Theresa May is stepping into a hornet’s nest today, a White House at the heart of rows about policy, truth, falsehood and the aggressive vituperative style of so much American political debate. Today’s Justin Webb reports.
Terrible, just terrible. We’re in the Era of Trump and we have a growing mentality that is isolationist, hostile to ‘The Other’, intent on putting up walls to protect your own and willing to use falsehoods and vitriolic ranting to appeal to a debased base….No not Trump but the BBC’s boys in the liberal Bunker….I use the word ‘liberal’ advisedly.
I tuned in to the Today show this morning [07:40] and thought perhaps it had, as it often does, allowed in a guest editor, perhaps Hillary Clinton on crack, judging by the relentless outpouring of anti-Trump invective that oozed out of my radio. But no, just another day with Justin Webb and Nick Robinson who seem to be taking bets on who can be the most outrageously venomous towards Trump.
Webb, with no sense of irony or self-awareness, complained that ‘in the era of Trump’ politics has become more ‘vituperative’. This from a man who works for a ‘news’ organisation that has spent the last year spewing poison about Trump, ignoring his actual policies, instead preferring to just shout ‘racist, bigot, misogynist and Islamophobe’ at him. Of course this shows the effect of the BBC bubble, the groupthink where they dare not step out of line for fear of being labeled a heretic…..because Webb, when in the Mail, had actually dared to suggest Trump may have a point on many things.
Who did Webb have on as a guest? Right-wing shock-jock Glenn Beck…..seemingly now a very welcome voice on the BBC as he is prepared to attack Trump…before he was absolutely toxic to the good folk in the Bubble. Interesting how Beck came about his damascene conversion…not actually an intellectual transformation but one forced upon him in effect by left-wing thugs. His wife and children were attacked in a park by a group of people, shouted at and had things thrown at them…because of what Beck said on his radio show. These were left-wing types, as is usual their response to other ideas is violence and abuse…but Webb showed not the slightest interest in this, no comment or questions whatsoever about the who and why. Imagine if it were a left-wing commentator, say Webb’s family being attacked in the same way….guarantee it’d be big news.
What did concern Webb? He thought that Trump was ‘deranged’….again no irony that he had just complained about the ‘vituperative’ language being used in politics.
Another irony? Webb went on to claim Trump was an anglophile being part British having a Scottish mother. Hmmm….I seem to remember Boris being called a raicst for pointing out that Obama might have a dislike of Britain as he was part-Kenyan and his Kenyan grandfather had been tortured by the colonial Brits. Guess one rule for the Left and one rule for the Right. Is Webb not racist then for saying this about Trump?
Webb then told a porkie, claiming that there was no evidence to suggest that voter fraud could happen in the US…and he backed that up by claiming Trump’s evidence was merely some anecdote from a German golfer. Well we’ve already looked at this and there is evidence that non-citizens do vote and influence elections, that other voter fraud does happen and that the US electoral system is quite open to it.
Nick Robinson then joined in at 08:10 interviewing Michael Fallon about May’s trip to the US. Robinson also told a huge porkie, and went on to repeat it throughout the interview despite Fallon pointing out he was wrong.
Robinson stated that Trump was going to introduce torture. We’ve also looked at this...and, as Fallon pointed out, Trump has merely said he would if he could, but…he defers the decision to his advisers, both of whom have voiced opposition to the use of torture, and that he would only do what was legal. So once again we have the BBC misleading its audience, telling complete lies about a major news topic. False news? You bet it is. Robinson doubled up by suggesting May was defiling herself by embracing Trump who ‘some might say turned their stomach with his appalling policies’. No bias there then.. No Nobel Peace prize for being white?
