dressed as a religion, its aim political power
… sharia … draconian rulings … abhorrent actions .. iron fist subjugation EVERY SINGLE DAY!
Ah … come on, this is the BBC, nothing to see, move along
So its evangelical Christians, George Dubya, these loonies denying climate change,
and of course the T word 😀
someone mentioned Pakistan … which was ignored, and answered with the Womens March yesterday?? yay sisters! … crisis averted, thank you and good night
From a former Northern newspaper, where facts are sacred.
“Britain’s contempt for other countries makes no sense”
More total bollox, including the following BTL.
“mazeltov LordMeIchett 10h ago
When I left my local Virgin Fitness Centre, I lost my right to use the pool. But Virgin weren’t punishing me. They were sticking to the rules, which incidentally I knew perfectly well when I signed up. That’s all the EU is doing. What you think is their punishment is your paranoia.”
“They were sticking to the rules”, HA HA ****ing HA.
Contempt ATL, and rules BTL.
Rules?, you gotta be kiddin’
The only thing that the EU (the enemy entity, not the poor, betrayed, populace) has done more frequently than change the rules, whenever it suited them, is to ignore their own rules, also WIST, and hope nobody notices.
Not a forlorn hope since some of the billions of EU Euros, which disappear with cosmic regularity, go to the BBC and similar entities, as bribes to encourage the abscence of reports of this illegality. The brown envelope sector has been one of the few growth industries in the EU. What I cannot understand is why the Guardian needs to beg for money. If I was was Rissburger or whoever the editor is I would have my paw out awaiting greasing. Probably some grease left for other traditional hobbies.
mazeltov? 695 pages of comments BTL listed! All this experience and it still produces perambulator level analogies.
Just seen and heard Polly Toynbee.
Urm , I don’t think she likes President Trump.
Probably the President doesn’t like her?
The war on the media is about to begin. Will the ‘Swamp’ be drained ?
I’ve just watched an ‘insert’ programme on the BBC News, “Inside Out” and the BBC’s take on the ‘crisis being faced by NHS GPs’. Normally, I am very supportive of GPs, and have occasionally had to make use of them in the past, and have had good service from them.
However, this programme opened with a GP apparently being shown to work ‘long hours’ (this particular day he was doing a home visit at 7pm). Very laudable. But no mention of how many hours he’d actually worked that day – or whether he’s managed to get out onto the golf course for a round that afternoon. (I know, I know, but how often are we being told the whole truth by the BBC – or whether significant facts are being omitted ?).
Then he was shown working with two patients, one of whom was on a drug which had been decided as being too costly for the benefits it produced, and another who wanted some treatment for which they did not qualify for some reason. The GP’s response ? – I will prescribe the medication, whatever it costs, and try to get away with giving this to my patient, and I will ‘try it on’ by referring the other patient where clear guidelines say I should not. He moaned that he just wanted to get on with what he considers his work – and not to have to make financial decisions about what he is doing. Hmmmm – wouldn’t we all ?.
Hmmm – so he is hell-bent on treating a patient for whom some very expensive medication is not indicated as being cost-effectively beneficial, and he’s throwing a spanner in the works of his local referral system. He clearly does not see, or care, that he could possibly prevent other patients in his locale from receiving the treatments they might need, and which might be potentially life-saving for them. He also doesn’t seem to appreciate that these actions he is taking may be weeded out eventually, but will have cost time and resources for that to happen in what he claims to recognise is a tight budgetary situation. Perhaps not quite the hero the BBC set out to portray him as, then ?
Oh, and then the BBC mentions that he’s the only full-time GP in the practice. But there are 5 other GPs, each earning around £60,000, but they are all working part-time. (Wonderful what our training and education can provide – a vast cohort of people paid very big bucks for a work/life balance of working 3-day week or less). Then the GP lets the cat further out of the bag by revealing that he allows himself one day off work per week………plus weekends, of course – so even he isn’t working full-time either. Even less of a hero, then – he must think an £80K or more salary for part-time work is probably OK – well, wouldn’t you ?
But….but..but….weren’t we told last week by his Union rep, that ‘GP’s are already working and available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week’ ? Well not at this surgery.
Some of the truth, some of the time, is Bias By Omission, BBC.
A home visit at 7pm? And the BBC is trying to suggest that is somehow representative of a GP’s work?
As for the part timers they will almost certainly be women and thereby hangs a very major problem indeed, which it has become almost impossible to discuss.
Take a look at pictures of junior doctors standing outside hospitals a few months ago and count the chromosomes. In a few years time the women, who are now a majority, will be breeding and working part time, despite having cost as much to train as the male applicant who was turned down because it is current policy to favour female applicants, as it has been for some time.
The BBC researches all its programmes by consulting known sources. It knows where to look to get the opinions it wishes to broadcast, in medicine as in all other subjects.
‘Part-timers…women’, GCooper ? In the spirit of not wanting to show any so-called bias against women, I had left that one to be worked out by other readers…. but yes, I agree.
And what’s the bet that the hours these part-time GPs want to have off work coincide almost precisely with the times when ordinary people, not earning £60K+ of taxpayers’ money, want to or need to have access to GP surgeries ? But there I go, asking the sorts of questions the BBC definitely does not want to ask.
