Who, what, where, when, why.
Fairly basic journalistic principles. Not for the BBC who when ‘reporting’ a shooting in a Canadian mosque fail utterly too bring us any information of any relevance other than this was ‘a terrorist attack on Muslims’ thus suggesting it was non-Muslims doing the shooting. It could be. But two minutes on Google and you find out first it is a Sunni Muslim cultural centre [so we can probably dismiss Sunni against Shia or Ahmadiya].
Second that those arrested are allegedly a Quebec citizen [ethnicity/religion unknown] and an ‘Arab’….
Un des deux hommes arrêtés dans le cadre de l’attentat terroriste survenu dans une mosquée de Québec serait d’origine québécoise et l’autre serait d’origine arabe
Third that witnesses say that the shooters shouted ‘Allah Akhbar’ [CBC News]…maybe a ‘false flag’..but unlikely as they must know they were likely to be caught and thus exposed.
This information has been easily available all night and yet the Today show mentioned none of them in its ‘report’ and markedly failed to ask ‘who’ the shooters were…a normal question of any journalist especially when the shooters had been arrested and thus something must be known of their identity…you suspect they didn’t ask because they knew the available information is rather inconvenient for the BBC narrative. The R4 news similarly censored what we were allowed to know….again telling us this was a terrorist attack on Muslims….indeed it was and yet the BBC approach is to insinuate that it is an Islamophobic attack rather than an inter-Muslim dispute of some kind which so far the limited evidence seems to point to.
The BBC website does a similarly limited report on the shooting, however the BBC is able to bring you information about something that didn’t happen last night but is intended to encourage you to think this was an Islamophobic attack…
In June last year the same mosque was the target of an Islamophobic incident when a pig’s head was left in front of the building, with a card saying “bonne appetit”.
Eating pork is forbidden in Islam..
Once again the BBC shapes the news in order to manipulate your views.
Trump needs to remind people that his travel ban is to protect Muslims as well as non-Muslims.
Good point !
And I’m sure they were delighted that Sham Munchyourbutty, given an uncontested platform on BBC TV Breakfast this morning to denounce Trump as a “Danger to the western world”, managed to drop in the ‘fact’ that the threat “seems to have spread to Canada. . .” thereby once more doing their work for them in making inter-Islamic violence look like the hand of Trump.
As, sadly, predicted.
They think they have a sure fire win win.
Not sure it’s working as it used to.
Takes a fortunately rare kind of brain wiring to concoct such logic.
“Not sure it’s working as it used to.”
Indeed. Now I may well be misinterpreting the tea-leaves and my own bias-bubble may be distorting perception but I have a keen sense that there is now a critical mass who are seeing the “opinion-forming” system for just what it is. They know we know it too.
The outright overt and accelerating censorship (Facebook, You-tube, Twitter, “comments for this article closed” and the like) wouldn’t be happening the way it now is.
None of this will end well.
No quis, he should not. That simply reinforces the “specialness” of muslims and will be taken up by his critics as “softening” the position.
The intention is to protect all US citizens, and that has clearly been stated.
Good point. In which case, somebody more sensible in the MSM needs to remind the petulant hyperbolic section of the MSM that “all US citizens” includes Muslims as well. Granted, the former is a rare beast these days.
“Bonne appetit”
I suspect Quebec separatists are responsible.
I suspect the French Government have incited this, and provided the weapons.
Time to close our borders with France.
Second explanation.
Some brave Canadian patriots joining the most desirable process of expelling members
of the nastiest organisation in history from the Occident.
Most welcome.
Third explanation.
Just some Muzzie scumbags practising their megascumbag techniques, thereby confirming, for the 900,000,000th time why neither the West, or any other states need them. Bye bye Muzzies.
Canadians led by Trudeu want to stand by their muslims.
If it turns out that the killers were muslims which lot do they want to stand by?
If they are muslims the story will disappear from the BBC
Damn. I was just about to post that !
Possibly fake news.
Yes very likely fake news. No way these two “Syrians” could learn a Quebcois accent in a week.
From Mark Steyn, 18th January, 2016:
“Canadians are dead, and so is satire. Six Quebeckers get slaughtered by Islamic terrorists in Burkina Faso, and to honor their memory Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leads a moment of silence …at a mosque.”
When muslims murder non-muslims, the reaction of creeps like Trudeau is to increase the police presence outside mosques, to deny the relevance of islam and to show solidarity with the nearest bunch of muslims. When muslims are the victims, the reaction of creeps like Trudeau is to increase the police presence outside mosques, to pray the killers are not islamic and to show solidarity with the nearest bunch of muslims.
