I’ve been searching the news sites but surprisingly have found absolutely no outraged cries denouncing the BBC because of its Islamophobia, racism, anti-Muslim bigotry, discrimination and misuse of licence-payers’ money to stoke anti-Muslim feeling with the blackest of racist propaganda from the usual sources such as the somewhat creepy Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Brotherhood front group, the Muslim Council of Britain.
Surprising because the BBC has been filming a series, Caliphate-UK, that portrays a Britain that has fallen to an Islamic invasion and is under the yoke of a monstrous, inhumane and fascist-like Muslim regime. The actor Rufus Sewell, who plays an ISIS-like extremist given a position of command in the UK, says that ‘I think reducing Muslims to stereotypical extremists and headchopping radicals screaming ‘Allah Akbar’ as a kind of easy entertainment takes us away from the important fact that they were human beings. Islam is not populated by all the evil people in the world. Radicalisation happened to a lot of normal people…it could happen again. It nearly happened here. What’s vital is that you get the story of the human beings being sucked into an evil world-view without knowing it as Muslims often are. That’s one of the things that makes it so timely what we are doing now.’
Maeve Dermody who plays Sewell’s Christian sex slave, says the rise in Islamic supremacist narratives across the world makes this warning from an imagined history unusually pertinent saying “We have such a diminishned sense of history.”
So yes…the Caliphate….a warning from history that we should do more than switch on as if it were merely the latest in historical, dramatic TV entertainment.
Oh, wait, my mistake, should have gone to Specsavers….the BBC is going to broadcast a new series depicting Britain under the jackboot of a Nazi regime…SS-GB, from a Len Deighton book from 1978…..naturally this is not timed nor intended to be a commentary on Brexit or Leave voters…the BBC is definitely not likening those who support Brexit to Nazis nor trying to imply that Brexit and opposition to the Liberal gangsterism that dominates now is leading to the 1930’s. No, no, no.
However others aren’t quite so dishonest…
Rufus Sewell in the Sunday Times….
“I thnk reducing Nazis to werewolves and zombies and vampires and aliens, as a knd of entertainment, takes us away from the important fact that they were human beings. Germany was not populated at that time by all the evil people in the world. It happened to a lot of normal people. It could happen again. It nearly happened here. What’s vital is that you get the story of the human beings being sucked into an evil-world view without knowing it. That’s one of the things that makes it so timely that we’re doing it now.”
Maeve Dermody fellow actor…“The rise in nationalist sentiment around the world makes this warning from an imagined history unusually pertinent….we have such a diminished sense of history.”
The BBC is using licence money to pump out a viciously racist and political slander against Brexit and those who voted for it in what is the blackest form of propaganda. Who are the real fascists? They are making this BBC series. Brexit an ‘evil world view’? Only on the BBC.
I think it’s pronounced calip-hate, with the emphasis on the last syllable.
Here we have the living embodiment of the power of the education system COMBINED WITH THE HARD LEFT PRO-IMMIGRATION propaganda from our state broadcaster to brainwash an entire generation. These Blairflakes have been taught up is down, politicised by their hard left teachers and then their Marxist lecturers to know that their opinion and no other must stand. This is why one deluded lunatic held up a placard reading “First they came for the Muslims and we did nothing”, a nauseous parody of Pastor Martin Niemoller’s righteous indignation, an ignorant atrocity of a placard equating the democratically elected Donald Trump with Hitler when in reality it is Islam who is coming for us all in the West, Islam who has exactly the same view about Jews (descended from apes and pigs says the Koran) as Hitler did, Islam that is the diametric opposite to democracy. Read G. Cooke’s book “Britain’s Great Immigration Disaster”(Amazon and Kindle), know why our schools will not, can not tell the truth about Islam and its 1400 year old, remorseless war against Christians, Jews and each other. The seeds of our own destruction have been sown by Labour’s multicultural madness and they were scattered all over London yesterday.
No hour long BBC special of outrage on the erasure of the Atatürk democratic reforms.
No profile of the self-obsessed new Ottoman Sultan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
No history of the Muslim Brotherhood.
(You would think Erdogan’s treatment of Turkish journalists would spark some interest with their BBC counterparts.)
BBC- What’s a Caliphate? A nice bit of Turkish delight.
Well said. You would have thought that Treezer’s visit to Turkey would have been a great chance for the BBC to highlight the evil barbarism of that bastard Erdogan. I say that as a Turcophile who lived 2 years in Turkey. You are right, Erdogan is dismantling the civilised reforms of one of the greatest men in history and not a peep from the BBC. I wonder why ? For the scum at the BBC , muslims can do anything they want and get a free pass.
Hasn’t Erdogan been sucking up to the Russian and Syrian Regimes of late against Western interests and isn’t that a good enough reason for the bBBC to ignore the atrocities he is involved with and damage he is doing to Turkey and it’s people?
I lived in istanbul when he was Mayor and no educated person could work out his mind then ! But, you are possibly right about Russia ( notwithstanding the fall out after the fighting jet shooting down incident ) and Syria. In which case that would be another reason for the BBC to let him off the hook. Another may just be plain cowardice. Much safer to slag off Trump.
Lucy, I am guessing that if the Beeboids have even heard of Ataturk, they would automatically dislike him for being a secular reformer instead of an agent of bringing about the Caliphate on earth.
