Toady this morning had John Humphries and a BBC reporter telling the listeners how impartial and accurate BBC news reporting is….spat my tea out laughing.
I would rather the BBC strive to be objective rather than impartial.
That is, describing what people did, without automatic recourse to vilifying them (Trump, white people, Christians, men) or lauding them to the heavens (everyone with a foot on the Victim ladder).
If the BBC had, for example, been objective about the Cologne New Year mass sex attacks, then their reporting would have been much more useful, as well as being very different.
The trouble about striving to be ‘impartial’ is that it becomes all too easy to wallow in the kind of witless and mendacious indiscrimination the BBC excels at.
“their reporting”
ALBeeb is almost bereft of reports.
AlBeeb and the Guardian have a competition to show which of them can pen the highest number of the most non-factual stories and present them in a manner which allows the “reports” to be described as opinion pieces or otherwise distance their content from their responsibility.
This is reporting :-
(since I am inexperienced I shall use the cub reporter’s aide memoire. Who, what, when, where, why, how.)
WHO? – The BBC.
WHAT? – Propaganda instead of journalism.
WHEN? – 24/7/365-366.
WHERE? – Everywhere they can send one(or several) of their “journalists” on a first class ticket to some exotic venue.
WHY? – On behalf of the “continuing left wing mass-murder Marxism programme”.
HOW? – With our £4,500,000,000.
I had to laugh when I happened on the BBBC none-News last evening. The coloured Presenter sat with a very serious face condemning fake news. There he was, not a smile, working for the biggest purveyor of fake news in the world. Stupidity does not come any worse than that!
Extraordinary sequence on BBC Breakfast. First some ‘asian’ looking chap was asked for his opinion or to describe, not sure which, ‘fake news’. Whatever, he certainly knew his stuff, using three examples – all with a negative Trump slant, which I found odd. This insight was followed by another little chap who I initially mistook for Rita Chakrabarti, and then realised that it was her younger brother Sammy. He seemed close to tears – possibly having some gender issues – but I really think that the Corporation are irresponsible in exposing such a young and immature mind to ‘grown up’ problems. Shame on you.
I heard the business correspondent on Toady interviewing the head of Weetabix here in the UK, they are investing £30 million in their factory in Northampton yet the al beeboid is more concerned with increasing prices “post-Brexit”, rather than the obvious benefits to the local and national economies due to said investment.
Poor little Beeboid. Worried about how much he will have to pay for his breakfast cereal. I would have thought Beeboids were more Fruit and Fibre than Weetabix.
Now that Kellogg has pulled all its advertising from Breitbart because they only want socialists to buy their cereals the snowflakes have to show solidarity.
” I would have thought Beeboids were more Fruit and Fibre than Weetabix”
Outrageous! Don’t you know that the gender bender lovers at the BBC only ever use 5 star in everything – especially food! To suggest that the BBC money spenders would even look at a box of Fruit and Fibre is to them a 5 star Anathema!
1. Cereal prices will come down once we are outside the EU customs union and don’t have to pay EU tariffs on imported crops.
2. We don’t export breakfast cereals to anywhere in the EU except Ireland because they don’t eat them or they make their own muesli.
Ergo, Weetabix will do very well in the UK outside the EU.
My other half WILL watch the Beeb news, so heard this just now. The main thrust of the weetabix item is on the increasing costs of wheat (anti brexit) and the last sentence just mentions the investment in Northampton. Extraordinary, this is pure propaganda.Weetabix should be furious with the Beeb for ruining their good news story
According to the bBBC the buy the cereal within a 50 mile radius of the factory….but they went on to say that cereals are priced in Dollars and the pound is low. Of course they missed the reason the pound is low, big gob Carney is responsible for that!
Well I used to buy cereals locally for my livestock in Norfolk and I never, ever paid in dollars. They came from local farms who also didn’t trade in dollars. The livestock were slaughtered at a local abattoir that didn’t use dollars (see where this is going?), butchered locally by someone who got paid in sterling and was sold for local currency…. you guessed it – not dollars.
BBC just fit for purpose. Don’t know how they will be pursuaded to change, too long locked into the multiculturalism scenario & obeying the controlling bods that run the finance in Europe & the World. Why the H does the BBC have so many journalists in America-do we realy need them, no doubt costing millions and that’s just Sopel’s salary! So glad I don’t have to pay the licence fee anymore.
I was simultaneously annoyed and amused to hear R4 mention the UK passport holding Iranian chap getting interrogated at the US airport like it was a thing, and trying to suggest that promises made about British citizens could not be trusted.
It’s ironic since I’ve recently returned from a US business trip, and on entry at Atlanta airport my colleague got interrogated for 4 hours (and I had to meet up later) when he was accused of working in the US. Always likely to happen if you make a lot of business trips.
I suspect the BBC chap has been questioned loads of times, it’s just what the Borders people are like in the US. If you choose to travel there you know what they’re like.
Back in the day I spent summer as a camp counsellor in the USA. Bunacamp issued us with teams of documentation as US immigration was notorious for obstructionism because it was deemed to be taking jobs from American kids. We were advised not to pinpoint out there was a 10:1 reciprocal deal to mollify the guys there setting the rules. I was questioned for an hour.
The BBC habit of taking inevitable isolated incidents and blowing them out of proportion as personal sob stories had always existed, but is now at epic proportion and causing blowback. There are simply too many of them with not enough material and too much space to try and fill. And it shows.
The complaints are all very well, just how do you recognise a terrorist amongst a crowd of similarly dressed people. Trumps idea seems to be a temporary ban until some checking system can be put in place. Seems logical except naturaly to beeboids.
I have always found passing US Immigration to be a high stress experience. Even when carrying a passport stamped “UK Government Official/Unlimited”, (‘special relationship’?), you expect the ‘computer says no’ any moment.
The only time I found the experience at all pleasant was clearing US Immigration in Montreal, (that’s in a different country, a bit like having the UK border in Calais, France, got that BBC?), where I think the officer had ‘gone native’ and had learnt to smile.
Good comment. My experience has been the same for the best part of 30 years. The US decide who to let in their country, and you get questioned and finger printed.
It”s a pain to be in the long queue/ line but it makes you feel the border actiually matters. Unlike some countries I could mention.
It would probably be too much for the snowflakes though. Counselling services for PTSD and safe spaces would be required.
‘US Immigration in Montreal . . . where I think the officer had “gone native” and had learnt to smile.’
Not my experience. Comfortaby the worst border crossing I’ve endured was eight years ago, trying to enter Canada from Washington State, as a tourist, off a train, after midnight. Canadian family friends had warned me that seeing the way non-Canadians are treated at immigration had left them—quote—‘ashamed to be Canadian’. Once over the border, of course, the people are fine.
As for the US, I’ve entered the country only under a J-something employed-in-teaching visa. Your bezzie mate they most certainly are not, but they’ve always seemed reasonably polite. The principle nonetheless remains the same. It’s almost as if North America is under the impression that sovereign countries are able to decide who they want to let in.
Compare and contrast with (say) rocking up at British immigration as a permanent resident of the Netherlands, but having served time in a Dutch prison for decapitating your tenant—and being waved in. Jamshid Piruz is the name to search for. One of the North Brabant Piruzes, I believe, not the Overijssel Piruzes.
I think the snowflakes just have no concept of border control. If they have experienced it, they probably just see it as part of general airport security and don’t associate it with restriction of movement.
I am old enough however to remember travelling by train across eastern Europe in 1990. At each border, the train was stopped, everybody had to get off, and platoons of soldiers boarded to search the train. At the Romanian border, I had to have a 20 minute interview with a border official before I was allowed to continue. On the Turkish border I had to stand in front of a tinpot chief of police, under a portrait of Ataturk, who languidly checked my passport while smoking a foul smelling cheroot. I was starting to worry I might end up like Lawrence of Arabia at one point.
In more recent travels I had a long interview with an immigration official while travelling through the Line of Control on the Indo-Chinese border.
However, the average snowflake just gets waved through on his or her trips around the beloved EU, and probably has no concept of ‘borders’ at all.
“Vigorous areas of low pressure, sounds quite scary”
Louise Minchin reflects on the BBC weather forecast this morning and her off-the-cuff quip inadvertently suggests what seems to be the main thrust of BBC tv weather bulletins these days – to alarm and dismay the viewers.
This unprecedented breakout of mass hysteria driven by uncontrollable levels of self righteousness, and beliving in moral terrorism continues. Never before has so many people felt utterly horrified and upset about something they know absolutely nothing about.
Lets look at the facts of what is happening, and the basis for all conversations with the moral supremacists we are going to have to educate today….
1: Its NOT a ban on Muslims, its a ban on citizens from failed states that of course are full of Muslims because Islam is a sick, evil, catastrophic death cult that looks like ISIS in its true form
2: Its only for 90 days FFS!
3: The entire creation of this list of countries and the criteria for selecting them, was carried out by Caliph Muhammad Obama’s administration. Trump has just enacted it in his “fuck you lefties” way
4: Israelis are completely banned from ALL the failed states on the US list, with 16 Islamic states in total banning Israelis, yet not one word of criticism or protest by the Trump hating, white hating, virtue signalling snowflakes! No criticism of Japan or China for their harsh/non existing refugee programs.
5: Its not just theoretically possible that some death cult following refugees will carry out mad mo’s instruction and slaughter and rape the infidels, its already happening all over Europe. Unlike in Europe, Donald Trump is putting his own people first….you will never be able to find anyone who can prove thats a bad thing! (This is all about the haters feeling better about themselves)
6: Trump always said he was going to do this. The US people voted him in exactly because of this. This is the democratic right of Americans to do this. This has absolutely fuck all to do with anyone else, and is once again another example of people hating democracy and the views of other people because they are different than their own
7: The only hate I can see is those hating Trump. The only banning I can see being called for under unjustified reasoning is that to ban someone for having different views than you. This is terrorism against people who have different political views. This is once again just pure bigoted hate against people who you dont agree with. Zero tolerance for other peoples views. Zero tolerance for diversity of thought.
Perhaps the BBC is softening its anti-Brexit stance, just a little?
BBC TV business light-weight has just interviewed the boss of Weetabix, although a couple of questions inevitably dwelt on the fall in the pound and post-Brexit price rises, what the TV Beeboid was really excited about was sugar. Two or three tough questions put in a very accusatory and aggressive style. The guest really had to take his lumps. Odd, considering this is supposed to be the business news slot. These people are completely myopic. They internalise the script and agenda and run with it like lemmings. It’ll be Brexit-bashing again soon, I’m sure.
Joseph Watson nails it with the inconvenient facts the BBC chooses to leave out of its coverage.
If, heaven forbid, Parliament decides to give the BBC some kind of overseer/policing role to weed out ‘fake news’, it won’t take them long to put a chunk of their hefty £4 billion war chest into carpet bombing the likes of Joseph.
Super serious faces on the sofa drones. Where to start. The screen actors guild I’ve never heard of it do they report on it ever year? Not so much on the awards more predictably the attacks on Trump by the and which ethnic group “swept the boards”.
The petition to block a State Visit by Trump complete with a visual of the figures going up. Of course they fail to mention things on petitions may not be all they seem
Fake news…I’m not even going there some kind of irony I think.
