Laura Kuenssberg ably demonstrates the arrogant mindset, negativity and contempt for Trump that the BBC is famous for as she asks the crassest and most out of place question possible claiming that she speaks for Britain telling Trump that Britain is alarmed by some of his beliefs…#notinmyname. The BBC does not speak for Britain on so many major issues which is precisely why Brexit happened…..the arrogance, corruption and contempt of the so-called elite for the great unwashed.
I posted this from Janet Daley earlier but I think it is worth posting again in light of Kuenssberg’s faux pas…
The BBC foists on us a skewed version of reality
The news media are engaged in a political argument about whether the purpose of journalism is to report the world as it is or to purvey an idealised view
So this is where the bigger question comes in: what is the dissemination of news for? For the BBC – by which I mean, for those who decide these things at the corporation – there is little doubt that the function of news broadcasting is to enlighten the public. I use that word advisedly, in its specialised sense, meaning not simply to inform but to “free from prejudice and superstition”.
BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices. Its coverage of issues in which it believes such prejudices to be rife – immigration, for example – is intended to be instructional and, specifically corrective of what its managers think of, and describe openly in conversation, as the influence of the “Right-wing press”.
The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.
Now’s your chance to make your own voices heard…another open thread…all yours….
I am generally against waterboarding and like to think of myself of a man of principle. But when it comes to the BBC staffers I must say that I am willing to make a blanket exception.
The problem though is that the practice is designed to extract useful information from people but I don’t really think if we tortured the lot we would get any because, their brains don’t hold anything worth knowing. They do have a lot of PC jargon but we have heard all that over and over again.
No, going down that track we are stymied.
I think the case we would have to make is actually slightly socialist. The televised waterboarding of the lot would bring the greatest pleasure to the greatest number of people.
We could claim it is a Health and Safety issue if anybody objected.
I love his line at 7.15 “I’ll be making my guest appearances here”.. hahahahahahah…….I hope some network puts him on contract. I expect him to be as intoxicated for every show though, it adds something I feel.
I look forward to them.
Didn’t Shia say it’s going to be up for four years? When I first saw that I thought what a pile of wank but now I’m actually looking forward to much more of this type of counter-protest.
Shia, you’re a twat.
Oh, I wonder if Shia realises just how well he has united people in their mockery?
Good job SLB.
What a load of shite.
Seem like nice chaps !!!
It is very clear now that interviewees are no longer playing the BBC game.
The BBC used to ‘frame’ the argument, the kind of “Are you still beating your wife” approach, but in recent days, thanks to this site, I have seen Charles Moore, George Galloway, Glenn Greenwald and DJT himself refuse to take this lying down.
They have responded by pointing out that the BBC is childish (Galloway), mendacious and ill-informed (Greenwald) and inbred with bias (Moore).
The gloves are off. The Beeboid talking heads don’t seem to like it a whole lot.
What a disgrace Laura Kunnesberg is. Self promotion and virtue signalling from the BBC.
She does not speak for me or most Britons.In any case she was there to ask questions not lecture the President.
She is not elected to any thing and had no right to say she was asking on behalf of Britons.Mrs May is there to do that. And she did a good job but the BBC doing their best to undermine it.
Glad Trump made a Joke of it its all she deserved but I believe he has the BBCs card marked.
I usually don’t bother to complain because you never get anywhere but this time I will.That bbc employee whose wages I pay does not represent me.
I agree with Laura in a room of her peers in journalism they were laughing at her along with Donald Trump. I listened to the Radio 4 Media program. Has the BBC News got any editors’ with pro- trump views?James Harding B/S for 2 minutes.Obvious answer is No. Does the BBC say Washington Post New York Slimes or CNN CBS ABC MSNBC or NBC use the prefix anti- trump? answer no!!!
Deborahanother: “That bbc employee whose wages I pay does not represent me.”
I have posted this before and I will post it again; I hope the BBC are not paying the very part-time Laura Kuenssberg a full-time salary but I suspect they are.
Even if they were paying her a part-time salary it would still be far more than 99% of the population gets.
I felt so embarrassed and ashamed of that Laura Kuenssberg’s question and she certainly did not represent me either. I have complained many times to the BBC and it is fruitless but I feel so angry about this I will join you and put in a complaint.
Is that the same Kunnesberk that stood outside No.11 and said, “that’s another £3 billion you, me and everybody in this country will have to pay”, right after we were threatened by George Osborne with a punitive tax were we to vote ‘Leave’?
Kuenssberg is a disgrace, presuming to speak for every one in Britain. Her question made perfectly plain that the BBC are antagonistic and hostile towards Trump and if I were him I would revoke their white house press pass.
Except Laura will reduce her tax burden by being paid a dividend from her one-woman company rather than as a BBC employee under PAYE.
I thought HMRC were meant to be investigating tax avoidance at the BBC ?
I have never complained to the BBC before but I have now, and asked for a reply.
I have complained previously Bill but I won’t let that stop me following your example, I hope many others do too.
Please advise me on the most effective way to lodge a complaint.
I feel very strongly about this & it must carry more weight if we
speak up in greater numbers.
BTW to use an American-style description- The Prez totally outclassed her.
I thought he handled her perfectly & he came off looking the better for it.
Lucy, I do note that you have added ‘effective’, but the only way to complain to the BBC about the BBC is: or phone or post or, as some have managed, an email direct to the reporter/editor in question.
However, be aware this is but the start or a long and convoluted process designed specifically to make you give up in disgust, which for them is a result. look at what they still have logged on their complaints home page as the two top concerns of the public the BBC claims to speak for.
It almost all gets based on ‘belief’ of a BBC staffer, through drone to Director to Trust place person, so forget any facts having any bearing.
But it is still worth doing as they can slip up on occasion, and of course like the STASI, there is a record around of who was working against the public when the wall comes down.
Another option is:
But that is to try and solicit information.
Sadly, if you look at the colour coded results, the BBC rejects almost everything, usually by claiming it is a BBC secret or will take too long, or both.
This can then be appealed to the ICO, but as with OFCOM they are a quango in thrall of the BBC and likely staffed by many alumni, overseen by Ministers in thrall of the BBC still.
Or you can try your MP. Same applies.
Or sites like this, ITTB, Order-order etc, which do get read now by those in high places with low ethics but a highly developed sense of how to remain in power or garner ratings as winds shift.
Opening your bedroom window and shouting out your complaint as load as you can is as effective as following the BBC’s official complaints route.
The BBC will never admit that anything the transmit is wrong. Just listen the Radio 4’s “Feedback”.
