Emma Barnett…if I was getting paid for this I’d be rolling in it as long as she’s on air. What a star. Today’s speciality? Women MPs, in particular, are under attack….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off. Well, might suggest alarmist and false claims by the likes of Barnett won’t help. She told us that one woman was considering taking up the cudgel as an MP but had decided not to due to the perceived violence against women MPs. On comes the said woman and we find out that’s complete horlicks….not the reason at all that she didn’t want to do the job. And was Jo Cox targeted because she was a woman? No, not at all. So why is Barnett saying she was and that women MPs in particular are be so targeted? And why link it slyly to Brexit when so many Labour MPs were targeted by Corbyn fans during his leadership election and on many other occasions…men and women?
Just the usual false, sensationalist stories peddled by the BBC in order to create headlines and ‘issues’ and to push their own political agenda.
We had this article recently [apologies to whomever posted it in the comments, I’ve forgotten who you were]..
Most media chiefs believe fake news is good for business
According to the survey of 145 chief executives, editors and digital leaders across 24 countries, 70% believe their position will be “strengthened” by consumers’ desire for trusted and accurate news.
Most respondents see the rise of fake news as “a chance for quality journalism to stand out”
That is one of the reasons the BBC pushes the notion that there is a massive wave of fake news out there on the internet and on the pages of its rivals’ newspapers. The BBC is trying to create the impression that it is the gold standard and thus become the ‘trusted’ goto provider of news…which means it will have a monopoly of what news people see and hear and thus what they think and how they react. All very Orwellian. It is also the chance to discredit other news providers and the internet blogs which the BBC hopes will result in government controls on them….already in operation with Leveson of course which may well result in the destruction of Fleet Street.
The irony is of course that the BBC itself is the biggest generator of fake news and alternate facts….which is why this site has been going relentlessly for over a decade…Bias is just another word for false or fake….when you see it post it here……..another open thread…
Hi. I’m new here. Just signed up after following this site for a while now.
I’m just starting to wake up and realise all the bs we are being fed on a daily basis. It’s not just the BBC.
I had to laugh when yesterday I found myself watching ITV news at the in laws ( I am LLF 2 years now), and they talked about a massive increase in sales of George Orwell’s 1984 and went on to explain about propaganda etc.
This was then attributed to President Trump and his efforts to deceive America!
So I can see, Alan, that the MSN are indeed now highlighting the book in a blatant attempt to turn it around and claim that Trump administration are the ones making up the news!
Btw does anyone listen to Talk Radio? What are your thoughts? Different presenters do appear to have different view like Sam (lefty) Delaney anti Trump anti Brexit then Julia Hartley Brewer anti Trump but pro Brexit!
Anyway I found this interesting – Sam Delaney on drive about 5:37 ish talking to Pastor Mark Burns a supporter and family friend of the apparently racist POTUS who happens to be black. Despite Delaney’s attempts to label Trump as a racist his friend defended him to the hilt.
Croeso !
That’s a well known Welcome ! from the Western part of these Great Islands.
I am calling Al Beeb – ‘Animal Farm’ from now on since a well known wag suggested it earlier on this site.
Hi taffman. Thanks for the welcome. Where I’m from we say Ey up!
Animal Farm – quite fitting for the Beeb I do seem to remember that was the title of a rather infamous vcr when I was a youngster…but not the one you mean. That was, like the BBC also full of vile filth…allegedly!
Ey up Land ?
That’s Welshmen who didn’t cross the dyke . (Offa’s Dyke that is) 😉
They do realize that Eric Blair actually worked for the BBC between 1941 and 1943? His job was to write propaganda for India and that he almost certainly modeled the Ministry of Truth in 1984 ( published 1949 ) on the BBC.
And he also broadcast on radio, but , in his resignation letter, he gave his reason as being that boadcasting propaganda to India was a waste of time or words to that effect and so it proved to be !
God only knows what he would make of the BBC today. Beeboids are too dim to realise that 1984 is directly aimed at people like them. Assuming any of them have read it that is.
There used to be a great TV advert where in one shot you saw a skin head turn and start to run, then in another shot an old wifey turning with a look of horror on her face and then in the last shot we see the skin head save the wifey from having a load of bricks fall on her. I think the byline was “it’s not until you have the whole picture can you see the truth” Amazingly I think it was an advert for the Guardian, back when it used to be a news paper instead of fan fiction for lefties and school children.
All I ask is that the BBC and all the rest do their job as decent journalists and cover all sides of the story. Unfortunately they do not and they do this intentionally to spread a false reality for political ends. Maybe they believe the ends, a multicultural borderless Utopia justifies the means. I beg to differ.
Classic case in point from a few days ago; Trump’s Press Secretary, Sean Spicer is reported by MSM including BBC as saying;
” This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period.”
What he actually said was;
” This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe.”
And then they have the brass neck to accuse Trump of lying? And that Trump’s spokesman is guilty of “doublethink”?
The Guardian’s 1986 ‘Points of view’ advert
There’s slightly better audio on the Guardian’s own Youtube channel, but they censor commensts
This is a perfect opportunity.
Let’s hear your ideas for a new version of the advert…..
There was a poster a while ago that showed a military scene which, depending how cropped (edited in Beebworld) showed two very different stories depending on what narrative the editor desired.
What I find most astounding about 1984 is the accuracy of future technology and the workings of the BBC – e.g. Winston Smith has the job of trawling through the ‘electronic newspaper’ (website) and altering previous stories to make them match the current narrative (stealth editing).
As many people here have noted, the BBC appear to view it as a training manual.
bBBC news channel 17:40 – 18:00 plumbed new depths of anti-Trump, anti-May, and anti-Brexit bias I have yet seen. The guest journalist was Jenni Russell from The Times, who was allowed an unmoderated 20 minutes to lambast The US President, The UK Prime Minister, and The People of the UK who voted to leave the EU, aided and abetted by the bBBC anchorman and Norman Smith. No balance, no questions put re her rabid hateful point of view, no journalistic integrity what-so-ever. NOT GOOD ENOUGH BBC.
(Jenni Russell – ex BBC journalist, ex Guardian columnist, nuff said)
Northern Dreamer
Animal Farm are in panic they are really clutching straws now and Trump knows it.
To Animal Farm its a war on two fronts, Brexit and Trump. The faces are looking as glum as they did on Brexit Morn.
Enjoy !
Northern – “bBBC anchorman” – I think you forgot the “W”.
Welcome ! The Orwell issue is a case in point. Are the BBC and the Left really saying 1984 Farm was directed at people like Trump ? They are crazy.
