One of the BBC’s last desperate resorts to win the EU referendum was to claim that ‘science’ would suffer as ‘EU’ funding was withdrawn. Curiously this was ‘EU funding’ whilst at the same time the BBC was arguing hard that EU funding was in fact British money anyway, re £350 million, and not really money sent to the evil Brussels.
Naturally that was nonsense…funding and investment for science would continue as the government has made clear….and private investers also seem to think that we are worth investing in #DespiteBrexit…as the Telegraph and Guido reports but the BBC oddly doesn’t…
The Remain campaign’s Scientists for EU group once warned: “Less money, not more, available for UK for science if we leave.” Well, according to buoyant boffins, the UK’s world-leading life sciences sector will enjoy a boom in investment and growth post-Brexit. London Stock Exchange figures released today show angel and seed investment into British life sciences grew 258% and 365% respectively last year compared to 2015 levels. Dr Eliot Forster, chairman of life sciences hub MedCity, said:
“Enthusiasm for UK life sciences will encourage more players to come here for the first time and may be one of the defining factors of 2017.”
More investors were piling into British companies and that a lot of the money that has now been raised from venture capital funds would get deployed into biotechs over the next five years.
No, still not a peep from the BBC website 24 hours on from the report first coming out.
Even the thickos at the BBC know that the UK pays far more into the EU than it gets back but the BBC continues to peddle the lie. Do not believe anything the BBC say about anything. They are big liars.
Now I’m not a Daily Mail reader myself but the following “what-if”? piece caught my eye and I can stop laughing…I’ve already lost my colon.
It’s titled “What if Trump ran Britain”?
Here are a couple of brief excerpts….
Day 1.
“He sees Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood waiting in the lobby, ready to shake his hand. Mr Trump is having none of it. He asks: ‘Are you that Heywood wise guy? The big-state Europhile they call Sir Cover-Up?’
A watery-faced Sir Jeremy gulps and replies: ‘Yes, that’s me, Mr Prime Minister.’ Trump: ‘You’re fired!’
At lunchtime, Government business managers suddenly announce that a vote on Article 50 will be held in the Commons the following day ‘without any more c**p’.
Day 2
“In his first Cabinet meeting later in the morning, Prime Minister Trump executes a raft of measures. Several coal mines are to be reopened, the costs paid from savings made by cancelling any more wind farms. Permission is given to commence fracking in the Corbyn heartlands of London’s Islington. The income from the plentiful gas supply will go towards a doubling of the Armed Forces.”
“The Article 50 Bill has its first, second and third readings and passes with a heavy majority. We’re officially heading out of the EU.”
Day 3
“He delivers exciting news: Hadrian’s Wall is to be rebuilt. Referring to that 2nd-century Roman emperor, Mr Trump says: ‘Hadrian? Very, very smart guy. Had the right ideas. We’re gonna emulate him.
‘I want to make this nation great again, and if that SNP gang want independence, then we’ll lock them out of this glorious country.
‘My people want me to raise Offa’s dyke again, too, on the Welsh border. Maybe. I’m not so big on dykes. But you never know.'”
“At Prime Minister’s Questions, Mr Trump confirms that his government will be proceeding at once with a manifesto commitment to scrap the Human Rights Act. ‘Give us a White Paper!’ shouts Jeremy Corbyn.
Mr Trump pulls out a sheet of A4, writes on it ‘Human Rights Act — we’re outta here’, folds it into a dart and flies it over to the Labour front bench. The moment leads all the evening news bulletins, and Mr Trump’s approval ratings go through the roof (except in Islington, where candlelit vigils are being held as the police battle with chanting mobs of sandal-wearing anti-fracking protesters).”
It goes on all the way to day 7 which is also a “beauty” by the way.
On DAY FIVE A working breakfast at No. 10 with the Director-General of the BBC and senior correspondents descends into chaos.
I expected the license fee to be scrapped. Immediately.
Thanks for the link. Quentin Letts at his finest. Superb piss-take of Lefties. !
