Emma Barnett…if I was getting paid for this I’d be rolling in it as long as she’s on air. What a star. Today’s speciality? Women MPs, in particular, are under attack….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off. Well, might suggest alarmist and false claims by the likes of Barnett won’t help. She told us that one woman was considering taking up the cudgel as an MP but had decided not to due to the perceived violence against women MPs. On comes the said woman and we find out that’s complete horlicks….not the reason at all that she didn’t want to do the job. And was Jo Cox targeted because she was a woman? No, not at all. So why is Barnett saying she was and that women MPs in particular are be so targeted? And why link it slyly to Brexit when so many Labour MPs were targeted by Corbyn fans during his leadership election and on many other occasions…men and women?
Just the usual false, sensationalist stories peddled by the BBC in order to create headlines and ‘issues’ and to push their own political agenda.
We had this article recently [apologies to whomever posted it in the comments, I’ve forgotten who you were]..
Most media chiefs believe fake news is good for business
According to the survey of 145 chief executives, editors and digital leaders across 24 countries, 70% believe their position will be “strengthened” by consumers’ desire for trusted and accurate news.
Most respondents see the rise of fake news as “a chance for quality journalism to stand out”
That is one of the reasons the BBC pushes the notion that there is a massive wave of fake news out there on the internet and on the pages of its rivals’ newspapers. The BBC is trying to create the impression that it is the gold standard and thus become the ‘trusted’ goto provider of news…which means it will have a monopoly of what news people see and hear and thus what they think and how they react. All very Orwellian. It is also the chance to discredit other news providers and the internet blogs which the BBC hopes will result in government controls on them….already in operation with Leveson of course which may well result in the destruction of Fleet Street.
The irony is of course that the BBC itself is the biggest generator of fake news and alternate facts….which is why this site has been going relentlessly for over a decade…Bias is just another word for false or fake….when you see it post it here……..another open thread…
Mishal Hussein v James Carafano from President Trumps team this morning (on Today) discussing implementing more effective vetting for immigrants from Muslim countries such as Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
The unbiased Mishal pointed out that many terrorists are “home grown”, without a blink Carafano made the link with Islam regardless of geography…..ouch.
Hussain pounced on Carafano as soon as he mentioned that in Europe we ‘had experienced terrorist atrocities committed by people who had…..’
Hussain knew what was coming and there was no way, absolutely no way he was going to be allowed to say what he was going to.
Fake news, control the message, controlled the messenger, close down the debate, poison the discussion. All tactics of the BBC’s finest
Although she tried to “frame this as an issue of discrimination” Carafano didn’t let her control him or the discourse, at one point he even used the term “Islamic terrorism” I think.
We can expect more of this from US spokesmen and women.
The game has changed, and not before time.
I thought I was listening to Radio Social Justice Warrior
cos her agenda was so right on and full of Virtue Signalling
(an remember it’s on at the same time as Women’s Hour in on R4 and Victoria is on BBC2)
– Women’s dress rules *
– Special guest : Head of the Jo Cox foundation
– Women MPs feeling uncomfortable “ subtley adjusted the headline to “50% of women have received threats of violence”
(That was subtle change from the wording they used earlier of “a third of women MPS have had death threats”
. .as if 100% of UKIP MEPs had not had death threats.
* Men have work dress codes : ties, no beard, army haircuts.)
The previous prog had been R5 Live Your Call about Transgender people
– She had her obligatory sneer at Farage
and apart from that I only heard women in the studio although one was a Tory MP
Women MPs, in particular, are under attack ..she was forced to acknowledge the BBC had only bothered to survey women
@Alan said “….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off.”
Murder is one thing , but it is LeftMob who have been engaging in day to day INTIMIDATION against people who dare express a view different to theirs .
So is there any wonder that people are intimidated away from engage in politics ?
Indeed it is Jo Coxes husbands org “Hate not Hope” who are specialists in using bullying, and physical force to stop people from having legal political meetings.
The anger seems to have become ingrained in their psyche. It’s actually scary to see this exhibited in the young. This determination to imagine themselves as victims. They have to project blame on someone all the time. There has to be a villain. They couldn’t function without one. It seems like they have a need to be angry. This complete dismissal of logic, reason & facts by a significant portion of the population is alarming. Inbred & irrational hatred. How will it be for the next generation?
Of course there has to be a villain, Lucy. It’s just that ogres and witches have been replaced by Tories and climate sceptics, starting in the classroom.
Millenials song
SG 100%.
MPs must have plenty of time on their hands, cut their salaries by 50% to concentrate what could be described as their minds.
Plenty of “protests” reported recently. Some protests do not seem to have taken place.
The “Women against Europe wide mass gang rape of white children by paedophile Muslims protest”
The “Women against mass murder by Islamic “drivers” in Europe protest”.
Not forgetting the yet to be announced
“Anna Soubry/Diane Abbott/Emily Thornberry is not my MP protest”
“Women against FGM protest”
“Women against Saudi-Arabia-oppression-towards-females protest”
She is utterly dreadful, for days she was going through the Hilary didn’t get elected because she was a woman routine.
She is what you have come to expect from todays BBC. Activists with their own agenda delivering it at our expense.
Women are doing a lot of moaning this week, I can’t see what their problem is, society is more than fair to them these days?
Women I know and work with are all whining about there age for retiring and claiming state pension has gone up, well as I tell them ‘it has risen to be the same as mens retirement age, that’s equality for you’.
Many argue that their second job is housewife ..and thet they don’t get to retire from that.
..There are some slob husbands I guess.
Oh, there are more than a few ‘slob’ husbands Stew !
It’s the old, ‘We say we want equality but really we want superiority’. And you find it across all areas of special pleading.
A very good point. Can’t be pointed out too often.
And I speak as a downtrodden, oppressed, house-husband!
Men can be manipulated into doing housework, you just need to be a bit clever about it.
Mine had never cleaned a window in his life until I bought one of those Karcher things. The gadgetty technology appeals, you see.
If it looks techy, plugs in, has more than one LED light, and preferably “electronic” somewhere on the casing, there’s a good chance it will appeal. A duster or a mop? Forget it.
” A duster or a mop? Forget it.”
Try welding a 4-stroke engine on to the mop – and to please him even more – get some superglue and stick some kind of old intel-micro chip on to the petrol cap! Bet his eyes will light-up! (of course you might need to get some brasso to make the chip shine in order to catch his eye!
Thank you, Mr Dyson.
Knit him a special cardigan with a badge on your sewing machine. Then cook him his favourite meal and do the washing up afterwards. All while wearing a negligee and split crotch panties!
Yes, it’s all equality while it suits. It just looks like more hate to me these days.
Women in the west are not oppressed or treated unfairly. (Except in Muslim enclaves)
The Women’s liberation movement has outlived it’s purpose. It’s ridiculous now & it’s kicked into a different gear. Revenge mode.
Sometimes I wonder, the education system being what it is now, how many more steps until we begin eradicating the ‘white male’ at birth? No use for him. We spend too much money & too many years training young boys that they owe a debt to society for being white males. It might be more cost-effective to do away with them from the off. More school-places for the lovely “Asian” boys. Sorry for ranting in such drastic hyperbole. But I’m angry too dammit 😉
Lucy; it’s the tried and tested application of “divide and rule”. Socialism likes to set people off against each other; wimmen vs men, religion vs religion, colour vs colour. Marxism’s aim is the destruction of the family unit.
Pressure group (AKA charity) sets up carefully worded survey. The answer is always the same “we need more cash.” The homeless, the trans, the wimmen, the poor, the sick, the disabled, the needy, in fact everyone except straight hetrosexual working people. You know, the ones working, to pay for it all.
The results of said survey are all gratefully lapped up by the so-called BBC and those commies at the Guardian – who are often one and the same person. Put out with a “there, look see how bad it is for the minorities.”
