It is so moronic the BBC going on about that petition. So what? It’s not exactly top journalism to whip people up into a frenzy of outrage then report on how outraged people are. I am reminded of thick animals in Animal Farm bleating: “Four legs good! Two legs bad!”
I remember signing a petition that got over a million signatures which the BBC completely ignored. Jeremy Clarkson seems much happier at Amazon now though.
I haven’t been able to find any BBC reports on the agreement reached between Trump and Saudi Arabia concerning the setting up of safe zones in the area for refugees from Syria etc.
Reported elsewhere e.g. Reuters, Daily Express, Independant among others. Perhaps I need to look harder? (apologies to the BBC if it does exist)
It just shows what a little encouragement can do (Trump showing he means business with refugees/migrants and potential terroists)
Of course reporting successful achievements such as this would tend to negate the left wing rants going on at the moment so no surprise if the BBC have been a bit slow (or understated) in it’s reporting.
Parliament to debate the kill Trump petition on 20 Feb. I am pretty sure it will be passed unless Treezer has a 3-line whip ( I mean Theresa May, not Teresa , before you get too excited, GWF ). Even then…..
‘Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.’
Well, at least they have given it some publicity. Give the workers chance to get home and have their tea and no doubt the (good) petition will be off and running.
J’Abbott the Gut, G? I caught her performance on last week’s QT, where Dimbldore had to cut her stream of, “just let me say this” ad nauseum, with, “why don’t you just say it then and get on with it”
“MPs to debate Donald Trump state visit petition”
There is a HYS running on this – quick before it closes .
Highest rated comment so far ……
“Why are we even debating this?
He did, after being democratically elected by tens of millions of Americans, exactly what he said he would do before the election.
MPs should be debating important issues not bowing to populist memes.”
Taffman – Amber Rudd – ‘a travel Ban will help ISIS’ Another politician who subscribes to the notion that you must not upset these terroists or they will step up their programme of terror. She would have been very useful in the second world war (for the Germans that is)
I think Trump knows what he is doing, he is playing the long game (like a smart business man that he is) just wait and see.
I read this and it convinced me that Trump should tell this government where they can stick their invitation. The anti Trump hysteria has crossed from the cardboard posters of the looney left to the Home Office Minister, with the blessing of the Prime Minister. Trump should not come and make it clear in a tweet or two what he thinks of this government.
This seems to be the situation. Obama ruled with a subservient media which Trump is now fighting. In the UK the media is ruling a subservient government which has shown no signs of a fight back.
This is a fascinating article about Russia and its current and future problems with immigrants and immigration and how they are being dealt with there.
I wonder how Tusk would rank Russia, China, USA and Islam ( the four he mentions ) in terms of risk and potential damage to Europe, out of 10. My ranking and marks.
If the EU keep poking Putin in the eye over the Ukraine he’ll turn it up to 11. And if the EU keeps telling everyone how uncivilised Trump is he’ll let Putin do it – with or without Putin offering Trump a deal on taking down ISIS.
I expect European politicians to do a bit of virtue signalling to win the snowflake vote, but this is getting beyond stupid.
“The fact that he is black explains everything—yes, everything—about Barack Obama. He glided into Harvard Law School, the Senate, the presidency, and sainthood only because he is black. Take away his blackness and we have a genial nonentity who can read a teleprompter with conviction and who probably would not have gotten much farther than the Illinois state house.
Despite his everlasting fame, Barack Obama will be insignificant because he has never been driven to achieve. He never had to work for anything. Everything he ever had was handed to him, and what is there left to hand him? A Democrat president might hand him a seat on the Supreme Court, but he would be just another liberal cipher. Ex-president Obama will go back to being the genial nonentity he always was—perhaps the most famous nonentity in the history of the world, but still a nonentity.” Jared Taylor.
By the way was anyone listening to radio 4 this morning?
I couldn’t believe my ears. They had refugees on complaining about their poor living conditions in cheap accommodation that only costs £11.70 a night. Talk about ungrateful. Wonder what the living conditions were like back home.
One of them was doing “voluntary” work. I wonder if that qualifies them for benefits and free digs then?
Obama was popular with those people (especially BBC) who did not want to see the UK succeed away from the “beneficial” and welcoming embrace of the EU, taff.
Everything the bBBC has done since the election of the Don has been to sour the relationship and p*ss off the septics to scupper any trade deals that might have arisen if a friendlier tone had been adopted.
Just heard on RT news. Tusk reckons that Trump’s America is a threat to “Europe” along with China, Russia and radical Islam. Some good company there!
