Just heard on the J Vine show that Goebel’s secretary has died aged 106. He had a couple of talking heads on explaining who Goebbels was and how much of what went would have been known by his secretary. Turns out Goebbels ran the greatest propaganda outfit the world has ever seen, surpassing even that of the Soviet Union in the way that they managed the news.
JV reckoned that news management would be much harder to pull off today in the light of social media where anyone with a ‘phone can have a story or event on the web as it unfolds.
Nice to know that the bBBC has higher standards when it comes to reporting.
Stop press. BBC News24 just quoted a poll saying 48% of US supports Trump’s ban on visa travel from the 7 states concerned. Naturally the level of opposition was omitted -so it’s probably far lower. Auntie then had the gall to go on regardless to try to explain away the poll in terms of ”how the White House phrases” its justification. As apparently, according to our esteemed national broadcaster ”you can get people to support anything” if you say it’s to prevent terrorism.
The gobsmacking hypocrisy of a short excursus on others’ use of loaded phrasing and selective use of language being given by the BBC of all media sources, seems to have passed clean over the writer’s (and presenter’s) heads.
Much hilarity over WatO today. (BBC R4 1pm) A real car crash of a programme.
The Welsh Windbag (Lord Kinnock) has a new rival in the form of Ed Miliband MP trumpeting on Trump. Perhaps Ed is trying to line himself up for a Peerage, too, along with two or three lucrative NGO jobs on the side for when he steps down from the House of Commons (in 2020?). Immediately following is news of Diageo ending its Baileys sponsorship of the Women’s (your apostrophe in the wrong place, BBC?) Prize for Fiction.
It appears that some forms of discrimination are worse than other forms of discrimination.
To be fair, Martha Kearney was sharp enough on this occasion to observe that, but her contributoress (Kate Mosse?) was in such full stream-of-consciousness, Womens Liberation & Equality and Virtue Signalling flow (another rival to the Welsh Windbag there?) that there was no stopping her.
Except via the Off switch.
Which I operated.
The peace and quiet was so immediately soothing. Bliss!
I learned from al beebus news that the travel ban would have affected those “Britons” who hold dual-citizenship (however now it turns out it doesn’t) including an “Iraqi born Conservative M.P.” How on earth can someone be allowed to become a Member of Parliament in the U.K. if they are able to simultaneously hold the nationality of another country?
J. Enoch Powell was 100% correct: there should be no such thing as “dual nationality”; you are either one thing or another. The potential for divided loyalties is always present and the consequences of such are plain for someone like a M.P. or minister.
“Allegiance is the very esssence of nationhood, there is no meaning in nationhood without allegiance. Nationhood means that a man stands to one nation, to one loyalty, against all others – that is what it is about.” J.E.P.
I posted the same here today or yesterday. I think the split of those which allow it and those that do not is about equal. But why only dual ? If 2 is allowed, why not 3,4,5, etc. It is a nonsence. China does not allow it and, for that matter, neither does Gambia !
On The World at One they interview an Iranian female doctor who was on her way to study at Harvard when the ban came into effect. The BBC is almost a parody of itself. Could they interview a more atypical person? Typical left wing narrative over facts.
Back in the 80s a book called “Anyone here been raped and speaks English? : A foreign correspondents life behind the lines” by Edward Behr was published.
It flagged up the way in which foreign correspondents get the stories they`re after.
Todays equivalent would be “Any muslim here in a professional job and speaks English?” : a foreign correspondents life toeing the line”.
Anyone catch Trudeau, on the Brexit Bullshit Corp News early this morning?
… going more “all out” than the Al BBC usually does, over the Islamic hate crime attack on that mosque?
… quick as a flash “act of terror” etc, “our diversity” is our strength and all that jazz.
I was watching the clock, waiting for the banana skin, and
sure enough …. I ve only just got back, pretty sure our friends here won t have missed it.
Cries of allah ackbar, slowly filtering out Moroccan descent, the old favourite Mohamhead no basis at all for the widespread assumption that this was some kind of “Islamofauxbic” attack, and that was the angle the BBC was taking;
How, they must virtually have prayed,(to allah)for it to have a “Trump” connection.
Well, the custard pies keep coming BBC … every one another death nail
Oh your Canada Mosque story, is dropping out of your “trending chart” too
If it proves to be the case that the attackers of the mosque are Syrians who have just moved to Canada, then any fair minded person would conclude that:
a) President Trump had every good reason to implement a 90 day travel ban pending proper vetting procedures; and
b) Justin “diversity makes us stronger” Trudeau is an even bigger virtue signalling fool than we already thought.
It will be interesting to see how the fake news merchants of the BBC spin that one.
Any fair minded would already conclude that President Trump had every good reason to issue the order. That Muslim migrants were responsible for the attack would be confirmatory.
nog – I too was quietly confident that it would turn out to be Muzzies killing other Muzzies, you’d think that the brain boxes at al beebus would keep their powder dry until it was proved beyond doubt that it was Canadians who’d done it rather than these creatures killing each other; before they leapt into “white backlash” mode.
I shall be interested to see how al beebus and the rest of the MSM report or non-report this development, if it turns out to be as we expect.
Grant – she said she was ‘continuing her training as a post-doctoral phil at a lab in Harvard medical school.’ She was doing research into how our genome affects the transition from latent to active Tuberculosis. The migrants I see hanging around coffee shops in my town are always talking about medical research. Somalia is famous for its pioneering research into the human genome.
“She was doing research into how our genome affects the transition from latent to active Tuberculosis. The migrants I see hanging around coffee shops in my town are always talking about medical research. Somalia is famous for its pioneering research into the human genome.”
Chilleden, Somalia is vital to the tuberculosis research project, in that it provides the cases of TB for the doctors to study. In the UK the BCG programme had all but eradicated TB, so we now have to import the disease. Soon the NHS will have ever more exotic diseases to study, using all the spare money that it doesn’t know what to do with.
Once again, it is utterly amazing how some world leaders (not excluding a recent retiree in the Northern Americas) can ascertain, almost instantly, with what appears to be the flimsiest amount of evidence, that an attack is ‘terrorist’, a ‘hate crime’, ‘racist’ in nature, etc., if it is perpetrated against any of their favoured colours, creeds, or political groupings…
On the other hand, with other groups of victims, we are told we ‘must not jump to conclusions’, ‘must wait for the indisputable evidence’, and not commence ‘retaliation’ (not that anyone has, of course) of any kind, and certainly not label any action as ‘terrorist’ until, well, until it’s just so bloody obvious you’d have to be a lunatic to believe anything else….. but then we mustn’t to jump to the conclusion that this is anything but a ‘lone-wolf’, ‘self-radicalised’, ‘blame-everyone-else….. and particularly the victims’, sort of event.
I wonder just what the difference is between those events on which we can obviously reach instant judgement, and those on which we must forever (it seems) reserve any judgement ? (/sarc)
BBC News Canada Mosque? what mosque? … IT S STOP TRUMP PETITION TIME
BBC Radio London, had the odious “Tulip” Siddiqi on with fatty Feltz
pontificating that Trump vetting was “ethnically motivated” a “witch hunt” against a group of people
Bit Rich … her uncle is PM of a country that won t allow Jews in.
Goes to show that rank hypocrisy is riding high, in Islam and the Al BBC.
There are 16 countries that won t allow Israeli passport holders in
Expect Lilly Allen, and Owen Jones to set up a petition and 300,000 concerned Muslim s to mass sign it inside 24 hrs …. errrr right!
Hell’s teeth, not a few hours ago we were being told that it was ‘clearly and exclusively, a ban on Muslims’. Well, blow me down. Next it will be ‘mysoginistic’, or any other pejorative adjective some left-wing idiot can attribute to the policy, as long as it chimes with, and lines up with, the adjectives they’re already throwing at President Trump
I have to say I smelt a rat on this one from the get-go on Toady this morning. It was the second story of the morning, and they were clearly already pushing it down the agenda. I thought ‘I don’t get it – surely a story of violent Islamafauxbia is something they will be shouting from the rooftops all day about? They will love this.’
On reflection, the BBC must have known more than they reported – i.e. enough facts to know among themselves that it was likely to be Inter-Islamic, otherwise they would not have demoted it.
Thus we have another BBC false narrative. The fuss about ‘fake news’ is ridiculous really. Almost all news has a skew depending on where it’s coming from. It’s just that the BBC’s ‘fake news’ is also ‘missing news’, ‘demoted news’, ‘news deliberately missing important details’, as well as ‘as good as made up news’. They simply do the lot – all the time, and with £4.5bn funding, on a more industrial scale than anyone else in the world.
The ‘fact-checking’nonsense is also ridiculous. Everyone will stand up and say they will do it (although so far to be fair it has been the BBC, Facebook, New York Times and Guardian who have claimed the high ground here – guffaw.) It really is an competition in naivety to see who is coming forward first. What least trusted brands are the most blinkered about how they are seen? People used to trust the BBC news because the BBC was a trusted brand. The current lot at the BBC are in the process of destroying not only trust for the brand, but thereby the brand itself. When the history of the discredited BBC get’s written in the future, a special mention will go to how long they got away with it because they did it from a basis of trust. A bit like Jimmy Savile. . ?
