704 Responses to MONDAY OPEN THREAD

  1. Dave666 says:

    Not the BBc but this annoyed me anyway From Jo Bells Blog ” The poem was written the day after Donald Trump was elected. Kindness seemed especially necessary and especially valuable on that day, and we surely need it more than ever now.” What does it refer to? The new crap Nationwide building society advert. https://belljarblog.wordpress.com/ If you have concerns over this like I do as a Nationwide customer please feel free to let them know. I have.


    • Deborah says:

      Dave 666, I switched on and as the ‘poem’ was being recited, I thought I was watching a programme. Then it turned into the advert. Fortunately I watch less ITV than BBC but as I didn’t take the whole thing in was waiting to see exactly what was said. I really believe the UK is becoming increasingly divided. I guess there are less undecided voters at the moment. If there were an election London would vote one way and the rest of England the other. I’m thinking the ‘interesting times’ of the Chinese proverb are actually getting very close.


    • Melksham says:

      You touched nerve with me. Nationwide’s ads sometimes shows that it thinks it is a bank, speaking of customers intead of members. Jo Bell seems to have taken this onboard at their junket. “Instead, I found myself talking to people who really believe in the company.” Company! She shows some insight….not.


  2. CubaBlue says:

    The BBC now all too eager to name the French Canadian involved with the Canadian shooting. As to the other perpetrator, ‘little information is available’. No analysis, conversation or further fact reporting. This is one they are determined to muddy or preferably just ignore.


    • Dystopian says:

      Yes and John Humphries on radio 4 this morning stated that the perpetrator was “known to have right wing views”. Really? How?


  3. BrownHovis says:

    As a young teen voter I first voted labour and respected the BBC
    Many years later (30years) I became a Conservative, built up a successful business but still viewed the BBC
    However, in the last 12 months I realised just how biased the BBC are, especially with their coverage and language used during the referendum towards Nigel Farage and knocking the leave group. In fact they pushed it so much that it made me move from Remain to Leave and from Conservative to UKIP
    It’s amazing that such a large media owner can have this effect purely due to their biased output.
    They are now doing the same with DTs visit to the UK and supporting heavily the angry Remainers and Anti Trump group.
    Instead of pushing me away from DT it’s had the opposite effect and drawn my attention to his policies and now I agree with many of the points he has raised.
    The BBC really need to research how the majority of people in this country see things.
    It’s as though they have their own objective and are oblivious the Views of the majority.
    Surely they can’t go on like this much longer.
    Something needs to change within the organisation or its needs selling off and giving the licence payer more freedom.


    • Grant says:


      You make a good point. The more extreme the BBC become , the more they are likely to alienate people from their point of view.


      • BrownHovis says:

        Cheers for response. Honestly. Normally I never get involved with online issues etc but this is what the BBC have pushed me to. Must be the same for many others.


        • Grant says:


          Not sure if you have posted here before , but there have been quite a few new posters in the last few months, which is very refreshing !


          • BrownHovis says:

            No. Just joined today. As I did on the BBC comment page news items
            For some reason the article on the Trump protest was high on the page all day and that annoyed me.
            At least it’s woken me up and moved me away from my previous comfortable vote.


            • Grant says:


              Welcome !


              • taffman says:

                Croeso ! From the Taffmen of Wales.
                Tell your mates about this site .


                • Doublethinker says:

                  The BBC know exactly what the various schools of thought are in the country. But They long ago made the choice to abuse their state funded ,near monopoly , position to promote the liberal world view and to move the centre of gravity of U.K. Opinion and politics towards that view. They have been very successful. How else do you explain the shift of the Tory party to ground that Blair would have been happy to stand on. Fortunately the liberal left over reached themselves in giving the country a referendum on the one topic that united those that hadn’t been brainwashed. They underestimated Nigel Farage and the residual sense of nationhood that remained in Parts of the UK. But Brexit has not yet been achieved and you can see the determination of the BBC to ensure that it isn’t, at least not in any real sense. Even if Brexit is fully achieved it is only one battle won , albeit a glorious one, the war against the liberal left elite and it’s duped followers will run for a long time yet.
                  The BBC is a powerful weapon for the liberal left . It leads millions of impressionable and gullible British people by the nose into supporting causes, signing petitions ,protesting and voting for policies which run directly against their best interests.
                  Given enough time the BBC will deliver the UK into the liberal left globalist , multicultural Utopia they believe in. To those on this site it is startling obvious that we will actually be delivered trussed up like a turkey to a Muslim dominated dystopian hell. Smashing the BBC is a vital step towards preventing the UK from sliding into a hellish future.


    • FeelLikeWTF says:

      BrownHovis, what worries me is that most of the BBC viewers/listeners have no time to research facts online. I am now so upset about their bias, that I no longer able to listen to the Today program or or watch the News Channel without getting angry after 5min of their garbage. I just hope their viewing figures will drop, the license renewals dramatically decrease and maybe the White House bans them too. Maybe then they will get the msg …maybe ….


      • taffman says:

        The Trustees of Al Beeb who no doubt visit this site, will be held to account.


      • BrownHovis says:

        Yes. I feel the same. How same after such a long relationship with the BBC
        I even find the Jules Holland show annoying now and it’s aimed at my age group


        • taffman says:

          Hold a licence fee strike. I have done so already.
          The more the merrier because they, the ‘Goons’ wont have the resources to deal with all the ‘strikers’.


        • Lucy Pevensey says:

          Jules Holland’s program used to be top quality. Not anymore. I think the 2017 New Year’s Eve thing he did was crap. I didn’t stay tuned in for very long.


      • Dystopian says:

        What pains me is that there are so many people, sorry sheeple, who believe the BBC are “wholesome , unbiased , value for money..”
        Totally brainwashed.
        The BBC go on like they are some kind of authority. I heard an announcement on radio 4 this morning that people had been asking the BBC to answer their Brexit questions!
        It’s typical of the lefty snowflakes always needing someone to hold their hand at the crossroads which is ultimately why they are so afraid of letting go of the EU apron strings.


        • Grant says:


          They should ask the BBC some in depth technical questions about the EU so they can find out that Beeboids no bugger all about it.


          • ToobiWan says:

            OT Grant, but I’ve just seen what looks like a 12 year old Syrian asylum seeking bint on RT news, who, it was announced is a prospective SNP candidate, FFS!