I have just listened to radio 4 news at 6.00 pm. They stated the petition banning him from coming here has raised over 170,000 votes and a counter petition to allow him visit has only raised 130,000 votes. I have just checked the allow petition and its at 147,000 and rising quickly, but what they are not telling the public is that the reject petition has been running for about 5 days + and the allow petition has only been running for 24 hours. Disinformation as usual from the BBC.
Introduction to Portillo railway journey right now. Announcer says ” There is trouble brewing in America , where have we heard that before ? “. They can’t help themselves.
18:30, BBC2. Link from Eggheads to Great American Railroad Journeys. “And now we join Michael Portillo in Great American Railroad journeys where trouble is brewing [paraphrased] and where have we heard that before?”
They way they say it assumes that we are all in agreement. The BBC truly live in their own little world. the announcers job is to announce the program. We are not interested in their political opinions.
If anyone at the bbc had bothered to listen, they’d have heard President Trump say categorically, that he would improve the railway infrastructure in the USA.
That would mean several thousand jobs going to US citizens, and not to some tin-pot country waiting for perpetual hand-outs.
There is trouble, for the BBC and ITV. I saw part of a puff piece on the ITV news where they went to “rust belt” America. The were struggling to find anyone who opposed Trump. They finally found a dotty florist and gave her a disproportionate amount of coverage. The majority were delighted with Trump including business owners and students. This gets put half way through the news bulletin to show “balance”. Pity the news reader (Julie Etchingham?)looked as if she had just swallowed a bucket of lemons.
Oh crap! EU Overlords – backs against the wall surrounded by enemies and never has so much been wasted on expenses and bureaucratic clap trap by so few. And if the EU were to last for a thousand years people would say, “What a bunch of arrogant, crooked, self serving arseholes”.
I think there might be a large number of people who signed the anti-Trump petition without actually reading it. The petition states that he should be allowed to visit the UK in his capacity as head of the US government but he should not be afforded the privilege of a state visit.
From what I have seen of the protesters shown on the BBC, they appear to be against any visit by President Trump and don’t look intelligent enough to be able to differentiate between a state visit or any other.
Perhaps only reading the title of the petition ‘Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.’ made them think it was a blanket ban. Perhaps a vox pop by InfoWars is needed to clear that one up because I don’t expect the BBC to bother.
We invited the Chinese on a State Visit not so long ago. Seem to remember tanks rolling over peaceful protesters or some such?
Isn’t China that oppressive, one party state that blocks the internet and disappears dissidents or is that Trump’s America?
Gaxvil, by looking at the list of world leaders invited during the past half century even the Chinese president would look moderate compared to these:
Zaire Republic – President Mobutu Sese Seko
Romania – President Nicolae Ceaușescu
Morocco – King Hassan II
Zimbabwe – President Robert Mugabe
Nigeria – General Yakubu Gowon
I hear Amber Crud MP has resurrected the old “it’s counter-productive/it’s a recruiting sergeant for ISIS” chestnut in relation to Trump’s “Muslim ban”. It’s divisive as well apparently. Parroting the same platitudes day in day out for decades seems to have produced some kind self-lobotomization.
She has forgotten the official line that
1) all muslims (except the ISIS types of course) are peace-loving, paragons of virtue
2) ISIS types have rejected authentic islam
3) true muslims love the west, its freedoms, its values, its way of life and would die defending them
So why would a ban turn true muslims into supporters of the ISIS heresy? They could only welcome the ban with much joy and exultation.
The snowflakes bleat on about “western values “. Are they really not aware that muslims reject these values ? If they are aware , why are they not clamouring for us to convert muslims to our values ? None of it makes sense to me.
All the talk about “western values”, “British values”, “European values”, etc. is completley meaningless. Of course, the idea is to suggest that anyone can make a rational choice to adopt a set of vague moral principles and become, say, British. This is to play down the importance of cultural inheritance, how a culture is lived. If most native Britons don’t mutilate the genitals of their children, it is not because they have made an intellectual choice about abstract values.
The key thing is that we cannot be deterred from doing all we can in defending our own values because our enemies won’t like that and might do us harm. That was essentially the outlook of the 1930’s appeasers in dealing with Hitler. As Churchill said , if I may paraphrase, that was a foolish policy akin to feeding the crocodile when you are trapped in the same pool. Amber Rudd should be sacked for what she has said publicly and in particular for relaying something similar to the US administration. Unfortunately I don’t think that May has the guts to sack Rudd.
These days if you did all you could to defend British values you’ll end up in prison, just ask Tommy Robinson.
May won’t sack Rudd – two cheeks of the same @rse. The Americans won’t give two hoots what our Home Secretary has to say about the travel restrictions the new administration has put in place.
I thought children had to be home after dark! That picture is taken from a spot just a few yards from where the winos congregate and fester; perhaps she could deal with them first.