I heard on al beebus today that none of the citizens of countries subject to the travel restrictions to the U.S. have committed acts of terrorism in America, er… that’s true…”up to a point, Lord Copper.”
It is what the BBC does not report on which creates a false reality. Imagine going to a pub one night and there is a big fight going on in the corner all night which spoils the evening. The next day someone asks what the pub was like. If you just talk about how lovely the carpet was that is not a lie, but you are being terribly deceptive by not ever mentioning the fight in the corner.
Manna from heaven for Greenpeace-BBC-28gatemates if he does.
Expect an endless procession on Today, Newsnight and the rest of hand-wringing, anti-science eco-fascists wailing about Trump’s war on the planet, and yet another million-signature petition to conveniently make BBC headline news.
Sorry, did I say fake news? I meant lies, distortion and omission.
On the lunchtime news we had a report from Rogering Horrorbag on – wait for it – a new government strategy for keeping the lights on.
It’s really revolutionary, as it happens, and consists of the government paying energy providers to keep coal-fired power stations on standby for when – wait for it again – the wind isn’t blowing and sun isn’t shining.
Rogering helped us through this wondrous new policy, Blue Peter style, by explaining first of all that when the wind is blowing we are getting our electricity from turbines almost for free (I kid you not), then secondly that to keep coal-fired power stations on standby will cost us ‘billions a year’.
Then we had a little vignette from Heathrow where the solar panels are obviously so fantastically efficient the government has to pay the providers not to put energy into the grid!!
So no mention of:
– the billions per year ‘renewables’ get in subsidies
– the hefty carbon taxes which have made coal-fired stations uneconomic
– we are still heavily dependent on coal for much of our energy
– we are facing a gap in our energy supply precisely because of the closure of said coal-fired power stations
– maybe was not a good idea to heap crippling carbon taxes on them in the first place
And that’s without mention of the overriding fact that all this is predicated on a disproven hypothesis which the BBC promotes, on behalf of its environmentalist friends, as ‘settled science’.
And MP’s are considering making the BBC their arbiter of fake news?
Orwell, spinning for eternity thanks to his former employer
(Suzanne Franks, an academic – in response to John Humphrys) Yes it is indeed I do think that’s a worry because a lot of audiences are unable, as we’ve just heard, to distinguish between the provenance of different stories. They don’t understand that some are, you know, proper legitimate stories that have been checked, and the next thing that appears the news feed is a load of rubbish that’s been made up.
And who else was contributing in the interview, and on whose every word Humphrys clung like a lovesick puppy?
The political editor of Buzzfeed (all of whose examples of fake news – including ‘Islamophobic’ of course – were from right wing sources, naturally).
Analysis from the ‘trusted’ BBC and millions of listeners innocently lap it up.
I made the decision to ditch the tv and license fee years ago but now and again I tune into one of the BBC radio outlets for a little background noise and never fail to be stunned by the content. Today, for example, I subjected myself to a couple of hours of the World Service and 5Live ‘debating’ the ‘Muslim ban’ of Trumps executive order. After two hours I simply couldn’t take it anymore.
I’m sure your familiar with the drill where debating anything Trump related is concerned with the BBC. Panelists and commentators came and went (90% anti-Trump) and the same old tired, ignorant, peurile talking points were stated and regurgitated over and over. This time they also stated, multiple times, without a single quible, the outright LIE of the Muslim Ban. I listened in fascination at the extraordinary bias and simple unintelligence.
Somewhere, still within me, remains a soft spot for the Beeb. I think it stems from those wonderful, irreverant childrens programs that I grew up with in the late 70’s and 80’s. Now all I can feel is dissapointment and bristling contempt.
I’ll end with a little nugget from the late night talking shop that is the Stephen Nolan show on 5live. After the usual parade of leftist shills one caller actually called Nolan and the BBC out for its complete lack of objectivity and oversight. Nolan’s muted reply, ‘we did interview Farage a few days ago’. I laughed myself to sleep.
R4 PM and whasername blown off by a Trump voter who, get this, is an American living in America. Then they continue to pick over the carcass of the story which is no story at all. But Iraq are restricting visas also and a million UK people signed a petition and people are protesting. Whasername on PM displayed all the credibility of a fibbing child hoping to get someone into trouble.
Above all the BBC is not getting it’s own way – why doesn’t everyone do what the BBC wants? WHY?
Is there still not a US presence in Iraq, “training” the Iraqi military in how to whup ISIS’s asses? I’m sure they would welcome the opportunity to return Stateside.
Apparently the Russian who helped him compile it has turned up dead, he probably accidentally stabbed himself to death whilst shaving or inadvertently shot himself twice in the back of the head while cleaning his gun or some such.
BBC Radio 4 news summary at 17.50 . Canadian Police have ‘named a student as the only suspect’ in the mosque shooting. Except that the BBC don’t give his name even though news media ( but not BBC) said earlier today that a Moroccan student was involved . You can have fake news and you can also withhold news that doesn’t suit your political agenda . I would accuse the Bother both transgressions .
Headline news on BBC1 at lunchtime was the 1.2 million signature petition calling for Trump’s state visit to be cancelled, which got a further mention on Look North West as part of BBC coverage of anti-Trump demonstrations in places like Accistan and Burnleydesh.
Surprisingly for our impartial broadcaster, there was no news of the other 60-odd million inhabitants of Great Britain who had chosen not to sign.
It’s worth checking the Guido website . Nearly all the signatories are in London with a few provincial university towns thrown in. It’s the same sort of snowflake type virtue signallers we see protesting in the USA against Trumps 90 day pause on visits from jihadist war zones. My thoughts are with the Western victims of jihadists and the Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East, not the signatories and protestors in the comfortable West.
Don’t think the outrage over Lee Rigby, beheadings, rape, torture and genocide of Christians is even one percent of this obscene display from MSM and it’s cult followers.
LOL the BBC is beyond parody. I don’t have a telly but listen to R4 occasionally. It’s normally a matter of minutes if not seconds before the leftist agenda emerges. Today the Food Programme was about an elderly black lady who runs a cafe in Louisiana. And five…four…three..two…they begin talking about her role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Fair enough, but I thought it was a food programme? She had cooked for Presidents Bush and Obama and had liked them…then, wait for it, you can guess what’s next…what did she think of Mr Trump? Would she welcome him too? Oh dear me, do I need to go on?
Voice of the Common people:- Now then everybody calm down, what’s the problem?
UK MSM:- President Trump wants to stop some of our Muslim brothers and sisters travelling to the US, it’s not fair, waaaaah waaaaah.
Voice of the Common people:- But the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has just announced in the House that UK citizens are exempt, there is no problem, you should all be very pleased with this outcome.
UK MSM:- But what about people in other countries, it’s sooo unfair, waaaaah waaaaah.
Voice of the Common people:- We don’t give a shit about them, we’re okay!
bBBC:- I hate you Common people…… waaaaah waaaaah waaaaah ad nauseum…
BBC Radio 4 6 O’Clock News reporting on the Mosque attack in Canada called it a ‘terror attack against Muslims’, failing to mention the religions of the attackers, the names the country of origin, or that they were refugees which entered the country just a week ago.
This is a lie by omission and they have undoubtedly done it because it proves Trump to be right.
This is rank bias, but there is no one to complain to and no oversight body to kick them back into line.
Thoughtful, if indeed it becomes clear that it was a green on green attack, watch it disappear down the MSM memory hole faster than a ferret up a trouser leg. Bear in mind if it WAS non-Muslims doing the killing, it would be splashed all over the media 24/7.
I just caught the very beginning of the repulsive James O’Brien show on LBC this morning. He immediately started on a barely coherent rant about Trump, mentioning the Canadian tragedy and saying, “This is a direct consequence of what Trump has been saying and doing.” Okay, so hardly anyone with any sense listens to this ugly turd, but what a wicked thing to say! And now it would appear that at least one of the suspects is a Moroccan.
Will this unpleasant creature apologise? Will he get the sack? Nah, he’ll be back tomorrow spitting venom.
Oh, BTW Nigel is on that very station this evening from 7pm.
After a day of anti Trump propaganda stirred up by creeps like O’Brien, the usual virtue signalling Labour Party and our dear old impartial BBC (oh yeh!) it will be refreshing to listen to someone talking sense for a change.
Above interviewed in Manchester on North West tonight. Doesn’t look like there are that many protesting. I wonder if the above is still a “mature student”. To be fair the presenter does actually put some counter point for once. He points out the temporary ban doesn’t apply to the majority or largest of the cult countries, He also notes the petition for a ban here. Solomon of course ignores these points in her diatribe completely. Just before that we have the pleasure of an interview with another clueless snowflake. Because May went there it’s like personal.
Well, I’ve just come home from a long day at work and arrived back in Falmouth to some sort of noise on The Moor, a large area in the centre.
As I was washing away a large dog poo from the pavement outside my flat some students (who are abundant in this town now), walked through the slurry. I felt bad for a minute but then soon realised they were making their way to The Moor with their placards. I have to say I am shocked at so many Snowflakes in one place shouting F*** Trump. Nice language I thought and felt silently gratified in the fact their boots were covered in doggie do do’s.
