Emma Barnett…if I was getting paid for this I’d be rolling in it as long as she’s on air. What a star. Today’s speciality? Women MPs, in particular, are under attack….ala Jo Cox…and new recruits are being frightened off. Well, might suggest alarmist and false claims by the likes of Barnett won’t help. She told us that one woman was considering taking up the cudgel as an MP but had decided not to due to the perceived violence against women MPs. On comes the said woman and we find out that’s complete horlicks….not the reason at all that she didn’t want to do the job. And was Jo Cox targeted because she was a woman? No, not at all. So why is Barnett saying she was and that women MPs in particular are be so targeted? And why link it slyly to Brexit when so many Labour MPs were targeted by Corbyn fans during his leadership election and on many other occasions…men and women?
Just the usual false, sensationalist stories peddled by the BBC in order to create headlines and ‘issues’ and to push their own political agenda.
We had this article recently [apologies to whomever posted it in the comments, I’ve forgotten who you were]..
Most media chiefs believe fake news is good for business
According to the survey of 145 chief executives, editors and digital leaders across 24 countries, 70% believe their position will be “strengthened” by consumers’ desire for trusted and accurate news.
Most respondents see the rise of fake news as “a chance for quality journalism to stand out”
That is one of the reasons the BBC pushes the notion that there is a massive wave of fake news out there on the internet and on the pages of its rivals’ newspapers. The BBC is trying to create the impression that it is the gold standard and thus become the ‘trusted’ goto provider of news…which means it will have a monopoly of what news people see and hear and thus what they think and how they react. All very Orwellian. It is also the chance to discredit other news providers and the internet blogs which the BBC hopes will result in government controls on them….already in operation with Leveson of course which may well result in the destruction of Fleet Street.
The irony is of course that the BBC itself is the biggest generator of fake news and alternate facts….which is why this site has been going relentlessly for over a decade…Bias is just another word for false or fake….when you see it post it here……..another open thread…
Responding the the video of the Trump/May press Conference with Laura K presenting the policy of the British Government to Trump
I have no doubt that Laura Koningsberg was put there to Keep May in her place and the questions clearly outlined the BBC’s future strategy against Trump.
May is just a mindless puppet.
And note how May referred to the EU 7.min 40 seconds: ‘we have been continuing to argue that inside the European Community’ regarding the sanctions against Russia.
She is not bright and gives the game away, she is with the EU.
After one week the BBc is already losing it big time. It will not get a one to one interview ever on today’s showing. Kuensberg does not speak for me and millions of others. The BBC needs to write out 1000 times
We are a broadcaster not a political party.
Then go away and quietly abolish itself and give us our money back.
I can’t be the only one who was appalled by Kuenssberg trying to undermine the Prime Minister in the press conference. Thankfully it seems that Trump, who said “there’s another beauty” at last week’s bBBC attempt, realises that the bBBC doesn’t speak for Britain. Unfortunately it seems that the government still doesn’t get it.
Poor Laura and Nick are now reduced to THIS kind of futile grandstanding?
Ah well-the alternative to their attention-seeking spats with nobody that matters is yet more Shami, Andrew Mitchell and Tim Farron.
Witness tonights PM.
20 minutes on the Mexican border-as opposed to Britains triumph in getting the first meeting with the Leader of the Free World.
10 minutes swapping phone calls on a non-story of kid abduction on Tyneside.
And a mention of a few budgie droppings falling out of Corbyns bottom re Brexit in the form of resignations that nobody had even heard of.
Half of PM then-just airfill, air buffets and florid spittled clouds of irrelevance and comedy.
Thankfully when Trump and May came up-THEN they have news….until then, dead time, fake news and endless gossip like the Backstairs Billies they have now become.
Bring Laura and Naughtie home-absolutely NO point in giving them a seat on a plane to waste our times and embarrass themselves. They don`t speak for us.
I don’t think they are going to get any questions at press conferences or interviews.
Perhaps the BBC could save us licence fee payers some money. Before I get any adverse comments – Mrs 7 likes watching some of it.
I think problem with the likes of the BBC and their programmed journo droids is that they have spent so many years as a major part of a corrupt system that rewards inertia, dependence, stupidity, naivety, political correctness and excess.
They also wrap all debate up in euphanisms, double speak and pc liberal values and punish anyone who does not play their game by labellng them as waycist/bigot/xenophobic/uncaring etc etc. They talk bollocks and expect everyone to play the same game.
