Laura Kuenssberg ably demonstrates the arrogant mindset, negativity and contempt for Trump that the BBC is famous for as she asks the crassest and most out of place question possible claiming that she speaks for Britain telling Trump that Britain is alarmed by some of his beliefs…#notinmyname. The BBC does not speak for Britain on so many major issues which is precisely why Brexit happened…..the arrogance, corruption and contempt of the so-called elite for the great unwashed.
I posted this from Janet Daley earlier but I think it is worth posting again in light of Kuenssberg’s faux pas…
The BBC foists on us a skewed version of reality
The news media are engaged in a political argument about whether the purpose of journalism is to report the world as it is or to purvey an idealised view
So this is where the bigger question comes in: what is the dissemination of news for? For the BBC – by which I mean, for those who decide these things at the corporation – there is little doubt that the function of news broadcasting is to enlighten the public. I use that word advisedly, in its specialised sense, meaning not simply to inform but to “free from prejudice and superstition”.
BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices. Its coverage of issues in which it believes such prejudices to be rife – immigration, for example – is intended to be instructional and, specifically corrective of what its managers think of, and describe openly in conversation, as the influence of the “Right-wing press”.
The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.
Now’s your chance to make your own voices heard…another open thread…all yours….
Thu – BBC’s Germany correspondent @damienmcguin pops up FooC seemingly building a FalseNarrative that Breitbart’s Cologne Church fire story is FakeNews and sneering “alternative facts!”
I point out that Breitbart have a rebut defending their story.
He tweets back “afraid the rebut does not stand up. Unless you don’t believe German police?”
– I point out that the orig Breitbart report & rebut both include the Police bit + RN video contradicting them.
Yesterday he retweets a Muslim commenter about the Holocaust
“The #Holocaust didn’t start in the gas chambers, it began with the rhetoric of hate”
I mention that was aided by press constructing FalseNarratives
and point out today’s Jerusalem Post story
(That’s on top of the story of the Muslims who were let off for vandalising a Synagogue)
When this came up before , I posted that I would not believe anything the police said unless I had independent corroboration. The police are part of the cover-up.
Exactly ..what kind of journalist “just believes” the police or anyone ?
Surely you put all the evidence in the pot and don’t just believe anyone.
Yes. I think the BBC believes anyone who tells them what they want to hear. Totally unprofessional.
“” Unless you don’t believe German police?””
That would be the Cologne police would it?
Yes, no reason to doubt them then, are these people for real Stew?
Will the BBC now extend this newfound trust of the boys in blue to our own force I wonder, Orgreave, Hillsborough, Brixton riots, Tottenham riots…
Yes, someone should ask him if he believes in the police involved in the Birmingham Six incident.
BBC’s Laura K doesn’t speak for me
ah G.W.F. posted last night
I guess Katie Hopkins nailed it :
I suspect there was a gnashing of teeth in the US because ‘our man on the spot’ Jon ‘dyed my hair again’ Sopel didn’t get the call to represent Britain and the BBC at the press conference ! Sopel 0 Kuenssberg 1
Further to my wondering who gets chosen to ask what question(s), given time and fairness, how did Laura K get the opportunity to make a series of statements and then ask a bunch of questions?
Is there a protocol?
Didn’t the BBC give their annual promise quite recently, that they were going to use the staff already posted abroad, and not fly in their ‘big’ names to save money? I am sure John Sopel could have made an equal mess as Laura did of an opportunity to ask Donald a question
Well ‘our’ Laura is head honcho on the political scene, hardly handbags at dawn with Soapy Sopel. It would have been fun though to see Norm shunted in from Vicky D’s show – that would have been a coup !
This recent murder has shocked Icelanders:
Much emphasis is placed on how safe Iceland is for women. Does anyone know why this might be?
“…. safe Iceland is for women. Does anyone know why this might be?”
Isn’t it obvious? You must know better than I what cold weather does.
But there are some muslim “refugees” in Iceland who occupied a church some time ago and were removed by the police. Hope Iceland does not take any more.
There is a series, ‘Trapped’ on Prime (TVL free) that makes the death rate in Midsomer seem tame.
I won’t spoil it (though it is a loooong, sloooow series) but various considerations are raised.
I am alway amazed that there is anyone left alive in the village in Midsomer Murders !
But the common thread in all these murders is the Barnetby cousins, I think one of them is a mass murderer.
LOL ! I hadn’t thought of that. You should join the cast.
Ah, well Grant you see Midsomer is not a single place, but a collection of little places – think Milton Keynes before the concrete cows were created, (and the Boulevards with signs that all lead to the shopping centre but which no-one can find their way out of !) – which would be a terrific story for Midsomer. Thousands of people disappear daily at the shopping mall because its an impossible place to find your way back to the motorway as there are no signs to guide you back !!
I am sad to say I have never been to Milton Keynes. It sounds interesting.
Tuned in to Farming Today at around 6.50 this morning to hear a Peterhead fisherman explaining to Charlotte Smith that he sells all his fish into EU countries because there’s nobody to buy it in the UK.