Excellent post Alan regarding that sanctimonious, supercilious, sour-faced, motor-mouth Laura ‘I’m so indispensable’ Kuenssberg. If ever we needed evidence that the foul BBC is an unaccountable, dangerous and loathsome pit of leftie, anti-British filth then this conceited cow’s rude question surely provides it. How f******** dare the despicable BBC suggest it represents Britain; the only thing it represents is the arrogant, affluent, left-wing middle-classes and their spoiled, student off-spring. The BBC had a chance to really show Britain in a good light and help cement this potentially awkward visit with positive questioning; but no…. that discontented, embittered and priggish narcissist, on behalf of the anti-British, pro-Islamic extremist/terrorist-sympathising BBC, chose to undermine proceedings. What a disgrace the BBC are. I’d bet my mortgage that if the BBC were privatised it would vanish like a fart in the wind with no-one really giving a shit (apart from the middle-class left-wing Cecil-type, of course… you know the type of bitter, prats in scruffy linen suits who teach sociology and psychology in crappy, second-rate universities and drink coffee in hip west-end coffee houses which play world salsa music and are frequented by self-loathing, middle-class young left-wing snowflakes, desperately pretending to be poor, radical, right-on and black.
I think Trump was fantastic and really made an effort to be warm towards Teresa Maybe. But the worse-than-CNN BBC blew it…. it just had to have its minute of puerile leftie fame on the world-stage. The vile BBC…. fake news and Labour-stooge extraordinaire.
I totally 100% agree with you Alex. Very well said. I tend to upset people with my posts and that’s before wine o’clock!!
Alex I feel your rage about Kuenssberg (with a T). And I multiply it by 1000!
I trump you so to speak.
Don’t be shy, mate. Say what you really think.
Are you trying to say that you don’t like them much ?
That, sir, is a class rant! I particularly like this paragraph:
‘…bitter, prats in scruffy linen suits who teach sociology and psychology in crappy, second-rate universities and drink coffee in hip west-end coffee houses which play world salsa music and are frequented by self-loathing, middle-class young left-wing snowflakes, desperately pretending to be poor, radical, right-on and black.’
“‘…bitter, prats in scruffy linen suits who teach sociology and psychology in crappy, second-rate universities and drink coffee in hip west-end coffee houses which play world salsa music and are frequented by self-loathing, middle-class young left-wing snowflakes, desperately pretending to be poor, radical, right-on and black.’”
Why bring Laurie Taylor in to this?
Perfect. I can almost see the smoke off your keyboard Alex. Thanks I agree wholeheartedly with you.
Alex shame on you, you’ve spelt Theresa wrong !!!!!
ha ha next time I’ll have to put the wine glass down when I type 😉 we here at Biased BBC often let our BBC-induced, rage get the better of our literacy standards…. difficult to type when waving fists etc 🙂
That silly bitch shouldn’t be belittling Great Britain on my taxes.
We need a good friendship with the US, and President Trump is the right sort of man to deal with similar guys and gals over here. Not only do we need the relationship, the majority of companies who actually provide employment and income over here actually want to do business, because that is what they do.
If the bbeeb want to try and stop all that, why don’t they form a separate press organisation, pay for it themselves, then try making a few quid?
Naaah, thought not.
Spaceport plans delayed by Brexit
Here’s a strong contender for lame brexit excuse of the week from the bbc. Do they not realise how much of an embarrassment they have become?
Richard ‘Jetson’ Branson as new BBC Space Cadet Editor?
Brexit is great to blame for everything. A white elephant, with no purpose , which would despoil lovely countryside will probably never be built. 3 cheers ! Great news .
Does anyone know what causes more problems, global warming or Brexit? Between them they seem to account for most of the world’s current and future ills but I am unsure as to which one is in the lead. It looks like President Trump is a relative newcomer to this blame apportionment game but he is making great strides at the moment with his lefty-PC upsetting policies.
The BBC seem to think they are all greater threats to humanity than Islam.
Personally I would like to see investment in Scotland frozen ‘due to uncertainty over future membership of the UK’ and then see if wee krankie’s rhetoric tones down any.
Laura is just like Lillie – two rude silly little girls who should have been sat out on the “naughty step” a long time ago. But just like bagpuss “the BBC loves them”
In a sense they both exemplify much of what is wrong with the MSM and the BBC in particular.
They both share the incredible arrogance and sense of righteousness and overblown sense of destiny of the liberal left.
All they really represent are the minority opinions of the spoilt, naive, cowardly rich and treacherous and the terminally lazy and stupid who are afraid/do not want any change and think the best response to all of lives challenges is either to put a fluffy duvet cover over your head and let it all out or throw the baby out with the bath water – No debate just slogans and insults – and aggression and scweem and scweem and scweem if you dont get your own way.
I am afraid Laura has not surprised me just saddened me and I hope that The Teezer feels suitably stupid and embarrassed. she certainly should do as Laura certainly embarrassed me.
What was Theresa thinking – If you invite an odious little harpee like Laura to your party expect your hand to be bitten. Surely some sort of put down was in order? Or is Theresa May quite happy to be seen as some impotent mother whos errant child has just spat in the face of the Head Teacher and summoned to school comes out with the immortal lines “I cant do anything with her”
Never mind I suppose Theresa can always retreat behind her hijab and pretend it never happened.
All of this just goes to further demonstrate how arrogant and conceited the BBC have become. After this little incident – I also think much of our population will be able to see who, these days – calls the shots in British politics. And it aint the “Prime” minister.
They say “manners maketh man” I do wonder what made Laura?
But I think we all know at least part of the answer to that!
I think Treezer handled the question quite well, as did Trump. Like grown ups would handle a question from an obstreperous teenager. I think the question did more harm to the reputation of the BBC than it did to either Trump or May.
However, it was Treezer who invited the repugnant Kuenssberg to ask the question. Either this was a mistake or May was just providing the recalcitrant juvenile with sufficient rope to hang herself. I would prefer to believe the latter.
It’s possible that May is in some kind of conspiracy.
We know she’s a remainer.
We know she’s dragging her kitten heels over Brexit which should have been started months ago.
She has done practically nothing and her explanation ‘Brexit means Brexit’ is pathetic.
Then her clarification, a red, white and blue Brexit…risible.
It’s like in the comedy series Porridge where Fletcher tells McKay where all the soil from an escape tunnel is, they dug another hole and put it in there.
Maybe May wanted this question asked.
Kuensberg is an embarrassment to us.
Any Americans reading this please spread the word that she doesn’t speak for us. We are fully FOR the Donald.
In the words of the greatest pop singer ever (lily) I apologise for the British people…..
Totally agree EM – I am not sure whether Theresa is in the thrall of the BBC or more likely still holds liberal sympathies. So maybe the question was a plant. Sort of look I do still care and I am not nasty like him!
Maybe she cant spell and got confused, because to me (fik tho i am) the words Conservative and Liberal look quite different and should mean different things (the clue is in the name Theresa so what are you?)
She must have known that to some extent our country will be judged through the prism of its “world class” journalism standards at events such as this. So what is she playing at. I suppose there is the possibility she is playing some sort of “long game” to achieve brexit but if she is it is a high risk strategy.
The majority of us (just like the yanks) all voted the way we did, despite knowing that there are risks involved. But we all knew the risks are worth it – providing we get our country back after years of the liberal progressive, cultural and business give away.
