It seems that Muhammed wasn’t the Seal of the Prophets after all. Another has come among us bringing the good news and leading us into the light…her name…Emily Maitlis…our blessed Saviour. Maitlis is on a mission from God, part of the BBC priesthood she’s here to deliver us from Trump and Brexit, fighting alternative facts, fake news and outright lies. Let’s hope the burning bush isn’t too uncomfortable and as for the tablets of stone….well I don’t think the tablets are working.
Maitlis has apparently compared Trump’s inauguration speech to something Hitler would have produced. I’m unsure how she came to that conclusion as Trump’s speech seemed entirely innocuous if forthright and was full of multicultural hugs and loving the world sentiment…it’s just he wants America to come first…one would think this was hardly controversial stuff for an American President. Maitlis obviously heard an entirely different speech….the one I heard you can see in the video above or read here in the Mail.
Maitlis’ attitude and mendacious conclusion is pretty standard for the BBC reaction as a whole….the BBC seems intent on doing all it can to undermine Trump and portray him in a bad light whatever he says and does.
On Sunday Pienaar brought on Jenni Russell from the Times who told us that Trump, judging by his inauguration speech, was ‘literally mad’ and that he terrified her, it was she said a ‘terrifying, Orwellian situation’.
On Saturday it was a similar scenario with the BBC’s Today programme bringing on as many people as it could to make derogatory comments about Trump and to claim his speech was divisive and full of hate. Except of course it wasn’t, it was far from that….how many times did he say he wanted to unite America? Hilariously we were told he was marginalising some, ie the elitist politicians and officials who hold the reins of power, and they are upset. Yep, just like the very same people who are being marginalised by Brexit, they are the new forgotten voices, the insurgents now…yes, all those MPs, the power brokers stalking the corridors of power, the bankers, the Big Businessmen and the giants of the media world such as the BBC itself….think someone is channelling Farron and Clegg’s wildest fantasies.
We are informed by the BBC that Trump is isolationist, a nationalist who talks of jobs and power for the marginalised [the real marginalised] and is inexperienced at foreign policy and will leave Russia to do as it wants. That his talk of ‘American carnage’ is overwrought nonsense…America is thriving.
Curious, Corbyn wants to emulate Trump and his success and yet Trump could be Corbyn. Trump’s policies are left-wing policies….all those policies that the BBC would normally applaud and promote and yet the BBC is outraged that he uses the term ‘American carnage’ claiming it is over the top, and yet they themselves paint Britain as a failed state, with the NHS in permanent crisis, welfare in disarray, the prisons in meltdown, the economy always heading into recession, the schools in chaos and care in the community a disaster. But the truth is America in many respects has suffered ‘carnage’…..paradoxically it is the Today presenter Justin Webb who admits the truth writing in the hated Mail of all places…
In an inauguration speech possibly unprecedented in its pugnacity, he began with infrastructure, and rightly so. Anyone who knows America knows that the richest, most powerful nation on Earth is also a complete mess.
He admits Trump speaks ‘American’, he says what the people think…
The Trump line about terror, which will have sounded so crass to so many people around the world, might have made a lot of sense in deepest West Virginia.
So, too, will the theme of American jobs for American workers that infused the whole speech. The issue here is not just jobs, it is the providing of jobs that pay well and let people live in dignity.
And then the biggest admission…Trump’s call to put America first is something even Obama would agree with…..
Of course a Democratic president could have said the same thing: America first and American jobs first.
Obama didn’t have any foreign policy experience…and he was pretty much a failure and an isolationist…and yet the BBC praise him uncritically.
.Webb is undermining the very narrative that he and his colleagues peddle on the Today programme…that Trump is some sort of fascist demagogue making outrageous and ridiculous statements when in fact he is talking the truth, a truth that even the Democrats would admit to. Putting America first is not some fascist call to arms, it is not bringing Hitler to America as the BBC would have us believe…it’s just normal, sensible practice for any American President.
