We haven’t down any climate change for a while, taken over by Trump and Brexit as we have been….but here goes...the BBC’s take on Trump’s climate change policies……
Are the recent actions taken by the Trump team on the issues of climate and energy the opening shots in a war on knowledge?
So are all these moves evidence of a malevolent mindset, determined to crush all this snowflake climate change chatter… taking an ideological stand against what they might see as “warmist” propaganda?
Definitely, according to Alden Meyer, a veteran climate campaigner with the Union of Concerned Scientists.
A ‘war on knowledge’ and a ‘malevolent mindset’? Cor blimey. Stone the crows. It’s wrtten by the BBC’s Matt McGrath but its sensationalist, alarmist, fact-free, highly speculative and childish tone suggests another hand at work.
“We are beginning to see our fears realised less than a week after President Trump has taken office,” said Bob Ward, from the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.
“I hope that the Prime Minister will challenge President Trump about this censorship and political interference in the process of gaining and sharing knowledge about climate change during their meeting on Friday.”
Bob Ward eh? Who’d have thought that the BBC would go to the shrill non-scientist PR monkey of Big Oil for a quote? This is what his ‘green’ boss says…. ‘Our first responsibility is to make money for our clients….and nothing is more important than oil.’…..not ‘The Truth’ then?
Last night, CCCEP spokesman Bob Ward admitted it had ‘made mistakes’, both in claiming credit for studies which it had not funded and for papers published by rival academics. ‘This is regrettable, but mistakes can happen… We will take steps over the next week to amend these mistakes,’ he said.
Never mind there’s going to be a march…..
A march on Washington by scientists is being proposed, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts have been created based on the the idea that “an American government that ignores science to pursue ideological agendas endangers the world”.
Guarantee you’ll hear a lot about that on the Beeb. The end of the world is nigh. Or not.
From Janet Daley in the Telegraph…
The BBC foists on us a skewed version of reality
The news media are engaged in a political argument about whether the purpose of journalism is to report the world as it is or to purvey an idealised view
So this is where the bigger question comes in: what is the dissemination of news for? For the BBC – by which I mean, for those who decide these things at the corporation – there is little doubt that the function of news broadcasting is to enlighten the public. I use that word advisedly, in its specialised sense, meaning not simply to inform but to “free from prejudice and superstition”.
BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices. Its coverage of issues in which it believes such prejudices to be rife – immigration, for example – is intended to be instructional and, specifically corrective of what its managers think of, and describe openly in conversation, as the influence of the “Right-wing press”.
The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.
If Trump and his cabinet are persuaded that “climate science” is a monumental waste of money, I doubt if a march on DC, or anywhere else, for that matter, is likely to change their minds. Disregarding the opinions of “climate scientists” is a perfectly rational thing to do. Most genuine scientists in the field have been forced out by the Lysenko faction.
Round about 1990, climate hysteria suddenly became fashionable, but there were only a handful of university climate science departments out there. Suddenly, every university under the sun wanted a climate department and the lucrative grants that that could bring. Degrees were awarded by people who didn’t know what they were talking about, to people who knew only what they were expected to parrot – and it has been a vicious circle, ever since.
We have had, in no particular order, unmelting Arctic ice; unmelting Antarctic ice; unrising temperatures; decidedly not extinct Polar Bears; no increase in hurricanes; claims that global warming makes snow extinct; claims that global warming causes heavier snow falls; temperature recordings, made by a “space agency”, which refuses to use the evidence of its own satellites; other temperatures, from very questionably located weather stations, whose readings always seem to be adjusted upwards; redundant desalination plants and overflowing dams. Plenty more, where those came from.
And those “concerned scientists” are self-selecting. They pay their dues and they’re in. Remember the bit in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, where the ten-year-old George Bailey boasts to his childhood sweetheart, Mary, that he’s been nominated to be a member of the National Geographic Society? George has to wait; he’s only nominated, after all. These days, you just say you’re a scientist (and, presumably, put on a stupid, pink hat and sign up for a pointless march) and everyone is supposed to believe you.