Dennis Skinner warns that Trump will be raining bombs on us like Hitler and Mussolini did.
Or something like that.
OK Skinner has lost his marbles, but his views are shared by so many other MPs and our media. Trump should turn down the offer to visit the Queen and send her his deepest sympathy for having to preside over idiots and dhimmis.
Whose opinion can be safely dismissed on the grounds of taste and decency.
The Tory Chief Whip John Wakeham was amongst the casualties when the IRA tried to murder the Cabinet at the Grand Hotel in Brighton in 1984. He was grievously injured; his wife, Roberta Wakeham, died. Several weeks later, Wakeham hobbled unannounced into the Commons, in considerable pain, on crutches. Having fallen into silence, the whole House rose to its feet to applaud. With the exception of one member.
Yup, Dennis Skinner. Some people truly are beneath contempt. For every Jack Ashley, Frank Field or Michael Foot, there’s a Peter Hain, Manny Shinwell—and class warrior Dennis Skinner.
Difficult for Trump to be a Fascist when Fascism is inextricably linked with Socialism.
The real Fascist here is of course Skinner and his mates. No doubt he would say he was an anti Fascist.
The Fascists of the future will call themselves ‘anti Fascists’ – Winston Churchill.
Inside Out coming up : regional editions
Inside Out discovers the hidden mystery of Deadman’s Island which lies off the Kent coast.
The bones of dozens of people who were buried more than 200 years ago are being slowly exposed on the uninhabited island.
South East and London edition
East Mids
Ciera believes she was born in the wrong body. #transgender #trans
exclusive rare footage of an #octopus in the wild off #Portland! #Dorset
CARE CRISIS? @joncuthill looks at why nearly half the south’s councils are underpaying for home care
@Sebchoudhury reveals the shocking number of empty buildings in the region & finds out how @AEOBpeople are putting one to good use!
Why is Finland the only country in Europe to have cracked homelessness?
West Mids
Drakelow Tunnels Unlocking the history of Worcestershire’s Cold War tunnels – join @BeccyWoodTV on @bbciowm at 1930 on Monday on BBC One
Lawrence of Arabia in Bridlington
GP caring for patients at home as local hospitals close
Just heard on RT news that the Don’s visit will go ahead and he will meet the Queen but he will not see Prince Charles as he will not be lectured on climate change and if anyone tries it he will erupt, his office has stated. 🙂
Betsy McCaughey and Frank Gaffney blasted Carolyn Quinn and John Humphrys brilliantly today-on PM and Today respectively.
So many corkers lobbed at the BBC leftards that I can`t repeat them all-but AT LAST, the good old boys n gals of the USA have figured out what the BBC is-and boy do they hit hard?
Not that the lefties know it-but we hear it live-and there`s SO much more to come!
My favourite? Well there`s so many but Gaffneys this morning was a gem
Humprhys-“What do you say to the parents of those killed by gunmen at Sandy Nook.
Gaffney-“And what do YOU say to the parents of those in Florida/San Bernardino who were killed by jihadists?
Humphrys spiralled off into orbit and never really came back after this gem.
I liked the bit where Betsy reminded Quinn that those “seven majority Muslim countries” were in fact those that Obama himself had put on a list.
And that the only Syrian refugees that Obama brought in were few and far between, despite the rhetoric-apart from a couple of hundred in three years, his two thousand that he DID take were only after he`d lost the election-a Chelsea Manning and Gitmo kinda turd left for Donald to flush away for him.
Oh dear-reality check-Betsy was great!
Why should President Trump put up with this ? It is absurd. As I have said before even the old killers of the USSR were treated better.
He should learn from this. Recall his ambassador from London for consultations and cancel any trip. The USA does not need the whining snowflakes of Britain any more. Sorry about the Queen but reality is reality.
If I were him I would not tolerate the Commons insulting him with a debate. I would impose draconian visa restrictions on all British subjects including all of us here. We deserve it.
Then I would invite Putin or go to Moscow , then Beijing then move that embassy to Jerusalem.
Oh and kick out the BBC.
Time for us and the effete of Europe to learn hard lessons.
Dave S – you are spot on. If the UK wants to be taken seriously then someone in the government needs to rein in our nest-of-vipers media, condemn all the 6th form studenty whining and fully back the President’s travel bans.
If I were Trump I would resign the USA from Nato, and ignore western europe until after the EU has imploded, and in the meantime just sort out the serious issues – China, Russia, Middle East.
I heard that EUscum Verhoftw@t speaking at Chatham House earlier and giving Trump both barrels and how he is a “threat” – I wonder if he’d still consider him a “threat” were he to cut the U.S. funding of NATO by 25%, or 50% or 80%?
What vermin! To think we’ve been paying an entity, run by c***s like him, billions for decades.
To quote about we British, from a man Verhofcrap wouldn’t have been fit to lick the toilet bowl clean after:
“We must be mad! literally mad!”
Dave S,
You are so right – it’s the arrogance, the conceit of those in the UK and the EU who somehow think America would collapse without their financial and moral support – not to mention their oh so wise advice.
This is a Europe sandwiched between to military superpowers either of which could crush Europe easily. And with Turkey right on the border also , their military are no slouches. I would show a bit of humility.
Dave, Gax and Grant
on the “BBC in a frenzy” topic this morning Tiger OC made what I think is a very pertinent point. He basically said that with all the abuse Trump is currently receiving from the EU and British media. He stated that he would not be surprised if Trump suddenly said enough is enough and withdrew US forces from Europe leaving us all to “stew in our own juice”
We have been receiving military support from the US in Europe for the past seventy years and we seem to have shown the same amount of gratitude to the US as a grumpy 16 year old shows his mother when she brings his dinner up to him in his bedroom (with his sausages cut into handy fork sized pieces), because he is in the middle of an important game on “Runescape” and could not possibly be interrupted.
If the US did this I would fully understand it (and unfortunately for us) I do not think anything short of this would be effective in gaining the attention of EU ministers. Most of whom, seem solely to be interested in increasing their own salaries, writing detailed specifications for “chocolate sprinkles”, upsetting Putin, rubbishing brexit and Trump in equal measures, whilst opening the floodgates to large numbers of mainly Islamic migrants many of whom despise our society and culture.
Why would Trump continue to support such a chorus of ingrates – I certainly wouldn’t. I can only suppose he must have some residual loyalty to Europe because of his family background. No one is saying we should abase ourselves at his feet surely a little respect is called for.
I am disappointed that Theresa has not shown herself to be at least a bit more supportive of trump than she has. Especially considering that most of the complaints and vitriol seem to originate from “Londonistan” and the MSM. None of whom are noted for their support of the Conservatives.
Trump is still amenable at the moment but I suspect unless the Government shows a bit more respect and support for him – even his patience will eventually fail. Then Europe really will have something to think about.
Solid post. The mainland Europeans seem to have forgotten who it was who saved them from the Nazis. The Americans, British and Russians, with a lot of help from friends. I wouldn’t blame Trump if he did get pissed off and did something drastic. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he meets Putin !
Grant it never ceases to amaze me how very shallow the liberals are.
Always willing to ditch tried and tested ideas and dependable allies for new impractical and untried ideas, and flashy, unreliable but fashionable friends.
I watched Sean Spicer give the press briefing from the White House earlier and although there were quite a few questions about the new immigration controls, I got the feeling that most of the journos present had moved past it.
They were more concerned about who Trump’s pick for the vacancy on the SCOTUS bench would be, as he is announcing that tomorrow.
The president has also asked the Joint Chiefs to come up with a plan within thirty days to defeat ISIS, I think that both of those stories were of more import to them and their readers and watchers than a few less Muslims able to enter America.
I too heard much of this.
But the feed ended with a couple of idiots shouting out (not for the first time in the interviews)-“Have you Spoken with the former President yet?”
So -usual liberal garbage with efforts to have the last word.
Good to see Sean though-doing a good job thus far.
The BBC after cheerleading much earlier today, seem now to be (excuse the pun), “drawing a veil” over the story.
BBC News – Canada – Quebec mosque shooting: Police arrest a suspect and a witness
Canadian police have detained two men in connection to a deadly shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, Canada. One of the men is suspected in the attack on the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre that left six people dead and the other is a witness
Who has been arrested? … Yes BBC who has been??
The two men who were detained are believed to be in their 20s or early 30s and had no prior police record before the incident …. hmmm
my Biased Bullshit Corporation-sense is a tingling
Was this a terrorist attack? … WAS?, hold on a allah-pickin minute, they were almost certain earlier on!
“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard both described the attack as a terrorist act,(wait for it), but authorities were reluctant to label it as such”.
This does seem strange. When the victims were muslim it seemed to be a clear case of terrorism. Now that muslims may be the killers has this altered the news narrative of the Lefty Canadian authorites and of our own BBC?
Is it just me or does there appear to be a type of attack the BBC want to report and another sort they don’t? Were the BBC keen on this story when muslims might have been the victims of nasty white supremacists? (whatever they might happen to be – largely a figment of the Lefty immagination). But now its just another crazy muslim thing killing anyone who gets up their nose for any reason is the story now just too near the knuckle for our BBC?
Oh by the way, any update on that rogue car that went crazy in Australia a while ago?
Thinking about the Canadian mosque shooting.