Hi Grant thanks for the welcome! Yes as I said I am slowly but surely becoming enlightened and it’s interesting how I am beginning to question everything in MSN and find myself asking “now why are they telling me that?”…..
Whilst I accept that “Animal Farm” was about a totalitarian state based on the USSR. I have come to the view that “1984” was written by the BBC insider Orwell *about* the BBC. He knew how they operated.
Well his real name was Blair so I hope he wasn’t related.
What’s all the fuss about walls ?
We recently built one in Calais .
How will Mexico pay for it ?
The same way as our cousins in England have paid for years and years as the cross the Severn River into ‘God’s Land.
Oh and I also saw an excellent PPB by the lib undems last night too!
It was brilliant. This guy keeps waking up next to his token mixed race woman like Groundhog Day and every time he wakes up there is GREAT news on the radio..first we voted Brexit..then Trump wins..
They both look so fed up though. I think it’s because he can’t find his wallet to pay her and she only has toast for breakfast..hope it’s not burnt or it might cause the big C and then they will be glum!
It’s not been missed. Every channel and every ‘couple’ advertisement seems to carry the token mixed race twosome. Seems the advertisers are signed up to the scam as well. Question is, is it PC? The ‘partner’ will invariably be black so I guess all the co-conspirators to this giant con that mixed marriages are now the norm, all agree that it cannot be a female member of the Cult of Submission (c/w burka of course) and a white male. Otherwise they could risk being bombed or murdered in their offices by people waving AK47’s and shouting ‘Allua Ackbar’. What a dilemma for them all. Safer to stay with Black + white?
Why not chinese ?
With or without burka?
Funnily enough in small town rural England nearly all of ethnic origin( using the current accepted criterion ) are in mixed marriages/relationships. One such in my own family.
The distinguishing feature of these is that virtually all are well integrated into conventional English life. The numbers are small so it is very easy. I suspect that this has been a feature of life here for many generation as we are a trading/seafaring people.
The numbers are small so it is very easy. I suspect that this has been a feature of life here for many generation as we are a trading/seafaring people.
Very true, I think, Dave S. To take one instance of a minority, Peter Fryer’s Staying Power: The History of Black People in Britain (1984) is probably still the best book on the experience of the Caribbean diaspora. A journalist by trade, the author covered the docking of the Windrush in 1948, and was piqued by those disembarking to investigate their lives.
It’s regularly cited by the excitable as a scholarly demonstration that the British Isles have always been multi-racial: African soldiers at Hadrian’s Wall and what have you. That’s a fair assessment, and largely what the author intended. But the paradox is that the tenor of the book supports J. Enoch’s argument about numbers. For much of the nation’s history, the relevant head-count was extremely modest: if I’m remembering correctly, for centuries Britain had a total black population of—at most—15,000 or so (out of a total in the low millions), concentrated in ports and coastal towns.
In historical terms, we’ve not actually been slow to riot when provoked: by the price of food, for example, or at obvious injustice. Race riots? Not so much. There was long a good reason why not.
In a nutshell ‘we have been swamped’……
How people live their lives – whether mixed marriage or otherwise is entirely up to them, but I do strongly object to having a distorted view of the ‘norm’ imposed on me by advertising and tv dramas that feel they have to include the ‘token’ black/Asian. Its fooling nobody and is rather pathetic.
I too live in a small country town/large village which is roughly 95% white. We do villagey ‘stuff’ like craft fairs, amdram, womens groups, childrens events, sporting do’s etc. A place that Brian True-May could have created; but unlike tv, the 5% who are not white do not attend or get involved with any of the events.
Actually I think this is not true, the whole point of propaganda being the drip-drip effect. It does change people’s perceptions over time, which is why they do it. I bet young children in particular have their sense of ‘what is normal’ largely influenced by it if every image they see of a couple is mixed-race.
Nothing wrong with mixed-race couples. What is wrong is the clear racist intentions of the fascist left to ‘breed-out’ the dirty white genes from the population just as fast as they can. Naturally, though, this does not apply to themselves as they are the master race and need to stay superior in every way – maintaining their rightful position as our ‘overlords’.
Agree re all of the above. Interesting also that much hype is being made of a new film called “Loving” about the interracial couple who took the State of Virginia to court in the sixties. Ethiopian-born Irish actress Ruth Negga has been nominated for Best Actress so put a couple of grand on that now. May as well coin a few bob from her inevitable coronation.
The BBC seldom misses a chance to slip propaganda into its Radio 4 comedy offerings and this evening is proving no exception.
‘The Cold Swedish Winter’ from 18:30 got in several shots at the Sweden Democrats in the early minutes. An immigrant pizza restaurant owner had some dough or other that was six months out of date. The self-righteous English narrator, who is the hero of this show and who had initially been fobbed off with the stuff, then passed on the (presumably stale) pizza to some lads from the Sweden Democrats, who had been expressing their hopes for a WHITE Christmas, opposition to immigrants, etc. The party was described as ‘racist idiots’ and there was a joke about revenge being a dish best served cold.
I’m not holding my breath for an episode where the Swedish female partner of our hero has a culturally enriching experience involving taharush from some ‘New Swedes’ in a Stockholm shopping centre. But watch this space, stranger things have happened …
Here’s a laugh you can check this Radio4 Facebook group
Full of angry LeftMob people claim to be against hate.
Yet on the group when I challenged them they replied with hate of namecalling, sneering etc. and then many blocked me, meaning I can’t see posts they start.
But not if I view the page without logging in. Then I can see they have started lots of new threads with lots of hate, but it’s a bubbleworld cos I can’t participate unless I use one of my other accounts.
I dipped into the link. Pretty predictable Lefty stuff, but there is a guy, Mark Lewinski , who is taking them to the cleaners. It won’t be long before he gets kicked out of the group !
Just had a quick look at that Radio Four facebook page. It’s like looking into the Heart of Darkness! Ostensibly rational polite middle Englanders (although they’d hate that term), underneath broiling with hate and rage that the world isn’t how they think it ought to be.
I`ve just joined the group and updated my profile picture….
As for them blocking me…. i always have xtra profiles ready…. as I love to sockpuppet….. You always get the right answers don`t you???
Still waiting for them to accept my request to assimilate myself..
i can`t wait to do some social networking, especially with the ones involving themselves on the thread concerning Gina Miller…..
There is a definite racial tension on that thread… Nobody has even bothered to mention that Gina Miller is a woman of `colour` instead they`re focusing on less important details such as whose side of the debate is correct…
All of Facebook is a bubble world it ought to be called Fakebook.
They might as well be in The Matrix with a plug in the back of their necks being fed intravenously with liquidised BBC faeces whilst “chatting” to their virtual friends about who has the best pout on their profile pic!
