Emma Barnett…if I was getting paid for this I’d be rolling in it as long as she’s on air. What a star. Today’s speciality? Women MPs, in particular, are under attack….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off. Well, might suggest alarmist and false claims by the likes of Barnett won’t help. She told us that one woman was considering taking up the cudgel as an MP but had decided not to due to the perceived violence against women MPs. On comes the said woman and we find out that’s complete horlicks….not the reason at all that she didn’t want to do the job. And was Jo Cox targeted because she was a woman? No, not at all. So why is Barnett saying she was and that women MPs in particular are be so targeted? And why link it slyly to Brexit when so many Labour MPs were targeted by Corbyn fans during his leadership election and on many other occasions…men and women?
Just the usual false, sensationalist stories peddled by the BBC in order to create headlines and ‘issues’ and to push their own political agenda.
We had this article recently [apologies to whomever posted it in the comments, I’ve forgotten who you were]..
Most media chiefs believe fake news is good for business
According to the survey of 145 chief executives, editors and digital leaders across 24 countries, 70% believe their position will be “strengthened” by consumers’ desire for trusted and accurate news.
Most respondents see the rise of fake news as “a chance for quality journalism to stand out”
That is one of the reasons the BBC pushes the notion that there is a massive wave of fake news out there on the internet and on the pages of its rivals’ newspapers. The BBC is trying to create the impression that it is the gold standard and thus become the ‘trusted’ goto provider of news…which means it will have a monopoly of what news people see and hear and thus what they think and how they react. All very Orwellian. It is also the chance to discredit other news providers and the internet blogs which the BBC hopes will result in government controls on them….already in operation with Leveson of course which may well result in the destruction of Fleet Street.
The irony is of course that the BBC itself is the biggest generator of fake news and alternate facts….which is why this site has been going relentlessly for over a decade…Bias is just another word for false or fake….when you see it post it here……..another open thread…
Seeing a Al Shabeeb cultist getting their arse handed to them is up there amongst the greatest spectacles on earth…..and Gorgeous George Galloway is amongst the very finist Beeb slayers around.
I might not agree with the vast majority of his views, but he sure does know how to annihilate Beeboids! Epic, hilarious clip that will go down in legend!
Beautiful, simply beautiful! (And I don’t mean that dozy cow!)
She should not have the job, not up to it.
Key words from George. “Democracy, control its own events, who comes into this country….”
Dare I say it, Spot on George.
Galloway has trashed many a beeboid, Paxman & Andrew Neil among them, there is a lot that he says with which I don’t at all agree but it is an extreme rarity to see either another politician or an interviewer get the better of him.
He is a very skilful debater and has the added bonus (as does Farage) of being funny, I remember him making a good joke at Alistair Campbell’s expense on QT once – who himself is no lightweight; humour is something which is very difficult for someone who isn’t naturally funny to combat in debate against someone who is.
In that interview, Jo Coburn has shown herself, yet again, to be the perfect BBC employee – arrogant, dismissive, deceitful and rude. And to finish the interview with the intolerably patronising “There you go, you’ve had your say then, finally, on the issue” was outrageous.
At least she leaves her politics at the door.
Along with her professional integrity.
A wonderful clip. Expecting a beeboid to get the better of Gorgeous George is as sensible as giving a toddler a knife to play with.
An oldie but goodie, you can’t gag the Galloway!
The clip highlights a very interesting ( tragic ) underlying trait of the BBC (and other liberal elitist bubble dwellers) that a persons identity is more important than what they have to say. Sensible people, like Galloway and Farage put aside their differences and join forces if the cause is righteous, something which is beyond the playground name calling which passes for debate among the libtards.
“Your stories of painful sex”
“Anger, shame, guilt – the effects of painful sex”
I’d love to contribute to this with my story of how much it hurts to be shafted by the BBC.
Ah, the titillating story of the day…always one about sex.
On a similar, lighter note, more great journalism from the world-class broadcaster on the death of Mary Tyler Moore:
‘But her parts grew in size during that decade, before she landed the role of wife Laura Petrie in The Dick Van Dyke Show in 1961.’
I say missus! Can’t they even be bothered to proof read?
Loobyloo, did it go on to mention ‘Dick’s rise to prominence’ or something like that? (Sorry – my tasteless imagination has gone into overdrive.)
The only part of sex I find painful is having to hand over the money afterwards.
You don’t have to pay up front?
You must be a trusted regular!
Might be less painful if you set up direct debit. Handling cash is so vulgar.
I agree, in that situation Bill Cash is not one of the things I would want to handle despite him being a hero.
LOL ! I agree Bill Cash probably knows more about the EU than any other MP.
But Brexit is not the thing uppermost in my mind at those times.
Oh no!!!
Another £100m given to the BBC Media Action ‘charity’ and then spent on ‘targeted’ unquantifiable nonsense. More money to come, first borrowed then squandered, alongside extra millions for the BBC World Service from the FO:
“Department for International Development
BBC Media Action
Question asked by Lord Laird (Hansard HL4557) –
To ask Her Majesty’s Government how much has been paid to BBC Media Action in the last five years and for what particular purposes; whether evaluations by the Department for International Development found spending objectives have been achieved; and whether there are plans to continue these payments.
Answered by Lord Bates on 23 January 2017 –
In the five years to November 2016 the Government provided approximately £101 million directly to BBC Media Action, including £86 million from DFID and £15 million from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Conflict Stability and Security Fund. DFID also provided approximately £17 million subcontracted via other programmes.
The direct funding has included work to improve people’s access to health information, resilience to natural disasters and community dialogues to foster peace and accountability. DFID’s reviews of its global programme have assessed that objectives were exceeded, for example 92 million people in Africa and Asia have been reached through targeted radio and television programmes and public service advertisements designed to improve the health of mothers and their children. In 2016, 60% reported adopting healthier behaviours on issues such as antenatal care, breastfeeding and safe delivery.
The DFID global programme will end in 2017 but other programmes will continue beyond 2017. Future funding by HMG will be determined on a case by case basis and depend on robust value for money assessments.”