Yet another reason why Starbucks will continue to get none of my money.
But their racist employment policy has been pursued over here for years. I know they work harder, are much more polite and clean-cut than our own, by why are most coffee-house servers from Eastern Europe?
I have boycotted them from the start ! The reason this guy wants refugees is that he can pay them even less than current employs and get free publicity.
I see the Daily Mail only takes a few lines before mentioning Trump in the attacks on a Canadian mosque, a story still breaking as I type. Apparently the attacks have happened ‘amidst his controversial ban on immigrants’. This an absolute disgrace to blame the actions of murderous scum on a man who has a very fair immigration programme in place.
I could say that this attack happened ‘amidst’ my having a beer with a few friends, the link non existent just as is Trumps, the people to blame are the people that did it.
“The men who were arrested are Quebec City residents who attend university in the city of Laval, and one is of Moroccan origin, reported French-language Radio-Canada.” Mirror
The BBc rounded off the Breakfast report by saying something along he lines that the attacks took place amongst an anti Islamic background, despite the media telling us they are welcomed with open arms in Canada. The onus as usual being placed without any evidence or facts emerging as usual.
When you let rats in your house. When you positively encourage rats to come into your house. When you vilify anyone who criticises your actions as foolish and not in the public good …………
Good News despite Brexit ?
“Danish drugs giant makes big UK investment”
But, there is always a but …….?
“Brexit impact
Although Novo Nordisk is pressing ahead with its investment, Brexit looks likely to see one important pharmaceutical body leave the UK……”
‘Fake news is the news Donald Trump doesn’t like to hear’.
Heard it twice within 25 minutes of switching on this morning’s Today programme, once from an interviewee then again from a BBC reporter in an unrelated news item.
Funny, wonder what happened to the Russian hotel story which came from the ex-MI6 officer – you know, the one BBC were falling over themselves to keep in the headlines a couple of weeks ago. What did Trump call that? ‘Fake news’. And it was.
What short memories they have at the BBC. Comes with sitting too close to The Memory Hole, I guess.
How wonderful it was to hear Frank Gaffney interviewed by Humph on Toady this morning, Frank has obviously attended the same “How to completely confound a BBC interviewer” seminar, that Ted Malloch did; it was just a joy to hear such a calm and clear refutation of every point that John Lad used to try and pin him down – great stuff.
I shan’t expect to hear him asked back again though, after the flailing Humphreys was put to the intellectual sword with cogent argument supported by manifest truth.
Yes, much recommended. From 2h 10m in, for 10 minutes.
I particularly enjoyed his takedown of Humphrys on gun laws. Humphrys recycled Piers Morgan’s old Sandy Hook lament — what would the parents of the dead children say to somebody who (like Gaffney) opposes restrictions on guns?
What, replied Gaffney, would the parents of Europeans slaughtered in jihadi attacks say to the BBC about its support for unfettered immigration from Middle East war zones? Game, set and match Gaffney.
Tick box programming : R4 11am doco ” Irene Nel, 73, came to visit family in Bristol on a tourist visa in 2012, but two weeks into her stay she fell ill and was diagnosed with kidney failure
In South Africa the welfare system does not offer dialysis to over 60s, so her family says she will die if deported.
An independent tribunal has upheld the Home Office’s decision to deport her.”
Oct 31th 2016 the PM received a petition to stay her deportation
I think the PM gave in, but find no new news.
I wish the BBC could find the time to highlight the many deportations and “leave to remain ” refusals of decent, hard-working people who usually seem to be white. I can’t help noticing that Irene is white.
The BBC might devote some time to report on the Genocide of white South Africans. Their provisional timetable reads :_
a) When hell has frozen over.
b) When the genocide is complete, so no point reporting it.
It’s been another fascinating weekend of msm liberals losing their minds (along with any semblance of reason and rationality). All pretence of informed, balanced reporting has now gone for good. Donald J. Trump’s ‘muslim ban’ (it’s no such thing) has them all in a tizzy, crying into their skinny lattes, stirring up resentments, divisions. Their hypocrisy is staggering; their selective vision breathtaking.
To these people, Trump is Hitler. No, really, seriously. This is what they actually believe. No amount of calmly explaining that Trump is far from the first President to issue travel bans and visa restrictions (step up Obama, step up Bush, Carter…) will help. Don’t bother explaining that the world’s most populous muslim nations are not even affected by Trump’s actions. Don’t mention the numerous muslim nations that currently operate long-standing travel bans on Jews.
In a way, I find the death of the media a fascinating, ghoulish car crash to watch. At this rate, I’m not sure they are going to make it much past the first six months of Trump’s Administration, let alone the entire four years ahead.
The petition to ban Trump is almost a million , probably signed by all those ‘snowflakes’ who threatened to leave Great Britain if we voted to leave the EU. I can call to mind far more despotic visitors to these shores who should never have been let in, some of whom we had great difficulty in expelling .
Why is Al Beeb promoting the petition? It has become a meaningless exercise.
Why taffman? Because if they can get their stooges in Parliament to officially attack Trump it may destroy the Special Relationship.
They will then claim that we have to go back into the flabby arms of Mad Merkel as they believe that’s where our special relationship lies. (Despite us being a lap-dog of the Germans and French whilst in the EU.)
They will also want us to have a special relationship with the Muslim world as that’s our real future if we can’t sort out this mess now.
If it is debated in Parliament, it will be passed as the Tories only have a 12 seat majority and enough wet Tories will vote for the motion. That will bring many matters to a head. Not necessarily a bad thing .
According to the German BBCs, Martin Schulz former El Presidente of the EU is now the SPD candidate who will replace Merkel the Mad. He is on all the chatshows gurning inanely as he is wont to do. He is going to speak up for the “little people”. His main argument is that he never got his Abitur (A-levels), was hopeless at maths, and had an alcohol problem. I wonder how much mileage he will get out of “I am as thick and incontinent as you are, vote for me” Much twittering on about “European values” and “European solidarity” European solidarity means that any EU country that does not toe the line on refugees will have its EU cash cut. This, of course, shows that EU policies are really policies for the benefit of Germany. Could Merkel the Mad be replaced by Martin the Even Madder?
“…I can call to mind far more despotic visitors to these shores who should never have been let in, some of whom we had great difficulty in expelling.”
Quite: Where were the SJWs, feminazis and assorted snowflakes when the House of Saud last enjoyed a state visit to the UK in 2007 (no expense spared)? These morons would at least have been able to protest with some justification against a brutal, totalitarian, sexist, rapey, intolerant, bigoted, racist, homophobic, terror-funding, misogynistic regime.
Don’t even get me started on China (state visit to the UK in 2015).
If only the BBC was as bothered about the 17million votes cast in the referendum as they are about the 1million signatures on the ban trump petition, which in all probability was set up by snowflakes who cried like babies over the referendum result and is probably signed by a million of the same people
“The petition was signed by hundreds of people in foreign countries, and critics alleged that as well as encouraging signatures from abroad, Remain supporters were employing bots and scripts to automatically generate signatories.”
jazz, my comment above was meant to be a sarcastic joke. It now looks more accurate than a BBC (Fake) News broadcast. I suppose that wasn’t a hard achievment.
BBC Radio WM is in overdrive this morning. They have sent a reporter out to gauge the public’s reaction to the Trump story and at the time I listened to it the reporter claimed not to have met a single person who agreed with President Trump. In bloody Birmingham? Not one person? What a load of bollocks.
The BBC seems to be in awe of the democratic force of the anti-trump petition.
No musing about the IQ or “level of education” of the supporters and their ability to understand the question, no worrying about the rise of populism, the untrustworthy nature of plebiscites and the inevitable road to Hitlerism they represent, no harping on about on its “advisory nature” and the sovereignty of parliament. Yet the votes of 17 million Brexiteers count for nothing -“we respect the right of the British people, BUT…”. The faux royalist shtick is particularly galling “embarrassment to Her Majesty”. As she had to shake hands and smile at those who connived in the murder of a member of her family, I don’t think Trump would be much of a problem, even granting the assumption that there would be “embarrassment”
I wish this could be in the public eye more. It is a pretty good analysis and rant about the immigration ban , Obamas ban which covered the same countries. Also the background to the problems. But this would be logical.
“President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days. Is this a “Muslim Ban” as is being reported – or is the mainstream media lying to you once again?”
The order covers 7 countries. 40 other Muslim countries are NOT included.
Anyhow, no one has a legal or God right to enter, let alone reside in, any other country without the consent of that country. That is, once more, an inconvenient truth.
Allow me to give you some background on the foul Zoe. Firstly you are right , she is extremely thick. Contrarily she has introduced herself on the Daily Politics as a member of the Intellectual Left . Mind you in leftist circles having a plurality of brain cells probably marks you out as an intellectual. She also memorably said that she had no problem with leftist demonstrators at the Tory Party conference spitting on attendees as they walked past. So she is not just stupid but also extremely unpleasant.
Zoe Williams consistently wins the “biggest bollox column of the millennium to date” award.
Who can forget her backing Corbyn’s ‘quantitative easing for the people’ line, when people in her comments section patiently tried to explain to the slow witted Zoe how QE means repaying all the money back.
Woman’s Hour and a fine example of 21st Century idiocy:-
Re. Women who become men while retaining their reproductive organs.
Therefore to say that, WOMEN give birth, would be ‘transphobic’, maybe a hate crime. But this removal of the term WOMEN from the birth process could have serious health implications and discriminates against women.
Not clear why a woman wanting to be a man would want to get pregnant?
Re naming of women. I used to work in MOD Police. We went on detachments for nuclear demonstrations etc. We used to have PCs and wPCs. Then, the bosses thought that this was not PC. Therefore, we were ALL PCs. Then, they realised, when we were put into barracks for sleeping accommodation, we were all put together….. With amusing results.
They will go to any length to write men out of existence. Unless your name happens to be Mad-at-ham-man….I mean Mohammed.
Man-hate only applies to white guys. Especially English ones.
But, as you will notice, not mentioning the names of the shooters. Therefore, it’s an islamophobic attack……. But, already hitting the net are the names of the shooters. they are from, guess where? Syria!
If this is true, I can’t imagine how virtue-signalling pretty boy Trudeau and his ‘multiculti’ hive-mind acolytes in the rancid regressive Canadian government are going to play this out. Ignore it? Suppress it?
Mirror is claiming that one of the attackers was of Moroccan origin and that there were shouts of “allahu akhbar” As usual, the Font of Truth is carefully selecting the truths it wants propagated.
Half past one and sky news is still not identifying the shooters.
It is saying this is an attack on Muslims.
It is still mentioning the pigs head so that we get the idea.
Of course, we all know that if the shooters were NOT muzzies it would have been shouted from the rooftops within seconds. We know how the media works.
Please Breitbart, start a tv channel to give us unbiased news.
Apparently, most countries on DT’s controversial list were listed for the same purpose in 2015 by Obama –
BBC’s ‘Today’ programme, earlier, told the listener that DT’s Order had been “modified” following communication from the UK Foreign Office and Boris. Fake News? – if true (and I doubt that very much) lets see the amended Order then!!