OK guess the prog ?
..They centre around Lenny Henry on the couch banging on about Children In Need
– Then a piece about Discrimination against Asian police officers.
– Then a piece about kids in Africa.
Virtue Signalling turned up to 11.
Saira Khan the well known Muzzie with her snout in every trough she can find, especially the BBC.
To Farage on “loose women” (loose of brain?) about Trump ban “it is totally and utterly racist”. Well, you dim cow, it is not racist at all, you Muzzies are not a race, but an infection.
Khan ““I have a child who comes home from school and asks, ‘Why don’t people like Muslims in this country?” Well you can explain to your child that it is because Muslims have killed at leat 200 million Hindus in the Indian sub-continent. That Muslims have also killed millions more, in every place unlucky enough to have been enriched by them. That Muslims are maintaining their proud record of being the nastiest organisation in history, today. That Muslims believe the most arrant nasty nonsense whose origin is one of the comedy triumphs of history, or would be if it was not so savage.
You can tell your children and their descendants, for the next twenty generations, that they need to spend all their lives apologising.
I saw that, TS, I thought that Nige got a pretty good reception from most of the audience, even the panel (except Saira Khan) seemed pretty supportive as well.
Saira Khan just sat there at first with the look of a bulldog urinating on a nettle, not listening to what he had to say, just waiting to jump in with her me, me, me and mine dialogue. How the hell he remains civil in these situations is a mystery, he never has a bad or nasty word to say about anyone. I’d have told her, if she was worried about how she was being treated here, she could always p*ss off to a country more in keeping with her beliefs, like Saudi Arabia for instance. I’m sure she would welcome not being allowed out the house without the company of a close male relative, not allowed to drive, have to walk about in a ring wraith’s pyjamas and have her love button removed as the cherry on the cake!
Khan ““I have a child who comes home from school and asks, ‘Why don’t people like Muslims in this country?” Don’t think that is 100% true however, I think there are some parents who have to answer far worse questions than that. For instance:
Those who lost parents in the London bombings that killed 50 people.
Those who lost parents in Tunisia when 30 British people were killed.
Lee Rigby’s Wife after he was killed.
The families of the 400 + killed in Afghanistan
The families of the 179 + killed in Iraq
I could go on. The sense of proportion in this country has gone out of the window.
I take a hard line here. President Trump should not deign to come to Western Europe ever now. Western Europe and that includes us until we see some change is finished..
We have little military power now and less will to defend ourselves. The US should stop funding Nato completely . It is long past it’s sell by date.
The rapid Islamisation of Germany and Sweden tells us that Europe as we have known it for centuries is over. Demographics is destiny.
The US should be working towards a type of Pax Romana but imposed on the world by the real powers. That is the US, Russia, China and India.
One way or another we and the rest of Europe along with the other nations of the world will have to behave as these four nations want.
These four have the will and the military strength to bring us and the rest to heel. It is a reality long overdue.
Nothing is more pathetic than the posturing of our media and politicians .
The best advice a father or a grandfather can give to our young is to go and go soon.
Get a decent education and get out.
We who are of English descent came here for sound reasons. Time to go. .
I heard a former Foreign Office diplomat interviewed on Toady this morning, a Lord Rickets or Rackets or something, he said Trump shouldn’t be invited for a state visit because it was a great honour and “too early” in his term for him to be granted such an accolade and that it could embarrass the Queen were he to come for such a visit.
I don’t remember Rickets or anyone else in the MSM saying that it was “too early” in his term when Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, when he’d been in office for one month and was declared the winner after eight months.
There is always more to the story than the BBC let on. There was a piece on Guido this morning about Ricketts. He is also a paid advisor to Lockheed Martin who are building the F-35 fighter which we are buying and is subject to huge cost overruns and delays. Just yesterday Trump instructed Lockheed Martin to cut their costs by $600m and also asked Boeing how much the F-18 Super Hornet would cost which wouldn’t have gone down well with LM. So today Ricketts is advising against the Trump state visit. Could be just coincidence I suppose…..
The midday news on Radio 2 came out with this line with no other context:
Lord Ricketts, a former permanent secretary at the Foreign Office, said “the invitation was premature”.
That was it. So what. Why should the words of a retired civil servant be of any importance?
Next Jeremy Vine picks up the baton.
“Cheers Tom! Nice to discover Lord Ricketts”.
What was that supposed to mean? “Well done lads!” Telephone around long enough and eventually ‘some say’ exactly what the BBC wants to say but knows there is a limit to how many times they can push the ‘impartial’ views of their own correspondents before even the plebs notice the bias.
With a bit of coaching Lord Ricketts might be able to join the likes of Ishtiaq Hussain, who just happens to be able to call in and get on air when Muslims need a BBC boost.