Anyone seen ‘maxincony’? I thought he was going to post on this site following my challenge………
“I am often told that that Al Beeb is accused of being biased to the right also.
So my dear posters, why aren’t there any posters on this site complaining about the ‘Right Wing Bias of Al Beeb’?
What does that tell you ?”
Well said ! Anyone who has evidence of right-wing bias is welcome to post here.
That rules out James Harding then.
James Harding ? He’s a ‘farmer’ isn’t he ?
Taffy/Grant, it depends on what definition of ‘right wing’ is being used!
To the mentally ill maniacs of the far left (like the cultists at Al Shabeeb) anyone thats NOT willing to completely ignore that y chromosomes exist; completely ignore the Quran, its teachings, the life of mad mo, and the fact Islamic terrorism is completely and utterly to do with Islam; anyone having even the slightest criticism about immigration or immigrants; anyone who voted for Trump or for Brexit; any white man who doesn’t utterly hate himself, his skin, his culture and heritage, except that everyone that doesn’t have white skin is a victim of white men….regardless of facts or any other factors…they are always victims and are being oppressed by white people…..
…if you do not completely and utterly except and believe the above, you are not just right wing, you are ‘far right’!!
So the BBC could never show any right wing bias ! But, if they showed even a little bit occasionally there would be complaints from the Far Left proving that the BBC is unbiased. I suspect that the BBC really do believe their own bullshit. Very sad people. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
Exactly Grant. Just look at the video above I posted of George Galloway owning Jo Cockburn, getting her to eat her dignity and any self respect she had left, and then making her eat the faecal waste she spewed from her mouth for the entire conversation…these people are the epitome of bigotry and intolerance.
Anyone thats white and has even remotely differing views on absolutely anything socially or politically to these new age Gestapo, will be instantly vilified, abused, ridiculed and attacked.
Western media and politics has been utterly taken over by a cult like group of psychopathic militants who utterly believe with every fiber of their being that they are superior in knowledge, intelligence, morality, and reasoning, than anyone and everthing else. This absolute certainty in their superiority means that no evidence to the contrary, or undeniable fact that challenges their delusion, can be accepted or even tolerated. Just look how hostile they are to anyone who looks to challenge their delusions, and to what lengths they will delude themselves to prove they are right. The tolerance of Islam, the god like worship of Castro, and the hatred of Trump (who is just protecting his own people ffs!!) proves my point perfectly.
Thanks for the link. Yes, it sticks in my throat to compliment GG but he easily outgunned Jo. Quite right to call her childish. The funniest bit was when he compared the BBC to a tabloid. Jo did not like that. But he was right. The BBC has become a tabloid.
The lefties claim that the A-BBC is biased to the right but can only find one “argument” to support their risible claim: The BBC sometimes show the Royal Family.
The Royal Family is above politics and, for all decent people of whatever political persuasion, they are there for all of us. It’s true that the patriots of the Right support them and the Britain-haters of the Left hate them but they are above Party Politics.
The argument to use in reverse is “If that’s so, then every programme showing a hospital or school provides more evidence of Left-Wing propaganda.” After all the Left seem to think that they invented schools and hospitals and they didn’t exist before the Labour Party was founded.
Taffman ..Anyone seen ‘maxincony’? I thought he was going to post on this site following my challenge……
Oh he’s here alright – he took me to task on the opening page.
Still no biase from Maxi left right or centre. Is he morphing into a well known Troll already?
He has maxed out .
Like me, he may be working shifts , give him time and in fairness, give him a chance to express the Bias he sees in Animal Farm.
Neil Cavuto delivered another of his take downs of MSM on Fox tonight.
It’s just great now the boot is firmly on the other foot. But it feels somehow wrong to be watching it and I’m thinking, ‘if someone finds out – I might be in trouble’.
Yes, it’s so naughty but so very, very nice.
God bless America and go to hell MSM.
Al Beeb and the Media is losing control – Donald is “draining the swamp”.
Al Beeb are “like a rabbit caught in the headlights” The have thrown everything at him except the kitchen sink .
The media are finished, we get our uncensored info on the World Wide Web now.
Ah! I think I have a bite ?
Btw where do you go for “real” news?
“Btw where do you go for “real” news?”
This site and its associated links.
Taffman, I start here for the real news, then work backwards to see how the rags and especially the bBeeb have got it so wrong (with the exception of the lovely Daily Express, which my Auntie Con used to read and loved all her life)!
It’s quicker, safer, and causes normal blood pressure at all times, and I always feel good after reading the posts here!
Luckily I have a good book to read while the bBeeb fart around with their silly political progs, innuendo and stupid autocue-readers, where nobody is really interesting except to a few prats in Islington, and maybe a small dachshund in Pimlico.
(Of course, the bBeeb Inspectorate here – all good Gals and Guys – will watch these progs, and from reading their expert opinion, I need see no further, thank goodness)!
(The good book is ‘The Killing 2’, and is absolutely riveting, but that’s another thread..;0)
Melting snowflakes everywhere and is it not such fun? Sky and BBC tonight seemed in a state of shock. And it is only Wednesday.
Sky’s duo on the papers seemed particularly stunned into inanity. I have not seen C4 but I assume Snow is melting.
All that pathetic advice to Mrs May. She will be well advised to sit and listen. Do as she is told, promise to get us out of the EU and then fly home.
As to whether the US can really build the wall that fast just read up on the speed with which they got things going after Pearl Harbour. The US is not GB.
I particularly enjoyed Alistair Campbell’s advice .Look after Nato. WTF from him of all people.
“RBS bank to set aside another £3bn for fines”
Are they going to move to the EU like HSBC ?
Oh, the benefits of nationalisation.
Taxpayers. The institution that keeps on giving.
“Rough sleeping rises at appalling rate, charity says, as figures show 16% rise.”
How about spending some of that Foreign Aid at home ?
There is a HYS running .Highest Rated Comment – “You don’t hear much from the likes of Lilly Allen, Lineker etc about the people who need help here in the UK”
I would imagine that illegal immigrants and asylum seekers get priority for housing.