BBC’s ‘Westminster Hour’ yesterday evening: Jacob Ress Mog asserted that, the Trump Order presents one extreme whereas, Merkels invitation to the World to come to Germany was another. Jacob thinks that the UK, “has it about right”. Well Jacob, 330,000 third worlders entering the UK ANNUALLY, is not my idea of the Government having it “about right”.
I don’t think the order has been modified.Maybe clarified to idiots who didnt read it.It is not a very draconian order in the first place .
Thats probably the beginning of their climb down now that they must be feeling very stupid in their echo chamber.Espcially when many people support what Trump is doing and wish we had someone with his guts.
So far as the shooting goes.My impression is looking online ,its Muslim on Muslim .But unlike the BBC I’m prepared to be proved wrong .Expect the mental health defence to be widely used if this is the case.
There was a chap on LBC this morning who pointed out that the position of joint nationals was made clear in a press conference well before Boris got involved.
Al Beeb kept reporting Trudeau’s quote this morning that this was “an attack on Muslims”. I do hope that BBC news will report, objectively and without bias, the full names and backgrounds of the terrorists (or are they still described as militants?) when known and stop reporting that someone recently left a pig’s head in the mosque doorway.
Watching the BBC and MSM reaction to President Trump and particularly their reaction to his security measure to ban some Muslims , I am forced to the conclusion that we are witnessing a global outbreak of mass hysteria. Mind you this has been going on for several years but Brexit and the election of President Trump seem to have brought the outbreak to a crescendo. The left are losing control of themselves . The MSM are fanning the flames and The risk that widespread leftist violence breaks out is increasing daily. The liberal left elite see their control of the world evaporating thanks to the awakening of democracy and they are doing everything to turn the clock back . In the U.K. This manifests itself as the attempt to reverse Brexit , in the US the left are trying to make the US ungovernable . They do this by whipping up the foolish and impressionable snowflakes and more sinister groups and get them demonstrating ,signing e petitions and the like. If the elite loses control of their stooges things could easily spiral out of control.
Yes – The, so called, ‘Muslim ban’ is a none story but takes attention from Canada’s embarrassment.
The rule affects only 8% of the Worlds Muslims but they think they see a spider, get hysterical, run around and scream yet again.
With a million petitioners against Trump visiting Britain, a statement proudly given top billing by our fine impartial state broadcaster, Al Beeb must have thought they were on safe ground having a HYS on the subject.
Top rated
People’s reactions to events (Brexit, Trump etc) shows a very worrying trend in the world; that when you don’t get your own way, it’s now not to accept the outcome, but instead to shout and scream, stamp your feet, burst into tears and hurl abuse and block anyone/thing that does not agree with you.
Society needs to tackle this type of hysterical over-reaction.
Second rated
We’ve hosted state visits for Saudi, China & Russia over the past few years, where was the petition to stop them?
Third rated
AKA: “60+Million don’t sign Stop Trump Petition”
…as they’ve not fallen for media hype and haven’t jumped on the bandwagon.
Fourth rated
the reaction to this has been utterly ridiculous. It was never a muslim ban and yet every media source is running with that. These are conflict zones, it is absolutely nothing new and people were inconvenienced for 4 hours. Stop playing dumb and pretending that terrorists aren’t sneaking in alongside refugees – people like these were involved in the paris atrocities, there is clearly a problem!
Yes, that put me in a much better mood after yesterday’s carrying on. Despite the wall-to-wall hysteria people still aren’t falling for the media hype.
Another illustration if needed. BBC Radio this am and a heart rending story of a woman who’s out stayed her visa by four years.
She has a long standing medical condition which costs us around £40,000 per year. But heck, it’s not like not having a TV License is it?
Its appalling that those countries on Trump’s list are involved in draconian travel restrictions.
Yes, it’s high time………..Israeli passport holders were not banned from entering those countries!!!
A long standing anti-semitic travel restriction one million petitioners, the Far Left, Corbynistas everywhere, Guardianistas, and the BBC seem strangely not to have noticed.
Or have noticed but have consistently chosen not to do anything about.
Sixteen countries who forbid admission to Israeli passport holders.
Iraq (except Iraqi Kurdistan)
Malaysia (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Home Affairs.)
Pakistan (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Internal Security.)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates (accepted for transit only; not allowed for admission)
In addition, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen do not allow entry to people with evidence of travel to Israel, or whose passports have either a used or an unused Israeli visa.
All these countries have something in common. Just can’t quite put my finger on it. Actually, what is really interesting is the muslim countries which do not ban Israelis.
The other night in my local pub I got talking to an old boy who is normally loud and forthright on his political opinions, which are right wing. However, he asked me rather quietly and carefully what I thought of Trump. When I told him that in general I thought he would provide a much needed rebalancing of US and international politics, he looked quite relieved. Showing anything other than naked hate for Trump in Britain seems to require one to tread very carefully.
I think with Brexit a lot of the snowflakes have realised that they had to tread carefully because a lot of people voted for it, including some far-left types also. With Trump however, the UK snowflakes can unleash their full anger about Brexit etc on Trump because he seems to be a lot less popular than the concept of Brexit; eg a strongly pro Brexit friend of mine hates Trump because of his perceived ‘sexism’.
I really do genuinely fear for Mr Trump’s safety now, because hell hath no fury like a liberal who is losing a political argument.
My late father was a UKIP supporter, just like me, but was a member of the Bruges Group. They still send me invitations to meetings. I just got one ” The importance of Britain becoming a champion of free trade once it is outside the EU “.
The first speaker is Jim Mellon “International billionaire investor and Brexit supporter”.
It set me thinking that, although there are many top entrepreneurs, financiers and investors who support Brexit, very few seem to appear on the BBC. Could this be BBC bias or are they just shy ?
One half hour purely extolling the virtues of Brexit and a similar on Trump.
But all those billions in licence revenue just isn’t enough to buy such programming.
“Take me with you,” pleads Abed, a teenage Syrian migrant. Swedish journalist Fredrik Önnevall is stunned but after wrestling with his conscience, agrees. On Thursday he goes on trial for human trafficking.
Sky News has just reported that the terrorist attack in Quebec was “an attack on Muslims”. Was it, or was it an attack by Muslims? How much fake news must we put up with from the soft left?
If it was muslims , the names will be suppressed until they are charged and , even then, may not be revealed. Stupid really because that tells us they are muslims !
Can I be the only one here who has simply stopped watching the broadcast news? Mrs D & I used to watch the BBC’s News At Ten most nights, where I would sit mentally shaking my head and occasionally shouting “that’s b*ll*cks” at the TV, but I still felt I should keep in touch with the goings on of the world.
But since shortly before Trump’s inauguration I can’t bring myself to watch it, because I realise I won’t believe a word of it. It simply isn’t possible any longer to filter out the bias. In truth, it’s been that way since the Brexit vote but the cumulative effect has now kicked in, and I’m not subjecting myself to it any longer. Instead of listening to Today or PM in the car to and from work I’ll just put on some music. I’ll scan the web, or catch the top of the hour headlines on radio but that’s about all.
So are there others who have simply given up on the news? Or have they found other reasonably impartial (or, as Rick has said at the top, objective) broadcasters? I’m not looking for a broadcast version of Breitbart, just something that presents the known facts and lets listeners make their own judgement without the emoting.
Oh, yes – I NEVER listen to, or watch ANY “news” on the broadcast media, except Russia Today, occasionally.
All the news I need is on the internet, be it via Breitbart or other non-biased outfits.
The latest craze of “Fake news” appears, largely, to have been spawned by the mainstream media itself, who can’t be trusted an inch, but would rather that we didn’t have access to any information other than their own.
There’s an article in Breitbart today, about it. The comments really reveal the truth. Most people are voting with their feet. The MSM never learn, even after Trumpy’s election debacle.
I do not watch BBC news anymore at all, some months ago I would watch for a few minutes to see what the ‘enemy’ was thinking but I want my heart to last as best possible so the BBC fake news is out.
FOX is good at the moment as it covers everything Trumps government is doing, RT isn’t bad either. YouTube is a great source of information.
Or simply watch the BBC and assume the opposite is the truth!
“…Can I be the only one here who has simply stopped watching the broadcast news?
No, I’m of a similar disposition. I stay well away from the BBC, CH4 and Sky News (UK). They are a total waste of time. Fox News (US) is often worth a punt and if you’re up for some comedy CNN is a hoot.
I get most of my news from online sources these days and from subscribed commentators on YT.
I agree on the issue of the BBC news, though as someone put it on going postal, “it`s only worth watching for the lolz and to see how long after we knew something has happened the BBC gets round to reporting it”.
Suggest For the US govt. position watch the live stream of the daily press conference on the aforementioned usually around 7 pm UK…no journalistic interpretation, just the spokesman and the press….gloves off.
To be fair to the BBC, their Parliament channel occasionally shows debates live or “as live” so again no journalist filtering what`s being said…though I understand they are prone to randomly going off the feed onto something unrelated.
Live feeds are the way to go…..then for the laughs watch how the BBC and Sky fillet out the bits they don`t like….demonstrates their bias 100%.
You are certainly not alone, Roland. If I do steady myself and turn to the BBC it’s because I want to see what they are spinning, on events or subjects I already know about. As Embolden says, livestreams are a gift. So often, what is distilled by the BBC misses a vital tone or detail.
The past week of demonstrations and the loopy meltdown of the left using any excuse to wail about a democratically-elected POTUS has been comedy gold – and all over the BBC and Sky. Makes me laugh to hear all these half-baked opinions from the noisy brainwashed paraded as if from the Delphic oracle – and to know that these champions of illogicality think Brexiteers are unintelligent.
I have a fun theory that the BBC et al are part of an elaborate mind game being played with the commonsense majority in this country. We British are cussed and critical and we don’t like being told what to do and think, so how to get us out of the EU? Tell us we have to stay, of course! (David Cameron was a political genius after all! Remember him on TV with his great deal, eyes moving from right to left to signal he was being held captive and we shouldn’t believe a word of it?)
And so with this latest. Her Majesty and her Government know that Trump is going to shake everything up but can’t be seen to agree with anything he says because we’re still playing games with Merkel and her gang. Call the BBC and Sky! Put out the biggest load of nonsense, ignore all logic and human nature, and wind up the pink-hair weepy brigade to spout their bilge to order! The silent majority shake their heads and know that all is right with the world.
Yes, I am another who now watches very little BBC news. I used to be a 6pm and 10pm sort of person – and used to drive Mr D to despair because I often also watched Channel 4 News at 7pm. I gave up Channel 4 two or three years ago but since Brexit my BBC News consumption has been considerably reduced. I used to tell a friend that it was important to watch/listen to the News – linking it with the excuses that probably went on in Germany in the 1930’s of not knowing what was happening. But I no longer trust the BBC to report anything but the odd traffic accident without applying propaganda. I now get my main news from other sites and try to sift between everything for something verging on the truth. I do miss both Pounce, the Archduke and David Preiser on this site linking me to the stories the BBC didn’t report or that they gave their own spin to.
The main ‘news’ on the despicable bBBC is that a million people have signed the petition to stop President Trump’s state visit.
Was it their main news when more than a million signed to stop the bBBC sacking Jeremy Clarkson?
I think they should be asked to sign again because they might have changed their minds.