            • Grant says:


              Your having a laugh aren’t you ? Come on , pull the other one !


              • ToobiWan says:

                I wish, G.
                Saw her twice tonight banging on about job centre closures, I think and how such establishments are important to “refugees”.


                • Grant says:


                  Good God. Anyway, surely she can’t be a candidate if she is not a British Subject ? ( I refuse to use the Republican word “citizen” ).


    • Cranmer says:

      BrownHovis, welcome. You make a good point. I myself originally thought Mr Trump was a totally unsuitable, brash, loud mouthed chancer who used soundbites to grab attention. However, it was the mainstream media’s coverage of his campaign which made me look closer – it was clear we were being lied to about what he was actually saying – and I realised that a lot of what he is saying makes sense. So thanks MSM, your propaganda had the opposite effect to what was intended!


  4. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Question, partially BBC related: Has anyone else noticed the marked increase in strange imagery in the MSM in recent months, imagery usually the remit of the fringe element of conspiracy sites?

    I’ve noticed it accelerate exponentially since the summer, in BBC press shots, mainstream advertising and celebrity interviews in broadsheet newspapers, usually on the weekend. It involves the subject of the shot having one eye covered with an object or their hand and looks markedly awkward and out of place where it appears. Sometimes it appears surreptitiously, like the press shot of Lily Allen crying at the Calais camp.

    What’s now very interesting is that since Trump’s election, those who’ve been striking this pose have been the most vocal and vitriolic of virtue signallers.

    Hats off to those who suggested it here and elsewhere- we are dealing with a mass cult.


  5. Grant says:

    With no sense of irony, BBC Website ” How to stop fake news spreading “. Well Beeboids, don’t start it in the first place !


  6. CubaBlue says:

    BBC reporting that the French Canadian has now been charged with multiple counts of murder. Thats it!. They are conspicuously rushing through this story. Anybody guess what they are deliberately omitting?. FAKE NEWS BY OMISSION.


  7. taffman says:

    The media (and press ) are anti Trump and Brexit because the left (Labour) are in a mess . The media are (and press) responsible for the ‘Fake News’ .
    Trump is draining the ‘Swamp’ and the media is the ‘Swamp’.
    The media think that they are now the new ‘opposition’ .


  8. Tabs says:

    Hi everyone. I haven’t posted for quite a while but with recent events I need to let off steam!

    Just watching BBC2 Newsnight with MP Stella Creasy. She is saying Trump shouldn’t be invited and entertained in UK Parliament in the same rooms that had entertained Nelson Mandella. Evan Davis let her comment go.

    Is she suggesting that those rooms are for only entertaining convicted terrorists who were friends with just about every dictator on the planet?!? No way can the Uk entertain the leader of the USA who wants to defend his own people.

    During her liberal rant the backdrop on the large TV screens looked like the inside of a Mosque, is this the new look pro-muslim BBC?


  9. taffman says:

    The majority of the people of Great Britain voted for Brexit to reduce migration and regain our sovereignty. The demonstrators broadcast in the news this evening are a very, very small representation of the population of Great Britain.
    The very same demonstrators were the people who claimed that Brexit would ‘harm our economy’ are now harming our economy by their anti Trump protests. The media are at war with democracy and Brexit, they are the authors of False News .
    Drain the swamp.


    • Doublethinker says:

      The biggest challenge that faces President Trump and the rest of the so called Populist leaders is to knock some common sense into the millions of snowflakes and naive and gullible 30 and 40 year olds who have been sold the liberal left world view by the biased MSM, which exactly contrary to the their own best interests. They follow the tune of the liberal left elite without even realising it. His tactic of appealing over the head of the MSM via social media is a good one. Which is why the elite are trying to discredit social media news with their campaign against so called fake news. They are hoist on their own petard on this one.
      The left can organise protests by millions of fools in a few days. The President needs help to combat this from the millions of people who share his views more closely than they do those of the liberal left elite. Demonstrate support for President Trump. Would that be illegal in the U.K. I wonder?


      • Dystopian says:

        naive and gullible 30 and 40 year olds who have been sold the liberal left world view by the biased MSM, which exactly contrary to the their own best interests. They follow the tune of the liberal left elite without even realising it.

        I agree, that is what I have come to realise. We are conditioned into thinking a particular way.
        We are made to feel that we are bigoted if we are patriotic.
        Told what we can and can’t say, even what we should and shouldn’t think.
        I truly believe that people are sick of surpressing their true feelings in order to be PC and not upset anyone.
        We have bottled it all up for fear of bringing up our concerns only to be labelled as racist.
        I actually believe that some of those who hold up banners pledging allegiance to Muslims are doing it out of fear rather than sincerity.
        I bet at least some of them aren’t even being honest about their true feelings about immigration etc.


  10. nogginator says:

    BBC Quebec Mosque Attack … from dropping down the “trending aisle” is now right back up there on the menu, whatever could push that emphasis?

    The small matter of shouts of allah ackbar etc? and erm ‘little information is available’ on another elusive pimpernel … anyway

    The BBC gets quite a few mentions here, remember the “brave woman” plastered on the BBC standing against islamofauxbia taking right on/cheeky selfies?.


  11. taffman says:

    The Welsh Assembly and Carwyn Jones is out of touch with the people of Wales…..

    “Theresa May is “closer” on immigration to voters in Wales than Carwyn Jones, Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns has said”……


  12. nogginator says:

    BBC – Protests In Pictures “refugees welcome … Trump is not”? 😀 yeah right!


  13. Lucy Pevensey says:

    I suggest everyone who has a fondness for coffee boycott Starbucks.
    The CEO reckons he will hire 10,000 rapugees.


  14. taffman says:

    “US acting attorney general defies Trump immigrant ban”
    Ah but ……….
    “Sally Yates, who was appointed by Mr Trump’s predecessor, Barack Obama, said she was not “convinced that the executive order is lawful”.”


  15. taffman says:

    How much publicity will Al Beeb give to this petition ?………..
    So, tell all your mates about it.


  16. Richard Pinder says:

    With Trump returning Churchill’s bust to the Oval office, and putting Britain at the front of the queue. I have just heard that Trumps America is to put up a statue of George III, probably to honour the Queens support for “the referendum of Brexit from the EU“. This will be the first statue of Americas last King, after two hundred years of his unpopularity in the rebel republic. The last statue of George III in America was melted down and turned into bullets for “the war of Amexit from Britain“.


