Three very seriously and dangerously subversive anti-Western, anti-Trump narratives in one interview from Lyse Doucet to which I referred earlier but Craig at Is the BBC biased? [hell yeah] has helpfully gone to the huge effort of transcribing….
First, that terrorism is our fault and that any action we take to tackle it only angers Muslims more and radicalises them more. Doucet says this is a ban on all Muslims [patently not as she later admits…paradoxically trying to use the fact not all Muslims are banned as a stick to beat Trump with] and that Trump is condemning a whole religion [again clearly not…just the violent fanatics whom Obama has already pinpointed…a fact Doucet misses out]. A narrative that is beloved of the Muslim radicals themselves…a win win…they win if you bow to their violence, and then they win if you bow to their you do what they want because otherwise it would inflame the situation…otherwise known as blackmail. Doucet also links Trump’s policy to the Far-Right in Europe in an incredibly grotesque and fantastical piece of journalism. [LOL]
Second, that the BBC fully intends, as always, to personalise immigrants’ stories in order to exploit the viewer’s emotions, manipulating their thoughts and perceptions towards being more sympathetic and less reasoned and logical about things….facts no longer matter here.
Third, that there is the claim that Trump is avoiding countries he does business with…as mentioned the countries targeted are those listed by Obama as of concern, those that are failed states with large numbers of Islamist terrorists roaming freely around them. Pakistan [despite a long history of also backing the Taliban] and Saudi [with along record of backing IS, as has Turkey …a NATO member] are supposedly strategic partners and allies…hence not targeted…right or wrong…long term US, and UK, policy, not a Trump thing at all.
Shame Doucet, supposedly a professional journalist, cannot provide us with a proper analysis rather than conspiracy theories and prejudiced idiocy that passes for BBC journalism these days that itself fuels and supports the terrorist narrative….such as this…
- This would provide fodder for recruitment, it would give more fuel to the fire – and, literally, they are fires in the Middle East caused by the so-called Islamic State fighters and this proves their point. So it is a very, very dangerous, a very potent weapon, in the hands of a so-called Islamic state. And I think the distinction has to be that former president Clinton, former President Barack Obama, Western leaders, have talked about about the need to fight against those elements who used Islam, the religion of Islam, for violence, for political reasons, But it is not the same thing as condemning a whole religion on the basis of religion. But we’ve seen now, not just in the United States but across Europe as well, far-right leaders, populist leaders, using this as a political weapon to tarnish an entire religion because of actions carried out by those…and those who know the faith well say that it is a distortion of of the religion.
- They say it’s racist, it’s illegal and it’s a huge black mark on the United States. So, and I think, as more and more stories continue to come out of people stopped at the airport, people whose lives will be torn apart. The stories you’re hearing now are heartbreaking. People have waited years and years for their green card or to be accepted as refugees now literally been turned back.
- You can find now on the internet the maps which show the countries which had been banned and the ones which haven’t, and some other countries like Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, are places where Donald Trump does business.
“People have waited years and years for their green card or to be accepted as refugees now literally been turned back.”
The implamentation of proper vetting procedures will take 90 days. If the people Lies Doucet is emoting about have been waiting for “years and years” another 3 months won’t make much difference. After all Obama halted refugees from Iraq for 6 months.
I wonder if it ever occurs to Doucet that it’s in the interests of genuine refugees going to the USA make sure that terrorists are kept out? Probably not, as that involved thought rather than emotion.
♦ Obama selects 7 countries for enhanced visa security policy and media… crickets.
♦ Trump uses Obama law, same Obama DHS policy, and same 7 countries; for a 90-day visa suspension and media explodes.
In other words, President Trump simply enforced the laws that Obama set up. This was passed by Congress. The Trump administration did not need to go through the process again. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia were not in the original 7 nation list.
The other reason, is that if the process had been re-started, the very people that the ban was supposed to prevent entering, would have been alerted, and sneaked into the USA.
But I believe there is another reason here. This is a strategic ploy by the Trump administration. They have conned the media into criticising a policy what was really an Obama policy. Now that the media has realized it (except the stupid BBC), the administration can get on with the business of making America safe. And the media will never know.