Um, hello ? do GP’s still do home visits then ? When I requested one a couple of years ago I was offered a telephone diagnosis if I couldn’t possibly manage to get to the surgery; then told if I wasn’t any ‘better’ within 48 hours to ring again !
I’m afraid you’re right – it is definitely a question (one of many) that the BBC refuses to address.
Its far easier to blather on about patients having to wait two weeks to see their GP and to blame the Tories for not hosing money at the NHS, than it is to investigate how we got into this mess and then how we might get out of it.
Also from the home of sacred facts, BTL from the Owen Jones Marxist prayer.
“RadioPartizan Downwiththissortof 24h ago
I think the women marching today object to having their bodies tampered with.”
Only when it is non Muslim tampering, if the Muzzies are doing the mass tampering, which they are, nobody from the Owen Jones school of complainology says a word.
Yes where are all these irate demonstrators marching against the revolting abhorrence of FGM?
These cosy, middle class cowards choose their targets very carefully.
Mention the industrial scale rape of white girls by Muslim men and liberals become tongue tied. They don’t know what to do or say; to criticise might be deemed “racist.” And that’s the greatest sin of all in the pc mind set.
Also, of course, having a pop at The Donald you’re on pretty safe ground. You will be amongst fellow travelers, all of a similar mind set. Trump might “tweet” something unpleasant about those that annoy him, but that’ll be it. Certain sections of our enriched community tend to take rather more direct action.
It’s brilliant if you think about it. You go on a nice safe, virtue signalling march. You’ve got your banners, you’re among friends and you’re attacking a target that won’t hit back.
And you will have your cheerleaders from the BBC filming your every move.
A nice day out…
“Yes where are all these irate demonstrators marching against the revolting abhorrence of FGM?”
Yes, everybody must clearly stay at home until and unless they protest about something which “Jeff” has never once protested about (sitting on his capacious backside at home, whining to an internet site full of like-minded lazy-arsed idiots does not count, I’m afraid, Jeff).
If you really think FGM is such a high priority that nobody can ever protest about anything else, what are you doing about it? Other than pretending that you’re concerned about it just so you can feel superior to the millions who actually got off their backsides yesterday, of course?
Has the BBC fact checked your claim?
O omniscient one, please explain to unicellular organisms like myself what it is that you do not like about the comments above.
#1 You object to your hypocrisy being raised?
#2 You object to your cowardice being raised?
#3 You object to your thin skin being noted(by me herein)?
#4 You object to your juggling with double standards being raised?
#5 You object to anyone having a diferent opinion?
#6 You object to anyone not voting in accordance with your wishes?
Millions of Jeffs down the years have died so you could write this crap.
Because of arrogant brainwashed/braindead juveniles like you, problems have arisen which could have been avoided.
So Jeff, and millions more like him, will have to get off the sofa and get killed to rescue us from your stupidity.
Although I do not believe you are worth fighting for, hopefully the yet to be born generation, who will be worth fighting for, will grow up in an environment where mass murdering left wing bollox will be known only by the history to which it will be perpetually consigned.
Carry on “seeking” that “truth”, why don’t you. You haven’t succeeded yet.
And you haven’t succeeded at effective trolling.
Perhaps Tomi can enlighten me as to what exactly yesterday’s protesting was all about ? because (and yes I’m a woman) I’m still trying to figure it out, – something about wimmin’s rights ! – well, I have had and still have all the rights I need and want, unless winning the lottery can count as more ? So that half baked lot were not protesting on my behalf, in fact most of them were giggly overgrown school girls. Over to you Tomi…..
There were many opportunities to display your sense of fashion on the March. How would you feel if your mum, or maybe a daughter turned up wearing this outfit which used up enough material to clothe a dozen Syrian refugees.
But seriously, what were they protesting about?
With my ear to the ground I understand that the state supported UAF and other loonies like Class War are planning the biggest demo ever held in the world to protest against Trump’s suggested visit to the UK.
I seriously find this protester’s outfit quite offensive. Can you imagine the outcry if a man’s sexual organs were displayed in such a manner for a protest march ? So where do I sign up to march against this crime of indecency ?
I thing that she is making a ***t of herself .
Why is she wearing a horses collar around her neck? 😉
I really hate the “C” word but she’s made a complete c## t of herself.
Hi Tomi
What’s you problem ? What do you think is Biased about Al Beeb?
I helped your pal maxincony yesterday ?
Perhaps I can help you ?
“…sitting on his capacious backside at home….”
How very dare you, sir. By George you know how to rile a chap.
Let me tell you young Tomi my pert buttocks are the envy of south London!
Young ladies often compliment me on my taut derriere. More mature women tell me it’s my best feature.
And I have so many good features…
…..and they are ???????
BRISSLES, please!
Spare my blushes.
You saucy minx…
You are Zero aren’t you. Insults but no substance. Still enjoying fisting eh?
When the truth is not the truth – The BBC is deliberately inflating a small part of the story to make more fake news. Yes the crowds for the Trump inauguration appeared to be smaller than for Obama but does anyone ask why? Could it be that decent ordinary people who support Trump were intimidated by the anticipated rabble of left wing thugs who threatened violent demonstrations and decided to stay away? Could it be that Washington is largely inhabited by democrats and any Trump supporters would hail from further afield and could it be that these trump supporters are generally lower earners and unable to spend money on long distance travel to and accommodation in enemy territory? It could of course just have been the bad weather.