    • Number 7 says:

      Which was well supported by our French “allies”.

      What was that about Scotland & the French?


  17. Helena Hand-Basket says:

    Here’s a letter I’d send if I thought it would do any good. (It’s to the CEO of the Australia’s commercial Channel 7.)

    Dear Sir/Madam/Undecided,

    RE: Your breakfast TV show this morning. Thank you for the ten minutes or so you devoted to the unfortunate Aussie-Iranian schoolboy who will lose his US camp holiday thanks to President Trump’s visa rules. How sad!

    Perhaps tomorrow you could interview the nine poor wretches who are still in hospital after they were deliberately mown down by a driver in Melbourne? It would be interesting if they could confirm allegations he shouted ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ as he ploughed into them.

    Tragically, a three-month-old boy and a ten-year-old girl lost their lives – not just their holidays.

    Have you considered that President Trump hoped his restrictions would help prevent further attacks of this sort? Probably not, since you and the other channels have mocked and misrepresented him for months.

    Your breakfast show and news are PC, crass, cringe-worthy, emotionally incontinent junk. Why do I watch? (a) It’s useful to have flood and bushfire warnings; (b) the other channels are awful too.

    Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.

    Yours, Helena Hand-Basket, Sydney NSW


  18. Gunner says:

    While we are being bombarded by the hypocritical media bullshit on Trump (and did anybody notice the nicely printed protest signs outside Downing Street yesterday ? Its good to know the anti-Trumpettes have such high production values), some minor gems from Al Beeb may go unnoticed. My current favourite comes from the utterly brilliant Will Gompertz under the title ” Is squatting Art ?”.

    Well the answer to Will’s question is ” No, its an illegal occupation of someone else’s property.”, but never mind, here are a couple of excerpts from Free Willie :

    “I’ve been thinking a lot about ANAL today. That is the Autonomous Nation of Anarchist Libertarians who are currently squatting in a whopping five-story house in Eaton Square, an upmarket part of London near Buckingham Palace.” “There’s a long history in art of political protest in the form of direct action. Dadaists, Surrealists and Situationists all sought to break down the barriers between art and life through protest, action and undermining the establishment.”
    “Property was often their conduit, as it has been more recently for street artists and performance artists such as Petr Pavlensky, who, when he’s not nailing his scrotum to Red Square or sewing his lips together, makes his political point via interventions – including setting light to the front door of the FSB building in Moscow.
    Is there a huge difference between any of them and Anal? I don’t think so. Will they be shortlisted for the 2017 Turner Prize in Hull? I doubt it. But it’s not impossible.”

    I’m wondering if Willie is thinking of a piece of “performance art” of his own. Suggestions on a postcard.


    • Oaknash says:

      Apparently Trump has sacked his Attorney General fro telling the US Gov Lawyers that his temporary ban on migrants from selected countries was illegal – UK “Supreme” Court take note! (if only)


      • Grant says:


        I am surprised that he did not clear out all of Obama’s people when he first took office.


        • Guest Who says:

          Beyond a slew of Labour placemates in various NGOs and quangos in the Blair/Brown years, IIRC the civil service voting bloc swelled in number to almost match those who find the time to sign silly petitions or marches the BBC supports. Coincidence?mi think not.

          Amazingly, none of the vast new GOAT army seemed to find the time, a la BBC editorial, to prepare contingency for a Leave vote per manifesto.


    • FeelLikeWTF says:

      Gunner, the one thing I certainly noticed yesterday, that most of the placards in front of the Parlament were made by the Socialist Workers Party, so I googled them this morning while having my cup of tea. OMG, what am I reading? “Socialisation of all housing needed to save the working classes from poverty”. Comrade Lenin and STALIN (whaaaaaat?) apparently were he best thing since sliced bread and we know how bad the working classes are having because of the Bourgeoisie? Honestly, as someone who lived under communism I am not sure if I should laugh or cry. All of the interviewed protesters I saw were female, coloured hair, anti Trump, under 30 and a feminist.


      • BRISSLES says:

        Under 30 ! precisely !!!

        These turnips were walking home from school with their skirts up to their ar…s when the Twin Towers were demolished, and haven’t a f….g clue about anything. Ask any one of them individually who Lenin was or what Karl Marx wrote and did, and THEN watch their giggly replies in their bobble hats, just like their ‘mates’. Revolution by Facebook is all they know, and herd together like gate crashing a birthday party. The media outside cameras purport to show ‘thousands’ protesting – at eye level, so where are the overhead long shots – showing a couple of hundred at most?

        I have relatives in Rotherham who told of the streets bulging with protesters at the Council’s and Police’s lack of action when the raping of white girls was uncovered, but those marches were never covered by the national media, just a minute’s mention on the local news. They retaliated in their own way by asking for white drivers when ordering a taxi !


  19. Tothepoint says:

    USA! USA!!

    Another 24 hour onslaught of “Trump is evil”, “White people are all racist”, “Islam is magical” and “Muslims are the real victims” from what seems to be the entire UK MSM.

    Can I please begin by saying how much I denounce the evil, cowardly, and utterly Islamic attack on what looks to be completely innocent people attending a death cult service in Canada. Islam is evil, not people. We should all remember that Muslims have all been brainwashed and radicalized by the child raping, serial killer mad mo’s “life instruction”, forced by threat of violence and death by their backward cultures to follow its evil doctrine.

    People shouldnever be murdered for simply having different views, like islam teachers its cultists to do. The west is better than this in every way. If true, Alexandre Bissonnette is a fucking moron who stands with no one, has made things worse not better, and I hope he rots for it.


    • Grant says:


      Agree. They are welcome to their different views, however evil they may be, but I just don’t want them imposed on me and the freedom to live my life the way I want. No excuse for some mental retard to do what he did and you can be sure there will be reprisals.


    • Tothepoint says:

      Are the British hating, white hating, Trump hating Islamic Al Beeb going to do everything they can to conflate the evil actions of a single lunatic to Donald Trump, exactly the opposite of how they treat Islamic attacks…….of course the devious, manipulative bastards will!!


      There’s more about Trump on this article than there is about the attack! Even though there is not a single shred of evidence linking the 2, and never will, unlike every Islamic attack which the jihadist utterly dedicate to Islam….