We didnt vote leave for it to be turned into some sort of remain/snowflake compromise. Leave means leave Theresa – you have the mandate for it. It is time you started standing up to the the snowflakes. They will never give in as they have too many vested interests and are too used to getting their own way. So if you really do care about the “working man and woman” you better get going!
However – If you are in the job to be liked may I suggest a career change is maybe due?
Trump knows that the only way to get things done is “to do them” I am sure Theresa knows this to, so I do wonder just how committed Theresa really is? Trouble is I think I know the answer!
Be interesting to know who exactly Laura thought she was representing with that question? I don’t know anybody who gives a flying toss . BBC views are becoming more and more irrelevant every day. I loved his response – good humoured and please sit down Laura. Next proper question please?
Lock – it seemed to me as if she had worded the question to be as scathing and as unpleasant as she could, bearing in mind who she was with and where she was. Little bit like an adolescent schoolgirl who wants to get a reputation for being a “bit of a rebel” to curry favour with the rest of the cool kids. Just constntly acts up in front of teacher and “knows her rights”
Maybe she will think about it when she is older?
“Granny what did you do in the great commonsense war”
“Why child I stuck two fingers up at the man who wanted to be our greatest allies”
Oak – agree- sixth form crap . They never grew out of it – I was right of Attila the Hun even in the sixth form now I come to think of it .Early Eighties Maggie time happy days
We are obviously contemporaries who went through a similar experience in the early 80s. I remember arguing with the trendy lefties who, back then, wanted to remove all the west’s nuclear weapons and couldn’t see it might be a slightly risky thing to do. The same mob were then banging on about freeing Mandela when I went to university. They were full of grand ideas and had the backing of he NUS. This was the same NUS that whilst saying it was going to change the world couldn’t manage to keep the bar of the Students’ Union tidy.
Fast forward to today and the same mob has still not grown up or changed its views but merely migrated from the NUS to the BBC.
The difference is that the BBC have enough money to keep their bars tidy. Our money !
Oh happy days Steve. Yep nothing changes mate I remember the idealistic sixth-formers banning everything. I was more your twenty fags and booze type of sixth former – think I was lucky as we used to have a right wing deputy head who taught me lots.
You don’t need a deputy head to teach you how to drink and smoke, surely ?
True mate – I am a past master at it. Just have to avoid the single malt as last time I had it I ended up landing in the fire place and having to go to hospital to have a brain scan – problem is it is lovely and I have no off button when it comes to drink – being half Scottish and all that
You are lucky. Much worse things happen if you are 100% Scottish. You end up suffering from the Krankies.
lol I still don’t get what the point of her is
I am 100% Scottish which means I love malt whisky but am too mean to pay for it. Instead I brew my own booze which I can’t get beyond about 12% alcohol so it’s better for my health and finances!
I am 100% Scottish which means I love malt whisky but am too mean to pay for it. Instead I brew my own booze which I can’t get beyond about 12% alcohol so it’s better for my health and finances!
Got it the first time. Maybe it is stronger than you think. But home brew was how whisky started so oersevere !
All this talk about whisky was making me see double Cranmer’s post.
Do you mean brew or distil?
If the latter, I hope you know the dangers. I’m not talking about the Excise, to hell with them, I mean methyl alcohol. First sign of wood alcohol poisoning is enjoying BBC programmes, so you’re probably OK.
I see 3 now and the night is still young.
Idealism is great in the young but I wonder why their eyes haven’t been opened at all through what they have seen in the intervening 30 years!
At least if Trump knew who she worked for didn’t add his usual “That’s another beauty” – she’s so stupid and vain she probably would have taken that as a compliment.
LOL ! And it would be the first time anyone had said that about her !
“Talking out of the side of your mouth.” is usually a derogatory statement, but in her case it is very apt.
Holding hands across the ocean
This morning a Guardian journo on the BBC, in a rather unguarded statement, gives us some clarity about the attitudes of his colleagues : “We journalists, we’re cynical beasts, we want it to be a disaster.. but I suppose the patriot in us wants it to work out… Trump to moderate his views…”
Don’t worry, about that grudging little lapse into patriotism, this was only the Guardian movie reviewer, not one their political beasts.
If it’s any consolation, she won’t make herself very popular with the other pressers. Anyone asking questions like that all the time will make life harder for the other hacks and they don’t like that.
All journalists think the sun shines out of their arse. How do you get to be one BTW, seems a right cushy number to me. Beats working for a living.
They are so pathetic. Yes, cynical about Trump but not cynical about Global Warming etc. Leftists are very selective with their cynicism. A bunch of little kids who never grow up. As I say,pathetic.
CO2 is poisoning our cheeeldren.
Full-term abortions?……..the more the merrier….
An excellent video and an example of why I do not watch or listen to the BBC. I wont add news because it isn’t..Just the BBC’s opinion on how I should think and what I should think is the news.The word arrogance doesn’t cover it.. . Go to 10 minutes in for comment on Laura Kuenssberg..What an embarrassment…
Who did Laura K think she was representing?
For an answer to that, one can only suggest the obvious: The BBC.
But of course the BBC doesn’t have views of its own. So there must be certain people in Britain behind Laura 100%
Who might they be?
I’m reminded of Reggie Perrin’s brother-in-law Jimmy played by Geoffrey Palmer:
Jimmy is explaining to Reggie what kinds of people his secret army will be against
“Wreckers of law and order. Communists, Maoists, Trotskyists, neo-Trotskyists, crypto-Trotskyists, union leaders, Communist union leaders, atheists, agnostics, long-haired weirdos, short-haired weirdos, vandals, hooligans, football supporters, namby-pamby probation officers, rapists, papists, papist rapists, foreign surgeons – headshrinkers, who ought to be locked up, Wedgwood Benn, keg bitter, punk rock, glue-sniffers, “Play For Today”, Clive Jenkins, Roy Jenkins, Up Jenkins, up everybody’s, Chinese restaurants – why do you think Windsor Castle is ringed with Chinese restaurants? “
‘bit of a cock up on the catering front’ great show
“NHS in crisis” ad nauseam from the usual, treasonous, suspects.
Soon the NHS may really be in crisis.
The whole of the Guardian staff and all its lefty supporters BTL are in meltdown, the largest example of self-satisfied outrage from the genocide supporters since Lenin was a lad.
This outrage will causee mass heart attacks, strokes and other apoplexies in Lefty Fleet St. Sneerina Hyde and Freedland, currently excelling themselves in nastiness and irrelevance, will probably expire in the ambulance. Freedland should be in jail anyway for the theft of a wig in Washington. Hyde on Trump, several references to chimpanzees and other primates, loved BTL. Best do it Sneerina before you have to seek a job with AlBeeb.
More Trump please, keep the Muslims out while we decide the best way of expelling the current lot of Engineers.
Le Pen doing well. Best wishes to you all.
It IS in crisis, and didn t have to be so, but … that s the plan just ask Letwin and Redwood,(that is if you can hold any stock with a word that comes out of their mouths).