Because this was the accepted norm and people were afraid for their reputations they have got away with it. But now they are dealing with someone who
1 Is probably the most powerful man in the world
2 Does not give a flying fornication what they think
3 Pretty much say what he means and means what he says
4 And knows that he has the support of his electorate
And I am afraid none of this computes with prissy liberal autobots such as Laura and friends if they cant have their way – they must destroy.This might work with our leader but hopefully it wont work on “The Donald”
Pity that the Teezer doesnt have the vision to realise that the winds of history have changed and political honesty is what most people now want. People now know the current system is totally unbalanced and does not value anything remotely associated with being British. We have now become a society where your victim status matters more than hard work.
After so many years of EU and liberal lies people voted for real change and I think we will all be sorely disappointed as the Teezer is as much part of the liberal establishment as the Boy Clegg and Little Timmy Farron.
The liberal globalists have had their day and change is on the way. I am afraid Theresa lacks the imagination to realise which way to jump. Brexit was the wake up call but I am afraid all the Teezer did was roll over, fart and put her arm back around Obama.
Maggie = she aint!
Not a footy or soap fan so channel hopping I see the bBC are treating us to yet another ‘talent’ type program and throwing more licence payers money at the futile task of trying to win the EU Song contest.
The songs are forgettable shit, 2nd rate Adele (and she’s bad enough) the performers are shit (X Factor failures) the ‘judges’ are shit and the generic bBC presentation is as ever shit.
Enough of this bollocks, we’ll never win again. For our daily £50m Europe hates us and the excessive mass of EU foreigners within puts us at a disadvantage.
Like the bBC this crap needs to be put out of its misery.
It looks as if Keunswottsit has gone viral.
How will the BBC report it?
No 7,
How will the BBC report it ? Well their website tell us right now that PM May is to hold talks with President Trump. Right up to date as usual. How much does their crap website cost ?
Note that Laura’s questions were put to May on the plane flying out to the US and published by the BBC it was clear that between them it was acknowledged they would be asked at the Press Conference..
May is as guilty as Laura K. Or, May was being driven by Laura K. Either way, harm has been done to US/UK relations, which I suspect is what May and her BBC bosses want.
Sack May now. And do something about the BBC.
It was a clear stitch up. I would not trust Treezer on anything for one minute. However, I suspect Trump will deal with the BBC and make it clear to the American public what he thinks of them.
Trump called it – he said to Theresa May in bewilderment – “And you agreed to this question – there goes that relationship”. What feckers Theresa May and the BBC stooge is. One wonders just how much of the BBC bowlux is actually agreed to behind closed doors with Theresa May. I hope Theresa May is not a double dealing back stabbing greasy pole clambering career politician. I like that Donald Trump saw straight through May’s backstabbing attempt and called it out for what it was.
Just as is the case with Vladimir Putin, these liberals don’t know how to handle a political leader who loves his/her own nation & people.
And Putin and Trump have something else in common, they are both streetwise.
Rhetorical question!
Huh, Stella Creasey on this evening’s Any Questions was allowed most of the programme to rant. Dimples seemed rather smitten with her & I thought silenced the others to let Creaey to rant on & on. Usual leftie idiots shouting eagerly at her stupid ideas (are these shouters the same in every programme, part of the BBC team?).
What an embarrASSment to Britain the BBC is! They are a joke as a news agency.
These people don’t represent the British people.
Mrs May, drain that swamp! It stinks! And I’m fed up of paying for it.
It’s getting to the point where I would be happier to pay for it to cease broadcasting.
“Mrs May, drain that swamp! It stinks! And I’m fed up of paying for it”.
Oh I concur entirely, Mrs May start by removing yourself ASAP, and all the rest of those lying, grasping, self serving leeches who infest No10
that would be an excellent start.
I guess Katie Hopkins nailed it on Twitter. Look at the likes
Katie Hopkins ✔ @KTHopkins
I guess @bbclaurak speaks for the people of Britain in the same way @lilyallen apologises for the people of Britain. Not in my name.
6:51 PM – 27 Jan 2017
499 499 Retweets 1,463 1,463 likes
They say Laura Kuennsburg is no oil painting. I’ve seen a couple of Picassos and I think she must be.
Have you heard of this group?
Labour Leave is a campaign group unofficially within the British Labour Party, which has campaigned successfully for the United Kingdom to vote to leave the European Union (EU) in the 2016 EU referendum.The group is led by eurosceptic Labour MPs Kate Hoey, Graham Stringer, Kelvin Hopkins, and Roger Godsiff, and is chaired by the largest individual donor to the Labour Party, John Mills, former chair of the cross-party Vote Leave campaign, which the group supports.
This group appears to be gleeful about the coming Stoke on Trent By Election showing Paul Nuttall to be in the lead by 10%:
Several newspapers last night reported a “poll” commissioned by Labourleave in Stoke on Trent. It claimed to show UKIP on 35%, Labour on 25% and the Tories on 10%.