Oh dear Taffman, the comments are not going well on that article! Check this one out:
‘Lazy reporting BBC, what do your ‘investigative reporters’ do all day, frappe lattes with business women angry about being paid to wear heels, or celebs ranting about how ‘evil’ Trump is?’
The people sleeping rough in Britain are usually white men, often ex-military. Lily Allen and “Sir” Bob Geldof can’t be expected to associate themselves with scum like that.
Speaking of Lily , I see she is in trouble with the gay community for tweeting “Fags hate Trump “. She should learn to keep her mouth shut , unless she meant cigarettes of course.
PS That is Lily Allen from a wealthy family and privately educated including Bedales.
Gather Lily not a Milophile then, amongst other things.
Double whammy on Toady this morning.
There is the old chestnut story that children from poor families do less well then those from’well off’ families (they always make it a binary choice don’t they). Shock. horror. Cue excuses for more statist intervention.
But wait. We now move to a vox pop (more like vox famae editoris) featuring some poor families in ….Tower Hamlets. Al Beeb have a habit of using Tower Hamlets to justify stories as a ‘deprived’ area but strangely in such a context they rarely if ever mention that the thing it is most deprived of is white British people, being a haven, according to lots of data, of Indian subcontinental immigration, mainly Bangladeshi.
Funny how the bBBC fail to mention that. I mean, it’s not as if it could possibly be relevant.
Just as the bBBC just cannot quite work out why their rates of Tuberculosis infections, long since eradicated in most of the UK, are ‘significantly over-represented’ as well.
Does Theresa May read this esteemed website?
At QT yesterday she made reference to the ‘Far Left’. Result !!!!!
Mind you, she was with some old bearded duffer with a red tie who was talking jibberish. He looked as if he had walked out of his care home and stumbled into the Commons. The care home in question really must sort out its Deprivation of Liberty paperwork and put the access code back on the front door.
Come now literally be careful. Saveourlefty will not like any negative comments about our Jeremy. He reads this blog and beware of his little lists.
Little list. Mmmmm.
Jeremy. Mmmmm
“…a society offender who might well go underground
And who never would be missed
They never would be missed
BBC Breakfast tv news settles into a familiar pattern this morning – we in Britain don’t look after our children as well as most western european countries do, economic performance in the second half of last year surprised the BBC experts by its strength but things seem set to get worse – the fall in the pound and Brexit donchaknow (interestingly these two factors seem to have now been separated – I guess a double-whammy sounds worse than a single whammy). Lots of scary talk about what President Trump has apparently said – Can’t help but notice the BBC gives us rather more of what the gurning nerdy bespectacled Chris Mason and his BBC ilk says that Trump has said rather than letting us hear the questions put to the man and his answers. (Why go to the horse’s mouth when the pencil can be led : that’s the BBC motto). Then the hard luck story with the higher public spending punch line: Young Carers – An adorable pair of little misses (who want to grow up to be actresses, bless) juggling the washing up for their sick mum with their school home work. Not a word as to daddy’s whereabouts – I’m sure if this information had added anything to the narrative we would have been told – you know, dad was sadly run over by a steam-roller in a brave attempt to save a kitten. But I must be careful, I’m in danger of building a false narrative here and playing on your emotions. Did I miss anything? Oh, child poverty and weather-matron Carol went to a TV Awards do last night: we’re luvvies, but we care….
OMG !!! UK 4th quarter 2016 GDP growth 0.6% (source ONS). How are they going to explain that number away down on BBC Animal Farm ?? What happened to that collapse of consumer confidence at Christmas ?? Some fashionista house had a crap time, oh dear ! Will Trump waterboard Treezer. Lets just forget about economics shall we ?
When they update the story my money is on “despite Brexit” in the 2nd paragraph!
I was close: second paragraph
“The figures, from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), show that a feared slowdown in the UK economy as a result of Brexit has not shown up in official data.”
The normally gloom-laden anti-Brexit BBC economics correspondent Andy Verity forced to eat humble pie on VD show. 0.6 percent is above prior estimates by the so- called experts and gives 2 percent GDP growth for 2016 as a whole. Much better than euro-zone.
5-Live Call now “What should May say to Trump”
By 9:15am they had 3 Pro Trump callers on
and Comedian Campbell :”3 Pro-Trump callers, yes well people call in and we let em on”
…absolutely hysterical, as if BBC studios are not filled with Metropolitan SJW missionary groupthinkers, who practice gatekeeping..so that before the referendum they could hardly air any public going to vote Brexit, and then in the US election couldn’t find anyone supporting Trump.
What is going to be interesting is whether the BBc gets any inerviews with the President Trump team or any time at a press conference. I hope it gets the CNN treatment.
They deserve a lock out. I noticed on twitter that Jon Sopel has kept his Obama picture as his main twitter picture. Possibly he is waiting for an opportunity to get photographed with Trump? I suspect it’s his BBc left wing bias seeping through – in Trump denial. Very easy on £420,000+ salary…
‘I noticed on twitter that Jon Sopel has kept his Obama picture as his main twitter picture’
Which side of what door does he leave his politics on, I wonder? For his 58k followers of BBC North American editorial?
Maybe he just moves at BBC breaking News pace?
Apparently The Donald is cool with terrorists being waterboarded. The BBC hive think this is the worst thing ever. For myself, the sound I can faintly hear in the distance must be the world’s smallest violin.
@ Rob in Cheshire …. I`m so glad you clarified that faint sound for me mate, for a horrible moment I thought it was a member of the BBC staff `fiddling` with a child….
Radio 4 Extra has been running trailers for Newsjack tonight. This is a show suposedly written by listeners and based on ‘the news’.
One of the key lines of the trailer is that as the news hasn’t happened yet they can’t say what will be in the programme. Maybe not but I’m sure most of us could have a pretty good guess.
Let’s see, ‘the news’ for most of us is what the BBC has filtered out of the events around the world. The ‘listeners’ then filter out those stories that experience has taught them that the BBC is most likely to run with, write them up and submit them to the BBC. The BBC then filter out ‘the best’ of those. Triple distilled BBC dross, what’s not to like! What could possibly drip through? Trump? Trump? Brexit? Trident?
