Thanks to Guest Who for this…
Of course one assassination attempt has already been made on Trump, by a Brit, undoubtedly influenced by the BBC’s sensationalist and scaremongering fake news stories that constantly labelled Trump a racist, a sexist and an Islamophobe and repeatedly built on the idea that Trump would bring about the end of the world as we know it with a rise in racism, fascism and war.
If Knight is not arrested and charged why not? The police might also consider bringing in Lord Hall for questioning…..
President Obama blamed Fox News and talk radio for virtually every problem his administration encountered, warning in his waning days that these “domestic propagandists” were far more damaging to America than any interference from hostile powers like Russia.
The ‘domestic propagandists’ that work at the BBC are genuinely dangerous, the real enemy within that fuels terror and incites hatred and division between races and religions.
It will be interesting how the BBC handles this, if it does at all.
‘Knight herself also cheered on the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, who used her question during the Q&A to attack Mr Trump’
After all, they have not been averse to drawing parallels between rhetoric from authority and actions down the line.
‘Mrs Cox’s husband Brendan said she would want people “to unite to fight against the hatred that killed her.”
Indeed. And how that hatred gets whipped up so easily, especially by media whose grasp of facts is matched only by its desire to ignore them in favour of what really matters, or banwagons.
this is unacceptable, scary and an invitation to violence
Instead of pandering to the muslims, the globalists, the EU and the fake news media as epitomised by the bbc, Mrs May would do our country a great service by imposing a ban on muslims coming to our country, the same as President Trump’s but including pakland and saudi arabia.
I do hope Ms Knight’s front door starts shaking at around 5am when she receives a visit from the old bill. And if it doesn’t, we need to be told why not. And how we get the person responsible sacked.
I wonder if the Glasgow Police are monitoring her tweets.
Speaking of fascism…
She needs to be punished but will not be. Calling for the death of the US President would see her do hard time in the US-very hard time for a long time.
Here we are so weak she will be ignored which is what she is counting upon.
But would the same apply if Hillary was President ?
It depends if the Secret Service gets to hear of it, and think it is a credible threat. If so, she will be renditioned out of Britain. Quick. No extradition hearings.
As a general rule, I oppose waterboarding, but in this instance I’d consider an exception.
It’s all about responsible journalism. Apparently.
The BBC of course know all about what constitutes this. Again the ever worthy ITTB have shone a light…
‘No ‘irresponsible’ defenders of the Trump order were given airtime – a situation the Newswatch presenter appears comfortable with’
Maybe Newsnight can get India on as a special guest for a knockabout with James or Evan?
And thereafter the BBC Complaints Home Page can continue to suggest all that is wrong in Beebworld is still:
BBC Logo18 JANUARY 2017
EastEnders, BBC One, 12 January 2017
We received complaints from some viewers who felt that the episode contained inappropriate language.
BBC blocks9 JANUARY 2017
Radio 2, The Christmas That Goes Wrong – 25th December 2016
We received complaints from some listeners unhappy with the broadcast, saying it was poor quality.
It’s what Tony Hall would have wanted.
Surely this is an incitement to murder and a criminal offence ?
The Brit Who Tried to Kill Trump
Today 11:20pm – 12:05am BBC One (not Scotland)
No doubt his aspergers will be a free pass ( should he need one when the prospective target is Trump)
NISA; I watched that on Iplayer the other night. It was 45 minutes of his mum gurning on about “he shouldn’t be there” (in a US prison that is). So bloke leaves home, goes to New York, like you do, disappears then goes to a Vegas shooting range the day before attending a DT rally, tries to pull a gun from a cop. But not at all premeditated.
Shooting range man said “he looked like an ordinary guy” – or words to that effect. “Didn’t seem to know how to handle a gun etc.” BUT……picture taken of the target in the boot of his car after arrest showed 20 direct hits.
The whole programme…..mother and father struggling to understand how this could happen. Perhaps they should have tried looking in the mirror.
Aspergers – the get out of jail free card.
Aren`t we lucky to have such an idiot wind by way of Trump to sail and sally forth in his catamaran?
The likes of India Knight and Madonna would not, of course have heard of Katie Hopkins or Jade Goody except in their horreur of things said in a gor-blimey accent.
But THEY got hounded and investigated for far less than attempting to get others to kill the elected president for them.
As did that bloke who joked of blowing up Robin Hood airport( that name?). Grave concerns, literality and no laughing matter here type of crap.
Well now-both sides the pond-if Knight and Madonna are NOT dealt with in such a way that we`ll not hear them for a while-then we will draw our own conclusions.
Can only be nasty in the end if they don`t.The law(crap and mad laws THEY gave us!) are either meant for all, or for nobody any more?
They dumb enough to provoke THIS?…but of course.
I wonder if the law will go a bit easier on bacon related crimes seeing that incitement to murder or blow up the White House is now seen as acceptable.
Which reminds me. Did I miss BBC’s fearless and penetrating exploration into the so far unexplained (AFAIAA) death in custody of the man convicted of the bacon massacre?
Tommy Robinson, Tim Burton and others never advocated the death of others but look what the police, the judiciary, the politicians and the press have done to them.
I think we all know which side the police are on.
She writes for the Sunday Times. Wouldn’t it be nice if Rupert Murdoch had a word and then fired her. Not much chance of that I would imagine.
A few months ago a Guardian and occasional Telegraph journalist tweeted a similar message, clearly inciting assassination.
A Guido reader reported it to the Met and got a crime number, but since then nothing. Presumably they were too busy chasing people who had run off with Eddie Lizzard’s pink beret (no doubt reported as a Brexit hate crime – ironically committed by a Polish visitor!)
The British public are behind Brexit and Trump. Labour know this but cannot do anything about it so the only opposition is the media , and they are getting ‘Desperate’. Hence the media propaganda, panic and frenzy.
Just watch and enjoy.