“The notion that religious belief is a minor factor in the rise of the Islamic State,” he observes, “is belied by a crushing weight of evidence that religion matters deeply to the vast majority of those who have travelled to fight.”
The BBC’s narrative about Islamic terrorism and its intentions [the terrorism has a purpose] is distorted by its own beliefs and political agenda…it is the standard bearer for the Left that wants to undermine the West and its economic, political and military near dominance, and it is also determined to rewrite the history that found the BBC guilty of lying about the Iraq Dossier. To that end it always aims to put the blame for everything that happens in the world, in the Middle East in particular, on Western actions…even climate change of course.
Just as British political, economic and social failures are dated from 1979, ending in 1997 and then starting again in 2010 Islamic terrorism and radicalisation also has a curiously abrupt start…in 2003…let’s just ignore so much history….never mind Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1998 and then there was 9/11…in 2001. Best just not mention that.
So we can’t rely on the BBC, the source of so many false facts, or alternate facts if you like. Who can we rely upon? How about a Muslim woman, a migrant from the Yemen living in Germany…she says that it, radicalisation, isn’t America’s fault…it is there all along..in the religion…you know…Islam…..
“Ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries. Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life.” On that basis, and in compliance with God’s order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:
The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it…. We — with God’s help — call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. Al Qaeda
Then how about an expert on ISIS? Could he tell us if the religion of peace is the source of so much trouble? You betcha…
Graeme Wood’s The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State reminds us of something that ought to be obvious: Islamic State is very Islamic.
Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future. In Islamic State’s propaganda, they certainly are. Sayings attributed to Muhammad that foretold how the armies of Islam would defeat the armies of the Cross serve their ideologues as a hall of mirrors. What happened in the Crusades is happening now; and what happens now foreshadows what is to come.
How much does Islamic State actually believe this stuff? The assumption that it is a proxy for other concerns – born of US foreign policy, or social deprivation, or Islamophobia – comes naturally to commentators in the West. Partly this is because their instincts are often secular and liberal; partly it reflects a proper concern not to tar mainstream Islam with the brush of terrorism.
“The reality is,” Wood wrote, “that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic.” The strain of the religion that it was channelling derived “from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam” and was fixated on two distinct moments of time: the age of Muhammad and the end of days long promised in Muslim apocalyptic writings. Members of Islamic State, citing the Quran and sayings attributed to the Prophet in their support, believe themselves charged by God with expediting the end of days. It is their mandate utterly to annihilate kufr: disbelief. The world must be washed in blood, so that the divine purpose may be fulfilled. The options for negotiating this around a table at Geneva are, to put it mildly, limited.
“The notion that religious belief is a minor factor in the rise of the Islamic State,” he observes, “is belied by a crushing weight of evidence that religion matters deeply to the vast majority of those who have travelled to fight.”
When Wood asks Hamza Yusuf, an eminent Berkeley Sufi, to demonstrate the group’s errors by relying only on the texts revealed to the Prophet, he struggles to do so: “Yusuf could not point to an instance where the Islamic State was flat-out, verifiably wrong.” This does not mean that it is right but it does suggest – despite what most Muslims desperately and understandably want to believe – that it is no less authentically Islamic than any other manifestation of Islam.
The achievement of Wood’s gripping, sobering and revelatory book is to open our eyes to what the implications of that for all of us may be.
Trouble is that is the last thing the BBC wants to happen…to have your eyes open to what is the consequence of allowing the mass migration of millions of Muslims into Europe.
Great Article!
“Trouble is that is the last thing the BBC wants to happen…to have your eyes open to what is the consequence of allowing the mass migration of millions of Muslims into Europe.”
With the increasing numbers of Muslim being employed by the BBC along with a never ending increase of BBC rainbow fascist employees/sympathisers there must come a time when the Muslims employees – who according to their religion hate gays – must logically clash with the rainbow fascist employees! Clearly, the BBC ELITES are speedily building their house on sand!
So sit back and watch the BBC self destruct!
If only !!!!! But don’t underestimate the duplicity.
Not just the BBC but the entire Western intellectual and governing class has determind that Isis is an aberration and not inspired by Islamic doctrines.. Why they have is now irrelevant.
Isis and it’s like have only one aim and that is to wipe the infidels from the earth and I believe them .
There is no possibility of compromise . There never was which is why the West is so vulnerable. This leaves us with a clear choice and unless we have suddenly developed suicidal tendencies as a culture it means bringing into power those who understand this .
The events of last year are but a start.
It is nothing to do with so called Islamophobia or racism or anything like it but the way the world works .The West did not seek this clash but it’s slow understanding of it has weakened us and made effective action difficult.
Further more if liberalism in the West had been countered earlier and realism had taken over then many people on all sides would have been spared and the world would not be facing years of turmoil.
“Top 10 Acid Attack victims in Iran”:
These pictures are unbelievably distressing, so be warned. As the narrator emphasizes at the start, this is no “Top ten”. It is just a list of ten utterly horrific attacks, only a fraction of those that occur in Iran, with, one must assume, countless more such abominations across the muslim world.
Bishop Jon Snow of Channel 4 News gobsmacked by Corey Lewandowski:
Poor, poor Snow carrying the world’s conscience on his shoulders with that same tortured look affected by leftie luvvies like Vanessa Redgrave. It screams “how could anyone have a different view to mine?”
John Snow was extremely nervous that President Trump’s fingers were on the nuclear button.
Will someone inform this idiot, that there are layers upon layers of security to prevent any accident, or even willful firing of nukes.
Top to tail BBC shilling for Islam as ever.
