Out of the way peasants….Ken Clarke’s coming through, riding roughshod over your hopes and dreams in his EU bandwagon fueled by the BBC’s hotair propaganda. Move aside you plebs, you smelly, unwashed ignoramuses…your Emperor is here.
Ken Stott thought that the BBC’s imposition of received pronunciation was the outward sign of an “English culture of a feeling of superiority and entitlement” and that “something we never really got out of is the Lord [John] Reith rubbish that there should be a standard English spoken and that the BBC should lead the way….Reith did more damage to our society than I think anyone gives him the credit for.”
Of course the BBC didn’t just impose received pronunciation but more ominously, it now rigorously imposes its received wisdom, an orthodoxy of thought, values and belief that does enormous damage to British society and interests.
The BBC thinks it very definitely should lead the way, defining what is right, good, proper and acceptable, anything outside its narrow definition is met with violent disapproval and an orchestrated crusade to silence the dissenters and if that fails, to discredit, delegitimise and smear opponents usually with the ever handy cry of ‘racist’. Look how it treats Trump or Tommy Robinson and the EDL or classically its Stalinist attempt to erase from existence the heretical Quentin Letts’ programme on the Met Office….never mind anyone who talks about controlling immigration or of leaving the EU.
This morning we had another classic on the Today show…in this case instead of loading the argument they didn’t have an argument, they just didn’t bother bringing on any dissenting voices at all as they discussed the upcoming judgement on Article 50. We heard from Gina Miller as she was quoted telling us she was only interested in ensuring democracy was seen to be done, we heard from a ‘constitutional expert’ who told us the judges were just doing their job and then we had Mr Toad, or Ken Clarke as some might know him. Louche, patrician, entitled, contemptuous and superior just about covers the hush-puppy clad EU lap dog. Maybe I missed out condescending, smug, self-important, aristocratic and arrogant. You just know he’d rather be making policy down his gentlemen’s club swigging brandy and puffing on his Cuban cigar as he settles in his leather chair with a few good chums. So inconvenient this thing called democracy where instead of the Tyranny of the Self-selected Elite we get the Tyranny of the Majority, or mob rule as he characterises it, and we end up in a fool’s paradise such as Brexit.
No, the BBC didn’t bother with any dissenting voices, just ploughed on with the pro-EU gang giving no idea that Parliament had ceded sovereignty to ‘The People’ via the referendum and that referendum gave May the mandate to trigger Article 50…no permission from MPs is now needed, and certainly no permission from devolved governments…they seem to want to have two goes at stopping Brexit having both a vote in Parliament with their MPs there and then perhaps a right to block it in their own right….they hope. But again no idea from the BBC that that would be an injustice.
The BBC seems to delight in giving the bloated aristocrat Clarke as much airtime as possible to disseminate his rankly odorous and offensive piffle as widely as possible with great glee knowing its highly objectionable, contemptuous arrogance really annnoys the Leave side….or any one who thinks democracy is a good idea.
Never mind alternative facts the BBC peddles an alternative reality that has little to do with the world most of us live in.
I just can’t listen or watch anything the BBC puts out on this subject because the pro-EU bias makes it all into blah, blah. Even so, I can feel the hot air rising on the airwaves…let’s see…Clarke, Nick “No EU Army” Clegg, Miller, Branson, Mandelson…am I close?
Have any of them, and I include BBC so-called journalists in this, discussed what would happen if these enemies of democracy do manage to stop Brexit?
Any discussion of how the EU would likely express delight at our knee-capping by taking absolute control: reaching over to strip more of our assets, block our political suggestions, throw open our borders under Schengen, subsume our military into theirs and insist they now had the mandate to sign us up to the Euro and bail out their idiocies? Any whisper of that yet?
And you forgot about making us drive on the Wrong. I am sure Brussels has been itching to make us do that forever. It’s not fair to Belgians, to make them observe the rules of the British road.
Some years back, in my mainly rural British county, I was nearly torpedoed by a large Volvo, crossing from the other side of a dual carriageway. It turned out to have a Belgian number plate and, in Belgium, they still have “priorite a droite”, meaning that a driver from a side-road can swerve on to a main road with precedence. They used to have the same thing in France, but even the French realised how stupid it was.
If Brussels can cancel Brexit, why wouldn’t it celebrate with all the things Stella2 mentions, which are all things the Rempaigners told us were not even on the horizon?
“No, no, no, you silly, barely educated, in our world-class schooling system (designed by us), idiots, none of these claims of intended EU power-grabs is true.”
They certainly would be, if the Establishment were to find a way to stifle Brexit, but I am optimistic that that can’t happen now, whatever the Establishment tries to throw in the way.
A steep learning curve with that Belgian Volvo! In the part of south-east France where I spend a lot of time, Belgian drivers are considered very special by the locals. The advice is always to treat with caution and expect the unexpected.
Other notes from the inside track: The Italians get raced up hills and round bends. The Dutch are a hazard, slow and cumbersome due to their caravans and campervans full of Dutch rubbery cheese. The Swiss should be given wide berth on the road as they will set their lawyers onto you for a tiny scratch. And GB cars? Excellent steady drivers who will then suddenly surprise you by appearing head-on after making a turn…especially after lunch. The French, of course, are practically perfect in every way – admittedly a little fast due to their superlative driving skills!
Wonder if we can extrapolate any political characteristics from this…
I watch so little of the BBC now, I almost have to resort to getting my news about the BBC from this site!
As for the ugly slimy toady mug picture of that horrendous character above, did you have to give us a photo of Clarke?
Pepe on the left is cool though.
Superb Alan.
Practise makes perfect. Do not become too conceited though, you are usually shooting at an open goal. I look forward to your article conceding that Woman-made Global Warming is a fact. I suggest the following title.
“Thames Barrier overwhelmed by incoming sea, six million otiose ****s of various types drowned [Yippee]. Odour of putrefying bodies, intensifies after their death, and exceeds the great stink of 1858. Two million genuine British people with genuine British beliefs reach higher ground and survive [Yippee again].”
Only a suggestion.