Whilst the BBC cheerfully explains away the murder of Jews in Europe by Muslims as justifiable because of what the BBC considers Israel’s ‘war crimes’ in Gaza it reacts with horror, and dishonesty, to Trump’s statement that he thinks waterboarding works and can be justified.
The BBC started the day with a brief moment of honesty as it reported that Trump said he would defer to his security and intelligence advisers as to whether to use such interrogation techniques. This qualifying piece of information, kind of essential you’d think to the story, rapidly vanished from the news bulletins and all we got was ‘Trump’s going to drill the kneecaps of Muslim babies!!!’ [oh…no, that’s the BBC’s other favoured terror group, the IRA]…this is a normal BBC tactic…have at least one mention of the full story so that when someone complains they can point to that and say everything’s very, very impartial and above board. For example the BBC does report that he would defer to his advisers here.…but why edit that out in other reports when it is so relevant and critical to the story?
What else is missing? That he would only do what is legal.
Look at this write up on the BBC website…..both important qualifications to the story are missing…that he would defer to his advisers and that he would only do what is legal. How can the BBC miss out two such important parts of the story? Only if you’re desperate to paint Trump as some sort of wild-eyed, reckless thug with no respect for humanity or the rule of law would you do that…I’m sure the BBC is not trying to do that.
Here’s the limited BBC quote…
The issue of torture rose up the agenda after the president’s comments to ABC News on Wednesday.
He said: “When they’re shooting, when they’re chopping off the heads of our people and other people, when they’re chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a Christian in the Middle East, when Isis (IS) is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since Medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding?
“I have spoken with people at the highest level of intelligence and I asked them the question ‘Does it work? Does torture work?’ and the answer was ‘Yes, absolutely’.”
Ae least they include the bit where he says the intelligence people say torture works…which is at odds with what the BBC has been reporting elsewhere telling us that an ex-CIA chief said waterboarding doesn’t work.
This video is also interesting…check out the reaction of the audience…very much at odds with the BBC’s assertion that Trump is at loggerheads with the CIA….
The BBC, and others, seem stuck in an era where the Geneva Convention more or less applied, war crimes were deliberate, honour killing did not involve acid and female relatives for unproven crimes of passion, and Phil Shinola would have been deemed shit even by the media.
And, of course, it lurks where it suits the BBC most, in a black and white world with no possibility of shades.
Just like the way I consume BBC reporting, advanced interrogation can bring to the party something worth checking which, given the source, I most certainly do.
In the world of dodgy acronyms, the BBC and ex-CIA BBC sources are bedfellows who may need checking for fleas, and lies.
Sincw when in over 1400 years of muslim imperial ambitions towards the global islamic caliphate did muslims ever comply with the dictats of something like the Geneva Convention both in historical times and more recently {over 25000 plus acts of terrorism since September 11 2001 carried out by muslims alone} I have not seen any such acts of complience with such things as the Geneva Convention. Prehaps the BBC could carry out some research using its £4 billion a year funded staff and facilities to prove ment wrong instead of kissing islamic back sides and being the islamic mouthpeice of the UK. Something given the BBC performance with islam over the last five decades says that I might be in for a long wait
Mistreatment of POW is standard for Muslims. It can only be stopped if the POW converts to Islam. That is, mistreatment and torture of POW, is part and parcel of the missionary work of Islam.
It can be stopped though if the Muslim country is given a threat that chills its blood. Gulf War I.
You forget, all of the terrorists are not ‘real muslims’ Islam is the religion of peace.
Interesting. Thanks for the clip. First thing I heard on the Radio 3 news this morning (the only BBC I listen to and not from choice) was a sort of Trump insists on torture message. Typically dishonest BBC.
Those of us who`ve long been watching the BBCs serial lies and ommisions/commissions only had to listen to the full clip-even as played by Radio 4s Today before 8a.m.
Trump could not have been clearer-he`s thick remember?
So he`ll be deferring to those in charge of the specifics. And it`ll depend on the law.
But he himself thinks that after what IS have been up to-waterboarding really is the least of his problems.
Unarguable-especially the bit about Christians being beheaded.
The BBC would not like that one bit.
Typical BBC souffle…contrived crap.
Thanks Alan for the CIA speech video clip. Certainly an eye opener. It struck me that there was clearly mutual respect there. The president comes across as a genuine, sincere and honest bloke.
I tell you what, I wish we had a leader just like him that’s what Britain needs. He is a breath of fresh air.
Finally someone who does what he says he’s gonna do.
It must be very refreshing for the CIA to know they have The President’s full support and they are no longer banging their heads against a brick wall……and that the only people doing that will be the illegals at the Mexican border!
“I wish we had a leader just like him that’s what Britain needs.”
We did, he was trump’s ‘Advisor’.
Unfortunately the media and the political classes didn’t like him .
Nigel Farage.
The electorate didn’t much like him either did they?
The electorate didn’t much like him either did they?
Because the media didn’t like him. Simple.
However he got us the Liberty Referendum.
And they liked him more than they liked Nick Clegg. General Election UKIP 12.6 % of votes and Lib Dems 7.9 %. .
The media went ape because apparently Pres Trump criticized the CIA. The criticism though was for the then head of the CIA. Pres Trump was right, the head of the CIA, or any intelligence agency, must never ever run to the media.
Now we see the real feelings of CIA workers. By their ovations, they show they support Pres Trump, and contempt for the previous head, and his boss. How can the CIA fight against terrorism, if Obama made it illegal to even mention “Jihad”.
Is this really news, re the impending Trump and May meeting ?………. On MSM and Al Beeb we get one reporter asking each another reporter their opinions – “She may do this”, “she should say this” , “she will probably do”, “it could be he will” etc etc etc its all role play and propaganda to get the viewer Biased .
They tried it with our General Election, the EU Referendum and the US G.E.
It did not work and the public can see through this but in desperation they continue their farce.
Its time our swamp was drained .
I notice the DM says that May is to ‘tackle’ Trump at their meeting. Did world leaders ‘tackle’ Obama, or just have a meeting with the USA President? Did Obama support ‘torture’ as Guantanamo bay was in operation under his jurisdiction?.
It appears that May and Trump are in agreement over not intervening militarily in foreign affairs unless a threat to our countries is apparent. An absolute godsend for the anti-war brigade of the left, how will they react to that? Will they give Trump credit at all? Will Obama now go down along with Blair as the worlds biggest war mongers in recent times killing more Muslims that any other nations in history?
Answers on a stamp please!