Some I know call it Arsebook !
Amidst all the crap re May going to meet Trump, it would be so easy to get fed up with the lies, the slurry and nonsense that follows this time.
1. May will be a pariah in the EU for giving Trump his first coup…in other words the EU are an irrelevance to him, but I`m guessing the BBC regard them as disdaining the President. The EU must be defended-and stuff May and her trivial pursuits of little deals for the UK.
2. May surely will read him the Guardian editorials as well as BBC scripts and Snows blogs which will put him in his place. The cur.
Yes-really nauseating-but consider this.
Both Today and PM spent long minutes on wheeling out the mandarins and ex Blair/Major poohbahs to ” give advice to May as she meets Trump”.
All past tense nobodies-all off court , out of the theatre and huddling in the cold as May and Trump set up a new dispensation without them.
That has GOT to hurt them-poor Ken Clarke and Shami are now psychotherapy cases on Jon Snows couch, as they bewail and cavil-as if they have ANYTHING whatsoever to say either to us our to our PM,their President in America.
Enjoy the liberals caterwauling to nil effect.
Went to bed last night laughing at Trumps assault on the United Nations. Brilliant. So funny.
Wonder what liberal totem he`s going to plant the limpet mines to tonight?
What a great dose of salts this man is! The UN?…hope he shuts it down and gives it to the homeless over there. Let the UN build in Caracas or Accra-and pay it all themselves.
Trump will need that money for his wall I`d have thought!
Now they – meaning ITV as well as our noble edifice – are desperately diminishing Treesa’s trip, inferring that nobody else has been so insensitive as to accept the Trumpet call, without checking to see if anyone been asked. Sad to say Merkell, Krankie, Hollande etc will have to wait some time, at the back of the queue you might say – my bet is that Vladimir will be next, possibly followed by Assad. Interesting times.
Don’t forget Victor Orban of Hungary.
It seems that the Germans are going to send an important personality over to the USA at the same time as May. But Herr Röttgen CDU, the former chairman of the foreign affaires committee wii not actually meet Trump. His cunning plan is to forge a “social alliance” with Trump’s enemies in Congress and so fight the Trumpian threat to the “liberal world order” and “European values”. Röttgen also feels that the EU is threatened by “national egoism” and “Kleinstaaterei”.
Not much concern expressed about Brexit, the return of Ex-EU President Martin Schultz from Brussels to become head honcho of the SPD and dispose of Merkel is more important. It’s imperative that May and Trump conclude a good deal as the Germans, in their delusional state, do see themselves as a “moral superpower” defending “European values” in opposition to Trump, Putin and Britain which has been infected with national egotism.
That’s going well for his “European values” in that case.
TRUMP’S FIRST EU VICTIM: German car giant loses €100million contract
The same people who say “You’ve got to talk to terrorists”
..Wail about May talking to the President of America
..They are pure Alinsky.
Well, well, well…. “Another Rotherham Gang Sentenced for Raping, Holding Hostage Young Girls”
I’ll be glued to my TV waiting for the searing BBC programme investigating this national epidemic.
You’ll be lucky. The BBC have got their hands full at the moment with the plethora of post Brexit “hate crimes.” Apparently the last outrage was committed yesterday when some racist brute looked aggressively at a poor lass with a Polish accent. There will be a Panorama special and a Newsnight investigation before the Beeb get chance to take a close look at these sex gang problems.
It’s a question of priorities old boy…
Can’t find it on the BBC website, but I suppose there isn’t much room amongst all the trivia.
I’m struggling what to make of the ‘comedy’ on Radio 4, The Cold Swedish Winter, now in its second series.
Essentially an Englishman has followed his Swedish girlfriend back to her home town in northern Sweden where she has given birth to their child. The humour consists of:
1) The town’s name is unpronounceable.
2) Swedish men are drunkards, eat rotten fish and don’t speak to anyone.
3) Men make useless boyfriends and fathers.
Here is where my confusion starts, aren’t 1) & 2)forbidden under PC Rules? Number 3), is, of course, mandatory for any Radio 4 comedy.
Then there are the usual BBC traps. Despite the town being in the back of beyond they do have a foreign Pizza maker that they don’t like. He is a Kurd. Racists! No actually he comes via Denmark so just as we can ‘hate’ Irish, Welsh, Scots & English the Scandis can hate a Dane, but caught you out, ha! Ha!. The fact that he never seems to have the proper ingredients in stock, those he has are out of date and that he ignores food hygene rules, is possibly a joke or a racist sterotype.
The father-in-law, (our hero isn’t married, how does that work?), used to be the mayor and was competing with Robert Magabe to be the longest serving elected leader. However since prime minister Olof Palme was shot in 1986 Sweden has changed and he is OK with that. So OK that, although living in the back of beyond, he has lost the last election to a female Muslim, (where did she come from?). He is also happy with everyone coming to Sweden, because there is lots of room. Indeed a few hundred Vikings went a romping many years ago so why shouldn’t millions of Syrians come and live in Sweden now? In fact the only people he has problems with are the English, but then we would expect that wouldn’t we?
“May will be a pariah in the EU for giving Trump his first coup…in other words the EU are an irrelevance to him”.
May is an irrelevance to him, the only interest possibly may be a “mini” TTIP style scenario where she (of course) sells us out, just like the Chinese takeaway
… the only question is one of the US and China squabbling over who gets what.
She is incompetent, underhand, untrustworthy and like all of her cronies in No10, totally self serving, I take it she won t be offering the Tories erm “financial” advice across the pond
“The national debt soared by £251million a DAY in 2016 as it rises toward £2TRILLION”
Is May encouraging the BBC to needle Trump before the visit? Why shoot her mouth off about breaking off intelligence sharing if he carries out waterboarding.
Can’t the silly moo shut up until she has had talks with him?
Or if this is BBC fake news why hasn’t she sent them a rocket?
Someone is doing well in screwing up this meeting.
From the BBC
‘The UK PM has suggested that British intelligence sharing could be withdrawn from some operations with the US, if torture is reintroduced.
US President Donald Trump has said he believes waterboarding works, stating “we have to fight fire with fire”.
The UK military cannot use information obtained by torture or join operations where it might take place.
Theresa May said: “Our guidance is very clear about the position… and our position has not changed.”
BBC political editor Laura Kuenssberg said it implied that, were the US president to allow torture again, huge amounts of joint working would have to end.’
If Intelligence sharing was fully or partially restricted, I wonder who would be the bigger loser. If May is going to reveal negotiating positions in advance , what the
hell is going to happen with the EU ? Her stupidity is breath-taking. Trump will have her for breakfast.