Anyone notice a different style of reporting here?
Usually these reports begin with a description of the incident, numbers of dead and wounded, then followed by a statement from the cops who are uncertain whether it is terrorism, but usually a cop somewhere nearby diagnoses mental illness. Nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. Perhaps, a hint of far right involvement.
But this version departs from the usual plot in places.
BBC follows Trudy stating that it is a terrorist attack on Moslems. The pig’s head story is retold. But when sources around the world give names, like Mohamid, it looks like a RoPer on RoPer job.
Too late to drop it altogether.
Now we have two arrests, two suspects. No wait, two arrests, but one, the RoPer is a witness. But both will be before the court soon. In one article the BBC speak of both as suspects, and then of one witness and a suspect. Confusion is heaped on. The RoPer we are told has been released.Turns out that he rung the police to report the incident. A Moslem hero perhaps? Meanwhile, the far fascist left go ahead with a rally in London and Trump is blamed, or rather one of his far right supporters, is hinted at.
Basically, unlike previous narratives, this tale is one of total confusion. Are the killers RoPers? Or is there only one killer, despite earlier witnesses saying two gun men?
Of course the fake news department of the BBC insist on an anti Trump insertion
‘The attack came as protests over US President Donald Trump’s travel ban on several Muslim countries gripped the US.
When asked if Mr Trump’s actions influenced the attack, Mr Couillard said no, but added: “We are obviously in a world where people tend to divide themselves rather than unite themselves”.
They covered their backs by mentioning that Trump had expressed his sympathy and offered help.
At least Quebec is too far for that man to drag his piano for a rendering of John Lennon’s Imagine
Daily Mail now reporting that Alexandre is the only suspect. Described as a ” pro-Trump loner ” by someone who knew him. Seems the other guy is a witness. The BBC will have a field day once they catch up with the news .
Yet another self destructive Jew fantasising about how wonderful life without white males is going to be from the comfort of the USA.
Like the three wise monkeys no criticism of the brown eyed boys will be believed until the holocaust MkII is happening and he’s being led into the gas chamber.
So sad that all he can believe of the people being traumatised by his fantasy is that they are ‘white supremacists’ or idiots.
If you wish to go to the back of the queue for US visas then there is a special list you can sign.
And if you put violent threats against the president on Facebook that’ll be in the visa office database as well.
My “conspiracy theory” is that the media and the snowflakes are being played by Trump’s team. Throughout his campaigns he has been severely underestimated by his opponents.
During the primaries no one gave him a chance. The Democrats and the MSM were begging him to run because they believed in an easy kill for Hillary if he was the Republican candidate. I am sure Democrats, where they could vote in the primaries, were voting for Trump. That didn’t work out well for them.
Now there is a massive outcry about Obama’s , sorry Trump’s “ban on Muslims”. I am sure there is something else such as his Supreme Court appointment or wall construction that is now sailing through the news cycle with no one noticing.
I think the left, as they can’t see things with real logic, might want to watch a crap movie, Battleship where the battleship suddenly drops anchor, changes direction and blows the crap out of the aliens. Then they might get an idea of how they are being played.
I checked the petition data after the referendum, in the petition calling for another referendum, DS, the signers seemed to live all over the world including all of Disneyland/world seemed to have voted as well according to the names on the list.
“”Trump travel ban: Thousands join protests across UK””
“”We all sat in history lessons hearing about the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, feeling that if it happened now we would stop it. This is our opportunity to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again.””
“”Ms Levy’s placard read: “Anne Frank could have been an 87-year-old living in Boston today but she was denied a Visa””
As always with the BBC, no alternative view offered. The BBC fully agree with the protestors.
Shameful that the BBC compare the ‘ban’ with Nazi Germany. I find that to be very repugnant. The Koran preaches the killing of all Jews. Jews are no longer safe in Europe.
In other words, if you don’t agree with the BBC, you are a Nazi.
Strange how BBC and Nazi rhyme.
Both organisations are anti-semitic.
Both control the media.
Both object to dissent.
Both seek and have the military and political control of Europe under a German leader.
Most of these protestors out on the streets look like kids to me.
It’s just an evening out for something to do.
We wouldn’t have had these problems if the local councils had kept the youth clubs open!
Not BBC bias, but “Africa News” reports that the President of Eritrea has said that Merkel and Hollande are “mentally disturbed”. Well that confirms her nickname of “Mad Merkel “. But , coming from him, I would take it as a compliment. Just thought I would share it for the laugh.
The BBC have just told me that 1.5 million people have “signed a petition” to stop Trump coming to the UK.
They also tell me that they`re worried about “fake news”.
Given that that notorious and funny “No to Brexit” Referendum was ALSO signed by millions-including 350,000 of them from Big Ron in the Vatican or such…does the BBC not see just how laughable and pathetic they have now become?
These stories really ought to be running into each other so we can link their idiocy.
But there`s still that story from Quebec to massage inbetween isn`t there?
You always know fake news is to follow when BBC newreaders begin ‘A new report suggests ….’ This time its BBC West ‘suggesting’ that ‘Bristol is the worst big city for racial equality outside of London’ the report goes on to tell us that there are over 90 languages spoken in Bristol as if its some sort of fucking triumph.
It looks as if Bristols first black mayor is going to be as successful as Americas first black president, but of course it won’t be his fault….
As if this sympathetic hush toned report wasn’t enough, it followed 10 minutes of wanking on about the anti Trump protest in Bristol city center, fuck the BBC and Sky can foxtrot oscar as well !
I’m guessing every other BBC region followed a similar running order tonight?
Ah what’s that amongst all crap? Iran testing a ballistic missile again. Now why would they be doing that? Especially when a UN Resolution banned such activities for eight years as a condition of the nuclear deal.
A stiffly worded letter from the UN will surely follow.
Geoff – That still sounds better than BBC Look North and its opening story tonight about a “transgender” 9 year old:
“Born a boy but living as a girl.”
I watched this highly detailed report, al beebus North had been covering the boy and his family for 6 months, with increasing disbelief.
What kind of society are we going to be in 10; 20 or 50 years from now?
Never mind the society, what about the child? 90% of the kids who identify as gender confused do not wish to transition post puberty. That is not the issue for the BBC and the trail of wrecked lives they leave behind, they only want to concentrate on the 10% which they hail as a vindication of their insanity.
In reality they care nothing about the victims of their hate, and they are only using them as a tool to beat other ordinary people with.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 14:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From order-order.com [img]https://image.vuukle.com/51b5831e-0c34-432c-b96b-b96c0104e65b-c31704d4-72ca-4f47-84f4-ba119b564ab1[/img]
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Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
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Just heard on the J Vine show that Goebel’s secretary has died aged 106. He had a couple of talking heads on explaining who Goebbels was and how much of what went would have been known by his secretary. Turns out Goebbels ran the greatest propaganda outfit the world has ever seen, surpassing even that of the Soviet Union in the way that they managed the news.
JV reckoned that news management would be much harder to pull off today in the light of social media where anyone with a ‘phone can have a story or event on the web as it unfolds.
Nice to know that the bBBC has higher standards when it comes to reporting.
Stop press. BBC News24 just quoted a poll saying 48% of US supports Trump’s ban on visa travel from the 7 states concerned. Naturally the level of opposition was omitted -so it’s probably far lower. Auntie then had the gall to go on regardless to try to explain away the poll in terms of ”how the White House phrases” its justification. As apparently, according to our esteemed national broadcaster ”you can get people to support anything” if you say it’s to prevent terrorism.
The gobsmacking hypocrisy of a short excursus on others’ use of loaded phrasing and selective use of language being given by the BBC of all media sources, seems to have passed clean over the writer’s (and presenter’s) heads.
Goebbels had a club foot and was of short stature, ticked a couple of diversity boxes at Deutsche Rundfunk.
President of the Mosque says “why is this happening here , this is barbaric “. Is he assuming it is non-muslims ?
Mosques are never attacked in Muslim majority countries are they?
Shaapi Khorsandi has gained credibility by withdrawing her book from award entry for Jhalek Prize for writer of colour.
Fair play to her. Respect is due.
What a refreshing change from the normal acceptance of positive discrimination.
Much hilarity over WatO today. (BBC R4 1pm) A real car crash of a programme.
The Welsh Windbag (Lord Kinnock) has a new rival in the form of Ed Miliband MP trumpeting on Trump. Perhaps Ed is trying to line himself up for a Peerage, too, along with two or three lucrative NGO jobs on the side for when he steps down from the House of Commons (in 2020?). Immediately following is news of Diageo ending its Baileys sponsorship of the Women’s (your apostrophe in the wrong place, BBC?) Prize for Fiction.
It appears that some forms of discrimination are worse than other forms of discrimination.
To be fair, Martha Kearney was sharp enough on this occasion to observe that, but her contributoress (Kate Mosse?) was in such full stream-of-consciousness, Womens Liberation & Equality and Virtue Signalling flow (another rival to the Welsh Windbag there?) that there was no stopping her.
Except via the Off switch.
Which I operated.
The peace and quiet was so immediately soothing. Bliss!
I am beginning to feel that the BBC’s infatuation with Trump is akin to its infatuation with children. There is something unhealthy about it.
