Laura Kuenssberg ably demonstrates the arrogant mindset, negativity and contempt for Trump that the BBC is famous for as she asks the crassest and most out of place question possible claiming that she speaks for Britain telling Trump that Britain is alarmed by some of his beliefs…#notinmyname. The BBC does not speak for Britain on so many major issues which is precisely why Brexit happened…..the arrogance, corruption and contempt of the so-called elite for the great unwashed.
I posted this from Janet Daley earlier but I think it is worth posting again in light of Kuenssberg’s faux pas…
The BBC foists on us a skewed version of reality
The news media are engaged in a political argument about whether the purpose of journalism is to report the world as it is or to purvey an idealised view
So this is where the bigger question comes in: what is the dissemination of news for? For the BBC – by which I mean, for those who decide these things at the corporation – there is little doubt that the function of news broadcasting is to enlighten the public. I use that word advisedly, in its specialised sense, meaning not simply to inform but to “free from prejudice and superstition”.
BBC news output is specifically designed to counter what it sees as ignorance and popular prejudices. Its coverage of issues in which it believes such prejudices to be rife – immigration, for example – is intended to be instructional and, specifically corrective of what its managers think of, and describe openly in conversation, as the influence of the “Right-wing press”.
The unabashed dissemination of this highly political official viewpoint is justified on the grounds that it is needed to balance the influence of scurrilous newspapers.
Now’s your chance to make your own voices heard…another open thread…all yours….
Nolan is such an irritant. Ever interview he seeks to use the trick of putting words in the interviewees mouth.
“How is this policy not racist ?” He sneers
Japanese don’t need visa for UK, Indians don’t
All countries have similar different entry rules, so Trump is not being racist. Indeed he’s just upgrading requirements for a group of countries St Obama had already selected.
The senator explained the tightening :
These countries are war zones so their governments can’t vouch for them, people could have been bribed etc. So it makes sense to
vet people more.
That also explains why Saudi with a nutcase but stable cooperative gov is not on the list.
Good God Almighty can the howls of leftist outrage last for Trump’s entire term? Then there’s all the ‘try again’ appeals against Brexit. It really is getting tiresome now, we’ll be getting an anti-Trump rally every day soon.
I’ve seen a new phrase today – ‘Cold civil war’, which sums up my antagonism towards the whining malevolent idiots with their SWP banners. The buggers should be water-cannoned, fined, jailed and sacked from their worthless non-jobs (assuming they have a job).
OK rant over 🙂
Reference Trump and the ban on 7 countries and the apoplexy of the luvvies at the bBBC.
Here is the president’s quote
“We should put in place stronger screening for those who come to America without a visa so that we can take a hard look at whether they’ve traveled to war zones,” He said Sunday in a televised address from the Oval Office. “And we’re working with members of both parties in Congress to do exactly that.”
Yeah, Trump. He’s just a right wing reactionary with talk like that. Yes?
Errrrr…..not exactly. This was a quote from Obama !!!!!!f
Strangely, Al Beeb seemed to have missed that one. I wonder why?
Hello hello , what’s going on here then ?
“Police say the cause of the deaths is unclear, but that there are no initial indications of a violent crime.”
Tragic. But as a news story a masterpiece of obfuscation making it worthless.
Observing the media this evening, it looks like its all out war .
My synopsis …
Journalists v Trump and the Civilised world .
We even have a chap who can run fast , yes run fast, promoted by the journalists as having a political opinion held high by the ‘meeja’, just like film stars.
The media and journalists are completely out of touch.
We voted for Brexit and the USA voted for Trump . WE Won . That’s democracy – live with it .
Yes Taffman, they seem to class Mohammed Farrah as a very important person to speak for us all !
Nolan is now raving about how a BRITISH citizen was stopped at Chicago for 2 hours.
And so what ?
That happens at Heathrow all the time, that legal foreigners are picked out and questioned like that.
I’ve met Americans and Brazilans it happened to. Of both some were allowed in and some refused entry.
1997 My Venezuelan girlfriend didnt need a visa but they interviewed her for 5 hours at Heathrow and refused her.
BBC – Protests over Trump travel ban, Trump executive order: Victims of US entry ban tell their stories etc etc – a double whammy of Islamic victim/grievance mongering
ably supported by the BBC enemedia
and … there s more
Edinburgh – Vote for a city “free of Islamophobia”
Surprise, Surprise, there s money in it too … they d have more chance of stacking up all those FALSE AND HOAX reports Islamic adherents keep making.
I d like a few quid for every one of them … anyway, better get the Koran burying, intensive bacon studying, scarf pulling “thought police” on the trail. The comment section is well … very illuminating 😀
Canada – Islamophobia Law “inching toward a broadly-based law that would codify “Islamofauxbia” as a hate crime without even defining Islamophobia or demonstrating that it is a phenomenon requiring legal action”
The madness that is Trudeau eh!
Just wait for the Tories shameful doctored report on Sharia, it won t be long … our own plod are now so compromised, and influenced they can t police properly.
all together
“There may be trouble … ahead”
addition …
I once got hauled off at Bristol airport immigration to wait an hour in a room because a person with my name was on a watch list. Very cheery Rozzer eventually appeared for a chat and then decided I wasn’t him. Brow did furrow as I suggested that anyone with dark deeds in mind may not travel openly under their actual name.
I do wonder how these vox popettes are sourced. Are there ambulance chasing reporters lurking, or do the victims get their people to call the BBC’s people?
I think Trump has only just begun.
I understand he is going to approve local police to be able to enforce Federal immigration law (which no other president has done, even though they have the power to do so) which would mean there would be many more personnel able to arrest illegal immigrants; many of them will also have very useful local knowledge on where these illegals are.
He may also approve the use of bounties to increase the number of criminal illegal aliens being handed over to the authorities.
Propaganda ?
5 people shot and killed in a mosque in Quebec !
Now we’ll see the spin on this.
BBC Online News:
“”Starbucks CEO pledges to hire 10,000 refugees globally””
The BBC have lapped this up.
Will Starbucks be ignoring the local people as employees?
Unrest could happen. Divisive I think.
Would this be like Bob Geldof taking in refugees, by any chance ?
Yvette, Lily and Madonna have a single out too.
And Ian Katz is wavering between India Knight and Kim Kardasian as the latest BBC political analysis hire for Newsnight.