Then the chief of the Peterhead port authority was asked by our Charlotte where the money for the £90 million expansion of the port was coming from. As soon as he revealed £5 million of it would be coming from the EU, she chipped in ‘Better use it quick before they decide to grab it back’. Er, Charlotte luv, that would be more of our money they’d be grabbing back – don’t you understand?
Just a couple of small vignettes, in the space of less than 10 minutes, illustrating how the BBC deceives its (mainly) trusting listeners.
Somebody, somewhere, please smoke out and dismantle this subversive hive of hard-left activists and start again before it finally damages our country beyond repair.
You obviously know about fish, the clue is in the name. Only the BBC could find a British fisherman who would prefer to stay in the EU and I bet the interview was edited.
Is she so stupid that she does not know that the British industry has been all but been destroyed by the CFP ? Can’t she work out that if we leave the EU , we can have our own waters which will actually increase demand for our fish because the supply for EU boats will be reduced ?
As for her facetious comment,these men suffer great hardship and risk their lives just so that spoilt BBC brats like her can eat Turbot in a pricey restaurant at our expense. And she trivialises the matter with an idiotic comment which she probably thinks is clever.
Typical useless Beeboid.
The BBC has been carrying on its anti Trump rhetoric today and also its lies by omission.
The executive order banning refugees and others from a list of mainly Muslim countries is being challenged in court by a ‘civil liberties organisation’ we are lied to.
The organisation in question is CAIR the Council on American Islamic Relations “Established to promote a positive image of Islam and Muslims in America.” This is a Saudi funded group founded to promote, not the image of Islam, but the interests of Islam itself. It is known as an activist group which many have accused of harbouring terrorist sympathisers.
Do the BBC advise us of this? Do they describe the group as ‘controversial’ in the way they would describe a group who they did not agree with?
Of course not! They mislead as much as the freedom allows.
Pardon me but just what is the thing with Muslims? Islamic countries should be helping the Muslims for pities sake.
Not aware of Christians committing slaughter of innocents in recent times.
Christians at risk of genocide should be top on their list but then in their fucked up brains – welcoming Muslims and slaughtering your unborn is about right?
You can’t Islamise a Muslim country, but you can Islamise a Christian one, and with so many Western leaders greedy for the Saudi oil money it’s inevitable that a Billionaire is going to be much more difficult to compromise with money.
Quote from Janet Daley in Alan’s opening comment regarding the BBC’s view of its behaviour…
“The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.”
Who the hell gave the BBC the right to decide that it has to balance the influence of any other media ? The BBC has a duty to provide unbiased and balanced information, full stop – no matter what other sources of information may be saying. It has no other balancing duties whatsoever. It is for this reason that it has been allowed to gather its income like a tax in this country, rather than having to make its own way financially. It is this high-handed approach which creates the distrust and disgust which the BBC engenders in so many.
Yes, with the BBC having 70% of the nation’s news coverage its whole reason for existing is to bring ‘balance’ and ‘truth’ to us misinformed proles.
Johny in a strange way maybe this is all starting to work in our favour – As they become increasingly confident in rewriting the news gospel according to Kuensberg and scolding those of us who still maintain “conventional” views be it on migrants, sexuality, NHS, trade, defense, morality – whatever.
All they are doing is increasingly insulting the intelligence of the majority with their increasingly jaundiced and hectoring stance on any topic which offends their liberal values.
In effect they are defecating in their own well which in the end no-one will want to use anymore because it increasingly stinks, is full of dead cats and is only popular with blowflies.
And like the Greek Gods in modern Greece. In years to come people will look back at the BBC and say how could anyone ever have believed in that shite!
I think you may be right. Several factors have come together. The BBC realise they have a completely free hand and there will no regulation of them. Brexit and Trump have panicked them into increasing extremism. In their narrow, parochial, little world, their supporters will be egging them on. It would never occur to them that their antics may be alienating some people who previously gave them the benefit of the doubt. Just guessing.
Grant – at the moment no “mainstream” major politicians have twigged that there are votes to be had (like Trump had) in taking these bastards on.
But I dont think now it would take much for a sea change in political opinion. And like a stockmarket crash, once one major politician starts to make major condemnations of the BBCs conduct, like all self serving gutless bastards, everyone will start rushing for the exit.
And hopefully it would be – bye, bye Aunty – you lying old whore!
This is an interesting article on Trump, May, trade deals and Brexit.
I note that last night on Late Night Women’s Hour, Laura Perrins Conservative MP played along with the feminist (read anti-equality) echo-chamber
Yet I see in November she wrote this essay : Liberal feminist bullying sparked the Trump backlash
The Labour MP TulipSiddiq looked desperately for sleaze, then what she did was say yeh she found something in the friends of people the Conservative MP follows and took delight in reeling off a couple which are not just the normal counter-Lefty, but fringe nutcase ones no one really takes any notice of, the kind that could be false flag.
She herself follows Guardian and BBC, and thought that’s enough to cover the world, cos Perrins follows the Telegraph and the Times and was horrified TulipSiddiq doesn’t but she countered “You see BBC/Guardian cover stories in them so I don’t have to look at them.”
Both showed themselves to be living in the Metro and WestMinster bubbleworlds, cos they think Twitter reflects reality. They were both comfortable in the Woman’s Hour Bubbleworld, which divides the population in two, saying all women are victims.