The ruling classes sit on the beach giving each other high fives whilst watching the carnage.
The trouble for the divide and rule agenda is that the largest minority have now twigged the rules of the game and are claiming their rights as victims. They’ve gone out and voted for Trump. It was always going to happen and now that Rubicon has been crossed, who knows where it will end?
The more that Womans Hour and the BBC seek out these empty grievances, the more that we know that Gramsci and Alinsky are addling their hysterical minds at the BBC.
The Bible does say somewhere that your leaders will become perpetual kiddies on permanent rebellion who`ll not have the seed to spawn
a child. They`ll be like women in effect.
Look at Snow and his tampon, his spliff.
Listen to the BBC wondering about our heels and human rights, whether Anna Soubry got a nasty email or a mouldy worm in her tequila?
We don`t CARE BBC-we know your bitchslaps lead to nothing but another Filipina getting a pass to clean Polly Toynbees Prius?
Nobody is listening to the BBC and the liberal elite anymore.
Brexit and Trump now are our wish. THEY can go to hell.
The trouble is that once someone or a group assumes the mantle of victimhood it is very difficult for them to let it go. Muslims, Feminists, LBGT, Remainers all glory in their oppression, and it becomes a way of life. Before the current craze for identity politics, it was the down-trodden workers and their trade unions who were being victimised, bullied and discriminated against.
Once these grievance-takers gain traction, they attract hangers-on, lawyers, SJWs, journalists whose life’s work becomes the continuation of the grievance. Or more cynically, their gravy train.
When has a charity or trade union ever announced “Our work is done, all our grievances have been met and we are happy” and then proceeded to close.
We used to hear the phrase “the poor will always be with us”. The modern version should be “the grievance and offence takers will always be with us”
Funny that but you never see us Sikhs having SJW, Feminazi, Islamic, remoaner, Hate not Hope etc type tantrums when we want something the last time was motorcycles and Turbans. We just behave ourselves, campaign peaciably and work through the legal process. And then usuall accept the result if we get proved wrong, Unlike the perpetually offended SJWs, muslims, general leftards, Feminazies and other similar groups who seem to use any excuse to have a riot
Been said here innumerable times on this site – from news coverage you would really believe that Islam is the only religion and Muslims were close to being the majority of the planet’s inhabitants.
Tiresome and a contradiction of, ‘MULTI-culturism and enrichment’.
What we are given by MSM and it’s acolytes is ‘duo-culturism with impoverishment’.
For the BBC, Islam is wonderful and all other religions are either bad (christianity) or irrelevant (all the rest ). A total perversion or reality.
I agree totally. Also, I remember the protest against motorcycle helmets; no rioting, no violence, no death threats just a few Sikhs risking arrest for not wearing a helmet. Still, as I have posted here before, Sikhism does have very different guiding principles to other religions and organisations.
Trending story from the last thread by @Thoughtful
TV and radio star ‘was blackmailed for £18,500 by a rent boy who he had paid to TRAMPLE on him in a bizarre sex game’
Must be a BBC ‘star’, although it could be any number of them!
I posted this earlier this morning:
And while we’re at it on the subject of the BBC’s finest, is anyone in the least surprised that yet another BBC presenter has been in court due to a ‘rent boy’ scandal?
We are not allowed to know the name of this ‘celebrity’ but apparently he was spending £2,000 a week (of our money) on ‘rent boys’ and cocaine. Apparently, this led to him being blackmailed. You don’t say…
The BBC actively promotes ‘gay lifestyles’ and yet look how coy some of its presenters become once there’s a danger of people knowing the truth about what those ‘lifestyles’ so often entail and who the ‘stars’ involved might be. It’s almost as if they were ashamed…
“It’s almost as if they were ashamed…”
And ashamed is what they should be!
And they never talk about the health hazards of anal intercourse and I am not talking about Aids !
And another ‘well known’ BBC presenter has ‘over exposed’ (reported in The Sun) as displaying Pornograph on SKYPE (of all places). I am sure the two are not connected to the “twitter” account of bizarre and rental boys as we all know ‘the BBC considers this all ‘perfectly normal ‘activity for BBC presenters- except the blackmail part. Maybe it’s all ‘fake news’!!!
“TV and radio star ‘was blackmailed for £18,500”
Must be one of the junior BBC stars spending the change he found in his back pocket during his lunch hour!
The clue is in ‘TV AND radio’….now, who could that be? Graham Norton? Richard Madeley? Chris Evans? Vanessa Feltz? Jezza Vine!! Good game Or Michael Ball?
A must see, The Welsh Assembly gets ‘Reckles’. Will it appear on the ‘World Class’ Broadcaster’s News ?
He’s gone up in my estimation.
England and Wales together .Yes !
And he is still not listening to us the 53%.
After we have left the EU abolish the Welsh Assembly next. Spend the money saved on the NHS and employ more Doctors and Nurses.
News is PR
I see Green advertising sheet the Yorkshire Post is promoting the story off electricity from off shore windfarms falls by third in 5 years to below £100MWh
So that “Intermittent electricity”
So costs only 2.5 times the cost of normal electricity (that comes when you want and you don’t have to pay for when you don’t need it.)
Costs do tend to fall when the gov sends signals of subsidy cuts , so super expensive projects gets dropped ..it’s hardly a sign of technological breakthrough.
The Mail runs with a different headline
Energy bills to fall as billions in ‘green crap’ subsidies axed: Ministers unveil plans to reduce money given to wind and solar energy firms
We (the UK) rank third as having the most expensive electricity in the World. All thanks to the Green blob of fundamentalists who get too much BBC airtime.
And if nothing changes, Philip, it’s going to get a whole lot worse!
I used to work in electrical generation and know a little about how the sparks are made and sold and tariff prices, how they change every half hour and have different prices at different times of day to industrial users, (up to now) depending on demand and the (reducing by the year)plant on line providing the demand.
For domestic consumers, these differing prices are averaged out at present, one tariff for the day and a cheaper one for the night, because unlike industrial users, the consumer may know what wattage they are using at any given time, but the provider has no way of knowing at what time of day the consumer was using it.
With a smart meter, the provider will know exactly what is being used and at what time of day and the consumer will end up being billed accordingly, at the prevailing tariff price, at time of consumption. So, when we are all forced to use a smart meter, (who could possibly object, no more averaged bills, yippee! How bloody difficult is it read a meter and submit the reading? ) “Smart meters will save you money,” Maybe, if you do all your cooking, cleaning, washing etc., after midnight and before 7:00 am. Save money? Pull the other one, show me one industry, company or business on the planet, especially one with shareholders that would welcome and actively encourage a reduction in profit and cash flow.
In the years since I left the industry, the situation has become a whole lot worse, with the closure of so many power stations, to “save the planet” aye, course they were!
We no longer have the spare capacity to meet the demands a prolonged cold winter with a prevailing anti cyclone over the UK and a station splitting from the grid with a problem, no wind you see for the planet saving bird shredders!
Want to make a meal at tea time or do some washing? Pay the prevailing tariff? On demand pricing it used to be called, no thank you.
Expect it to get worse! One media report states: “The Green Party is ‘open’ to the idea of three-person marriages, Natalie Bennett has said. Ms Bennett said she was “open to further conversation and consultation” about the prospect of the state recognising polyamorous relationships. She made the comments in conversation with PinkNews, the LGBT website.”
Bill Muehlenberg.
Why limit it to three ? Sounds like discrimination to me.
Greens angling for the RoPer vote, ves.
Absolutely. Disgusting traitors
BBC report
“A former UK energy secretary has called for a review of rules that require most infrastructure from North Sea installations to be removed at the end of their life.
Sir Ed Davey said there was growing evidence that platforms provided a natural reef for marine life.”
Well that’d be very handy for corps having massess of towers in the sea.