I hope she does not tell him about her plans to introduce more sharia courts, or how multiculturalism is working so well here.
I fear the stupid woman will play the feminist card over there in order to curry favour within her BBC bubble here
All she needs to do now in order to piss him off is wear a knitted vagina on her head
Treezer is speaking in Philadelphia now. She has warned about evil Putin and with a reference to globalist institutions she manage to get a bit in about tackling climate change. Someone has told me she has spoke of peaceful muslims but I cannot locate that.
Here she is
‘To deal with the threats of the modern world, we need to rebuild confidence in the institutions upon which we all rely. In part that means multinational institutions. Because we know that so many of the threats we face today – global terrorism, climate change, and unprecedented mass movements of people – do not respect national borders.’
She has blown it. Breibart reports. Speaks for globalism, peaceful moslems and the need to tackle climate change.
Crikey did the BBC write that speech for her!
Ps just checked tomorrow’s weather…said there may be an odd snowflake…they’re all odd aren’t they?
She kept banging on a bout globalism in her Davos speech last week.
Like a true Remainer. Just what we don’t need I thought to myself.
Mrs May seems to like being PM but her liberal beliefs are a burden to her. I hope President Trump works out her contradictions and is wary.
I am getting mixed messages from her . I dont think she will be PM for long. We need a real leader.
BTW there is a HYS ! running now on her speech, ‘interesting comments’.
What do you think of the ‘Highest Rated’ ?
I’m not so sure, taffman. I have a hunch – just listening to our PM’s choice of words and pauses and silences – that she is learning all the time, not least from how Trump (as a media creation) played the media and played with the media and not just survived but won. I also think that Theresa May has been angling for this job since she was a schoolgirl and has also studied Margaret Thatcher as person and PM and learned a lot.
The PM is a clever woman. I suspect that she is batting wholeheartedly for Britain and even more for Conservatism. I hope she, together with her Chancellor, is also batting for small ‘c’ conservatism. That will be her, their, true measure.
That was where Thatcher was found wanting.
‘Because we know that so many of the threats we face today – global terrorism, climate change, and unprecedented mass movements of people – do not respect national borders.’
Theresa the Appeaser is even more stupid than we thought. The “unprecedented mass movements of peoples” DO respect national borders, if they are guarded. Viktor Orban built a fence and kept them out. It’s easy if you try, as Trump will no doubt prove with his Mexican border wall.
As to “climate change”, Trump has already called bullshit on that, and promised to use “beautiful coal” to power America. He will think Theresa May is some sort of vapid left wing moron.
I fear that The Donald will be left deeply unimpressed by the British Prime Minister. She will never be his Maggie.
I do hope Trump has May for breakfast. And the chef will be Sir Nigel.
OT, but I had to guffaw at this gem from the Ch4 Snowjob they send nightly:
“Gary Gibbon is on the PM’s plane and will have some insights into her speech to congressmen tonight”
Gary got on Treezer’s plane? And this projects to ‘insights’?
Maybe keeping the juvenile media in their proper place is no bad idea.
Guest Who,
“Snowjob ” LOL ! Come on , do you Treezer would give the speech without discussing it with Gary Gibbon ?
A Snowjob is when Jon Snow gets down on his knees and pleasures the Metropolitn elite by giving them what they want ..confirmation bias reports that sneers at non-Lefties.
She’s supposed to be giving him a telling off like a naughty boy.
About water boarding.
He could ask her that if they came across some information by this type of questioning, about a terrorist attack about to take place in England, another 7/7 for example, would she like to be told about it and save many many lives or would she prefer not to be told about it, costing lives but retaining some moral high ground and being perceived as a jolly nice person by other people.
Headline reports on the death of former MP Tam Dalyell…
Sky News – opponent of Scottish independence (or may have been devolution) and originator of the ‘West Lothian’ issue.
BBC News – persistent critic of Margaret Thatcher over the sinking of the Belgrano.
Different strokes for different folks.
For as long as I have taken an interest in politics, ALL politicians have said whatever it took to win as much power as possible, and did none of what they said when they got there….the absolute bare minimum if anything. Everyone knew it happened, were epically pissed off that it was happening, and just accepted that they couldn’t do anything about it………..Not anymore folks! Lord Emperor Sir Donald Trump is doing the lot, everything he said he would, and the establishment and existing players of the corrupt and evil system thats existed all over the west are losing their shit about it!! Its utterly brilliant!!
Trump is light years ahead of these utter shit stains. Whilst they continue to use their yesteryear tactics of brainwashing and raping snowflakes conscience, Trumps just ploughing his way through the swamp, destroying the make belief world these traitors thought would last forever, all the while knowing that the majority of people all over the world completely agree with Trump, and Trump having the full house of political power, rendering his enemies utterly powerless!!!
What can they resort to…this utter bullshit! They have nothing!
People its getting better everyday!!! I truly believe Trump is the greatest human being of our lifetime, and will go down as the man who saved the west!
Somebody on Guido’s site pointed out that on Monday John Snow was denigrating Trump saying the wall had been forgotten. Yesterday he was denigrating Trump because the ‘divisive wall’ was going to get built. Was John Snow happier on Monday or Wednesday? An SJW came into the office today and started predicting Armageddon – ‘I’m genuinely terrified…’.
Personally, I’m enjoying the show.
Brexit News Summary.
George Galloway and Jeremy Corbyn are with us 😉
QT excelled itself. Not once was President Trump treated with the respect due to the head of state of our firmest ally. I am sure I heard Dimbleby insult him in fact I am certain. The show was in London which is not representative of GB at all.
I very much hope President Trump is given a precis of just how hostile our leading current affairs programme on the BBC was and will always be.
Nobody used President Trump’s correct title. Inexcusable and stupid beyond measure.
I would recall my ambassador if I was the President and refuse to return him until some basic respect was shown . Our MSM is threatening this country’s future and is out of control.
On Brexit the Scottish MP appeared to be incapable of understanding the simplest concepts yet was given the floor continually. This show is really on it’s last legs.
I’m watching the Brillo Show.
The future US Ambassador to the EU just offered the postman’s arse back to him on a plate followed by one of Portillo’s better comments – “I think he is the US Ambassador to the EU, not the EU Ambassador to the US”.
Dave S
“I very much hope President Trump is given a precis of just how hostile our leading current affairs programme on the BBC was and will always be.”
I am sure that the CIA, FBI, and Nigel Farage will have had a word in his Ear.
Saint Nigel, yes.
FBI, I would like to believe this, but the FBI have been batting for the other side since Hoover died.