The BBC has yet to provide a positive feature on either Trump or Brexit.
I learned from al beebus news that the travel ban would have affected those “Britons” who hold dual-citizenship (however now it turns out it doesn’t) including an “Iraqi born Conservative M.P.” How on earth can someone be allowed to become a Member of Parliament in the U.K. if they are able to simultaneously hold the nationality of another country?
J. Enoch Powell was 100% correct: there should be no such thing as “dual nationality”; you are either one thing or another. The potential for divided loyalties is always present and the consequences of such are plain for someone like a M.P. or minister.
“Allegiance is the very esssence of nationhood, there is no meaning in nationhood without allegiance. Nationhood means that a man stands to one nation, to one loyalty, against all others – that is what it is about.” J.E.P.
I posted the same here today or yesterday. I think the split of those which allow it and those that do not is about equal. But why only dual ? If 2 is allowed, why not 3,4,5, etc. It is a nonsence. China does not allow it and, for that matter, neither does Gambia !
On The World at One they interview an Iranian female doctor who was on her way to study at Harvard when the ban came into effect. The BBC is almost a parody of itself. Could they interview a more atypical person? Typical left wing narrative over facts.
That is strange because winter term started on 3 January. Did the Beeboid ask her any details about her course ?
Back in the 80s a book called “Anyone here been raped and speaks English? : A foreign correspondents life behind the lines” by Edward Behr was published.
It flagged up the way in which foreign correspondents get the stories they`re after.
Todays equivalent would be “Any muslim here in a professional job and speaks English?” : a foreign correspondents life toeing the line”.
Anyone catch Trudeau, on the Brexit Bullshit Corp News early this morning?
… going more “all out” than the Al BBC usually does, over the Islamic hate crime attack on that mosque?
… quick as a flash “act of terror” etc, “our diversity” is our strength and all that jazz.
I was watching the clock, waiting for the banana skin, and
sure enough …. I ve only just got back, pretty sure our friends here won t have missed it.
Cries of allah ackbar, slowly filtering out Moroccan descent, the old favourite Mohamhead no basis at all for the widespread assumption that this was some kind of “Islamofauxbic” attack, and that was the angle the BBC was taking;
How, they must virtually have prayed,(to allah)for it to have a “Trump” connection.
Well, the custard pies keep coming BBC … every one another death nail
Oh your Canada Mosque story, is dropping out of your “trending chart” too
… nice try – but no cigar eh!
If it proves to be the case that the attackers of the mosque are Syrians who have just moved to Canada, then any fair minded person would conclude that:
a) President Trump had every good reason to implement a 90 day travel ban pending proper vetting procedures; and
b) Justin “diversity makes us stronger” Trudeau is an even bigger virtue signalling fool than we already thought.
It will be interesting to see how the fake news merchants of the BBC spin that one.
Also raises the question of how they got the weapons.
Any fair minded would already conclude that President Trump had every good reason to issue the order. That Muslim migrants were responsible for the attack would be confirmatory.
nog – I too was quietly confident that it would turn out to be Muzzies killing other Muzzies, you’d think that the brain boxes at al beebus would keep their powder dry until it was proved beyond doubt that it was Canadians who’d done it rather than these creatures killing each other; before they leapt into “white backlash” mode.
I shall be interested to see how al beebus and the rest of the MSM report or non-report this development, if it turns out to be as we expect.
Grant – she said she was ‘continuing her training as a post-doctoral phil at a lab in Harvard medical school.’ She was doing research into how our genome affects the transition from latent to active Tuberculosis. The migrants I see hanging around coffee shops in my town are always talking about medical research. Somalia is famous for its pioneering research into the human genome.
I suppose it gives them a bit of a break from sub-atomic physics.
“She was doing research into how our genome affects the transition from latent to active Tuberculosis. The migrants I see hanging around coffee shops in my town are always talking about medical research. Somalia is famous for its pioneering research into the human genome.”
Chilleden, Somalia is vital to the tuberculosis research project, in that it provides the cases of TB for the doctors to study. In the UK the BCG programme had all but eradicated TB, so we now have to import the disease. Soon the NHS will have ever more exotic diseases to study, using all the spare money that it doesn’t know what to do with.
Once again, it is utterly amazing how some world leaders (not excluding a recent retiree in the Northern Americas) can ascertain, almost instantly, with what appears to be the flimsiest amount of evidence, that an attack is ‘terrorist’, a ‘hate crime’, ‘racist’ in nature, etc., if it is perpetrated against any of their favoured colours, creeds, or political groupings…
On the other hand, with other groups of victims, we are told we ‘must not jump to conclusions’, ‘must wait for the indisputable evidence’, and not commence ‘retaliation’ (not that anyone has, of course) of any kind, and certainly not label any action as ‘terrorist’ until, well, until it’s just so bloody obvious you’d have to be a lunatic to believe anything else….. but then we mustn’t to jump to the conclusion that this is anything but a ‘lone-wolf’, ‘self-radicalised’, ‘blame-everyone-else….. and particularly the victims’, sort of event.
I wonder just what the difference is between those events on which we can obviously reach instant judgement, and those on which we must forever (it seems) reserve any judgement ? (/sarc)
BBC News Canada Mosque? what mosque? … IT S STOP TRUMP PETITION TIME
BBC Radio London, had the odious “Tulip” Siddiqi on with fatty Feltz
pontificating that Trump vetting was “ethnically motivated” a “witch hunt” against a group of people
Bit Rich … her uncle is PM of a country that won t allow Jews in.
Goes to show that rank hypocrisy is riding high, in Islam and the Al BBC.
There are 16 countries that won t allow Israeli passport holders in
Expect Lilly Allen, and Owen Jones to set up a petition and 300,000 concerned Muslim s to mass sign it inside 24 hrs …. errrr right!
7min 30 seconds
‘Ethnically motivated’, nogginator ?
Hell’s teeth, not a few hours ago we were being told that it was ‘clearly and exclusively, a ban on Muslims’. Well, blow me down. Next it will be ‘mysoginistic’, or any other pejorative adjective some left-wing idiot can attribute to the policy, as long as it chimes with, and lines up with, the adjectives they’re already throwing at President Trump
I have to say I smelt a rat on this one from the get-go on Toady this morning. It was the second story of the morning, and they were clearly already pushing it down the agenda. I thought ‘I don’t get it – surely a story of violent Islamafauxbia is something they will be shouting from the rooftops all day about? They will love this.’
On reflection, the BBC must have known more than they reported – i.e. enough facts to know among themselves that it was likely to be Inter-Islamic, otherwise they would not have demoted it.
Thus we have another BBC false narrative. The fuss about ‘fake news’ is ridiculous really. Almost all news has a skew depending on where it’s coming from. It’s just that the BBC’s ‘fake news’ is also ‘missing news’, ‘demoted news’, ‘news deliberately missing important details’, as well as ‘as good as made up news’. They simply do the lot – all the time, and with £4.5bn funding, on a more industrial scale than anyone else in the world.
The ‘fact-checking’nonsense is also ridiculous. Everyone will stand up and say they will do it (although so far to be fair it has been the BBC, Facebook, New York Times and Guardian who have claimed the high ground here – guffaw.) It really is an competition in naivety to see who is coming forward first. What least trusted brands are the most blinkered about how they are seen? People used to trust the BBC news because the BBC was a trusted brand. The current lot at the BBC are in the process of destroying not only trust for the brand, but thereby the brand itself. When the history of the discredited BBC get’s written in the future, a special mention will go to how long they got away with it because they did it from a basis of trust. A bit like Jimmy Savile. . ?
This is a good article about the MSM and Trump:
I heard on al beebus today that none of the citizens of countries subject to the travel restrictions to the U.S. have committed acts of terrorism in America, er… that’s true…”up to a point, Lord Copper.”
It is what the BBC does not report on which creates a false reality. Imagine going to a pub one night and there is a big fight going on in the corner all night which spoils the evening. The next day someone asks what the pub was like. If you just talk about how lovely the carpet was that is not a lie, but you are being terribly deceptive by not ever mentioning the fight in the corner.
Yes – lying by omission. But it can only work if your sole news source is the BBC and if it is, you deserve everything you get.
I gather that Trump is/has definitely pulled/is pulling out of the Paris Climate Change nonsense – read it on Going Postal, so I hope it’s true…
Manna from heaven for Greenpeace-BBC-28gatemates if he does.
Expect an endless procession on Today, Newsnight and the rest of hand-wringing, anti-science eco-fascists wailing about Trump’s war on the planet, and yet another million-signature petition to conveniently make BBC headline news.
The BBC on Facebook currently:
BBC News was live.
Watch LIVE: The mother of an eight-year-old transgender girl speaks about their experience as a family.
Feel free to put your questions in the comments below.
Followed, with a reduced irony quotient by:
BBC Radio 4
Are you happy in your bubble?
The Late Night Woman’s Hour podcast: http://bbc.in/2jxqCtm
And you lot ((c) A. Blessed Person) say the BBC doth not do comedy.
Fake news, BBC style….
Sorry, did I say fake news? I meant lies, distortion and omission.
On the lunchtime news we had a report from Rogering Horrorbag on – wait for it – a new government strategy for keeping the lights on.