This morning, a Palestinian MP in the Israeli Knesset was given full rein to vent and trash Israel as a concept. This was doubtless due to the fact that an Israeli spokesperson was on at the same time yesterday-but chose to give a good account of Israeli action, venality of The Palestinians-oh and to praise Donald Trump.
Oh dear-the BBC would not have liked THAT for one minute.
This must not stand-so the PLO got a few minutes of time to talk the usual as Mishal purred along.
Then tonight Orla Guerin gets a few minutes to emote over the death of the Egyptian Arab Spring-yes, torture is nasty, the Egyptian State nasty too-but Orla seemed unwilling to give us any detail on who tortured the bloke she interviewed.
Maybe Al Sisi-more likely though it was Morsis Muslim Brotherhood, but Orla was not going to tell us THAT.
Classic BBC.
Oh-as for this Palestinian as victims of the Israelis…s`pose there`s no chance of the BBC telling us about what Jordan,Syria and Iraq etc are doing to Palestinians.
No-that would allow Israel not to get the blame, and imply that the Arabs despise the Palestinians far more than the Jews do.Inconvenient,
The juveniles at the “World Service” have been up to their usual tricks again.
Twice over the last couple of days we have had to listen to the same report about a teenager in Eygpt who was arrested, inprisoned and tortured for wearing a T shirt calling for freedom.
It would have been nice however if the BBC had put the issue of police brutality into context.
As usual though balance is never on their agenda unless it is “BBC balance”
As I get older my memory becomes defective but it still amazes me that they are totally blind to the irony of the situation regarding democracy and Islam – First we had at the time of the “Arab Spring” adolescent BBC reporters all racing to Tahrir square breathlessly reporting on the wonderful revolution. Next we had them back there again reporting on mass sexual assaults on women (soon to be repeated in Europe) and finally we had them back in Egypt again watching Morsi,s Islamic Brotherhood dishing out islamic justice to his political enemies, homosexuals etc.
This all lead to such a state of chaos that eventually the military was forced to remove Morsi and restore order. Brutal yes, but I would argue better than the destruction of whole groups minorities because they differ in their ways to the majority.
Unless policing is harsh a secular state will never flourish in these Muslim countries. Yet still the BBC fans the flames of discontent!
I dont think they are stupid or blind to the irony of what they are doing – I just think they are staffed and managed people who actively seek chaos. Maybe it is fun to watch it on telly knowing that you are safe in blighty, trouble is they want to import it here. Mentally these idiots have never left the 6th form common room. Trouble is in these days of serious world problems we need a serious broadcaster not children.
there never was an arab spring any fool could see it was the storm clouds before the islamist winter
Ahhhh!!! Right Alan, you bigoted, racist, fascist!!! Let me get my cult leftism ‘book of weaponised responses, to counter your hate!!! (Ahhh!! Hope-Trumps-Hate)
That woman in Germany is just a racist, islamaphobic bigot, who hilariously believes she knows more about islam than Muslims do…….oh no wait….I cant use one….quick lets just ignore that one and move onto something else…
Who’s this ‘Al Qaeda’ chap you reference?? He sounds like a privileged, white racist to me. Being a white man, who oppresses and murders women and blacks to keep your patriarchal world, this ‘Al’ is not allowed a view on peace loving Islam………fuck you!! I hate you!!!
There. I have covered all the mentally ill SJW’s responses. ?
You’ve gotta love the Dutch, they’re great. Even the advert (when I watched it was one of the BBC’s & Scumbag College’s finest hours)
They makers forgot to add the delights of Islamic misogyny, rapes and beatings, and not reported by the MSM ( in accordance with EU regulations)
And thanks to treasonious politicians and a treasonious state owned broadcasters like the BBC and Channel 4 who never report or investige such things we have had the same hear in the UK for decades
What ISIS wants
Top Ten Quran Verses for Understanding ISIS (the Islamic State)
ISIS {And all the rest of the muslim terror groups like The Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, The Mujidhadeen etc} use the unholy quran and follow the teachings and example of paedophile mohammad……….If it walks like a duck, Quacks like a duck, Swims like a duck then it must be a duck
If any proof is required that Islam is evil, one has to look at the results.
1. Islam does not civilise people but makes them more introvert, more violent, and generally uncouth, and given to barbaric customs.
2. Muslims are forever cutting each others throats, if not engaged in slitting Christian throats.
3. Muslims are forever at war. But despite continuous practice, they get beat by Christians, Jews, and Hindus.
4. Islamic nations produce no scientific discoveries, no technical innovations, no great literature, and no social improvements in the affairs of men ( politics).
5. As Islamic religion dominates Muslim lives, one would think that there would be a great outpouring in spiritual and metaphysical philosophies – but even even here, there is nothing.
6. Islam is a cult that destroys the essential creativeness of men, and replaces it with destructiveness.
7. Instead of taking the good within men and enhancing it, Islam takes the evil in a man, and enhances that.
The fruits of Islam are not just bad tasting, but poisonous. Even small amounts in a nation, can cause unpleasant complications. Larger amounts can lead to death.
The Closing of the Islamic mind
TWO OF THE MOST BRILLIANT EXPLANATIONS of Osama bin Laden were written 11 years ago. The first is an essay that appeared in the September 1990 issue of the Atlantic Monthly by Bernard Lewis called “The Roots of Muslim Rage.” The second is a lecture delivered by V.S. Naipaul as part of the Manhattan Institute’s annual Wriston Lecture series on October 30, 1990. Lewis is one of the great intellectuals of our age, but Naipaul won the Nobel Prize for literature today, so let’s review his thinking
Naipaul’s book ” Among the believers ” is worth a read as are any of Lewis’.