President Obama was asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had anything to fear from federal authorities if they voted in the presidential race.
“Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting,” he was asked on a Latino YouTube channel. “‘So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?’”
“Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself,” Mr. Obama said. “And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”
So vote Democrat, vote often and don’t worry…no-one’s checking?
The BBC insists that Trump had no evidence to back any claim about voter fraud…when of course he did have some evidence…of non-citizens voting and voter fraud elsewhere in previous US elections. But what of the recent election? Trump wasn’t talking just about non-citizens but the Washington Times reports Hillary Clinton may have received some benefit from them…will the BBC report this? I’m guessing not….and even if they do it’ll soon be ‘forgotten’ and we’ll be back to the ‘no evidence’ mantra…..
Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens
Hillary Clinton garnered more than 800,000 votes from noncitizens on Nov. 8, an approximation far short of President Trump’s estimate of up to 5 million illegal voters but supportive of his charges of fraud.
Political scientist Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, has worked with colleagues to produce groundbreaking research on noncitizen voting, and this week he posted a blog in response to Mr. Trump’s assertion.
ased on national polling by a consortium of universities, a report by Mr. Richman said 6.4 percent of the estimated 20 million adult noncitizens in the U.S. voted in November. He extrapolated that that percentage would have added 834,381 net votes for Mrs. Clinton, who received about 2.8 million more votes than Mr. Trump.
Mr. Richman calculated that Mrs. Clinton would have collected 81 percent of noncitizen votes.
“Is it plausible that non-citizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes,” Mr. Richman wrote. “Is it plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.”
It should also be noted that US states count even non-citizens in their censuses and use that number to decide how many representatives that state will have…thus the more non-citizens there are, even if they cannot vote, that state will get more money and more political clout…and most immigrant states are Democrat…so the Democrats benefit even if there is no vote. A wrinkle I’m sure the BBC is not keen to mention.
Or this…that Democrat cities want non-citizens to vote…at a local level for now…and indeed allow that…
Some cities are moving to expand voting rights to include noncitizens.
The latest is San Francisco, where the Nov. 8 ballot will include a measure allowing the parents or legal guardians of any student in the city’s public schools to vote in school board elections. The right would be extended to those with green cards, visas, or no documentation at all.
This is an interesting analysis which mirrors what happened almost exactly in the UK, even to the timing. The Democrats used to be just as hard-line on immigration as the Republicans but that changed around 2002….and now the Democrats see flooding the country with immigrants, grateful immigrants, as a way of winning political power…it failed this time but when yet more millions of immigrants have slipped in to the US?
When the Chicago Council began asking that question in 1998, Democrats saw large-scale immigration no differently from Republicans. After 2002, that started to change, as the percentage of Democratic respondents expressing concern has steadily declined.
Democratic voters probably don’t sit around thinking that higher levels of immigration will lead to a commanding majority. But party leaders do, and devise their policies and messages accordingly.
Essentially the Democrats and Labour sold out and betrayed their country and their population in order to win office.
I have to do a mea culpa for being very slow off the mark today.
In amongst all the mass hysteria gripping the BBC today about President’s Trump’s executive order to control immigration I saw a byline report about the H1-B visas.
The BBC twerp was getting rather exercised about the fact that highly skilled, highly paid H1-B visa holders were not going to get automatic admission into the US.
H1-B visas are granted to speciality occupations such as software designers, engineers etc.
Unfortunately I didn’t capture the link or the author and now I can’t find it. I can only assume that the BBC have deliberately removed it. And if they have, then the reason would be the widespread opposition to H1-B visas amongst ordinary US voters.
You see what the BBC were concealing is that large companies, particularly global companies in the US are importing cheap labour into the US from places like India or the Philippines to replace US citizens at a fraction of the salary.
The process involves placing H1-B visa holders alongside US citizens so that they can be trained up to the required standard. Once a proficiency is achieved then the US employee is made redundant.
To ensure compliance by the US employees the companies are threatening them that if they do not train up their replacements then they will be summarily fired without any redundancy package. This is even happening at Disneyworld with imported cheap labour from Mexico.
How very like the BBC to run off at the mouth over something they know little or nothing about and then do a stealth delete.
In the meanwhile the mass hysteria is reaching epidemic proportions with Theresa May now being condemned by the BBC with headlines like this:
“May fails to condemn Trump on refugees”
Good grief, they’ve even dredged up the discredited Warsi woman to give her tuppence worth of crap.
Changing the subject slightly, Did any one watch the BBC newschanal yesterday afternoon!? If you didn’t notice it at the bottom of the screen a recent news item breaking; well, there was news regarding the PM having done a brilliant deal with Turkey over helping the turks with a new jet fighter! Other channels told us how much it meant: £100 million! But looking at the BBC news some annoyed young elite had obviously and sarcasticlly written: £0? While I watched, it was never corrected!