Can t get the populous to lose faith in it while its properly funded and running, so deliberately run it to crisis, that’s the plan.
The BBC itself has avoided scrutinising these erm “health reforms” properly and instead has regurgitated government spin,and has presented pro-privatisation think tanks as if they were independent. Also guilty of pushing this Stevens vs Hunt farce as though its not orchestrated, (Stevens) he was global head of United Health FFS, the BBC instead of calling them out doing its job properly, is too concerned with inconsequence, making a twitter storm.
Some poor me shock doc … it needs to get these bastards called out, that’s real news, real journalism.
The BBC is woefully failing us all on this subject.
Some of the Beeboids are SO transparent. Justin Webb on TODAY (BBC R4 7-9am in the 8.10 Interview slot) was obviously unhappy that Raimundas Karoblis, the Lithuanian Defence Minister, stood up to his questioning and didn’t supply any voluntary or involuntary anti-Trump quotes. Listen again to his (Webb’s) expression at the end of that segment.
W1A does Okinawa.
Laura and Justin doing sterling service ramming their zeroes into the Yabberato that is the BBC for us.
One can only wonder what happens when the Fat Lady gets dropped.
LOL x 3, GW! I had just been listening to the Mamas & Papas ‘Monday, Monday’ …..
Laura K was not representing Britain when she launched into her attack on Trump, but was she merely representing the BBC? I believe she represented the view of Treezer May who likewise does not represent the British people.
A few facts. Before the Press Conference, on the plane journey, Treezer and Laura discussed waterboarding and the BBC reported, without any objection from Treezer, that this was a line in the sand which could lead to Britain withholding from intelligence sharing. That must have sent a message to Trump.
Then Treezer arrives and speaks to Republicans in Philadelphia, expressing her globalist views, the Islam is a religion of peace mantra, voicing support for international bodies to tackle climate change, warnings about Russia, and her familiar blanket condemnation of all forms of extremism.
So it is clear that at the Press Conference, Laura was going to put forward the British Prime Minister’s concerns, which she did after being called by name from Treezer to speak.
Both these dreadful women must have been aware of what the other thought. I have earlier suggested here that Treezer is a BBC puppet.
When Treezer answered Laura she managed to get a line in about working with EU partners against Russia, but Trump was caught out. He attempted an answer, did well over the torture allegation, and fizzled out. He could have raised questions about the British Government and BBC toleration of mass rapes; he could have mentioned in defence of his plan to restrict Muslim immigration that Britain is a recognized training ground for Jihadists. He could have mentioned Treezer’s respect for the Saudis.
He must know that the British Government is not friend of his. I hope he retaliates. Treezer must be held at arms length and the BBC restricted from his Press briefings. Trump is not without supporters in British politics and like previous US President he might indirectly get involved in British politics and offer support to someone here who can replace this dreadful woman.
This was a stab in the back from both the BBC and the British Government. Blame should be shared equally at both. Somehow the voice of the British people must be conveyed to the leader of the free world.
Sadly, I suspect you are right. Treezer did not have to choose Laura. She could have picked any journalist. It was a set-up, a pre-planned attack by the BBC and Treezer in collusion.
Trump should ban the BBC from all his press conferences and never give them an interview. If he is overseas and a Beeboid asks him a question, he should refuse to answer saying he does not recognise the BBC or words to that effect. That would concentrate a lot of minds.
So far as that dimwit Treezer is concerned, she must understand that the UK is very much the junior partner with the USA and we need them more than they need us. But she is a very stupid woman and does not do Realpolitic. I think she is the most stupid PM in my lifetime even more so than John Major.
I thought that too Grant – why on earth would she pick an al beeboid?
But then I remembered – whomever she selected would have asked a similarly toxic question, Peston probably had the exact same question as she did to ask if he’d been picked and can you imagine what the verminous Robert Moore of ITV would have come out with!
No, this is the problem with the MSM in the U.K. and particularly al beebus – they want to make the news and be part of the news rather than simply report it.
Everything which is wrong with al beebus was displayed by Laura K in that press conference.
Solid post G.W.F.
Yes, I was about to post the same. For sure it was a set-up between Theresa and Laura. I think Trump saw this straightaway with his comment, which although delivered humorously and gracefully, I would interpret as “I’m on to you, don’t do that again”.
Why Theresa is working with the BBC, I am not sure. Perhaps she saw it as a way of letting Trump know what “some people” in the UK think without actually having to tell him herself.
I’m still giving Theresa the benefit of the doubt as long as there continues to be progress on Brexit. That is the big issue for the current Parliament. But that she is a cautious politician is clear. I would love her to turn on the BBC, but it’s not going to happen is it. If anything she thinks they are useful and is encouraging them. That however is not good for Brexit either.
If only Trump had been the good guy, presumably Laura would be challenging because people in Britain love him!
Trump is coming to Britain, we are told. The MPs have already indicated that he is not wanted. The BBC are leading a campaign of hate against him. The usual mob of state funded anti fascists are calling for mass demonstrations against him. And the intention to employ violence to disrupt his visit is openly advertised. Given that Moslems will take part in the protests we can predict a light handed approach from the police. So far the comrades of Class War have not been successfully prosecuted for their window smashing and advocacy of riots, such as this week’s call to stop Trump. See photo.
Class War
14 hrs ·
Well we all know which side the police are on , but US Presidents always travel with their own security !
Yes I agree. Trump will be safe. And these louts will not get near him. But they will destroy property, break windows, set fire to cars and demonstrate to the likes of the BBC that there is a great anger at this racist, islamophobic, sexist dictator. And of course the BBC will play their part, interview the demonstrators without criticism,and the celebrities will be there to deliver their wisdom
And the police will do sweet FA.
These vile left wing idiots will cause trouble and damage property. Ironically, it will be the best thing they could do. All the usual suspects will be there (UAF, HnH etc etc) proudly flying their banners so we know exactly who they are. It will be impossible for anyone, including the BBC, to show coverage that doesn’t put these people in a bad light exposing what they are all really about for everyone to see. Any politician sympathising will have to explain why these people are causing trouble and damage in their own country in protest against a foreign leader. Anything other than outright condemnation from the Prime Minister will make Theresa May’s position untenable with regards to her personal relationship with President Trump. Footage of the inevitable trouble will genuinely shock and anger Americans as they have little or no knowledge of the nasty left wing agitators in this country. Unpleasant as it will look, it will be a watershed moment for the traitors that will be exposed.
Excellent point !
Steve: “will genuinely shock and anger Americans as they have little or no knowledge of the nasty left wing agitators in this country”
I think they now know from bitter experience, as their own fascist mob violence erupted after the Presidential Election result. Whatever country these Sorosists come from they are just as violent, bigoted and full of hate for anyone or anything decent.
Not on the BBC but on Sky news.