That, after the Supreme Court boys and girl have given the go ahead.
I was in my car and switched on 5 live to hear (12.10pm) a chap called Owen conducting an uninterrupted diatribe about the appalling President Trump.
-Mysogynistic (dislike of women- I thought Trump liked them!)
-Racist (apparently he has banned a particular religion)
-Bigoted – intolerant of any ideas other than his own on religion, politics, race (the voice was talking about Trump, not himself.)
The interviewer did not interrupt this diatribe with any observations or questions.
Owen continued to berate the ears of listeners as to how our Prime Minister was weak and vaccilating in not calling President Trump to account, how Trump had not won the popular vote ( Owen obviously knows nothing of the Electoral College). One un-asked question for the silent programme announcer was “How many elections has the UK had where the largest /winning party has not won the “popular vote”.
This diatribe ended after 10 minutes and a 20 second snatch of a Nigel Farage comment was played.
Owen quickly returned to say that Farage had never held “elected Office”,implying that Farage was therefore not competent to comment, but was and is not Farage an MEP?- elected to the European Parliament.
How can the BBC be allowed to get away with this absolute travesty of a programme? come on you MP’s, take up arms against this nonsense that we have to hear from the BBC zealots.
I was subject to this rant also. This Owen guy is a notorious bigot and outstanding ignoramus. He is shielded from critical debate as much as the liberal media can muster. When he’s challanged he just walks off to the considerable hilarity of the (informed) audience.
13:00 The bollox remains the same. BBc still telling us over a million Rayworth tells us it’s 1.2 million have signed the latest anti Trump petition Drone informs us if there are more than 100.000 it might be considered for discussion. Yes might. Rayworth manages to slip in the media favourite word of the moment pressure. Is Teresa May under pressure she asks. The drone replies with no evidence and deadpan delivery yes it does. Ok a petition with who knows how many fakes of a million in a country of what 60 million. yea right! Off to an interview with some bloke who wanted to bring his wider family to the USA and now his plans are scattered to the four winds. Oh dear how sad never mind.
Off to Canada, no information on the two “men” arrested so until they tell us it’s just more speculation. How true this is I’m waiting to see
Off to Cardiff I’m not sure why as many know Mrs Dave is Welsh. Wales voted out.
Back to America and oh no all these people who can’t get there to work for tech companies in silicon valley. So how many of the “refugees” from war torn areas will be being headhunted by these “tech” companies? How many come from the temporarily banned countries and why isn’t America filling these posts from it’s own population. Or is it like cooking curry only people from certain geographical locations do it?
Pg 31 Whole page about claims about a 1955 lynching victim.
A historian in a new book makes a claim that murderer’s wife made a confession to him in 2008 that she had fabricated her most sensational claims about the boy menacing and groping her.
No one deserves lynching never mind a14 year black kid but strange way for claims to come out and the woman is still alive.
Yes, I am afraid that the number of Gambians is disproportionate. I have personally tried to dissuade many but to no avail. But, now that Jammeh has gone, I hope the numbers will fall.
The other side of the coin is the families devastated when the young man ( always young men ) disappear. I have seen mothers in tears physically trying to restrain a son to no avail. I have never known a single family to encourage the boy to go. The worst thing is when they never hear from them again.
The mood in Gambia ( even though I am not there , I am in constant touch ) is so euphoric that I doubt if any are leaving right now. Whatever the BBC and MSM says, I am pretty sure that the majority who go the back way are economic migrants.
If it was political persecution, they just have to cross into Senegal where they are safe. All Gambians have friends and family in Senegal.
Just a thought, if the attackers in Quebec turn out to be Muslim and are actually refugees from one of Trump’s blacklisted countries, then how will BBC/Sky spin that?
Clearly Trump is a brilliant visionary saving domestic lives whilst Trudeau will be seen as a gullible twit who played a role int he murders.
Sadly, SKY BBC will sit on it for as long as they can and then dispense with the facts in a short an item as they can.
It will be the same as the Munich Olympia shopping mall shooter, S, he was called by his second name, David according to the bBBC, helpfully omitting his first name, Ali. These two will probably be a pair Waynes or Jeremys.
Also, the word after gullible should be spelt with an a not an i. 🙂
But how will we ever be sure that they aren’t Muslim attackers? Seriously we have been lied to so often by the likes of the BBC , particularly about stories relating to Muslims, that we can’t be sure that what they are saying is the truth. We have developed some crude diagnostic tests to help us decide what is true and what is not in relation to BBC newsabout terrorism.
Firstly, if there is no mention of an dreadful terrorist event , then it is clearly true and the BBC are working out what is the least damaging line to take opposite their Muslim friends. This is often followed by news of an incident but with the caveat that such and such an authority has not yet declared it was terrorism.
Secondly, The euphemism , men , used to certainly confirm Muslim perpetrators , but the BBC realised that we had begun to correctly guess this was the case so they are now confusing the issue by sometimes using men to describe non Muslim males.
Thirdly, mental illness or the like is still trotted out to deflect people away from Islam being the root cause, but surely it is close to being time expired as no one believes they were any more mentally ill Than any other Muslims
Fourthly, the oldest chestnut , nothing to do with Islam, has also become a sick Joke and needs to be replaced. Lots of beeboids working on this one.
Basically my trust in the BBC is vanishingly low and my default setting is to disbelieve them until events prove otherwise or there is corroberation from other more trusted sources such as Breitbart or Russia Today for some types of news. Very sad that the BBC has sunk so low that I think RT may be more truthful than state funded broadcaster of the UK.
Doublethinker, it’s easy to know if any atrocity is carried out by Muslims because in the unlikely event that something happens and it ISN’T a Muslim then they tell us immediately. Think jo Cox.
You are right they do and i suppose it is a good rule of thumb to assume if no one is immediately named then there will be a Muslim perpetrator. Occasionally they do try the outright lie and claim that the perpetrator isn’t a Muslim but it turns out that in fact he or she was . Of course it goes without saying that any non Muslim perpetrator will be ‘far right’ with a house full of neo nazi literature ( in BBC parlance even owning a box set of Their own series, ‘ The Nazis A Warning from History’ counts as far right material) and links to the far right which may be as innocent as having looked up the latest tweet from Nigel Farage.
I’ve noticed that non-violent muslim converts are always referred to by their new Islamic names. Whereas, converts that go Full Islam are referred to by their previous ‘non muslim’ names.
Doublethinker, another method is to refer to the object used in an attack, eg, ‘car kills ten people’ or ‘truck injures five’ etc. This is not done however in a shooting; the BBC wouldn’t have a headline ‘gun kills man’ even if it were a legitimate hunting accident, because a gun is in their minds automatically associated with criminal/terrorist activity.
scribbling, having read your post I thought a quick check on the BBC w/s might be in order to see what news of Quebec was being shown. Interestingly, the BBC are inviting people to contact the BBC ‘Were you in the area? Have you been affected by the events in Quebec City? Get in touch by emailing’
‘In June last year the same mosque was the target of an Islamophobic incident when a pig’s head was left in front of the building, with a card saying “bonne appetit”.
Eating pork is forbidden in Islam.
A piece of ‘reporting’ moral equivalence of which only Mishal ‘not enough dead jews’ Husain would be proud.
But good to know that crassly deployed forbidden charcuterie is, in the minds of BBC editors, as heinous as mass slaughter. Tx for the heads up (no pun intended) guys.
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Toady this morning had John Humphries and a BBC reporter telling the listeners how impartial and accurate BBC news reporting is….spat my tea out laughing.
I would rather the BBC strive to be objective rather than impartial.
That is, describing what people did, without automatic recourse to vilifying them (Trump, white people, Christians, men) or lauding them to the heavens (everyone with a foot on the Victim ladder).
If the BBC had, for example, been objective about the Cologne New Year mass sex attacks, then their reporting would have been much more useful, as well as being very different.
The trouble about striving to be ‘impartial’ is that it becomes all too easy to wallow in the kind of witless and mendacious indiscrimination the BBC excels at.
“their reporting”
ALBeeb is almost bereft of reports.
AlBeeb and the Guardian have a competition to show which of them can pen the highest number of the most non-factual stories and present them in a manner which allows the “reports” to be described as opinion pieces or otherwise distance their content from their responsibility.
This is reporting :-
(since I am inexperienced I shall use the cub reporter’s aide memoire. Who, what, when, where, why, how.)
WHO? – The BBC.
WHAT? – Propaganda instead of journalism.
WHEN? – 24/7/365-366.
WHERE? – Everywhere they can send one(or several) of their “journalists” on a first class ticket to some exotic venue.
WHY? – On behalf of the “continuing left wing mass-murder Marxism programme”.
HOW? – With our £4,500,000,000.
I had to laugh when I happened on the BBBC none-News last evening. The coloured Presenter sat with a very serious face condemning fake news. There he was, not a smile, working for the biggest purveyor of fake news in the world. Stupidity does not come any worse than that!
Here, ITTB and, Guido, BBC Watch, etc tell a different story.
Not sure ‘telling it often enough’ to the degree of panic the BBC now manifests is really working out as they hoped it used to.
Is there a journo of integrity of simply brains amongst them to see they are a laughing stock now?
Before reading the subhead, may I recommend you cover your screen with cling film?
That is the funniest po faced Graun line ever.
“and investigate how the BBC might have a bearing on its proliferation in the UK. ”
They sure do. And along with the Guardian are still the worst instigators of the most fake news and the fakest of the fake news.
Perhaps the MPs could investigate themselves first. Since the Referendum was announced the lies have, and still are being bandied about like confetti.
Extraordinary sequence on BBC Breakfast. First some ‘asian’ looking chap was asked for his opinion or to describe, not sure which, ‘fake news’. Whatever, he certainly knew his stuff, using three examples – all with a negative Trump slant, which I found odd. This insight was followed by another little chap who I initially mistook for Rita Chakrabarti, and then realised that it was her younger brother Sammy. He seemed close to tears – possibly having some gender issues – but I really think that the Corporation are irresponsible in exposing such a young and immature mind to ‘grown up’ problems. Shame on you.
I heard the business correspondent on Toady interviewing the head of Weetabix here in the UK, they are investing £30 million in their factory in Northampton yet the al beeboid is more concerned with increasing prices “post-Brexit”, rather than the obvious benefits to the local and national economies due to said investment.
Poor little Beeboid. Worried about how much he will have to pay for his breakfast cereal. I would have thought Beeboids were more Fruit and Fibre than Weetabix.
Grant – I think organic muesli with ethically-sourced yak’s milk is more like it.
Whatever they eat it has to be made by Kellogg.
Now that Kellogg has pulled all its advertising from Breitbart because they only want socialists to buy their cereals the snowflakes have to show solidarity.
I suppose Kellogg’s Snowflakes does have a certain ring to it.
” I would have thought Beeboids were more Fruit and Fibre than Weetabix”
Outrageous! Don’t you know that the gender bender lovers at the BBC only ever use 5 star in everything – especially food! To suggest that the BBC money spenders would even look at a box of Fruit and Fibre is to them a 5 star Anathema!
In my house Fruit and Fibre is 5-star.
2 facts about Weetabix
1. Cereal prices will come down once we are outside the EU customs union and don’t have to pay EU tariffs on imported crops.