The ‘Bash the Trump’ story must be flagging as Jeremy Vine tried to drum up trade as he acknowledged that some of the protests had fewer than twenty participants. Well we wouldn’t want to cover anything ‘populist’ would we?
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this kind of scenario.
You’re just chatting to a colleague about work when a confident colleague says something derogatory about Donald. You immediately turn it back on them and ask why they feel like that? They stare back at you and answer with some kind of unfounded BBC drivel. Immediately you counter attack with facts and suddenly, out of the blue, the caretaker, the secretary and the line manager agree with you, colleagues almost frightened to say what they truly feel about Brexit and now Trump and back you up. Why are people so scared to be honest?
2016 was a great year for common decent people.
Sorry for the rant.
Nige for PM – if only!
Actually not so common – just real.
Pull … yes I know where you’re coming from!! It’s the “shy Tory” scenario (2015 election) … why would anybody in today’s vitriolic/ I’m gonna kill you if you’re not a lefty snowflake condemnation society stand up to have their head cut off?? It’s only when somebody who has some guts who actually says something they believe in that they begin to crawl out of the bunker and agree. We just have to hope that they will find courage when they put their x on the paper and vote out their traitorous MP’s
I would love to see Yvette and Stella being Tuckered. That would be great on the BBC. Can’t they tempt him to come over here ? Maybe he could present Newshite.
So.. the left are so in control of this Country that OUR parliament (that’s a joke) is being forced to have a debate on whether to downgrade Donald Trump’s state visit…. Don’t forget he was lawfully elected and is THE most powerful man in on the planet, and has firmly indicated his support and friendship of the UK, not that it makes any different to the left wing anarchists who run this Country. The UK is supposed to be his biggest ally why doesn’t the government just shove two fingers up to him. What an embarrassment this country is…..
They are doing it because they realize that having Trump in our corner is a great fillip to our negotiating position against the EUscum, the Remainiac enemies of our country in Parliament will grab onto anything to try and derail Brexit, even if that means damaging our economic future.
If they can drive a wedge between the Trump administration and our current government – they will attempt to do so and to hell with the consequences for the rest of us; because they don’t want Britain negotiating from a position of strength with our enemies in Brussels.
I doubt it, she is not draining the media ‘Swamp’ like Trump, by that I mean she is not listening to the majority of the people of Great Britain, instead she is allowing the media to continue its blatant propaganda in the hope that it does not turn wholeheartedly against her.
BBC News – Gay man from Guernsey has refused to pay for the upkeep of his parish church because of its “homophobic stance on gay marriage”
… Guernsey? 😀 … more LGBTG political posturing, against the softest target imaginable?, with lots of airtime from the BBC eh!
Off round to the Mosque tomorrow, are you?
… I think that will be a no (shakes head)
BBC News – Ciera Taylor: “happy and proud to be trans” More dangerous, overt unrepresentative pushing of a narrative that children should be angled into a box
far too early.
Some schoolboy from Leics gets lots of media attention by being “transgender” and gets representative from The Young Transgender Centre of Excellence in Leicester – (is that a joke? – funded by WHO?), which supports 33 young people, including Ciera – are even invited into the school to speak at assembly
… speak? what?, tell everyone how much attention they can get, how groups like them are going to fall over themselves to erm … advise them? vulnerable kids?
If you want a laugh – try searching the entire BBC online news output for “Petition supporting Trump” (now heading for a quarter of a million signatures).
“Sorry, there are no results for ‘petition supporting trump’.”
Newshite having a post mortem on the Brexit result, blaming it on a spat between Cameron and the editor of the Daily Mail and how it affected how we voted. Apparently, Cameron had a “deal” on “europe” but the DM editor blew it because Cameron wanted him sacked.
BBC News at Ten tonight, plenty of anti Trump propaganda, highlighting his sacking of the Justice Secretary appointed previously by Obama and believe it or not who has been obstructing the implementation of Trump’s orders regarding the bans on immigration. A case for the USA Supreme Court to decide whether the sacking was legal or otherwise.
Last but not least we were treated to Amber Rudd’s view on Trump’s policy regarding these bans. Why is this woman in the cabinet? is she actually a Tory? is she related to Ann Sourbrey or what? Or more precisely what is her function or worth?
Conspicuous by it’s abscence was any mention of Trump’s acheivements with Saudi Arabia and safe area settlements for refugees.
Never mind we understand that you the BBC must continue to fan the flames that you hope will engulf and burn President Trump and in it’s wake help to destroy Brexit, but consider also that many people know what you do and what you are doing and over time many more may become aware and your days may become numbered. God I am sounding a bit pompous, must be this rather nice scotch I’m drinking! Good nit to ye all!