Some ex BBC chap who was head of their history programmes ( cue alarm bells and fake history defences) has written a book about the renewed growth of anti semitism in the U.K. He was interviewed by Boulton for a good five minutes. They discussed the Nazis and how many people today shared hatred of minorities with Hitlerites. The BBC chap said he was appalled that in 21st century Britain Jewish schools had to have armed guards on the door. Well of course , any right minded person is. But he never ventured to discuss who the children were being guarded against , instead we were left , unless you knew better, with the vague impression that it was against some unspecified far right threat.
How can you have a discussion about present day anti semitism in this country without at least mentioning Islam? We all know the biggest threat by far to the Jews in this country today is from a Muslims. The liberal media are collectively mad. They talk about false news but routinely suppress the truth when it doesn’t fit their world view and instead Leave an entirely wrong impression that the cause of anti semitism is down to some rampant far right group. That is an outright lie. Their refusal to even mention Islam in this type of discussion isn’t just suppression of the truth it is cowardly.They are beneath contempt and yet they wonder why we don’t trust a word that they say.
The book may discuss the frightening effects of Islam at great length, I don’t know because I haven’t read it ,but if it does then it makes the refusal to mention Islam during the discussion even worse.
Did they mention anti-semitism in the Labour party ?
No Grant they did not.It was piece with the aim of leaving a vague wiff of far right anti semitism by gross manipulation of the truth and suppression of facts.
I suspect that we all will be patiently waiting for the UK Government to do likewise otherwise our low esteem of the Liberal Political Elite in the UK will vanish altogether as we watch DT relentlessly hacking the Liberal crap.
Question: maybe one of the Government Petition organisations will pick this up and start a petition demanding similar. Problem there is that most of the causes they promote are predominantly Liberal anyway and common sense/justice is not their ‘thing’.
The tragedy is that many in US and elsewhere believe the Biased Broadcasting Corruption represents Britain in some way. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
That is one reason I think that Trump should ban the BBC from all Government press conferences and not give them interviews. It would raise the whole issue and there would be a debate. It would also force Treezer to state which is her greater ally, the BBC or the USA.
YES Grant, YES!
Yes, we can !
I don’t think that al beebus should be banned from White House press briefings – they should just never be invited to ask a question, ever; their journalists should just sit there, knowing that they’ll not once get to ask a question while Trump is president.
Can you imagine the message that would send to the rest of the press corps? Pour encourager les autres.
On second thoughts , your idea may be better. It would prevent the BBC claiming that they were discriminated against. They could be allowed to ask an occasional question so that Trump could claim that he is not biased against them. A BBC trick. Hoist by their own petard !
But, I still think he should never grant them an interview.
Agreed. And the number of toys ejected from the press pool pram would keep a Sharia kindergarten in Hijab Barbies until the Rapture.
That ‘British’ bit at the front does rather encourage the misconception.
Could perhaps one of our younger contributors on here give some advice regarding use and legality of non-licence fee viewing options?
I hear much about ‘fire-sticks’ and ‘plug-ins’ and ‘Kodi’ but don’t have the slightest clue how these work.
I have no real interest in watching ‘live’ TV and believe the time has come to ditch the licence. With the onset of continual anti-Trump and anti-Brexit coverage, I had switched the radio in the car from Radio 2 to Classic FM, and even my wife has commented on how much calmer I appear to be. The transformation now needs to complete, as I no longer buy newspapers, that leaving only TV.
So if someone could do a little handy guide, I would be most appreciative.
T Revolutionary
I haver asked the same here before but with little success, maybe the editors of this site could have a sort of ‘BBC licence tips for Dummies’ article.
Like you I carefully pick what I watch and listen to. LBC is totally our now except sometime s for Nick Ferrari who has become more liberal over recent years as has Ian Dale. LBC has that obnoxious scum bag O’Brien on it.
Radio 2 I have in small doses, and Steve Wright is ok never talks politics. However once he did say that Trumps election was ‘stunning’ which is an unusual word to use unless you mean it in its proper context which is positive.
For me SKY news at six for a coupe of minutes then over to Fox or RT.
SKY have been airing Trumps and Spicers broadcasts which is more than the Bastard Broadcasting Corporation does.
He offers, in a sprightly manner…
There is also:
Thatcherrevolutionary, according to the TV licensing website, a licence is not required if you:
1. Never watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV or live on an online TV service, and.
2. never download or watch BBC programmes on iPlayer – live, catch up or on demand.
Therefore the simplest way is to do what I do – watch non-BBC content on my laptop via catch up websites (most of the major TV stations have them). I watch ITV, C4 and a channel called Quest TV most often. You can also listen to the BBC radio legally online. Quite a lot of archive content from the BBC is also available on Youtube, although the picture quality is variable.
If you prefer to watch on a large screen you can get a monitor or projector.
“or live on an online TV service”
Does that mean you need a TV Licence if you watch internet only TV, which happens to be live, even when it is not simultaneously broadcast as a regular TV channel?
Basically, anything visual and live is taxable? Does such a thing exist yet?
Bloody ‘ell.
PTG, from Biased bbc. “Ms Kuenssberg (with a T), many in Britain absolutely hate you and your leftie-liberal pc boringly predictable unpatriotic treacherous views on EVERYTHING.
What do you have to say to the huge silent majority who think your name is mis-spelt?
On second thoughts, don’t bother, we already know what you think about everything, we just have to read that other filthy rag called the Grauniad.”
“Oh and Mr President, please NEVER EVER give Ms Kuenssberg with a T the mic again, or any of the leftie scum from bibistan.”
Library censoring : Their Trustwave blocker blocks this
I can’t see any swearing on it seems like Big Brother Controlling free speech
Liberal media – have a heart
Thousands of people march in Washington – that’ll be big news, right?
Not when those thousands are pro-life protesters.
‘U.S. Vice President Mike Pence fired up tens of thousands of anti-abortion activists who gathered on Friday for the 44th March for Life, celebrating a political shift in their favour with the election of President Donald Trump.’
The tone of this Reuters report is obviously anti-campaigners. Most protests are treated in a benign way by the liberal media, but some aren’t.
And the Left are the party of science, right?
Oh dear, look at this pro-abortion article in The Atlantic
‘How Ultrasound Became Political’
Check the number of factual retractions they have had to make – or downright lies – fake news or what?
‘This article originally stated that there is “no heart to speak of” in a 6-week-old fetus. In fact, the heart has already begun to form by that point in a pregnancy. The article also originally stated that an expectant mother participating in a study decided to carry her pregnancy to term even after learning that the fetus was suffering from a genetic disorder, when in fact the fetus was only at high risk for a genetic disorder. The article originally stated, as well, that Bernard Nathanson headed the National Right-to-Life Committee and became a born-again Christian. Nathanson was active in, but did not head the committee, and was never a born-again Christian, but rather a Roman Catholic. The article originally stated that many doctors in 1985 claimed fetuses had no reflexive responses to medical instruments at 12 weeks. Finally, the article originally stated that John Kasich vetoed a bill from Indiana’s legislature, instead of Ohio’s legislature, after which the article was incorrectly amended to state that Mike Pence had vetoed the bill. We regret the errors.’
The item : Why did the BBC erase the 88% of rough sleepers who are men? And what can we do about it?