The interview with head of news, James Harding is worth hearing. He thinks that BBC ‘jounalists’ come at each story afresh. That might be true of the ethnics that have to read the stuff but what about the ‘correspondents’? Isn’t it strange how Emma Jane Kirby, for instance, keeps finding herself on Greek islands surrounded by doctors and engineers who can afford $1000 for a leaky boat ride but not $300 for an air fare?
That’s the interview when the head of news, Jamres Harding, cannot and hence will not answer a legitimate question from colleague Steve Hewlett on how the BBC is stacked to the rafters with Anti Trump Remainers, is it not?
Is this the sloany Emma Jane Kirby who was sent Up North to try to trip up ill- educated Leave voters in R4 Brexit Street? Seems like her reward is an Aegean sojourn then.
Reporters, from the name, ‘report’. Journalists write, ‘reports’, interview and report that interview. There are also, ‘opinion’ pages where journalists give their OWN opinion.
On TV, ‘analysis’ may be provided, where the ins, outs, pro and cons are explained in order for the viewer to arrive at THEIR OWN opinion.
Yesterday, John Sopel was having a meltdown over Trump – I do hope he received appropriate medical care and sedation.
On a 10 minute car journey – Woman’s Hour – usual virtue signalling lefties.
First a propos birth control in Britain. Apparently a woman’s right to reproduce is none of The State’s business – even though the State (= us) must care for that offspring from cradle to grave – so surely the State can have an opinion? However Miss Leftie manages to insert the “T” word Trump, re-enforcing the BBC echo chamber bubbleworld, that after Trump’s election who knows what draconian route Britain will follow. By implication…..castration, forced abortion – not that she ACTUALLY said that, just left that hanging unspoken.
Second item. How AFTER TRUMP’s election there has been a huge increase in applications for IUD’s. Is this “because of Trump?”
Personally I really dislike Trump’s Neanderthal attitude to women. BUT ffs, BBC, just try and have a programme where you don’t imply all the evils of the world (in your eyes) can be laid at his door!
You know Trump has a Neanderthal attitude to women?
K Latte
Evidence of Trump’s neanderthal attitude to women.
Kellyanne Conway ran his victorious campaign.
Anyone want to highlight his racism while we are at it?
Have a word with Dr Ben Carson for starters
Not personally! But “bottom-patting,” “locker room talk,” references to women’s gynacological functions to rubbish them ….. I think he often engages mouth before brain
On the other hand, I don’t think you must be a saint to be a world leader. He speaks what he thinks and on the upside that is refreshingly honest!
If you listened to the tape made of Trump 12 years ago now, first of all he was joking that groupies throw themselves at rich and successful men (who knew?), then he was telling a joke against himself, that he tried to seduce a woman and… failed miserably. He then got off the coach and behaved like a perfect gentleman with the very attractive woman who was meeting his party.
If you don’t think that Trump has a sense of humour, and is willing to tell a joke against himself, you don’t know him.
The bottom line with Trump is that he is a normal, heterosexual, deeply patriotic American guy. No-one has ever claimed that he was not born and raised in America, that he is a closet gay or a secret muslim. In short, he is a breath of fresh air compared to the person who occupied the White House for the previous eight years.
Yet nobody seems to mind when Madonna describes her intention to perform fellatio (probably in her support tights and leotard she wore during that vomit inducing video she did a couple of years ago…) on anyone who voted for Shillary…. A vivid description of her intentions made only a few months ago…. What Trump said happened years ago, which if my understanding of the BBCs` officially recognised viewpoint whenever thier own staff members comitted gross acts of a sexual nature.. The general rule is `Anything which happened prior to the death of Jimmy Saville happened only becouse at that time sexual deviance and being a sexual predator was part of the culture at that time` Therefore Trumps name should be henceforth redacted or in laymans terms obscured with the use of a marker `of colour` definitely not a Black one as it might have an adverse effect on social cohesion leading to excessive costs arising from having to pay Diane Abbott yet another appearance fee so she can accuse the populace of the UK of more `under the table racism` … and £4.5 billion can only stretch so far….
And for news beyond parody…
‘The limousine that was set on fire during the anti-Trump anarchist protest in downtown Washington on Inauguration Day is owned by a Muslim immigrant who says the damage could cost his company $70,000.’
I expect that many of you know this already and almost everyone who visits this site will suspect it but in an idle moment I wondered which schools some of our favourite BBC presenters and journalists attended.
It isn’t clear which school Eddie Mair attended but his mum and dad were definitely working class so it may not have been a private school. Caroline Quinn ,his co PM presenter , went to a grammar school and so did soapy Sopel.
Evan Davies went to a comprehensive. Jo Coburn, Andrew Marr, Norman Smith, Mark Urban, Justin Oliver Webb, Mark Mardell and of course Dimo Dimbleby all went to Fee paying schools which these days annually charge between £15,000 for day pupils and £30,000 for boarders. Katy Kay was from a family of diplomats and probably received private schooling but this is not clear. Seems a clear majority of senior BBC journalists were privately educated despite only a tiny minority of children receiving this type of education. I wonder if the word diversity ever occurred to those who appointed them?
I am strongly in favour of streamed education, Grammar schools are a good thing. I also believe that if you can afford it you should be able to buy the education you think appropriate for your child. From the ranks of the well educated spring those people who create jobs and wealth for the country. We need them , as many as possible.
It is therefore interesting to me that most of the above BBC employees support Labour ( at least from their Broadcasting you would be absolutely certain that this was the case) but Labour has forced most Grammar schools out existence, tried to tax private schools out of existance, forced the abandonment of ability streamed education in many areas and overseen a catastrophic decline in education outcomes over the past 50 years. I wonder if the above folks ever have to wrestle with their conscience over this.
Whenever a Lefty is coy about which school they went to you know it was a grammar school or private school. Whenever you find out that they went to so and so University it means they failed to get a degree.
Why should they wrestle with their consciences when they don’t have any. They got the advantages. Why should they care about anyone else ? At the end of the day, Lefties are totally selfish.
I consider myself to be working class, from East London, born in the 50s. One of 5 children.
Trying to paint a picture here – not after sympathy!