Just try telling Emily Maitlis that though. She’s still raging at Trump as in this Evening Standard rant [H/T Guest Who] Emily Maitlis: When #alternativefacts become like Orwell’s #doubleplusgood
It’s a pretty pretentious piece in which Maitlis appoints herself to role of the Guardian of Truth and Justice…
The real question now is how those of us listening to the lies respond…Our priority, uncomfortable as it sounds, is not one of balance but of fairness. We are not being fair to our readers or our viewers if we know something to be untrue and we simply fail to say it.
It is unedifying to be in a position where the media is “fighting back” against the democratically elected leader, on his first day in office. But the alternative is worse: to become a voice cowed by a sense of neutrality or decency — into not doing its job. Words matter in a presidency.
The media is not ‘fighting back’…the media set out from the start to attack Trump and derail his election attempt, and the BBC, despite being British, was at the forefront of those attempts to vilify and malign Trump neglecting to analyse his policies which he outlined in sober interviews, preferring instead to sensationalise his every comment and to twist and exaggerate his words and meanings…such as on Mexican immigrants and Muslims. Rather than examine the issues behind his words they prefer to resort to simply calling him racist and islamophobic and that’s about the sum total of their ‘analysis’ and comment on Trump.
And what of this claim by Maitlis?…’the alternative is worse: to become a voice cowed by a sense of neutrality or decency — into not doing its job.’
The BBC definitely does not do its job, it has long censored its news, omitting bits here, adding comment there, emphasising this, downplaying that, in order to shape a narrative that it believes is ‘good’, that works to further the BBC’s own world view. We know it censors genuine news about immigrants and Muslims that would portray them in a negative light and would make people think both are not such a good thing…the BBC claims it doesn’t want to give the ‘Right’ ammunition to criticise immigration policy or Islam and thus, apparently, ‘enabling and giving licence to racism’, Or perhaps just enabling fair and justified comment. Around 1,400 white girls were raped and abused because of just that type of BBC policy of hiding the truth, and the face of European culture is being radically changed by the importation of millions of Muslims without any consent of the people of Europe…and the BBC again hides the truth about the consequences of that and actually works to facilitate the flow. The BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge there is a war going on in Europe already, it’s a slow burn but can only intensify as more and more migrants flow into Europe providing an ever increasing pool of recruits and a power base to intimidate and blackmail politicians and those of the Establishment who can be made to favour them.
The BBC, far from being the beacon of truth, decency and neutrality that Maitlis claims, is dangerously interfering in the democratic politics of many nations and undermining the civil society, cohesion and stabilty of them.
The BBC is one of the biggest dangers to democracy and peace in the Western world today. Putin must be laughing his socks off. No need to hack any emails, just have the useful idiots with BBC passes do the work for him.
Must Watch
Europe is on course to be Islamic in thirty years or so. Even earlier, after the catastrophe that Merkel has visited on Europe.
But there is hope. Hope because of the emergence of a real estate developer.
President Trump has declared war on “radical” Islam. In addition he has stated that NATO is obsolete. But not in the way we think. NATO has lost its purpose, as Russia is no longer an aggressive communist nation.
I believe that NATO is going to be re-tasked. Radical Islam will become the new target of NATO. After some resistance, European nations will fall in line with the USA. They either agree, or they leave the new NATO. Moreover, their leaders will be defeated in coming elections, as the people of Europe are deadly afraid of an Islamic future. So they don’t have a choice.
The UK is already with USA. Russia is eager to cooperate.
What will be the strategy? Virtually the same as the one the West’ pursued against the USSR, and Warsaw pact countries.
1. Travel between the two entities made very difficult, if not impossible
2. No tourism, students exchanges. And certainly no immigration to the West from Islamic countries.
3. No cultural exchanges.
4. No aid, not even food, unless paid in hard cash.
5. No trade except what is necessary to the West – which is not much.
In conjunction, will be strict monitoring of mosques and Islamic centres, and expulsion of non-citizen Muslims.