Which windfarm corps is Ed Davy connected to these days ?
To be fair, they should probably topple them into the sea as artificial reefs.
“Sir Ed Davey?”
Him a Sir? Crazy!
Mention Tim Farron and I’m minded of this:-
In the bottom of the container of tea-bags there’s a dust made up of disintegrated tea leaves. It does no real harm but there it is.
I’m more inclined to think of rust.
It’s flaky, and an ugly sign of degradation caused by wetness.
Idea! Why not help combat desertification (caused by ‘global warming’ of course) by dropping Tim Farron down onto the parched earth? He’s so wet and full of sh#t that the land would be verdant green within a few weeks. Problem solved.
I find much of Tim Farron’s rhetoric fascinating and statesmanlike. Provided I strive to keep any comparisons with Kermit from my mind.
Lots of talk on the BBC today about a second referendum with the general view that it is now a realistic possibility after the Supreme Court ruling on the triggering of Article 50.
Would that be just one more referendum or the best of three, five, seven?
We`ve already had 1, plus the parliamentary debates on Maastricht and Lisbon when the people were not directly consulted about the removal of powers from their elected Parliament, and a transfer of powers to the rubber stamp EU parliament and commission.
Its the cumulative effect of that jiggery pokery that, after years of arguments and the rise of UKIP led to the second referendum…actually the only referendum on the UKs membership of the EU, the first one was about the “common market”.
They really need to get a grip of what Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary democracy actually means. It seems we now have a situation in which many in Parliament now see themselves as responsible to the courts i.e. the Crown, and not to the democratically expressed will of the people, expressed through a referendum that was the will of parliament.
Of course in reality many in Parliament are actually working in the interests of a supra national and Republican body, the EU against the interests of Crown, Parliament and the People, who they refer to as “the tyranny of the majority”.
As opposed to the tyranny of the miniscule minority of far left virtue signallers.
As prescient today as yesterday …
These Tory f-ckwits, had the opportunity to trigger early virtually straight after the referendum in fact were urged to do so, but with the abject incompetence, and indeed arrogance we ve come to expect, from this lying, self serving bunch, they refused point blank.
We could be on our way, but it would have mean t an exit to benefit ALL,
as it was voted by all, and cross party
… not a tiny minority, of elitist, self serving tossers who want another get rich quick scheme at the expense of our people.
As always with Tories they play our people,the odious, ultimately self damaging game of division, for self gain … it is THEY that propagate this, it is they that have created an increasing wealth divide
This neo liberal political class has got to go, “tastrophe” Teresa, (caught out only this week, more Tory deceit) the rotten, stinking lot of them.
I twitch now every time I hear the prefix, ‘trans’. Often it’s, ‘trans-Atlantic, trans-continental or trans-national’. Bad enough to have lost the original meaning of the word, gay, from the language – But there we are.
Just checked and the FTSE100 is up 33 the FTSE250 is up 79 and Sterling is up against the Dollar and The Euro. We’re all doomed!
And Dow Jones over 20000 for the first time. At least it is reported on the BBC Website !
Sir Ian McKellen: I’m too selfish to bring up children
Hmmm. Only one of several issues, I think.
Elt & Dave may be up for a share.
BBC TV News Today at 13.14
US BBC correspondent explained that the USA accepted a total of 85,000 migrants last year and that the wall with Mexico would cause this to fall.
He didn’t mention that the UK accepted a total of 350,000 migrants last year (FOUR TIMES THE NUMBER).
And we have the English Channel with no need for a wall!
Remember that the gross figure for immigration is over 600,000 per annum. The figure of ~ 350,000 for nett migration is the official one and likely to be an underestimate. There is also the question of which groups are leaving and who is coming in to replace them.
Here are some more official gross figures to put all this in context (from Gavin Cooke’s ‘Britain’s Great Immigration Disaster’, page 15):
1996 <50,000
2003 512,000
2004 582,000
2010 591,000
US BBC correspondent explained that the USA accepted a total of 85,000 migrants last year and that the wall with Mexico would cause this to fall.
Even by BBC standards, that sounds a massive underestimate:
In 2014, 1.3 million foreign-born individuals moved to the United States, an 11 percent increase from 1.2 million in 2013. India was the leading country of origin for new immigrants, with 147,500 arriving in 2014, followed by China with 131,800, Mexico with 130,000, Canada with 41,200, and the Philippines with 40,500.
I saw them pull this trick : “Oh but only a few MEXICANS come in”
Maybe , but it is not just Mexican crossing the Mexican border, its all the people coming in from further south or African/Asians using Mexicon as a transit country.
That figure is probably not counting the illegal ones from the south which might outnumber that figure by two or three fold (I’m guessing there)
Biggest Birmingham News for 2 days now … “Family of drug dealer ordered to hand over FOUR houses. Alam Zeb Khan was convicted of being part of a £180 million money laundering gang. Khan, of Birmingham, served sentences starting in 2000 for heroin smuggling, in 2012 for a cocaine supply plot and in 2013 for money laundering.
However, following his latest conviction, the National Crime Agency (NCA) went after his family’s assets”.
Hmmm, Is this what the city council mean t by,
“This year, in particular, presents a great opportunity to celebrate the contribution of South Asian culture to Birmingham’s past, present and future?
Well, maybe its the “Balti” or “Morris” bashing, Muslim gangs, no go areas etc
Meanwhile … in Al BBC land, the big news?
BBC News – Row over headscarf ban, does more pushing of Islamic victim narrative
“A school has been accused of breaching anti-discrimination laws after claims a four-year-old Muslim pupil was told she could not wear a headscarf. St Clare’s Catholic Primary School in Birmingham has met with equality leaders at the city council to discuss a complaint from the pupil’s family”
Equality leader? hmmm the Labour councillor who called Israel a ‘terrorist state’ and was married to two women at the same time and still got appointed equality chief in Birmingham. Waseem Zaffar member for Transparency, Openness, Equality
who has questionable attitudes towards women and ‘anti-Semitic’ views
Hat tip to Pounce
It gets better … as the Al BBC wait for another muslim drug dealing/money laundering story to go, their latest in incisive Bham news?.
BBC Bham – Burst pipe repair works to begin
Repair work on a Selly Oak burst pipe that caused flooding in Nov begins
The thing that baffles me is that if the Muslim pupil wasn’t allowed to wear a headscarf, then presumably that rule applied to all the pupils. So how is that discriminatory?
And another point, if the child is below the age of onset of menses why is a headscarf required?
Even in Sharia compliant Saudi the little kids don`t wear head coverings.
I was reliably informed that the time of the first period decided the age that individual girls took up wearing headscarves.
“if the child is below the age of onset of menses why is a headscarf required?”
It isn t, but that is not the point … the point is anyone questioning a muslim practice must, how does it go in Mein Koranf
“submit and feel themselves subdued”
… that’s any, doesn t matter whether its the insanity of a erm
“safe space” to bury a Koran (shakes head), still can t think that without laughing.
Whether Alcohol gets banned in at least 3 of our UK government buildings ie Sharia because of Islamic bond schemes.
Sharia “main aim” to “restrict and deny rights” of women and children
freedom of speech, or of conscience.
You see it again and again here wherever Islamic law and custom and UK law and custom conflict, it is our law and custom that have to give way … and it does, simply because of cowardice, that’s what it is, it IS disgraceful and a scandal.
You get all this, pah! whats the harm give them burial plots for korans, get all these police to dredge a canal its a erm “holy” book
Sheesh! Get the kid to wear a scarf… relax, easy life
I tell you all this shit adds up, there a ALWAYS another demand.
Note how there s always some entity too, infested with Islamic interests wanting to create trouble if
… anyone refuses said demand 😀
prime example that snake at the Bham council.