The reason she was fired was that she refused to implement a policy which had been assessed by her own department (Justice Dept) and found to be perfectly legal; on that basis it was impossible for her to remain in post – she should have just resigned.
It’s amazing to me how we are still being subject to the ululation of our MSM about the security measures which the U.S. have introduced, yet in America their MSM are now focused on who the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court will be; it’s old news there now.
Number 7, I knew she was/is a remainer but had forgotten about this.
Continues to be a prominent member of the compromised cabinet designed to unite the Tory party and ostensibly the country. Don’t tell the BBC as they seem to be doing their best to do the opposite.
Evan Davis on Newsnight last night could not have been more biased in favour of the ghastly Stella Creasey and against Oliver Letwin. He interviewed a American Moslem ex-ambassador who would not say what he wanted to say, so he kept putting words in his mouth. It was appalling.
The BBC are now relentless in condemning all and everything President Trump endeavours to do. Its all biased interviews with other equally anti-Trump interviewees – no sign of objectivity whatever. I think the Army should be put on alert as revolution is in the air what with air-heads firmly rooted to the idea of remaining within the EU and so, so anxious to make that point in Parliament!
I get the feeling that some very small issue will arise and it will set things off, certainly within Europe.
This is a good article about the reaction to the travel controls in the U.S. and about how Trump may need to be more cautious, in order to achieve what he wants.
Sky news is just as bad as Al Beeb . They are telling us that Brexit is damaging to the arts? Some idiotic finger puppets are going to suffer ? Oh! and the skill shortage ? What bloody skill shortage does the ‘Arts’ have. What a load of hogwash. From the other channel we have …….
“Is squatting art?”
Swamp-draining is an art in itself, it manifests itself in an organic, populist extravaganza of social out-pourings to delineate anxiety, petulism, chocolate and nose-poultices! The skills need our taxes just as much as the bbc wastes them.
“What bloody skill shortage does the ‘Arts’ have.”
Quite a big one, as I interpret the word “Arts”, but perhaps not such a shortage in the type of modish dross that the BBC likes to promote.
An example – first rate Wagnerian tenors and sopranos come along once per generation, or more likely, once every two or three. And where’s the modern Turner, Jascha Heifetz or Christopher Wren? On the other hand, people who can assemble a heap of everyday objects and call it “Art” are two a penny.
BBC News – Austria Veil Ban
“We are committed to an open society, which also presupposes open communication. A full-face veil in public places stands in its way and will … therefore be banned”
😀 The BBC starts explaining all the differences between niquab s, burkha s etc
France, Belgium, Swiss, Holland soon, many local bans Italy, Spain, Barca is already restricting it … 6 December 2016 even Angela Merkel said the wearing of full-faced veils should be prohibited in Germany “wherever it is legally possible”.
Appeaser May? … too busy doctoring and rigging a report that should immediately ban Sharia, typically, once again incompetence, and indeed cowardice
… better to screw the poor eh
lets be honest everyone of the millions who fly are inconvenienced everytime for hours by security to stop the feking muzzies blowing up the planes, fek the 100 or so muzzies who got held up for a couple of hours on their way to grift the american tax dollar.
Did bataclan not happen? nice, berlin? what is the value of your citizens lives?
Its only a matter of time till its here again, how big does it have to be before our elected “representatives” have the balls to say enough is enough.
We’ll have to wait until President Trump arrives here, Kaiser.
Even our feeble government will get it in the neck from the bBeeb when all his security people start treading on a few toes, hopefully the feet of the usual autocue-readers.
The programme ‘managers’ will be wetting themselves, trying to get pictures of down-trodden protesters on the screen, before the main news even starts! We’ll have the dribbling spite from little Jon Sopel, and even worse, they may well ferry in Orla Guerin for some light banter and smiling entertainment!
And the latest in the desperate bid to stop Trump is the fallacious claim that his visit would make things difficult for The Queen. They are desperate in their hatred
Sorry if someone has posted about this previously. I cam in late & was too lazy to read all the posts.;)
That is one of the most pathetic ones. I think the Queen has a little bit of experience dealing with these matters. She is certainly head and shoulders above the here today gone tomorrow politicians.
If the BBC is now so concerned about Madge, perhaps they could do one of those edits using their world trusted integrity where President Trump is seen backing out instead of making an entrance?
Yes, the ‘state visit will embarrass the Queen’ is utter nonsense – the last refuge of a scoundrel media. Her Majesty has been in the job long enough to be gracious and diplomatic with everybody. If she can manage Ceaucescu, she can manage Trump. What the media is really afraid of is that Trump and the Queen and Prince Philip will all get on well which means they will either have to call the Queen evil by association, or admit that Trump isn’t so bad after all.