Islamic nations don’t have the capability to withstand such a policy. The Warsaw pact managed it for a while, but eventually they collapsed.
But what we are dealing here is a religion, and not a political ideology. However, Islam is more political then spiritual. When confronted with a losing scenario. Muslims will back the “Stronger horse”.
If he succeeds, and saves the West from the greatest threat (demographic), it has faced, President Donald Trump will go down as the greatest Western leader ever, exceeding Churchill, Charles Martell and Prince Jan Sobieski.
Sounds good, hope you are right.
NCBBC, I can’t see your scenario ever happening, because the Cold War restrictions you mention were largely put in place by the Russians themselves; eg the Berlin Wall was built by the East Germans to keep their own citizens behind the Iron Curtain, because they knew once they got to the west they would see what a crock communism really was.
Radical Islam, by contrast, has no such fears – it wants people to move to the west because it knows how easy it is to set up segregated Islamic communities there. The west itself also will never impose the kind of restrictions you mention on Islamic countries, because of fears of racism and because it wants cheap labour.
All we can hope for, I think, is that the mood in Europe gradually changes due to Trump and Brexit, and dangerous open-border ideologues like Merkel get toppled in favour of leaders with a less utopianist outlook.
I take your point. However President Trump has stated many a time in his campaign, to stop migration from countries which have a problem of terrorism. Essentially, this means Islamic countries.
Will he abide with hos campaign promise? That’s a $64K question. I hope so. So far, and that just one day into his presidency from the start of the week, he has.
1. Obamacare defunded
2. NAFTA up for re-negotiation
3. TPP junked, and TTIP dead in the water.
The mood in Europe is changing rapidly. Italy, France, Germany, ll over. Rutte, the PM of Netherlands, an “open borders Islam is the Religion of Peace”, is now telling immigrants , that if they don’t like the Netherlands, or wont abide with its culture, should leave.
Lets do our best to change the mood. We should do this with good manners, and concern for everyone, including Muslims. Otherwise, its quite likely, that we will blunder into a civil war, that will make Bosnia look like a garden party.
Cranmer, Owen Morgan
President Frump has pointed out, that oil rich Arab nations have done nothing for Arab migrants. He is going to push them to do so. Another thing he has stated, is that he intends to create safe areas in Syria and Iraq for migrants to be lodged, and oil rich Arab nations to pay for it.
Its quite likely he will get what he wants.
NCBBC – If true that will be great. Do you have a link for this report?
In his campaign he mentioned it of and on.
Thanks – the safe zone sounds good in theory, but I doubt how exactly he intends to ensure safety there for the numbers involved has been figured out.
Certainly the surrounding Islamic states should be forced to open their borders and pay for it – particularly the oil rich ones. It would be an ideal strategy to counter their hidden agenda to take over the world. Besides which – that Muslims go to live in other Muslim countries should get support even from our lefty friends – though we can count on them to find a reason not to, especially with help from the BBC.
The safe zone will be better then the likelihood of serious trouble in Europe – possibly destabilisation of the current order.
What worries me is that the safe zone of Europe is under great threat- either from Muslim migrants, or the reaction.
Hard cash, unfortunately, is part of the problem with the muslim countries. The likes of Pakistan and Bangladesh may not have any, but Saudi Arabia and Qatar have far too much of the stuff. They are behind the sunni jihadism around the world, while Iran backs the equally disastrous shia version of fundamentalism (odd, how islam can have two versions of fundamentalism, but I don’t imagine that logic ever troubled an imam, or a mullah). Iran was pretty strapped for cash, spending lots on backing Assad. Luckily, ex-President Obama flew in plane-loads of the stuff and not, oddly enough, in Iranian rials. Apparently, hezbollah prefer Swiss Francs.
The late Lawrence Auster said that separation was inevitable if the West is to survive.
He was right then and right now .
Yes he was.
I hope you are right.