Just as a point of information, Laura Perrins isn’t an MP. She is a former barrister and currently co-edits the excellent Conservative Woman.
Agreed-a very good website, and Laura etc are entitled to play it as they like.
Our friends may be Gisela, Toby Keith and Johathan Meades these days-if they`ve got minds of their own and are right on the bigger things, then let them pass.None of this purity stuff. Heck, even have to like Liz Hurley and the lads out of Bucks Fizz these days!
I meant to add in TulipSiddiq’s “tolerant”, “liberal” Left world you can easily see people being very hateful and throwing words around like fascist. and devaluing them.
Is there some way of counting how many complaints have been sent to the bBBC about Laura Kuenssberg’s appalling behaviour in the Prime Minister/ President press conference?
I rather suspect the BBC will deem that exempted, especially if it is a big number.
But worth asking.
CECUTT drones need the O/T.
I wonder if the BBC/Left see her as a heroine who took on Trump in his lair?
Let’s see if she stays?
I see Co-Editor of The Conservative Woman Kathy Gyngell has some interesting posts
I don’t have time to verify this, but I read our Treezer knowingly invited Kuenssberg with a T to ask her insulting imbecilic questions?
If so, eternal shame on you Treezer.
You’re quite right Peter – Mrs May looked out at the the journalists assembled in front of her and Mr Trump, locked her eyes on Kuenssberg and simply said ‘Laura’, signifying with a hand wave that the wretched hack should ask her questions. It was very noticeable and still mystifies me, that May would know full well what sort of biased tripe was about to be flung at her. I’d like to think her reasoning was to get the worst out of the way early on – it’s a shame we didn’t get to see what questions followed Kuenssberg’s.
This mornings news led with Donald Trump somehow making the Statue of Liberty cry what with his fussing over IS plants coming into the USA.
This evenings recent news tells me of the usual acronyms and victim truffling hogs of liberal media and law firms that tell me that Iranians are getting thrown out of planes at 35,000 feet-I exaggerate, but not by THAT much.
Wall to wall crap-how are any of these stories ANY of our business, unless its to stir Muslims and trash Trump?
This is ALL that the BBC want now-we have got to slough them off, and fast.
Why the hell would Muslims want to go to the USA now that the hideous Trump is in charge-don`t they KNOW how bad things are now going to be from now on?
I suspect this is going to backfire on the BBC. A lot of people in the UK are going to be thinking and saying: ‘So why can’t we keep the lunatics out?’
With regards to ““Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”, Chris, the Don should just agree to take as many of the aforementioned as have the Saudis and other Gulf States, who could possibly find fault with that arrangement?
‘Bout time the BBC got hacked. All those Russians at a loose end post the US election?
BBC Online News:
“”Theresa May fails to condemn Donald Trump on refugees””
Why use the word ‘fail’?
Because the BBC sees May not condemning Trump for his decision as a Failure?
Because in the eyes of the BBC/Left, anything that prevents the free global movement of people is wrong and therefore a failure.
I’m afraid America sees this country as Islam ‘loving’ with Muslims in positions at every level and vast ghettoised areas where Sharia rules.
So BBC – Do you REALLY think a condemnation would have had any effect in America and on Trump – get bent.
When I saw that headline on BBC News 24 I headed straight to the computer to comment – and you beat me to it Dover. What a disgrace. How dare they say she failed. The headline should be “May SUCCEEDS in not condemning Trump on refugees”
The BBC is wetting itself over the couple of immigrants not allowed into the USA – who the heck cares. And I saw more outrage over his policy of prioritising Syrian Christians into the USA. Sensible idea – at least they won’t want to blow people up or chop heads off. The BBC really makes me fume. Coming on top of the Kusseburg disgrace they really need to be taken off the air with immediate effect. Come on May – sort this treachery out.
As usual I expect the BBC also failed to mention that many of our Syrian refugees seem to have originated from North Africa.
But I suppose in the world of the BBC if they look like North Africans, walk like North Africans then they must be ……………………………. Syrians?
I’ll add a word “Theresa May fails to PUBLICLY condemn Donald Trump on refugees”
..They have no idea what she said in private
..BTW the US still takes refugees, but just not from a list of 8 countries.
Any Muslims post on this site? – Thought not.
I’m not as lobsters are haram! Particularly gay ones!
Ok, so I’m abit bored sitting in on a Saturday.
So….I thought I’d send a complaint into the BBC.
Might of been abit ranty. See below. Hopefully some lefties will at least find some amusement in it:
Boring biased anti Trump, anti leaving the EU, anti England
Pro Obama, pro EU, pro Muslim, pro lesbian man hating, pro transgender, pro labour.
So fed up of the constant drivel leaking out of every orifice of every left wing BBC employee.
This should be a subscription service not a forced licence fee.
Go Fuck yourselves you Fucking Cunts. Go & get a black dildo & get in a group & each of you Fuck your arses with it in front of each other. Pretend it’s Obama.
Every one of you lefties deserves to live in a 3rd world Muslim backwater if you love it so much.
You want to make England a 3rd world country by inviting so many immigrants in.