In between Webb and Robinson we had a Rabbi come on to do the Thought for the Day…now this followed directly in from Webb’s assault on Trump and claims that Trump was a liar. The Rabbi intoned that we should beware false narratives and news, it is divisive and leads to conflict and he went on to compare Trump to Goebbels…not directly of course but by implication and association. I might suggest the Rabbi should take a look around at his location and who he is joining forces with…the same people who think it is OK to kill Jews because of what Israel does, the same people who downplay the fact that Corbyn’s party is rife with anti-Semitism and that Corbyn himself is ‘friends’ with terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah who want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, the same people at the BBC who distort the news from the Middle East and mislead people as to what is actually happening and paint Israel as an evil war criminal state. False narratives and false news? The Rabbi should look closer to home.
Yep, just another day at the lefty tabloid BBC.
The Rabbi joining forces with the BBC a classic example of ‘my enemies enemy is my friend’ as with the left and Islam. It was absolutely surreal ( Paul Joseph Watson’s latest on You Tube ) to see the pussy brigade in the US going along with a call to prayer by a Muslim woman apparently an organizer of the demo shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ ( new lyrics needed anybody! ) . It will all end in tears for the left as the philosophy of embracing said phrase ( my enemies enemy ) means an obvious inward circle of devouring until only one belief is left standing, Islam. I do believe the left ideologically is in death throes hence the last resort to extreme vicious violence, a sure sign the ideological argument has been lost. How on earth can I be of the right fighting the establishment in the 2000’s, when in the 70’s 80′ and 90’s it was the left fighting the establishment, now they support every bit of media drivel spoon fed to them supporting establishment ideology.. ‘snow flakes’ indeed without a coherent cause any more, just a rather pathetic ‘anti right wing stance’ and I could argue that the ‘right wing’ now is what the ‘left wing’ once were in many cases paradoxically.
For me what is truly horrifying is the regularity with which people in high profile politics and media openly talk about the death of the POTUS, and their cowardly despicable assault on his ten year old son, truly sickening beyond all human decency.
The BBC are sick, perverted, evil, hypocritical, vindictive, hate mongering liars, and have much blood on their hands throughout the world.
On an upbeat note, isn’t Sean Spicer one of the best Press officers any where ever?
I think so.
PS. I posted on another thread that 5dead had a republican on recently that attacked Trump much to the knicker wetting joy of the female presenter, and that for the life of me I couldn’t remember his name. It was indeed Glenn Beck.
Suppose American authorities get to know, that there are several nukes in cities in America, and by chance, the police arrest a member of the Jihadi group that did the planting.
Do you think that investigators should have the freedom to use enhanced investigation techniques, including chemical, to find out where they are? Bear in mind that time may be short – maybe less then a week.
And the consequences if the bombs explode – millions of Americans dead. One cannot rely that any American president, in these circumstances, will be content, or be allowed, given the white hot anger of the American people, a proportionate response. The response would be such that it will leave hundreds of millions dead. There is no such thing as a proportionate nuclear exchange – its all or nothing.
So it all rests on, that all bombs are found before they explode. Which means use of enhanced investigation techniques, including chemicals, as interrogation instruments.
What does one do?
Remember when dealing with terrorists You get the Land-Rover, Bus, Lorry, Forklift or similar heavy duty battery and remember that the positive/red battery terminal is connected to the left testicle and the Negative/Black battery terminal is connected to the right testicle. PS as you are doing this you ignore the ranting from the so-called human rights industry, The leftards and their useful idiots at the BBC, Al-Guardian and the rest odf the fake news outlets
I’ve noticed that the BBC is suddenly having regular HYS threads again, and I’ve also noticed that the top-rated comments are disproportionately vacuous liberal drivel calling Trump and Brexit voters racist etc. Coincidence? I doubt it. Think it’s high-time for us to redress the balance on there somewhat.
Not too sure some are going that well. BBC’s darker E(conomics-moji) Faisal seems to be running into some resistance with his ‘Paul Mason in a suit’ analysis on the UK’s performance lately.
Trump and Brexit voters may be racists, though I doubt it, but supporters of the EU, Clinton&Obama, and BBC supporters are mass murdering genocidal followers of Stalinists, Maoists and Nazis.
They are the rioters. They are the people who beat up solitary Trump supporters. Its not alt-Right, but the Left that are the crazed violent thugs.