The real question now is how those of us listening to the lies about putting America first, respond…Our priority, uncomfortable as it sounds, is not one of balance but of fairness. We are not being fair to our readers or our viewers if we know something to be untrue and we simply fail to say it. So I will say it, Trump will put Britain first.
It is unedifying to be in a position where the fake media is “fighting back” against the democratically elected leader, on his first day in office. But the alternative is worse: to become a voice cowed by a sense of neutrality or decency — into not doing its job. Rude words matter in a presidency. So I will say some false and rude words Mr Trump, “were you the President who fucked a prostitute in a Russian Hotel room, or was that someone called President Clinton“. Trump answers the BBC “No“, “I was not called President until last week, and Hilary will never be called President, so it must be her husband, who is still called President Clinton, and the woman was called Monica”
Wonder if the BBC and in particular its so-called news and current affairs programmes has ever stood in front of a mirror and thought both about “Is the BBC being fair balanced and factual about what it is going to say when putting together its news and current affairs programmes, and are the BBC going to allow people to say things that may disagree with the BBC aganda with out trying to shut them down Looking at the BBC and its coverage of such things as Trump Brexit and islam it is clear to anyone not a sheeple that the BBC does not
Wonder if the BBC and in particular its so-called news and current affairs programmes has ever stood in front of a mirror
It reminds me of the wicked Queen in front of the magic mirror, before Snow White made her appearance.
As President Trump remarked, “BBC News, thats a beauty”.
I can just see the BBC as the Wicked Queen and Snow white as the internet, alt-media, social media, Youtube etc
What I like is Trump’s initial plan(s) as put forward here:
The later ones state: “Work with Congress ….” An attempt to bring congress back in with the president – which Obama didn’t. Some refer to America’s infrastructure – all to get USA working properly again. Sounds good, so far. But, I thought Obama might be good the way he started out with his speeches etc…. But was quickly disillusioned. I hope Trump doesn’t disillusion me…..
Immigration has not been a success .
That doesn’t mean that we don’t want it to be a success , or we won’t do our little bit to try to make it a success , but it hasn’t so far been a success . And the reasons are government policy and Gramscians working in the civil service and other public sectors .
Wonder when Emily will start quoting her American sources as “We (Don haters)…”?
The trouble is a lot of people, especially young people in this country believe all the crap they hear on tv or from their mates,my daughter is 19 and said to me that Trump’s speech eas ‘the same as Hitler’s, because he said, “America first”‘, I was dumfounded, she hasn’t got a clue about politics but comes out with statements like that, and my wife is nearly as bad.
Wild Bill
Perhaps President Trump should have said ” America last”, to make himself popular.
Which indicates, that as Obama was popular, he must have acted to put “America last”. Which, as a matter of fact, he actively did.
The Associated Press reported Monday that former President Barack Obama released $221 million in U.S. funding for the Palestinian Authority on the morning of Friday, January 20 — just hours before he was to leave office.
Obama as usual, gives huge amounts of America’s money to its enemies. ” America last”.
It’s the same with me. I am the only one in my family and friends who thinks Trump is good.
All the others have been comprehensively brainwashed by the media. And they can’t see it.
I wish Condoleeza Rice would stand for President. (Maybe she will one day). To have a black conservative woman in charge would cause such a huge mental short circuit that the heads of all the snowflakes would simply explode, like in a David Lynch film.
I would prefer Alan West.
“And then the biggest admission…Trump’s call to put America first is something even Obama would agree with…..”
No, he wouldn’t. There was a Malaysian prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, who proclaimed a “Put Britain Last” policy, when it came to international contracts. Obama did something similar: put America last. The world would be a vastly more secure place, if Obama’s presidency had never occurred. Even putting aside his obvious foreign policy disasters on, well, everything, his determination to scupper America’s ability both to be self-sufficient in energy and to supply fuel to trading nations means that the world can still be held to ransom by muslim countries. America is swimming on oil and natural gas and could just about power the planet, but, time and again, Obama abused his executive powers to prevent the exploitation of resources, or their movement. Hillary Clinton was going to compound this by banning fracking. In the United States, that’s not something that sort-of, just-about, maybe happens in Lancashire. It provides vast amounts of fuel. Obama set the tone for his chosen successor to close that down.