When thick politicians decide to create a market using our taxes, the world’s their oyster, and any old bandwagon will do for them to stamp around on.
Of course, anything which keeps fluffy university brains from addling does the trick for the BBC, Groaniad and other unnecessary organisations, and they can squeak and bang about as much as they like, but you have summed it up brilliantly, Owen, President Trump won’t take a blind bit of notice of a few over-‘qualified’, over-paid and over there uni types fiddling about on street corners and squawking drivel.
Hope we get a decent news channel like Fox taking a few pics!
Recently, the real work with real results for Climate science have come from Astronomy departments. Funding is very cheap, as Earth pointing Satellite observations are funded for Meteorology, and free for Astronomers, as are other sources of data. Astronomers are also largely free from the evil interference of Environmental activists, Liberal politicians and left-wing Journalists, as these evil morons do not see Astronomy as relevant to Climate science.
But we are subject to “BBC Censorship” as has been reported in Mensa publications. In fact I have just found out that Fraser Steel, head of the BBC complaints unit, was subject to an insulting email exchange with Mensa complainants, after the BBC had ruled that a radio debate about climate change involving former Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson should have been censored.
This was also condemned by those MPs with scientific qualifications, with Peter Lilley, a Tory who is also a scientist, saying it shows the BBC is ‘afraid of letting a single critic point out that the climate change emperor has no clothes’. His Labour colleague Graham Stringer who is also a scientist said: ‘This is a form of censorship’.
This myopis has been doubled down by green govt energy sunsidies to renewable energies.This pot of money has attracted inevitably fraudsters
The current Ulster breakdown is due to the loss of £500 million in a green renewable energy project.This important news story has been marginalised into a very minor news story.
One suspects because for the MSM it involves stigmatises green politics
What we are seeing is the media cartel abandoning any and all journalistic credibility, and their duty to finding all the facts to get to the truth. A journalists duty is to allow the public to know what’s truly happening so the reader can make up their own minds. Once a person realizes that the facts are being hidden from them, all trust is gone, and the reader is then forced to look for the ‘truth’ themselves. This is exactly what has happened to all of us on this website with the supposedly legally mandated impartial and unpoliticised Al Shabeeb (the devious lying b*stards!).
The entire media have such hatred, intolerance, and utter prejudice towards Trump and the people that voted for him, they have willing gone to war with them, creating the divisions the conniving traitors keep blaming on Trump and his voters.
Just look at this article….
When the EU do protectionism and threats of punishing tariffs against the UK, the Islamic Al Beeb blame the UK for it! They keep telling us how fucking wonderful the EU is and never once complain about the EU’s tax/tariff against the entire world for simply not being in the EU!
Now Satan Trump is doing the same thing, its the most disgusting, racist, warmongering act imaginable!!!! Make up your fucking minds you traitorous b*stards!!!
To the mentally ill cultists in western media, punishing ‘white’ countries is good, punishing ‘non-white’ countries is evil….even for exactly the same fucking act!……yet, the lunatics are so intolerant, bigoted, and hate filled towards their own people, they will fanatically support the dictatorship EU regime, even though it punishes non white countries the most with its protectionist tax, because it also punishes their own people too.
Best part about the article on my post above is this..
“Border tax unacceptable – Will ‘Cuck’ Grant, BBC News, Mexico”
“Furthermore, the idea of funding a wall through a new tariff is simply unacceptable to most ordinary Mexicans who view the wall as unnecessary, inhumane, expensive and ineffective”………erm, Will you devious, American hating moron….what the fuck has it got to do with the Mexicans?? Its the USA’s wall!!
Build the wall! Build the wall!! ?
“What we are seeing is the media cartel abandoning any and all journalistic credibility, and their duty to finding all the facts to get to the truth.”
A good example on SKY only a short while ago. Four “people” (I can’t call them journalists) all discussing a reported rise in antisemitism against Jews who survived the holocaust.