If you haven’t heard of this group, and yet the major print media has reported its rather questionable polling then perhaps you might like to ask the question as to why the BBC is so quiet on the subject.
Could it be that they just don’t want to report that there is indeed a faction or split in the Labour party which doesn’t share their love of Brexit, or that the split might be just as deep as the one they claim exists in the Tory party?
The reality is that this faction of the Labour party is working hard in Stoke, yet our national propagandists are not reporting it at all.
I have a long standing personal friend who supports this outfit. I have great respect for her. We disagree over the usual Labour Tory issues, but on this she and others are firmly for Leave. And this surpasses party loyalty
I am in a similar position. He has been a lifelong Labour supporter (sister was a minister in the Labour Scottish “Government ” ) and he voted Leave !
Graham Stringer was one of the few MPs to be skeptical of the government’s extravagant climate change plans, when he was on the Energy and Climate Change committee.
It was also noticeable that he was the only person with a scientific background on that committee.
To all Americans reading this.
Please please please, tell your fellow Countrymen that the BBC and the media types you are seeing over there are NOT speaking for us. The Donald has huge support amongst the ordinary people, it’s just that we don’t have the microphones and tv stations.
When he comes over for the state visit, those that will be protesting will be the usual mobs of enraged lefties. They also do not represent us.
We have faith in you Donald.
It doesn’t look like the bBBC has found space to report the jailing of this driver, for their usual reason.
Tim Dim-but-Dim wants us to have a say on leaving the EU. He is so dim that he doesn’t realise we had one, last June.
http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/public-must-have-a-say-on-the-monumental-act-of-self-harm-that-is-may-s-hard-brexit-vxmhwj5kq (£)
Sky is no better. Kay Burley made sniggering remarks at the remark may by Treezer … “congratulate you on your stunning election victory”. Burley then turned to the camera and said “I doubt if Hillary thought it was stunning”.
I’m fed up with news channels dictating their own thoughts instead of unbiased reporting. Do they not realise that not everyone agrees with them.
Whatever happened to the reporting styles of the likes of Bob Wellings, Bernard Falk, David Dimbleby, Fife Robertson, Robert Dougal, Richard Whitmore et al ? They reported the news without a hint of biased, we were lucky if they gave a smile at the end of the programme. But now, every sod on the box has got an opinion.
or you could read that the other way around as a massive slap in the face to Clinton !
Auntie hadn’t been infested with Frankfurt School and Common Purpose graduates in those days, Briss.
An interesting thing about the Frankfurt School, and you need to bear in mind the conflict between the Fascists and the Communists in the 1920’s 30’s before the Nazi’s came to power.
Jan Habermas of the Frankfurt School foresaw the rise of Fascism and the likely future for the Jews, and left for the USA where he lives to this day. He is one of the most respected and quoted Marxist economists in the world.
He has a pretty good history of spotting the trends and the dangers in politics, and it was he who coined the term ‘Left Wing Fascism’
It’s very difficult for the Fascists to argue this one away they can’t name call, can’t question academic credentials nor his history. If he doesn’t know a Fascist then who does?
So BBC have reported the Keunswottsit car crash.
The editing suite must have been working at 200mph cutting and pasting backwards and forwards to make that silly cow look good.
Bias of Olympic proportions which should elucidate a complaint, if it was anything more than a waste of time.
Hard luck BBC. A lot of us have seen it LIVE and also seen the UNEDITED broadcast.
You may call that journalism. Most of the British people would call it LIES.
Rant over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would like to know more about Kuennsbergs question.
Did she REALLY write this-or was she put up to it, just so the BBC would get their 6pm and 10pm soundbites starring “Their Laura”.
The BBC showed themselves to be grandstanding cheap lefties-this is a few hours, but will have consequences in that “our viewers back home” now despise them more than ever, How DARE Laura and the BBC presume to speak for US?
We follow Nigel and now Donald is one of our own.
Laura and the BBC are treacherous ingrates. Total thick scum.
She’s just “starred” again in Newsnight, Chris.
Laura Kuenssburg is an embarrassment to Britain and in desperate need of a cephalanalectomy
She’s already had one and joined “The Hive”.
We saw Laura Kuensburg doing the bidding of her Trotskyist, liberal fascist , embedded fifth columnist superiors at the BBC. The BBC doess NOT represent anything do to with the interests of the British indingenous population. Laura Kuensburg is a disgrace to our country. Lets start a petition to SACK HER!!
Bet she is a champagne socialist that went to a private school .