CIA, no, they should have used their resources to kill the enemy, which could have been achieved without moving more than 100 miles from Virginia.
The best Trump information source, apart from this website, is in Moscow, where they are on our side.
Dave S, I believe the Scottish SNP MP (Angus somebody) understands but was attempting to hide his displeasure at the article 50 bill which is short with limited scope for ammendments (the SNP threatened 50 ammendments)
Nice to see Diane Abbott looking unhappy as well as ugly.
Compare and Contrast – The Economy
23 June 2016
27 January 2017
The message ? Don’t believe the so called experts.
Sitting in my living room atm enjoying the BBC Four program entitled….. I kid you not ….
For once i am truly lost for words!!! Wow!!
My only thought is ……. yeah it`s a bit of a mystery as to where all those books disappeared to isn`t it? However, it`s hardly worth wasting 55 minutes on when a simple “meh” would have told us all we wanted to know about the topic…
I wonder if they’ll do a programme called “The lost communities of Bradford, Leicester, Birmingham, Tower Hamlets …….”?
More SJW stuff leading The Today programme. Apparently a test has been done which shows that when they are six they think boys are more likely to be geniuses. How harrowing. This then means they are less likely to go for top careers, which seems odd as more women go to Oxbridge now and they do better at school. Boys are systematically discriminated against at school as they are held up to female standards of behaviour, often punished for being ‘silly’ or ‘boisterous’ which are quintessentially male traits which can be great assets if channeled properly. Men are far more likely to kill themselves, end up in prison or suffer drug or gambling addictions. I hate how the BBC has these designated victim groups they pander to and patronise, when clearly everyone has problems, regardless of their sexuality, gender or ethnicity.
More beauties from the BBC Today prog…..Nasty Nick Robinson, who has the gift of being able to convey his sneer by tone of voice alone, keeps referring to our leaving the EU as a “divorce”.
Not a good metaphor, we were never in love with the EU but tricked into it under the disguise of a “common market” into an arranged or bigamous marriage, to stretch the metaphor.
Then we have him discuss this “divorce” with the “former US Ambassador to the EU” who took great delight in scolding tones, in pointing out potential obstructions in our negotiating our road to independence. Presumably “former” means he’s an old Obama appointee as relevant as an empty crisp packet since the election of President Trump
Well done Nick, oh and the Prime Minister mentioned “special relationship” eight times but her name was mis spelt on the programme four times……way to go BBC, top reporting……sheesh.
Even Diane Abbott gets it, we voted leave….and there’s a new POTUS……..get over it Nick.
Thanks for the summary embolden, I noticed that this morning’s Today Programme stuck to the usual agenda.
I was particularly irked by the US Ambassador chap, who was obviously brought in to spin the BBC line.
“It’ll take ages to do a deal with the US … the quickest we ever did on was 4 months and that was only Jordan … you can’t even start talks until you’ve left … it’ll never happen … ”
When Nick Robinson interjected with “can’t we just agree to remove all tariffs and sign tomorrow?”
“Oh, noes a trade deal is far more than that … there’s this and that … the quickest we ever did with a sensible country was 18 months and yours will take longer … did I say you can’t even start talks until you’ve left … you’re doomed … the sky’s falling in.”
It was laughable. All the time I was thinking, well yes, if you plan to do trade deals the way you’ve always done them, with lots of foreign travel and lunches, then yes they will take a long time. But that was then, and this is now.
It is perfectly possible to agree to remove all tariffs, and comply with the importing countries regulations and sign tomorrow. It’s precisely why bilateral deals are far more efficient than trying to negotiate with trading blocks.
And underlying this is a basic truth, the WTO rules are already more beneficial to us than the EU rules.
So, Justin Webb reverts to type on the Today programme in asking point blank in a interview with Glenn Beck: “Is Trump deranged?” Those who observed Webb’s career as BBC correspondent in Washington have been well used to his sycophantic journalism in respect to Obama, the Clintons and the Democratic Party. However, this latest from him is, frankly, way beyond what is acceptable from a journalist who is supposed to be balanced and fair. In fact, the more I think about it, the more monstrous and unreasonable that question is.
Is Justin Webb deranged ?
Nick Robinson did his bit too, this morning. Much anti- Trump vitriol in all his interviews on May’s speech. I’m amused at the BBC’s take on trade deals. They’re all about both sides losing out. Their obsession with the doom facing the NHS and our farmers from a US-UK trade deal is becoming tedious. So the BBC doesn’t mind the protectionism enforced by the EU common external tariff, impoverishing African farmers and forcing up food prices to British consumers?
It’s getting boring now
I’ve been watching for the recurring themes in BBC tv morning news this week. Obviously they take their cues from the big boys and girls on Radio 4 – it’s just more chewed over and regurgitated for the mass audience.
Pick on a big British company and tell us all their woes and all the bad news. All the things the europeans do much better than we do. Six-year-old boys and girls different development – do you know what, whatever I hear from the BBC on this subject is going to be so feminist-agenda-compliant that I’m now at the stage where I won’t believe it anymore. Daily NHS cuts crisis story – ditto, loss of trust in the BBC on that subject. Campaign slot: story about sad mother wanting a birth certificate for lost child – I couldn’t face the details of this one first thing, but wondering how this sits with the abortion on demand BBC narrative? Local London news: more transport strikes when Little Man Khan promised there wouldn’t be any. Today’s murder: a young black boy killed by a 15-year-old-can’t-be-named-for-reasons. There’s a lot of it about. Scoffing and doubting about the UK US trade prospects. Again, no coverage of our PMs actual speech, just bits filtered back through BBC talking heads. A Dutch woman here for 40 years don’t feel comfortable here anymore after Brexit – I’m getting impatient now, so I curse under my breath ‘well sod off then’. An ancient Jewish man shows us his yellow cloth stars and tells us kids these days don’t know they’re born what with their mobile phones etc – at last some sense. Wish the BBC would remind us those jewish stars were invented by the Arabs – hey ho. In some odd way his story is vaguely linked to intollerance now. The BBC couldn’t bring itself to explain that this old chap ‘Came to live in Britain in 1956…’ BECAUSE OF COMMUNISM. He was either Polish or Hungarian I think but there’s no borders in europe now so who cares about the history, not the BBC, right?
AISI, “It’s getting boring now I’ve been watching for the recurring themes in BBC tv morning news this week. Obviously they take their cues from the big boys and girls on Radio 4 – it’s just more chewed over and regurgitated for the mass audience.”
I am not sorry I gave up TV over a decade ago. I often wince when passing ‘red top’ newspaper front pages on the newsstand or the BBC w/s that are reporting what TV viewers were ‘forced’ to watch the night before.
