On the same day that the BBC glorifies the terrorist murderer who was a commander in the IRA as it killed men, women and children, Martin McGuinness, and who is still proud and unrepentant for all that he did, it asks you if you are appalled and disgusted by Donald Trump. #BBCvalues.
A new open thread for the weekend…all yours….
Totally OT but very sweet , have just read this on Facebook and hoping it’s not fake news.
A news story that the BBC won`t be putting out anytime soon from yesterday.
A Patriotic Spring is coming.
A great speech from a true European .
The BBC has to realise soon that they are no longer a political party of any influence.
Just astounding that our, ‘freedom loving’ politicians keep turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the bias.
And too gutless to comprise a mafia.
Question for those better informed than I am :-
So the US/UK seem divided Trump/Brexit one side and MSM/Left on the other. in both countries the MSM have declared war.
How is it in Europe?
Remember that advisory referendum?
The one that nobody claimed was advisory until “ill-advised” voters threw PreTruthRemain WW3 etc, lies into the bin.
Nor me.
Remember the queues of would-be litigants patiently waiting their turn in 2015 to demonstrate the illegality of this ill-advised advisory referendum.
Nor me.
Being a Trump deplorable I paid some attention to US affairs recently.
I remember vividly in July 2016 when thirty million women peacefully protested in
Washington against the iniquities of the Electoral College.
Maybe my memory is failing, maybe all the complaints started after the serial lying warmongering psycopath lost the election.
Yes I remember correctly now, because that was at the same instant that parasitic “public interest” lawyers
AKA self-interest lawyers, crawled out of the woodwork to see if they could squeeze a buck or two out of the sore losers.
Several million dollars later, or whatever the damaged property figure is, we have a clearer picture of Democratic, with an upper case C, democratic values. No we don’t we already knew how dishonest, corrupt and disgusting many of them were/are.
BBC Online News:
“”Brexit: Berlin business leaders unimpressed with UK’s message””
“”….since the Brexit vote, Europeans suspect endearing British eccentricity has morphed into unpredictable irrationality. The UK has become the tipsy, tweedy uncle, who after too much Christmas sherry has tipped over into drunkenly abusive bore””
Anything anti-Brexit in the BBC’s reporting??
Here’s what was said last year a few months after the democratic Brexit vote:
“”The Corporation’s Director-General, Lord Hall, has agreed to review the BBC’s complaints procedures after a cross-party group of parliamentarians challenged him to name a single programme which has been enthusiastic about Brexit since the EU referendum on June 23 — and Hall was unable to do so. The parliamentarians included UKIP peer Lord Pearson, Labour’s Kate Hoey and Tory Philip Hollobone””. (No known review so far).
Shall we be charitable here DS?
The BBC-unsurprisingly-can only get the Brexit bashers when it swans around European capitals.
And , for the last week-Davos
Which is where nearly all their “international Brexit bashings” went on from.
For this is the plutocratic, well-heeled and padded Globalisers. Osborne, Mandelson,Cameron and Bliar etc.
What ELSE would this lot say about the EU and our voting to leave it.
So good men like Longworth and Paterson get the frosty look from Germans.
Well Duh…BBC!
They`re rumbled and soon to collapse-and we`ll be proud to say that we had a part in it too.
The BBC of course would take the Germans part.
This morning they took the French Socialist track as Paddy O Connell fed the French bloke his lines of Boris.
Who apparently tells the Europeans not to mug us-but he`s not supposed to say this, even though that is the clear intent as our French bloke says.
So well done Owen and John. Like Nigel in Strasbourg last June-right men, right time.
But expect no thanks from the BBC-only bile as THEIR cosy berths go begging.
Time to tip them out of their prams.
Doug Powers writes on Michelle Malkin’s blog
“‘Women’s March’ organizers remind millions of women they’re not welcome (because of all the inclusiveness & stuff)
read more
And so it begins………… Not only am I extremely angry about this …. I am also very very worried for three of my cousins who are part of the PSNI… Also for the rest of my family including my mother who along with many of my other relatives decided to move back to N.Ireland after the Good friday agreement.. myself and my brother stayed put… I`m lucky to live in one of the biggest sh**holes in England (N.E.Lincs) It`s so bad we don`t even have a massive problem with enclaves of `diversity` and my daughters and Grandchildren are to a large extent not in immediate danger from those who have problems due to `cultural misunderstandings` … However I digress… The current situation for all PSNI staff is very bad, after handing Martin `Mother Murderer` the position as deputy leader and also allowing him full access to all security details including PSNI staffs` personal details including home addresses and even thier mobile phone numbers etc. during his tenure there is a real threat to all current and ex PSNI staff and thier support services… Add to that the recent statements made by Gerry Adams regarding his view that due to BREXIT the current ceasefire and political situation is null and void and all bets `could or should` be off…. This is what happens when terrorists and thier ilk are given the power to form an administration… As far as I`m concerned every single f**king terrorist and affiliates should be rounded up and thrown back into Longkesh, they should never have been let out in the first place….. as for animals like Adams they should be waterboarded until they give the details of every single unmarked grave of all those women and old men they his unde carparks across the province, same goes for the loyalists too…. I sincerely hope I am wrong and worrying and overthinking whats been going on over there in the last two weeks, but I have no illusions about he evilness of sectarian violence and how it has blighted the good decent people of N.Ireland who just want to live thier lives without fear of mindless violence for another twenty years…
Here`s Gerry Adams from a few days ago……
Exactly, JC. For the sake of short term peace, Blair gave away political territory to the IRA.
Terrorists/IRA play the long game. They have gained. They will increase their gains now by reverting to Terrorism. There will then be concessions. After this, they will revert to Terrorism…
There is another Terrorist group that plays the long game. Their name escapes me at the moment. Their long game also involves concessions. And they have won many concessions so far.
With the creeping, repentant and sanguine knowledge that Senator McCarthy may have been right all those years ago, I undertook a little experiment tonight and looked up the tweets of each of the BBC Radio 1 djs in the daily schedule from Friday to today.
6am – 10am Nick Grimshaw: Tweets Pro Obama, pro Clinton, pro women’s march
10am – 1pm Clara Amfo: Tweets pro women’s March
1pm – 4pm Scott Mills: Tweets anti-Trump
4pm -7pm Greg James: Tweets pro women’s march, anti-Trump
10pm – 1am Huw Stephens: Tweets anti-Trump
7pm – 10pm Mistajam: Just music related and support for a mental health charity.
Interesting that the sole black man in the line up is the sole black sheep not singing from the narrative.
Good post, Shuttleworth.
We must ask, why is there not one BBC reporter/journalist/commentator pro-Trump or pro-Brexit?
“Interesting that the sole black man in the line up is the sole black sheep not singing from the narrative.”
..as if he doesn’t need to Virtue Signal
Cos Virtue Signaling is a “white man’s guilt” thing
An interesting narrative on Country File this evening “Sheep Rustling”. In Lancashire whole flocks are being stolen never to be seen again.
Given that sheep cattle or pigs are supposed to be tagged by law and a record of each animal is accounted for by the farmer and Defra So how is it that animals disappear off the face of the earth?. Well, I’m no Sherlock Holmes but just a little internet search clearly shows that Yorkshire and Lancashire have had the highest recorded secret
halal slaughterhouses in the Uk (secret meaning illegal) But clearly the BBC don’t want to tell you that !
Foxcote “Sheep Rustling”
We await the animal rights warriors to pipe up about halal slaughter.
They seem to have lost their voices in the same manner as the so-called
feminists when it comes to Muslim rape culture.
Don’t be daft you’d need to be running a restaurant to get rid of all that meat without being discovered.
And it is a coincidence that there is the Muslim festival Eid-ul Adha when each household has a duty to get hold of a sheep/goat to sacrifice.
One example of how our government is allowing Moslums to literally pollute our land. The ritual shedding of blood as sacrifices to their filthy god of war & hate should not be tolerated.
BBC staff appear to be confident they are the world’s judge, which is not bad for an entity that invokes ‘purposes of’ exemption at the drop of a hat if any of their claims is called into question.
Who judges the judges? Who assesses truth?
James Harding’s merry band of sisters?
Guest Who
Who judges the judges? Who assesses truth?
When it comes to the BBC and being judged where is Judge Dredd when you need him
BBC Online News:
“”Theresa May promises ‘active’ industrial strategy””
“”….the plan which will focus on “sector deals” in areas such as life sciences and low emission vehicles””
She’s reverted to type and lost the plot.
I’ve now lost faith in her. (Not that I had much in the first place). Can you imagine Trump having the same ‘active industrial strategy’ focusing on ‘life sciences and low emission vehicles’?
Dover Sentry
It looks like it will all come down to a General Election .
UKIP better get their act together because they will be the only effective opposition.
Will the Tory MPs that love their country defect ?
I really do not see that President Trump and Mrs May have anything in common. Mrs May will have to learn a hard lesson if any results are to come from her meeting. She is a fully paid up member of the liberal elite- remember the nasty party jibe- and has been swanning around Davos with the usual garbage.
Wrong person in the right job at a critical time.
She either wants or feels obliged to hold a rather large candle to the elite/liberal/green lot. As said Trump is not in that place but they do share things such as a rejection of the European experiment.
Donald Trump got more fat women out walking after one day than Michelle Obama did in six full years.