I’m old school socialist. Sat the 11+ which I found easy and finished early. I sat there for half an hour staring at the clock. When the bell went I was horrified to see there were more questions on the back page!!
Consequently I was put in the top class of the Secondary Modern.
My point is that I hadn’t enough confidence to tell anyone what I’d done.
Pampered, privately educated children are given a daily massive dose of confidence. I can spot them a mile off. I work with some of them – twats.
I enjoyed GG’s put down of that BBC Politics woman. Hoorah for him.
Agree with you. It is mainly about confidence. I am working class, my dad was a labourer and although I passed the 11 plus the teachers used to take the piss out of attempts to describe my dad’s job.
So I worked in factories and building sites and was a troublemaking shop steward until Frank Cousins got me a grant for education with a view to me becoming a Labour MP. Only I never bothered and the former head boy of the grammar school was given the constituency. Oxford and Cambridge turned me down – no confidence at the interviews.Tried to get a teaching post after a first and a PhD at other yoonis, and some twat at a Polly suggested I could teach Marxism because I was from the working class.Ha, ha ha, brayed the posh f***kers. Eventually spent my career in a Russell Yooni and ended up teaching postgrads at Cambridge for a dozen years. I can smell lack of confidence a mile away and I am proud to have spent my life dealing with its causes in numerous good students.
“Pampered, privately educated children are given a daily massive dose of confidence. I can spot them a mile off. I work with some of them – twats.”
I don’t know about those you work with but if you are saying that all privately educated children are “pampered” (whatever that means) and twats, you are no better than the BBC.
Adrienne. I said the ones I work with.
I am not stereotyping as I can think of many great privately educated people.
Twisting my words seems very BBC to me.
Pully, That is not quite what you said,if you re-read it !
That’s why I said “I don’t know about those you work with” and “if”.
‘Twisting words seems very BBC editorial, and glee clubist, to me’
There, fixed that for you.
You can James to check it for you if you like.
Unless there’s no time, or space.
It’s what someone might have said, after all.
Ok so not all privately educated children are pampered by any means but they are normally more confident than comprehensive school kids and with good reason . Social mobility has declined in this country due to the abolition of most grammar schools in the 60’s and ’70’s. The higher paying professions are much the preserve of people educated at public schools, a reverse of the trend of the 1950-80 period . This is a huge tragedy .
The hypocrisy of labour politicians, starting with Antony Crosland, who eliminated grammars but either benefitted themselves from fee paying education, or ensure that their kids too, has always been breathtaking.
The problem is that many state schools cannot keep up. There are several reasons for this, IMO. One is the abolition of grammars, as you say. Another is the mindset of so many within the teaching profession which, in some instances, is anything but professional.
Money also plays a part, but not to the extent that many teachers like to claim. I doubt if the cost per pupil in some of the more modest private schools is vastly different from the state sector.
It must also be accepted, I think, that many schools are dragged down by kids from families which stubbornly refuse to understand the importance of education. I hate to say it but many of these families are white indigenous. They are outperformed by equally unprivileged kids from E Asian and Indian families, where education is not considered uncool. The indigenous families need to wake up, and stop blaming others. The days of readily available, reasonably well paid manual jobs for kids who have wasted their time at school, are over.
Adrienne, the major problem with comps is that their culture reflects their intake area. So smarter kids from poorer areas are doubly discriminated against. Grammar schools in poorer areas did exist ( leftie criticism of current grammars ignores this) and helped funnel bright poorer kids out from the swamp.
The teaching profession needs serious reform. No sign anyone will take this on post Gove. Left wing indoctrination starts in training, is reinforced by the all powerful unions,and we end up with the blob. I think grammars would attract non leftie teachers into the profession but we must still guard against the malign blob which must put off would-be teachers who are centre right.
Completely agree . Education from primary schools to university has been taken over by the left and children are being indoctrinated. The media has also been captured by the left , the same is true of the police and judiciary. Add all this together and the left hold most of the levers of power. But they didn’t manage to impose their will on Brexit, at least not so far, hence their Remoaning rage. In the US the election of President Trump ( I’m still enjoying writing those two words) as caused the same spitting out of leftist dummies. We must hope that at least one of Holland, Austria and France will elect a ‘Populist’ government which will cause even more dummy spitting. If this right of centre tide keeps running we may yet return the West to sanity. But there needs to be a cleansing of the Augean Stables in the U.K. And tens of thousands leftists in the public sector must be dismissed once the right of centre parties have the power to do so. No messing about or the left will creep back to power.
“The higher paying professions” – Such as the BBC.
Journalism is not a profession it is a trade !
I feel for you. Always turn the exam paper over!
There is a great Mr. Bean sketch which takes this theme a step further. I won’t spoil it for anyone here who has not seen it, but it is a classic !
Thanks Rob/Grant.
I see Breitbart had already done rebut of #FakeNews claims @damienmcguin just made in #FooC
About the Muslim mob German Church fire
But DMc made no reference to that rebut
Ah the BBC’s German Correspondent : Damien McGuinness just replied to me
“afraid the rebut does not stand up. Unless you don’t believe German police?”
Well I know the QuoteFarming trick where one can phone around 30 police telephone numbers and then cherrypick the quote you desire.
I don’t believe any police unless I have independent evidence.
Suddenly lefties believe the police when it suits them? A bit like they started to believe the CIA when it was smearing Trump.
Leftism is a mental illness. The only cure is a hard dose of reality. Luckily for beeboids, they need never face that, as the serfs pay £4 billion a year to their media overlords. It sure beats earning a living.
MILO Highlights the Increasing Violence of Left-Wing ‘Anti-Fascists
Thanks for the link. Milo is great. No wonder the Left hate him so much. He is cleverer and funnier than they are. Mind you, that would not be difficult. And he is gay, dammit.
I love his phrase ” Keyboard Warriors “. Maybe not his, but the first time I had heard it .
Those ‘Men’ again?
Watching Fox TV – it’s common knowledge over there, insular and inward looking as they are, that the UK’s and Europe’s immigration with integration policies are a complete and utter failure.