“whats the harm give them burial plots for korans, get all these police to dredge a canal its a erm “holy” book
Sheesh! Get the kid to wear a scarf… relax, easy life”
Get the local councils to issue free orange jumpsuits for the mass beheadings……..
How long before the BBC has established itself as the UK’s (and beyond, having already got Facebook in their sights) sole arbiter of the truth i.e. non-‘fake’ news?
Already we have seen the Left using ‘climate change’ as one of their examples of how people can be conned by ‘fakery’, except sceptical scientists would see it as ‘challenging the man-made global warming hypothesis’ (scepticism being the modus operandi of any scientist, one would hope).
The BBC’s own idea of ‘fakery’ in climate change reporting might be judged by their own output of fake news, aka lies, during the 28gate scandal. But, then again, under their new jurisdiction – should it come to pass – 28gate would be deemed ‘fake news’ and thus irrelevant.
When Orwell wrote ‘1984’, little did he realise that his fictitious Ministry of Truth would one day emerge in the shape of his erstwhile employer.
Or maybe he did.
The Ministry of Truth was based upon the BBC, so I think he was well aware of the problem.
Is London smog hyperbole justified ? or is it a case of Greenblob/electric_car PR people taking opportunity out of windless weather ?
Is anyone in London to say whether the Sun’s smog headline is justified ?
London on most severe ‘black’ alert with school children being kept inside as toxic air pollution swamps the capital
The “very high” readings were recorded at a school in the City area, in Westminster and three sites in the north of London 23rd January 2017, 11:12 am
why have London residents been warned to stay indoors?
Londoners were warned the air pollution could raise to “high” in parts of the capital for a number of days
24th January 2017, 3:50 pm
…Neither mention wood burning, but the Telegraph does
Air pollution in London passes levels in Beijing… and wood burners are making problem worse
the capital’s ‘filthy air’ is now a ‘health crisis.’
Apart from that the article is almost word for word the same quotes as yesterdays Times , making me think its cutnpaste from PR.
Greenpeace wouldn’t like the top comments
“…after ranking World Bank data on air pollution in 3,226 cities with a population greater than 100,000, from high to low, London would be placed 2,516th.” (2015 WHO data, reported in The Grauniad).
This scare story.. sorry ‘public health warning’ is a farce as we all know it’s down to us all burning and eating black toast in the morning and polluting the air, which will give us all cancer and we will all die horrible slow deaths. Don’t take my word for it as the scientists have decided it by ‘consensus’ and ‘consensus’ is scientific terminology now doncha know!
“Is London smog hyperbole justified ?”
All this false BBC global warming rubbish drives me crazy!
How big is England? How big is China? Those silly BBC elites forget to say that the countryside just outside London, and China is perfectly fog-free but they don’t; they continue to succeed by giving the younger viewers the idea that the fog completely covers both nations when the truth is it covers a wee bit of land! Lies as usual!
“with popular wood burning stoves blamed for exacerbating the problem.”
Wood burning stoves in London? Isn’t the place supposed to be entirely smokeless? Not a lot of moolah, I would have thought, to be made selling wood burners down the Kings Road if true.
It couldn’t be due to the millions of enrichers who have taken to living in garages, sheds and outdoor cludgies and warming up a bit of their bushmeat over a campfire, could it?
This is complete bollocks. It’s just another excuse that the emir can use to force in his t charge. The Beeb were showing an image of Big Ben and Westminster covered In fog but whining about smog giving the impression that it is smog. Khan was at some kids school yesterday filling their heads with crap and blaming the ‘bad guys’ . Channel 4 were also pushing this crap as well with one of their green mates taking readings from marleybone road. What they didn’t tell you was that they were taking readings at the traffic lights at Baker Street and marleybone road which is one of the busiest junctions in London and always full of stationary cars. Devious little cretins. Khan is just carrying on comrade kens war on motorists by any devious means possible. Not a mention of his broken promise over no fare rises which he had in his powers to stop but didn’t. And also his broken promise on no strikes as we had another one today. The Beeb protecting their man to the full
Sky to record a 10% drop in profits.
Also on Media Show “Is the BBC biased”
Daily Telegraph columnist Charles Moore makes these points :
\\…They never challenged “low number quotes of Trump crowd numbers”
..but they ran with big quotes of women march numbers
Everything Trump side say is challenged
But not their opponents
..same for Brexit and Climate Change//
James Harding is coming on to defend
Here is the New Charles Moore article Where he points out
The BBC fanatically challenges Trump assertions
But just runs activist assertions without challenging
…………..It’s premium content
Will Jimbo be defending, blazer clad and sulky, like all good BBC ‘got it about right’ head honchos on Newswatch?
I think the evidence for Climate Change, Brexit and Trump is that any evidence not censored by the BBC, is challenged by BBC journalists.
But any fake news, lies, and Scientific fraud is not challenged by BBC Journalists. So the reason the BBC only invites fake experts to seminars, is to fight against the three enemies of the middle-class liberal elitists. Democracy, Reality and Reason.
(1) BBC on Democracy: A Populist tyranny of the Majority
(2) BBC on Reality: Atmospheric Physicists are too thick to advise the BBC on a “false balance’ between ‘Environmental activists and Atmospheric Physicists’.
(3) BBC on Reason: Economic survival outside of the European Union, Single Market or Euro area, is not possible for any nation in the World, because Populist tyrants of the Majority cause the collapse of European Empires and the Imperialism of the past. Therefore the protectionist Single Market will protect Europe against the tyranny of the free market, and her Majesties Commonwealth of Nations, as well as Trumps rebel Republic and his Russian friends.
Charles Moore more or less made the same points as contributors here.
It’s pointless listening to programmes like this except for the unintentional humour it brings.
Moore complains about BBC bias against Trump.
BBC nonentity asks indignantly.
Are we to believe everything Trump “issues forth”?
Moore points out that the way the question is formulated reveals bias.
BBC nonentity clueless. Prejudice so ingrained he does not even realise this phrase implies all the statements Trump makes are essentially hot air.
This a MUST listen to, because the columnist Charles Moore really lets rip into the BBC bias against Trump and its bias in general. There are no answers to the accusations as they are shown to be true. Unfortunately despite the proof of the bias, he admits that there is nothing which can be done with a political elite shackled in its own inertia and complacency.
James Harding on claims of BBC bias against Trump. Plus Sky and iconic news photos
The Media Show
Daily Telegraph columnist Charles Moore has accused the BBC of bias in the way it covers Donald Trump. He says that news staff within the corporation suffer from an internal group think, which unconsciously prejudices BBC coverage of President Trump and other issues like Brexit, climate change and immigration. We hear from Charles Moore and get a response from James Harding, the BBC’s Director of News and Current Affairs.
James Harding also discusses the challenges in dealing with “fake news” and “alternative facts”.
And – Steve joins Bette Lynch, Getty’s director of news photography for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Eleanor Mills, editor of the Sunday Times magazine, to visit Getty Images exhibition of the Images of 2016 to discuss what makes an iconic news photograph and whether professionally taken still pictures still pack the same emotional punch in the age of social media, citizen journalism and embedded video.
Plus – media analyst Matthew Horsman of Mediatique looks ahead to broadcaster Sky’s financial results and what they could mean for sports coverage and 21st Century Fox’s takeover bid.
I loved Steve Hewlett’s final question for James Harding regarding groupthink:
“Do you know ANYBODY that supported Trump?”
He should have added “..or voted Leave in the referendum?”.
I wonder if this is the purpose of BBC Seminars:
(1) Brexit seminar: Production of BBC Biased groupthink by the exclusion of UKIP members from the seminar.
(2) Climate Change Seminar: Production of BBC Biased groupthink by the exclusion of Causational Climate scientists from the seminar.
(3) Trump Seminar: Production of BBC Biased groupthink through the exclusion of anyone who supports Trump from the seminar.
This produces a BBC Biased groupthink, in line with the thought processes of Lord Hall.
Those people are weeded out at the interview stage. If your hideously white face doesn’t fit, then you’re not getting a job at the BBC.
Credit to Steve, as James must have waffled about the ‘problem’ of a ‘circular firing squad’ several times when utterly nailed on hypocrisy, using the term to actually mean ‘stop catching me out on facts, as ‘we’ are all in this together, surely?!”
Harding is a buffoon. And in charge of how state media serves up fake news to the British public.
‘So…. so there is a really important thing here…’ he stutters, and rehashes the ‘leaves personal opinions at the door’ LIE again.
Shame Steve didn’t pull a Paxo on him. But he didn’t. The question remains unanswered. as do almost all FOIs to the BBC. That is, the BBC which seeks trust in its transparency.
Interesting the following slot sees a BBC luvvie guest immediately suggest that Obama, PBUH, was not comfy with shaking hands with the nasty Trump.
Ta Thoughtful.
A blistering takedown by Charles Moore.
And a complete hari-kiri performance by the top BBC mugwump who really was wasting Howletts tender vocal cords( doesn`t sound too good does he?)
It`s like the Liberal ship is now being slowly taken out to be scuttled, whilst they loll about on the cruise deck waving fizzy water at those of us who simply refused to board their doomed ship of fools.
A joy to hear such asinine, lazy hokum from the very top of the BBC and liberals.
Utterly clueless and incapable of learning ANYTHING since 2010.
The future is Trump-coloured then? Hope he appreciates the luck to be born whilst the opposition had long had their brains scooped out.
Anybody noticed Trump is rarely if ever referred to by the fake news media as ‘President Trump’?
Obama was always referred to as ‘President Obama’.
A beaut on BBC radio 2 this afternoon I switched on part way through so do not know who the two guests were, but it was about Orwell’s ‘1984’ and… Donald Trump, and the similarity between Trump and totalitarianism/ Orwell’s 1984.
As most of us know any totalitarian society by it’s very nature needs big government and a big state system. What has Trump campaigned for and indeed already acted on, yes, a smaller government which renders a totalitarian Trump dictatorship more unlikely then likely to say the least.
We were told that many leaders were voted into power only to become tyrants, thus suggesting that Trump would become a tyrant with no evidence given( no change there then ).
The guest speaker said that in Orwell’s book free speech was abolished certain things couldn’t be said and there was ‘hate speech’. I thought it was a joke at first as we live in that society already but no, he was serious and irony is clearly a word he does not understand.
We were told that Trump was totalitarian because he wanted to control the media, this is in reference to his put down of CNN ( which the interviewer considered a fair channel to Trump ), the reality is that CNN has been vicious to him and the reporter simply wouldn’t shut up at a press conference, hardly trying to control the media, more like giving a little back.
Have the media given any thought to how the story about prostitutes and wetting hotel beds affected his family and children? It was a disgusting smear ( as of to date dying a death ) that would be deeply hurtful to most families, I thought Trump was dignified in his put down.
The debate about the inauguration crowd size was brought up, we were told by the interviewer that Spicer ( Press Secretary ) stated it was the biggest ever attendance for an inauguration and that statement by Spicer was wrong. I actually watched his Q and A’s session and he actually stated it was the most watched inauguration ever ‘both by attendance and by digital media’ so a whopping lie by the state Orwellian broadcaster.
We were also told ( this is my favourite ), that in ‘1984’ there was ‘Newspeak’ in which a tv in the corner of the room had to be listened to, spouting out ‘Big Brother’ messages, and that ‘Trumps twitter account had similarity to ‘Newspeak’.
Really! can a twitter account that is the written word and can be ignored the same as a tv permanently on spouting totalitarian messages in a room that has to be watched by sentence of punishment if not watched?
Needless to say there was no challenge to these bizarre views by the interviwer indeed he agreed and joined in the Trump bash fest. No mention was made of the fact that socialist Orwell wrote his book in fear of a society that was under the cosh of leftwing socialist excesses ie totalitarian. A society we are in at present. a point that surely should have been made.
My take on the surreal nature of leftwing groupthink at the moment, is that they have actually suffered a collective nervous breakdown, and all sense of reality has deserted them ( if they ever had it ). I hope they carry on as they simply do not add to their cause any more indeed they detract from it, as recent polls would suggest over Brexit support. Let them carry on thinking that more bullying more lies and fake news, closing down alternative media is their way back, it will destroy them, and hopefully that bastard organization the BBC.
Mr Owen, good analysis. I think there is something in the ‘collective nervous breakdown’ argument. I think what’s happened is we were in a long period of relative political stability in the west, around 20 years or so, where everything was pretty centrist and there were no great debates going on. All the great liberal causes of the sixties (gay rights, womens’ rights, racial equality etc) still had some mileage in them. Money (or at least credit) was plentiful. This is the environment that the ‘snowflakes’ grew up in.
However since then a lot of liberal certainties have been challenged, and liberals lack the reasoning ability to address them: eg:
– immigration is actually starting to be a burden on public services. How can you have a contributory welfare state, and open borders? Result: does not compute – liberal head explosion.
-EU is the source of all good and all knowledge, but suddenly, half the population says it isn’t. Half the population have turned out to be evil racists! Result – heads exploding.
– multiculturalism sounded good, until things like Bataclan, Charlie Hebdo, Nice and Cologne happened. But to go against multi-culti in any form is ‘racist’ so how dare anyone question it – result – more heads exploding.
– gay rights, womens’ rights etc all of which had at least some way to go 20 years ago, have now largely run their course so ‘progressives’ have to find ever more bizarre forms of victimhood to protest about – result – ludicrous political debates on mixed-sex lavatories etc, like medieval theologians discussing how many angels can fit on the head of a pin.
Against this backdrop it’s inevitable that people with robust, rational views, like President Trump, are going to come to the fore, because suddenly it’s not how many angels can dance on a pin but how many people can use a health service before it collapses. Things have got very ‘real’ for the Snowflakes and this is why they are experiencing what looks like collective insanity.
Good analysis, Cranmer.
To be fair, the BBC usually resisted adding the PBUH after mention of ex-president Barry.
Agree with Cranmer. Well spotted BBC group-think distortion & lies, Jerry. Thanks.
“Donald Trump: ‘We will build Mexico border wall”
What’s all the fuss about ?
Here is one we prepared earlier …….
Now how’s about that then Guys and Galls?
Very droll
today’s report of Trump Wall vs Calais Wall report 7 September 2016
Funny how they knock Trumps wall, which hopefully will be a bit longer than the Calais fence which a one legged blind midget could circumvent in two minutes flat, because there is actually already a substantial fence between Mexico and America which the media strangely now show.. built by the err.. Clinton administration I believe!
The BBC are crying again.
Trump’s ‘control-alt-delete’ on climate change policy
Just after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president, a range of information on the White House website related to climate change was moved to an Obama online archive. The only references to rising temperatures on the new Trump White House site are a commitment to eliminate “harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan”. This was President Obama’s broad-based strategy to cut carbon emissions. The brief White House document now contains a further indication of the green priorities of the new administration. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), should focus on its “essential mission of protecting our air and water”.
While the administration figures out how to achieve that re-focus, staff at the EPA have been told to freeze all grant making, and to be quiet about it. This means that no external press releases will be issued and no social media posts will be permitted. It is unclear when these restrictions will be lifted. Reports from news agencies indicate that the roll-back will not stop there, with climate information pages hosted by the EPA expected to be shut down.
So Trump’s going to hit the reset button on how the EPA goes about its work? The BBC strikes a grave pose:
“So are all these moves evidence of a malevolent mindset, determined to crush all this snowflake climate change chatter?