… or it could simply have been the case that the event occurred on a working day, when most people who voted for Mr Trump actually had to go to work, and, as you say, couldn’t afford to travel to DC.
Obama’s first inauguration was on a Tuesday.
So that was a high turnout by the black and unemployed, you’re saying?
No, I’m saying that the “it was a weekday” excuse is a weak one. As anybody with half a brain would understand. Maybe you could step outside for the first time jn forty years and find someone with the intelligence to explain it to you very slowly.
That oh, so familiar resort to flouncing ad homs.. such class!
I wonder how long it will be before you get banned this time?
Dude, you need an anonymous spokesperson like the entire BBC fields when it goes down the pan. Where’s the glee club who at least still provide the upticks still?
They’re busy looking for anyone who gives a shit what you think.
Quick, call for a doctor – my sides are splitting
Well, two of you at least on station who clearly do, dear potty trainee. No other friends or family again this soggy Sunday?
Three now. Impressive
Careful now Tomi you might blow your tampon… and kindly pull the chain and lift the seat up when you have finished please…. also next time would you mind not using the disabled facilities? No matter how retarded your viewpoints are…
Toni- Most of us on here want to see the end of the BBC. Not sold off but ended. WE have also accepted that this is a real war. A culture war and that 2016 has been a good year for us and hopefully 2017 even better.
There is no point in discussion with the old progressive elites. No point in discussing or arguing with the likes of the demonstrators seen yesterday. President Trump spelt it out in simple and clear words. The world has turned. Get used to it or fight it. Up to you but our day is coming and faster than you can ever think.
The deplorables are in town and insults are meat and drink to us.
Maybe a lot of Trump supporters are poor/unemployed and live a long way from Washington,and accomodation in Wsshington this week would be expensive and hard to find?
And for a week before his fan clubs greeting was “see you next Tuesday”.
So true.
“lower earners”
Yes with the stress on the “earn”.
The public sector, above dustbin empty and pothole fill level, is crammed with people we could sack and hardly notice the difference.
Apart, of course, from their salaries, their pensions, their expenses, their tendency to ill-health resulting in days to years of paid leave, their tendency to spend some of their spare (at work) time searching for (or creating) opportunities to sue their employer or anybody else.
Surprised they do not get paid leave to protest, or did I miss this?
“The BBC is deliberately inflating a small part of the story to make more fake news.”
Unlike Sean Spicer, who started his little hissy fit by railing on a journalist who initially tweeted that a bust of Martin Luther King looked to have been removed from its previous place in the White House – a mistake he corrected as soon as it was pointed out to him. How unlike the great Orange tweeter-in-chief’s attitude to tweeting…
“Yes the crowds for the Trump inauguration appeared to be smaller than for Obama but does anyone ask why?”
Not Sean Spicer, who reeled off a list of false excuses as to why everyone was mistaken and Trump’s inauguration was clearly better attended than any other.
He said matting was put down to protect grassy areas for the first time, which would distort impression of crowds – despite the same matting being used in 2013.
He used stats from the local metro system to try and claim bigger attendance in 2017 than previous inaugurations, but cited whole-day statistics from this year against pre-11am stats from previous inaugurations.
“Could it be that decent ordinary people who support Trump were intimidated by the anticipated rabble of left wing thugs who threatened violent demonstrations and decided to stay away?”
Probably not. But if you want to believe that you and your lying buddies are little snowflakes who don’t ever go anywhere because you think everybody who disagrees with you is violent, then by all means stay and home and continue being wrong on the internet.
“Could it be that Washington is largely inhabited by democrats and any Trump supporters would hail from further afield and could it be that these trump supporters are generally lower earners and unable to spend money on long distance travel to and accommodation in enemy territory?”
That’s actually quite like to have been a factor, and if your little buddy Sean Spicer had posited just such a theory from the press secretary’s podium in the White House, there may have been some sympathy for that explanation.
Instead, he lied. And big man that you are, you choose to ignore that. How very brave of you.
Trump won the election. Who cares how many people turned up to watch the inauguration? It doesn’t matter.
It would be interesting to know the global TV viewing figures. I have spoken with many people who watched it, despite never having watched a US presidential inauguration previously. I rather suspect that there is a high novelty factor and this probably also was the case with the previous president (sorry, cannot remember his name at this stage…). Crowd sizes and popular votes: interesting how the MSM backs populism when it suits them but not when say, people voted Brexit.
What is wrong with the world! Don’t people understand that Robert DeNiro is a powerful, wealthy actor who gets what he wants. If a script doesn’t give him the ending he desires he can sulk and pout in his Winnebago until it is changed to suit his mood. Why can’t people change an election result for someone like Robert deNiro, or Bob to his staff. So unfair!
Yes RDN was ONCE a great actor until he sold himself out to crap comedy films for the paycheque – that’s not going to change in his life, so why should he worry who’s President. The same goes for all those in Hollywood, their Bel Air lifestyle isn’t under threat, so why pretend otherwise ?