      Traitorous double standards here from the islamaphobic-phobics


      • Guest Who says:

        This has to backfire.

        The correlation between news blackout and frantic ‘analysis’ like a yo yo, depending on what dripped out facts serve the narrative, must be obvious to anyone.


      • popeye says:

        I’m sure that in this country the ROP’ers outnumber the Virtue Signallers and yet it is strange that the SJWs can muster marches at the drop of a hat which are extensively covered by the BBC yet the ROP cannot get the same coverage for the hundreds of well-attended demonstrations (“Not in my Name”) against the many atrocities they say is NTDWI. Oh wait…


  20. AsISeeIt says:

    “A tough gig at the moment”

    So quips lanky beta male Dan Walker as he gives a wry – almost sly – smile after a President Trump spokeswoman correctly points out that whatever Trump does people won’t give him a chance and instead make knee-jerk reactions. Louise Minchin struggles with her script to try to bash her interviewee but is easily outwitted with reference to Obama’s previous executive orders. “Oh, I don’t want to get into what previous administrations have done” bleats Minchin.

    Here’s the thing – Trump is an absloute media godsend.

    Acres of easy copy/airtime. Endless licence (pun intended) for journos to virtue signal their own self-righteousness. Infinite opportunity for Lefty politicians to distract the public from their own repeated failures.

    But if the public stand firm, ignore the lefty tantrums, quietly support Trump and Brexit every time there is a ballot – then these media lefties have all the rope – they will hang themselves.


    • Grant says:

      Why doesn’t she want to “get into what previous administrations have done ” ? I thought she would be proud of Obama. What a giveaway !


      • Guest Who says:

        The well poisoning by the Obama admin is thorough, I’ll give the devious weasel that.


        • Grant says:


          At least he didn’t booby trap the White House by putting toxic chemicals in the air-con, unlike ex-President Jammeh in Gambia !


      • Tothepoint says:

        Great point Grant! I don’t know why the delusion and god like worship of Caliph Obama by the mentally ill cultists at Al Beebistan, requires them to forget about the things he did though, as he literally did f*ck all for his 8 years in office!


        • Grant says:


          You can be sure that all the bad things Obama did, and the things he failed to do, will be airbrushed out of Leftist history. I notice that the bastard is still interfering in politics. I thought it was convention for ex-Presidents to keep their mouths shut, but it seems that prima donna motormouth just can’t help himself. Asshole.


          • Guest Who says:

            What the BBC ‘doesn’t want to get into’ when interviews veer off piste could fill a (very funny, if tragic) book.

            One day it may get written.

            And Beeboids forced to read it out, like certain tours organised in Germany for the locals by Eisenhower, as Godwin is ok now. Apparently.


  21. Ian Rushlow says:

    “Good morning. Here is the news from the BBC. The so-called president of the United States – a self-confessed racist and mysogynist with proven connections to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Mafia – has issued an executive order banning all Muslims in the United States and ordering their immediate detention. It has provoked outrage across the World and for the next 4 hours we will be hearing from: 3 former Prime Ministers; 16 Labour MPs; 2 former leaders of the Liberal Democrats; a partridge in a pear tree; the head of the CBI; the Archbishop of Canterbury; a Holocaust survivor; plus an eight year girl dying from cancer who has written a letter that reads ‘Dear Mr President, please let the Muslims go so I can die in peace and go to heaven’.”

    To that lot you can add “an ordinary member of the public who spontaneously felt that she just had to do something”. They always have one of these. 30 seconds on the internet will tell you that the “ordinary member of the public” is a member of the Socialist Workers Party with a history of violent activism, who has been previously interviewed on 10 separate occasions on everything from animal rights to opposing nuclear weapons, and who is married to a BBC reporter. Welcome to “the World’s most respected broadcaster”. Is it true? Or did you hear it on the BBC?


    • GCooper says:

      That’s almost too close to reality to be a parody.

      Meanwhile, on Toady, an investigation into chimpanzee smuggling, while the BBC noisily continues not to ask how the perpetrator of ‘the great bacon sandwich massacre’ happened to die in prison.


    • gaxvil says:

      One word for R4 ‘Today’ – Embarrassing.

      And, of course, we have the obligatory piece on refugees – complaining they live in sub standard housing because no one else in Britain is living in sub standard housing do they?
      Then the now obligatory transgender story featuring a Jewish man/woman so we even get an anti-Semitic angle – tick, tick, tick.


      • engineerdownunder says:

        I was listening to the “so-called” business news on Today early this morning and the Beeboid was incredulous that the markets hadn’t yet punished Trump. Just farcical from our “World Class” broadcaster.


    • Grant says:


      For God’s sake man. Beeboids visit this site. Don’t give them ideas.


      • FeelLikeWTF says:

        BBC is having the year of lazy journalism, don’t need to work hard just sit and write the same stuff every day. Done the environmental stuff too this morning. Saved a chimpanzee in Africa single handedly and helped to lock up poachers, managed to tell us that Birmingham may ban diesel cars. Ticks and more ticks…


  22. Dover Sentry says:

    Will the BBC use the term ‘fighter’ or ‘insurgent’ in connection with the Canadian Mosque?


    • Grant says:


      ” Freedom fighter “.


    • Guest Who says:

      Preceded, of course, by either ‘daring’ or ‘audacious’?


      • Grant says:


        I behind it is always a “mastermind”.


        • Guest Who says:

          Indeed. Fascinating the brainpower required to strap a bomb vest on a kid in a hijab and tell them to wander into a crowd, or hand an AK to a no girlfriend loser and send him on a one way trip into a disco full of unarmed people.


        • Grant says:

          I meant, and behind it is always a “mastermind “


  23. Guest Who says:

    Our kitchen radio has been flipped to a local radio station since I get my classical fix now thanks to a Swiss online recommendation made here.

    Sadly it seems to get its ‘news’ feed from the same level of cretin as Global.

    And the morning ‘crew’ make a kindergarden spat seem like mature debate.

    Naturally their main obsession is Dr. Who, closely followed by Trumpeting, which they managed to combine in a fit of girlie giggles, including the woman.

    Then they asked listeners if any had an idea who may next be the Time Lord.

    I texted to say I am a BBC insider and it is set to be Lily Allen with Lenny Henry as her companion.