Definitely, according to Alden Meyer, a veteran climate campaigner with the Union of Concerned Scientists. “President Trump and his team are pursuing what I call a ‘control-alt-delete’ strategy: control the scientists in the federal agencies, alter science-based policies to fit their narrow ideological agenda, and delete scientific information from government websites,” told BBC News.
Never mind; those ‘concerned scientists’ (fraudsters, ‘green’ NGOs and assorted other bottom-feeders) are going to march on the White House…
“Climate scientists in the US are also rallying to fight back. A march on Washington by scientists is being proposed, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts have been created based on the the idea that “an American government that ignores science to pursue ideological agendas endangers the world”. Meanwhile, another national park – Golden Gate NPS – has started tweeting climate facts.”
…And the BBC will be right there, 24/7, to cheer them on. Nothing must be permitted disturb the cosy narrative, nor derail the climate change money-train, comrades!
There are so much irony and comedy in those BBC observations and they are so obvious I can’t even be bothered to pull them out.
Oh, sod it – here goes:
“So are all these moves evidence of a malevolent mindset, determined to crush all this snowflake climate change chatter?
Ha ha ha ha ha!
….control the scientists in the federal agencies, alter science-based policies to fit their narrow ideological agenda, and delete scientific information…
Ho ho ho ho ho!
“an American government that ignores science to pursue ideological agendas endangers the world”.
Gurgle, splutter…..
Meanwhile, another national park – Golden Gate NPS – has started tweeting climate facts.”
Cough, shake, struggle for breath – OMG, please, no more…
I am pleased President Trump is going to punish American businesses that move abroad and is having a new oil pipe line made from American steel by Americans.
If only we British had such politicians 30 and 40 years ago we would not be in the state we are in now.
For instance the Potteries used to be a thriving industrial part of the world until owners with government approval started moving their manufacturing base abroad. If we had patriotic politicians like President Trump this would never have happened. Likewise in Birmingham, Sheffield and elsewhere and our coal and fishing industry.
All coal burned in Britain now comes across the Atlantic from Columbia mined in some parts by children.
The bBBC racists are at it again. One of their top stories today is about the skin colour of cartoon characters.
Modern slavery: a ‘celebrity’ wants to buy some more Africans.
Trump Inauguration photographers could find places where people didn’t stand cos of trees obstructing
A bit OT, but SKY had an item last night on plastic pollution and the problem of plastic dumped in the seas, the film footage evidence was there for all to see on the beaches of… India, it was everywhere, although they were at pains to tell us it wasn’t Indian rubbish!
They didn’t say where it came from, but my guess is Brexit voting coastal counties in Britain.
I digress sorry, but this story was directly linked ie no blank few second gap, change in tone or screen shot to Trump who is a ‘climate change sceptic/skeptic’ and has deleted all mention of climate change off the government website.
Since when was pollution linked to climate change? Have I missed another bit of scientific consensus wizardry somewhere?
This absolute unhinged fake news for that is what it is must rank amongst the most surreal since Trump took office.
When I was in Madras/Chennai
..Hotel guest said “Wow there is a dead body washed up on the beach”
Hotel owner “Yes, like everyday, it’s normal”
Jerry – Whenever I travel through the more “enriched” areas of Birmingham I always see similar levels of rubbish lying about. I wonder where that washes up from? I never knew that the canals in Brum were tidal.
Sky have been pushing this plastic lecture for two days now. I got the distinct impression that we were being blamed for this plastic on Indian beaches when it’s actually the Indianss themselves that are causing it and no mention of all the human body waste on that beach and the rivers as well. It’s supposed to be a news outlet not a proaganda outlet for their green buddies, they have gone full Beeb but it’s being ramped up since the don got in by sky the Beeb and Khan in London along with prince Charles in the wings.
Off topic, but what I can never understand about India is why is it so dirty, considering the cost of labour? Surely they could employ an army of street cleaners to collect the rubbish. I appreciate that disposal would be an issue, but the streets themselves could be spotless.
I watched the Sky documentary ‘Ross Kemp: Extreme World’ about Mongolia. It was clear that Mongolians are suffering terribly. People are being forced from the land and some are forced to live scavenging on rubbish tips. It was a pitiful sight and the Mongolians didn’t want to appear on camera because they were so humiliated by their plight. The documentary showed a wide shot of their ‘residential’ area – yurts with small fences enclosing a small compound. The ‘streets’ were immaculate. If you haven’t seen it, I’d highly recommend it. The documentary morphed from a superficial investigation of ‘Nazi gangs’ into a tragic insight into the lives of Mongolians in a globalised world.
It’s a cultural difference : Mostly in Asia :
Inside the house is your property so you keep it very clean.
Eyes are down so the floors are spotlessly clean.
(But by the way even Japanese would not dust the ceiling, so if you look up in an Asian house you can spot dirt)
Outside the house is none on your responsibility, and eyes are held high, they simply do not see any garbage on the street
Anyone see that scruffy tramp presenting Newshite last night? As they got to the ‘trash the Trump’ part he was laughing as his fellow worm talked about the wall. An absolute disgrace to television who is given free reign by a gated broadcasting community to whom he is an icon.
He proved that he’s ‘one of us’ (willing promoter of BBC agenda) when he interviewed Farage regarding his ‘outrageous’ comments on Breast Feeding during afternoon tea at Claridge’s. He gave the BBC ammunition they were looking for during an election campaign:
The deliberately misrepresented his words and changed them from ‘perhaps they could’ to ‘they should’ sit in a corner – totally ignoring that the interviewer had suggested they visit a toilet to breastfeed.
John Dope-sopey on the 6 o’clock news tonite [R4] said President Trump will stop ‘Alien terrorists’.
When did they land? And why have’nt we been told? Has Sopel got inside info or is this a false flag?
Just the usual false, sensationalist stories peddled by the BBC in order to create headlines and ‘issues’ and to push their own political agenda.
Presumably, to qualify, they printed it twice?
Listening to Toady this morning and couldnt help laughing about a term the Queen of the well informed brief Emily Plumpberry came out with. I think she was referring to brexit and said something like – if labour didnt get the right answers they would come out “streetfighting”
The thought of Emily “streetfighting” about anything (unless it was – who gets the biggest portion of the “Eton Mess”) kept me chuckling all day.
I heard that too Oaknash, to be fair though she has slimmed down a little and has received a bit of a makeover, as much as she ever could be made over that is. I thought she used to look like that Holbein picture of (the menacing) Thomas Cromwell – but in drag.
Al fortunately I dont have a telly so I dont have to be fair!
“Not one of the most serious (of banned substances)”
“Taking away an Olympic medal, is a little bit harsh”
BBC sports reporter Alex Capstick tweets repeated on the scandal of Russian athletics cheats but when it comes to BBC favourite Usain Bolt being forced to give up a gold medal because his Jamaican relay teammate cheated our BBC chap is for some reason full of excuses. In his report for TV sports news he reiterates twice over that our Usain did nothing wrong. Another BBC sports reporter tells us Bolt is ‘willing’ to give up his gold medal. Sorry, BBC, it’s been taken from him because his colleague cheated. Double standards here from the BBC.
I think Usain is alright about giving it up as he has eight others. He’s done nothing wrong but the guilty athlete should be treated in the same way as all cheats, including the Russians.
For an island with a population of less than 3m the number of world class sprinters produced is, I would say, quite remarkable. And that includes icons.
I agree Cranmer – all the great progressive missions have been accomplished, but there remains a whole ecosystem of government-funded organisations devoted to them; the people who work for them must have nothing to do and thus the increasingly hysterical reaction over minor issues which probably does more harm than good. Kick it Out the anti racism group for football is a good example. No industry has done more to enrich and empower black men than football and they are far more likely to become professional footballers than any other group. Nobody will ever say what fantastic progress this is, beyond the wildest dreams of players who were racially abused forty years or so ago. If you are paid to find racism you will find it. So they make a big fuss about th there not being enough black managers, which is a problem but it is partly because whenever a club sacks a black manager for bad results they are accused of racism – the ultimate sin. Thus clubs are more reluctant to employ black managers in the first place, all thanks to anti-racism groups!