Because they are precious, special, gifted, creative, talented.
These gifts include, as their statements frequently reveal, the ability to acquire deep insights and a profound erudition, after a long period of auto-didactic introspection at the highest level. An erudition which they are willing, even eager, to share with us.
I spent a few hours yesterday watching vids on youtube of the violence and hysterical hissy-fits at the anti-Trump emote-fest.
Usurprised not to hear a word about it on this mornings Radio 4 Fake News bulletin I paid a rare visit to the BBC’s Fake News website to see if they had made any attempt to spin it there either.
I couldn’t find so much as a single word mentioning it. Nothing about the burning limo, smashed up Starbucks, etc. OK, so the perps might have been the usual bunch of fringe thugs that grinning leftist look-at-me parades invariably attract, but it’s still newsworthy isn’t it? And if it is newsworthy, then the BBC has censored it.
As all we girls marched all over the world, I have yet to get any breakdown of what proportions were
a) women
b) girls
c) girlie girls
d) lesbian
e) professional activist wimmin
f) cis girls
g) trans wimmin
h) trannies per se
i) gender queer binary
yada yada.
There`s loads more-but SOMEONE in the Left MUST have noted all the categories and therefore be able to report back to the BBC re the emergence of Paris Lees, Chelsea Manning, Rebecca Root and Lily Savage-Allen.
I for one did NOT see any gender neutral loos en route in either Sydney or Rome.
Which tells me we have a really serious problem re access to protest.
And did anybody else note the lack of real women speakers, only the likes of Naomi Wolf and Juliet Stevenson?
And-as the BBC describes her- “Star Madonna”.
No-sense a hideously white movement of public sector students, endless lefties who probably need their NHS for PMT or HRT as required.
Where were the angry black women, the aborigines, the Muslimahs?
I reckon this was a sexist march that only entrenched white privilege and elitist bias.More gender neutral loos next time.
Still-as someone says, nice to see the fat women out walking.
Lots of sore feet and hips today-very hard to walk with a stiletto heel on one foot and a Doc Marten on the other.
PS-note no shafting of Caitlyn Jenner-who voted Trump I think!
These are the same people who stopped the Iraq war………….Both times.
I’m sure it was just a totally understandable oversight that “Star Madonna” et al. have failed to speak out against the rape and sexual assault of women in Cologne on new years eve 2015, or indeed the grooming and rape of 1400 young girls in Rotherham, or for that matter how rape victims in Saudi Arabia are stoned to death for adultery.
They are after all very busy and if they were to spend all there time fighting against the “Patriarchy” they would never have time to spend all their money.
Last week’s Countryfile had Henshaw in New Zealand. Discussion with someone during a boat trip to an island, very interesting about goats left by Cook to breed and provide food for future explorations. Mentioned Brexit and the reponse from the New Zealand chap on the boat was as frosty as a glacier. Not about us leaving the EU, but about how we dumped the Commonwealth when we joined the EU, leaving New Zealand farmers to struggle to find markets for their livestock. He took obvious pleasure in telling Henson, that without subsidies, our farmers would face the same hardships thrust on farmers in NZ when we just abondoned them.
In the meantime, let’s hear it for the goats…!
Breaking News
Sky US political corespondent, Ian Woods has just accused Trump of lying on live TV.
He claimed Trump when lying when he claimed that the crowds at his inauguration last Friday reached back to the Washington monument. He went on to clarify that this was the first time in his career as a reporter in US that he had ever heard a president “deliberately lie”.
I hope Trumps legal team will be paying Sky News a call presently and sue them so hard that the fake news outlet is forced to close.
Did Barack Obama lie when he said, 8 years ago, that he would close down Guantanamo bay?
Or when he said we’d be “at the back of the queue” if we voted for Brexit?
He tried his best last week,releasing all kinds of nutjobs for no reason other than his time was up.
The BBC site had this as their top story at around 9am today, with the description “Trump claims there were 1.5m supporters but provides no evidence.” They also used the photographic comparison of his inauguration compared to Obama’s to make their case, even though Sean Spicer explained (and in doing so provided the evidence that the BBC claims doesn’t exist) that the floors were layered white this year compared to the grass of previous years, making Obama’s turnout look much bigger than it actually was.
Then again, this is the BBC that stated as fact that “there is no evidence to link Clinton to the birther movement” even though her 2008 presidential campaign was largely based on Obama’s birth certificate controversy.
The BBC getting excited about lack of evidence being provided on crowd counting is brave, given the reaction to Jimbo’s fact checker car crash and the cecutt/FOI ‘purposes of’ exemption to any follow up to anything a source close to BIJ tells Newsnight.
Must be embarrassing for The Donald, trying to address such a small crowd of people.
On BBC quotas. Yesterday I read that the population of Yorkshire, was very similar to that of Scotland, why do we not have as many Yorkshire folk on BBC programmes, going on and on about Yorkshire as we have Scottish folk carrying on about Scotland, many of them not living there,
Next; Sandy Tosfig was a leading campaigner in the ant-Trump march, she also leads a political party of sorts that is pro women. Should someone like this be on BBC programmes, if she was part of a “right-wing party would the BBC employ her? Or perhaps more pointedly would the left wing levies and liberals march and demonstrate and break windows demanding the exclusion of such a person?