Facts are emerging about the Washington Wimmin’s march so praised by the BBC. They posted a photo of co organizer Linda Sarsaur, but never mentioned she is an Islamic activist, supporter of sharia and anti Israel, and used her speech to put forward the case for the Pallies.
The BBC will not mention another principle speaker, Black Rights and wimmin’s activist, who announced to the crowds that she had been in prison. Gushes of sympathy. She neglected to mention why she had been in prison and the media have not bothered to find out. But the information is there.
I give you Donna Hylton, university lecturer and wimmin’s champion.
Read the facts here
Lock her up! (again)!
I tweeted that pic ok?
People need to see where the REAL hate is coming from.
In psychology I think it is known as “Projection “. Denying behaviour in yourself and attributing it to others. Sums up Lefties exactly. It is a mental aberration.
It is true Grant, leftists are mentally sick. I should feel sorry for them, but they want to kill me and destroy everything I hold dear, so I don’t.
In psychology I think it is known as “Projection “. Denying behaviour in yourself and attributing it to others. Sums up Lefties exactly. It is a mental aberration.”
Yes, it’s self-projection.
What is that Donna Hylton woman doing walking around free? She should have been locked up for life no?
Lucy Pevensey
She went down for 25 to life and was released after 27, apparently a reformed criminal. This sentence is stiffer than your average UK life sentence for murder. But is she reformed? Not if she is peddling hate and should she be teaching in universities?
Brilliant Daily Politics today. Brillo has got Red Danny Blanchflower whose every opinion/forecast has been proven wrong, and Liam Halligan, who I have always rated very highly.
Polar opposites but the two together are a damn sight better than professional Leftoid Geordie (living in Richmond no less) Toilets Maguire and that gay guy from the Daily Mail who review the papers for Sky.
Reluctant to recommend an Al Beeb programme but catch this on iPlayer.
Just proves if you repeat the correct mantras – you can get away with anything, including murder.
Ooh! There goes the gorgeous Chelsea Manning.
I quite like Al Beeb’s ‘Taboo’ as well, but did you catch the bit where the hero goes looking for someone who he knew from school in a transvestite brothel, a Molly House. They certainly existed but Al Beeb get their transsexual bit in everywhere!
Why is the BBC obsessed with sex. It is almost psychopathic.
Just keeping their end up. Allegedly.
That’s Newsbeat’s FB posts sorted for the rest of the week.
Good old Jeremy – backing the Brexit bill? Animal Farm won’t like it .
BBC TV news reporter erroneously states that a reduction in vehicle manufacturers’ investment in 2016 was ‘ the clearest sign yet’ of the effect of Brexit. There is no evidence for this assertion. As Andrew Neil correctly said on the Daily Politics an hour earlier, we can’t be sure that its not just due to the investment cycle. Shoddy and biased BBC reporting by its low grade operators who are just toeing the line dictated by their editors.
Remember when we had, professional, talented, investigative, honest, journalists and fantasy was only found in the sci-fi comics?
Something to tell your grandchildren – they’ll never believe it.
Yes cos industrial investment in a company is completely liner /sarc
Like when you spend £2bn over 2 years building a new plant, you don’t built a new plant the next year and the year after that.
Mrs May,
During your visit to President Trump – Please, please pay ATTENTION!
BBC website tells us that May will present Trump with the Waterloo Tree Quaich, “home of Sir Walter Scott “. I know what they are trying to say, but it makes it sound as if he lived in a Quaich.
In any case I hope it is a replica otherwise wee Krankie will have an ” Annie Laurie “.
In an earlier version the BBC said a Quaich was something given to “Clan Leaders ” But that error seems to have been corrected.
I believe a quaich is a ceremonial whisky cup. What an appropriate present for a man who has never drunk a drop of alcohol in his life.
You are right. And Trump’s mum came from the Isle of Lewis and the original Waterloo Tree Quaich from Scott’s grounds at Abbotsford in the Borders ( where it still is ). Quite a diplomatic gaffe altogether by Treezer.
I wanted to say that too.
And Mrs May, please remember that in your interview with the BBC when you return they will want to know whether you rebuked him for saying he wanted to grab a woman’s pussy.
Our envy of the world broadcaster wants the important news
Mrs May should tell the beeboids that she got closer to Trump than they ever will.
Interesting to note that BBC4 Desert Island Discs have chosen David (squeak)Beckham as the guest for its celebratory 75th anniversary.
I would hazard a guess that those who religiously follow their idol have never even heard of DID let alone listen to it. So was that the reason for choosing him, or is their an abundance of fans at the Beeb who could be bribed to get his name on the show ? Because this just appears to be another publicity coup for the Beckham Brand – courtesy of Simon Fuller no doubt. Or is this just another rung for Beckham’s knighthood. This family will soon become a caricature of themselves and seem to be competing for the title of the most nauseating family with the Kardashians.
I would have thought a more appropriate choice would be Johnny Johnson, the last surviving member of the Dam Busters (who has never been accorded an honour), to hear his experiences, rather than learn nothing (because we know it all) about the ‘chosen one’.
For goodness sake, don’t mention the War! Germany are our best buddies and Merkel, our Empress.
Beckham is a contemporary British hero – God help us.
Beckham has done a lot for this country.
Made lots of money playing football
Married u miserable untalented pop”star”
Wore a skirt
Helped to make Prince William look like a tit over the world cup fix
Made lots of money as a celebrity
Introduced us to his “talented” son
Made more money
Made some more money
Got on telly again
Made some more money zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !
You might have guessed I am not a fan!
Is there ANYONE that actually likes him ??? oh yes, those in the Honours Office who are clearly in thrall of him and his wife ! Interestingly she receives an OBE for services to fashion (and whatever else), then the next day its reported her fashion ’empire’ is in massive financial debt and is only being kept afloat with her husband’s money !!! – so THAT’S the way to get a gong, I should’ve guessed.
Brissles – The BBC loves him because he is associated wiv football innit!
He is the perfect vehicle for Islington man and woman to demonstrate their prolitarian sympathies (whilst still secretly looking down on him), and the fact that he is rich too, means that he is partial to quaffing the odd glass of Louis Roederer champagne. So they probably also have something in common.