The BBC/Left don’t understand that President Trump is doing what his voters wanted him to do.
That’s not being a tyrant.
Dover – there lies the problem. He is doing what his voters wanted him to do, not what the BBC wanted him to do.
Hmmmmm, just watched a partner of a large Advertising agency in London pontificate about post Brexit, and wants to continue hiring the 1 in 5 ‘creative talent’ from around the world. He mentioned top talent from Brazil and Germany as an example. Advertising, yep a lucrative industry, but what does it ‘create’ for this country ? and could we manage without it ? I remember a trip to Russia in the late 80’s, Moscow was devoid of any advertising, but cars were still on the road, food was still on the table, and clothes were worn. Advertising gives us a choice, informs and creates a dream, but when the revolution comes, digging up potatoes to eat will be the priority not reading some advertising hoarding about underwear !! Listening to this chap I just thought, what EXACTLY do you tangibly produce ? — nothing.
Do tell.
Have genuinely never linked these two together since the Hamlet adverts, Heineken or PG tips.
Whatever will we do?
Or this one
“Advertising, yep a lucrative industry, but what does it ‘create’ for this country?”
Jobs and tax revenue. You know, those inconvenient things that pay for your future hip replacement surgery.
“cars were still on the road, food was still on the table”
Your preferred vision of the future is; “late 80’s Moscow”, when people still wore clothes?
You’ve totally missed the point Maxincony.
“Your preferred vision of the future is; “late 80’s Moscow”, when people still wore clothes? ”
Let me turn this around then…. Do you need advertising to buy clothes? or buy a car ? or put food on the table ? Because I certainly don’t, and feel that advertising is not one of the necessities of life, and we could live without . Its only a recent phenomenon in the past 100 years, although I do remember Spratts dog biscuits having metal enamel signs on the walls as I’m THAT old !!!
It’s pure codswallop. The standard of advertising in the UK is at very low ebb with the focus on virtue signalling rather than selling the clients’ products. Sadly, it is another industry that has fallen into the hands of SJWs. Advertising has always been full of poseurs but if this joker believes he needs to import SJWs from Brazil because he can’t find enough in Hoxton, then he needs his head examining.
Certainly is, GC. The UK in general, and London in particular, was doing the best advertising in the world for over a decade from the mid-1980s. Then it all went proverbially pear-shaped with sell-offs overseas together with the SJW influence and pandering to the smallest of PC concerns. There are plenty of creatives in the UK, some redundant, no doubt, from the end of 20th century or up until a few years after the 2007-09 Crash, who will be very happy to be let loose on taking the UK up the advertising ratings ladder again.
I passed an advertising hoard in London yesterday advertising a BT product. There were nine people shown with smiley faces. Only one white female face was included. The one face that wasn’t there out of nine faces.. a white male!
Jerry- It would not surprise me if the indigenous population of London was down to UNDER 20%. I doubt if it’s more than 25%. So the BT product being advertised
with the smiley faces just about represents the “team” the BBC have on their
Londonistan programme. I go on about diversity and positive discrimination at the BBC. All they are really doing is representing the ethnic mix up of the UK
today. I expect before long they will deem it politically correct before their morning
programmes start, to have The Adhan. And in the name of diversity it will be the Archbishop of Canterbury who announces this.
Just watched Michael Portillo on BBC2 as he travels by train across the USA and reaches the Bible Belt. “What does it mean ? ” He asks someone. The man replies that they are hard-working, God -fearing and love everyone. Michael pounces ” Does that include non-christians , muslims ? “. Can’t think why he chose muslims.
Virtue signalling. As opposed to railway signalling, you understand…
I think you are on the right lines there, if you see my point.
“And does that love extend to people who aren’t like you; black people, non christians, muslims?”
Can’t think why you chose to delete “black people” from your quote…
Good point Maxi – Now lets have some comments from you about the Bais of Al Beeb. Do you think there is any ? We look forward to your views on it.
We are still waiting for any examples of right-wing bias from trolls on this site.
Grant, playing devil’s advocate here, but if I wanted to point out right wing bias in the BBC I would focus on:
1. The BBC never fundamentally questions the capitalist system. On LBC recently I heard some boring scouse caller drone on about how Jeremy Corbyn is a capitalist because he supports and works within a capitalist system. That’s not really a view you’d likely hear from an official BBC perspective.
2. Constitutional monarchy as a political system is rarely questioned. There seems to be a sort of ‘hands off the Queen’ official policy at the BBC and most royal events get favourable coverage.
1. They don’t seem to criticise Corbyn about anything , but I don’t get the feeling that the BBC are champions of capitalism.
2. That is a fair point. Maybe the Queen gets an easy ride as she is so popular. In the case of Charlie, it may be because he shares so many of the same views as Beeboids. I doubt if they believe in Monarchies in principle.
I didn’t choose to delete it, I was quoting from memory. The point I was making was that , of all the non-christian religions,Portillo chose Islam. Why did he not just leave it at “non-christians ” ? I think most of us on this site know the answer !
Newsnight sounds a hoot. Maybe Steve Hewlett could ask James Harding about it?
BBC Radio 4
What can Plato teach us about Donald J. Trump?
The point of view of author and blogger Andrew Sullivan, for BBC Newsnight.
Assuming he feels more disposed to answer this time.
At least they didn’t get the BIJ to do the piece.
What can Plato teach… ‘us’… about the BBC?
‘Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something’
It’s the ratings, innit?
My 10 year came from school tonight and said “To want to keep out ISIS terrorists and Mexican criminals is racist, apparently”.
The propaganda machine rolls on……………
Schools aren’t supposed to take sides in politics, ask him/her who said that.
But this isn’t politics. This is right from wrong! I’m TRIGGERED…
Do you think ISIS terorists or Mexican drug dealers are right?
Politics in schools is not restricted to immigration issues.
Try climate change. A few years ago my son was studying French and Spanish at school. For each subject he had to write a sample letter in the appropriate language to a local authority outlining suggestions they could take up to combat climate change.
Katty Kay on BBC news 24 smirking about Donald Trump building his wall and then she interviewed another BBC numpty who said Trump’s “at it again”. In those words.
Because President Trump wants to do something about gun crime in Chicago. This BBC prat, who gives idiots a bad name, said it “seems Trump has seen some figures” about an increase in murders from the previous year “which are disputed”. No! Numpty! No. It is because the murder rate in Obama’s city has increased 25% since Obama started his presidency in 2008.
2016 had its most violent month. 2016 was a grim year for murders.
The BBC are either pig ignorant of the facts else bastards.
So, “Trump is at it again” by trying to reduce the murders in a city Obama turned a blind eye to. that’s laudable isnt it?
Chicago has very strict gun control laws, they don’t appear to be doing much good lowering the murder rate.
Trying to stop the senseless deaths of young black men. What a racist!
Judging by recent history any lover of Europe would be welcomed in Germany with open arms – so what’s stopping them? They like NOTHING about the UK as it is so why stay?
Germany will not rock the EU boat while it coins it, in unlike the basket cases, whose expense it profits from like, Spain, Portugal, Italy to name three.
Just watching Trump speaking live at the Department of Homeland Security, I remember when al beebus said that Trump would have to moderate his “tone” on immigration once he became president.
Well, he is and he hasn’t.
A politician who does what he SAYS he would be doing?
if he got elected?
No WONDER the liberals and hacks are worried.
If this catches on, then we`ll get Geert, Marine, and Frauky?
As opposed to Soubry, Gummer and Hain.
This habit will go around the world.
Poor BBC eh?