2. We don’t export breakfast cereals to anywhere in the EU except Ireland because they don’t eat them or they make their own muesli.
Ergo, Weetabix will do very well in the UK outside the EU.
And Dutch pharmaceutical firm invests £150 million in diabetes research because, ” …..even with Brexit, the UK has the best people.”
My other half WILL watch the Beeb news, so heard this just now. The main thrust of the weetabix item is on the increasing costs of wheat (anti brexit) and the last sentence just mentions the investment in Northampton. Extraordinary, this is pure propaganda.Weetabix should be furious with the Beeb for ruining their good news story
According to the bBBC the buy the cereal within a 50 mile radius of the factory….but they went on to say that cereals are priced in Dollars and the pound is low. Of course they missed the reason the pound is low, big gob Carney is responsible for that!
Well I used to buy cereals locally for my livestock in Norfolk and I never, ever paid in dollars. They came from local farms who also didn’t trade in dollars. The livestock were slaughtered at a local abattoir that didn’t use dollars (see where this is going?), butchered locally by someone who got paid in sterling and was sold for local currency…. you guessed it – not dollars.
BBC just fit for purpose. Don’t know how they will be pursuaded to change, too long locked into the multiculturalism scenario & obeying the controlling bods that run the finance in Europe & the World. Why the H does the BBC have so many journalists in America-do we realy need them, no doubt costing millions and that’s just Sopel’s salary! So glad I don’t have to pay the licence fee anymore.
I was simultaneously annoyed and amused to hear R4 mention the UK passport holding Iranian chap getting interrogated at the US airport like it was a thing, and trying to suggest that promises made about British citizens could not be trusted.
It’s ironic since I’ve recently returned from a US business trip, and on entry at Atlanta airport my colleague got interrogated for 4 hours (and I had to meet up later) when he was accused of working in the US. Always likely to happen if you make a lot of business trips.
I suspect the BBC chap has been questioned loads of times, it’s just what the Borders people are like in the US. If you choose to travel there you know what they’re like.
Back in the day I spent summer as a camp counsellor in the USA. Bunacamp issued us with teams of documentation as US immigration was notorious for obstructionism because it was deemed to be taking jobs from American kids. We were advised not to pinpoint out there was a 10:1 reciprocal deal to mollify the guys there setting the rules. I was questioned for an hour.
The BBC habit of taking inevitable isolated incidents and blowing them out of proportion as personal sob stories had always existed, but is now at epic proportion and causing blowback. There are simply too many of them with not enough material and too much space to try and fill. And it shows.
I concur Guest Who, for I also, back in the day did BUNACMP at Ken Wood/Ken Mont camp in Connecticut.
Mine was, of all places ‘Camp Crystallaire’ set in the tree-dotted woods above Lake Crystal off Lake Michigan.
Time. Of. My. Life. Taught rugby old school.
Not hockey.
Me too! Camp America rather than BUNAC though. The Pythian Camp for Underprivileged Children, Glen Spey, New York. Tennis coach.
The complaints are all very well, just how do you recognise a terrorist amongst a crowd of similarly dressed people. Trumps idea seems to be a temporary ban until some checking system can be put in place. Seems logical except naturaly to beeboids.
I have always found passing US Immigration to be a high stress experience. Even when carrying a passport stamped “UK Government Official/Unlimited”, (‘special relationship’?), you expect the ‘computer says no’ any moment.
The only time I found the experience at all pleasant was clearing US Immigration in Montreal, (that’s in a different country, a bit like having the UK border in Calais, France, got that BBC?), where I think the officer had ‘gone native’ and had learnt to smile.
Good comment. My experience has been the same for the best part of 30 years. The US decide who to let in their country, and you get questioned and finger printed.
It”s a pain to be in the long queue/ line but it makes you feel the border actiually matters. Unlike some countries I could mention.
It would probably be too much for the snowflakes though. Counselling services for PTSD and safe spaces would be required.
‘US Immigration in Montreal . . . where I think the officer had “gone native” and had learnt to smile.’
Not my experience. Comfortaby the worst border crossing I’ve endured was eight years ago, trying to enter Canada from Washington State, as a tourist, off a train, after midnight. Canadian family friends had warned me that seeing the way non-Canadians are treated at immigration had left them—quote—‘ashamed to be Canadian’. Once over the border, of course, the people are fine.
As for the US, I’ve entered the country only under a J-something employed-in-teaching visa. Your bezzie mate they most certainly are not, but they’ve always seemed reasonably polite. The principle nonetheless remains the same. It’s almost as if North America is under the impression that sovereign countries are able to decide who they want to let in.
Compare and contrast with (say) rocking up at British immigration as a permanent resident of the Netherlands, but having served time in a Dutch prison for decapitating your tenant—and being waved in. Jamshid Piruz is the name to search for. One of the North Brabant Piruzes, I believe, not the Overijssel Piruzes.
I think the snowflakes just have no concept of border control. If they have experienced it, they probably just see it as part of general airport security and don’t associate it with restriction of movement.
I am old enough however to remember travelling by train across eastern Europe in 1990. At each border, the train was stopped, everybody had to get off, and platoons of soldiers boarded to search the train. At the Romanian border, I had to have a 20 minute interview with a border official before I was allowed to continue. On the Turkish border I had to stand in front of a tinpot chief of police, under a portrait of Ataturk, who languidly checked my passport while smoking a foul smelling cheroot. I was starting to worry I might end up like Lawrence of Arabia at one point.
In more recent travels I had a long interview with an immigration official while travelling through the Line of Control on the Indo-Chinese border.
However, the average snowflake just gets waved through on his or her trips around the beloved EU, and probably has no concept of ‘borders’ at all.
BBC Website informs us that “Eating Pork is forbidden under Islam “. What would we do without the BBC to educate us ?
I’ll drink to that! (Non-alcoholic, naturally)
I am not so abstemious .
There was a bar in Patpong that claimed halal certification to ease the consciences of clientele who ditched their dish-dashes at Bangkok airport
“Vigorous areas of low pressure, sounds quite scary”
Louise Minchin reflects on the BBC weather forecast this morning and her off-the-cuff quip inadvertently suggests what seems to be the main thrust of BBC tv weather bulletins these days – to alarm and dismay the viewers.
This unprecedented breakout of mass hysteria driven by uncontrollable levels of self righteousness, and beliving in moral terrorism continues. Never before has so many people felt utterly horrified and upset about something they know absolutely nothing about.
Lets look at the facts of what is happening, and the basis for all conversations with the moral supremacists we are going to have to educate today….
1: Its NOT a ban on Muslims, its a ban on citizens from failed states that of course are full of Muslims because Islam is a sick, evil, catastrophic death cult that looks like ISIS in its true form
2: Its only for 90 days FFS!
3: The entire creation of this list of countries and the criteria for selecting them, was carried out by Caliph Muhammad Obama’s administration. Trump has just enacted it in his “fuck you lefties” way
4: Israelis are completely banned from ALL the failed states on the US list, with 16 Islamic states in total banning Israelis, yet not one word of criticism or protest by the Trump hating, white hating, virtue signalling snowflakes! No criticism of Japan or China for their harsh/non existing refugee programs.
5: Its not just theoretically possible that some death cult following refugees will carry out mad mo’s instruction and slaughter and rape the infidels, its already happening all over Europe. Unlike in Europe, Donald Trump is putting his own people first….you will never be able to find anyone who can prove thats a bad thing! (This is all about the haters feeling better about themselves)
6: Trump always said he was going to do this. The US people voted him in exactly because of this. This is the democratic right of Americans to do this. This has absolutely fuck all to do with anyone else, and is once again another example of people hating democracy and the views of other people because they are different than their own
7: The only hate I can see is those hating Trump. The only banning I can see being called for under unjustified reasoning is that to ban someone for having different views than you. This is terrorism against people who have different political views. This is once again just pure bigoted hate against people who you dont agree with. Zero tolerance for other peoples views. Zero tolerance for diversity of thought.
Perfect summing up. It is the Left who are the real fascists.
Excellent post, Tothepoint.
And the BBC once again proves that it will never let facts get in the way of a good hard left agenda.
One lump or two, I couldn’t manage three
Perhaps the BBC is softening its anti-Brexit stance, just a little?
BBC TV business light-weight has just interviewed the boss of Weetabix, although a couple of questions inevitably dwelt on the fall in the pound and post-Brexit price rises, what the TV Beeboid was really excited about was sugar. Two or three tough questions put in a very accusatory and aggressive style. The guest really had to take his lumps. Odd, considering this is supposed to be the business news slot. These people are completely myopic. They internalise the script and agenda and run with it like lemmings. It’ll be Brexit-bashing again soon, I’m sure.
Sugar ? You can always rely on the BBC to tackle the big issues.
Sugar, I assume, is a big issue with the metroplitian mumsnet demographic which is where the BBC pitch their Breakfast show
Or as the Grauniad reports this morning on research into Fake News….
“Culture, media and sport committee will seek a definition and investigate how BBC might help to stop spread of false stories”
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Well the BBC are the leading experts on Fake News .
Yes, but they want a monopoly on it.
“Well the BBC are the leading experts on Fake News .”
Now they want to the experts on flake news as well. Always a bit flaky those Beeboid types.
The most effective way of doing that, would be for the BBC to close itself down.
What the fake news msm are not telling you about Trump’s so-called ‘muslim ban’ (warning: strong language, NSFW):
Joseph Watson nails it with the inconvenient facts the BBC chooses to leave out of its coverage.
If, heaven forbid, Parliament decides to give the BBC some kind of overseer/policing role to weed out ‘fake news’, it won’t take them long to put a chunk of their hefty £4 billion war chest into carpet bombing the likes of Joseph.
‘Refugees make America great’
Until the next 9/11 – then what will she be writing ?
Super serious faces on the sofa drones. Where to start. The screen actors guild I’ve never heard of it do they report on it ever year? Not so much on the awards more predictably the attacks on Trump by the and which ethnic group “swept the boards”.
The petition to block a State Visit by Trump complete with a visual of the figures going up. Of course they fail to mention things on petitions may not be all they seem
Fake news…I’m not even going there some kind of irony I think.
What would news media do without online petitions that can be faked at the drop of an algorithm?
Do they seriously think anyone other than the pea-brains choosing outfits for Owen’s latest protest are swayed?
No wonder all far the uniquely funded ones are tanking.
BBC Online News:
“”Starbucks CEO pledges to hire 10,000 refugees globally””
The BBC have lapped this up.
Will Starbucks be ignoring the local people as employees?
Unrest could happen. Divisive I think.
Yet another reason why Starbucks will continue to get none of my money.
But their racist employment policy has been pursued over here for years. I know they work harder, are much more polite and clean-cut than our own, by why are most coffee-house servers from Eastern Europe?
So looking forward to fun with cup names.
“Is there a Peedo here?”
Boycott Starbucks then.
I have boycotted them from the start ! The reason this guy wants refugees is that he can pay them even less than current employs and get free publicity.
Moved – posted in wrong place.
I see the Daily Mail only takes a few lines before mentioning Trump in the attacks on a Canadian mosque, a story still breaking as I type. Apparently the attacks have happened ‘amidst his controversial ban on immigrants’. This an absolute disgrace to blame the actions of murderous scum on a man who has a very fair immigration programme in place.