According to the trailer for Desert Island Discs – Beckham is a “footballer, celebrity and a humanitarian”
In other words spoilt and over payed sportsman, big ego and likes to keep in the public eye so he can sell his endorsements, and has too much time on his hands and doesn’t mind the odd trip to Africa kicking footballs about with poor kids, so he can stay in the public eye and sell even more endorsements.
I dont think that Beckhams fellow great humanitarian Gandhi (if he was still alive) would have needed to have worried about the competition too much.
Though I do think he could have borrowed a trick or two from the “ghastly” Beckhams. If I could have been Ghandhi s manager I would have advised him to create his own fashion range from his homespun yarn and maybe launched a food range – how about “The Mahatmas Vegetarian Sausages”
I have just read on the BBC teletext news that the head of MI6 has revealed that the real life equivalent of James Bond’s Q is ……. (wait for it)…… a WOMAN!
I can scarcely contain my apathy.
A transsexual surely?
He’s not well briefed..Apparently there is no such thing as binary man/woman..we are all on a scale.
“He’s not well briefed..”
So this transexual spook goes commando then?
waterboarding We don’t have to take BBC spinning trick ..Like hyping up the extreme end of what someone might say or do without mentioning contexts.
You can check Trumps 11min interview and Transcript and he does supply caveats about waterboarding :
It’s not a soft interview ..he gets drilled about a number of other things.
Are we supposed to be outraged at the mention of water-boarding then?
But we’re OK about decapitation with a steak knife – is that it
Is it a bit like snowboarding?
Yes, but after the Snowflakes have gone into meltdown.
Waterboading , cue liberal left outrage and endless attacks by the BBCet al, and get organising the next monster march. Did we see such outrage from those self same marchers when ,as Gaxvil puts it , an innocent white chaps head was cou off with a steak knife. No we did not. They were probably already committed to an anti Islamophobia march.
The liberal left are mentally ill and the defining symptom of this illness is their refusal to see Islam for what it is, a real and present danger to every non Muslim on the planet. Along with North Korea , Islam must be feared and opposed . In my view Isis et al are merely the spear point of Islam . Once they broken through the rest of the Muslim world will follow.
The liberal left may think we are moving steadily down the road to a multicultural global Utopia but I think we are rapidly descending into a Muslim dominated hell and that we urgently need to start fighting back. If President Trump and his advisors believe that water boarding or worse are required to get the intelligence necessary to fight back effectively then we will have to accept it no matter how much we regret it and be thankful that the USA has once again resumed its role as defender of the West. He deserves but won’t get our support. But this time round the west needs to focus as much on the enemies within as on those in Country’s outside the West. Adopting Wilders programme across Europe would be a good start.
Quite agree. The Left are not against torture or terrorism in principle ( they don’t have any principles ), it just depends who is doing it.
BBC R4 News 1300. We are told that there is serious problems with the Prison Service. Ken Clarke interviewed and tells us that the UK prison population has doubled within the last 20 years and the current unrest is caused by overcrowding. How come? –
Of over 84,428 total, 57,662 are white British – 67.4%. The rest? In effect, foreigners. Question: if it were’nt for the foreigners would there be enough room to restore prison harmony?
Baroness Scotland, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations.
She has been described as having bought her job in a “utterly corrupt process”.
Surprise surprise! Remind me, what was Donald Trumps oft used expression. Ah, yes, “Lock her up”.
Further evidence, (if it were needed) that the UK also needs to ‘drain the swamp’ in Westminster. Urgently.
Slowly but surely the bulk of the UK population is becoming restless.
Guess the word
—— drive 50% rise in rough sleeping
Times pg 12 ..The stats are 4,000 in whole country 1000 of which is London. That doesn’t seem a lot in 64m+ and probably a massive underestimate .if you ask me.
This won’t surprise most here!
When I lived in North-West London it was common knowledge that just before the official “Rough Sleepers” count, the police would give them a bed for the night in a cell and release them the next morning with no charges ever being brought! Consequently the borough had quite low homeless figures.
Sarah Palin described waterboarding as baptism for terrorists. I would not worry about whether it works or not, but that it informs the terrorists that we know they are terrorists not freedom fighters.
Jerry Owen “boycott”
I did just that with Pink Floyd material. Since Roger Waters started his anti Semitic BDS campaigning I won’t spend a penny on any of the music other than second hand. (My collection was complete years ago anyway & I’m not a fan of Water’s solo offerings).
Whenever I see Israeli produce in the supermarkets I make sure to buy for the same reason. BDS says boycott Israel. I do the opposite.
I do hope May does not embarrass us by championing Islam, multi-culturism and the elite’s agenda.
What we need is a PM with some B*ll*cks.
Like Margaret Thatcher 😉
I was born here with ancestors going back a long, long, long time. There are a lot of us.
I’m not aware of us forcibly dragging people to this country at any point in our history.
Friday on Radio4 There is a show about Bubblewords
\\”If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the internet”, Barack Obama recently advised Americans, “try talking with one of them in real life.” The outgoing US President was expressing an idea that’s gained growing weight with commentators and politics watchers on both sides of the Atlantic: increasingly, we all exist in ‘bubbles’ that shield us from ideas and truths other sections of the population hold dear. The recent US elections, and the Brexit vote, both seem to suggest that common political ground is shrinking. How much do our online lives contribute to that sense of alienation? //
That’s ironic cos Women’s Hour itself is one of the most Metropolitan Bubleworld progs on the BBC
..which sneers and looks down on a lot of people as if they’re stupid and not cool like London people.
Theresa May urged to tackle President Trump on torture
We can be sure that, and the other things that Trump & the BBC disagree on, will be all that the media will be interested in at any US press conference. Dame Norman Smith, interviewing John Redwood, was frustrated by Redwood batting back all Smith’s suggestions of what May should publicly declare about Trump. Redwood thought leaders should concentrate on bigger matters than the topics that obsess the BBC.
Trump will just tell her it is none of her business. The problem with interfering in other countries’ internal affairs is that they can retaliate and interfere in yours .
