Shortly before Sid Miller was sworn into office, the newly elected Texas agriculture chief was asked at a conservative policy forum what keeps him up at night.
“Bad Mexican food,” he said.
Then, after allowing a few moments for laughter:
“Actually, I sleep pretty well, but I do have some long-range concerns as I hold those two grandbabies on my lap, and I happen to wonder: When they have grandbabies to hold in their lap, will we be a socialist country? Will we be a Muslim country?”
Poor old Sid Miller, invited to talk on the BBC he probably thought he was going to appear on one of the world’s most prestigious and respected political and current affairs programmes that would treat him with fairness, impartiality and respect. Little did he realise that it is a Democrat supporting nest of liberals who hate American values and culture and have nothing but disdain and contempt for good ole boys like him.
Nick Robinson won himself another pat on the back from the liberal orthodox [07:12] as he confirmed his right-on progressive credentials, giving further evidence of his conversion to the approved liberal mindset with a perfect demonstration of liberal superiority and a haughty disapproval of Sid Miller’s concerns about immigration and Islam.
Miller gave a perfectly reasoned and moderate interview about the concerns over illegal entry into the US but Robinson ended the interview with what you must suspect was the real reason the BBC dragged in what to most Brits must be a pretty obscure character from the depths of Texas. The BBC wanted to create the impression that Trump is surrounded by and supported by Redneck racists and to that end Robinson hissed his disapproval in a very hostile atmosphere for a comment Miller had made in a previous interview in the US…except of course it wasn’t exactly what he said.
Robinson asked him if he had said he was kept awake at night at the thought that the US might become a Muslim country…..indeed Miller said that, but, as you can see from the quote at the top of this post he first said he was kept awake by the thought that the US might become Socialist. Why would Robinson miss that out? Why would Robinson think that anyone who was concerned about Islam taking over their country is a bigot…as Robinson’s attitude clearly indicated he did….and you could hear a pin drop when Miller made the joke about ‘bad Mexican food’. I’m guessing he won’t be offered a job on the new Top Gear…though prissy Robinson might….good for the soft top cars eh?
‘An age of unprecedented mobility is shaping the world we live in for better and for worse.’ James Harding BBC
Robinson tried to make out firstly that the demographics don’t suggest Muslims will be taking over any time soon, but of course it’s not just the numbers but how much power and influence you cede to them….as in Europe today…a few bombs and suddenly everyone is eager to placate and pander to Muslims….just look at the BBC…how many programmes are dedicated to Muslim issues and how many new Muslim presenters and commentators are suddenly appearing on air? And of course the demographics in Europe are rapidly changing….and the intent of Muslim activists is very definitely to make Europe and the US ‘Muslim’.
YUSUF QARADAWI: So Constantinople has been conquered and now the second part of the prophecy remains, which is the conquest of Rome. This means that Islam will return to Europe once again.
Perhaps the next conquest will be the conquest of dawah and ideas. There’s no need for conquest to be with the sword. We might conquer these countries without armies. We want armies of dawah preachers and teachers.
Second of course Robinson’s narrative is that there is obviously no problem with Islam when clearly many, many people think, know, there is….just look at a previous post where Historian Tom Holland suggests we had better start thinking about what is happening in Europe…and the problem is compounded by those who don’t or just refuse, to understand…like Nick Robinson who is more intent on signalling his liberal credentials than reporting the truth…
The achievement of Wood’s gripping, sobering and revelatory book is to open our eyes to what the implications of that for all of us may be.
The Spectator explains the problem…and the BBC is a big part of that problem….
All of which nicely demonstrates part of the pickle this country is in. Even the papers that will report on one of the biggest underlying stories of our time, and one which demonstrates an unprecedented change in the make-up of our country, must on all accounts be turned into a good news story. And since expressing any worries about the fact is undoubtedly terribly bigoted and nasty, we’ll all just have to nod our heads, keep our fingers crossed, mouth the same platitudes and all put our collective future in the hopes of Sheikh Mogra.
Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra, the assistant secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain. He doesn’t seem to see the large increase in the Muslim population of the UK as posing any particular challenges and is quoted saying: ‘I just wouldn’t want our fellow citizens to be alarmed by an increase in number… This generation is very much British. They feel very much this is their home.’
Of course they do…except they feel Muslim first…how very ‘Trumpian’.
Why is the left so blinkered to Islamic extremism?
The article is based upon a report which calls out the left for embracing fundamentalists……
Siding With The Oppressor….The Pro-Islamist Left
Islam has been at war with everyone since its inception. And now, due to the unrivaled stupidity and ignorance of lefties, or just malevolence to the Christian West, they have allowed tens of millions of Muslims to settle in the West.
We are now seeing the same war that Muslims have waged on Christians in the Middle East, being waged on us. President Trump did not started the war. Islam did. The lefties didn’t do anything, except to tell the people to go home, and cry under the bed, light candles, “Je Suis etc” , and cry themselves to sleep, as we mourn our dead.
The new reality or post fact are not just intellectual mind games. They kill. Just as Marxism killed hundreds of millions.
The greatest suffering that has been inflicted by post-Truth & post-fact West, is on the people of Syria. Assad was demonised by America, Obama and Clinton, as an evil dictator, and the West followed suit.
But facts are stubborn, and will out eventually, just as the non-existent WMDs of Iraq, or the brutal rapes of tens of thousands of English girls by Pakistani Muslims, up and down the Midlands and Yorkshire.
For sheer callous indifference to continuous murder, and grand scale rape, at the hands of Western “Home grown Jihadis”, the left takes the cake. Its time, high bloody time, that we started thinning the ranks of Muslims in the West, or Western civilisation is finished. In Europe, less then 50 years.
The spread of islam into the West will, beyond any shadow of a doubt be the end of Western civilization as we know it. Forget Russia, China, North Korea, Global warming or the inherent instability of fractional reserve banking. Islam will be the death of the West along with any thought of liberal democracy or rule of law ( apart from that stated in a 1400 year old book ) And in 50 or so years time, when Christians and Jews are forced to pay jizya and wear emblems on their clothes to mark them, and when those of other or no faith have either converted to islam or been put to death, and when the homosexuals and lesbians have all been pushed from high rooftops, who will we say is to blame for all this? The muslims? I think not.
Donald Trump?
Why is the left so blinkered to Islamic extremism? The answer to that is quite simple. The Left, and more especially the so called Liberal Left and it’s propaganda outlet the bBBC, absolutely hate Christianity and it’s value.
The Left hate Christian values, especially when it comes to it’s moral teachings regarding family, marriage and children, because they see a strong belief in the benefit of such values as blocking their way to taking total control of how society and forcing it to follow their own version of it.
The Left are perfectly happily, in fact are eager to turn a blind eye to the extreme attitudes of Islam, and any other anti-Christian belief systems, on the grounds that My enemies enemy must be supported as an ally in my aims.
Their hatred of the traditional Christian values our society is built on is so blinkered that they are blindly enthusiastic in their support of anything, however damaging to our indigenous population, which they view as being able to undermine and eventually destroy it and that also explains the bBBC’s eagerness to decry Christianity and to act as a fervent apologist for Islam however diabolically it’s followers behave.