Getting quite a collection of BBC invective that is used to describe President Trump.
We’ve had the racist, bigot, misogynist, Islamophobe and now he’s in office we get a whole new tranche of inventive invective…..
…He’s Goebbels spreading lies and discontent
…He’s a climate change denier [who wants to ‘open a war on knowledge’…so again so very Nazi…ala book burning]
….He’s malevolent
….He’s deranged
….He’s is of course a liar
….He’s a war monger…who wants to make peace with the evil Putin.
….He’s an isolationist [and a war monger]…who wants to open trade deals with every individual country.
….He’s a torturer who defies humanity and the rule of law…except he’s not going to introduce torture nor do anything that goes against the law.
….He’s……well I’m guessing we should leave this open….pretty sure there’ll be lots, lots more from the good ole BBC to come.
Must read.
Preserving Western Civilization Conference
The British PM in DC, stated: “Of course we should always be careful to
distinguish between this extreme and hateful ideology and the peaceful
religion of Islam
Which part is that? All Islamic leaders state that Islam is one. There is no peaceful, radical, or violent part. Just one.
Not quite the BBC ( have they not picked up on it yet ). According to the ‘Doomsday clock’ we are 30 seconds away from nuclear war because of the election of the new POTUS. Because.. umm, because umm, he doesn’t want to intervene militarily in the Middle East and he doesn’t want to got to war with Russia perhaps, I dunno! Yeah that makes sense.
One final thing by the way while I have …BOOOOOOM.
Meanwhile. Barnabas Fund reports
Editorial: Freedom to report the persecution of Christians threatened
The freedom to report both incidents of anti-Christian persecution and the ideology motivating such attacks is central to what Barnabas Fund and other organisations have done for many years. Yet those freedoms are now under threat, particularly in the UK, but also in other Western countries. This is a three-pronged attack.
The BBC and the liberal MSM is in crisis. Now I remember the old bad USSR when the men who ran it were just not at all nice and the lives of all of us were under constant threat.
The sort of language now used too demonise President Trump was never used then.
Putin is regularly insulted and attacked in the same deranged manner.
This behaviour even infects government. Witness the near hysterical description of the Russian carrier going through the Channel. Only 14 miles off our shore ! For God’s sake how wide is the Channel?
Liberalism in it’s death throes is exhibiting the same absurd irrational behaviour as most debunked cults do in the end. I just happened to watch a bit of that bully on C5. Wright I think he is called. Just insane ranting at callers who he disliked and a hysterical attempt to constantly show us his virtue.
This after less that one week of President Trump. They will all be in strait jackets after six months.
Dave S: This after less that one week of President Trump. They will all be in strait jackets after six months.
Likely less then six months.
I have a cunning plan. How about designing “President Trump” greetings cards, Christmas, New Year, Happy Birthday etc, and send them to the violent leftlibs thugs that infest the nation. Or do you think that would lead to a cardiac arrest? Maybe not. I’m not a violent leftyliberal who wants the death of a duly and fairly elected person. Only the leftylib sinks to that. Though they had nothing to say against Stalin, Mao, Hitler, at the time.
Prepare for one of the BBC Wesite’s fatuous questions ” Is Trump worse than Stalin ? “, sorry, I meant ” Is Trump worse than Hitler ? “.
“Not Barry…. waaaaa…. gulp… waaaaa…”
And that’s just Jon Sopel
I’m loving watching all the Trump live streams. Especially the Sean Spicer press talking heads needed.
I don’t need to watch MSM at all.
Via @GWF :Trump and Hitler similarities
Can’t think why they use Hitler instead of Stalin. After all, Hitler was a socialist.
“In Britain, the BBC is no better. On this morning’s Today programme (0710) Glenn Beck, the normally voluble American TV presenter who has himself expressed concern about the ferocity of political discourse, was audibly taken aback when reporter Justin Webb put to him that Trump was “deranged”.
In a subsequent interview (0810) with Republican Congressman Kevin Cramer, presenter Nick Robinson stated that people in Britain were aghast that President Trump supported torture, denied climate change and had lied about the size of the crowds at his inauguration.
Well, the certainty that there is simply no scientific argument to be had about anthropogenic global warming says far more about the BBC’s closed group-think mind than it does about President Trump.
James Harding of course has another view:
Probably best he does not try that out again soon on any outlet whose staff he employs and are motivated not to pursue a blatantly dodged question in career founding form:
Clearly BBC editorial integrity knows when distinctions need to be made.
I don’t know if anyone here follows Mook News, a satirical broadsheet which nevertheless has some of its readers actually believing it.
This issue has May telling the US that she is better than Churchill and she wants one of her busts in the White House. The comments deserve to be in a BBC HYS
First time I have heard of it , so followed the link . I am still laughing. The comments are priceless. Cannot believe that some people cannot see the satire.
#1…In the USSR Pravda called it propaganda
#2…In the UK the BBC calls it news
In the real world be it Pravda or the BBC its the same thing