God almighty ! you mean, Sandy Toksfig is a woman ?
I thought it was Stephen Fry in drag. The QI trailers misled me.
Re this “protest against Trump stuff”.
Trump was very conciliatory in his victory speech of Nov 9th.
Since then the idiot left have refused to engage on those terms, and doubled down on the spite, dissembling and mis-speaks.
So to hear this crap about “dividing the nation” bugs me no end.
It is the LEFT that refuse to “reach out or to heal”.
This march has been weeks in the planning-no matter WHAT Trump had said or done on Friday, the message yesterday could not be changed by the Lefties.
The beauty of being a Lefty agitprop clot is that you NEVER have to change your mind to fit the facts or the new deals.
It`s not called identity politics for nothing. Trump cannot change who he is re gender, life story or what they think.
So the Left would rather he be shot or millions get no work or hope than they have to look at a book or see things anew.
Thick, nasty and unteachable-incorrigible beehive drones, and have never lost a debate. Let alone an election or a referendum.
So losing THEIR privileges in what is THEIR country(albeit set up for Islam or Brussels)has found them wanting re resilience, closure and the usual weasel words they use today.
Let`s NEVER give this lot the conversation conch shell ever again.
Brexit “divided” Britain!
Trump “divided” USA!
No, you morons. You divided the country by disregarding anyone not inside your metropolitan elite echo chamber. And now that silent majority have at last spoken, you, the metropolitan elite do not like it. For once in your life you have been told “NO!” and you don’t know how to cope with that so you take to the streets in protest against democracy. I have seen 3 year olds have a more mature response when told they can’t have a bag of sweets in the supermarket.
Here’s the latest attempt by morally bankrupt, self-serving anti-democratic politicians to subvert the referendum:
No surprise that the odious Unumma, Harman, Sourby, Lammy and other scum – many of whom are only in parliament thanks to so-called positive discrimination – are involved in this treachery. I imagine Blair, Miliband and Clegg will give their blessing, too. They’ve learned nothing and are just making their oblivion even more inevitable.
Oh no, I like Chicken curry, I didn’t realise that made me a hypocrite! Better stick to fish n chips from now on.
You are guilty of, “cultural appropriation”. (ref. Lily Allen)
Al Beeb wants the Prime Minister to disclose MOD secretes to the world and our enemies – see RN Trident tests .
To be fair, so does Jez.
But then he thinks people buy cake to not consume.
I thought tests were to iron out stuff that may go wrong when it matters, like North Korean targeting.
Same problem with train tickets.
Perhaps Jezza NoSeats should stop this thinking business.
We have been testing missiles etc since the early 60s with no problems,one goes slightly askew and the Loony Left are all over it.
Give me strength.
Oh, dear. the left-wing CND self-flagellation group are back again…. Mr. Corbyn included.
let’s just look at what we’ve actually been told by the media today.
1. The test launch was some 200 miles off the coast of America.
2. The device had no warhead or weapons capability whatsoever, but was apparently covered in telemetry and testing/measuring equipment.
3. There was some kind of a glitch, which caused the device to veer off course, during the test. The missile clearly got nowhere near the US, or any other habitation, before being aborted (otherwise we sure as hell would have heard about it before now).
4. We haven’t ever fired one of these devices in earnest, and they have been around for many years, and testing needs to take place regularly, if infrequently, to ensure they are still performing correctly, and if not, to ensure we correct that situation – otherwise, what’s the point of having them ? – i.e. with no deterrent, or response, value whatsoever.
In conclusion – it was a test, and almost certainly a necessary one. Why on earth would we advise our potential enemies of any results from such a test – and why on earth would we have a public inquiry to tell our potential enemies even more than they know now ?
The left wing in the UK is so thick that it can’t see any of this – simply an opportunity to try to score political points. They really hate this country, and its people.
According to one CND twat this evening, our best defence is no defence whatsoever – i.e. unilateral disarmament. Given the liberals and their actions regarding nuclear weapons developments in such wonderful states as, e.g. Iran (and can you really imagine anyone suggesting such a policy to the mullahs there ?), it’s a wonder we still have any deterrent whatsoever. If they’re so concerned, why can’t they just emigrate to somewhere they’ll feel really safe ?
Ashley Judd, Madonna, Katie Perry – They were really upset and maybe they might reflect that it’s their own fault for having a Hillary – crooked, twisted and useless.
Ooh, those faces – demonic or what? And then those poor things – distraught that someone just might interfere with their ‘fundamental human right’ to murder their own unborn – boo ‘effin hoo.
As I have posted here before, Pop, TV & film stars, Tomi, druggies and footballers have no more of an informed opinion than my dustbin man.
The only difference is my dustbin man is more useful, he removes the rubbish the others spout it.
Oo err – Right Wing leaders meeting in Europe. May meeting Trump on Friday!
Interesting R4 this am and the French folks saying that the disparate, fourth generation, Muslims are rejecting their parents, grandparents efforts at integration and uniting against the true French. Well, of course when tipping point is reached – no need to integrate, just take over.
It`s Bombers Moon every night with Nigel and Donald. Beautiful!