Your evil is only slightly more than your stupidity.
Every one of you get the Fuck out of England & Fuck off to a land so filled with brown people that you’ll feel at home.
I see it’s reported that Kuenssberg’s father Nick Kuenssberg a big businessman is a long time Scottish Labour Party donor and former chairman of Scottish Institute of Directors.
..So I suppose he would be pleased by her anti-Tory work AND her anti-Corbyn work
…Pro Corbyn site Media Lens list .. another conspiracy guys throws some accusations at her father
(Of course her anti-Corbyn bits could be just cover)
If I search Twitter for recent complaint’s full of of people complaing about the BBC leaving Sherlock’s gay romance hanging up in the air.
Just because her father is Labour , doesn’t mean that Laura is not a Tory. And, naturally, she went to a private fee-paying school.
He could be a Tory now for all I know, she herself is biased to BBC grouthink IMHO
BTW 5 mins after doing a twitter search on her 642 brand new tweets mentioning her came in, mostly tweets from Turkey insulting her for something she said
A tweets digging at Trump and Erdogan for having golden lifts (Erdogan’s is yellow)
“Theresa May fails to condemn Donald Trump on refugees”
Now just who condemns ?
Notice there is a reluctance to include a HYS on certain topics ?
Theresa May ‘fails to follow bBBC dogma’ I think, is what this headline is ‘reporting’. What she did say when asked, was that US immigration policy is the responsibility of the US. ‘Fails to condemn’ as you point out taffman, could only apply if one holds a viewpoint opposed to those of the democratically elected leader of the United States. Ummmm….which of course the BBC does. There is no pretense, or subtlety, nor even veiled or nuanced language required by the bBBC anymore, it is off the leash, and feels free to attack unfettered with impunity on any viewpoint or belief contrary to it’s own editorial posturing. This is true, not just in the newsrooms, but in commisioning, BBC branding, and it’s staffing.
Trump argument bolstered: Clinton could have received 800,000 votes from noncitizens
No mention from the BBC and the figures may yet be conservative as the Washington Post isn’t exactly Trump friendly.
Whoa, your link isn’t the Post, it’s the Washington Times, a political opposite,
whoops! My bad!
No big deal…These things happen..easy mistake.
BBC Online News:
“‘Trump has not seen our suffering'”
“”Syrian refugees in Jordan express sadness at President Trump’s order to temporarily ban refugees from entering the US””
An unbiased BBC would ask why these refugees think they have a right to live in the USA when they are now in a safe muslim country.
But the BBC/Left is biased. And seeks open borders along with the Left.
Or they could point to Obama’s ban on Haitian refugees entering the US in 2010.
“The Obama administration has taken extraordinary measures to prevent desperate Haitians from entering the US since a January 12 earthquake devastated the Caribbean nation … Five US Coast Guard ships have joined US Navy vessels deployed off Haiti’s coast … to stop any Haitians who might attempt to escape.”
“Theresa May in Turkey: UK agrees £100m defence deal”
More good news ‘despite’ Brexit.
Given that Erdogan is steeped up to his armpits in blood, unlike Trump, I expect the BBC to condemn this visit apart from one thing, his religion. Let’s hope the BBC surprise me.
BBC Online News:
“”The deaf Iraqi boy facing deportation from UK””
He’s being deported to GERMANY for good reason. What’s the issue BBC?
Trying to stir up a sympathetic storm with a bogus headline?
Pilger labels the Neoliberal Guardian, BBC, NYT anti journalism.
Saturday night – Casualty Gay Fest . 0.1% of the population are gay but I have to have it thrown down my throat on a Saturday night?
0.1% of the population Gay? Perhaps you would cite your sources on that one, because the last I saw it was slightly less than 2% !
Massively less than the 25% the media appears to have convinced the public there is, but massively more than your figure too.
“In 2015, 1.7% of the UK population identified themselves as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB)”.
UK – Office for National Statistics – claimed to be a robust study compared to NGO guesstimates
The last figures I saw, T, from the ONS gave a figure of 1.5% for the UK. The long derided Kinsey report, which gave a figure of 10% of the US population, who admitted to being gay. The problem with this report is that Kinsey only poled, (not a euphemism) around 300 people who, as I read a long time ago in general studies as a mature student, were white collar (read middle class), white males incarcerated in US prisons. A group, for whatever reason seem to be over represented in the US prison system.
1.5% 2013 study. 1.7% larger 2015 study
The buggers must be breeding, Stew. 🙂 …just donning jacket…
Imports or people who can’t make up their mind
Whatever the percentage actually is (and I defy any attempts to claim certainty)I think we can all agree that the BBC actively over-represents it on our screens and does so very deliberately. I doubt they would even deny it.
BBC over-represents, GC? I caught an old episode of QI recently, 1 “quzmaster” and 4 panelists; the show was 80% LGBT.
Well ‘hugely over-represents’ if you prefer. Certainly, Saturday nights are a gay ol’ time….
I was wondering if someone would get that.
I caught a new one with Sandy Tosfig. Sue Perkins and that gay vicar. I missed the 147 non gay panelists to comply with BBC quotas. Nothing against gays, they have a number of highly talented comedians and actors and the like; but quotas are quotas, at least if the victims are straight white folk.
