A guest post by David Sedgwick, courtesy of www.davidsedgwick.co.uk.
If you thought you had seen the worst of BBC petulance and spite in its coverage of the US election, then you’d be very wrong. On the day Donald Trump officially became the 45th President of the United States, the state-funded broadcaster went into some kind of psychotic meltdown.
Denial has finally given way to rage. Until Trump delivered his inauguration acceptance speech the Liberal media had been deluding themselves into believing that the Trump administration would do as administrations are expected to do: follow the Liberal line.
That the Trump administration intend to implement the policies they successfully campaigned on has taken the Liberal media somewhat by surprise. And who can blame them? In the western world Liberalism reigns supreme. Sure, you vote left or right, Labour or Tory, but ultimately what you get is Liberal. And that’s just the way they like it.
BBC Two’s nightly Newsnight is one of many such programmes serving up a daily diet of anti-Trump propaganda. As reality sinks in – that the Liberal elite are not actually going to continue getting their way – the bitterness, bile and hatred has increased to levels bordering on paranoia and hysteria.
Wait a minute, isn’t the BBC compelled by its Royal Charter to be impartial? So what about the unremitting flow of negativity towards the incoming administration? Ah, impartiality…
In order to propagate their favoured ‘narrative’ while appearing to remain impartial, the crafty devils at the BBC employ a range of tricks to stack the odds in favour of their preferred ‘narrative.’
Often this entails simply stacking the cards against an opponent in terms of sheer weight of numbers. Thus, for every guest supporting say Brexit or Trump there will always be at least two guests propagating an anti-Brexit or anti-Trump message. Pretty transparent, but a perennial favourite at the BBC.
Further, whenever they can, BBC producers will ensure they engage the weakest Brexit or Trump proponent they can possibly find. Yet another transparent tactic the aim of which is to allow those propagating the BBC narrative the minimum of opposition.
During the run up to the US presidential election the BBC hit gold when they located a Trump-supporting Republican who seemed to be in a state of perpetual shock. Faced with carefully selected and very hostile audiences in programmes like Question Time, the poor man – hardly the most eloquent speaker at the best of times – soon crumbled.
The good old Beeb would never dare have engaged the services of a strong Trump supporter such as an Ann Coulter or a Kellyanne Conway, articulate, intelligent women neither of whom would fit the BBC’s ‘Trump hates women’ ‘narrative’ and moreover a couple of women certainly capable of giving as good as they get.
Observers of the organisation’s coverage of the EU referendum would have noticed pretty much the same tactics in use on a daily basis. Strong, articulate Brexit supporters such as George Galloway were purposely marginalised while soft Brexiteers such as (Guardian columnist!) Giles Fraser and the rather limp, ineffectual Chris Grayling MP were given air time a-plenty.
Interesting then to observe last night’s edition of Newsnight which, amid the anguish and drama-queen antics of its presenter Emily Maitlis, featured a debate between a pro-Trump and an anti-Trump commentator.
Perhaps Ms Maitlis had simply not expected the spirited defence of the Trump administration as outlined by Michelle Malkin. Where is that docile Republican when he’s needed? It certainly might help to explain why Maitlis – the impartial referee, note – jumped to the defence of the anti-Trump Danielle Allen at every opportunity.
Two against one. BBC ‘impartiality’ had lasted all of 30 seconds…
As the debate went on it became apparent that the BBC had uncovered, albeit inadvertently, a ferociously pro-Trump advocate. And female to boot! This could not be allowed to go on – people might actually start to work things out for themselves without the benefit of a BBC ‘narrative’ to guide them. What to do?
When Maitlis introduced the next segment of the programme, while Allen remained in situ, Ms Malkin was conspicuous by her absence. Having refused to be bullied and intimidated a la BBC-style, the broadcaster had simply got rid of this irritant.
Gone. Absent. Airbrushed away. And best of all, nobody even noticed.
Dissenting voices outlawed, Maitlis and Allen were later joined by Ben Smith of Buzzfeed – the disseminator of the fake Russian dossier – as well as Michael Wolff contributor to the virulently anti-Trump USA Today.
The Liberal Echo chamber was once again up and running. Only four more years to go.
In the mean-time I wonder if one of our elected representatives would care to inform licence fee payers just exactly how the state-funded hate campaign of our state-funded broadcaster will actually enhance US-UK relations?
We’re waiting.
In their reporting of Conservative v Labour politics the BBC try, and fail, to provide balanced coverage. In their coverage of Brexit they make little effort to be balanced. In their reporting on Donald Trump being even handed never even crosses their mind.
Its because they are suffering from PTSD , Post Trump Stress Disorder .
I’m so sick of all the tv channels showing anti Trump and anti Brexit propaganda 24/7.
It’s like a continuous HIGNFY.