Clearly the elites within the BBC are beginning to snort fire and brimstone from their noses because yet again they can see that bad economic news is simply not happening and things are beyond their control!
My advice to those transgernder /muslim lovers should apply for a transfer to some islamic nation – hopefully Iran!
“Clearly the elites within the BBC are beginning to snort fire and brimstone from their noses because yet again they can see that bad economic news is simply not happening and things are beyond their control!”
Is their negative broadcasting damaging our economy?
What are their Trustees doing about it ?
The BBCs negative broadcasting must have some effect on our economy! Weasels!
Lets face it, they have now revealed their true, nasty, sniggering, biased agenda along with its usual hatred for Judaism-Christianity.
Muslims in the country must be jumping for joy whenever they see those nasty little BBC journalists promoting their religion and mocking most things that our grandfathers/fathers gave their lives for during the 2 world wars!
What are the trustees doing about it? Absolutely nothing!
What do they say when someone has total power over a nation and seeks to control the minds of its citizens! They head directly for their national TV/Radio buildings! Not to their parliament buildings! Not to their military bases, not to their airports nor schools, nor, universities etc but to the place where they know for certain they will gain immediate access to the minds of every citizen thereby sneakily bombard them with lies and half truths!
First the context
Search using H1-B for last 24 hours
Produces #1 Trump executive order prompts Google to recall staff
and #2 Trump executive order: Refugees detained at US airports
\\Donald Trump defended the executive order on Saturday, saying it was “not a Muslim ban”.//
I just turned off R5 Live Nolan cos of the schreeching by the usually uninformed ethnic Muslim guest.
“You can’t tar an entire religion with terrorism”
..Em I think the terrorists did that ..not any one external.
Nolan let his guest say that “No one from these countries is involved in terrorism”
..Then the next moment warned the sane caller from the other viewpoint to be careful with your words.
Edwina is screeching against the order also… but less so.
Do you hear LeftMob complaining about the Ban on Israeli citizens visiting
That exists in about 10 countries ?
Has anybody condemned Saudi Arabia’s ban on refugees?
LeftMob Are Not About Truth
… They are about Political point scoring
Talk about banning ?
Remember the call to Ban Trump last year ……..
There was even a petition about it – bet it was the Libtards who were the largest proportion of signatories.
I am waiting for Theresa to be a good girl for our Donald and lift the ban on Robert Spencer.
The behind-the-scenes politics of that one must be a cold, sweaty nightmare for the pols in the UK.
Sixteen countries forbid admission to Israeli passport holders:
In addition, Iran,[31] Kuwait,[32] Lebanon,[33] Libya,[34] Saudi Arabia,[35] Sudan,[36] Syria[37] and Yemen[38] do not allow entry to people with evidence of travel to Israel, or whose passports have either a used or an unused Israeli visa.
(Israeli immigration services themselves have now mostly ceased stamps to foreign nationals.)
+ I believe Saudi bans all atheists from entry.
and There are 13-countries-where-atheism-punishable-death
Don’t worry, the BBC will pursue this with relentless vigour.
“Ah you see Trumps action will incite more terrorism”
… A failure by Muslims to speak out against Islamic terror is what has incited more terror.
Now there are people who grew up in Islamic households, who after a terrorist attack will shout “those terrorists are bad guys, I’m going to come right down and help the victims, they did not deserve to be attacked.”
#1 If they do the media largely do not report on them.
#2 High profile Muslims like Sadiq Khan do not speak up every time there is a Islamic terrorist attack, apparently themselves cowed by the terrorist elements, not to stick their heads up. Instead they prefer to direct to softer targets ..”Oh look that guy over there said something a bit Islamaphobic”
If you have been to an Islamic county you’ll know how being a “strong man” is highly respected as in “Sadam/Thatcher he good man, he strong man”
BTW a caller just explained why Muslim refugees go the US rather than neighbouring Muslim countries. If you escaping a dictator, he will be friends with the dictator in the next Islamic country so getting out of Islamic countries altogether is more desirable.
“BTW a caller just explained why Muslim refugees go the US rather than neighbouring Muslim countries.”
I bet the caller “explained it”.
You can bet that I an not buying the “explanation”.
“BTW a caller just explained why Muslim refugees go the US rather than neighbouring Muslim countries.”
It might explain why they prefer to go to the USA. It doesn’t explain why so many other muslim countries won’t admit them.
Interesting to hear Iran say that Trumps temporary visa ban to see what the hell is going on re San Bernardino type atrocities brings shame on the whole Muslim world.
They`re Shia-doubt VERY much that they speak for the hateful and hated Sunnis who comprise the 90% of the Muslims who are NOT Shia.
AS well as that-they`ve never said a dicky about Islamic State/ISIS/Daesh or whatever the hell they`re called-bringing “shame” on Muslims( between you and me, they rather seem to bask in the pride and glory of THEIR actions).
So get stuffed Ayatollah-YOU bring shame on Islam, only Trump dares to life the stone on you.