The flak is always at it’s most intense when you are directly over the target…
President Trump and Nigel Farage Are getting plenty of flak so…..Pilot Trump to Bombadier Farage Brussels European Union Head Quarters in sight open bomb-bay doors !!!
The EU Dam Busters.
Bombs away!
“Turned down invitation to perform at the innauguaration”
Any debunks
Cos over in Muggleworld like Radio Scotland Media Review they snigglered whist listing loads of artists who surely weren’t invited to perform anyway.
“artists” Are you sure or being charitable?
14:26 RT had a repeat of Savid Vance taking on Amnesty International squealing about over surveillance in the UK.
Typo : David Vance
Did you mean Javid Vance ?
No Grant, Our own David Vance from Northern Ireland
And he is not muslim ?
Ha the Muslim looking guys was the Amnesty guy on the right of the screen
Coming up on Radio 4
17:00 File on 4 : Breaking Into Britain
“High street immigration advisers, and even a solicitor tell the programme’s undercover researcher how to buy their way in using fake documentation”
17:40 Profile of Vice President : Mike Pence
“Mild mannered, disciplined and a seasoned politician, Mike Pence was largely unknown until ..”
Lacks the usual bbc sneering tone.
I see there are developments in the disgraceful reading from the Koran in a Glasgow church, in an attempt to ‘build bridges’. Has anyone heard how the presumably reciprocal arrangement has gone regards the reading from the bible in a mosque? Thought not.
I posted similar about a week ago. It was ridiculous, just another sign of weakness. The Establishment elite in the West are surrendering to the evil of islam and the muslims know it. Crazy.
A new low, even for the Episcopalians?
To have a Muslim sing that Jesus was not Gods son-just Allahs slave in effect-from a Cathedral Pulpit, and on the Feast day Of Obligation to Christians to remember that Jesus was born as a Light to the World-not only Jews-was deeply offensive and wrong.
That the Church hierarchies don`t even BOTHER to check what`s being said from their pulpits is bad enough. But to defend it rather than understand why it was so wrong and offensive only compounds their idiocy and indifference to their Bible, their faith.
Islam would have stoned an imam for being so cavalier and ignorant of its own holy texts.
This Glasgow goon is a Dhimmi, the lies of which we`ve not seen before-and I include Giles Fraser here.
Not BBC Alicia but I am sure it would be BBC approved.
I do not think there are any depths Allahs dhimmi friends will not sink to in order to further their naive and suicidal attempts to be seen as “inclusive”
It is a pity that C of E does not seem to rate self awareness as highly as self destruction.
The BBC are reporting – “Trump’s popularity rating of about 40%, compared with 78% for Obama in 2009 and 62% for Bush in 2001, is a warning sign.”
How did he ever get elected then?
And how exactly has he been reported on since he won on Nov 8th?
Anyone able to tell us why BH had Paddy O Connell over on a freebie in Nice?
Does the EBU now require BBC lefties to head around Europe to shore up Merkel, Hollande and the Dutch `un?
Because-all opinions gleaned from Nice were exactly the ones you`d have got from Shoreditch Deli France this morning-hipster, emojis, populism, fascist Le Pen and Muslim marriages are sweet stuff.
Now either the BBC seek out these Esperanto monoglots-or else no-one seems to want us to leave the EU, give Trump a chance, want Socialism binned or want Islam sorted once and for all.
Nice of all places, I`d have thought.
But no-the BBC finds what it wants to find.
Merde and Merkel, anything but Muslim and murder anyway.
Watching Pointless on Saturday night we had one of those ‘Blackpool Rock’ moments.
Several pictures of Kermit the Frog are shown, one of which also showed that un-elected racist woman who came over here a couple of times to seek out 100% ‘black’ girl schools in London to ‘inspire’.
Richard Osman tells us that she is ‘so cool’. Everything they do is tainted with their agenda.
Ironic isn’t it? Some of the very worse racists are black and it won’t matter what is done – quotas, affirmative action, biased reporting or whatever. Put them in a black nation they would suffer from tribal discrimination or lay the woes of the country at the door of someone else.
If you can blame some other for your shit life then it takes the pressure of you. And you can also make a nice living by exploiting people in that mind-set …………..
Richard Osman is a classsic leftist racist. He once claimed that Bush had stolen the election. Bush might not have been great but he won the election fairly, if even a closer result than Trump’s.
His racism is the classic left’s racism of lower expectations. The countries of East Timor and Ivory Coast are only to be known on the show by their French names, not the English ones. But, guess what, European countries are to be known by the English names and not the native ones. Presumably saying that these simple Ivorians and East Timorians, if watching, would be too stupid to understand if they heard their country’s name in English.
To be fair, Osman was pretty good on some Jack Dee piece of crap over Brexit/Trump.
Well remember that he had a mind of his own unlike all the rest of them-and was combative by Lefty comedy standards.
Warmed to him-and to Alexander Armstrong-who, like Harry Enfield-is independent and able to mock the idiocy he has to live in.
Maybe-after 16 years or so-Osman etc realise that this lefty crap is coming to an end-and a few of us are looking for those who are NOT the usual BBC morons.
Ken Bruce, Steve Wright maybe?…and certainly hold a torch for dear Lisa Tarbuck.