Agreed. I think Trump should make the trip. Why should a minority of people who are all haters stop him. He would be in the position of looking weak and I don’t think he is.
About the Presidential State Visit. All of the commentary that I’ve seen has been about Trump. But what if the government and Buckingham Palace are more concerned about the Queen. I hope she lives for a good few years yet and I think she will never abdicate but surely she will reduce her duties even more. Didn’t Trump say that his mother loved the Queen, so I guess she is a much more desirable host for Trump than King Charles might be, and she is probably much more reliable from the government’s point of view, unlikely to upset the President. So, invite Trump here sooner rather than later.
I appreciate that it’s not the ‘done thing’ ever to speculate about the frailty or ultimate demise of our Queen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a major factor behind the apparently unseemly haste to invite the President here.
Newsnight and Emily Useless again. The US adviser shows us how to deal with the BBC. Just stand up to them and call them out. Just watch it and enjoy.
They fold like the kiddies they are.
Working till late I looked at a bit of the News channel later. I think it is a BBC hack called Sackur. The poor chap being interviewed just would not call him out as he richly deserved. Did I not realise that President Trump had enraged the British over the travel ban? Thanks for telling me Sackur . I really did not realise I was that upset. Just ignore or hit back at them . It is the only way and the time for reasonableness is over.
This time the BBc have really blown it and President Trump will never give them the time of day.
As to the visit I am even more certain that the President should publicly turn down the invitation and explain that no Us President can be expected to endure the vitriol and the hatred shown by the MPs and the media and that a debate in the Commons is an insult. He should reference the QT after 9/11 .The BBC has never received the payback due. It will help us here in our battle against the rage of the progressives.
BBC Website ” Trump picks conservative for top court “. Well of course he does. I never remember a BBC headline “Obama packs all top posts with far left Democrats “. The BBC really are pitiful creatures.
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It is so moronic the BBC going on about that petition. So what? It’s not exactly top journalism to whip people up into a frenzy of outrage then report on how outraged people are. I am reminded of thick animals in Animal Farm bleating: “Four legs good! Two legs bad!”
I remember signing a petition that got over a million signatures which the BBC completely ignored. Jeremy Clarkson seems much happier at Amazon now though.
I haven’t been able to find any BBC reports on the agreement reached between Trump and Saudi Arabia concerning the setting up of safe zones in the area for refugees from Syria etc.
Reported elsewhere e.g. Reuters, Daily Express, Independant among others. Perhaps I need to look harder? (apologies to the BBC if it does exist)
It just shows what a little encouragement can do (Trump showing he means business with refugees/migrants and potential terroists)
Of course reporting successful achievements such as this would tend to negate the left wing rants going on at the moment so no surprise if the BBC have been a bit slow (or understated) in it’s reporting.
Parliament to debate the kill Trump petition on 20 Feb. I am pretty sure it will be passed unless Treezer has a 3-line whip ( I mean Theresa May, not Teresa , before you get too excited, GWF ). Even then…..
Please consider signing this petition.
‘Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.’
OT(ish), but a bit of lark…
Number 7. is especially for lurking Flokkers.
Fatty Clarke in today’s vote ” Brexit hopes like Alice in Wonderand “. He is a nutter.
He’s as mad as a hatter!
Has Fatty Clarke got a vested interest in the European Union ?
Maybe also BATTY Clarke, as in British American Tobacco and the ‘bat device’ on Bacardi Rum bottles.
Has Fatty Clarke got a vested interest in the European Union ?
Does he have the support of his Tory constituents?
When the vote is due just give him a bottle of brandy and he’ll fall over asleep in the corner of the Commons bar. One less nay to worry about.
I see the Petition has racked up to almost 140,000 now. Good stuff.
(shame we cant have a petition against rubbish films like La La Land where the 2 lead characters can neither sing nor dance !!!)
You can look at a map to see who is signing the petition the most. It looks strangely familiar…..
Ahah! 6pm BBC News – 1.7 million signed to ban Trump but ONLY 127,000 signed in support. So, there you have it straight from the horses arse.
Well, at least they have given it some publicity. Give the workers chance to get home and have their tea and no doubt the (good) petition will be off and running.
Notice Diane Abbott’s constituency?
J’Abbott the Gut, G? I caught her performance on last week’s QT, where Dimbldore had to cut her stream of, “just let me say this” ad nauseum, with, “why don’t you just say it then and get on with it”
“MPs to debate Donald Trump state visit petition”
There is a HYS running on this – quick before it closes .
Highest rated comment so far ……
“Why are we even debating this?
He did, after being democratically elected by tens of millions of Americans, exactly what he said he would do before the election.
MPs should be debating important issues not bowing to populist memes.”