“Why did the BBC erase the 88% of rough sleepers who are men? And what can we do about it?
On Wednesday, the BBC reported there had been a 16% rise in the number of people sleeping rough on the streets of England”
“The big question was: how could a broadcaster that is dedicated to highlighting gendered disadvantage when faced by women, seemingly deliberately erase gender disadvantage faced by some of the “most vulnerable” men in society?”
“Homeless men are failures and homeless women are victims (another version of men ARE problems, women HAVE problems).”
BBC sees ageism row after Radio 2’s Brian Matthew is axed
BBC : “he’s steppin g down due to ill healthe”
BM “Balderdash ! I want to get back on air”
17.4 million of you voted Brexit. Brussels Bullshitting Corp thinks you’re all racist and stupid.
11.3 million voted Conservative. Bolshevik Broadcasting Corp despises you and thinks you’re fascists.
50 million of you are white. Bigoted Broadcasting Corp thinks you’re all ‘hideous’ and responsible for all the wrongs in the world.
Millions of you are decent, patriotic, middle class and middle aged. The Biased Broadcasting Corp thinks you’re irredeemably boring and despicable.
Millions of you are Christian: Blasphemous Broadcasting Corp thinks you’re so retarded they can’t even be bothered to hate you.
Millions of you think Trump might just save the West from its suicidal path to self-destruction, or at least should be given a chance to prove himself. The British-hating Broadcasting Corp reviles you as much as they do Trump.
Brilliant post. Copyright it !
I think that should be on a poster and stuck up on walls across the UK.
Yasser ,
And in all schools and universities. Oh, they would not allow that.
That hits the nail on the head – good post
Excellent post peterthegreat
Yup, unique position we have in the UK. The national broadcaster hates and insults it’s home audience 24 hours a day. Every day.
Coming up at 11:30 on R4 FooC
The US Marines are training the first female recruits to be deployed to combat units; Hannah King witnesses [ ] tickbox
Jenny Hill is in the Netherlands and Germany, where far right groups hope to make significant gains in elections this year. She hears how the promise of a patriotic spring is being welcomed. will she spin and sneer ?
The growing benefits of Sharia Courts in the UK –
“tastrophe” Theresa, the appeaser May is still so keen so sadly … this will continue, she s busy lauding “the peaceful religion of Islam” and “internationalism” etc, across the pond.
Incompetent, deceitful, and totally self serving.
Perhaps she s going to tell “The Don” all about what a success she was with the police?, or the prisons?, or our border force?, or on immigration?
Maybe cosy advice on how the Tories have whitewashed/doctored that report that should eradicate Sharia courts, into a nonsense,(there has to be some petrodollar in it for her and her cronies).
May thinks that “many Britons ‘benefit greatly’ from Sharia Law.”
So she is ensuring it will continue
…. what a embarrassment
That stupid woman should be asked in what way they benefit and would she support other faiths setting up their own legal systems in the UK to override UK law ? Don’t expect the BBC to ask that question.
She really is thick as shit.
She should take the Donald on a visit to Rotherham when he comes later in the year.
He could see for himself how wonderful our multiculti paradise is working.
He should leave his family at home though, just to be on the safe side.
When Kuensberg is on one of the news programmes she often tries to hide her own liberal fascist opinions behind a facetious smirk. But yesterday there was no pretence. This was her
opportunity to do as much damage to the UK as she could. How dare she say that she was
talking for me with her venomous attack on Trump. I expect the embedded fifth columnists at
the BBC saw what an opportunity this was to end any kind of special relationship between
May and Trump before it started. And they got their patsy Kuensberg to do their bidding!
I think the Passpot control at the airport should refuse her entry . We do not want people like her in our Country. If she doesn’t like the UK go live in bloody Europe somewhere – heck I’ll even pay for your ticket Laura where do you want to go? Germany maybe Sweden
We have some nice places in the British Overseas Territories for Laura, Tristan da Cunha comes to mind. Nice and remote with a capital, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas, to make her feel at home. She will even have an audience of about 250 people to talk to. On the other hand we could have asked Donald Trump to re-direct her flight to Area 51!
Might I suggest the Bermuda Triangle?
Genuine question: is it possible that Laura K was indeed set up by May to do her inevitable BBC worst – but the point was to get the BBC shown up again in front of the world’s press, as well as deal with all the awkward issues in the open? Trump’s quip was actually quite a bonding moment between the PM and the Pres, and May did look as if she was having a genuine laugh. Somehow I just don’t buy the argument that May is stupid, though I realise that could well be wishful thinking.
I just roll my eyes at the BBC these days, they are so predictable. The most serious criticism is about the quality of their journalism. No one in Britain wants a North Korean press – though certain parts of the EU seem to, funnily enough – but there are incisive and dignified ways of asking serious, controversial questions. This was not one of them. It was a rambling job lot of BBC prejudice, narrative-shaping and virtue signalling for the benefit of the newsroom back home and the left’s Twitter army. And the laughter of other correspondents in the room confirmed it before she had even finished speaking.
I tend to agree with you. Treezer set up the BBC knowing that they would shoot themselves in the foot in front of a global audience. Trump already has a low opinion of the BBC, as evidenced in a previous press conference when he referred to them as “beauties” ( who says the Yanks don’t do irony? ), an opinion which will not be improved by the loathsome Kuensberg.
no. may agrees with that woman from the bbc and the whole bbc but as in the ledsom demise job she paves the way for others to do the job and keeps out of it.
matahari, Certainly May’s speech in Philadelphia makes me think you might be right – it could have been written to keep the BBC on-side and appease the Left. But I thought she played the big stage stuff well yesterday and seemed strengthened by Trump, almost despite herself, and evidently enjoyed the laugh at Laura K’s expense.
She’s a tricky one to read, all right, Mrs May. Let’s just hope she uses her Sphinx-like quality to uphold the democratic will of the country, not just for her own good this time.
In optimistic hope that the result may be different to any to the BBC, I wonder who one might pose an FOI to to discover what the basis is of these Q&A ‘selections’.
These rooms seem to be rammed with hands waving and pleas, yet only a few are invited, and too often the same ones. Nick Robinson seemed Labour’s only route to the public.
For instance, is it down to the podium jockey themselves, or pre-vetted?
Whatever it is, the opportunity to skew things exists and makes a mockery of any claims that being denied entry reduces the ability to hold power to account.
What Laura Kuensberg actually said in her question to Donald Trump was ‘many people in Britain are alarmed’ etc. which in my opinion is probably fact.
Being someone who supports Donald Trump, favours waterboarding, Brexit etc.and is a member of UKIP I obviously disagree with the views expressed by Kuensberg. However there are many people in Britain who agree with them.
Hate to be pedantic but facts are facts.
CORRECTION: Many people who work for the BBC, whole heartedly believe the BBC and hate Britain – are ‘alarmed.’