I just posted a link to Michelle Malkin article on Lefty Racism (Newsnight thread)
BBC Online News:
“”Pope Francis warns against rise in populism””
“”Pope Francis has warned against a rise in populism and the dangers of allowing political crises to usher in dictators like Hitler””
“”He made the comments as Donald Trump was being sworn-in as US president in a wide-ranging interview with Spanish newspaper El Pais””
The BBC are more pro-Islam than Christian. But they never miss a chance to publicise a Christian leader who supports their anti-Trump narrative.
The opposite of, “Populism” would be, unpopulism or unpopularism?
I guess politicians really shouldn’t be saying things that might get them elected ? Corbyn demonstrates that approach to the very highest degree so the Pope would approve?
gaxvil – It’s democracy when people vote the way they are supposed to and it’s populism when they don’t.
Thanks for the clarification.
Went to Breitbart for more on this.
And much as I think Francis is a gonk-he was badly misquoted and taken out of context.
He said we were to give Trump a chance, and the BBCs effort to link him to Hitler is a travesty.
If Trump developed a personality cult?..well then that`d be possible.
Otherwise its futile speculation.
More BBC fake news then-go to Breitbart if you want the truth it seems.
Got to say sorry to the priest locally now.
#KettleBlack : This’ll be the same Catholic Church that has a tradition of turning up in innocent indigenous villages and saying :
“Follow us and you go to Paradise”
..”Oppose us and you’ll end in eternal Hell”
..That sounds like a pretty popularist method to me.
Isn’t that Harriet Harman just behind that aggressive looking bloke with his fist raised?
When will we be rid of these screeching harridans?
The impressive thing about the US and the UK’s transfer of power is that it is peaceful and complete and up to now has been a thing to pride ourselves on. You might not like the new power but you accepted it at the moment of transfer with good grace. That is the way democracy works best. Not now with the screamers and the entitled snowflakes behaving like this.
It is a bad precedent.
Spoilt children – welcome to 2017.
Does that banner to the right really say ‘no more silence’?
To quote that old northern saying ‘One o’ t’ mysteries o’ life is knowin’ when ter keep tha gob shut’.
Theirs are never shut, their minds are forever stuck in ‘send’.
Ah yes I thought the list of artists saying they’d been asked to perform for Trump was Fake News
citizen-action.com : Fake News Alert: Artists Refusing Trump Inauguration
Breitbart spoke about the artists who were intimidated by Leftmob for performing
I did wonder about the report where Charlotte Church was telling the world via twitter that she refused to sing at Mr Trump’s inauguration.
As if anyone on Mr Trump’s team had even heard of this dimbo, self-publicising, excuse of a D-grade diva, far less any of them actually asking her to sing anywhere.
A legend in her own mind…. what little there is of that.
OT, but seems Jon has got over his sulk at BO’s handling of airport queues and has moved on to weightier fare:
“channel 4 News, weekdays at 7pm
Hi, it’s Jon here, with a look at what’s coming up in tonight’s programme.
Trump claims the media is ‘dishonest’ over crowd photos
It was his first full day in office – and Donald Trump ended it by getting into a bizarre row with the media over how many people had attended his inauguration. Various estimates had put the numbers at around 250,000. But the President departed from his speech outside the CIA headquarters to say that, from his place on the podium, “it looked like a million – a million and a half – people”. His press secretary, Sean Spicer, later told the White House press corps that the event had been witnessed by “the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration”. Despite photographs taken from the same position appearing to show much larger crowds at Barack Obama’s inauguration, Mr Trump accused the media of “lying”. It was an all-too-characteristic start to the Trump presidency. Watch out for a Fact check later”
I will Jon… I surely will. But will it be a BBC grade fact check? Or better? Or worse?
Meanwhile, just bear in mind the bit that really only mattered was the votes accorded previously, all around the USA, by folk less likely to offer blow jobs to secure coverage for their next tv outing.
No he did NOT get into a row with the media.
The media chose this non-story to create a dart to throw into his eyes.
Not working-like that 350 million figure on the bus , or whether it was a million women marching or not-none of us give a damn, let alone the innumerate BBC hacks etc.
The media think this is fine and will please their own-the rest of us remember their migrant figures, their crime stats and KNOW what they`re doing.
As does nearly anyone who cares.
Let Snow and Krishnan spout-we loath them, and seek a chance to drain the swamp of them too.
“none of us give a damn” but Trump does ..and I think I know why.
It was certainly a huge protest, but the media couldn’t just say that ..they are habituated into bullying so they automatically spun the Protest crowds whilst spinning the photos of the Trump Inauguration down. Their normal misrepresentation and sneering.
So Trump is standing up to this bullying by pushing them onto the backfoot
.. He knows MSM figures for inauguration are too low, so he’s put them on the backfoot by quoting evidence and stating a much higher and false number, but now the MSM are forced to substatiate their claims and that will not reveal that Team Trump’s numbers are true but that the MSMs first numbers were false.
– Trump supporters will say see the media lied.
But non-Trump supporters will also say “hang on their is something fishy about the media’s numbers”
…The March that counted was the one that 65m voters made into the voting booth to tick the Trump box.