It’s no secret that homosexuals have always been drawn to the stage so we have always had, and probably always will have, a disproportionately high number of actors, presenters and the like who are of that persuasion.
Personally, I don’t have a problem with that and I don’t think most intelligent people have, either. What I do get bored to tears by is their monomania about the subject.
If they are so badly adjusted that the only thing that matters in their lives is their sexuality, then they have got issues best dealt with by a psychotherapist, not by this endless, boring self-exposure in the media.
All the minority groups are now getting an awfully large share of programming output. This week, the Doctors (afternoon drama) portrayed a very tall ‘person’ with an extremely deep voice dressed in female clothing, judging a baking competition ! I’m all for watching actors/actresses with disabilities perform their job, and why shouldn’t they, but tv and production companies giving a platform to all and sundry in the belief that the viewing public should accept it all as ‘normal’ really pisses me off. Much has been commented on here about the advertising world and their preference for mixed race relationships, and now every oddity in the book is being beamed into every home.
In reality, its on the tele where I only see mixed race relationships and an abundance of black and ethnic minorities. Not much of that around where I live. But it would be a real novelty now to see an all white family portrayed now and again ! Because I’m the one feeling discriminated against ! who do I complain to ?
Holby city does it . But its not only BBC Half the village of Emmerdales appears to be inhabited by gays as does Coronation Street. Its not surprising because the entertainment industry is staffed by many gays.
Do I want to watch it? not particularly so I switch off.
Whatever the actual percentage is the fact remains that it is a tiny amount of the population and a place on prime time TV is out of proportion given the myriad tv stations available these days.
TV is no longer in the business of entertainment, education or information, Tony. TV, the bBBC in particular, sees itself as some sort of God, with a mission to change the way we think and feel about ourselves and create a new world it in its own image in the process.
Exactly, and I suspect that they are failing.
We can but hope, Grant. Any news from the family?
My family ? They are all safe and the party is still going on !
Good to hear, Grant.
Many thanks for your concern. It is the biggest event in Gambian history and Trump is not the only new President who is moving fast. Barrow is close behind him. he can’t move into State House yet because Jammeh booby-trapped it, including putting toxic chemicals in the air-con system. I could say much more, but not the place really, but thanks anyway.
Most welcome, Grant.
I wonder why we haven’t heard much about it from our envy of the world broadcaster? These African presidents eh, real rascals, they certainly know how to step down gracefully and hand over power.
Well, I suppose little Gambia is not that important and it came at the same time as Trump. Generally, the BBC Website reporting was fair, but there was nothing really for them to be biased about.
The did keep referring to tourist hotels in Banjul where there are none !
Barrow gave a speech today and I laughed when he said about the National Intelligence Agency ( NIA , part of whose duties were torture, and I am not talking about waterboarding ), ” We are going to re-name and re-train the NIA ).
He is coming over as a black Trump, albeit a laid-back version !
I read somewhere else today that Janet Daley (one of only two writers I miss from the Telegraph) has just said much the same thing. The BBC sees its duty being to ‘enlighten’ us, which doesn’t mean tell us the truth, but to persuade us to its Left liberal cause.
It will not change, and cannot be changed. We are just going to have to get it shut down.
Now just what do the ‘Trustees’ of Al Beeb and Animal Farm do in their ‘Title role’?
@GC You read it at the top of this page.
– It’s Saturday, maybe you’ve had a drink !
BTW I’m listing to Richard Spendlove across BBC Eastern counties. A old time show that caters to its audience by putting political correctness in the bin.
No drink (sadly). On the rare occasions I get the time to read or post these days I flick back and forth between here and Going Postal. I sometimes forget what appeared where.
Thanks for the, um. ‘fact check’.
Quite agree. It’s one long “campaign” to improve us proles – entertainment seems to have gone out of the window.
Having said that, I listened to “Museum of Curiosities” last Tuesday morning and amazed I’d really enjoyed it! And then it struck me. For 30 minutes the BBC had actually managed to entertain and inform me WITHOUT dragging in one of their many agenda-driven topics ie racism, fascism, sexism, islamaphobia, the Demon Trump.
How did this particular programme slip through their editing net?
Still hardly any posts about Al Beeb’s right wing bias on this site.
What does that tell you ?
A shortage of microscopes so as to find any, perhaps?
On The World Tonight on Radio 4 they are in meltdown over Trump’s ban. They interview an interpreter who had worked for the USA during a war and a transgender woman – totally atypical immigrants. A transgender Muslim! Ultimate victim status! The BBC must have thought they were in paradise when they interviewed her!
Doubtless that`ll be the one that Channel 4 found the other day in Lebanon.
Due to move to America, but now Trump seems not to want Muslim transgender people.
“Her” Parents will kill her when they find “her” apparently-so the BBC are good enough to tell us all that “she” is in Lebanon-the Arab Street will doubtless do the rest.
Why does ANYBODY tell the BBC anything? These lefty types enjoy a corpse they`ve created or inflated to serve The Cause.
Jo Cox or Millie Dowler?…all are fair game.
Saw the New York Times today-they don`t like President Trump do they?