I did like this comment which turned round to bite the original poster on the backside.
1663. Posted by Not My Real Pseudonym on 4 minutes ago
1575. Posted by Pam Lai on
6 minutes ago
Great news that thousands of gay men are to be pardoned for past convictions.
Can’t imagine anything so compassionate being done by Emperor Trump.
To be fair, neither did the liberals when Labour were in power. Should we castigate them as well or just applaud Theresa May?
Interesting who got in first.
And who that worked out.
Taffman – Amber Rudd – ‘a travel Ban will help ISIS’ Another politician who subscribes to the notion that you must not upset these terroists or they will step up their programme of terror. She would have been very useful in the second world war (for the Germans that is)
I think Trump knows what he is doing, he is playing the long game (like a smart business man that he is) just wait and see.
I read this and it convinced me that Trump should tell this government where they can stick their invitation. The anti Trump hysteria has crossed from the cardboard posters of the looney left to the Home Office Minister, with the blessing of the Prime Minister. Trump should not come and make it clear in a tweet or two what he thinks of this government.
This seems to be the situation. Obama ruled with a subservient media which Trump is now fighting. In the UK the media is ruling a subservient government which has shown no signs of a fight back.
Generally , I think this is the most spineless Tory Government ever.
Absolutely. It is really incredible
On a par with Cameron and Major.
Who are all those people who down vote perfectly moderate comments on BBC HYS ?
This is a fascinating article about Russia and its current and future problems with immigrants and immigration and how they are being dealt with there.
People in Austria are changing their views ?………
“EU’s Donald Tusk sees Trump as threat to Europe”
Who pays the most money in looking after NATO?
Tusk, tusk Donald you’re crazier than I thought.
“Donald, where’s your browsers?”
I wonder how Tusk would rank Russia, China, USA and Islam ( the four he mentions ) in terms of risk and potential damage to Europe, out of 10. My ranking and marks.
Islam 10
Russia 0.5
China 0.1
USA Almost zero
If the EU keep poking Putin in the eye over the Ukraine he’ll turn it up to 11. And if the EU keeps telling everyone how uncivilised Trump is he’ll let Putin do it – with or without Putin offering Trump a deal on taking down ISIS.
I expect European politicians to do a bit of virtue signalling to win the snowflake vote, but this is getting beyond stupid.
Simple Fact of the day ?
The EU needs the USA, the EU needs NATO .
Al Beeb news man telling us that President Obama was more popular in Britain than Trump ????
Obama = GB Back of the queue
Trump = GB Front of the queue
Remember that UK women on the radio phone in, “Our President, Mister Abarner …..”. Exactly.
“The fact that he is black explains everything—yes, everything—about Barack Obama. He glided into Harvard Law School, the Senate, the presidency, and sainthood only because he is black. Take away his blackness and we have a genial nonentity who can read a teleprompter with conviction and who probably would not have gotten much farther than the Illinois state house.
Despite his everlasting fame, Barack Obama will be insignificant because he has never been driven to achieve. He never had to work for anything. Everything he ever had was handed to him, and what is there left to hand him? A Democrat president might hand him a seat on the Supreme Court, but he would be just another liberal cipher. Ex-president Obama will go back to being the genial nonentity he always was—perhaps the most famous nonentity in the history of the world, but still a nonentity.” Jared Taylor.
One thing about Trump was that he was handed a fortune but still worked. He didn’t have to.
Trump was handed millions and turned them into billions, there aren’t too many who’ve done that.
And I guess, unlike Obama, he knows what a day’s work is !
Well the lefties are trying if you count immigrants as well as dollars.
By the way was anyone listening to radio 4 this morning?
I couldn’t believe my ears. They had refugees on complaining about their poor living conditions in cheap accommodation that only costs £11.70 a night. Talk about ungrateful. Wonder what the living conditions were like back home.
One of them was doing “voluntary” work. I wonder if that qualifies them for benefits and free digs then?
Give it 5 years and the ‘voluntary’ work will be rewarded with a gong at Buck House !
Obama was popular with those people (especially BBC) who did not want to see the UK succeed away from the “beneficial” and welcoming embrace of the EU, taff.
Everything the bBBC has done since the election of the Don has been to sour the relationship and p*ss off the septics to scupper any trade deals that might have arisen if a friendlier tone had been adopted.
Just heard on RT news. Tusk reckons that Trump’s America is a threat to “Europe” along with China, Russia and radical Islam. Some good company there!
Obama is more popular with the BBC, but not with the 17 1/2 million Britons.