This is just quite superb stuff from Ted Malloch on This Week last night, Alan Johnson looked wonderfully uncomfortable sitting with three men who don’t like the EU (even though Andrew Neil disguises it for obvious reasons) and there were some fantastic lines from Malloch.
His description of Juncker and where he believes he belongs, is my favourite line of the year so far and his “Leicester City” response to Johnson really threw Cockney Alan off his stride. Though the old slug attempted to use Nigel Farage as an insult at the end but Malloch just smiled beatifically and thought of all the sport he’ll be having when he gets to Brussels and of the burning political house that is Labour, inside which dear old AJ is stuck.
Michael Portillo was on form too and made some excellent points in this discussion, no wonder al beebus put it on so late.
Watched it earlier. Superb. This guy is for real !
WE got Brexit , the USA got Trump, end of . The liberal media and press cannot get over it. Its game set and match! Move on Al Beeb, your bias does not work any more. Your next…….
Just watched Ted Malloch effortlessly destroying James O’Brien and Stephen Sharma on BBC Newsnight.
O’Brien was relentless (all through the program) with his attacks on Trump, balanced position thrown out of the window. He was getting carried away with himself until he decided to carry out an assault on Trump aided and abetted by Sharma, bringing into the discussion Ted Malloch.
It was a joy to watch; Malloch without raising a hint of a sweat swept them aside, you could read Sharma’s thoughts that were clearly displayed on his face i.e. I’ve made a f**king mistake here! this guy is no lightweight!
O’Brien just looked embarrased, almost like he was looking for the door. In short it was like Jack Bodell and Brian London getting in the ring with Muhammed Ali!
Can’t think of two more revolting creeps than O’Brian and Sharma. There is something especially weird about O’Brian.
Who the hell is Sharma ? He was definitely on the defencive, look at his body language.He was out of his depth.
IMHO it was an attempted stitch up which went wrong.
Hello. I’m a newbie. I have been following in the shadows for a year or so…until today, when I finally decided that I can no longer hold back my thoughts and frustrations of speaking out.
I may not post often, but I’d like you all to know just how severe I find the level of indoctrination of our children, at this present moment. I work in a primary school with children aged 10/11 and during the US Election Campaign many children were extremely sneering of Donald Trump. I must add, that teachers behaved mostly IMPARTIALLY throughout.
Today, on the BBC website:
Soda? Since when have the British referred to fizzy drinks as soda? Soda is what I put in my whisky. Whatever next? Candy?
Oops..still getting used to posting. And have now lost everything written post the above!
In short, I had a 10 year old child today, write on a classroom whiteboard, “Donald Trump is not my president and he is a racist”.
Me:Why did you write this?
Child: dunno
Me: who told you this?
Child: my dad
Me: who told your dad?
Child: my mum
Me: who told your mum?
Child: TV
I’d like to add that this took place in England
Well, if in England and not at an American expat school, he was correct on one thing at least, he has no president, save one in later years of the Student Union.
Seems quite the sentence for a 10yo to write, much less feel motivated to commit to marker on a board spontaneously without knowing the reason.
And what of the sin of omission? The BBC are masters in the economy of facts which are inconvenient to them. Particularly in crime reports and other items that may be unpalatable to their world view. Race, religion, nationality, sexuality, all matters pertinent to many reports, but omitted to spare their blushes. Take knife crime in London; every Londoner knows that this slaughter is almost uniquely black on black, though this fact is studiously avoided. Until that truth is widely admitted and discussed then this tragic loss of often entirely innocent young life cannot be fully confronted.
Keith jeremy, the BBC and MSM in general are guilty of these omissions. I know that they under report murders which involve black on black, or as in my own personal experience moslem on white english.
I can understand their concern with moslem and white english ( avoiding civil unrest etc.) although I don’t necesarily agree with it; however under reporting black on black murders can have only one objective and that is to present all black people as good citizens; which is no more true than presenting all white people as good citizens, although it’s true to say that most murders in london are enacted by black people, usually young black males.
We are reaping the problems created by high uncontrolled immigration, cultures from other lands, different to our own,, ghettos etc.
It is getting quite bizarre reading (if on obscure new BBC outlets) the BBC warning of techniques of propaganda and censorship honed nearly to perfection if protected by purposes of exemptions by… the BBC.
Euphemisms, allusions, conflations, the posing of ‘questions’, the quoting of one degree of separation useful idiots, truthiness, “it’s what might have been said” claims… all defended by CECUTT by a discreditted belief that the ‘BBC gets it about right’, supported by top floor ‘tell it often enough’ flat out lie that they “leave their politics at the door”.