    Let the games begin…


    • Grant says:


      LOL ! Naughty boy. You know, and I know, that they will take it seriously !


    • gaxvil says:

      So right about the universal newsfeed – even at 2am on Absolute Classic Rock there is no escape from the propaganda.


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      Now that’s interesting about Lily Alien. I’ve been campaigning in Hollywood for a remake of the cult 70’s movie classic: Shaft. The haunting score by Isaac Hayes will be retained, but society has moved on since then, we are more diverse and inclusive and the movie should reflect that. I had been thinking about Leonardo DiCaprio or Benedict Cumberbatch for the role of John Shaft, but maybe Lily Alien could do it if the BBC deal for Dr. Who falls through?


    • Lobster says:

      Guest – Don’t forget to drop a hint that us gays would like to be included in the new Dr. Who as well! Some gay Daleks perhaps …..

      And possibly some muslim ones as well for the Pakistani community.


      • Grant says:


        Just been re-reading “Alice in Wonderland” and Alice’s reciting of the poem in the chapter “Lobster-Quadrille”, ” When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark ” !


        • Demon says:

          I didn’t read Alice until well imto my thirties. I actually found it a laugh-out-loud book. I’ve re-read it myself a couple of times since.


          • Grant says:


            I first tried to read it when I was about 12 and didn’t get far as I thought it was for kiddies so I went out and played football.

            You are right, it is laugh out loud almost every line. The mickey taking is of the highest order. His imagination is so amazing that I wonder if he was on drugs.

            I don’t understand the references to mathematical theories or to some current affairs issues but, the most incredible thing is his use of language is as if it was written yesterday.

            It is also a perfect description of the BBC. How did he predict that ?


            • Deborah says:

              Grant, try and get a copy of the Annotated Alice by Martin Gardener, it explains everything. Well not the meaning of the world and everything, because that is a different story.


              • Grant says:


                I have heard of it and am a great fan of Martin Gardner, so will try and get it.


                • Deborah says:

                  I’ve had a copy for a long time and still enjoy the explanations.


                  • Grant says:


                    Just ordered from Amazon. Thanks ! I have several of Martin Gardner’s non-technical books. Hope I understand the notes.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Guest Who

      Do as I do, get your classical fix from You Tube where you an watch and freely down load any and all of the classics performed by the best orchestras and in addition some very talented covers from musicians you will never hear on the BBC. Just open a file for favourites, arrange them from time to time and enjoy concerts to your hearts content without some prat inserting political garbage into it.


      • Demon says:

        GWF, one of my favourite selections are the duets by Netrebko and Garanca. Neither tries to out sing one-another so they blend beautifully, and both are a joy to look at.


  24. DICK R says:

    There will be a month long sob fest over the mosque in Canada , so much so people will
    begin to hate the perpetrator


    • nogginator says:

      Singular? – The small matter of shouts of allah ackbar etc? and erm ‘little information is available’ on the other elusive pimpernel
      Hmmm … now what is that smell I keep getting around this story?


  25. Tabs says:

    Is it just me or is this BBC article deeply disturbing?

    Quebec mosque attack: Student Alexandre Bissonnette charged

    Here are some quotes from the article to link the suspect to any thing “right wing” or “Trump loving”…

    On the social network (Facebook), he also reportedly “liked” US President Donald Trump and French National Front leader Marine Le Pen.

    Francois Deschamps, an official with an advocacy group, Welcome to Refugees, said the suspect was known for his far-right views.

    Mr Bissonnette was “unfortunately known to many activists in Quebec for taking nationalist, pro-Le Pen and anti-feminist positions at Laval University and on social media,” Mr Deschamps posted on the organisation’s Facebook page.

    The article then quotes from a ‘proud Muslim convert’…
    She said it’s likely that she shared a Ramadan meal with one of the people who was in the mosque during the attack. “The only thing we can do now is cry and hope that Allah will make those responsible face their actions,” she said.

    So a Muslim convert admits Allah is responsible for revenge and not the Canadian legal system.

    The BBC couldn’t resist making the link…
    The shooting came amid heightened global tensions over Mr Trump’s travel ban on seven Muslim countries.

    So there we go, if you “like” Trump or Le Pen or you take a stand that differs from activists the you are one of those responsible for the mosque deaths and Allah will personally sort you out – probably by proxy and with a lorry… in another country.


    • Grant says:


      Strange. How many people “like” Trump and Le Pen and do not commit murder ? Do Leftists ever say that muslim terrorists “like” Allah ? You would almost think it is double standards and hypocrisy.


      • gaxvil says:

        Folks, the pervasive sense of desperation apparent in BBC news makes me think that we face some existential threat that I don’t know about.
        Any ideas?


        • Stella2 says:

          That’s what I’ve been wondering…was David Icke right after all? He did work for the BBC…did he actually stumble upon a stray master-lizard on the way to the sports’ library?


        • engineerdownunder says:

          Yes, many have noted that the bias is now unhidden. The mask has been ripped off. And yes, it is desperate and immature in its forms.

          I think this panic is a reflection of how far the globalist, no borders, social-liberal elite advanced, unchallenged over recent years. They certainly captured the BBC entirely. But now they sense they went too far, overextended and are in real danger of being cut-off, encircled and annihilated.

          They are in a real fight for the first time in years and don’t like it at all …


    • Guest Who says:

      The guilt by association trend in ‘news’ is risible. I am subscribed to various lefty petition sites and such as Mother Jones, etc.

      Yes they claim me as a supporter, but I simply am interested in what they are up to. I also follow various information sources from the right, in hope of finding truth somewhere in the middle, unlike the BBC that operates on a skewed scale beyond satire.

      I recall a truly dire attempt when UKIP (maybe) was planning a meeting in a town hall some clown tried to whip up into a Godwin storm because it was once assigned as an HQ in Nazi invasion plans.

      Pretty sure the bookmarks of Mishal Husain would make hairy reading if she ever goes postal.


    • nogginator says:

      Trump has taken the first step, a necessary one imperative to stop the one way traffic which has been (because of politicians) utterly damaging to the US.
      He has as promised put the US first … look at the reaction to see the tailspin Obama, Clinton and Bush had put the nation in … and what ban?