It’s really revolutionary, as it happens, and consists of the government paying energy providers to keep coal-fired power stations on standby for when – wait for it again – the wind isn’t blowing and sun isn’t shining.
Rogering helped us through this wondrous new policy, Blue Peter style, by explaining first of all that when the wind is blowing we are getting our electricity from turbines almost for free (I kid you not), then secondly that to keep coal-fired power stations on standby will cost us ‘billions a year’.
Then we had a little vignette from Heathrow where the solar panels are obviously so fantastically efficient the government has to pay the providers not to put energy into the grid!!
So no mention of:
– the billions per year ‘renewables’ get in subsidies
– the hefty carbon taxes which have made coal-fired stations uneconomic
– we are still heavily dependent on coal for much of our energy
– we are facing a gap in our energy supply precisely because of the closure of said coal-fired power stations
– maybe was not a good idea to heap crippling carbon taxes on them in the first place
And that’s without mention of the overriding fact that all this is predicated on a disproven hypothesis which the BBC promotes, on behalf of its environmentalist friends, as ‘settled science’.
And MP’s are considering making the BBC their arbiter of fake news?
Orwell, spinning for eternity thanks to his former employer
The BBC seem to be going for a ‘tell it often enough/swamp the airwaves’ combo:
Not sure they own the narrative as they used to.
My God.
(Suzanne Franks, an academic – in response to John Humphrys) Yes it is indeed I do think that’s a worry because a lot of audiences are unable, as we’ve just heard, to distinguish between the provenance of different stories. They don’t understand that some are, you know, proper legitimate stories that have been checked, and the next thing that appears the news feed is a load of rubbish that’s been made up.
And who else was contributing in the interview, and on whose every word Humphrys clung like a lovesick puppy?
The political editor of Buzzfeed (all of whose examples of fake news – including ‘Islamophobic’ of course – were from right wing sources, naturally).
Analysis from the ‘trusted’ BBC and millions of listeners innocently lap it up.
You just want to fucking scream.
I made the decision to ditch the tv and license fee years ago but now and again I tune into one of the BBC radio outlets for a little background noise and never fail to be stunned by the content. Today, for example, I subjected myself to a couple of hours of the World Service and 5Live ‘debating’ the ‘Muslim ban’ of Trumps executive order. After two hours I simply couldn’t take it anymore.
I’m sure your familiar with the drill where debating anything Trump related is concerned with the BBC. Panelists and commentators came and went (90% anti-Trump) and the same old tired, ignorant, peurile talking points were stated and regurgitated over and over. This time they also stated, multiple times, without a single quible, the outright LIE of the Muslim Ban. I listened in fascination at the extraordinary bias and simple unintelligence.
Somewhere, still within me, remains a soft spot for the Beeb. I think it stems from those wonderful, irreverant childrens programs that I grew up with in the late 70’s and 80’s. Now all I can feel is dissapointment and bristling contempt.
I’ll end with a little nugget from the late night talking shop that is the Stephen Nolan show on 5live. After the usual parade of leftist shills one caller actually called Nolan and the BBC out for its complete lack of objectivity and oversight. Nolan’s muted reply, ‘we did interview Farage a few days ago’. I laughed myself to sleep.
R4 PM and whasername blown off by a Trump voter who, get this, is an American living in America. Then they continue to pick over the carcass of the story which is no story at all. But Iraq are restricting visas also and a million UK people signed a petition and people are protesting. Whasername on PM displayed all the credibility of a fibbing child hoping to get someone into trouble.
Above all the BBC is not getting it’s own way – why doesn’t everyone do what the BBC wants? WHY?
I heard that too.
Carolyn Quinn – “Iraq will retaliate to the ban and not let U.S. citizens in.”
Response – “Iraq! Who’d want to go there?”
C.Q. – No audible response.
Is there still not a US presence in Iraq, “training” the Iraqi military in how to whup ISIS’s asses? I’m sure they would welcome the opportunity to return Stateside.
Has the BBC reported anything further on the MI6 chap and his dossier on Trump’s romps in a Moscow hotel?
The BBC had such a lot to say about it a few days ago.
There’s no news like fake old news…
Apparently the Russian who helped him compile it has turned up dead, he probably accidentally stabbed himself to death whilst shaving or inadvertently shot himself twice in the back of the head while cleaning his gun or some such.
BBC Radio 4 news summary at 17.50 . Canadian Police have ‘named a student as the only suspect’ in the mosque shooting. Except that the BBC don’t give his name even though news media ( but not BBC) said earlier today that a Moroccan student was involved . You can have fake news and you can also withhold news that doesn’t suit your political agenda . I would accuse the Bother both transgressions .
Regardless of race, creed or colour of the perpetrator, let’s hope that PM Trudeau stands by his statement that this was a ‘barbaric act’.
Headline news on BBC1 at lunchtime was the 1.2 million signature petition calling for Trump’s state visit to be cancelled, which got a further mention on Look North West as part of BBC coverage of anti-Trump demonstrations in places like Accistan and Burnleydesh.
Surprisingly for our impartial broadcaster, there was no news of the other 60-odd million inhabitants of Great Britain who had chosen not to sign.
It’s worth checking the Guido website . Nearly all the signatories are in London with a few provincial university towns thrown in. It’s the same sort of snowflake type virtue signallers we see protesting in the USA against Trumps 90 day pause on visits from jihadist war zones. My thoughts are with the Western victims of jihadists and the Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East, not the signatories and protestors in the comfortable West.
George Alagiah on 6:00 o’clock news asking how can you tell when the news is false?
Err, when it comes from the bBBC?
Basil Brush should have answered with a, ‘Boom boom!’
That would have been “fox” news, G.
18:00 The bollox continues on BBc news now with multiple sob sob stories about the American immigration policy.
Don’t think the outrage over Lee Rigby, beheadings, rape, torture and genocide of Christians is even one percent of this obscene display from MSM and it’s cult followers.
Delighted to see that the Outer Hebrides does not give a monkey’s !
Not too dissimilar to the map showing those who voted to remain, Dave, surprising that.
LOL the BBC is beyond parody. I don’t have a telly but listen to R4 occasionally. It’s normally a matter of minutes if not seconds before the leftist agenda emerges. Today the Food Programme was about an elderly black lady who runs a cafe in Louisiana. And five…four…three..two…they begin talking about her role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Fair enough, but I thought it was a food programme? She had cooked for Presidents Bush and Obama and had liked them…then, wait for it, you can guess what’s next…what did she think of Mr Trump? Would she welcome him too? Oh dear me, do I need to go on?
Voice of the Common people:- Now then everybody calm down, what’s the problem?
UK MSM:- President Trump wants to stop some of our Muslim brothers and sisters travelling to the US, it’s not fair, waaaaah waaaaah.
Voice of the Common people:- But the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs has just announced in the House that UK citizens are exempt, there is no problem, you should all be very pleased with this outcome.
UK MSM:- But what about people in other countries, it’s sooo unfair, waaaaah waaaaah.
Voice of the Common people:- We don’t give a shit about them, we’re okay!
bBBC:- I hate you Common people…… waaaaah waaaaah waaaaah ad nauseum…
BBC Radio 4 6 O’Clock News reporting on the Mosque attack in Canada called it a ‘terror attack against Muslims’, failing to mention the religions of the attackers, the names the country of origin, or that they were refugees which entered the country just a week ago.
This is a lie by omission and they have undoubtedly done it because it proves Trump to be right.
This is rank bias, but there is no one to complain to and no oversight body to kick them back into line.
Thoughtful, if indeed it becomes clear that it was a green on green attack, watch it disappear down the MSM memory hole faster than a ferret up a trouser leg. Bear in mind if it WAS non-Muslims doing the killing, it would be splashed all over the media 24/7.
That bi:s “they were refugees which entered the country just a week ago.”
was fake news
latest update is Mohamed Khadir was released
I just caught the very beginning of the repulsive James O’Brien show on LBC this morning. He immediately started on a barely coherent rant about Trump, mentioning the Canadian tragedy and saying, “This is a direct consequence of what Trump has been saying and doing.” Okay, so hardly anyone with any sense listens to this ugly turd, but what a wicked thing to say! And now it would appear that at least one of the suspects is a Moroccan.
Will this unpleasant creature apologise? Will he get the sack? Nah, he’ll be back tomorrow spitting venom.
Oh, BTW Nigel is on that very station this evening from 7pm.
After a day of anti Trump propaganda stirred up by creeps like O’Brien, the usual virtue signalling Labour Party and our dear old impartial BBC (oh yeh!) it will be refreshing to listen to someone talking sense for a change.
Above interviewed in Manchester on North West tonight. Doesn’t look like there are that many protesting. I wonder if the above is still a “mature student”. To be fair the presenter does actually put some counter point for once. He points out the temporary ban doesn’t apply to the majority or largest of the cult countries, He also notes the petition for a ban here. Solomon of course ignores these points in her diatribe completely. Just before that we have the pleasure of an interview with another clueless snowflake. Because May went there it’s like personal.
Well, I’ve just come home from a long day at work and arrived back in Falmouth to some sort of noise on The Moor, a large area in the centre.