I could say that this attack happened ‘amidst’ my having a beer with a few friends, the link non existent just as is Trumps, the people to blame are the people that did it.
“The men who were arrested are Quebec City residents who attend university in the city of Laval, and one is of Moroccan origin, reported French-language Radio-Canada.” Mirror
The BBc rounded off the Breakfast report by saying something along he lines that the attacks took place amongst an anti Islamic background, despite the media telling us they are welcomed with open arms in Canada. The onus as usual being placed without any evidence or facts emerging as usual.
Looks like a muslim on muslim killing. If so, wonder how the BBC will spin it ?
Beardonbeardism is a scourge.
Shami needs to team up with Keith and have an inquiry into the state of Islamic peacefulness PR timing.
When you let rats in your house. When you positively encourage rats to come into your house. When you vilify anyone who criticises your actions as foolish and not in the public good …………
Rats are intelligent and, more significantly, successful.
Good News despite Brexit ?
“Danish drugs giant makes big UK investment”
But, there is always a but …….?
“Brexit impact
Although Novo Nordisk is pressing ahead with its investment, Brexit looks likely to see one important pharmaceutical body leave the UK……”
The new mantra from the BBC/Left:
‘Fake news is the news Donald Trump doesn’t like to hear’.
Heard it twice within 25 minutes of switching on this morning’s Today programme, once from an interviewee then again from a BBC reporter in an unrelated news item.
Funny, wonder what happened to the Russian hotel story which came from the ex-MI6 officer – you know, the one BBC were falling over themselves to keep in the headlines a couple of weeks ago. What did Trump call that? ‘Fake news’. And it was.
What short memories they have at the BBC. Comes with sitting too close to The Memory Hole, I guess.
BBC mantras rather stumbling at the first hurdle of an Internet surf.
How wonderful it was to hear Frank Gaffney interviewed by Humph on Toady this morning, Frank has obviously attended the same “How to completely confound a BBC interviewer” seminar, that Ted Malloch did; it was just a joy to hear such a calm and clear refutation of every point that John Lad used to try and pin him down – great stuff.
I shan’t expect to hear him asked back again though, after the flailing Humphreys was put to the intellectual sword with cogent argument supported by manifest truth.
Yes, much recommended. From 2h 10m in, for 10 minutes.
I particularly enjoyed his takedown of Humphrys on gun laws. Humphrys recycled Piers Morgan’s old Sandy Hook lament — what would the parents of the dead children say to somebody who (like Gaffney) opposes restrictions on guns?
What, replied Gaffney, would the parents of Europeans slaughtered in jihadi attacks say to the BBC about its support for unfettered immigration from Middle East war zones? Game, set and match Gaffney.
Tick box programming : R4 11am doco ” Irene Nel, 73, came to visit family in Bristol on a tourist visa in 2012, but two weeks into her stay she fell ill and was diagnosed with kidney failure
In South Africa the welfare system does not offer dialysis to over 60s, so her family says she will die if deported.
An independent tribunal has upheld the Home Office’s decision to deport her.”
Oct 31th 2016 the PM received a petition to stay her deportation
I think the PM gave in, but find no new news.
I wish the BBC could find the time to highlight the many deportations and “leave to remain ” refusals of decent, hard-working people who usually seem to be white. I can’t help noticing that Irene is white.
The BBC might devote some time to report on the Genocide of white South Africans. Their provisional timetable reads :_
a) When hell has frozen over.
b) When the genocide is complete, so no point reporting it.
It’s been another fascinating weekend of msm liberals losing their minds (along with any semblance of reason and rationality). All pretence of informed, balanced reporting has now gone for good. Donald J. Trump’s ‘muslim ban’ (it’s no such thing) has them all in a tizzy, crying into their skinny lattes, stirring up resentments, divisions. Their hypocrisy is staggering; their selective vision breathtaking.
To these people, Trump is Hitler. No, really, seriously. This is what they actually believe. No amount of calmly explaining that Trump is far from the first President to issue travel bans and visa restrictions (step up Obama, step up Bush, Carter…) will help. Don’t bother explaining that the world’s most populous muslim nations are not even affected by Trump’s actions. Don’t mention the numerous muslim nations that currently operate long-standing travel bans on Jews.
In a way, I find the death of the media a fascinating, ghoulish car crash to watch. At this rate, I’m not sure they are going to make it much past the first six months of Trump’s Administration, let alone the entire four years ahead.
It is Fake News !
The petition to ban Trump is almost a million , probably signed by all those ‘snowflakes’ who threatened to leave Great Britain if we voted to leave the EU. I can call to mind far more despotic visitors to these shores who should never have been let in, some of whom we had great difficulty in expelling .
Why is Al Beeb promoting the petition? It has become a meaningless exercise.
Why taffman? Because if they can get their stooges in Parliament to officially attack Trump it may destroy the Special Relationship.
They will then claim that we have to go back into the flabby arms of Mad Merkel as they believe that’s where our special relationship lies. (Despite us being a lap-dog of the Germans and French whilst in the EU.)
They will also want us to have a special relationship with the Muslim world as that’s our real future if we can’t sort out this mess now.
If it is debated in Parliament, it will be passed as the Tories only have a 12 seat majority and enough wet Tories will vote for the motion. That will bring many matters to a head. Not necessarily a bad thing .
According to the German BBCs, Martin Schulz former El Presidente of the EU is now the SPD candidate who will replace Merkel the Mad. He is on all the chatshows gurning inanely as he is wont to do. He is going to speak up for the “little people”. His main argument is that he never got his Abitur (A-levels), was hopeless at maths, and had an alcohol problem. I wonder how much mileage he will get out of “I am as thick and incontinent as you are, vote for me” Much twittering on about “European values” and “European solidarity” European solidarity means that any EU country that does not toe the line on refugees will have its EU cash cut. This, of course, shows that EU policies are really policies for the benefit of Germany. Could Merkel the Mad be replaced by Martin the Even Madder?
“…I can call to mind far more despotic visitors to these shores who should never have been let in, some of whom we had great difficulty in expelling.”
Quite: Where were the SJWs, feminazis and assorted snowflakes when the House of Saud last enjoyed a state visit to the UK in 2007 (no expense spared)? These morons would at least have been able to protest with some justification against a brutal, totalitarian, sexist, rapey, intolerant, bigoted, racist, homophobic, terror-funding, misogynistic regime.
Don’t even get me started on China (state visit to the UK in 2015).
But why take note of a petition while they continue to question the referendum?
If only the BBC was as bothered about the 17million votes cast in the referendum as they are about the 1million signatures on the ban trump petition, which in all probability was set up by snowflakes who cried like babies over the referendum result and is probably signed by a million of the same people
Just got what the BBC deem the major breaking news of the day:
Breaking News
One million sign Stop Trump petition
Petition to cancel President Trump’s state visit to UK over US immigration clampdown reaches one million signatures
Rest of population outside of Tower Hamlets library not asked.
Does that include postal signatures?
At the last count there were 127,356 people who shared the name Michael Mouse, and 6,044 called N. Bonaparte.
I would guess that at least half of these signatures came from overseas.
“The petition was signed by hundreds of people in foreign countries, and critics alleged that as well as encouraging signatures from abroad, Remain supporters were employing bots and scripts to automatically generate signatories.”
“Fake Petitions” ?
jazz, my comment above was meant to be a sarcastic joke. It now looks more accurate than a BBC (Fake) News broadcast. I suppose that wasn’t a hard achievment.
…..cried like babies over the referendum result and is probably signed by a million of the same people…..
With an average age of 27 !
Social anarchists getting it wrong. (Just to prove how thick they are?)
They torch a Muslim immigrant’s car.
BBC Radio WM is in overdrive this morning. They have sent a reporter out to gauge the public’s reaction to the Trump story and at the time I listened to it the reporter claimed not to have met a single person who agreed with President Trump. In bloody Birmingham? Not one person? What a load of bollocks.
Is Birmingham in America?
Alabama, but I’d bet you’d find plenty of Trumpers in that Birmingham.
The BBC seems to be in awe of the democratic force of the anti-trump petition.
No musing about the IQ or “level of education” of the supporters and their ability to understand the question, no worrying about the rise of populism, the untrustworthy nature of plebiscites and the inevitable road to Hitlerism they represent, no harping on about on its “advisory nature” and the sovereignty of parliament. Yet the votes of 17 million Brexiteers count for nothing -“we respect the right of the British people, BUT…”. The faux royalist shtick is particularly galling “embarrassment to Her Majesty”. As she had to shake hands and smile at those who connived in the murder of a member of her family, I don’t think Trump would be much of a problem, even granting the assumption that there would be “embarrassment”
So that leaves about 79 million who haven’t signed it.
Did someone post a counter-petition link on here yesterday? I can’t seem to find it.
I can only find one & it’s closed. We need to speak up on this.
I wish this could be in the public eye more. It is a pretty good analysis and rant about the immigration ban , Obamas ban which covered the same countries. Also the background to the problems. But this would be logical.
“President Donald Trump’s recent immigration related executive orders temporarily ban visitors from Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, Libya, and Sudan from entering the United States without “extreme vetting” and stop the intake refugees from these countries for at least 30 days. Is this a “Muslim Ban” as is being reported – or is the mainstream media lying to you once again?”
The order covers 7 countries. 40 other Muslim countries are NOT included.
Anyhow, no one has a legal or God right to enter, let alone reside in, any other country without the consent of that country. That is, once more, an inconvenient truth.
“Britain has values. We can’t cosy up to a nation that scorns them” Zoe Williams
North Korea?
Saudi Arabia?
No. The USA.
New candidate for the biggest bollox column of the millennium to date.
Never heard of this Zoe , but if she thinks all Britons have the same values and all Americans scorn them, she is thick as shit.
I am not welcome on BBC.
I concentrate on the other Siamese twin.
If you are a lefty and enjoy nonsense, the Guardian is tailor made.
Apologies in advance to the BBBC ladies, is there some reason why most of the AlGuardie rubbish has female authors?
Allow me to give you some background on the foul Zoe. Firstly you are right , she is extremely thick. Contrarily she has introduced herself on the Daily Politics as a member of the Intellectual Left . Mind you in leftist circles having a plurality of brain cells probably marks you out as an intellectual. She also memorably said that she had no problem with leftist demonstrators at the Tory Party conference spitting on attendees as they walked past. So she is not just stupid but also extremely unpleasant.
Sorry, I disagree. Just checked her out on Wiki, private school and Oxford uni, so she must be very intelligent and well educated.
Like Polly Toynbee, who got into Oxford on a remarkably low bar?
Zoe Williams consistently wins the “biggest bollox column of the millennium to date” award.
Who can forget her backing Corbyn’s ‘quantitative easing for the people’ line, when people in her comments section patiently tried to explain to the slow witted Zoe how QE means repaying all the money back.
Woman’s Hour and a fine example of 21st Century idiocy:-
Re. Women who become men while retaining their reproductive organs.
Therefore to say that, WOMEN give birth, would be ‘transphobic’, maybe a hate crime. But this removal of the term WOMEN from the birth process could have serious health implications and discriminates against women.