Brings out the hippy in me, 🙂 , “That’s not my scene, not my bag, man!”
A few comments above about the bBBC obsession of the day (month/year) carefully picking out examples of ‘discrimination’ against girls, in today’s example from age 6.
What a shame the useless BBC can’t – or conveniently choose not to trawl through the GCSE results.
In 2016, across the huge range of comparators (EBacc, EBacc by subject type, %A*-C, %A*-A etc etc), in almost every case, girls outperform boys. Later, more girls than boys go to university, and in the top courses- medicine, vetinerary, pharmacy, law etc, the disparity is huge.
The discrimination that matters is against boys.
And what do we hear from the bBBC Comrades on that? Not a thing.
I am sure Trump will be well informed of Treezer’s liberal, globalist, pro EU,and dhimmi views and Sir Nigel will have informed him what to expect. The stupid woman blew it all last night in a speech which indicated her government’s support for BBC policies.
But for Treezer, the most humiliating thing is that the BBC sent over promoted Laura Kuenssberg to keep an eye on her and ensure she keeps to the BBC script.
There is very little doubt who the Prime Minister works for. Her failure to reign in the BBC reveals who is the master
I wonder if the BBC will manage to organize a visit to a mosque for her or a meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood while she is there.
You have hit the nail on the head. Treezer and most Tories act as if the BBC were the Government. It is bizarre. Also , don’t forget, Trump has spent a lot of time in Bonnie Scotland and will have first hand experience of the BBC’s beautiful output !
The state funded UAF together with the usual disgruntled lefties are already planning to disrupt Trump’s visit to the UK, should he decide to come here.
I am sure Treezer will take steps to prevent this.
odd that BBC story about 6 year old girls…. and the “disheartening” results of the scientific study (unusually emotive term, even for social scientists)of boys and girls comparative self belief.
Could it be that girls have naturally evolved differently, so broadly don`t need the same self belief as boys; that their instinct is to bear and nurture their own children and that they are being pressurised into being “ambitious” for reasons of social engineering and workforce expansion.
This produces the increasing prevalence of abortion, depression, anxiety and substance use in later years as the penny drops that their natural instincts have been repressed in order to enter into competition rather than co-operation with men.
Just a thought, but of course much modern social science is predicated on denying any form of naturally evolved order, and that the exception is the rule. And the biased BBC appears constitutionally unable to conceive of any possible alternative explanation than “sexism”.
Bottomline is : it is NOT News
The results of such one off studies are not worthy of taking news-space, instead they should be on science/med progs with proper context. Then when they have been fully replicated and substantiated, then maybe it’s news.
Plus side, this may see her nudge Owen off the next QT panel, if Diane Abbott is not called back by popular demand.
Lily is almost as stupid as Charlotte !
Have only just now seen the BBC w/s this morning so apologies if others have posted already but I was amused to see this:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-38760792 ‘Scientists say the world has edged closer to apocalypse in the past year amid a darkening security landscape and comments by Donald Trump.’
When so-called ‘scientists’ make definite statements like that, do not believe them. Especially so, when their memories appear to be highly defective. They are not true scientists.
Please correct me if I am wrong but was not former-President Obama and his Secretary of State talking of Russia as an ‘enemy’ in the last four years or so? Am I wrong to recall that President Trump was accused before and after his election to being ‘soft’ on Russia and President Putin and having links or help from the latter? If so these so-called scientists are talking complete and utter bunkum.
What is worse is that in an era of fake news, our national broadcaster that used to have such high standards is passing on, not just reporting but endorsing uncritically, more fake news.
That’s a similar topic to the new post
What’s gone wrong with the BBC’s ‘science’ programmes on radio? Why can’t I stand Inside Science and The Infinite Monkey Cage?
It wasn’t always so, Material World was always a good listen and very popular in its day. What made it special was that its presenter, Quentin Cooper, was a critical listener. He didn’t necessarily believe what he was told, he would joke and cajole and in so doing the guest scientist would reveal that the science wasn’t quite ‘settled’ or that it might just lead in unexpected directions.
Contrast that with Inside Science. Dr. Adam Rutherford is a believer. He believes everything he is told. His only doubts are as to whether the guest has missed an opportunity to work in the climate change disaster – ‘tell me, you’ve just found the greatest known prime number, could this be a metaphor for the greatest temperature ever recorded in New Broadcasting House?’ or the like.
As for The Infinite Monkey Cage, doesn’t Prof. Brian Cox realise that he is the monkey? Brought on to do tricks to order for the crowd of luvvies, he tries desperately to be one of them, as they laugh at him, not with him. If this was TV failed comedian Robin Ince would be dressed in red with a black top hat and whip as he pretends to be the scientist ring master.
If we can stomach all that we get The Life Scientific, just to rub in the ‘Islam is Good’, ‘All Science Comes From Allah’, well Jim Al Khalili anyway, message. Not a stone untouched, the agenda is everywhere.
Echo : They got rid of the perfectly good science shows like Material World and Home Planet (with Global warming Skeptic the Other Philip Stott on the panel)
and replaced them with agenda driven Science Progs ..BBC WS prog Science In Action almost always has the Global Warming scare story of the week.
I know this isn’t the BBC but they are running with a similar “story”…
Seems the world is going to end sooner and it has all be attributed to President Trump
Extract from Treezers speech:
“But of course, we should always be careful to distinguish between this extreme and hateful ideology, and the peaceful religion of Islam and the hundreds of millions of its adherents – including millions of our own citizens and those further afield who are so often the first victims of this ideology’s terror. And nor is it enough merely to focus on violent extremism. We need to address the whole spectrum of extremism, starting with the bigotry and hatred that can so often turn to violence.”
No further evidence is required in my book: she is clearly an Islamic covert and must go.
Unbelievable. She is either incredibly stupid or a liar or both. She is equating muslim terrorism , Isis, genocide of christians with the occasional violence by some nutters. Can she really not see the difference ? Trump will explain it to her today.
G – Treezer’s big weakness is that she wants to be ‘liked’, see her speech about the Nasty Party: “There’s a lot we need to do in this party of ours. Our base is too narrow and so, occasionally, are our sympathies. You know what some people call us – the Nasty Party.”
Trump doesn’t want to be ‘liked’, he wants to get things done!
You are right. Until she said that I had never heard anyone calling them the Nasty Party. It was one of the most stupid things I have ever heard in politics.
Her problem is that she has a cold , unlikeable personality which cannot change. Like Trump, Maggie didn’t care whether she was liked or not.
“Maggie didn’t care whether she was liked or not.”