As I was washing away a large dog poo from the pavement outside my flat some students (who are abundant in this town now), walked through the slurry. I felt bad for a minute but then soon realised they were making their way to The Moor with their placards. I have to say I am shocked at so many Snowflakes in one place shouting F*** Trump. Nice language I thought and felt silently gratified in the fact their boots were covered in doggie do do’s.
Dennis Skinner warns that Trump will be raining bombs on us like Hitler and Mussolini did.
Or something like that.
OK Skinner has lost his marbles, but his views are shared by so many other MPs and our media. Trump should turn down the offer to visit the Queen and send her his deepest sympathy for having to preside over idiots and dhimmis.
Perhaps he could invite her to the White House.
Not a bad idea ! He could just say he is too busy and go to China instead. I am sure he would be welcome there.
That would have been a house I wouldn’t have minded the Luftwaffe hitting.
Whose opinion can be safely dismissed on the grounds of taste and decency.
The Tory Chief Whip John Wakeham was amongst the casualties when the IRA tried to murder the Cabinet at the Grand Hotel in Brighton in 1984. He was grievously injured; his wife, Roberta Wakeham, died. Several weeks later, Wakeham hobbled unannounced into the Commons, in considerable pain, on crutches. Having fallen into silence, the whole House rose to its feet to applaud. With the exception of one member.
Yup, Dennis Skinner. Some people truly are beneath contempt. For every Jack Ashley, Frank Field or Michael Foot, there’s a Peter Hain, Manny Shinwell—and class warrior Dennis Skinner.
Dennis Skinner always has been a total shit.
Difficult for Trump to be a Fascist when Fascism is inextricably linked with Socialism.
The real Fascist here is of course Skinner and his mates. No doubt he would say he was an anti Fascist.
The Fascists of the future will call themselves ‘anti Fascists’ – Winston Churchill.
In amongst all the frothing at the mouth, al beebus appear to have missed this other good piece of work by the POTUS.
You can be damn sure that the BBC will not report anything positive about Trump.
There is now a petition that Donald Trump should be invited for a state visit. It’s just been started and is going up rapidly at the moment.
link please 🙂
Wonder if there’ll be hourly updates on the news channels as to the increasing numbers on this petition !
Just signed and saw the figure jump 200 up
Inside Out coming up : regional editions
Inside Out discovers the hidden mystery of Deadman’s Island which lies off the Kent coast.
The bones of dozens of people who were buried more than 200 years ago are being slowly exposed on the uninhabited island.
South East and London edition
East Mids
Ciera believes she was born in the wrong body. #transgender #trans
exclusive rare footage of an #octopus in the wild off #Portland! #Dorset
CARE CRISIS? @joncuthill looks at why nearly half the south’s councils are underpaying for home care
@Sebchoudhury reveals the shocking number of empty buildings in the region & finds out how @AEOBpeople are putting one to good use!
Why is Finland the only country in Europe to have cracked homelessness?
West Mids
Drakelow Tunnels Unlocking the history of Worcestershire’s Cold War tunnels – join @BeccyWoodTV on @bbciowm at 1930 on Monday on BBC One
Lawrence of Arabia in Bridlington
GP caring for patients at home as local hospitals close
Just heard on RT news that the Don’s visit will go ahead and he will meet the Queen but he will not see Prince Charles as he will not be lectured on climate change and if anyone tries it he will erupt, his office has stated. 🙂
Charles is a dick.
To put it mildly !
The moment he becomes King, I become a Republican!
Betsy McCaughey and Frank Gaffney blasted Carolyn Quinn and John Humphrys brilliantly today-on PM and Today respectively.
So many corkers lobbed at the BBC leftards that I can`t repeat them all-but AT LAST, the good old boys n gals of the USA have figured out what the BBC is-and boy do they hit hard?
Not that the lefties know it-but we hear it live-and there`s SO much more to come!
My favourite? Well there`s so many but Gaffneys this morning was a gem
Humprhys-“What do you say to the parents of those killed by gunmen at Sandy Nook.
Gaffney-“And what do YOU say to the parents of those in Florida/San Bernardino who were killed by jihadists?
Humphrys spiralled off into orbit and never really came back after this gem.
I liked the bit where Betsy reminded Quinn that those “seven majority Muslim countries” were in fact those that Obama himself had put on a list.
And that the only Syrian refugees that Obama brought in were few and far between, despite the rhetoric-apart from a couple of hundred in three years, his two thousand that he DID take were only after he`d lost the election-a Chelsea Manning and Gitmo kinda turd left for Donald to flush away for him.
Oh dear-reality check-Betsy was great!
Why should President Trump put up with this ? It is absurd. As I have said before even the old killers of the USSR were treated better.
He should learn from this. Recall his ambassador from London for consultations and cancel any trip. The USA does not need the whining snowflakes of Britain any more. Sorry about the Queen but reality is reality.
If I were him I would not tolerate the Commons insulting him with a debate. I would impose draconian visa restrictions on all British subjects including all of us here. We deserve it.
Then I would invite Putin or go to Moscow , then Beijing then move that embassy to Jerusalem.
Oh and kick out the BBC.
Time for us and the effete of Europe to learn hard lessons.
The only thing is, why should the rest of us be punished for the behaviour of a few extremists ?
Sometimes we all have to pay a price for the actions of our countrymen.If it means reality returning then it is worth it.
Dave S – you are spot on. If the UK wants to be taken seriously then someone in the government needs to rein in our nest-of-vipers media, condemn all the 6th form studenty whining and fully back the President’s travel bans.
If I were Trump I would resign the USA from Nato, and ignore western europe until after the EU has imploded, and in the meantime just sort out the serious issues – China, Russia, Middle East.
I heard that EUscum Verhoftw@t speaking at Chatham House earlier and giving Trump both barrels and how he is a “threat” – I wonder if he’d still consider him a “threat” were he to cut the U.S. funding of NATO by 25%, or 50% or 80%?
What vermin! To think we’ve been paying an entity, run by c***s like him, billions for decades.
To quote about we British, from a man Verhofcrap wouldn’t have been fit to lick the toilet bowl clean after:
“We must be mad! literally mad!”
He needs to put a “to let” sign on the UN building as well, I.
Dave S,
You are so right – it’s the arrogance, the conceit of those in the UK and the EU who somehow think America would collapse without their financial and moral support – not to mention their oh so wise advice.
This is a Europe sandwiched between to military superpowers either of which could crush Europe easily. And with Turkey right on the border also , their military are no slouches. I would show a bit of humility.
Exactly – at the end of the day, who would we expect to come to our aid? Not France or Germany that’s for sure.
Dave, Gax and Grant
on the “BBC in a frenzy” topic this morning Tiger OC made what I think is a very pertinent point. He basically said that with all the abuse Trump is currently receiving from the EU and British media. He stated that he would not be surprised if Trump suddenly said enough is enough and withdrew US forces from Europe leaving us all to “stew in our own juice”
We have been receiving military support from the US in Europe for the past seventy years and we seem to have shown the same amount of gratitude to the US as a grumpy 16 year old shows his mother when she brings his dinner up to him in his bedroom (with his sausages cut into handy fork sized pieces), because he is in the middle of an important game on “Runescape” and could not possibly be interrupted.
If the US did this I would fully understand it (and unfortunately for us) I do not think anything short of this would be effective in gaining the attention of EU ministers. Most of whom, seem solely to be interested in increasing their own salaries, writing detailed specifications for “chocolate sprinkles”, upsetting Putin, rubbishing brexit and Trump in equal measures, whilst opening the floodgates to large numbers of mainly Islamic migrants many of whom despise our society and culture.
Why would Trump continue to support such a chorus of ingrates – I certainly wouldn’t. I can only suppose he must have some residual loyalty to Europe because of his family background. No one is saying we should abase ourselves at his feet surely a little respect is called for.
I am disappointed that Theresa has not shown herself to be at least a bit more supportive of trump than she has. Especially considering that most of the complaints and vitriol seem to originate from “Londonistan” and the MSM. None of whom are noted for their support of the Conservatives.
Trump is still amenable at the moment but I suspect unless the Government shows a bit more respect and support for him – even his patience will eventually fail. Then Europe really will have something to think about.
Solid post. The mainland Europeans seem to have forgotten who it was who saved them from the Nazis. The Americans, British and Russians, with a lot of help from friends. I wouldn’t blame Trump if he did get pissed off and did something drastic. I would love to be a fly on the wall when he meets Putin !
Grant it never ceases to amaze me how very shallow the liberals are.
Always willing to ditch tried and tested ideas and dependable allies for new impractical and untried ideas, and flashy, unreliable but fashionable friends.
I watched Sean Spicer give the press briefing from the White House earlier and although there were quite a few questions about the new immigration controls, I got the feeling that most of the journos present had moved past it.
They were more concerned about who Trump’s pick for the vacancy on the SCOTUS bench would be, as he is announcing that tomorrow.
The president has also asked the Joint Chiefs to come up with a plan within thirty days to defeat ISIS, I think that both of those stories were of more import to them and their readers and watchers than a few less Muslims able to enter America.
I too heard much of this.
But the feed ended with a couple of idiots shouting out (not for the first time in the interviews)-“Have you Spoken with the former President yet?”
So -usual liberal garbage with efforts to have the last word.