If the BBC was going to give us a documentry about the delights of life under the wonders of life as part of the islamic caliphate there is over 1400 years worth of material for the BBC to choose from though being the BBC {and given the BBC and its previousl reputation when it comes to islam} needlessly to say the BBC will show us a glowing story of islamic civilization, culture, achievement, human rights etc and conveiniently ignore the reality of life for hundreds of millions of non-muslims over the last 1400 hundred years of islam’s efforts to establish the global islamic caliphate which though the BBC would flat out deny is still islam’s ultimate goal. PS BBC try reading paedophile muhammad’s unholy quran first ALL of it, As I have and its not pretty if you are not a muslim and have the intelligence to see the real truth as to what is in the quran and rightly do not want the be a muslim. Unlike the BBC I have read the quran {I have three copies and many other books on islam} and without doubt consider the quran the worst book in the whole history of human literature
I have read it too. I bet you, apart from muslims at the BBC, there is not one single Beeboid who has read it.
Grant, neither in Government. Sorry, I really meant plural: European Governments.
Good point. I seem to remember, when Blair was PM , he was giving a speech to muslims and claimed he had read the Koran. Luckily for him, there was no Q and A session afterwards !
A few posts threads earlier, I wrote
What will be the strategy? Virtually the same as the one the West’ pursued against the USSR, and Warsaw pact countries.
1. Travel between the two entities made very difficult, if not impossible
2. No tourism, students exchanges. And certainly no immigration to the West from Islamic countries.
3. No cultural exchanges.
4. No aid, not even food, unless paid in hard cash.
5. No trade except what is necessary to the West – which is not much.
In conjunction, will be strict monitoring of mosques and Islamic centres, and expulsion of non-citizen Muslims.
Islamic nations don’t have the capability to withstand such a policy. The Warsaw pact managed it for a while, but eventually they collapsed.
I didn’t expect it to start so early, and America to go it alone. But here we are. What Pres Trump is saying, is that NATO is to get with the program. Or else he will go with Russia.
This is going to strike fear in Merkel. She cant rearm, as the purpose of the EU is to stop Germany converting its economic power to military force. If she tries, Germany will be confronted by France, all of Eastern Europe, the UK, Russia, and the USA.
Their are the usual leftist bed wetters protesting at airports. But I think Trump knows he has the majority with him, Besides, the Republicans control Congress, Senate, 2/3 of states, and very soon, the Supreme court.
I note that Sajid Khan, the Muslim mayor of Londonistan, is preaching to America of the virtues of Tolerance, Freedom, Democracy etc etc. The whole Islamic agenda of conquest by immigration was being “unfairly attacked. Poor soul. He seemed to be on the point of tears.
I wish he would preach this to his fellow Muslims in Britain, or Muslim countries, who have virtually expunged Christians from Islamic countries, and made Arabia Juden rein.
PS: I realize why none of the Gulf states are on the list. But why is Pakistan not on the list.
“PS: I realize why none of the Gulf states are on the list. But why is Pakistan not on the list.”
The “list”, contrary to the lefties’ demonology, is not something that the President has just dreamt up. It was previously adopted several years ago, when the President was Obama and the Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton. The new administration has just exposed the incredible hypocrisy of the Democrats, the MSM and the likes of CAIR. In time, I expect, Pakistan will have to be added to whatever long-term list develops, in some category.
Pakistan[which supports the Taliban against British and American troops], Saudi which supports IS,and Turkey which supports IS[as a tool to attack the Kurds] are strategic allies of US and UK…a long term policy. It’s a mistake really…Saudi is the source of so much radicalisation, including in the UK, but of course has massive ties to Establishment, Royalty and universities where it peddles its ideology as well as deep and influential roots in Muslim communities in UK…as of course Pakistan does…so many Pakistanis in UK any move against it would result in more terror here. Turkey, a NATO member, is on the list to be fast-tracked into EU whatever the BBC would have you believe [note the EU is now saying we could be fast-tracked back into the EU if we dumped Brexit…anything is possible when they want it]….we have just signed a deal for fighter planes to go to Turkey…despite Erdogan being an out and out Islamist who is locking up all opposition and supports IS when he thinks it is useful to do so.
The BBC that makes a false allegation about Trump’s motives is the BBC that selectively concentrates on Israel for savage and intemperate criticism whilst happily under-reporting Turkey’s almost genocidal assault on the Kurds or Pakistan’s use of terror in Afghanistan and India and its persecution of minorities, as well as its attempts to steal the Kashmir from India…amongst many, many other Muslim countries that are equally as bad. Just the Jews then.
Caliphate-UK or a Nazi UK?
I think we discussed this before.
Correction in NCBBC January 29, 2017 at 2:43 pm
There are the usual leftist bed wetters protesting at airports.
The BBC and MSM, are telling us that the protests are nationwide and huge. They are not.
The Western MSM ignore Middle East news. Anyone who has been keeping watch can see that trouble is brewing in Mohammedland. The Iranians have been squaring up to Saudi big time & things are not quite as simple as Shiite Vs Sunni. The Turks & Iranians both hate the Saudi’s and challenge the Saudi claim to Islamic authority. So although the Turks are mainly Sunni/Sufi & the Iranians Shiite they are united in opposition to The Arabs. The Shiites have their focus on their own Mosque in Karbala. They await the return of their Messiah figure, Hussian. Any Islamic leader who can unite the Muslim world would be placed to make a power-grab for the Caliph title. Erdogan is one of them. (he has sons as well) He is loved all over the Muslim world. He draws crowds when he visits Egypt, Iran, “Palestine”. He’s a dangerous man. Much more than Putin. A NATO member with a large Military. But the eyes of the West are not on him!
One of many speeches where he talks of “peace” for the Islamic world.
@ 4:53 “My religion is neither Sunni nor Shi’ite, My religion is Islam”