BBC Online News:
“”Iraqi Kurdish fashionistas make a splash””
“”Mr Erbil requently posts pictures and musings about women’s issues in Kurdistan, Iraq and the world””
The BBC should be reporting on the mass slaughter of Christian women and children by muslims rather than this fashion-garbage.
But the BBC never do so of course.
Christians don’t count in the eyes of the BBC. But if Christians were slaughtering muslims in the middle east? Now, that would be a BBC issue!
Why is it that the MSM rushed to cover the allegations made by numerous women last October about Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct (on aeroplanes etc) all of whom he intends to sue incidentally and the latest “scandal” supposedly revealing Trump’s depraved sexual predilections; yet they have rushed away from covering Pizzagate in any way. I have never even heard it mentioned by al beebus or ITV news at all.
The short report below outlines what it’s about. Why aren’t there baying mobs protesting in the streets about it instead of Donald Trump?
Reality check for Transgenders
And they’ve won the treble.
On bBBC1 news at 1815.
Asian brown woman bBBC reporter hands over to black Clive Myrie in the newsroom who hands over to a a half caste looking male sports presenter.
Tick tick tick. What are the chances of that?
Obviously white people need no longer apply to the bBBC for jobs.
I noticed exactly the same. But I thought I had actually counted four BME presenters in the first 8 minutes of the BBC news. But that included John Pienaar – who comes from the Netherlands, but looks a bit dusky to me!
I was amazed that during the 6pm news bulletin they showed Trump saying how he thought the media were all against him and kept trying to delegitimise him. They sneered and implied that was nonsense, then finished the report with a sneering clip from Saturday Night Live! QED! They just can’t help themselves. I cannot wait till the real fun starts tomorrow. It feels like Christmas Eve when I was a kid.
The best thing that could happen would be for the White House to simply refuse accreditation to the BBC. It owes the BBC nothing as it has been implacably hostile and partial since Trump announced he was running.
It badly needs slapping down by someone and Trump is in the perfect position to do it.
Let’s see how the self-proclaimed ‘world broadcaster’ gets on when its treated with the contempt it so arrogantly dishes out to others.
The BBC could be put down easily when our PM goes to visit the President. Make them wait outside, don’t give them access. Let the president choose the media to cover the visit, and explain to the stupid woman that her BBC are biased. Trump could even invite Farrage from Fox News to cover the event.
It would really be something and one way President Trump could show us that he understands the situation here.
Lot of infantilism about. I mean, when our kids were under seven and they lost some game they’d often protest and get very upset – angry or tearful or both. Now they’re older they understand how things are and accept it. The protestors of today don’t have the excuse of immaturity.
I’ll say it again because I think it one of my better ideas:- Remove some funding from the bloated, superfluous BBC and/or sell bits off – send the money where it would do some good. We wouldn’t miss money most of us are already paying out in license. After all we, the people own the BBC.
Labour and Plaid do not represent or speak for majority the people of Wales .
They are out of touch and still not listening……..
“Brexit: Carwyn Jones and Leanne Wood to reveal Wales’ plan”
This ‘African’ Lord wants to stop Brexit.
Perhaps he should like to return to his ‘Roots’ ?
Currently the bBC along with the rest of the liberal media are all screaming out over this current Times article:
No 10 covered up Trident missile fiasco
They all quote Admiral Lord West, who left the Navy in 2006 in which to become a Labour Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the British Home Office with responsibility for security and a security advisor to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Yet for all the faux outrage, they have left out one very salient point…It was a test the definition of that noun is:
“a procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.”
Of course they are all attacking the PM and what did she know. The fact remains the test took place a month before she took power and at the same time as the Brexit vote which hogged the limelight before during and after the actual vote. So the fact remains would anybody have noticed. Also the vote for a Trident replace menttook place 6 days after T May became PM.
So why the faux outrage? Then there this story from the very same Times;
Fear of bad press halted German tank deal
Another anonymous whistleblower article from the times, which promoted the view that the UK refused to purchase second hand German Leopards 2 tanks because of British pride. Oh how all the armchair generals came on board and stated that the lep 2 (A4) was the better tank. But the fact remains the Chally 2 is not only newer (1998 as opposed to 1979 for the Leo 2) but unlike the Leo 2 it is battle proven where not one Chally 2 has been lost in combat. The Turks have lost 10+ in a few days in Syria in Dec alone and it has been noted.
Germany’s Leopard tanks prove vulnerable in Islamic State fight
Turkey: List published of armour lost on failed assault on the town of Al-Bab
Funny enough the loudest detractors regards the so called tank deal are also the very same people who are screaming the loudest over a test regards Trident. For some strange reason they all subscribe to the notion of not only getting rid of Trident, but also of reducing our armed forces, pulling out of NATO and joining up with Russia.
Funny that.
Nice to see that Jon Sopel is filling his time in a financially viable way in the States, when not doing his few minutes news stint to the BBC camera; he’s written a ‘travel’ column in today’s Sunday Express recommending all the best eateries around Washington, and stayed in Trump Hotel ! So, Jon clearly the BBC (via me) has given you a healthy expense account for flights, accommodation etc, so I expect your littler ‘earner’ from the S/Express will reimburse me in part for your ‘jolly’ !!