You beat me to it. Nigel Farage doesn’t either.
Good managers usually discover early in their careers that trying to be liked is a big mistake. It usually has the opposite effect, after a honeymoon period.
Paradoxically, not courting popularity, and trying to do what is right and fair can attract huge respect and, occasionally, popularity as well.
Dave was a lover not a fighter too.
Worked out well.
Or not.
“Until she said that I had never heard anyone calling them the Nasty Party. It was one of the most stupid things I have ever heard in politics.”
Yes, an unnecessary own goal which gave the Party’s enemies new ammunition.
“Until she said that I had never heard anyone calling them the Nasty Party. It was one of the most stupid things I have ever heard in politics.”
Yes, an unnecessary own goal which gave the Party’s enemies new ammunition.
Another Mayism. In her speech yesterday she said she hoped that “rising powers” would embrace democracy and liberty. If not the West would have to stand up for its values. I do not feel my values threatened by Russia, China or India. The rising power that is threatening our values is Islam and most Western Governments are not standing up for our values. I think May is insane.
What a vapid load of left wing puke from The Appeaser.
This sort of pro-islam garbage has made no sense for the last 20 years, yet she continues to parrot it as if 9/11, 7/7, Al Quaeda, Isis, Paris, Nice, Berlin etc etc etc had never happened.
She is the sort of droning, brain dead, inconsequential RINO/CINO empty suit that The Donald blitzed on his way to the White House. They have absolutely nothing in common. Theresa the Appeaser is probably to the left of Hillary Clinton on every important policy, as President Trump will soon find out.
Treezer is in the wrong party.
What a wonderful idea!
I’m not on Twitter or Facebook (and have no desire to be!) but if the first link is followed in the article, it leads to a direct source of Trump info, presumably news alerts. It accepts UK postcode. A wonderful way of circumventing the lying media, not forgetting the BBC of course!
Sputnik News blog pushing all the BBC buttons.
Some a bit OTT – but in essence they are – IMHO – spot on.
It must give some insight as to the thinking of the Russians about the British State Broadcaster.
Friends! Some of you may be aware that a, er, very close friend of mine, a certain Saveed Miliband (believed to be the Indian cousin of the Hard-Right former Labour Leader, formerly Our Ed), posts pieces in that notoriously Far-Right racist rag, the so-called Guardian!
His writing style bears a remarkable similarity to mine – so much so, in fact, that many people believe he is literally plagiarising me.
Nevertheless, since imitation is – literally – the sincerest form of flattery, I have finally succumbed to his pleas to be allowed to write for my Blog, and so from now on I shall be reproducing his – literally – pearls of wisdom there!
The first piece – in response to the tragic news that the British economy is still growing despite Brexit – can be found – literally – here:
Meanwhile, in local news:
Obviously didn’t make the front page of the website as France scrapping free soda drinks was more important.
Re Yesterday’s R4 FooC : titled More Alternative Facts
Which was clearly try to construct narrative. In fact of 5 items only 2 mentioned Fake News
Near the end they played
\\ Jonah Fisher reflects on how Aung San Suu Kyi’s government is so quick to dismiss any stories of abuses committed against the minority Rohingya community as “fake news.”//
I believe they are right there it is a case that Muslim group do suffer brutality.
However the report that preceded it was
It was an attack job on Breitbart’s story about a Muslim mob who accidentally set fire to a Cologne church by throwing fireworks around.
I engaged @damienmcguin on Twitter Discussion here
Pointing out that Breitbart have done a full rebut of media scoffing at their story.
He snarked back : “afraid the rebut does not stand up. Unless you don’t believe German police?”
Hello ! Remember #Hillsborough #Rotherham etc.
So I replied “Surely all sources should be questioned not just taken at face value @damienmcguin ?”
It’s not a journalists role to just report what police say. Is it ?
I then pointed out that both rebut and original had mentioned that, and that it’s journalists job to challenge authorities not just to parrot them.
BBC News – former US Secretary of State and a Big Bang Theory actress have both vowed to register as Muslim if Donald Trump creates a database of Muslim Americans.
Politician Madeleine Albright and Mayim Bialik said they “stand ready” to register, in defiance of the new President.
“I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish,” Ms Albright – the first woman to be named Secretary of State – tweeted on Wednesday.
“I stand ready to register as Muslim in #solidarity.”
bit late for the “wimmin s march”, so deceit is ok?
… oh! wait for it 😀
“The tweet gained tens of thousands of likes”,
that’s all the relevance that appears to matter to the Al BBC?
that’s news?
More like Madeleine Notverybright, then.
Are they going to convert and marry a muslim ?
I d laugh if some sharp eye did the right paperwork, and deported them
Jews & women for Islam. Blah blah blah. More Leftist psychosis.
How about some lengthy & repeated news items & programs staring Dr Wafa Sultan & Brigitte Gabriel? From their point of view. How about if we let some ex-Muslim women from the Middle East tell us about Islam for a change? I’ll bet they don’t hate President Trump.
Despite the good economic news trust Al Beeb to put a negative ‘spin’ on it. The HYS has some good comments……………
Top comment so far………”If there had been no Brexit vote and no US election, you’d have been praising the British economy and saying how strong it was. Your article is based entirely on the presumption of pain based on these two events as predicted by those who wanted a different result.”
If that doesn’t see an early closing I’ll be surprised.
There is one post there saying that all the negative comment are coming from Tory and UKIP people. Maybe, so where are all the Lib Dem and Labour people ?
It’s a mystery. At a march? Checking facts? OT for CECUTT? Having a lie down? A nap?
The Labour lot may be busy with the rebellion over Section 50. Corbyn has just lost another shadow minister. It is wonderful watching them disintegrate.
Need to book a double appointment with my therapist.
Turned on radio 5 live this morning and Emma Barnet was empathising emotionally with a group of ladies all oohing and aaahhing over forgiving people, not just for their actions but their actions in the future.
Odd you might think for a woman who cannot forgive Donald Trump anything, nor the deplorables who voted for him.
I had to turn it off before depositing my stomach contents into the bin next to me.
Later, I turned on the radio for the one o’clock Radio 4 news and it was still tuned to the empathising Emma on R5. This time she invited some Jewish lady in the States to tell us how dreadful Trump is. Well, Emma hit the jackpot with this terrified biddy. It is just like the Weimar Republic the lady intoned, in amongst other hysterical nonsense. Emma enjoyed the line so much she repeated it.
This political insight was based on the fact that Trump wants to send non-US criminals back to their own country. Emma forgot to tell the interviewee how president Obama deported 3 million foreign criminals, erm, just the same number Trump promises.