Hope he`ll sort and slot the liberal hate rags like the NYT/BBC.
The government needs to shut this rubbish down quickly, if necessary by pulling the plug on the transmitters, because it has become the equivalent of Lord Haw Haw in the second world war. Despite any pretence, it appears totally unaccountable and continues to go its own sweet way. It fails to represent the views of the British people in any subject it chooses to broadcast on. When it broadcasts internally it is bad enough – corrupting our society with its perverted propaganda; but when its smug so-called journalists go abroad and defecate all over our would-be allies upon whom we depend for security and economic prosperity it crosses the line between being merely a subversive, corrupt broadcaster, and being a wilful disrupter of our national Foreign Policy. The only word to describe this is Treachery. An urgent Emergency Powers Order is required; the Director General and his retinue need to be interned immediately; lower levels of management should be dismissed and the rest need to undergo urgent re-education to remind them who they serve. Whilst this is going on, the whole organisation needs to be taken off the air. The libtards will of course protest. If necessary get the army in and do the job properly. Fuck ’em.
No government of any of the main parties will shut down the BBC. We will have to shut down the government. The way we will do that is by voting for a party that accurately represents the electorate.
The problem is, do we have one? I had hopes for UKIP but without Nigel Farage it’s a mess.
If the BBC was an American broadcaster and publicly funded, Trump would stop its funding straightaway. We need a leader here with the same honesty. I agree – there is no one who has the resolution to get a grip on it.
Perhaps someone should ask Brendan O’Neill to write an article entitled “When the Fourth Estate becomes the Fifth Column.”
1. Farage is very aware of BBC left-wing bias.
2. Farage advises Trump.
3. Trump advises May.
4. ?
The bbc… biased? Surely not?
BBC Newsbeat
When Molly-Mae tweeted a picture mocking President Trumps’ abortion bill signing, she had no idea how viral it was going to go…
See, totally ramping things down.
Dover Sentry
4. May and Tories take heed, or UKIP will take more and more Labour and Conservative votes at the next By-Election
UKIP will get 4 million votes in the Stoke by-election…and come fourth after the SNP.
Why is the BBC asking Treezer questions about Trump at a press conference in Turkey ? The Turks will take that as an insult and rightly so. In Turkey that would be considered incredibly bad mannered.
UKIP is the ‘person of colour’ in the woodpile.
(How many barriers of ‘political correctness’ have I transgressed with this comment?).
It takes much more than that to get blocked from this site !
I chuckle at the thought of Guy Gibson’s dog being referred to as a ‘dog of colour’ in the film the Dam Busters. BUT in the remake it was re-named as ‘Digger’ (by Stephen Fry).
Don’t forget Joseph Conrad ” Person of Colour of the Narcissus “.
BBC Main Headline – “May Fails to condemn Trump of refugees”.
The word “fail” attaches negative connotations to May’s decision. The BBC are taking sides once again, therefore neglecting their responsibilities as stated within their charter. This will continue to happen so long as a system remains that fails to hold the BBC to account.
Exactly. Several of us have now noticed the same thing independently. This was a shockingly biased choice of word that was carefully planned as it appeared on both BBC News website and the rolling news bar at the bottom of News 24.
Shock / horror. A politician who actually intends to carry our his manifesto commitments. This is an outrageous break with political protocol that goes back hundreds of years.
I remember so well the chortling and chattering classes that infest the BBC telling us that Trump would disappoint his “blue collar”supporters. He wasn’t going to really build a wall, what nonsense! He couldn’t possibly ban people from certain countries simply because, as Germany well knows, those countries are exporting ISIS murderers.
Merkel’s poor suffering people have endured three Muslim terrorist attacks in the last year, due to that idiot woman’s pro refugee, virtue signalling actions that clearly led to the murders of numerous German citizens.
“He can’t possibly do it,” they smirked, “He’s nothing but a windbag,” they laughed.
Well, as as we can all now see he is doing it; in fact he’s done it.
And as the great Nigel once said.
They’re not laughing now…
BBC Online News:
“”Trump executive order: Refugees detained at US airports””
“”Announcing the measures at the Pentagon on Friday, the president said “we will never forget the lessons of 9/11”.
“”But none of the 11 hijackers were from the seven countries affected by the measures – they mostly had Saudi Arabian citizenship””
The BBC willfully twist Trump’s comments about 9/11.
Is Treezer weakening?
No HYS ? (yet)
Sorry to go back to Casualty but we watched it tonight for a laugh and probably for the first time in at least 5 years ( only watch BBC about 10 times a year so between us it just cost £29 to watch!)
Not at all bothered about the gay stuff , but what an absolute load of old b@ll#cks . Since when has a blood transfusion been administered without using a pump ? Glad to see the hourly obs being done .
In an entire programme supposedly based in an A + E unit they only had two patients , plus an elderly couple pictured briefly sitting in the background . And Charlie and Duffy getting married – the writers are clearly scraping the very bottom of the barrel for storylines !
Don’t think we’ll be watching that tripe for the next 5 years .
“Shadow Welsh secretary quits over Brexit vote”……
I don’t think many Welsh people really care.
Interesting HYS – but its closed now , Just after the final comment. I wonder why ?
Worth posting the opinion that seemed to trigger the BBC so:
1574. FRED X
28 Jan 2017 23:58
Alternative headline perhaps we should have had:
This can only help calm the waters:
Looks like Nick agrees with Laura
I for one really look forward to governance by BBC supported SJW and activist mob rule in future.
Can Laura really stay silent ?
@Guest Who
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Definitely touched a nerve then!
Treezer on a sticky wicket here.
Owen Jones is threatening to kick off if President Trump enjoys the same courtesies as Owen’s favourite crane operators, and IIRC, when Treezer was Home Secretary, all it needed was a few key trigger groups to influence policy by threat to see her ban folk from simply speaking freely. Which seemed to suit them just fine.
Funny old world.
I bet Laura would approve. Is she going into politics soon?
Laura K, “Can the PM really remain silent”?
The real question is -Can Laura keep her big mouth shut?
I cannot believe the first thing I heard this morning, [BBC News 24]
More grumbling about Theresa not taking President Trump to task.
Complete with clips of her sitting happily alongside Erdogan.
I’m not sure even Orwell could have envisaged this.
I don’t hear much about whether Treezer tackled the appalling human rights abuses by that animal Erdogan in Turkey. That is far more serious than anything Trump has done. And I do not see the BBC making a fuss about this. Could it be because the bastard is a muslim ?
I really think we need to do more than pull the plug on this cheap propaganda outfit. They should also be stripped of their title. “British”
If only they were “cheap” !
“They should also be stripped of their title. “British” ”
I bet they hate having the word “British” in the title anyway. Given the choice they would ditch that vile, racist, homophobic, sexist, islamophobic word in an instant. The only British thing they actively welcome is the funding from the hard-working British people that keeps them supplied with their organic skinny frappes and massive pension funds.
Does Treezer have a mind of her own ?
It comes as no surprise that ‘Paddy’ O’Connell on R4 is majoring on Trump’s migrant initiative (which sensibly seeks to establish proper vetting of muslims wishing to enter his country), and is having little meltdowns over it. The usual balance has been shown by the invitation of two special guest to discuss the topic: namely, John Rentoul of the Independent, and Labour supporter, and Zoe Williams of the Guardian, and Labour supporter. That’s when the ‘off’ button was pressed, so I can only guess how the conversation went.
Martin, I wonder if you lasted longer than I did? I heard the introductions and about 1 minute of Zoe and then switched off. I am listening to less and less Radio 4. Between the bias about Brexit and Trump there is apparently nothing else happening in the world. What is happening in Syria, Calais or boats sinking in the Med? The BBC has moved on.
Harman on Andrew Marr show preaching about how Theresa has to be careful when it comes to dealing with Donald Trump! My God who gives a fldlers fart what she thinks. Button off before I vomit.
But presumebly not with Putin or Erdogan ? People like Harmon are sick.
Ha yes.
Harman was actually on the ‘show’ promoting her new book – should go up a treat with the kindling and the effigy of Flabbott! Not that I would waste any of my hard earned coffers on it!!
Did they ask Harman about her support for the Paedophile Information Exchange and if she still supports paedophilia ? I would have thought they would as it is a subject close to the BBC’s heart.
Not a word was mentioned about that.
Double standards. Do as I say not do as I do.
Watching Nige now – thank goodness for him.
Yes, I was watching. Nigel is superb. In reality he is the Leader of the opposition and the only politician in the UK with balls.
Nigel PM of Great Britain?
Go for it !
I know it’s slightly off-topic but Sky News have, since very early this morning, back-peddled like a drunken circus clown on a broken mono-cycle on the story they first purported as real news which has subsequently been demoted to the category of fake news in that the Prime Minister condemned the Trump stance on Syrian refugees. No she didn’t. She distinguished the difference between the US and the UK policies.
What the BBC are not informing the public over Trump’s passport decision is that there are sixteen countries that have, for many years forbidden admission to Israeli passport holders:
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Trump is pro Isreal. These countries are clearly anti Isreal. Some of these countries are countries that Trump has named that he does not want their citizens to enter the USA.Trump is doing exactly what these countries are doing to Isreal.
I can’t hear the BBC saying this!
I don’t hear the left standing up and speaking up for the Isreali citizens ability to travel freely about the world.
Could it it be that Trump is defending Israel and its values? Could it be that Trump is just trying to protect what he sees as American values by being intolerant and decisive. Trump is challenging and trying to expose the surreptitious lefties as being what they are, devious and selective of the facts, idealist and supportive of a belief system centred upon a fairy dairy land of wonderfulment and hypocritical virtue signalling?
I would suggest that Trump has seen the disaster that has befallen countries who have opened their doors to the socialist EU project, freely allowing Muslim miscreants to enter and witnessed their inherent historic, generational cultures destroyed. Countries like Sweden, Holland and Norway.
In my eyes Trump is just protecting his country against the worlwide threat of Islamisation.
Well done Donald. Keep up the good work.