Churchill had right, Owen, when he said that it was called feeding the crocodile in the hope that feeder would be eaten last.
Trudeau is a traitor, do not confuse him with nice people like creeps.
Like father, like son, both cnuts.
If you go onto the BBC website this is pretty much their lead item. At the bottom of the Jackanory they ask you to contact them if you have been affected by this news.
I have contacted them, and given them a piece of my mind, maybe others here can do the same. This is the bastard BBC trying to stoke up civil war, both here and America.
Truly sickening.
In response to the Canadian killings the Cameron supported UAF, backed by Owen Jones will be holding a demo against Islamophobia tonight.
Unite Against Fascism shared Stand Up To Racism’s post.
11 mins ·
Canadian Prime Minister condemns the Mosque shooting in Quebec which has left 6 dead. Whipping up Islamophobia has deadly consequences. We say no to #MuslimBan! See you at the demo tonight 6pm Downing Street – then all out for the #MuslimBan Protest this Saturday supported by Muslim community groups, Stop the War and CND and others invite friends and Share https://www.facebook.com/events/1761835547477556/
Still no confirmation.
“Ann Coulter’s Law: Longer it takes to identify the race of the attacker, the more likely they’re Islamic.”
Relevant to Quebec City
One of the two is Muslim – therefore Religion of Peace. The other may have converted to that most dangerous of faiths – Christianity.
I watched Sky news at 1pm. (Yes, this is a criticism of the BBC in that I know without switching it on at the moment how the propaganda will run, and so I cannot listen to the national broadcaster I am taxed for.)
Exactly the same news angle as described above, almost to the word. Is there an official fake news hub they all are using?
My beef, as ever, is the poor quality of the journalism. I get it that the names of the suspected terrorists have not been yet released and some caution should be exercised. But thanks to the internet, it is obvious that there is at least a possibility that the perpetrators are also Muslim. In that case, it is plainly wrong to keep insinuating that this horror came from those who have been influenced by Trump or are against migrants.
Looks like a prime cut of fake news/ snowflake agenda to me – ironically, Sky were also promising a piece about how the mainstream media were fighting back against Fake News. I switched off.
When I woke up this morning R2 had the mosque shooting story as the main headline, and my initial thoughts were that this was going to be rammed at us all day and linked to Trump.
When I arrived in my office it had dropped to number two in the news headlines, and I knew at that point that the ‘impartial’ BBC must now suspect it’s Muslim on Muslim.
By 10 o’clock it had dropped to number three, but they had to mention that the mosque had been the focus of Islamophobic attacks. So it’s our fault really.
By 3 o’clock I’m not sure if it got a mention at all.
Anyone care to speculate what the BBC would be saying if it was two white nationalists that had been arrested? I would be willing to back my initial thoughts, and bet serious money that it would be being rammed at us with Trump to blame.
The difference between how it has been reported, and how we know it would’ve been if it had fit their narrative, is proof enough of the cancer of bias in the BBC.
The BBC needs to be shut down.
“and bet serious money that it would be being rammed at us with Trump to blame.”
You mean Putin then?
Following on from yesterday’s post:
It’s now 7 o’clock the following day, and the mosque shooting is back in the R2 headlines at number 2 with reference to the shooter being far-right.
So there you have it, the importance of the news for the BBC is directly correlated to what identity they think they can attribute to the perpetrators and not the crime itself.
Evidence, if further evidence was ever required, that for the BBC the newsworthiness of news is never dependant on the news itself, but the agenda that can be derived from it.
The BBC definitely needs to be shut down.
CBC News @CBCNews
UPDATE: 2 men arrested in deadly Quebec mosque shooting are Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir (link: http://trib.al/L50iEt1) trib.al/L50iEt1 #QuebecShooting
TVA broke that news
Mohamed Khadir released
BBC claims Bissonnette called police just after the shooting saying he was armed and willing to cooperate.
The MSM are disgusting. Within minutes they had stated that the perpetrators had spoken with a regional accent – putting everyone off the trail. No mention of what they had said. And all this stuff about the pigs head and Islamophobia?? Don’t think I can take much more of this ‘cooking’ the news. Wouldn’t surprise me if it was a stunt to blame trump. Sky, BBC and some of the major US media stations need to be publicly reprimanded for their journalist bias (and lying by omission).
Turns out that it was a lone Quebec nutter.
Or so we are told…
I always worry about any media headline with the word ‘we’ in it now…
Actually about marketing, but I thought the possible concept of ‘real time fake news’ had potential.
A bit like when Jeremy Bowen is getting a translation from his Hamas issued OB guy.