      Now … here we have a totally inept, totally corrupt, totally self serving
      government hammering the poorest, the most vulnerable … our own people.
      cutting off their essentials their lifelines one by one.
      Whilst pandering to grasping corporations, intentionally doing nothing about immigration, no other words – in league with Islamic interests, increasing the wealth divide expedentially, and literally selling out our nation at every single opportunity for utterly self defeating, short term gain for the tiny few.

      And people think the referendum result was just about the EU, think about it, that’s what they d love you to believe


    • Aborigine Londoner says:

      “Bissonnette likes the Facebook pages of U.S. President Donald Trump and French far-right leader Marine Le Pen, but he does not express support for them elsewhere on his page. Other likes include the Israel Defense Forces, United With Israel and Parti Québécois of Université Laval.

      He also likes U.S. Senator John McCain, a moderate Republican who has opposed Trump on some issues, President George W. Bush, the Canadian New Democratic Party and late Canadian politician Jack Layton, who was a leader of the left-wing NDP, so the likes do not shed much light on Bissonnette’s beliefs.”


      BBC Fake News again


  26. Ted ap Pencoed says:

    Have you ever wondered why the BBC is so wedded to the Open University. Because both of them are dedicated to dumming down the general public, because dumb people do not question what they are told, do not have inquiring minds and are therefore much easier to misinform and mould towards socialist ideology.


    • Grant says:


      Yes, and more likely to be dependent on social security. It gives the lie to Leftists’ claims that they care for people. They don’t.


  27. gaxvil says:

    Interesting to compare the heat-maps for the pro and anti Trump petitions.



  28. Guest Who says:

    Bless. Just… Bless…


    The BBC of course has a Journalism void world wide, somehow comprising 20,000 staff and £4b per annum in compelled funding, uniquely.


    • gaxvil says:

      RT produces some interesting stuff. That’s ‘interesting’ – could be the answer?


  29. Foscari says:

    Fellow subscribers – It has been a pleasure reading your comments on this website. However I have decided not to contribute anymore. The reason being is that I will not be watching anymore BBC News broadcasts. In a way it was always “fun” working out where the Trotskyist,Liberal Fascist editors, sub-editors and researchers had implanted in either their willing news readers or duped vacuous colleagues , news items which suited their own political view points. However now there isn’t the slightest degree of subtlety. I find it all very boring. I feel I am watching a far left state owned TV station from the Indian Sub Continent.
    I will still watch certain cultural, entertainment and sporting events as long as I see a few indigenous Brits being allowed to participate.Anyway I shall still read your excellent
    contributions. But as I wont be watching anymore news on the BBC, that’s the end of my scribbling.
    Lastly I thought it was interesting yesterday how the horrendous murders in Canada became less important on the BBC website as it appeared the perpetrators were thought to be middle eastern. Let’s see if the French Canadian is said to be mentally ill or just a supporter of Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen. I won’t know because I wont be watching.


    • Sluff says:

      Don’t do it.
      None of us actually enjoy watching the drivel that is so-called BBC news, but it’s the price we pay to expose them for the biased left wing luvvies they are.
      A leftie friend wrote a piece about post truth and alternative facts recently. But when I pointed out , with examples, that the facts on the BBC are only the selected ones the editors wish you to know, she was on the back foot staight away. Keeping a contemporary stock of the bias is an important resource.


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘now there isn’t the slightest degree of subtlety’

      I know exactly what you mean. I have the same feeling. There was a time when one needed to interpret the little biases but since the British referendum and Trump’s election there’s no interpretation required. It’s as though one were watching a Labour Party political broadcast and checking it for leftist bias.

      BBC bias is now so open there’s no case to make. They are the criminal caught red-handed and having confessed his crime with a record as long as their arm that still when the case comes to court insists on pleading ‘not guilty’ just to make everyone go through the motions.

      I read hereabouts that the BBC’s Samira Ahmed – supposedly the voice of the viewers and of balance and fair reporting on BBC Newswatch – lent her support to some very shoddy biased anti-Trump reporting. That takes the biscuit. How can she present a show fairly exploring the issue of whether the BBC has reported fairly when she has shown her own biased hand so obviously?

      I tend to agree with another poster here – with the collapse of the Left in the UK and the US the media on both sides of the Atlantic have stepped up to the role of unofficial opposition.


      • Grant says:


        The BBC do not do :-

        1. Subtelty

        2. Irony

        3. Humour


      • Framer says:

        There is some attempt at balance by the BBC on domestic politics and the interviewers usually maintain neutral language even if their questioning is always from the liberal/left. That is entirely absent in Trump coverage. It is as if an edict has gone out saying bias is permissible where he or the US is concerned.
        Or maybe it is unstoppable snowflake solidarity.
        Worth a complaint.


  30. Sluff says:

    On Toady this morning, the guy arrested for the Quebec shootings was described by Al Beeb as being from the ‘Far Right’
    Now maybe he is. Maybe he is not. But I do not remember Al Beeb being quite so gleeful and speedy at assigning a label to the Rotherham child abuse perpetrators, or the Cologne sex attackers, or various individuals committing atrocities in Nice, Berlin, and elsewhere. No, they wre all just ‘people’ or sometimes ‘men’ but their beliefs, political or religious, strangely were under-reported. I just have absolutely no idea why that would be the case.


    • Tabs says:

      I bet the BBC are looking hard for a “witness” who said Quebec suspect shouted “Canada first”.

      In fact they don’t even need a witness, they could just speculate whether he said it or not!


  31. Northern Dreamer says:

    The firing of Sally Yates from her Obama placement as Acting Attorney General is great news for our right on bBBC. The website calls her ‘defiant’, sounds so much more noble and laudable than any of the alternatives it could have used, such as ‘obstinate’, ‘uncooperative’, ‘non-compliant’ and ‘confrontational’. When will we see the word ‘misogyny’? The only downside for the bBBC is that she is white.


  32. Lucy Pevensey says:

    It seems Celtic FC don’t think Arab states are well off enough.
    They are very proud of themselves for raising money for “Palestinian charity”
    (RT reporting this morning)
    They haven’t been successful so far in their campaign to pressure Rod Stewart into boycotting Israel as per BDS.


  33. gaxvil says:

    I understand that under Stalin for example, there could only be one view. The penalty for dissidence was extreme so there was the incentive to tow the line.
    Today, in our supposed free Western society, there are no such penalties or incentives and yet ……………?