You make a fair point, however the BBC does love its semantics and allusions and allegations, etc, almost as much as it loves finding a one degree of separation FoB to ‘inspire’ the next bit of editorially integrity ‘likely ‘reporting’ of a ‘quote’ as ‘news that suits’:
That fool Ed Miliband calls it “Trump muslim ban ” . Makes it sound as if Trump is banning all muslims. Laura does not correct him.
Grant, the BBC art of omission (BBC Manual chapter 4 paragraph 6)
BBCNN will be gritting their teeth, as Trump gives a 40-minute private interview in the White House with Fox News’ Sean Hannity.
Just watched this in full, then into an ABC interview.
Hannity asked Trump about jobs, ISIS, Russia, China, trade deals, immigration, the budget.
The ABC’s David Muir’s first question is: “You’ve been president for 5 days. Has it changed you?”
A great illustration of the silliness of the feelings-based progressives.
Treezer is in Turkey today. I wonder if the rude little girl Kuenssberg will be asking probing questions of president Erdogan. Given that foreign journalists have a tendency to disappear in Turkey, I suspect not.
I have been to Ankara, many times and,in winter , it is even colder than Washington DC. You are right. Laura would not have the guts to ask a ruthless killer about all the newspapers closed down, all the journalists arrested, all the people held without trial, all those who have just disappeared, the use of torture etc. Much easier to attack Trump on waterboarding , safe in the knowledge that you will not be arrested.
Good point space monkey. The BBC and the rest of the MSM have a complex set of rules when it comes to whom they choose to ask tough questions of and where and when they ask them.
Putin , Trump , Farage , May, Le Pen , Wilders, are given a tough time at any opportunity. Likewise Assad and Netanyahu, one deserved one not. In contrast Palestinian leaders are given a platform from which to spout their vile anti Israel hatred. Most Labourites get a mild questioning and are then allowed to spew forth their idiotic drivel. It is so totally predictable because we know the liberal left MSM line off by heart having been subjected to it for decades. The MSM is so concerned about fake news! But if you have held a monopoly on something for years and years and it is suddenly challenged by a newcomer which is stealing your customers , I suppose that you do get upset.
President Trump has made a good start in his dealings with the MSM but he needs to make opening the doors wide to fierce competition in the news and current affairs sector a priority. Once people have access to the truth the liberal left hegemony of the last 20 years will be broken by the people themselves.
Not sure they would give Putin or Assad a tough time. I seem to remember Jeremy Bowen interviewing Assad and he only stopped when he reached his anal sphincter.
BBC now blatantly telling the nation what it should think :-
What should we take from Prime Minister Theresa May’s first meeting with President Donald Trump?
The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg explains.
Well done Laura, your tame Prime Minister passed the BBC test of loyalty.
Crikey, the BBC have taken over the Conservative Party just as Momentum have taken over the Labour Party.
Same objective for both
Trump is going for the EU. May is a pawn. See article, link here
It’s hard to escape the feeling that Theresa May would much rather be dealing with the likes of former secretary of state John Kerry than president Donald Trump. Photo: WikiCommonsMedia
Well they have roughly the same IQ.
“Trump is going for the EU.”
You make that sound like a bad thing.
a little bird is telling me that she behaved that way to appease the left after she was reported and criticised for her biased work on corbyn. but ultimately i still wonder how she got that job.
Daniel Hannan does well here dealing with this bbc filth.
Who is this BBC interviewer.
James leftie Obrien.
O’Brien is the personification of the snide, sneering faux working class North London socialists who run the BBC who thinks his questions are more important than the answers.
With appologies to .W.G.Grace ” They came here to see me bat, not you bowl”
Apart from him wearing a waistcoat, what I find weird about him is the way he suddenly switches from a very serious expression to a slightly manic smile. I find it really creepy.
Grant.. The Obrien creature loves himself more than he can tell you.LBC between 10am and 1pm midweek (however hard I try as I believe in seeing what the opposition is up to) is a no-go area I never make it to the 9 15 news The fact that the BBC have started employing this Sanctimonious neo-socialist bigot tells us that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. The beeb is beyond help now.
For me, top of a very long list of dislikes is his fake working class London accent. He was schooled at the private Ampleforth College before going to LSE then becoming a journalist. In other words he has zero experience of the real world and it shows in the contempt he holds actual working class people in. The very epitome of a North London champagne socialist wanker.
Ampleforth does not come cheap. Either way, he is a tosser !
The ghastly O’Brien is the new wonder boy for the BBC. Tells us all we need to know about BBC impartiality.
Hannan comes across as mealy mouthed and on the back foot, how many times does he say that Trump was not his preferred candidate? I wonder if he thinks HRC would have been so keen to strike a trade deal with US as Trump is, somehow I think not.
Hannan is normally a reliable performer but the tone of O’brien’s questions put him off. O’brien thinks his questions are the important part of the interview and doesn’t wait for an answer before he asks another one.
My cartoon take on the week
LOL ! Certainly a lot better than Krankie and Laura !
Looking at it again , I love the bit about the BBC and Clarkson.
This is an interview the like of which we will be waiting for a long time to see on al beebus, Tucker is at his best here.
Kevin well and truly Tuckered. Not a leg to stand on. I would have thought the BBC would want to employ a really great interviewer like Tucker. Can’t think why not.
Oh what a joy to hear the daily whine that makes up the news headlines EVERY morning, as long as Trump keeps signing those executive orders. This mornings flap was all about Trump not wanting unvetted Muslims entering his country.
Apparently the Statue Of Liberty will be crying tears of sadness. America not showing “leadership”.
Thought that the Left didn`t WANT the USA to lead anything, anywhere-unless it was to the Islamic abbatoirs.
Trumps previous threats to UN funding REALLY got the left giddy with anger-and it`s a great sport to note the hyperbole and supersonic bitchiness that explodes after every Trump announcement.
The man is a gift to the world. His every nod of that coiffeed bonce of his
is a beautiful thing.
Now-re that wall of his.
That Beautiful Wall of his.
Any chance that it could be an arts project of vainglorious silliness like the Byker Wall in Newcastle or that crap as put up by Richard Rogers or that daft Iraqi woman who died last year.
If it were talked of as being beautiful, of fabulous artistic potential for a prize-and British architects crenallated the porticos-or what have you-surely the left would LOVE the community pavement theatre. Maybe Banksy could sign it.
Come on lefties-see the beauty, the potential and the love that parts yet engages…can I have some shit prize now?
I don’t necessarily agree with everything, but he is the gift that keeps on giving. It is wonderful to watch the BBC and Lefties squealing and there is bugger all that they can do about him. It has also brought out some of the best posts ever on this site. Keep your pecker up, Donald.
Excellent Al – I would like to see him in a debate with James “smart arse” nO briain.
I realised that Appleby was going to be handed his arse on a plate when he started going on about experts, and humanitarian leadrship etc etc.
He has a very analytical brain and will not tolerate the normal liberal flim flam/smoke and mirrors. He goes straight to the point (like Farage and Katie Hopkins) and does not indulge in bullshit entanglements. I suspect he is hated by the liberals over there as much as Hopkins and Farage are Hated over here and with good reason . The truth hurts and especially when you are used to literally getting away with murder!