Much tut-tutting, a lot of surprise, exasperation that measures taken in schools are not working, references to the extreme Left and Right in politics, but not even a hint that Muslims might be involved.
These people are vile, cowardly, dishonest, corrupt, racist, incompetent wastes of everybody’s time.
Not the BBC, admittedly, but exactly the same brand of parasite.
When the EU do protectionism and threats of punishing tariffs against the UK, the Islamic Al Beeb blame the UK for it! They keep telling us how fucking wonderful the EU is and never once complain about the EU’s tax/tariff against the entire world for simply not being in the EU!
And that ‘entire world’ includes developing African countries desperate to sell their food to the rest of us. Stuff that, says the EU – got to protect our Common Agricultural Policy (i.e. the French). WALLOP! – 8% import tariff.
Now I wonder how many who voted remain actually know that.
I wonder if Remainers were given the choice of protecting the EU or alleviating poverty in the rest of the world which they would choose ? I guess they would say just give more foreign aid. Twisted minds.
The strangest thing about all the fuss over “the Wall” is the fact that along much of the border there is already a wall. What do people think the existing border is – open fields or flowery meadows which people can cross freely ? Just type “USA Mexico border Tijuana beach” into Google images and you will see part of the existing wall which goes across the beach and down into the sea. When I show this image to my leftie friends their jaws hit the floor. The impression they get from the BBC is that there is nothing there already. What Trump means is that he wants to create a more effective border. But you don’t get any proper explanation of the nuances here from the BBC.
When the wall is built, Trump will be left with the ‘boat people’ as that will be the only way to circumvent the wall: by sea.
So will he be like the EU and send his boats to pick them all up and bring them safely to the USA ?
How about this ? According to the BBC yesterday, most guns used by the drug cartels in Mexico come from the USA via the current border. And the drugs are then exported to the USA, across the border.
So building the wall will have 3 fold effect; stopping guns going into Mexico, stopping drugs coming into the USA, and stopping illegal immigrants from coming to the USA.
Why aren’t all Americans 100% in favour of the wall ?
A lot of the guns used by the drug cartels came from Obama .
See ” operation fast & furious ” .
By supplying guns he hoped for a massive slaughter leading to a ban on guns being owned by private citizens , [see Niemoller – first they came for our guns ], which is what the New World Order , [ Soros , who was telling the Democrats what to do ] , needed before they could fully take control .
…’free from prejudice and superstition’.
Another quote from the beeb a whilst back.. ‘the science on climate change is settled’.
I’m sure Trump knows far more about global warming than May. He will have facts and figures at his fingertips whereas May will not get beyond the bogus consensus argument. He will wipe the floor with her.
From BHill \\Loved the way BBC TODAY wheeled out Lord Deben this morning and introduced him, without a hint of irony, as the “independent chairman of the CCC, which advises the government on climate change”.//
Deben like most of the Committee on Climate Change are so independent that they are almost all connected to Green Energy subsidy collecting corps
In 1993 Lord Deben (AKA JS Gummer) was judged in \\A pre-election accusation by the Norwegian environment minister, Thorbjoern Berntsen, that the Secretary of State for the Environment was ‘the biggest sh*tbag I have met in my life’ was uttered as part of an attack on Britain’s contribution to the acid rain polluting Scandinavia.//
#1 “Russian Convoy Takes Advantage of Reduced Arctic Ice Extent”
and then on the way back
#2 “Just when they thought it was safe to go back in the winter water, the ice returns. As Siberian Times concluded:
But the saga shows that despite all the talk of climate change and warming in the Arctic, thick ice can prevent convoys from crossing the Northern Sea Route in deep winter.”
But wasn’t all the Arctic Ice supposed to have completely disappeared by now, or at least wasn’t that the claim around 15 to 20 years ago along with the claim that children in Scotland would be growing up never having seen snow?
From Donna Laframboise: