Laura Kuenssberg ably demonstrates the arrogant mindset, negativity and contempt for Trump that the BBC is famous for as she asks the crassest and most out of place question possible claiming that she speaks for Britain telling Trump that Britain is alarmed by some of his beliefs…#notinmyname. The BBC does not speak for Britain on so many major issues which is precisely why Brexit happened…..the arrogance, corruption and contempt of the so-called elite for the great unwashed.
I posted this from Janet Daley earlier but I think it is worth posting again in light of Kuenssberg’s faux pas…
The BBC foists on us a skewed version of reality
The news media are engaged in a political argument about whether the purpose of journalism is to report the world as it is or to purvey an idealised view
So this is where the bigger question comes in: what is the dissemination of news for? For the BBC – by which I mean, for those who decide these things at the corporation – there is little doubt that the function of news broadcasting is to enlighten the public. I use that word advisedly, in its specialised sense, meaning not simply to inform but to “free from prejudice and superstition”.
BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices. Its coverage of issues in which it believes such prejudices to be rife – immigration, for example – is intended to be instructional and, specifically corrective of what its managers think of, and describe openly in conversation, as the influence of the “Right-wing press”.
The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.
Now’s your chance to make your own voices heard…another open thread…all yours….
Its honestly refreshing to see a politician deliver almost immediately what he promised in his election mandate. We have been ‘promised’ for decades the reduction of immigration without so much as a sniff, with excuses for not doing so ranging from staffing problems to the legal implications. With the stroke of a pen and within a week of taking office, Trump has ‘delivered’ – no farting about or waiting for the niceties to be discussed, he has taken control to protect his country. How the ‘man in the street’ (and I’m not talking e/m’s here) would love that to happen here. We can only hope that this gives the impetus for those voting in the elections across Europe this year, to see that they too have the power to stop the hordes of refugees entering via the Mediterranean – although a wall would be a tad difficult !
We can now look forward to a dramatic increase of the 2016 figures as those targeting the US to Islamicise, re-adjust their sights to focus on Europe because that is well underway.
Surely, it puts Trump at odds with the UN and Soros and their desire to flood the developed world with third worlders? Make no bones about it, the vast majority of the US population voted for this.
For me, I’m glad that Treezer’s condemnation of the very welcome Trump policy related to so-called, “Refugees” and Muslims is more than adumbration of the Government’s position in signalling, ‘Third-World, you are welcome here’, Merkel style. Clearly she will not follow the mantra of the failed ex-PM, Cameron, when he forecast reducing immigration to the ‘tens of thousands’. In declining to follow Cameron’s lead, she is demonstrating her absolute support for the UN Refugee policy to flood Europe with third worlders to once-and-for-all alter the cultural balance of the European states and the UK. Can anyone genuinely visualise an end to the, roughly, 330,000 third worlders entering the UK annually?
We are being lectured today by the likes of Paddy Pantsdown and Jezza Corbyn as to why Trump’s state visit should be cancelled. I’ve also heard from wee Timmy Farron instructing us on why we should stay in the EU and continue to have open borders.
Do these people still not understand? Nobody, other than the liberal media, gives a rat’s arse for your opinions. The Lib-Dems are an irrelevance and Jezza’s Labour Party is a rapidly diminishing bad joke.
Labour are the rusty old steam engine in an age of electricity. We don’t need you to constantly vent your spleen about Mr Trump and Brexit. It really is like a bunch of fleas instructing the dog they’re living on as to which lamppost he visits.
And now on “Peston” there’s the mega smug, Chukka (if I was made of chocolate I’d eat myself) Umunna. It seems like there’s a competition to cram the words “Islamophobia” “xenophobia” and “misogynist” all in the same sentence. He’s rabidly anti Trump. He’s anti Brexit. Tell us something we didn’t know.
Chukka, you’re the MP for Streatham. I used to live there. I managed to escape. Once decent neighbourhoods have become Somali ghettos. It’s an absolute shit-hole.
Concentrate on doing something about that.
They are just sad, bad losers. Now irrelevant, except to the BBC.
Problem for us, there’s no one person or organisation to rally around. We flounder when we should be capitalising on the current US force for change. ‘No more EU migrants’ – Marine Le Pen? Geert Wilders? Where’s our equivalent?
Well I would have thought that Nigel is the best we have.
Admitted, but he has taken a back seat now. If there were any signs of him stepping ‘up front’ again I’d support him.
Treezer does not agree with Trump’s ban on refugees. But the BBC and a couple of Tory MPs with connections to the Middle East have condemned her for not standing up to Trump even more. Perhaps Treezer should send a warship to tame this Yank.
My goodness. The BBC are suggesting that Sir Mo might be put in a wagon and booted out.
Perhaps he can come here and pay some taxes.
‘There are also concerns that British athletes such as Sir Mo Farah, who lives in the US but was was born in Somalia, and former Team GB basketball player Luol Deng, who was born in Sudan and now plays with the Los Angeles Lakers, could be affected’.
Message to Treezer, learn the lesson. No matter how much you appease the BBC they will want more.
“No matter how much you appease the BBC they will want more.”
V.G.! 🙂
Let them ‘eat cake’ and go commercial. Scrap the Telly Tax now .
Excellent post Jeff. Still chuckling at this……..Chukka (if I was made of chocolate I’d eat myself) Umunna. Well sussed.
GWF….. My goodness. The BBC are suggesting that Sir Mo might be put in a wagon and booted out.
Perhaps he can come here and pay some taxes.
‘There are also concerns that British athletes such as Sir Mo Farah, who lives in the US but was was born in Somalia, and former Team GB basketball player Luol Deng, who was born in Sudan and now plays with the Los Angeles Lakers, could be affected’…..
Its only the media who will cry crocodile tears over this. Unlikely that SIR Mo will become stateless, not with a British passport safely in his back pocket. He’s unlikely to return to his country of birth which advertisers are constantly begging for money for water and children.
Sir Mohammed if you please Brissles.
Why have any of these athletes been given a British passport when none of them live or pay tax here.Does Mo get funds from the British sports authorities .? Why isn’t he living here .Other athletes manage to train here.
Good question. The rules are very tough,in theory, and I should know as my Gambian wife and I gave up, thank goodness. But Mo’s father was born in UK and is a British Subject and Mo came here when he was about 8 , so probably ok. But they are continually changing the rules. I can say from personal experience the system is a total shambles and, if I had known at the time, I would have not wasted time and money on it.
Just having a little read here about the illegal voter fraud. Is auntie covering this?
Friends! My Sunday Selection of Tweets is now – literally – available!
Friend Dave S. has – literally – agreed to play the organ, and all is literally well in the world … or rather, would be, were it not for the vicious Fascist Trump and Hard-Right Brexit, plus a few million other things which are causing those of us on the Progressive Lefty to be – literally – revolting!
Where’s the leftie march to protest about this ban?
According to a poll shown by Sophie Ridge interviewing the ridiculous Tiny Tim Farron, those saying that the Brexit vote was the right decision is still 52%, whereas those thinking it a bad idea has dropped to 39% with 9% don’t knows. If they were split pro-rata then the Yes would jump to 57-58%.
Timmy ridiculously claimed that it was still the same and only a tiny margin in favour (a near dead-heat or something he claimed). Sophie did her best but it is really difficult to argue against plain stupidity.
I’m sure, using figures, you could prove that black was white. A majority, though remains a majority.
The poll is clearly showing that support for Brexit is increasing, Farron is just a talking arse. People now know that the Remainders lied, lied and lied again and the sky didn’t cave in with a Brexit vote.
Tim ‘Nice-but-Dim’ is the leader of the only party with ‘democrat’ in their name, but doesn’t know the meaning of the word.
He doesn’t understand “Liberal” in its original meaning either. That’s why people with truly liberal views (mainly on the right) have to call themselves Libertarians to distinguish themselves from extremely illiberal Liberals.
If you have to CALL yourselves Democratic-chances are you`re anything but.
The GDR(former East Germany) being the obvious mockery…but include DPRK which is North Korea.
No prizes for guessing what the “D” stands for in both cases.
Fuck Farron.
Ironically the Democrat part of the Lib Dems was from their merger with the SDP which for its short life was more democratic than the Labour Party from whence they came. The democratic side was lost the instant they were taken over by the “Liberal” Party. Only David Owen stayed true to his democratic principles.
Demon – I think Liberal Dhimmicrats is probably more apt.
Muslims have a priority or duty to live in an Islamic state, under Sharia with the stoning, burning and beheading.
There remains the blatantly obvious, pathetically simple question:-
Why would they risk all to get to the West?
If I’m reading this right, a US court blocked the immediate imposition of the no-fly rule.
The Al BBC is on the reparations for slavery bandwagon again, could they ever be more out of place eh!
pushing the Bonnie Brexit question to the hilt, Panto overjoyed that they said och aye the NO in the EU vote
Yep! The Big Questions, comes from Sconny Bottleland
… Mandated Muslim slavery over centuries? still at it now? Qatar, Sudan, Yemen, Saudi odd cases here? sex slavery here and abroad? was raised twice … and totally ignored – Ahh, don t be silly … its all our colonial, wicked whitey, “gud ole” oppressors fault, how out of touch?
Man! … is that shit getting old,
This morning gives us proof (as if it were needed!) that almost our entire MSM is at war with the people it pretends to serve.
Something is going to have to give.
There can be no doubt we’re now entering a vital phase. The main question is whether American public opinion gets behind Trump on this – you’d hope it would, given this is something he said he would do, but the MSM will fight tooth and nail to sway opinion.
What’s also questionable is where UK public opinion is on this, given that the BBC has given up even pretending to be even-handed on this. I think we all need to get on to Twitter and other media to avoid the left dominating the discussion, as the left is always better organised.
I see the lefties were quick off the mark organising a petition for the government to ban Trumps visit. They will easily get the 100,000 needed.
Is it worth getting another petition up supporting the Donald or are these petitions quite worthless now.
If there is a one supporting DT then perhaps someone could supply the link.
Why doesn’t President Trump’s ban include any of the countries of origin of the terrorists who attacked the USA on 9/11? 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, with two from the United Arab Emirates, and one each from Egypt and Lebanon.
If only we had a broadcaster who asked questions like this, instead of just parading their leftie virtues.
Sir A,
KSA/UAE? the largest paymasters of Islam undermining the West? Yes, why not ask that question.
Watched Nigel in interview with Brillo. He said it was wonderful (and no one would have believed it years ago) that, we now see a PM stating what were UKIP policies. He went on to say, “….for which I have been vilified and condemned….”. He should have continued, “….principally by your paymasters here at the BBC”.
Missed that opportunity Nigel!
Oh dear President Trump has tried to stop any potential Muslim terrorists from entering the USA. In the process some innocent people are going to suffer. But this was inevitable as was the apoplectic reaction of the BBC et al. My view is that regrettably in war innocent people get hurt. President Trump believes if any and all Muslims are allowed into the USA then Americans will be killed. I suppose that in the final analysis the liberal left believe that American lives don’t count for as much as The hurt feelings and disadvantaging of Muslims. President Trump thinks the opposite.
Let`s hope he`ll now extend the ban to inverted Muslims like Kuennsberg, Snow and Sopel.
Linen suits, Oxbridge pith helmets, patchouli oil and a Celtic accent might indicate a Muslim invert-watch `em Donald, give `em a drugs test and send them packing.
Grant, Vance and all Celtic Fringe decent sorts who come here excepted of course-maybe the rest of us could write a few references or letters of introduction!
UKIP badge maybe?
LOL ! Please exempt Krankie too , but only on a one-way ticket. No, wait a minute, that would be unfair on our American cousins.
Are you sure you spelled “pith” correctly ?
Was rather hoping that Adama Obarrakka or whatever he`s called would have given you a Ted Malloch kinda role in trading with the Gambia.
Ted had a great black rollneck jumper on Newsnight-a true clever jazzman who messed with Schamas head something fierce. A louche intellectual, oozing ennui and boredom with the Euroleft. Like Mark Regev had he gone to Playboy and Hefners House(was that TV show for kids?)-and not served with the IDF.
That you grant?…got a great trade deal on quorn and bean curd coming up if you`d like to be Ambassador-what else are Ferrero Rocher for, before we dump them onto kids at Hallowe`en?
LOL ! Actually, I have met him a couple of times in his previous life, but I doubt if he would remember me as I did not buy any land from him and I doubt if I would pass security clearance now. However , if he allows dual nationality between UK and Gambia, which I suspect he will, arise Sir Grant, Gambian Ambassador to the EU.
I saw Ted on Newsnight being bemused by Edna and Dame Simon. He is really cool , Ted that is. Sorry to disappoint you but I am distinctly uncool. Quite like jazz though. Anyone for John Coltrane ?
Tricky one for Leftists. Some victims of terrorism are black ( obviously white lives don’t matter ). So which life is more important, a muslim or a non-muslim black ? Must be so difficult being a Leftist.
Never saw THIS amount of squauking when Operation Stack on the M25 rather inconvenienced a few “vulnerable travellers” as they tried to get to Europe in summer 2015.
Let alone the Terminal 5, Eurostar, B.A, Gatwick, Southern and Gatwick Express strikes and kerfuffles that similarly stranded “vets”, “British passport holders” etc.
Same problem-will be sorted. International travel has long been a bugger since 9/11.
So why the fuss?
Because Trump has his finger on the problem-unfettered waving through of all manner of people, unchecked and maybe well including tomorrows Bostons, Floridas , Chattannoogas,Fort Hood etc-Islaimc State said they`d be doing this.
Just because Europe welcomes rapists and druggies, bad lorry drivers and Islam-doesn`t mean that the USA needs to.
Let Germany and Canada take them-they seem to want them all.
I sense Madonna and her pals would rather like an IS “refugee” to sneak in to do to Trump what they themselves have said they`d like-but don`t have the guts to do it themselves, but maybe they could do a drama doc afterwards.#
No-a masterclass by President Donald Trump-MY Leader of the Free World (LFW).
After a small initial disruption, the amount of Muslims going to the USA will drop substantially.
Job done.
How hard was that.
A politician doing what he said he would do and carrying out the democratic will of the voters. How novel.
On the Five Live news bulletin they led with a quotation from Mo Farah, that well-known expert on politics and international law, who says Trump’s ban is based on prejudice and ignorance. Superb journalism from the BBC. Real expert analysis of the salient issues from an expert.
Surprised he can string a sentence together, having seen his garbled eulogies for Quorn sausages.
Have tasted same-so safe to assume he`s not to be trusted. They`re crap-no wonder they killed Linda McCartney.
I think you are supposed to eat the packaging, Chris, it tastes better. As to the packages contents, I’ve seen Herring Gulls turn their beaks up at them, preferring something a cat coughed up.
Hey look! Leave quorn alone, it’s done nothing to you! Anyway, I think you’ll find Linda (RIP) had her own brand which was soya based, whereas quorn is mycoprotein. I eat lots of it and I’m ok. No replies to that needed, thank you. Ps quorn is better than Linda’s IMO, but some of her pies are nice. No comments on that either!
Sorry looby.
Got to say that my kids left us with quorn chicken pieces at Christmas and they curry up nicely.
I`m normally non judgemental on such things-but the bloody BBC and Sir Maurice Farrah-WayHey got my gander up. Regrettable, and disappointing…full retraction here!
Lessons have been learned and I have moved on.
Ban and Vet Bean Curd and Tofu I say…
Did they also speak to his bother, Ahmed, and his half brother, Omar? They shouldn’t be hard to find:
Mo Farah’s brother ‘faces being deported from Britain to Somalia’
Mo Farah’s jailbird brother who vowed to go straight is caged again
Not sure about politics and international law but he’s certainly an expert on avoiding UK tax.
Sir Mohammed please!
Interesting to see the age group of those protesting in the U.S. 16 years ago when the Towers were annihilated, most of this lot would have been in school so the enormity of what took place may not have registered in their teenage brains. If there is another Islamic atrocity on U.S. soil I would love to know the response of those currently waving placards ! We live constantly with the threat, but all we get in response is a load of handwringing and ‘lessons learned’ soundbites from all and sundry; we too should get Trump tough but fear it will never happen.
“If there is another Islamic atrocity on U.S. soil I would love to know the response of those currently waving placards”
We already know that answer. These people are mentally deranged BRISSLES! They will say its Americans fault! They will say its because America voted for Trump, and so therefore should expect (they will actually think they deserve) to be attacked!
These people rioting and protesting everything Trump does are at war with their own people, like Islam is (but islam is at war with everything, particularly against everything the mentally ill lefties say they are fighting for), so any islamic attack on the US is completely seen as a justified response by victim’s of the only evil in the delusion world of Leftistan…..white men
Yes, the levels of liberal screech ARE approaching peak levels at the moment I grant you re Trumps vetting of the Muslims and fellow-travellers.
But when he announced the end of stumping up for the UN as it exists-and I know that this was in in the late hours the other night-I think the liberal howls of outrage were even MORE shrill-sonar and supersonic all too briefly.
I believe that we have the talent here to create a Liberal Shrill Index-a Richter-like scale of howling shriekback and Mach type measurings-that would serve us well during Trumps Golden Years to come.
Today I heard the stampings of Farron, Sturgeon, Harman and a few Tories, a whiff of Corbyn too-and all within a hour on Radio 4.
Now THAT is one Bristol Stool Index I can use to callibrate the BBCs pixie boot with a sharp stiletto heel. And stuck into a laughing Mr Pastry with a combover, who`ll Just LOVE this 24/7 attention to HIS causes. And we the People love this.
“Brexit is a Blessing”-NOT discussed at church today, even when it`s quite a theological construct.
Yes…God has chosen the so called “fools” to screw over the so called, self-regarding “wise and moderates”. Just as Paul says in 1 Cor 18-31 today.
Must get an I-Spy Book for liberal meltdowns like this one-Ken Clarke?…Heseltine?…Paddy Ashdown and Lord Falconer?…come on BBC, you`re not really trying , not really angry enough yet.
Sense a liberal coronary coming on-and no Obamacare, no chance of NHS treatment with all the Nigerians in front of them at A&E.
Cat among the pigeons
Lots of BBC bias and lies by omission over the so called ‘Muslim ban’ which is not a Muslim ban at all.
Not mentioned
It is a temporary ban, and not a permanent one as is being suggested, it will only remain in place until a more effective vetting procedure is put in place.
There was not a ‘legal victory’ last night, it only applies to those already in the US with valid visas. Nothing else is affected.
It is not a ban on Muslims, but a ban on nationals of any religion travelling from the designated countries.
Meanwhile the UK and others allows in returning Jihadists and any number of so called ‘hate preachers’ without any kind of hindrance at all.
It was clearly stated in his election speeches and it should be no surprise that he has enacted what he promised. This is democracy in action and the Fascist left do not like democracy when their opponents are elected.
And just to add, where was the BBC faux outrage when Obama banned all travel to the USA from Iraq for 6 months in 2011 ?
Good luck to the USA if they can find a way of separating out all the terrorists and rapists from the peaceful ones.
Why do so many foreigners populate our media and tell how we should run our country. Half the time they come from despotic states?
Don’t know the details, but if they have a British passport wouldn’t they be exempt from the ban? And if they don’t have a British passport, why not?
Tory MP Zahawi says he is banned from the USA , “it is cruel” . But, he could not be an MP unless he is a British Subject. It is just scaremongering and I would expect an MP to be more responsible. On the other hand, maybe not.
I think the ban also extends to persons with dual nationality .
I agree, and think the same re Mo. It is all hype. The US have clearly said that those with valid visas, green cards etc will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Having said that they may be in for rather a long wait in the embassy, in my experience. The US are experts in red tape (except when letting in refugees, apparently)
The really shocking thing is that Zahawi can become a British MP and still have Iraqi citizenship. Whose interests is he representing?
Hardly “transparent” when you claim to be British and have an allegiance to a foreign power.
Allegiance to a foreign power. You’ve just decscribed the bBBC, judiciary, half the HoC (being generous) and most of the HoL to a T, ID, the “power” being the EU.
The shocking thing is that dual nationality is allowed at all. Many countries do not allow it. China, Russia for example. Why does Britain allow it ? The whole idea of dual is a ludicrous concept. How can one person have two nationalities ?
Indeed. Obtaining a British passport is simply a legal transaction. As one well-known Muslim agitator has said, it is simply an “enhanced travel document”. This is why the phrase “home grown terrCd!{|G3ײ]h a bogus term, intended to deceive. These terrorists are not culturally British, their citizenship is merely a flag of convenience to further their material interests or#> gD4Fon of their religion. An olympian born in x, living permanently in y, and a British citizen. Only an organisation as deluded as the BBC would think that this is some embodiment of Britishness. This is the paradox of BBC Britain – only foreigners are allowed to wrap themselves in the Union Jack, if a native Briton does it, he will be accused of being a nazi.
“The US has carried out a commando raid on an al-Qaeda stronghold in central Yemen, killing 14 militants, the military says.”
Trumps ‘First Raid’.
Oh dear, now we have another US President working on behalf of the Saudi clerics.
Wonder how much they have paid him for that one.
Also why would Al-Qaeda (Sunni) chose a country where Shia rebels aided by Iran are fighting?
Seems very suspicious this one.
Another remainer lie nailed as it is proved that there are not the claimed 2 million British nationals working in Europe, but just 900 000 less than half the figure claimed by the remain camp.
No report on the BBC about this though.
BBC Website reports that Boris says that “stigmatising people on grounds of nationality is wrong “. Presumebly that does apply to Israel. Stupid man. Hypocrisy.
Boris is no Trump is he?
A windsock not a lighthouse, a weathervane and not a signpost. Tony Benn used to say things like that!
Bove and Goris seemed to be shellshocked after June-and whereas Nigel has gone stratospheric, these flibbety giblets are mice in mens clothing.
Bring back Nadine Dorries-and give us Jacob Rees Mogg please!
Glad we`ve kept Nigel out of bigger things-he might have ended up like Boris, had he too traded in a backbone for a pipe cleaner.
Boris, Chump not Trump.
I Meant “does not apply to Israel” and the travel ban on Israelis.
Agree with all related comments, but think it is revealing that the ban has not included Saudi, or countries like Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco from which some of the European terrorists have originated. Regarding bans, don’t the UAE ban Israeli travellers, or is it just products from Israel?
Perhaps these countries are already well vetted by the security services to an extent that Trump has found other countries aren’t? No idea, but amidst all the hysteria no-one is asking these types of question. And why would any journalist ask questions when emoting is so much easier?
Journalists never ask a question if they think they won’t like the answer.
Apologies, just read Sir Arthur’s post above, which gives a useful map on the subject. I am heartily sick of the trump bashing – it’s everywhere, but I’m hoping it’s a case of the brexit type silent majority. Thank god for Tucker and fox.
High blood pressure sufferers are strongly advised to avoid Classic FM, too. It’s ‘news’ by the fake-news masters at ‘Global’ is nothing more than an essay in anti-Trump hysteria.
The current meme about the Leftist media seems to be that it is indulging in ‘autistic screeching’. It’s hard to disagree!
Yes, it’s toxic, isn’t it? Classic FM now pisses me off, big time. What with fake news, the continual Trump and Brexit bashing, stupid advertising, even more stupid presenter self-promotion, and even many of the presenters, themselves. The format has got more puerile as time has gone on – more akin to Blue Peter, or even CeeBeebies.
There appears to be no refuge from this broadcast crassness, other than this, from Switzerland, on the internet:
Ah Old Goat!
Can I recommend Angel Radio -streamed online from the Portsmouth area, and soon to be on FM next to Radio 2.
Great old school amateurish and enthusiastic-and are likely to get a bumper crop of oldies now the BBC have stiffed Alex Lester and Brian Matthew.
Their Sounds of the Sixties has now left Frankie Vaughans last hit now they see the gaps emerging.
And- no news bollocks unless it`s to tell you of Bingo at the Naval Place in Fratton.
Can’t get it in France!
Plenty comments from Spain and (funnily enough) My old stomping ground of Stretford, Manchester.
Thought you`d be OK-but will send in for Edith Piaf and Serge Gainsborough if that`ll help you!
Enjoying it as we speak, and no crap ads on top of the Global propaganda top of the hour.
Even topping up my German, French and Italian.
I use this one, OG, is it the same site?
I can’t open your link.
Yes, I believe it is. My link loads into VLC media player, directly (I prefer it to Windows Media Player).
Mine opens as a webpage from a bookmark in Firefox, OG, I like the way it displays a list of what has played, which you can go back to, as well as what’s to come, all this with minimum chat.
Thank you very much, Old Goat! I’ve just installed their app, too.
Like schoolgirls and a spider – the media having screaming fits and jumping on tables.
Vetting cannot be described as a ‘ban’. Controlling visas cannot be described as a ‘ban’. Attempting to prevent carnage on your streets cannot be described as ‘racist’ or ‘anti Islamic’.
A question: Are you, at all, careful about who you let in your house? Maybe they would answer, “No” and that would simply confirm their apparent idiocy.
I think that the sheer panic on the Left as their decades of hegemony come to an end is wonderful to behold. They are so stupid. They do not realise that nothing lasts for ever. I am delighted to announce that I do not share their pain and am enjoying every minute of watching them disintegrate.
The arrogance of the, “Ban Trump from entering Britain” ’till he mends his ways and in effect does what we say – I find utterly astounding.
He won’t want to come, anyway.
Old Goat,
Maybe after Russia, China, Japan, India, Gabon, Eritrea , Uruguay……
It nust be astonishing for a lying creep like Khan who, within weeks of taking office as mayor of Londonistan, started to break the promises that got him elected, to see a politician (Trump) who actually does what he said he would.
I’ve no doubt Khan promised himself that he would fuck up London, and it wasn’t long before he got to work…
Yes, I too am enjoying the media hysteria, histrionics and hyperventilation. If Trump continues to deliver at this pace, the usual suspects will have burst all their aneurisms, have RSI in their finger-wagging fingers and snapped their vocal chords with their incoherent, high-pitched, selfrighteous squawkings
I think that the reason bBBC are particularly miffed at the muslim ban, G, is because they could see a large number of their staff getting turned around at immigration, if what we see on screen is anything to go by.
The bBBC has ‘Sir’ Mohammed Farah, Somali living in the USA, pretending to be British, complaining that Trump’s edict means that he might now actually have to live in Britain.
He’s no more British, than I am French!
OG – you will be a lot closer to being French than he can ever be to being British.
Apologies if this has already been covered but I have just seen an article in Friday’s Guardian stating the numbers of UK citizens living/working in the EU. Across the whole of the EU there are less UK citizens than just the Polish community in the UK, just under the million mark. This is weird because I recall Nick Clegg, the BBBC preferred truth sayer, telling us there were over 3 million brits living in Europe and implying they were virtually all working, seems he was out by a factor of 5 ! The 3 million figure is EU citizens in the UK.
Did the BBBC reveal these alternative facts ?
As I listen now to Andrew Neil fluttering around pointless Tory sandbags in London-I do wonder about the mental state of the idiot left and the fatuous liberals.
Steve Richards now on-who the hell voted for HIM?
Listen up you third-rate Turdis.
Mays job is to govern for the nation-to speak for those of us who voted the leave the EU.
Her job is not to wring the bedsheets out and find dummies and comfort rags for the idiot left at the BBC/Guardian. They hate her anyway.
Let the BBC wet themselves and howl-the Tories will wipe the floor with the stiffies at the BBC in 2020 if not before.
To hear Andrew Neil playing devils sock puppet only shows he`s a bit of a twit at times.
Does the Guardian and the Times do a rubbersheet edition I wonder?
Incontinent brain drained flobs.
Sir Nigel on the Andrew Neil show has been posted to YouTube, for those of us non-licence tax payers:
One day ALL British spokesmen will be like Nigel Farage.
The Milton Keynes of politics.
Just need the BBC razed to the swampland sap level.
Glad he got the bit about the BBC in right at the start !
Thanks for posting the clip. Again, Nigel Farage proves his agility under questioning and his general competence. He is correct that a main purpose of UKIP is to help ensure the deliverance of Brexit. After that, there will be a continuing role, for we are beginning to see arch-Remainer MPs mooting the possibility of rejoining the EU. Personally, I think this is unlikely, but with a coalition of the present-day equivalent of Labour + Liberal + Scots Nats + Grieve-Clarke type Tories, who knows what might happen? Of course, such a reversion was envisaged years ago by Richard North – hence his Harrogate Agenda.
Farage is pure class. He is a galatic giant among desperate amoebas, who are so crippled with fear of saying the ‘wrong’ thing, they utterly capitulate. Nearly every other political figure in the UK is utterly detached from the people that put them there, are in it for themselves, and will do whatever it takes to stay in power.
Currently in the UK, the media hold the power to make or brake a political career, and by god they have tried everything to ruin Nigel Farage. Nigel utterly believed in his mission of pulling the UK out of the EU, because he knew that the EU was not for the ordinary man. Mass immigration is not for the ordinary man. Gender delusion and enforcement is not for the ordinary man. The complete social destruction and replacement with a cult like doctrine of hate, intolerance, identity labels, and division, is not for the ordinary man.
The control of the media, the message, what was being said and by who, was the only way the cult of hate could get away with their evil project, and suppress all resistance. What Nigel Farage started was the fight back. Here is a man that was politically ruined, laughed at, slandered daily, ostracized, and prevented at every opportunity from being given even a fair crack at getting his message to the people of the UK…..yet in spite of all that, he still managed to see his dream become a reality, because the working men and women of this country think like he does.
Nigel Farage knew that the people of this country were being lied to and abused by a self serving, traitorous elite who are only interested in protecting and advancing themselves. This very same elite are now desperately do everything they can to change what happened, because its ALL about what’s best for them, the last thing these traitors will ever want to do is what is best for us. Farage knows this. Trump knows this. The new age Gestapo that masquerade as the MSM know this, which is why they are at constant war with both of them.
The MSM said we wouldnt leave the EU…that was a lie. They said that Trump would never win…That was a lie too. They say that Le Pen and Wilders are going to fail, but Trump and Brexit has shown the people of the world that the lying bastards in the media are not going to help you, they will deceive, mislead and do everything they can to manipulate the public into doing what the elite want…….the world painted by the MSM is nothing but a bullshit fantasy world, which is starting to fall apart before their traitorous eyes!
Splendid !
Hard to fault his delivery or logic or facts.
Andrew Neil seemed to be floundering, which shows you the capabilities of those he reduces to gibbering lumps of jelly, if not already so.
Here is the always good value ITTB on another instance where James Harding’s editorial integrity DNA left in the petrie dish may have gone a bit rancid…
I always get the sense that Andrew Neil secretly agrees with a lot of what Farage says.
I was convinced after the interview he did with him in the run up to the referendum, that he was a Leaver. I generally have a good opinion of A.N. the only occasion when he really blotted his copy book (IMHO) was when he interviewed Tommy Robinson and gave out his real name on air – that was appalling and you could see the disbelief in Tommy’s face that he’d done so.
Major statement today by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble “Germany made mistakes with an open-door policy that saw more than a million migrants enter Germany over the past two years, Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble acknowledged on Sunday, but he said Berlin was trying to learn from those missteps.”
Reported on Reuters but strangely there is nothing on the BBC News pages about this
Reuters eh ?
Well you can bet that Al Beeb’s news researchers would have picked that one up and then dropped it like the proverbial ‘hot potato’.
I have no doubt that many MPs and or their researchers that visit site have picked it up but have they got the balls to get on to Al Beeb’s Trustees ?
More news you won’t see or hear on our anti-national broadcaster.
An interesting article; in fact, the numbers if true are mind-boggling!
NHS crisis? Housing crisis? Schools full? Road and rail creaking?
No one EVER says….there are just too many people here!!
1.234 Million Invaders Landed in Europe in 2016
A grand total of 1,234,558 Third World invaders landed in Europe during 2016, falsely claiming to be asylum seekers, according to the latest figures from the European Union’s “European Asylum Support Office” (EASO).
According to the latest EASO report “Latest asylum trends—December 2016,” a total of 64,513 invaders demanded “asylum” in all of the “EU+” nations in December 2016 alone.
The “EU+” nations are all 28 European Union member states plus Norway and Switzerland.
Some 4 per cent of all the December invaders claimed to be unaccompanied minors (UAMs) when lodging their “asylum” applications, all hoping to be granted special permission to stay, along with increased benefits and quicker processing.
At least 18 per cent of all UAM applicants claimed to be Afghans, while 13 per cent claimed to be Eritreans, and 8 per cent claimed to be Pakistanis.
In December 2016, EU+ countries recorded 9,661 “asylum” applications from invaders claiming to be Syrians, and 5,341 claimed to be Afghans.
4,432 claimed to be Iraqis, and these three nationalities together accounted for only 30 per cent of all applications lodged in the EU+.
Invaders from Nigeria made up the next largest number in December, with 4,210 applicants, with Eritreans (3,475), Pakistanis (2,688), Albanians (2,473), Iranians (1,769), Guineans (1,555), and “Russians” (1,548) making up the rest of the top ten invader list.
The “Russians” were once again mostly from the deep south of that country, where a large mixed-race population exists. Other nations which provided “refugees” from that region included Georgia and Armenia.
Other African invaders came from Sudan, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, Morocco, and Algeria, the EASO report revealed.
The EASO report also revealed that the “recognition rate” for invaders claiming “asylum” reached 52 per cent in December.
“Positive decisions”—that is, those granted full “refugee status” were 53 per cent of that total, and 47 per cent were granted “subsidiary protection”—which means a renewable residence permit of at least two years.
“Subsidiary protection” in effect means permanent residence because recipients have the right to endless renewals, and then full citizenship after five years of residence.
In December, those invaders claiming to be Syrians constituted only 15 per cent of all applications, proving once again that the “refugee” hoax is mostly being used by non-whites as an excuse to invade Europe to take advantage of European liberal delusions about asylum.
In fact, none of the nationalities in question actually qualify for asylum at all in terms of well-established international conventions.
A genuine refugee should be someone who is fleeing his homeland in fear of his life, and even Syrians do not have to flee their country, because the majority of that country is under government control and is peaceful.
The same situation applies in Iraq and Eritrea, the two other most commonly claimed “nations at war,” and there is therefore no reason for those nationals to flee their countries either.
Furthermore, none of the other nationalities listed as making up the Third World invasion force has any good reason to “flee” either.
These facts reveal the whole “asylum” racket to be a swindle and an excuse used by scrounging Third Worlders to live off liberal European welfare handouts.
I don’t think you’ve quite got the idea of refugees and the convention.
Any one of them could ‘claim’ they were Gay & have entitlement, or Jewish, or perhaps Christian, or Communist.
In fact there are a whole slew of reasons
These people are not coming to the west to flee death, persucution or poverty, they are the shock troops of the new world order. The EU’s freedom of movemement was proving too slow in destroying the sovereign states and national identities, these white countries were proving too damn stubborn So the EU(Merkel) or phase one of the NWO came up with the come one come all invite, to speed things up. Chuck in a bit of the Coudenhove Kalergi plan and robert is your dad’s brother.
Evening all.
Been away this weekend. No tv, radio, phone or internet.
So caught the news later than most and out of the context created by the left liberals.
So I heard cold that Trump has banned travel from 7 countries for which the words ‘basket case’ could have been invented. And I thought “decent shout” and ‘it’s his decision, not much to do with us’.
Only later did I comprehend the utterly ridiculous hysterical outrage from the BBC, as if they had been just dying to be able to report for such ‘news’.
Jezza of course jumps stright on the righteous indignation bandwagon, but in truth he would want to ban Trump for…..well, breathing, probably, so this excuse is as good as any.
Quite useful to be away and then, like the little boy in ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’, see the bBBC anew for the biased, narrative driven, agenda driven, deeply unpatriotic, left wing apologists they really are.
Ah Corbyn!
Who else but Jizz to go to for an informed, balanced opinion?
Bet the BBC had to be desperate to risk putting Steptoe out there to spout what he spouts.
If I were Donald-I`d call Bibi and say that he`s going to ban Israelis and Jews.
Just for a laugh between them.
Then we`d see what the Labour Left and Jenny Tonge though of THAT…now!
Stroked beards and a return to balance then.
As Bibi and Barney Rubble carried on winding up the Leftards.
This is a good article by Pat Buchanan on the fundamental divisions in the U.S. which have been brought into such sharp relief by Trump’s election and what it may mean for America and the rest of us.
Now we are getting all the sob stories of families unable to travel to Disneyworld because Mum was born in Iran, has lived here for 30 years and is a British Citizen. Where do the reporters get these stories from ? Am I supposed to be worried or bothered ? and as for Farrah – chickens come home to roost.
Oh and there is now half a million online petition for Trump to be banned from the State Visit which MAY be debated in the parliament. Is it possible to start a petition asking for him to carry on coming ?
This is an interesting article about the decision of the judge in New York, her judgement is actually very narrow and is not a ruling on the “legality” of President Trump’s executive order and it affects less than 200 people.
It was Obama that started the ball rolling on the restriction from those countries. Trump was carrying on from where Obama had left it.
In a more light hearted veign. I know we indigenous Brits are supposed to support the opposition whenever we are in a sporting event. But I UNLIKE the BBC just cant help hoping England may win, SORRY BBC ! A certain umpire by the appropriate name of SHAMSshddin and
an Indian bowler by the appropiate name of BUMrah gave England a real bum deal at the
end of the match.The BBC has been singing the praises of Mr Bumrah but if Joe Root hadn’t
been giving a sham decision by the appropriately named umpire England might of well won.
I know that the BBC would of gone into mourning. But I reiterate I wouldn’t have. By the way if you have an Israeli stamp on your passport you are NOT allowed to enter a dozen or so Islamic countries!! BUT you wont ever hear the BBC mentioning that!!
The BBC had attacked the new POTUS with a accelerating stream of libtard invective and bile all through election campaign, but during and since the inauguration they have collectively gone mental. For many of us, perhaps the 52% majority, this provides huge unintended entertainment at their impotent anguish and misery. It seems to cement a bond with the victorious deplorables – the Trump supporters in the US who are already ecstatic at the pace of his first weeks work, in triumph over the likes of the deeply biased BBC.
The BBC are so arrogant and self-righteous they sincerely believe they speak for the majority of us. They don’t.
I think the BBC is fully aware that it speaks only for the BBC and a few elites. To them we are like the peasants and surfs of times long passed – not worthy of consideration.
They do think we’re all stupid and maybe £145 says we are?
Scott Adams’s blog continues to make good reading.
Quite correct RD – the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is similar in size to western Europe, how many “refugees” have they taken? Maybe its leaders know something ours f*****g well don’t!
careful with this, because Saudi have done something rather odd with this. They have allowed refuge to the families of those Arabs who are working in the Kingdom, where normally spouses and children would not be admitted.
It is therefore not true to say they have allowed none in, but the numbers might surprise you.
Love or hate Katie Hopkins lets it rip. Go Katie, tell the anti Trumpers where to get off
Thanks G.W.F. for posting the video. KH is a shining light.
Think maybe Trump is a bit ticked off with the highways crammed with German cars while US car makers suffer? Hmmm……… sounds familiar? We had a motor industry once. Heck, we had, industry once.
BBC – Protests over Trump travel ban, Trump executive order: Victims of US entry ban tell their stories etc etc
Edinburgh – Vote for a city “free of Islamophobia”
Surprise, Surprise, there s money in it too … they d have more chance of stacking up all those FALSE AND HOAX reports Islamic adherents keep making.
I d like a few quid for every one of them … anyway, better get the Koran burying, intensive bacon studying, scarf pulling “thought police” on the trail.
Canada – Islamophobia Law “inching toward a broadly-based law that would codify “Islamofauxbia” as a hate crime without even defining Islamophobia or demonstrating that it is a phenomenon requiring legal action”
The madness that is Trudeau eh!
Just wait for the Tories shameful doctored report on Sharia, it won t be long … our own plod are now so compromised, and influenced they can t police properly.
all together
“There may be trouble … ahead”
Thank God I sold my flat in Edinburgh last year and no longer pay Council Tax to that lunatic council. Why not a city free of anti-semitism or is anti-semitism ok ?
They have lowered the voting age to 8 . I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Fuck me, I saw these signs saying “a city free of Islamophobia” being placed around me, but assumed it was a pressure group. I’d toyed with the idea of going round with a black marker pen and scoring out “ophobia” but to find it’s fucking Plod has just raised my blood pressure to dangerous levels. And it’s been rising all day anyway.
Excuse the language but I think today a line has been crossed. I’m damned if I know what I’m going to do, but it can no longer be passive. It’s now war.
Careful, dude, such language is only permitted if you fall under very narrowly defined do graphic criteria.
(Plus I reported you by accident. My bad)
Radio 4’s Feedback continues on its journey from bad to worse.
We have a little debate as to whether the BBC should be listening to other people or not, a tiny glimmer of hope there as it is starting to sink in that perhaps when one gets everything wrong maybe the fault lies with oneself not everyone else?
Then we have a listener praising The Corrupted, but should fiction be mixed with reality? Our listener is OK with that and so is the BBC, they do have a sophisticated audience who will quite easily work out that implying that Margaret Thatcher worked with criminals and that the leading council and judges of the time were all bent is ‘just fiction’. And if a few plebs come to the wrong conclusion where is the harm? Wouldn’t want to be spreading ‘fake’ stuff would we?
A listener makes a fair point that perhaps there is too much ‘Trump’. Does she get to justify her point? Is there a counter argument? No, it becomes a joke item with lots of ‘trump’ words and Nellie The Elephant, so original Roger, where do we get the talent from?
Last week we were told that live night-time Radio 2 was for the chop, what is the alternative? Well the juvenile, sub-hospital Radio 5 Live! Rhod Sharp gets to tell us how he has a duty to tell us how billions of US citizens are ‘trumped-off’, as if we don’t get told that often enough in the daytime, and Dire Dotun gets to tell us that he has worked for the BBC since he wer a lad, is it becus u iz black Dotun? If u wuz white u wudn’t av lastid a minit.
I am presently listening to Clare Teal on BBC Radio 2 and she is playing jazz and swing music.
I am horrified that just before the 10 o’clock news, Clare Teal had the absolute temerity to play an obvious neo-colonial piece of music called “Tequila”!
This is so obviously a cultural appropriation piece of music that I would ask all Mexicans on Twitter and their supporters on F***book to immediately condemn this colonialism on the part of the BBC.
(I haven’t got a Tw*tter account myself so I cannot set the ball rolling though it is so obvious that the Clare person should be shamed on Tw*tter and F***book for her anti-Mexican cultural appropriations. There should be a big wall built right around the BBC (and Clare Teal!) to stop this ever happening again!
Just have a read of these amazing statistics from the Guardian, and the destruction wrought upon the country under Labour:
It’s titled how Britain changed under Margaret Thatcher, but far from the usual Fascist cries that she reined in spending and destroyed industry, the facts tell a different story.
Industry declined as you might expect at a faster rate under Labour than Mrs Thatcher.
“In 1970, manufacturing accounted for 20.57% of UK GDP. By 1979 that was down to 17.62% of GDP. By the time she left office, that decline had continued – albeit at a slightly slower pace, down to 15.18%. Now it is much lower, according to the ONS – down to 9.68% in 2010.”
In other words industrial decline was at its fastest under Callaghan & Blair.
Spending went down Under Fatcher.
“In fact if you look at spending as a percentage of GDP it actually rose in her first years of power, going down during the 1980s before rising in the early 1990s under John Major and chancellor Kenneth Clarke. Her reign actually ended with more of the workforce employed in the public sector than now – 23.1% as opposed to around 20% now.”
Migration was a lot lower – Alas it was figures we can only dream of:
“During the first years of Thatcher’s reign, fewer people came to live in the UK – acceptances for settlement went down from 69,670 in 1979 to 53,200 by the time she resigned in 1990.”
(remember these are immigrants coming, not net migration figures as used to hide the numbers today).
“By the 2001 census, four years after the end of the Conservatives in power, the UK’s population was 92.1% white. According to the latest ONS estimates, that figure has gone down now as Britain becomes more diverse; 83.35% of England and Wales is now defined as “white British”.”
Mrs Thatcher was desperately unlucky as the world economy was hit by two recessions:
“Britain got hit by two major recessions under Thatcher, which sandwiched the boom of the 1980s but even that boom never saw GDP grow by more than a couple of percent. Obviously in 2013, George Osborne would kill for growth of 2.2%.”
This page is worth a read because the image the Fascists are creating is simply not correct and the figures bear out the world as we remember it – glory days and a revival of confidence & national pride before BLiar trashed it all!
Very interesting, Thoughtful. Thank you.
I’ve long maintained that Blair was the cause of many of our ills and that in a sensible country he’d have been up on trial years ago. I would give a lot to see that trial come to pass.
The actions of PM May in not supporting Trump’s stance against Muslim immigration to the USA have added thousands more votes towards Paul Nuttall’s UKIP success in the forthcoming Stoke-on-Trent by-election.
Mrs May, you bend with the wind and are certainly not a Maggie Thatcher. You do not speak for me, my family and friends.
How do you know this as fact Dover Sentry? It is too soon for any polling information to be available so it must be speculation – and as such guesswork ?
For all we know people might be thinking that she was forced into making a statement which was extremely tardy, and secretly does support Trump but cannot say it.
Rock and a hard place might well be their thoughts – but without polling we will not know.
In addition the Tories are not properly engaged in Stoke as they fancy their chances further North in the Sellafield area where Labour are making a right ‘Albert Halls’ of their election chances.
Thoughtful, perhaps you are thinking too deeply? Thoughtful, perhaps??
There is no polling information, and I wouldn’t trust it anyway.
But I take your point.
Guido has quoted polling
One was only 243 people . too small a sample size.
Someone said May’s weakness – she want’s to be liked. On her mind, all the time, is the desire to please everybody but you know how that ends.
If that is the case, someone should tell her she is wasting her time !
The “people” in our MSM and our politics and government who are attacking Trump now he is elected, for doing what he promised to do if he were to be elected regarding Muslims entering the United States; would do well to consider what the results of a referendum (were one ever to be held) here in the U.K. asking whether its people wanted immigration to stop; not even solely Muslim immigration – they would never ask us that question, for they know full well what the answer would be.
I just pray that May doesn’t do anything stupid like withdrawing the state visit offer made to President Trump, for that could be very bad for us and any forthcoming trade negotiations with the U.S.
So funny!
The Democrats while electing new people and attempting to get their party rebuilt are mad because Trump is totally occupying THEIR MSM.