Not clear why a woman wanting to be a man would want to get pregnant?
Re naming of women. I used to work in MOD Police. We went on detachments for nuclear demonstrations etc. We used to have PCs and wPCs. Then, the bosses thought that this was not PC. Therefore, we were ALL PCs. Then, they realised, when we were put into barracks for sleeping accommodation, we were all put together….. With amusing results.
“Woman’s Hour”……
They will go to any length to write men out of existence. Unless your name happens to be Mad-at-ham-man….I mean Mohammed.
Man-hate only applies to white guys. Especially English ones.
BBC is headlining the mosque shooting in Quebec City. Mentioning, of course, the previous pig’s head etc:
But, as you will notice, not mentioning the names of the shooters. Therefore, it’s an islamophobic attack……. But, already hitting the net are the names of the shooters. they are from, guess where? Syria!
We await confirmation of this by MSM…… Not with much expectation.
If this is true, I can’t imagine how virtue-signalling pretty boy Trudeau and his ‘multiculti’ hive-mind acolytes in the rancid regressive Canadian government are going to play this out. Ignore it? Suppress it?
Stefan Molyneux is going to explode!
Mirror is claiming that one of the attackers was of Moroccan origin and that there were shouts of “allahu akhbar” As usual, the Font of Truth is carefully selecting the truths it wants propagated.
Blue on blue in military parlance, let the bastards wipe each other out!
Blue on blue when it’s us. Red on red when it’s them.
Please let this be true…
Half past one and sky news is still not identifying the shooters.
It is saying this is an attack on Muslims.
It is still mentioning the pigs head so that we get the idea.
Of course, we all know that if the shooters were NOT muzzies it would have been shouted from the rooftops within seconds. We know how the media works.
Please Breitbart, start a tv channel to give us unbiased news.
Apparently, most countries on DT’s controversial list were listed for the same purpose in 2015 by Obama –
BBC’s ‘Today’ programme, earlier, told the listener that DT’s Order had been “modified” following communication from the UK Foreign Office and Boris. Fake News? – if true (and I doubt that very much) lets see the amended Order then!!
BBC’s ‘Westminster Hour’ yesterday evening: Jacob Ress Mog asserted that, the Trump Order presents one extreme whereas, Merkels invitation to the World to come to Germany was another. Jacob thinks that the UK, “has it about right”. Well Jacob, 330,000 third worlders entering the UK ANNUALLY, is not my idea of the Government having it “about right”.
I don’t think the order has been modified.Maybe clarified to idiots who didnt read it.It is not a very draconian order in the first place .
Thats probably the beginning of their climb down now that they must be feeling very stupid in their echo chamber.Espcially when many people support what Trump is doing and wish we had someone with his guts.
So far as the shooting goes.My impression is looking online ,its Muslim on Muslim .But unlike the BBC I’m prepared to be proved wrong .Expect the mental health defence to be widely used if this is the case.
There was a chap on LBC this morning who pointed out that the position of joint nationals was made clear in a press conference well before Boris got involved.
“Nothing to do with Islam “.
Al Beeb kept reporting Trudeau’s quote this morning that this was “an attack on Muslims”. I do hope that BBC news will report, objectively and without bias, the full names and backgrounds of the terrorists (or are they still described as militants?) when known and stop reporting that someone recently left a pig’s head in the mosque doorway.
When the target was folk in a mosque? Sharp, that Trudeau.
I have a pink piggy-bank on my desk. His name is More ham mad.
Watching the BBC and MSM reaction to President Trump and particularly their reaction to his security measure to ban some Muslims , I am forced to the conclusion that we are witnessing a global outbreak of mass hysteria. Mind you this has been going on for several years but Brexit and the election of President Trump seem to have brought the outbreak to a crescendo. The left are losing control of themselves . The MSM are fanning the flames and The risk that widespread leftist violence breaks out is increasing daily. The liberal left elite see their control of the world evaporating thanks to the awakening of democracy and they are doing everything to turn the clock back . In the U.K. This manifests itself as the attempt to reverse Brexit , in the US the left are trying to make the US ungovernable . They do this by whipping up the foolish and impressionable snowflakes and more sinister groups and get them demonstrating ,signing e petitions and the like. If the elite loses control of their stooges things could easily spiral out of control.
Yes – The, so called, ‘Muslim ban’ is a none story but takes attention from Canada’s embarrassment.
The rule affects only 8% of the Worlds Muslims but they think they see a spider, get hysterical, run around and scream yet again.
With a million petitioners against Trump visiting Britain, a statement proudly given top billing by our fine impartial state broadcaster, Al Beeb must have thought they were on safe ground having a HYS on the subject.
Top rated
People’s reactions to events (Brexit, Trump etc) shows a very worrying trend in the world; that when you don’t get your own way, it’s now not to accept the outcome, but instead to shout and scream, stamp your feet, burst into tears and hurl abuse and block anyone/thing that does not agree with you.
Society needs to tackle this type of hysterical over-reaction.
Second rated
We’ve hosted state visits for Saudi, China & Russia over the past few years, where was the petition to stop them?
Third rated
AKA: “60+Million don’t sign Stop Trump Petition”
…as they’ve not fallen for media hype and haven’t jumped on the bandwagon.
Fourth rated
the reaction to this has been utterly ridiculous. It was never a muslim ban and yet every media source is running with that. These are conflict zones, it is absolutely nothing new and people were inconvenienced for 4 hours. Stop playing dumb and pretending that terrorists aren’t sneaking in alongside refugees – people like these were involved in the paris atrocities, there is clearly a problem!
It’s not going too well.
Yes, that put me in a much better mood after yesterday’s carrying on. Despite the wall-to-wall hysteria people still aren’t falling for the media hype.
“Refugees” holidaying in their homelands from which they fled……..
The nonsense continues unabated.
Another illustration if needed. BBC Radio this am and a heart rending story of a woman who’s out stayed her visa by four years.
She has a long standing medical condition which costs us around £40,000 per year. But heck, it’s not like not having a TV License is it?
Its appalling that those countries on Trump’s list are involved in draconian travel restrictions.
Yes, it’s high time………..Israeli passport holders were not banned from entering those countries!!!
A long standing anti-semitic travel restriction one million petitioners, the Far Left, Corbynistas everywhere, Guardianistas, and the BBC seem strangely not to have noticed.
Or have noticed but have consistently chosen not to do anything about.
Sixteen countries who forbid admission to Israeli passport holders.
Iraq (except Iraqi Kurdistan)
Malaysia (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Home Affairs.)
Pakistan (Clearance permit needed from the Ministry of Internal Security.)
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates (accepted for transit only; not allowed for admission)
In addition, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen do not allow entry to people with evidence of travel to Israel, or whose passports have either a used or an unused Israeli visa.
Where’s the moral outrage?
All these countries have something in common. Just can’t quite put my finger on it. Actually, what is really interesting is the muslim countries which do not ban Israelis.
“…Where’s the moral outrage?”
The progressive left have answered you:
The other night in my local pub I got talking to an old boy who is normally loud and forthright on his political opinions, which are right wing. However, he asked me rather quietly and carefully what I thought of Trump. When I told him that in general I thought he would provide a much needed rebalancing of US and international politics, he looked quite relieved. Showing anything other than naked hate for Trump in Britain seems to require one to tread very carefully.
I think with Brexit a lot of the snowflakes have realised that they had to tread carefully because a lot of people voted for it, including some far-left types also. With Trump however, the UK snowflakes can unleash their full anger about Brexit etc on Trump because he seems to be a lot less popular than the concept of Brexit; eg a strongly pro Brexit friend of mine hates Trump because of his perceived ‘sexism’.
I really do genuinely fear for Mr Trump’s safety now, because hell hath no fury like a liberal who is losing a political argument.
My late father was a UKIP supporter, just like me, but was a member of the Bruges Group. They still send me invitations to meetings. I just got one ” The importance of Britain becoming a champion of free trade once it is outside the EU “.
The first speaker is Jim Mellon “International billionaire investor and Brexit supporter”.
It set me thinking that, although there are many top entrepreneurs, financiers and investors who support Brexit, very few seem to appear on the BBC. Could this be BBC bias or are they just shy ?
One half hour purely extolling the virtues of Brexit and a similar on Trump.
But all those billions in licence revenue just isn’t enough to buy such programming.
“Take me with you,” pleads Abed, a teenage Syrian migrant. Swedish journalist Fredrik Önnevall is stunned but after wrestling with his conscience, agrees. On Thursday he goes on trial for human trafficking.
It’s the spring of 2014. A group of journalists are making a documentary for Swedish public television SVT about the reaction of Europe’s nationalist parties to the migrant influx, filming the refugees’ life on the road.
Boys relatives came to join him.
How many?
Sky News has just reported that the terrorist attack in Quebec was “an attack on Muslims”. Was it, or was it an attack by Muslims? How much fake news must we put up with from the soft left?
If it was muslims , the names will be suppressed until they are charged and , even then, may not be revealed. Stupid really because that tells us they are muslims !
Would they be, the ‘wrong kind’ of Muslims perhaps?
Can I be the only one here who has simply stopped watching the broadcast news? Mrs D & I used to watch the BBC’s News At Ten most nights, where I would sit mentally shaking my head and occasionally shouting “that’s b*ll*cks” at the TV, but I still felt I should keep in touch with the goings on of the world.
But since shortly before Trump’s inauguration I can’t bring myself to watch it, because I realise I won’t believe a word of it. It simply isn’t possible any longer to filter out the bias. In truth, it’s been that way since the Brexit vote but the cumulative effect has now kicked in, and I’m not subjecting myself to it any longer. Instead of listening to Today or PM in the car to and from work I’ll just put on some music. I’ll scan the web, or catch the top of the hour headlines on radio but that’s about all.
So are there others who have simply given up on the news? Or have they found other reasonably impartial (or, as Rick has said at the top, objective) broadcasters? I’m not looking for a broadcast version of Breitbart, just something that presents the known facts and lets listeners make their own judgement without the emoting.
Oh, yes – I NEVER listen to, or watch ANY “news” on the broadcast media, except Russia Today, occasionally.
All the news I need is on the internet, be it via Breitbart or other non-biased outfits.
The latest craze of “Fake news” appears, largely, to have been spawned by the mainstream media itself, who can’t be trusted an inch, but would rather that we didn’t have access to any information other than their own.
There’s an article in Breitbart today, about it. The comments really reveal the truth. Most people are voting with their feet. The MSM never learn, even after Trumpy’s election debacle.
I do not watch BBC news anymore at all, some months ago I would watch for a few minutes to see what the ‘enemy’ was thinking but I want my heart to last as best possible so the BBC fake news is out.
FOX is good at the moment as it covers everything Trumps government is doing, RT isn’t bad either. YouTube is a great source of information.
Or simply watch the BBC and assume the opposite is the truth!
“…Can I be the only one here who has simply stopped watching the broadcast news?
No, I’m of a similar disposition. I stay well away from the BBC, CH4 and Sky News (UK). They are a total waste of time. Fox News (US) is often worth a punt and if you’re up for some comedy CNN is a hoot.
I get most of my news from online sources these days and from subscribed commentators on YT.