‘A spluttering Mishal Husain, presenting Radio 4’s Today programme, can scarcely contain herself as she reads a Downing Street announcement that Sgt Alexander Blackman, the Royal Marine given a life sentence for ‘murdering’ a Taliban fighter in Afghanistan, has been granted a royal pardon by the Queen’
She’ll be putting Don top of one her lists.
A good parody, however I think if the seven days were condensed into ‘day one’ it would be nearer the mark!
I watched Trumps speech last night on SKY ‘news’ and listened to the female presenter afterwards in the two minutes I could bare to listen to her before returning to FOX.
She stated he was, ‘a bit short on detail’, ‘not much different from his campaign trail speeches’, ‘not much information’, ‘a bit light on detail’… ad infinitum, clearly she had no criticism to fire back with so used a default setting as I am sure many journo’s do.
I thought his bit about the steel pipelines was detailed more than any other politician would ever give, in that he spoke about it being superior steel, it would be made in longer lengths at home than it would be abroad, thus meaning it wouldn’t have to be jointed so many time on site, and therefor cost less. How much detail did she want?
Trump is clearly a man of practicality, common sense, and I suspect a man that will watch every penny that is spent, a true business man who has just started running the biggest business in the world.
If he is successful despite all the obstacles put in his way, the EU need to be very scared ( as I believe they already are ) as the people of Europe will see what can be positively done for the benefit of the people by a positive and practical common sense leader( benefit of the people.. I sound like a lefty! ) we could see the end of the left with any meaningful strength in Europe for many decades to come.
There are a few simple facts about the pipeline story that I’ve never seen reported by the BBC.
Without the pipeline Canadian oil is transported south by rail. The railway is owned by Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett is a major contributor to the Democratic Party. The Democratic President vetoed the pipeline.
What are the odds on such a coincidence? The environmental interests of Obama exactly coincided with the financial interests of one of his major donors.
“Mr Trump demands to know why the BBC so often uses kilometres, why its weather forecasts are invariably wrong, why Evan Davis does not wear a tie to present Newsnight, and, generally, why the Beeb is run by ‘a bunch of crypto communists so keen to do down the UK'”
I like the sound of that, and look forward to her first meeting with Merkel, if there ever is one.
If you haven’t seen this, it will put a smile on your face – guaranteed. Don’t miss the end. A classic. And it was on the BBC, credit where it’s due, thanks to the ever more impressive Andrew Neil and Michael Portillo. If it’s not all just a Trump wind-up and he gets the EU Ambassador’s job, Ted Malloch could be a lot of fun…a wonderful antidote to far-left bias!
Thanks for posting this Stella, I get a tingly feeling that I am going to love this Mr Malloch in the years to come.
Thanks. Great stuff. Ted is the man ! Malloch being a Scottish name, the Scots mafia are taking over the White House. Looks like he will give the EU a good kicking.
“Mr Junker was a very adequate mayor, I think of some city in Luxembourg, and maybe he should go back to doing that again”
F*ck you very much Mr Junker, f*ck you very much indeed.
On waterboarding, this is what Trump said
“ ‘I wanna do everything within the bounds of what you’re allowed to do legally. But do I feel it works? Absolutely I feel it works. Have I spoken to people at the top levels and people that have seen it work? I haven’t seen it work. But I think it works. Have I spoken to people that feel strongly about it? Absolutely.’
DAVID MUIR: So, you’d be okay with it as …
PRESIDENT TRUMP: I wanna keep …
DAVID MUIR: … president?
PRESIDENT TRUMP: … no, I wanna — I will rely on General Mattis. And I’m gonna rely on those two people and others. And if they don’t wanna do it, it’s 100 percent okay with me. Do I think it works? Absolutely.’”
For “life science” read vivisection. UK to become the vivisection hub of Europe post Brexit as animal welfare rules will be “relaxed”.
Why we are out.
EU Disinformation Unit ‘clarifies’ Bulgarian Snowman Story
For non-readers of Cyrillic (including me) the headline in the Bulgarian Times claims that the EU intends to ban Snowmen as racist and sexist – unless they are non-white and recognisably female.
Have a read.