It’s so depressing us not being represented.
Now it’s all these ‘snowflakes against democracy’ (SAD) with many thousands worldwide protesting against democracy.
I just wish they would grow up.
Speaking of our Em, here she is with her hundreds and thousands of crew….
Newsnight’s producer, Ian Katz, used to work for The Guardian. He’s made Newsnight into a pantomime.
Speaking of BBC programmes that start with ‘News’ as they really know they are nothing like it…
Anti-Trump “sister” marches have been held in over 60 countries. Here’s what’s been happening in the UK…
Must. Resist. The. Open. Goal…
I half watched newsnight until I saw the panel . But, I did record it and Michael Wolf from Today rather irronically that Trump would not get support by this panel. Even a anti Trump journalist after 10 minute bias saw how bias BBC was!!!!!!
WE should rather welcome this behaviour by the BBC and the rest. It is going to finish a lot of them off for good. let the BBC destroy itself. Much better a self inflicted meltdown into irrelevance than us having to campaign against it. President Trump is no fool and will not give the BBC any interviews.
Well, it doesn’t say much for the research of the “Newsnight” clowns that they had no idea what to expect from Michelle Malkin. She has her own website, is syndicated on others and has written some excellent and very forcefully argued books. If “Newsnight” had been around to cover the Battle of Waterloo, would they have been left whining, “Nobody told us the enemy [i.e. Wellington’s Army, of course] had muskets, too!”
In the Greek myth of Jason, the Argo, on its way to Colchis, has to be rowed between the Symplegades, two great walls of stone, which clash together with fury, crushing anything which tries to pass them. Jason sends a bird to negotiate the passage; when it survives, with only two tail feathers lost, the Argonauts furiously row through. The Symplegades are stilled forever.
Wouldn’t it be nice if this succession of setbacks for Beebyanka ideologues, combined with the Beeboids’ uncontrolled fury at the turns of events, finally silenced them, Symplegades-style?
Michelle Malkin is an absolute star. She’s had many years experience of the much more turbulent waters of the US political scene. She often comes face to face with the far left over there and has had to deal with the vilest smears imaginable. Being a woman from Asia has the virtue signalers in a spin seeking out the most potent and creative insults to throw at her. She stands her ground with the best (worst) of opponents over there. How I wish we had a British version of her to argue our case against the cursed BBC.
The liberal media has become completely unglued in the last two years, and it’s great to see their true colours exposed. Trump and Brexit in the space of five months, despite the best efforts of the authoritarian fascistic globalist elite, have changed the course of the future and put the likes of the BBC on the wrong side of history, which is where they have been on most issues.
I’m waiting to hear the anti Trump brigade start arguing against his stated policy, and determination, to get rid of muslim terrorists ‘from the face of the earth’.
What will their arguments be ?
If I was an Al Beeb ‘Trustee’ I would be worried and ashamed.
What amazes me is that our PM and the Tory MPs have not raised the issue or even done anything about it .
Any Tory voters on this site ?
Probably not many. Hard to forgive May and I still don’t trust her. Her Davos speech showed she still does not understand the huge changes coming and why.
“Her Davos speech showed she still does not understand the huge changes coming and why.”
Dave, I’m a bit more optimistic. She might not understand everything that’s coming, but I think she’s decided that whatever it is she’s going to be on the winning side. Her heart might not be in it, but her self-interest is. For as long as UKIP can field candidates (and I do so hope that Nuttall wins) that pressure will ensure that the professional survivors in the Tory Party will deliver Brexit and all the domestic political changes that will flow from it.
We are living in epic times.
What we are witnessing are the death throes of socialism/communism/marxism.
One hundred years ago, February/March 2017, the Bolshevik revolution kicked off, sending a wave of death and carnage across the world. Hundreds of millions dead, and countless, mentally scarred. President Ronald Reagan and PM Margaret Thatcher, along with Pope John Paul II, saw the end of the USSR, and its satraps in Eastern Europe.
Unfortunately the infection transferred itself to Europe, and America. Using Climate Change, Health care, and Political Correctness, it hoped to enslave the West. It almost succeeded but for the appearance of a real estate developer.
Almost to the month, a hundred years later, President Donald Trump, along with, hopefully, PM Teresa May, will send the demonic ideology of Marxism, to its justly deserved grave.
No wonder Leftists around the world, in the BBC, and elsewhere, are kicking off a wave of social unrest.
They will lose. No doubt of it.
It goes back further than that to the French Revolution and maybe even further back.
It is the desire to turn humans into their own gods and thus make the world as they desire it to be.
That desire then takes many forms and amongst them the current cultural marxist one .
This is only the beginning of a battle that will be as momentous as any in history and as usual as unpredictable.
What the world will look like at the end of the battle I have no idea but it will not be our generations that will see it.
I found the above Newsnight quite entertaining, firstly when Michelle Malkin stated that as a journalist she did her best to be unbiased in her reporting (or words to this effect) which made Emily Maitlis and the other two jokers look like rabbits caught in the headlights. Cut to a one side item from the Deep South on what black Americans think of Trump – with some prompting and some direction from the BBC man on the spot to get the correct results – even a 6 or 7 year old dragged in front of the camera and asked pretty heavy handed who was the out going POTUS which he answered ok and then who the previous POTUS was which the poor lad did not know – just to prove the point that white POTUS do not register with these folk. I thought the reporter may have said “The boy was not even born then” but no, just carry on with this very amature piece of crap.
Cut back to Emily and see thar Michelle has been replaced by an on message female black American.. The highlight for this lady was when she stated that any anti drug enforcement will be a racist act – was she not being racist by implying only black Americans push drugs I asked myself?
Cut to end of prog with a piece on St Obama – what a crock of a program. Anyway farewell Washington and time to fly the 150+ BBC staff back to London 1st and business class and start planning the hatchet job ( sorry should read balance reporting) on M. Let Pen and living the high life in Paris.
I think we are all aware that, in this country, if Donald Trump had been elected as our leader, the BBC would have been able to hound him out of office within a few weeks, using the techniques referred to above.
My hope is that, even if Trump does ultimately succumb to the SJW agenda, he will prove to be the man who exposed, once and for all, the corrosive effects of political correctness. Currently, the liberal left are so emboldened by it that when they are defeated at the ballot box they immediately protest the result and those that voted against them.
Donald Trump’s greatest legacy would be to “call out” the BBC, CNN and their ilk so that we are allowed to continually challenge the “progressive” agenda.
At the moment the BBCs Royal Charter duty to be impartial is policed by the BBC Trust. As we know this is a failed system and will be replaced by Ofcom which regulates all other news broadcasting . Ofcom has a code that requires news broadcasters to be duly impartial . However no-one expects Ofcom to be any more successful at eliminating BBC political bias than the Trust, not least because it’s board is stuffed with ex BBC people who will follow the BBCs left leaning view of the world.
The regulatory system in the UK has an in-built tendency to support left bias . The way the BBC and others flout the duty to be impartial is summarised accurately in the introduction to this thread . But complaints on this site, for example about how Sky News has become more like the BBC in its bias, show that the Ofcom regulatory system is equally ineffective in the face of such tactics . How Channel 4 News throughout the tenure of Jon Snow can be said to be impartial is a mystery to me.
I would drop the duty to be impartial on any UK news broadcaster that doesn’t receive state funding . That way, we could see additional UK orientated news broadcasters with an overt centre- right or right wing perspective offer an alternative to BBC and C4. Equally, I would also like to see the state funded broadcasters policed more effectively, but I hold up little hope of that, so let’s just open up the market.
All of us who visit this site know that the BBC is liberal left biased to the core . I believe that they regard themselves and their liberal left world view as righteous in the biblical sense . Those of us who do not share this view are regarded by them as at best misguided and at worst as evil. They have all the fervour of missionaries sent to convert the heathen and believe that conversion by any means is legitimate , hence their total disregard for impartiality , for truth and for honesty. They are beyond redemption. Complete abolition is the only solution.
They are the misguided SJW MISSIONARIES mistakenly thinking they are saving the world
Like all dogmatists they have high intolerance of DIVERSITY of thought
…so see us APOSTATES
Newsnight in Saturday’s the Express with this headline
Viewers SAVAGE BBC Newsnight for Obama BIAS as Donald Trump described as ‘JOKE’
IRATE BBC viewers took to social media in droves last night to hit out at BBC’s Newsnight for appearing to portray Mr Trump’s presidency as “apocalyptic”.
Michelle Malkin is a discovery : Maybe another Anne Coulter, Katie Hopkins ?
But seems shes been writing Conservative articles for years
Here’s one from 2015
* The media’s vile attacks on conservative assimilationists *
Read more
Michelle Malkin is well experienced. I’ve been following her writings and appearances in the US media for over 15 years. Indeed, I would pay money to see her and Ann Coulter on Question Time together! The latter is also a forthright and strong speaker. Just after Trump first declared himself for the Presidency, she was on a US talkshow and was asked who she thought had the best chance of winning the White House out of all the Republican nominees. Without hesitation she named Trump. The howls of derision from the audience of morons fazed her not one bit and she explained exactly why. She’s a lawyer and a smart cookie.
Another female who would be a revelation fit to rock the BBC’s complacent world view would be Bridget Gabriel. Originally from Lebanon, she is an absolute authority on the evils of Islam. Any of these three women would melt the poor little BBC snowflakes in a heartbeat.