I am sure Trump could find many things wrong with the UK and he knows far more about the UK than May knows about USA, I suspect. I hope that May is not stupid enough to go down that route but she probably is. I suspect he will eat her alive if he wants to.
Nigel lurking in the background to straighten the pictures we hope?
More examples of, “Cultural Enrichment”, in Austria.
Sopel and all other libtards need to change their Twitter disclaimer to thus:
“These are not my views, but those of the BBC”
Think that very BBC pressure may be getting to the likes of Sopel – witness his meltdown yesterday and the inane, ‘yah boo sucks’ type of questioning from others.
Fake news is the word (or phrase if not a Graun style guide student) of the year, so having been suckered by the MLK bust (or is it busted by the MLK sucker by a US ‘but we corrected it later’ MSM title), this caught my eye:
I see Buzzfeed is there, so I wonder if the BBC is too, as they seem to be joined at the hip.
More national parks appear to defy Trump on Twitter
3 hours ago
From the section US & Canada
Death ValleyImage copyrightAFP
Image caption
Death Valley National Park’s Twitter account joined in posting messages seen as critical of President Trump
A US national park’s Twitter account has inspired an online movement protesting against President Donald Trump’s policy on climate change.
The Badlands National Park account’s tweets about global warming were swiftly deleted after they appeared to undermine Mr Trump’s position.
But if President Trump, who has called climate change a hoax, hoped it would silence his critics, he was wrong.
Instead, it was the catalyst for a host of people and parks to follow suit.
It had me fooled (again), but I now honestly have no clue what is truth any more.
If the spoof story is vindicated, then the BBC has a lot of questions to answer.
Which it won’t, trust them.
Guest – I actually listened to something quite good on R4 today. It was “In our time” with stuffy old Melvin and was all about parasites in animals. For once I felt I actually was educated and entertain.
I was a bit confused however when Anjem Choudry didnt even get one mention!
I am afraid my goodwill to the BBC was not to last. I caught the back end of a “report” in “From our own left wing Correspondent” I think it was about the current crack down on “fake news” in Germany The “reporter highlighted the recent Breitbart news report which said a church had been set on fire by migrants. I think he said it was an accident caused by a firework.
Are they saying the firework caused the fire and not the person who set it off.? I suppose it was just another one of those “unintentional accidents” that Europe seems to have a lot of at the moment. My understanding that there had certainly been some sort of fire on the church roof.
Anyway our intrepid “correspondent” seemed pleased as punch that this fake news crackdown was happening.
We know their were migrants in the crowd that night and I understand that some of them were projecting fireworks at the police so even if Breitbart got the details of the story a bit wrong – I wonder if it really qualifies as “fake news”
And if this is “fake news” I wonder what “our correspondent” considers the status of the the lack of news stories emanating from Germany from Cologne last year regarding the mass sexual assaults. I supposed he considered this to be “non news”. Same as Rothrham, Same as sexual assault figures in Sweden etc etc etc
And they wonder why we dont believe them any more.
BBC reports on a Swedish crackpot who has wrestled for over 20 years to find a non rude word to refer to a vagina. Apparently boys have a willy but here isn’t a similar word for girls. And it is making girls think there is something wrong with them.
When I was a child we would refer to boy’s willies and girl’s willies. What is wrong with that?
Come on BBC you are being sooo controversial
Front bottom, Tuppence, Farron?
What is wrong with “pussy” ? It is quite non-threatening.
Most of the “girls” on BBC website have willies these days anyway.
These socially retarded lefties and SJW’s do not need them if they are classifying themselves as female (they are all so desperately ugly) and will never see one if the complete loser is still brave enough to say he’s male (why else are they signing their own death warrant); no wonder they do not have another word for it!!
Let me help here… (sorry ladies ?)
** Parental advisory** ?
Cock sock, bearded clam, quim, the death of Adam, chickens tongue, the Notorious V.A.G?
These socially retarded lefties and SJW’s do not need them if they are classifying themselves as female (they are all so desperately ugly) and will never see one if the complete loser is still brave enough to say he’s male (why else are they signing their own death warrant); no wonder they do not have another word for it!!
Let me help here… (sorry ladies ?)
** Parental advisory** ?
Cock sock, bearded clam, quim, the death of Adam, chickens tongue, the Notorious V.A.G?
When I was a little girl it was always referred to as ‘yours and mine’. As in I’ll show you mine if you show me yours !!!!
Reports from outside the Beeble are indicating that Obama’s Palestinian militants may have to go without his parting $221,000,000 love-gift. The new administration seems to be holding it up 🙂
Have not seen this on the bBBC yet “Brussels Backtracks: Brexit Trade Deal Possible if UK Drops Tax Haven Suggestion” Has Kamal got the hump.
BBC website headline ” Mexican President cancels summit with Trump. Small print ” at Trump’s request”. Bias, what bias ?
Wee Burney Sturgey lands a lucrative advertising deal.
Think I would rather kiss her before she shaved!
Do you mind .
The boys here are eating their dinner.
Sorry Taffy – didnt mean to put you off your leeks – What I meant was she looked more attractive in the first picture – where she is in her natural hirsute state. In the second picture it looks as if the undertakers have got to her without consulting her nearest and dearest!
She looks all haggis and no tatties!
I was surprised Grant had not expressed an opinion on these pictures I know he has a soft spot for her!
I still think she reminds us all of a Garden Gnome.
I feel sorry for her – she’s only 46 ! So when she gets to 56 and 66 there will be comments in the vein of “the years haven’t been kind to her”
Fake News BBC
‘In her resignation letter to Mr Corbyn, Ms Siddiq, who had been an early years minister, said: “Leaving the European Union presents enormous uncertainty for my constituents, with most believing that the disadvantages of leaving outweigh any potential benefits.”‘
Siddiq was elected in 2015 and has never been a minister! Shadow minister maybe!
‘..early years minister…’ according to Al Beeb.
Probably means she hasn’t grown up yet so threw a resignation tantrum.
Will all the labour turncoats have the whip withdrawn? If so will that lead to bi-elections in their constituencies?
So she admits there are potential benefits but not that there are potential disadvantages of staying in. Stupid woman.