But we’ve seen now, not just in the United States but across Europe as well, far-right leaders, populist leaders, using this as a political weapon to tarnish an entire religion because of actions carried out by those…and those who know the faith well say that it is a distortion of of the religion.
Oh yeah. And there is Taqiyya and Kitman. This so-called distortion is part and parcel of the Koran. It is backed up by Muslim scholars throughout history. Not all Muslims will engage in Jihad of the violent type, but they support it by Zakat, or by never disclosing Jihadi activity to the authorities. Moreover, criminality, Benefit squad, or refusing to work, and be a drag on the Infidel economy, is all part and parcel of the Jihad.
Muslims are costing us £15bn year in Benefits. Another £5bn for prison expenditure (Muslims comprise 30% of prison population, while being some 5% of the general population). Therefore £20bn for the privilege of hosting Muslims in the UK. Heaven only knows how much is spent on security at airports, MI6 and MI6.
Security at airports is a bloody waste of money, NCBBC, if Manchester is anything to go by. I’ve been patted down by a bint in a niqab after setting off the alarms with the pin in my leg, seen a similar one working the baggage scanner and even been “welcomed” back into the UK by a similarly attired immigration officer, who informed me I needed to get a new passport as my current one only had six months to run. Given where their loyalties lie, would they report a gentleman wearing pyjamas and an aversion to shaving for having anything about their person they shouldn’t? I wonder how many work airside?
I agree.
But it all costs money.
‘…But we’ve seen now, not just in the United States but across Europe as well, far-right leaders, populist leaders, using this as a political weapon to tarnish an entire religion because of actions carried out by those…and those who know the faith well say that it is a distortion of of the religion.’
Yet when the mentally ill Thomas Mair cruelly murdered MP Jo Cox, the left lost no time in ‘using this as a political weapon to tarnish an entire’ body of public opinion who supported Brexit ‘because of actions carried out by’ Mair.
When will this hypocrisy end?
Number 88
Despite the propaganda of Cameron, the Remainers and the death of Jo Cox, against all odds, Brexit won!
Have faith and a stout heart .
When a douchebag from the US ABC asked Trump whether his actions might make the Muslim world “angry”, he replied: “Angry? They’re already angry. Loot at what they’ve done [Twin Towers, other atrocities] – how could they be any more angry?”
I don’t understand why it should make the Muslim world angry, because as we all know the violence is “Nothing To Do With Islam”.
…’because we all know the violence is ‘nothing to do with Islam’. Unless of course the contortionists at the BBC want it to for their narrative on any particular given day.
Of course it’s all our fault and we have learned absolutely nothing during the last two thousand years.
In my past lives I warned the Ancient Britons not to upset the Romans and that if they only took time to get to know them and were nice to them they would never cause them any problems. Did they listen to the warnings? No they didn’t and look what happened. Just after the start of the First Millennium The Romans came flooding across the Channel and terrorised the whole of England and Wales killing as they went and imposed Roman rule on everybody against the wishes of the majority.
Now if only we had been nice and negotiated with them that would never have happened. So what happened was obviously all our own fault.
Then, of course, there was Harold. Be nice to William I said, just let him have his own way and there won’t be a problem. Well he didn’t listen either and what happened? Just after the start of the Second Millennium Duke William and his hordes of Normans came flooding across the Channel and terrorised the whole of England and Wales killing as they went and imposed Norman rule on everybody against the wishes of the majority.
Now if only we had been nice and negotiated with them that would never have happened. So what happened was obviously all our own fault.
Now, just after the start of the Third Millennium we are actually being told we should be encouraging the same thing to happen to our country and that we should ignore the fact that, yet again, attempts are being made to subjugate us to control by others who are intent on destroying our way of life and our traditions to force a completely alien way of life on us despite it being against the wishes of the majority of the British people.
It really is time we made certain that the same thing is prevented from happening on this occasions, even if the invasion in not by rampaging military might but is more subtle and is being encouraged by the persistent stream of propaganda from the bBBC and MSM and explained away as being supposedly beneficial by the weak and feeble Quislings of the Liberal Elite.