Stewgreen links us to Melanie Phillips’ article on how the Media treats Trump and she links to a CNN interactive photo of the crowd at trump’s inauguration….which shows us that the crowd was much bigger than the likes of the BBC want us to know.
Obama’s inauguration was always going to be massive due to the historic nature of him being the first black President…and, as with Bill Clinton, Washington DC is a Democrat city, so the turnout would be big…Trump apparently only getting 4% of the vote there…so the locals aren’t going to turn out en masse for him especially in the rain [and the planning was for a max of 900,000, half that of Obama]…but the BBC et al don’t like to emphasise those differences…they just like to try and humiliate Trump by minimising his crowd and hence making out he isn’t very popular.
Here’s the BBC photo ‘proving’ their point…note that the last sections of the area in Trump’s inauguration are in fact white tented areas…so any crowd inside is invisible….the Trump photo was clearly taken before the area was filled up…as it was as shown by the Boston Globe photo later in the post…This photo is BBC fake news….it’s a lie….
Here is the Independent’s photo…sparse huh?…
Oh hang on, here’s a Boston Globe photo from the same vantage point just at a later time…timing is obviously all…
Thanks for the link to the interactive photo published by CNN, very revealing indeed. Trump was directly accused of lying by Sky news for saying;
“It looked honestly like a million and a half people, whatever it was it was, but it went all the way back to the Washington Monument,”
Note Sky accused him of “lying” not of being mistaken or fooled by perspective or having misspoke, “lying”.
Looking at the photo, taken from a perspective higher than Trump was standing by quite some way, the crowds do in fact appear to extend as far back as the Washington memorial. It is only when you zoom in to an extreme close up do you notice there are a few sparsely occupied areas right at the back, certainly not perceivable to the naked eye.
So was Trump “lying” when he said the crowd “went all the way back to the Washington Monument,”? I would say not, that is a true account of what he saw.
One of the videos I posted this week as an aside had a crowd waiting to enter the inauguration but unable to do so because the left wing Fascists were up to their usual tricks and lay down outside the security entrances meaning the supporters were unable to enter.
Of course none of this was reported by the BBC and given the accusation on Radio 4’s media show of bias against Trump which James Harding was completely unable to answer and as close to admitted that he and his organisation was thoroughly opposed to Trump.
Worth a listen to.
The media have form on Assassination by pens: In Australia they deliberately ganged up and took down Tony Abbott and replaced him with their own weaker man.
Did they do it against Neil Kinnock as well ?
Kinnock didn’t need any assistance – all his own work.
Neil Kinnock went down all on his own.. I remember the exact beach it happened on.
“Media is gripped by Trump Derangement Syndrome
By HARRY HURLEY Political Columnist Jan 24, 2017”
BBC presenters regularly seem to be presuming to speak for the British people. If this is true they should have no fear of going subscription only. Unfortunately the power of the BBC on television is so great that most people I meet still believe them to be the most trustworthy news organisation. If I disagree I am still regularly and confidently told that the BBC could not get away with telling lies or deception because regulators would intervene.
BBC Breakfast this morning I noticed the presenters deliberately putting on sad faces every time they talked about Donald Trump, even though it was good news about his meeting with Theresa May, they must be obeying orders from above.
I can assure anyone who hasn’t been to Washington DC that it is quite a walk between the Capitol and the Washington monument, further than it appears in the pictures. Clearly there were hundreds of thousands of people in attendance for the inauguration and suggestions to the contrary are ludicrous.
The inauguration took place on a Friday. Most of the Trump supporters would have been at work.