Obama has also been very destructive of US military power. There have been “politically correct” demands for “transgender” soldiers (such as convicted, now pardoned, spy, Bradley Manning). There was the disgraceful theatre involving suspected deserter Bowe Bergdahl, only not pardoned by Obama because his court-martial still hasn’t happened. There is the repeated humiliation of American forces, in the Gulf, in Iraq, at Benghazi, to which the administration made no response. On top of that, there is the general weakening of US forces in general. The Americans stopped really winning wars after 1945, but they have now been put in a position to start really losing them.
(On the subject of defence, I don’t ignore the continued deterioration of our own defences. If it’s a choice between our Forces and HMRC human resources counsellors in Cumbernauld, I know which I want my taxes to go to.)
Owen Morgan
Great post. Obama has been a disaster for the West. The proof is that lefties around the world, were ecstatic.
I watched the Presidential inauguration on Fox (never watched one before). There was no commentary or snide comments sidebar either.
As Obamesiah took off in Marine 1 and circled Washington the Fox host noted; “Obama’s legacy is Donald Trump.”
Without BBC reform , which I don’t see happening, we are just going to have to endure its constant attacks on Trump for the next 4 years. Trump is the enemy of all the BBC stands for .
I’ll be interested to see what Trump is going to do about Muslim immigration into the USA . He made various proposals during the election campaign which most people think he will have to water down . So the problem of Muslim penetration of the West will continue and the long term existential threat to our civilisation won’t go away. The Muslim situation in Europe is far more immediately threatening than it is in the USA. If Trump can’t deal with his problem what chance our politicians will deal with ours?
The Islam problem has to be dealt step by step. First tackle “radical” Islam ie ISIS, Hamas, Islamic Jihad etc. This will of course rile the Islamic world to oppose it. Which will then allow the next step of going after the Muslims who support Jihad. And so on.
I don’t think Pres Trump is going to dismantle NATO. NATO will just be re-tasked. Bear in mind that NATO’s task is to defend the Western world from external, and internal enemies. All other NATO couintries, and their security agencies in the West, will go along.
I don’t think Turkey under the present administration will go along with anything remotely ‘anti-Islamic’
The way that the Left think that there are some people that Trump should never be allowed to respond to is tantamount to a bully having his gang hold their victim’s arms behind him while giving him a pounding. This happened during the election campaign when “American” muslim parents of a dead soldier made vicious and untrue attacks on Trump during a Clinton rally, but the MSM were outraged when Trump responded.
Then this Civil Rights “activist” (He’s no Martin Luther-King.) made nasty, fascistic attacks on Trump but again the MSM were hoffified when Trump responded in kind. “How dare he – this man is a ‘Civil Rights Hero’ – pass me the smelling salts Mabel” was their fake horrified reaction.
If the US embassy is moved to Jerusalem then we will all know that everything has changed. That one act will demonstrate that no harm will come to Israel under President Trump and that the great cause of the Gramscian left is not going to prevail anymore.
“The BBC is one of the biggest dangers to democracy and peace in the Western world today.”
I agree! The BBC “pink tolerance brigade” has at last thrown off her disguise and rolled up their shirt sleeves to make war on Families, Morality, Biology, children, decency, and British society in general! AND ITS US THE LICENCE PAYERS WHO ARE PAYING THOSE BBC GENDER BENDERS TO ACHIEVE THEIR AIM! Cowardly and treachourous the lot of um!
Indeed, it’s us who should be protesting. By withholding (en masse) our payments.
It would have to be well organised [somehow] and widespread. I don’t even know if it could be done it’s just that I feel we need to take this dragon down. The sooner the better.