I agree on the issue of the BBC news, though as someone put it on going postal, “it`s only worth watching for the lolz and to see how long after we knew something has happened the BBC gets round to reporting it”.
Suggest For the US govt. position watch the live stream of the daily press conference on the aforementioned usually around 7 pm UK…no journalistic interpretation, just the spokesman and the press….gloves off.
To be fair to the BBC, their Parliament channel occasionally shows debates live or “as live” so again no journalist filtering what`s being said…though I understand they are prone to randomly going off the feed onto something unrelated.
Live feeds are the way to go…..then for the laughs watch how the BBC and Sky fillet out the bits they don`t like….demonstrates their bias 100%.
You are certainly not alone, Roland. If I do steady myself and turn to the BBC it’s because I want to see what they are spinning, on events or subjects I already know about. As Embolden says, livestreams are a gift. So often, what is distilled by the BBC misses a vital tone or detail.
The past week of demonstrations and the loopy meltdown of the left using any excuse to wail about a democratically-elected POTUS has been comedy gold – and all over the BBC and Sky. Makes me laugh to hear all these half-baked opinions from the noisy brainwashed paraded as if from the Delphic oracle – and to know that these champions of illogicality think Brexiteers are unintelligent.
I have a fun theory that the BBC et al are part of an elaborate mind game being played with the commonsense majority in this country. We British are cussed and critical and we don’t like being told what to do and think, so how to get us out of the EU? Tell us we have to stay, of course! (David Cameron was a political genius after all! Remember him on TV with his great deal, eyes moving from right to left to signal he was being held captive and we shouldn’t believe a word of it?)
And so with this latest. Her Majesty and her Government know that Trump is going to shake everything up but can’t be seen to agree with anything he says because we’re still playing games with Merkel and her gang. Call the BBC and Sky! Put out the biggest load of nonsense, ignore all logic and human nature, and wind up the pink-hair weepy brigade to spout their bilge to order! The silent majority shake their heads and know that all is right with the world.
Yes, I am another who now watches very little BBC news. I used to be a 6pm and 10pm sort of person – and used to drive Mr D to despair because I often also watched Channel 4 News at 7pm. I gave up Channel 4 two or three years ago but since Brexit my BBC News consumption has been considerably reduced. I used to tell a friend that it was important to watch/listen to the News – linking it with the excuses that probably went on in Germany in the 1930’s of not knowing what was happening. But I no longer trust the BBC to report anything but the odd traffic accident without applying propaganda. I now get my main news from other sites and try to sift between everything for something verging on the truth. I do miss both Pounce, the Archduke and David Preiser on this site linking me to the stories the BBC didn’t report or that they gave their own spin to.
The main ‘news’ on the despicable bBBC is that a million people have signed the petition to stop President Trump’s state visit.
Was it their main news when more than a million signed to stop the bBBC sacking Jeremy Clarkson?
Have they mentioned “it`s only advisory” yet?
I think they should be asked to sign again because they might have changed their minds.
That, after the Supreme Court boys and girl have given the go ahead.
I was in my car and switched on 5 live to hear (12.10pm) a chap called Owen conducting an uninterrupted diatribe about the appalling President Trump.
-Mysogynistic (dislike of women- I thought Trump liked them!)
-Racist (apparently he has banned a particular religion)
-Bigoted – intolerant of any ideas other than his own on religion, politics, race (the voice was talking about Trump, not himself.)
The interviewer did not interrupt this diatribe with any observations or questions.
Owen continued to berate the ears of listeners as to how our Prime Minister was weak and vaccilating in not calling President Trump to account, how Trump had not won the popular vote ( Owen obviously knows nothing of the Electoral College). One un-asked question for the silent programme announcer was “How many elections has the UK had where the largest /winning party has not won the “popular vote”.
This diatribe ended after 10 minutes and a 20 second snatch of a Nigel Farage comment was played.
Owen quickly returned to say that Farage had never held “elected Office”,implying that Farage was therefore not competent to comment, but was and is not Farage an MEP?- elected to the European Parliament.
How can the BBC be allowed to get away with this absolute travesty of a programme? come on you MP’s, take up arms against this nonsense that we have to hear from the BBC zealots.
Bad, bad journalism. In fact, not journalism at all. Factually inaccurate from start to finish.
I was subject to this rant also. This Owen guy is a notorious bigot and outstanding ignoramus. He is shielded from critical debate as much as the liberal media can muster. When he’s challanged he just walks off to the considerable hilarity of the (informed) audience.
13:00 The bollox remains the same. BBc still telling us over a million Rayworth tells us it’s 1.2 million have signed the latest anti Trump petition Drone informs us if there are more than 100.000 it might be considered for discussion. Yes might. Rayworth manages to slip in the media favourite word of the moment pressure. Is Teresa May under pressure she asks. The drone replies with no evidence and deadpan delivery yes it does. Ok a petition with who knows how many fakes of a million in a country of what 60 million. yea right! Off to an interview with some bloke who wanted to bring his wider family to the USA and now his plans are scattered to the four winds. Oh dear how sad never mind.
Off to Canada, no information on the two “men” arrested so until they tell us it’s just more speculation. How true this is I’m waiting to see
Off to Cardiff I’m not sure why as many know Mrs Dave is Welsh. Wales voted out.
Back to America and oh no all these people who can’t get there to work for tech companies in silicon valley. So how many of the “refugees” from war torn areas will be being headhunted by these “tech” companies? How many come from the temporarily banned countries and why isn’t America filling these posts from it’s own population. Or is it like cooking curry only people from certain geographical locations do it?
Pg 31 Whole page about claims about a 1955 lynching victim.
A historian in a new book makes a claim that murderer’s wife made a confession to him in 2008 that she had fabricated her most sensational claims about the boy menacing and groping her.
No one deserves lynching never mind a14 year black kid but strange way for claims to come out and the woman is still alive.
@Grant The Times pg 32 is about Gambians coming illegally to EU.
Yes, I am afraid that the number of Gambians is disproportionate. I have personally tried to dissuade many but to no avail. But, now that Jammeh has gone, I hope the numbers will fall.
The other side of the coin is the families devastated when the young man ( always young men ) disappear. I have seen mothers in tears physically trying to restrain a son to no avail. I have never known a single family to encourage the boy to go. The worst thing is when they never hear from them again.
The mood in Gambia ( even though I am not there , I am in constant touch ) is so euphoric that I doubt if any are leaving right now. Whatever the BBC and MSM says, I am pretty sure that the majority who go the back way are economic migrants.
If it was political persecution, they just have to cross into Senegal where they are safe. All Gambians have friends and family in Senegal.
Just a thought, if the attackers in Quebec turn out to be Muslim and are actually refugees from one of Trump’s blacklisted countries, then how will BBC/Sky spin that?
Clearly Trump is a brilliant visionary saving domestic lives whilst Trudeau will be seen as a gullible twit who played a role int he murders.
Sadly, SKY BBC will sit on it for as long as they can and then dispense with the facts in a short an item as they can.
It will be the same as the Munich Olympia shopping mall shooter, S, he was called by his second name, David according to the bBBC, helpfully omitting his first name, Ali. These two will probably be a pair Waynes or Jeremys.
Also, the word after gullible should be spelt with an a not an i. 🙂
Oh.. please not Jeremy!
But how will we ever be sure that they aren’t Muslim attackers? Seriously we have been lied to so often by the likes of the BBC , particularly about stories relating to Muslims, that we can’t be sure that what they are saying is the truth. We have developed some crude diagnostic tests to help us decide what is true and what is not in relation to BBC newsabout terrorism.
Firstly, if there is no mention of an dreadful terrorist event , then it is clearly true and the BBC are working out what is the least damaging line to take opposite their Muslim friends. This is often followed by news of an incident but with the caveat that such and such an authority has not yet declared it was terrorism.
Secondly, The euphemism , men , used to certainly confirm Muslim perpetrators , but the BBC realised that we had begun to correctly guess this was the case so they are now confusing the issue by sometimes using men to describe non Muslim males.
Thirdly, mental illness or the like is still trotted out to deflect people away from Islam being the root cause, but surely it is close to being time expired as no one believes they were any more mentally ill Than any other Muslims
Fourthly, the oldest chestnut , nothing to do with Islam, has also become a sick Joke and needs to be replaced. Lots of beeboids working on this one.
Basically my trust in the BBC is vanishingly low and my default setting is to disbelieve them until events prove otherwise or there is corroberation from other more trusted sources such as Breitbart or Russia Today for some types of news. Very sad that the BBC has sunk so low that I think RT may be more truthful than state funded broadcaster of the UK.
Doublethinker, it’s easy to know if any atrocity is carried out by Muslims because in the unlikely event that something happens and it ISN’T a Muslim then they tell us immediately. Think jo Cox.
You are right they do and i suppose it is a good rule of thumb to assume if no one is immediately named then there will be a Muslim perpetrator. Occasionally they do try the outright lie and claim that the perpetrator isn’t a Muslim but it turns out that in fact he or she was . Of course it goes without saying that any non Muslim perpetrator will be ‘far right’ with a house full of neo nazi literature ( in BBC parlance even owning a box set of Their own series, ‘ The Nazis A Warning from History’ counts as far right material) and links to the far right which may be as innocent as having looked up the latest tweet from Nigel Farage.
I’ve noticed that non-violent muslim converts are always referred to by their new Islamic names. Whereas, converts that go Full Islam are referred to by their previous ‘non muslim’ names.
Doublethinker, another method is to refer to the object used in an attack, eg, ‘car kills ten people’ or ‘truck injures five’ etc. This is not done however in a shooting; the BBC wouldn’t have a headline ‘gun kills man’ even if it were a legitimate hunting accident, because a gun is in their minds automatically associated with criminal/terrorist activity.
scribbling, having read your post I thought a quick check on the BBC w/s might be in order to see what news of Quebec was being shown. Interestingly, the BBC are inviting people to contact the BBC ‘Were you in the area? Have you been affected by the events in Quebec City? Get in touch by emailing’
Is that, in effect, the BBC trawling for news that might be Fake News?
BBC hypocrisy at work!
At the end:
‘In June last year the same mosque was the target of an Islamophobic incident when a pig’s head was left in front of the building, with a card saying “bonne appetit”.
Eating pork is forbidden in Islam.
A piece of ‘reporting’ moral equivalence of which only Mishal ‘not enough dead jews’ Husain would be proud.
But good to know that crassly deployed forbidden charcuterie is, in the minds of BBC editors, as heinous as mass slaughter. Tx for the heads up (no pun intended) guys.
What do you call a man with a pig on his head……….Hamad
What do you call a man with a pig and a lawnmower on his head…………Mohammad
What do you call a man with a pig and a lawnmower on his head and a vibrator up his backside?………..Sheikh Mohommand
I’ve got one. Not funny but it remains true.
Q: What do you call a Muslim terrorist?
A: A Muslim terrorist.
Time to get your coat. Reminds me of the Indian cloakroom attendant Mahatma Koat
While we’re on it. There’s a Scottish cloakroom attendant called Angus McCoatup.
McTavish: Jings man but ye gave that cloakroom attendant a big tip!
McNab: Aye, well she gave me a bonny coat!
Racists !
In 1995, Bill Clinton said,