Good to see Sean though-doing a good job thus far.
If I were Trump, I`d put the golf and hotel businesses up for sale and sack any SNP supporters who work for him.Let Sturgeon find them work.
The BBC after cheerleading much earlier today, seem now to be (excuse the pun), “drawing a veil” over the story.
BBC News – Canada – Quebec mosque shooting: Police arrest a suspect and a witness
Canadian police have detained two men in connection to a deadly shooting at a mosque in Quebec City, Canada. One of the men is suspected in the attack on the Quebec Islamic Cultural Centre that left six people dead and the other is a witness
Who has been arrested? … Yes BBC who has been??
The two men who were detained are believed to be in their 20s or early 30s and had no prior police record before the incident …. hmmm
my Biased Bullshit Corporation-sense is a tingling
Was this a terrorist attack? … WAS?, hold on a allah-pickin minute, they were almost certain earlier on!
“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard both described the attack as a terrorist act,(wait for it), but authorities were reluctant to label it as such”.
Hmmm! How VERY BBC
‘Was this a terrorist attack?’
This does seem strange. When the victims were muslim it seemed to be a clear case of terrorism. Now that muslims may be the killers has this altered the news narrative of the Lefty Canadian authorites and of our own BBC?
Is it just me or does there appear to be a type of attack the BBC want to report and another sort they don’t? Were the BBC keen on this story when muslims might have been the victims of nasty white supremacists? (whatever they might happen to be – largely a figment of the Lefty immagination). But now its just another crazy muslim thing killing anyone who gets up their nose for any reason is the story now just too near the knuckle for our BBC?
Oh by the way, any update on that rogue car that went crazy in Australia a while ago?
No, it was suicide.
Thinking about the Canadian mosque shooting.
Anyone notice a different style of reporting here?
Usually these reports begin with a description of the incident, numbers of dead and wounded, then followed by a statement from the cops who are uncertain whether it is terrorism, but usually a cop somewhere nearby diagnoses mental illness. Nothing to do with Islam or terrorism. Perhaps, a hint of far right involvement.
But this version departs from the usual plot in places.
BBC follows Trudy stating that it is a terrorist attack on Moslems. The pig’s head story is retold. But when sources around the world give names, like Mohamid, it looks like a RoPer on RoPer job.
Too late to drop it altogether.
Now we have two arrests, two suspects. No wait, two arrests, but one, the RoPer is a witness. But both will be before the court soon. In one article the BBC speak of both as suspects, and then of one witness and a suspect. Confusion is heaped on. The RoPer we are told has been released.Turns out that he rung the police to report the incident. A Moslem hero perhaps? Meanwhile, the far fascist left go ahead with a rally in London and Trump is blamed, or rather one of his far right supporters, is hinted at.
Basically, unlike previous narratives, this tale is one of total confusion. Are the killers RoPers? Or is there only one killer, despite earlier witnesses saying two gun men?
Of course the fake news department of the BBC insist on an anti Trump insertion
‘The attack came as protests over US President Donald Trump’s travel ban on several Muslim countries gripped the US.
When asked if Mr Trump’s actions influenced the attack, Mr Couillard said no, but added: “We are obviously in a world where people tend to divide themselves rather than unite themselves”.
They covered their backs by mentioning that Trump had expressed his sympathy and offered help.
At least Quebec is too far for that man to drag his piano for a rendering of John Lennon’s Imagine
Daily Mail now reporting that Alexandre is the only suspect. Described as a ” pro-Trump loner ” by someone who knew him. Seems the other guy is a witness. The BBC will have a field day once they catch up with the news .
A lone wolf with mental health issues.
They are reporting one shooter but two rifles. Presumably the second rifle came on its own.
Yet another self destructive Jew fantasising about how wonderful life without white males is going to be from the comfort of the USA.
Like the three wise monkeys no criticism of the brown eyed boys will be believed until the holocaust MkII is happening and he’s being led into the gas chamber.
So sad that all he can believe of the people being traumatised by his fantasy is that they are ‘white supremacists’ or idiots.
Thank God Trump got elected not Clinton.
If you wish to go to the back of the queue for US visas then there is a special list you can sign.
And if you put violent threats against the president on Facebook that’ll be in the visa office database as well.
My “conspiracy theory” is that the media and the snowflakes are being played by Trump’s team. Throughout his campaigns he has been severely underestimated by his opponents.
During the primaries no one gave him a chance. The Democrats and the MSM were begging him to run because they believed in an easy kill for Hillary if he was the Republican candidate. I am sure Democrats, where they could vote in the primaries, were voting for Trump. That didn’t work out well for them.
Now there is a massive outcry about Obama’s , sorry Trump’s “ban on Muslims”. I am sure there is something else such as his Supreme Court appointment or wall construction that is now sailing through the news cycle with no one noticing.
I think the left, as they can’t see things with real logic, might want to watch a crap movie, Battleship where the battleship suddenly drops anchor, changes direction and blows the crap out of the aliens. Then they might get an idea of how they are being played.
1 million unverified signatures have online objected to Trump’s visit.
Only 64 million waiting or otherwise to to sign.
The Tyranny Of The Minority.
There is an alternative petition, which some on here may prefer.
Yup – you can watch the numbers roll round!
And you can see a graphic coloured map as to how many have signed in the various areas. Interesting !
now at 49,948
I checked the petition data after the referendum, in the petition calling for another referendum, DS, the signers seemed to live all over the world including all of Disneyland/world seemed to have voted as well according to the names on the list.
BBC Online News:
“”Trump travel ban: Thousands join protests across UK””
“”We all sat in history lessons hearing about the persecution of Jewish people in Nazi Germany, feeling that if it happened now we would stop it. This is our opportunity to make sure something like that doesn’t happen again.””
“”Ms Levy’s placard read: “Anne Frank could have been an 87-year-old living in Boston today but she was denied a Visa””
As always with the BBC, no alternative view offered. The BBC fully agree with the protestors.
Shameful that the BBC compare the ‘ban’ with Nazi Germany. I find that to be very repugnant. The Koran preaches the killing of all Jews. Jews are no longer safe in Europe.
In other words, if you don’t agree with the BBC, you are a Nazi.
Strange how BBC and Nazi rhyme.
Both organisations are anti-semitic.
Both control the media.
Both object to dissent.
Both seek and have the military and political control of Europe under a German leader.
Most of these protestors out on the streets look like kids to me.
It’s just an evening out for something to do.
We wouldn’t have had these problems if the local councils had kept the youth clubs open!
Yes, I have always felt that there is a social aspect to demos.
The student types just like an excuse to wear fancy dress and go out attention seeking.
This is where Boris’s water-cannons would have come in handy, if only Theresa hadn’t banned them. The students could have had a much-needed wash.
Not BBC bias, but “Africa News” reports that the President of Eritrea has said that Merkel and Hollande are “mentally disturbed”. Well that confirms her nickname of “Mad Merkel “. But , coming from him, I would take it as a compliment. Just thought I would share it for the laugh.
The BBC have just told me that 1.5 million people have “signed a petition” to stop Trump coming to the UK.
They also tell me that they`re worried about “fake news”.
Given that that notorious and funny “No to Brexit” Referendum was ALSO signed by millions-including 350,000 of them from Big Ron in the Vatican or such…does the BBC not see just how laughable and pathetic they have now become?
These stories really ought to be running into each other so we can link their idiocy.
But there`s still that story from Quebec to massage inbetween isn`t there?
Yes Prime Minister!
Whoops. Sorry for the double post. The Nige talking sense again.
You always know fake news is to follow when BBC newreaders begin ‘A new report suggests ….’ This time its BBC West ‘suggesting’ that ‘Bristol is the worst big city for racial equality outside of London’ the report goes on to tell us that there are over 90 languages spoken in Bristol as if its some sort of fucking triumph.
It looks as if Bristols first black mayor is going to be as successful as Americas first black president, but of course it won’t be his fault….
As if this sympathetic hush toned report wasn’t enough, it followed 10 minutes of wanking on about the anti Trump protest in Bristol city center, fuck the BBC and Sky can foxtrot oscar as well !
I’m guessing every other BBC region followed a similar running order tonight?
Ah what’s that amongst all crap? Iran testing a ballistic missile again. Now why would they be doing that? Especially when a UN Resolution banned such activities for eight years as a condition of the nuclear deal.
A stiffly worded letter from the UN will surely follow.
That will put the fear of God into them and jolly well serve them right. Naughty boys.
Geoff – That still sounds better than BBC Look North and its opening story tonight about a “transgender” 9 year old:
“Born a boy but living as a girl.”
I watched this highly detailed report, al beebus North had been covering the boy and his family for 6 months, with increasing disbelief.
What kind of society are we going to be in 10; 20 or 50 years from now?
See tonight’s University Challenge!
You may want to avert your eyes, we did.
Never mind the society, what about the child? 90% of the kids who identify as gender confused do not wish to transition post puberty. That is not the issue for the BBC and the trail of wrecked lives they leave behind, they only want to concentrate on the 10% which they hail as a vindication of their insanity.
In reality they care nothing about the victims of their hate, and they are only using them as a tool to beat other ordinary people with.
Do not blame the victim, blame the abusers.