As Trump slices and dices, just as he promised his electorate, we are now seeing our “liberal” media in all of their true colours. That the BBC has clearly abandoned any notion of complying with its new Royal Charter, which came into effect on the 1st of January this year, we need look no further for confirmation than Kuenssberg’s question at the White House press conference. Did that question meet one of the key public purposes of the BBC namely “To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them:” and secondly did that question from the BBC’s Political editor meet the Charter requirement to “provide content to the highest editorial standard”. I would argue that any question which is designed to insult a serving US President and undermine UK/US discussions meets neither criteria. Of course the BBC is now accountable to no-one but themselves, and certainly not the tax payers who fund them. We can only hope, however, that Mrs May is finally getting the message with regard to the damage which the BBC is deliberately causing.
Meanwhile on Brexit, the BBC continues its on-going efforts to undermine public confidence in the British economy. This morning we had as one headline item on televised BBC news a report from ” an independent think tank” that prospects for the British economy are gloomy this year. That “independent” think tank, the Resolution Foundation has as its Director Torsten Bell, formerly Director of Policy for the Labour Party and a special adviser at the Treasury to Alistair Darling. Mr Bell is also having another say today in the Guardian’s sister newspaper the Observer.
Did the BBC describe it as a “Left-wing think tank” ?
Grant: No they didn’t. Actually you have to dig a bit through the Resolution website to find the Spotlight article in question. Most of the piece actually concerns 2016 living standards which may have grown at the the fastest pace in the UK since 2001. Needless to say this material is not included in the BBC piece. They seized on the the statement that ” new Resolution Foundation analysis of official forecasts for pay and inflation shows that we are on course for fast, significant and repeated falls in real earnings growth early in the New Year. ”
Before broadcasting this, you might wonder whether BBC editors looked at the Foundation’s forecasting record. But then again perhaps you wouldn’t.
I suspect the BBC would know it was Left-wing. If they do not call something Right-wing, then you know it must be Left-wing.
The bbc is the only opposition party.
But that’s not what they are meant to be about.
Therein lies the problem.
Especially as they are unaccountable and cannot be voted out for not delivering per service agreement and performance. In perpetuity.
No way would I tune in to any BBC broadcasts today ,not that I do much anyway.
Never forget there is a silent majority out there who are heartily sick of being lectured by the likes of Harman,Laura K and their ilk.
Trump is doing exactly what he said he would.That in itself must be a shock to lying politicians.
He can do this because he is his own person not tied to any donors or special interests.He is indeed putting his country first.
They should all watch and learn.
“They should all watch and learn.” – and fear the long-term repercussions for themselves?
Credit where due,
Benoit Hamon is referred to as the “left-wing Benoit Hamon”
I’d like to see the BBC dig a little deeper and find the moral strength to overcome their collective and bigoted denial/mental block regarding the existence of a political ‘far left’ and begin using the tag where appropriate, we may then see a little honesty in their political coverage. Further into the article we have a link to “What makes Marine Le Pen far right?”, yawn yawn.
Ciera Taylor: ‘I’m happy and proud to be trans’
The bbc do seem to have an unnatural and compulsively worrying interest in young people, sexual issues and those who can’t work out whether they are Arthur or Martha.
“she told her parents she was born in the wrong body”
I know that the NHS is stretched right now but this is ridiculous. Maybe this could form the basis of a storyline for an episode of ‘Call the Midwife’ to explain how such a mistake could have been made.
Yes , these are very unhealthy obsessions of the BBC’s. I certainly don’t encounter it in my day-to-day life.
In the case of Ciera, whose body would she like to have been born in and who cares ? Surely, it should be a personal matter ?
“The bbc do seem to have an unnatural and compulsively worrying interest in young people, sexual issues and those who can’t work out whether they are Arthur or Martha.”
It’s in their, “Jim’ll Fix It” genes.
“Upset and afraid’ Glasgow vet caught in US flight ban”
I would be more afraid to travel to Iran, wouldn’t you ?
She Looks a ‘wee bonny lass’ though ?
There will be many cases like this that are frankly ridiculous. She should be allowed for common-sense reasons to travel back the way she’d booked. That’s the problem with blanket bans. This is what Trump promised, but he should have allowed a 90-day sorting-out period for cases like this. All new applications to be denied. Cases like this make Trump look like a lefty trying to ban people for no reason (in their case they want to ban all people from Israel travelling).
You may be right, but my default position these days is to presume there’s something we’re not being told.
It is ok, she is a vet. It is only muslim doctors who launch terror attacks. I guess there were a lot of upset and afraid people at Glasgow Airport a few years back.
Actually, she isn’t a vet. She’s a postgraduate student at Glasgow University. But you have to dig almost to the end of the bBBC article to discover that.
So not fake, just a bit not fully truthy?
Still, lucky she had not brought any equine statuary from that neck of the woods.
Comments could be going better
BBC Website says she is a vet ! Fake news from the BBC as usual !
On the same web-page…
” The truth of knife crime in UK cities”
The sibilant Ed Thomas goes to Liverpool, and guess what colour the knife-carriers are?
Ha! 😉
Monitoring the ALL the media now, I am of the opinion that Trump has really upset their mind set! – ‘The Swamp’ does not like being drained, they are ‘screaming and screaming’ and ‘throwing all their toys out of the pram’.