Must we endure 4 more years of this from the BBC? Damn, it could be 8 years if Trump lives up to his promise of increasing wages and jobs.
Not too in the mood to let the BBC, James Harding and others forget their ‘leave politics at the door’ lie as a claim too early.
As was noted here, and by others:
Maybe a little ‘tell it often enough’ medicine is called for loud, and wide, with the difference on those doing it have facts and evidence on their side, unlike the ‘sources’ and ‘beliefs’ driven BBC and its tidy up capos in CECUTT and DPA. Sure there will be blockings and banning, but that just holds the mirror of how trusted and transparent the BBC isn’t up to their noses.
Something the BBC may not feel worth sharing, so I shall:
And in other news:
‘Here’s an Freedom of Information enquiry refusal by BBC News that doesn’t feel right’
And no, it’s not just that he uses the singular as opposed to ‘another of nearly all’.
Well, I am literally shocked, literally shocked, I tell you.
It appears that Support our Lefty has literally compared Hitler to Trump.
I posted here today that BBC Website will have one of their stupid questions ” Is Trump worse than Hitler ? “.
It’s funny now how I am becoming ever more awake to the MSM agenda and how predictable it is becoming. I noticed subtle comparisons implied during news interviews with holocaust victims and the comments about what happens when people believe the promises of a new leader and especially one who is pro torture and full of hatred towards other cultures etc etc…
23:30pm R4 “Are we all living in bubbles these days? Lauren Laverne challenges conservative commentator Laura Perrins and Labour MP Tulip Siddiq to swap social media and news feeds for forty-eight hours to find out.”
Already available onlinde
Interesting article : Slaves to online ‘echo chamber’
First comment
“Leftist blogs shut down any debate, they just cannot handle anyone that might prove them wrong. Personally i like a good verbal spar. But Snowflakes start losing their structural integrity at the mere suggestion that they are wrong, or to reference their opinions”
Hmm maybe save your ears ..I’m listening and it’s 2 whiney female MPs who have swapped twitter feeds for a weekend
Both still clearly live in Bubbleworlds and a collective Metro, MP bubbleworlds.
Anyone here follow their own MP on Twitter ?
Labour MP is proud she took children holding anti-Trump sides on the march.
pg4 The Times : “Facebook is changing rules”
“stories will only score highly if other sites are publishing similar stories.”
Ad Popularum Fallacy
In the case of the Emperors New Clothes they’d rank the Courtiers side highly and ditch the small boys stories.
Why when I search Fake-News do I get Google ads paid for by
David Puttnam’s NESTA ? (National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts)
I’m quite uncomfortable that people are hounding places from showing Andrew Wakefield’s Conspiracy Movie about Vaccinations and Autism.
I am pro-vaccine , but it is a principle that you don’t censor , you let people make their public statements and then you challenge them.
“Vaxxed banned from Curzon cinma on Feb 14th”
Of course shouting “banned ” is a good way of getting PR
Times editorial supports the ban
Classic : Labour don’t like the UK PM meeting the leader of the free world.
Trump’s voter fraud talk has liberals worried
Well, we’re not left in much doubt that Anthony Zurcher thinks there is no such thing a voter fraud in the USA. Move along now, nothing to see here.
Do you know how many arrests have been made in the UK for voter fraud ?
No idea. There were some over Tower Hamlets, I believe, but only because it was allowed to grow to such proportions that it couldn’t be swept under the carpet. Though if memory serves, the police didn’t want to do anything.
Yes, that was roughly my recollection. I don’t remember any anywhere else .
The BBC’s goto “newspaper” covered this in 2014, Grant, other towns that were being investigated were Birmingham and Bradford, Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Calderdale, Coventry, Derby, Hyndburn, Kirklees, Oldham, Pendle, Peterborough, Slough, Walsall and Woking.
I wonder what all these towns have in common?
Treezer’s just gone in the White House. Hard to see if Laura Keonessburg has gone in with her.
She is wearing pinkish shoes, but no headscarf.
She looks ridiculous. Can she not do something about her hair ? But, true to his word, Trump has put the UK at the front of the cue ( I meant queue, I think it was the table that put me off ) and she is signing a trade agreement already.
Yep! Trump will be laughing, busy signing a “mini” TTIP already
– ie selling us out
That is one incompetent, deceitful, self serving old crone.
Perhaps she s going to tell him what a success she was with the police?, or the prisons?, or our border force?, or on immigration?
Maybe cosy advice on how the Tories have whitewashed/doctored a report that should eradicate Sharia courts, into a nonsense
… what a embarrassment
Look closely at the other frontal photographs. She is wearing that scarf she puts over he head when she visits mosques. It is Friday.
Now look at the outfit. Same one she wore when she met Putin
Same outfit, I haven’t checked if she wore it with Merkel
She looks ridiculous. Can she not do something about her hair ?
She needs some of that “Tresemmé” shampoo!
Dear Laura just asked a very patronising question to the POTUS and got hammered – has anybody got a link yet?
around 7.45 mins secs. One of the most obnoxious attitudes of a “journo” with a sky high superiority complex.
around 7.45 mins secs. One of the most obnoxious attitudes of a “journo” with a sky high superiority complex.
Laura needs to learn from this guy. He is far more straight forward!
Guido’s got the edited clip:-
Trump’s reply was to Treeza.
Is The BBC Biased has got a response.
Plus a minor Twatterstorm between Breitbart and some BBC wonk.
I must make some more popcorn.
“We’ll see what she says.”
‘She’ says. Do you mean “We’ll see what the Prime Minister says”?
Learn some respect if you want to be taken seriously and, more importantly for the BBC, actually invited to future press conferences. That kind of infantile attitude will have been noticed by the US public and has the potential to do damage. Whilst that was probably the intent President Trump will not confuse the BBC with the wider UK and I expect BBC cub journalists will get an increasingly rocky ride as time goes by if they keep this up.
What an utter and unrepresentative disgrace the BBC is to this nation.
Good analysis.
Grotesque questions to both May and Trump from Kuenssburg. The BBC is a disgrace to our nation.
“There goes that relationship..” Couldn’t have said it better myself Mr President!
Kuenssburg didn’t get much, did she? The question to Mrs May was designed to show up discord between the UK and US, and May gave a non-answer. The question to Mr Trump was basically ‘are you a torturer, Putin lover and anti-feminist?’ and Trump gave a good answer which put the kibosh on the first two accusations, although he missed out the abortion question.
He should have said that he wouldn’t have opposed her mum having one.
LOL ! Laugh of the day so far !
Trump should have said “There’s a beauty “.
“Should have gone to Specsavers”.