Men are from Mars, women get paid like Venus
You wouldn’t know it from the report from our beta male who does sport for BBC tv news but Venus Williams just picked up ‘equal’ prize money at the Australian Open tennis final in ‘just under 40 minutes’
Nice part-time work for full-time-pay if you can get it.
Yesterday evening, around 10:30 pm or so. I switched on the TV and hunted around for some news. This can be quite difficult at times, with sports segments occupying a considerable amount of time, Sky news with its advertising, BBC with its internal adverts, and especially if some ‘Luvvie sleb’ has hit the news somehow (bear witness the BBC adulation show that was this morning’s Radio 4 Today programme which had THE main headline news – and lots of other segments – being the death of an actor. Really, BBC ? That’s the biggest thing that has happened over the past 24 hours ?
So, back to the news yesterday evening, I happened upon the Newspaper Review segment. The two people on the panel were a French-sounding journalist (a self-proclaimed Trump-hater and a Brexit-hater, and a Times economics journalist (I think his name was Cho) – also a self-confessed Trump-hater and a Brexit-hater. They, of course, thought that the most important news of the day yesterday was… guessed it, Trump and Brexit – well, it was on the front page of virtually every paper they were reviewing. Without exception, everything they picked on was, in their view, just a disaster for the world, and the Beeboid interviewer put up little or no resistance to their bile and bilge, laughing along with them ay their little snidey ‘jokes’. He even commented, at one point, that there just was no way he was going to get wither of this pair of reviewers to say anything positive about Ms May, Mr Trump, Brexit (or even Britain). Cue 3-people group chortle, before getting back to the vituperation at hand, no matter what the actual tone was, of the specific articles they were reviewing. It was utterly, and literally (apologies to another regular poster on here) relentless.
This is outrageous behaviour by the BBC. There is no sense of balance whatsoever, and the BBC is complicit in this sort of behaviour by their employees.
One specific issue which was labelled a ‘pantomime’, and a ‘stage-managed event’ for the proles, was when Mr Trump took Ms May’s hand at one point. Never mind the lewd suggestions of these so-called reviewers, ‘because no-one could see what was going on’ behind the bushes as they made their way along the path towards cameramen…… they were clear that this was no more than a stunt for the cameras.
Now, I may not be the most observant of TV viewers, but it was obvious to anyomne who didn’t have an axe to grind about the two of them, but there was a slope or stairway part-way along the path, and Mrs May was clearly a bit concerned about this, and Mr Trump, in a very gentlemanly and courteous manner offered support for Ms May down this incline. It was obvious because one of the straight building lines behind them was level with their heads at the start of this, and was much higher above them when they came to what must have been a level path again.
Now, I ask you, if Mr Obama had, at some point, done exactly the same thing, would this act have been pilloried at length, or labelled as anything other than a polite, supportive and gracious act on his part ?
But, of course, the Beeboid chose to go along with the vitriol from these two newspaper reviewers… and has the BBC even sought to explain what was obvious to any impartial viewer of this event ? Certainly not to my knowledge, but I’d be very pleased if they did, and called out those who did nothing but mock the action taken by Mr Trump and Mrs May. Hell will be an ice-rink……
Disgraceful reporting and commenting is now openly rife within the Biased Bilge Corporation.
Richard D,
Excellent post , you have summed it up perfectly.
Richard D I could never have been so eloquent. Well said.
I too noticed that Mr Trump was just helping Ms May down a precarious slope in her heels. My 86 year old mother, who is of the generation that believes everything the BBC says is correct, had to be convinced by me last night that Mr Trump was just being very gentlemanly and there wasn’t anything promiscuous going on!!
Times pg 34-35 has a double page on Jacob Rees Mog
Times predicts the 2016 fastest growing G7 country
…. Take a wild guess …. just like the Remaoners predicted
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Organisation of the BBC Licence Fee Unit.
– BBC TV Licensing Data Harvesting.
“Pushover” Germans: if their ‘negotiation’ skills are the same as their ability to determine who is a ‘Refugee’ and who is not, the UK’s Brexit negotiators can expect few problems.
Worth a watch
Thaks for this spacemonkey.
Great piece of film. We shall overcomb.
Reposting : BBC says beware the-hidden-danger-of-euphemisms
@Guest Who yesterday said
\\It is getting quite bizarre reading (if on obscure new BBC outlets) the BBC warning of techniques of propaganda and censorship honed nearly to perfection if protected by purposes of exemptions by… the BBC.
Euphemisms, allusions, conflations, the posing of ‘questions’, the quoting of one degree of separation useful idiots, truthiness, “it’s what might have been said” claims… all defended by CECUTT* by a discreditted belief that the ‘BBC gets it about right’, supported by top floor ‘tell it often enough’ flat out lie that they “leave their politics at the door”.//
* (CECUTT is the BBC complaints process)
Yep another irony meter broken
Stew – The BBC know exactly what they are doing.
I suppose its a bit like getting your story in first.
One well known “chav” secret is that if you attack someone but then ring the police first and claim you in fact are the victim of assault – you will often be seen as the wounded party and less likely to be treated as the perpetrator of the crime.
The BBC know exactly what they are doing and hopefully the longer they keep doing it eventually the greater the reckoning!
The bbc know exactly what they are doing – they have a grotesque dalek at the mission control epicenter programmed with the most trotskyite bullshit one could ever imagine. What we need is some sort of overlord to come and take down this demon. Anyone?
Stew – It seems the US media are learning from the BBC bit by bit…
‘study suggests’ falls perfectly under the above categories.
BTL in GuardianLand.
TheCubanGentlemen TwinkletheCat 23h ago
You haven’t been here long, have you?
The rules are simple:
– Everyone who isn’t a white man are victims,
– but independent, noble and in every way better than white men
– but the only solution to their disadvantages is that white men must help them
– but if white men do try to help them they are guilty of wicked imperialism, and must stop
– but if white men get tired of being called wicked imperialists and withdraw their aid they are guilty of neo-colonialism, and must start helping again.
– when they are called wicked imperialists.
Hope that helps.
Not seen on the BBC at all:
Nearly half of election fraud claims since 2012 relate to Tower Hamlets
Inconceivable that the BBC News isn’t aware.
Have to love that “they’re not all like that!”
No some of them are terrorists, gang rape Paedophiles, drug dealers, money launderers, fraudsters etc etc.
So I guess that makes it alright then !
Translation – Electoral fraud is carried out by Labour.
Just as resistance to constituency boundary changes, which have favoured Labour for decades, is carried out by Labour.
Naturally the only party that imported millions of non Europeans to vote for them is Labour, the same mass rapists, multi voters. Because that is what the lefties do, when they are not doing a Stalin impersonation.
All UK problems can be laid at the door of Labour, and voters need to move to UKIP to stop the treason.
UKIP well ahead in Stoke by-election polls. I know , not reliable, but looks hopeful.