  34. Tabs says:

    Anyone noticed how the numerous BBC Trump bashing articles hardly ever refer to him as “President” anymore. The articles just call him “Donald Trump” to start with and then “Mr Trump” as the articles continue.

    A quick search for old BBC news articles on Obama and they all clearly call him “President” at the start of the article and then refer to him as “Mr Obama” as the article continues.

    It’s very pathetic child like behavior trying to not give him any credibility. They may as well call him “so-called President Trump”.


    • nogginator says:


      • gaxvil says:

        Stormin’ Norm’ being very reserved – think his head gasket has blown?


      • Grant says:

        Norm “excessive vetting “. Meaning he thinks it is excessive. Who gives a flying F what he thinks.


      • Guest Who says:

        I wonder how Norm would interview, say, a certain BBC favourite…



      • Guest Who says:

        ‘Do you understand whhyyyyy, the BBC is unhappy…’

        Sorry, that should be why ‘people, who the BBC speaks for but often avoids specifying as they are the usual suspects’.

        Get you head out of Owen’s back pocket, Norm.


      • Loobyloo says:

        Correct me if I’m wrong, but I keep hearing that ‘recent terrorist attacks on US soil have been committed by US born citizens’. I don’t think this is true – Ohio university car/knife attack, a Somali born refugee from Pakistan (how did his family get through??), the wife of the San Bernadino gunman (not born in US), the Seattle gunman (Turkish immigrant?), at least one Somali? stabbing in other restaurant attacks. I have heard these pointed out in defence, but most media reps like to quote the above line – have they not done their research…


    • Peter Grimes says:

      It is even, if I recall correctly, customary in the US to refer to past presidents, living or dead, as ‘President…’.

      Except of course for the living President Donald Trump.


  35. matahari says:

    https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/178844 please support trump


    • Thoughtful says:

      Every time I try to sign this petition it tells me it isn’t valid until I click on the email which I never receive !

      Very odd!


      • Stella2 says:

        Thoughtful, have you looked in your spam folder? Sometimes this kind of thing ends up there.


        • StewGreen says:

          Mine was there too right next to my Nigerian Lottery win.
          Lucky Lucky

          92K signatures so far.


      • Thoughtful says:

        It seems that the isp was having some technical problems with email delivery today which they have now sorted. I couldn’t even manage to sign into the on line account either.


  36. Razza94 says:

    Good afternoon truth-seekers. I feel it is my duty to make you all aware of a counter-petition that has serious momentum behind it.


    Sign it and remind the BBC that 4 million Muslims and the left-wing media do not speak for all of us.

    I kindly ask that you all make the utmost effort to promote this petition, sharing it and giving it as much exposure as possible. For I highly doubt that it will have a live-feed on the BBC News channel like the anti-Trump petition did.


  37. G.W.F. says:

    Iran has retaliated against the Trump ban.
    That will teach him



  38. SupportOurLefty says:

    Friends! I have reluctantly concluded that Jeremy’s vicious lack of enthusiasm for Our EU makes him no longer suitable as Labour Leader!

    Fortunately, there is an alternative candidate ready to take his place, but whose name, regrettably, sheer modesty forbids me to literally reveal!

    I have literally set out my stall in a reply to Polly Toynbee in that notoriously Hard-Right rag, the so-called Guardian; but as I know that none of you would wish to literally soil your eyes with that criminally Far-Right publication, I have reproduced it in my Blog (with a link to the Graun piece):



  39. G.Shuttleworth says:

    Here’s the links from the last two tweets from BAFTA.

    They’re not even hiding what they think of us anymore.



  40. Lunchtime Loather says:

    I’ve just had a reply to my complaint about Laura Kuennenesnsnburg’s question to President Trump last week. It says:

    Sorry to hear you were unhappy about Laura Kuenssberg’s question to President Trump at the press conference in Washington on January 27th.

    We raised your concerns with senior staff at BBC News and they replied:

    “Audiences expect our correspondents to hold leaders to account and to ask the key questions on their behalf, wherever they are. Laura did so clearly, robustly and fairly.”

    We appreciate the time you’ve taken to raise this with the relevant staff.

    Audiences expect…? This particular audience member expects all sorts of things from the BBC but never fails to be disappointed.


    • Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

      And, surprise, surprise, I had an identical reply:
      Sorry to hear you were unhappy about Laura Kuenssberg’s question to President Trump at the press conference in Washington on January 27th.

      We raised your concerns with senior staff at BBC News and they replied:

      “Audiences expect our correspondents to hold leaders to account and to ask the key questions on their behalf, wherever they are. Laura did so clearly, robustly and fairly.”

      We appreciate the time you’ve taken to raise this with the relevant staff.

      As with Kuennsberg’s question, the bBBC claims to be speaking on behalf of the country as a whole (“audiences”). But they have no idea, and never ask, what anyone outside their metropolitan bubble wants, or thinks.


  41. gb123 says:

    Maybe the BBC and other UK outlets need to read this from one of their own (US side)


    The pattern of howling outrage and virtue signalling may be dragging them down a path mapped out for them by Bannon. The advice given to the media in this article “So how should we respond then? It’s not the kind of rallying cry that stirs the blood, but as Atlantic writer Rosie Gray said, we should probably just do our jobs—that is, report the facts, without fear or favor.” will probably go ignored. But that’s life.


  42. BRISSLES says:

    …“Audiences expect our correspondents to hold leaders to account and to ask the key questions on their behalf…..

    Bull…t. How much of the population have they asked ? – exactly the same number who have signed up for multiculturalism and diversity I suppose !


    • Lunchtime Loather says:

      I have replied in suitable tones, suggesting that she would be the ideal person to interview Kim Jong Un in North Korea and ask similar questions.


      • gaxvil says:

        Why do BBC even bother to reply? Their replies are as predictable as their news.
        We could, maybe, have a reduced licence fee if they scrapped the complaints department and just sent auto replies: “Thank you Licence paying fool now go and f**k yourself.”


        • Guest Who says:

          Suspect that template has been cut and paste… a lot, of late


        • Tabs says:

          I recently complained about a BBC News website heading saying “singing and dancing cancer woman dies”. BBC hate labeling of people so I thought it was especially wrong that they should label someone by their illness and in such a crass way.

          Got a short response saying “Sorry blah blah… but our editors only have a small space to fit the headline into”!