The Donald was on fine form tonight. The Beeb and c4 sofas will be full of crys of racism nazi and islamaphobia but the trump train will be at the other end of the line leaving them all open mouthed. bloody brilliant
Ain`t no pleasing Jon Snow is there?
Only on Monday,Snow seemed to be goading Trump by saying that he had promised to “build a wall”.
Day One-no wall.
Snow saw this as Trump failing to deliver on his promises.
But today?
Why,Snow is unhappy-because he HAS said that he`ll build that wall as his manifesto promised.
Was Snow happier on Monday or today?
Neither-ah well, be careful what you wish for Snow.
And there`s more.
Theresa May is accused of doing a “U-turn” by giving Parliament a White paper re Brexit.
Who cares?…we`re going-and Sturgeon is pissed off, Farron is a liberal air freshener and we`re rolling.
But it`s U-turn apparently.
Well done Corbyn eh?
Yet the liberal elite and their ciphers aren`t happy even with THIS effort to ” “reach out and seek unity over Brexit”.
As with Trump, the liberal elite are running out of road aren`t they?
One week-the US result was rigged by the Russians.
This week-after Trumps stuff re illegal votes-his enemies now say that he`s trashing the voting process,and the elections were exemplars of democratic consent( so said Lindsay Graham)?
Which one is it today Libdicks?
How many times can you swivel your head and lose your brains each time you do?
Boy, the libs are in a spin aren`t they? Emotion Sickness I`d say.
Greens, Muslims, Mexican drug dealers?…Trump is setting them up one a day-and don`t the liberals enjoy the sport?
I know WE do!
Who`s next Donald-funding for Black Lives matter?…drug tests for White House spongies? Ban the BBC from Cape Cod this summer-and Channel 4?
Please, please, please!
25 January 2017 BBC R4 1.45-2pm ‘Against the Grain – The CAP Years’
John Selwyn Gummer inferred, if not downright claimed, that the EU’s farming policy was set up because people in Europe, in The Six, were starving.
In 1957? And afterward? My knowledge of history is not brilliant but I know that in the immediate aftermath of WW2, conditions were extremely harsh and there was indeed starvation, especially in Germany. But after the Treaty of Rome? I seriously doubt that. Into the 1960s? No way. Anyone here know better?
There was no correction from Charlotte Smith, the BBC presenter, so once again I think we have the BBC presenting fake facts, if not fake news.
John Selwyn Gummer eh?
What on earth was Maggie thinking?
If I were a Labour nut, I would use Gummer as the Tory Prescott moment.
When, for a few short years; such wastes of skin and bones ended up as bilharzia organelles up the urethra, or pubic lice for the body politic.
At least Vaz is an oily sebaceous glans kind of infection.
But Gummer?…well the name tells its tale.
Absolutely! The man who fed his daughter a burger at the height of the CJD scam, just to get his picture in the papers.
Who then became the proponent of that other scam, Green politics.
The Tory party has been home to a fair few vermin in its time but Gummer is one of its all time prize rats.
Talking of rats, fat useless ones, who languished always on a very gilded lily from the BBC, the last British governor of Hong Kong and a former EU commissioner
BBC – Lord Patten: UK risks … ‘selling its honour’ on Hong Kong
Honour??? FFS 😀 could never come within a million miles of that eh, obsequious, nauseating Tory f-ck
I remember some nuns being terrified of communists round about then, U2S, the soviets had just swept into Hungary (Hungary? Famine?)around that time and as far as the bunch from Sacred Heart was concerned the next stop for the Ivans was Lancashire. Never forget the Boris Karloff in drag lookalike( spoilt somewhat by the Irish accent) telling a class full of 7-8 year olds that if we were captured we had to die for our faith! Talk about child abuse, we absolutely sh*t ourselves.
R4 in a few minutes The Curse of Confidence
Rowland Manthorpe explains why he thinks the quality of confidence is overrated and is more of a curse than a blessing.
“Far from being good for everything, confidence comes with its own set of priorities, not all of which fit the things we claim to want or need.”
A joy to hear Ted Malloch on PMT earlier.
Eddie sent Kamal Ahmed to interview our Ted( hopefully Trumps man for the E.U).
And Ted said just what he`d told all other BBC agents for Clinton.
1. Britain and the USA can do a deal with Trump in 90 days-it will be a pleasure to see us at the front of “the line”.
2. Yes, he`ll show up at the EU if he`s asked to-but he`ll keep the engine running, because the Euro will be gone within two years as things stand(he quotes Stiglitz oh dear, lefty co-opted!…ouch!). And yes, he`ll do bilateral deals with EU countries that leave the EU because it TOO won`t be around to speak as a pompous block of failing states. So why do a deal with the dead?
Oh dear-Ahmed thought him “rude” “undiplomatic” and “whatever the rule books say-he`s not sticking to `em”.
Poor Eddie-sad Ahmed.
Thought the BBC weekend rebels were ALL about “breaking the rules maan”.
Ah yes-but not Europe where smelling salts and pearls are clutched.
Brilliant Ted. And a sexy, calm and clear voice too.
Maybe the BBC nedd to ask Pete Tong what the hells going on in their reports-seems to me that the BBC are slip sliding away by the day.
Yeah, I heard that and winced a bit. He (Malloch) was decidedly and pointedly undiplomatic!
5live news bulletin tells us Madonna might be thinking of adopting a baby . No mention of how she said she wanted to blow up the White House, inciting murder. Imagine if a pop start had said something about blowing up the Obama White House. I doubt the BBC would be blithely telling us about their adoption plans!
Presumably the adoption is a result of her favoured headline-seeking activity not resulting in conception, immaculate or otherwise.
Maybe Angelina can spot her a loaner now the brood/ parent ratio is a bit iffy?
Super sensitive cry babies. And I thought that women were supposed to be equal to men! They are obviously not, they can’t take the abuse. They are showing their weakness. I wish I had a pound for every time I’ve been ‘abused’!
Mad Donna
She’s too old for babies the selfish cow. It’s just attention seeking. No one wants to watch her gyrate anymore. She has to do something.
For leftists murder is perfectly acceptable. (as long as they decide who to kill)
They are entitled to their opinion you see.
If you point out that murdering a wealthy & influential person is still murder. And wrong.
They contort the face into an even tighter display of outrage & claim to be victims
Isn’t her real name Ciccone? Or just Sicko?
I broke my own rule and listened to some of ‘PM’ with (not so nice) Eddie Mair.
There was a discussion about the recent pejorative use of ‘snowflake’ and what the word meant. A woman contributor actually made a few interesting points. Then BBC fave Frank Cotterell-Boyce suggested that political labels very often backfired, i.e. insults became badges of honour. He could have mentioned a current example, ‘deplorables’, the stupid Hillary Clinton term that Trump supporters embraced, hence the ‘DeploraBall’ celebratory event, etc. Instead we got a stone-cold dish half-rewarmed: ‘Tory’ literally means ‘(Irish) cut-throat’, which Frank naturally thought was appropriate for the Tory Party.
Cotterell-Boyce is meant to be a wordsmith. He must understand that Tory (4 letters) is better for newspaper headlines than Conservative (12 letters) just as ‘kids’ is shorter than ‘children’ and ‘set to start’ is quicker than ‘about to begin’; and don’t get me going about the Illiberal Non-Democrats and The Dishonourable Timothy Farron Esq MP.
Don’t forget Robert Redford and Mel Gibson!
I wanted to see Tom Hank’s new film at the flicks but his posturing on DT made me refrain, I was wondering about the new star wars film, but now I know Harrison Ford is on board I will probably go see that. In short I boycott anything the anti trump fanatics produce.
I would suggest any film/ books etc by anti Trump fanatics be boycotted and only buy them on ebay as I do when they become available second hand thus said fanatics don’t get a penny of your hard earned.