The BBC has trotted out the usual narrative that Trump’s temporary ban on people entering the US from certain countries of concern to Obama will fuel terrorism. I might suggest the sensationalist, mendacious and false reporting of the BBC actually fuels terrorism as it gives unwarranted credibility and justification to the radical recruiters and terrorists.
Others have similar concerns about the likes of the BBC’s pro-terror narrative...from Terra Incognita…
“Fueling terrorism”: It’s always “our” fault
There is always a narrative about “fueling” terrorism.
1950s-1960s Why is there terrorism
“Colonialism fuels terrorism”
1970s Why is there terrorism?
“Israel is fueling terrorism by suppressing Palestinians and its occupation of Arab and Islamic lands”
1980s Why is there terrorism?
“US policy in Iran fueled the revolution that then became extreme and caused terrorism, and US support of Mujahidin in Afghanistan caused terrorism”
Early 1990s Why is there terrorism?
“US-supported regimes and secular dictators and lack of democracy fuel terror by suppressing the demands of the people”
Late 1990s and 9/11 Why is there terrorism?
“US bases in the Kingdom on the land of the two holy sites defiles Islam and fuels terrorism and US role in Afghanistan created blowback, as well as US support for Israel.”
2002 Why is there terrorism?
“Poverty and discrimination cause terrorism as well as dictatorship in the Arab world”
2003 Why is there terrorism?
“The US and allied invasion of Iraq fueled extremism”
2004-2014 Why is there terrorism?
“Lack of jobs, global warming and opportunity forces young men to become radicalized in Europe and fuels extremism”
2014 Why is there terrorism
“Assad’s crackdown on demands for democracy and Maliki’s disenfranchisement of Sunni Arabs in Iraq fuels terrorism”
2015-2016 Why is there terrorism?
“The rise of the right wing in Europe and racism fuels extremism and terrorism”
2017 Why is there terrorism?
“Donald Trump’s immigration ban fuels extremism and terrorism.”
May I propose an alternative theory of how extremism is fueled.
Extremism is primarily fueled by hateful and intolerant societies that produce large numbers of ignorant and bigoted people who are willing dupes, fellow travelers, useful idiots, and some of whome are actual extremists. Within such a society there are also those on its margins, even outsiders, who seek to convert to zealotry because it provides an easy answer and there are psychopaths and sociopaths who seek an excuse to murder others.
Into this society comes voices who exploit the existing bigotry, ignorance and intolerance and encourages people to become extremist terrorists. They exploit the existing and non-existing grievances of the people through preaching and other forms of propaganda using the most modern medium and religion as a cover or rubric to bring in the public. Very small numbers of people join with the extremists, but even a very small number (.01%) of society willing to commit mass murder can wreak havoc.
DELINGPOLE: Trump, May And The Return Of The Anglosphere Will Make The World A Better Place
But like a lot of people in the media, the BBC doesn’t realise this. So rapid has been the Trump administration’s blitzkrieg assault on the liberal-left’s cultural and political hegemony that the old liberal establishment just doesn’t know what has hit it, yet.
Which brings me to my second reason for saying the thing I do about Trump, May and the return of the Anglosphere: because it’s happening, it’s true and it is going to shake up the world.
Poor Merkel, was under the impression that Germany would rule Europe, and the world. Germany’s time had come, she, thought, and Germans too. But with little or no warning, the ground has shifted so far, that Germany is in an unenviable position – stuck between Russia on one side, and the USA and UK on the other. East European EU states meanwhile, have decamped to America’s side.
Germany can try and go with China. But really, Germany has no real option. Get with the Trump program, or else.
Lots of ‘British’ Muslims claim that our foreign policy ’caused’ 9/11, 7/7, and the other terrorist atrocities, forgetting (or ignoring) that Blair’s first war, in Kosovo, was to protect Muslims, from Serbian ethnic-cleansing.
and what a mistake that turned out to be.
Clinton and Blair are responsible for creating two Muslim nations in Europe.
Muslims must be incredulous that Europe itself created this, when 1200 years of Jihad invasion failed to do so.
Good post! It is one often raised by my compatriots – some of whom fought out there.
Not a peep from Al Beeb about it though?
Alan writes: ‘The BBC has trotted out the usual narrative that Trump’s temporary ban on people entering the US from certain countries of concern to Obama will fuel terrorism.’
Isn’t that blackmail? ‘Give us what we want or we will use terrorist methods to get it?’
And if they are that volatile, doesn’t it simply prove that President Trump is right?
The liberal snowflakes are being faced, for the first time in their lives,by a US leadership that is like that of an old nation state.
That is beyond their capability to understand. The US is no longer concerned about what the noisy but useless nations and people think about it. President Trump is carrying out the prime function of a leader that is to safeguard and protect the lives of his people. That is what a leader does or if not then that leader fails .
Compare and contrast the EU leaders and their response to terror and imported criminality. There is no common ground here.
Also his actions and words are directed at those who threaten the US and yes innocent people will be caught up in it but that is life .
Take for instance the furor over torture. This really looked as if the President was saying to those who wish to attack the US that nothing is going to be ruled out and that his defense secretary was being given a free hand and if extreme measures were to be used then unfortunately that is the way of things. Don’t plot terror attacks or else!
With the nations and leaders who really matter the US will act very circumspectly.
I am not sure about MRS May. It looks as if she approved the question from Kuensberg. If so then this will rebound on her . Somewhere down the line. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
President Trump could have been joking when he said that there goes the special relationship but I think he meant it. If so then the BBC is culpable.
Yes. I suspect that Trump is a lot smarter than the Lefties think. It may take them a while to realise it .
I think you’re right, Grant. He is certainly playing them like a fine old fiddle, at the moment. They aren’t bright enough to realise it, but he is.
A long time. The moment lefties think that Trump may not be so dumb, he throws them another mangy bone to run after, all the while shouting that “Trump is an idiot”.
So it will continue.
I’m absolutely sure that President Trump will have been fully briefed about the atrocious Treezer – the woman who, while Home Secretary, banned Geller and Spencer, yet presided over the seemingly limitless immigration of fanatical islamists.
My feeling is that he has decided to work with the UK and has accepted that she is probably only in place for the short term, so he may as well do business with her. If the country ever comes to its senses and elects a proper conservative, the groundwork will have been done and the real work can get started.
Thanks GCoopper for a very sensible post.
Dave S
Great points. We already know that President Trump holds the BBC in contempt(BBC news, another beauty). Lets hope he does not hold it against Britain. OTH, he might be playing a long hand here, as he has still to tackle the lady in Germany. She is trying to make an urgent appointment with him, but he is playing hard to get.
‘The BBC has trotted out the usual narrative that Trump’s temporary ban on people entering the US from certain countries of concern to Obama will fuel terrorism.’
– But I thought it had ‘nothing to do with Islam?’
I watched the ITV news at 10 which sometimes is far left of the BBC news! One of the US reporters searched out a truck stop maybe hoping to get some red neck feedback but got one of the better quotes of this midden of U.K. media reporting on the temporary ban from a white male “Entry in to the United States is a privilege and not a right. Having to wait a few months for additional checks then so be it”