    • Grant says:


      They don’t seem to hold muslim leaders to account. When Jeremy Bowen interviewed Assad, he practically disappeared up his jacksy. The BBC are big liars.


    • Guest Who says:

      Suspect if one asks them how what audiences expect is arrived at they might suddenly hit that BBC safe space they like to call ‘purposes of na-ni, na-na’


  43. imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

    There’s an article in the Daily Mail about who might get the job of the next Doctor Who. Hmm..considering Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith, David Tennant and Christopher Ecclestone are all left wing luvvies I’m betting he will also be a BBC approved left wing luvvie. ‘He’? What am I saying, of course there’s now an opportunity to shoehorn in a female Dr Who.

    That’s not to say they are bad actors, and barring a few episodes I never even watched the program – but it seems we only ever turn out thesps from the Marxist School of Drama.


    • gaxvil says:

      Black / Muslim / Transdgender – surely?


      • Tabs says:

        There has been BBC hints for years they will have a gay Doctor – both in real life actor and in the Doctor’s reincarnation. It will be so forced into the story line it will finish off the series for good.

        They tried it with Torchwood…

        … and finished off the series for good.


        • Thoughtful says:

          One of the most glaringly blindingly obvious thing which the BBC always ignore, is the global hatred of Political Correctness.

          They moaned about Top Gear when it wasn’t PC, but the world loved it and it was a best seller for the BBC.
          When they introduced what appeared to be a lesbian kiss on Doctor Who, much of the world was disgusted, refused to show it, and canceled any further series purchases.

          But what does those ignorant savages know compared with the ‘enlightened Lefties’ at the BBC? They don’t appreciate that the BBC is fighting the rest of us on their behalf, but then they shouldn’t do, because like every other victim group the Fascists have created, they don’t actually like them very much, but they are a useful tool to leverage their hate.


      • StewGreen says:

        At least female + lesbian


    • Guest Who says:

      Grayson… with Eddie as ‘companion’.


      • imaynotalwaysloveyou says:

        Eh? Larry Grayson of ‘shut that door’ fame? Eddie the dog off ‘Frasier’?
        An interesting combination but both are sadly dead I think 🙂


      • Cranmer says:

        Frankly I’m amazed that the doctors have all been white males up to now – for the BBC that’s pretty shocking. If anybody opens a book on the next doctor, I’ll be placing a bet on the female/ethnic choice. Surely it’s about time!


  44. Tothepoint says:

    This is from the terrible attack in Canada yesterday….note however the full on agenda and force of narrative from Al Shabeeb and the continual reference of religion of those killed, and the somehow already known motives of the killer….


    Now look at this one, carried out in Australia just 11 days ago……its not even on the BBC anymore so I cant compare, its only 11 days ago!!…so I have had to use their go to source for everything to do with the world, their fellow mentally ill, White hating facists….


    Not one reference of religion of the killer or those killed. No links, no names (man/woman), no emotional words used to create shock with the victims, including the 3 month old baby boy that was killed! No pretence at trying to know the motive, no mention of the Arabic music quoted as being played from the car when he drove into the crowd….

    The so-called BBC are utter vile


    • Grant says:


      Good comparison. How could anyone in their right mind deny that bias ?


      • gaxvil says:

        Well, pretty much all our MPs do and the rest of the MSM does. So we are left with the, not “in their right mind” conclusion.
        What really disgusts me is that there are numerous people out there, in positions to do or say something on the bias but they do not.
        Apart from Nigel of course. With only incoherence from Labour, Infantilism from Farron and ravings from Krankie – they keep asking Farage – how sweet.


    • ToobiWan says:

      “The so-called BBC are utter vile” They’re not that good, TtP!


  45. NISA says:

    Could the loneliest person in Jo Cox’s life have been Thomas Mair? He is not getting a mention as the crusade is launched.


    • Tabs says:

      He wasn’t lonely, he was always busy attending far right Nazi rallies -according to the BBC.


  46. AsISeeIt says:

    “This area of low pressure might become a named storm – if the Irish Met Office decides…”

    Interesting to hear from our forecaster that the BBC has even given up British sovereignty over the weather.


    • gaxvil says:

      The pro Trump PETITION is proceeding well. Need Peter Snow to narrate the map though – interesting take up in England, though Wales not to keen and Scotland similar.

      In BBC speak, “This counter petition could be sort of, kind of like a second Referendum type of thing.”


      • Lunchtime Loather says:

        What it needs is for a national unbiased and non-partisan broadcaster to give it equal publicity to the “stop Trump” petition. Does anybody know of one? Me neither.


      • Cranmer says:

        Just signed. As I was doing it, this clicker thing turned over and about 10,000 more signatures were racked up. I doubt it’ll get to a million but it’s good to see it’s past the point where it has to be debated in Parliament.


        • Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

          I expect that Parliament will have a debate combining the two petitions.
          There is precedent for this. For example, a few months ago a petition to ban driven grouse shooting reached ~125,000 signatures and one to support driven grouse shooting got only ~25,000 but they had a debate (in Westminster Hall, not in the Commons) that merged the two, and all but two of the twenty-odd MPs who spoke supported the latter and ignored the first petition.
          That concept could, of course, benefit the majority – of MPs and the populace – who support President Trump’s State Visit, despite the howling from snowflakes and Londoners who are virtue-signalling by signing to ban Trump’s visit.


          • Sir_Arthur_Strebe-Grebling says:

            As I thought.
            Parliament is going to debate the petition you signed – “Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom.”.


            The debate is scheduled for 20 February 2017.

            Once the debate has happened, we’ll email you a video and transcript.

            The Petitions team
            UK Government and Parliament

            This is the same date as the anti-Trump petition that the bBBC have been publicising.


  47. G.W.F. says:

    Anyone think that the Donald might have been taking a rise out of Miss prim and proper Theresa May? The White House spelled it as Teresa May on three occasions.
    Apparently Teresa May, without the h, is a well known porno star and one link I discovered when checking referred to something involving ten inches.

    The Sun has drawn attention to the real Teresa May.
    Perhaps Trump was having a joke, or maybe it was a boob.


    I give you the real Teresa May



  48. Grant says:

    Joke of the week so far. BBC Website reports from the Brexit debate today that Keir Starmer calls for an ” end ” to gloating from Brexit campaigners. Presumebly without any sense of irony or self-awareness. Typical Lefty.