I have just listened to radio 4 news at 6.00 pm. They stated the petition banning him from coming here has raised over 170,000 votes and a counter petition to allow him visit has only raised 130,000 votes. I have just checked the allow petition and its at 147,000 and rising quickly, but what they are not telling the public is that the reject petition has been running for about 5 days + and the allow petition has only been running for 24 hours. Disinformation as usual from the BBC.
Introduction to Portillo railway journey right now. Announcer says ” There is trouble brewing in America , where have we heard that before ? “. They can’t help themselves.
Grant, you beat me to it. Totally agree – any opportunity and they go for it.
18:30, BBC2. Link from Eggheads to Great American Railroad Journeys. “And now we join Michael Portillo in Great American Railroad journeys where trouble is brewing [paraphrased] and where have we heard that before?”
They way they say it assumes that we are all in agreement. The BBC truly live in their own little world. the announcers job is to announce the program. We are not interested in their political opinions.
But the BBC is the Party in power ……….. isn’t it?
Yes, hate the conspiratorial tone they employ at every opportunity. Just tell me what’s on next and who’s in it – comment not required.
If anyone at the bbc had bothered to listen, they’d have heard President Trump say categorically, that he would improve the railway infrastructure in the USA.
That would mean several thousand jobs going to US citizens, and not to some tin-pot country waiting for perpetual hand-outs.
There is trouble, for the BBC and ITV. I saw part of a puff piece on the ITV news where they went to “rust belt” America. The were struggling to find anyone who opposed Trump. They finally found a dotty florist and gave her a disproportionate amount of coverage. The majority were delighted with Trump including business owners and students. This gets put half way through the news bulletin to show “balance”. Pity the news reader (Julie Etchingham?)looked as if she had just swallowed a bucket of lemons.
Oh crap! EU Overlords – backs against the wall surrounded by enemies and never has so much been wasted on expenses and bureaucratic clap trap by so few. And if the EU were to last for a thousand years people would say, “What a bunch of arrogant, crooked, self serving arseholes”.
I think there might be a large number of people who signed the anti-Trump petition without actually reading it. The petition states that he should be allowed to visit the UK in his capacity as head of the US government but he should not be afforded the privilege of a state visit.
From what I have seen of the protesters shown on the BBC, they appear to be against any visit by President Trump and don’t look intelligent enough to be able to differentiate between a state visit or any other.
Perhaps only reading the title of the petition ‘Prevent Donald Trump from making a State Visit to the United Kingdom.’ made them think it was a blanket ban. Perhaps a vox pop by InfoWars is needed to clear that one up because I don’t expect the BBC to bother.
Think they thought they were voting to have him, stoned, burned, crucified and beheaded.
Massive rise in pitchfork sales in London.
And people shouting “witch !”
We invited the Chinese on a State Visit not so long ago. Seem to remember tanks rolling over peaceful protesters or some such?
Isn’t China that oppressive, one party state that blocks the internet and disappears dissidents or is that Trump’s America?
Yes but that doesn’t fit the BBC narrative.
Gaxvil, by looking at the list of world leaders invited during the past half century even the Chinese president would look moderate compared to these:
Zaire Republic – President Mobutu Sese Seko
Romania – President Nicolae Ceaușescu
Morocco – King Hassan II
Zimbabwe – President Robert Mugabe
Nigeria – General Yakubu Gowon
I hear Amber Crud MP has resurrected the old “it’s counter-productive/it’s a recruiting sergeant for ISIS” chestnut in relation to Trump’s “Muslim ban”. It’s divisive as well apparently. Parroting the same platitudes day in day out for decades seems to have produced some kind self-lobotomization.
She has forgotten the official line that
1) all muslims (except the ISIS types of course) are peace-loving, paragons of virtue
2) ISIS types have rejected authentic islam
3) true muslims love the west, its freedoms, its values, its way of life and would die defending them
So why would a ban turn true muslims into supporters of the ISIS heresy? They could only welcome the ban with much joy and exultation.
The snowflakes bleat on about “western values “. Are they really not aware that muslims reject these values ? If they are aware , why are they not clamouring for us to convert muslims to our values ? None of it makes sense to me.
They don’t get it – they think Citizen Khan is a documentary.
Well, it’s not a bloody comedy that’s for sure, G!
All the talk about “western values”, “British values”, “European values”, etc. is completley meaningless. Of course, the idea is to suggest that anyone can make a rational choice to adopt a set of vague moral principles and become, say, British. This is to play down the importance of cultural inheritance, how a culture is lived. If most native Britons don’t mutilate the genitals of their children, it is not because they have made an intellectual choice about abstract values.
The key thing is that we cannot be deterred from doing all we can in defending our own values because our enemies won’t like that and might do us harm. That was essentially the outlook of the 1930’s appeasers in dealing with Hitler. As Churchill said , if I may paraphrase, that was a foolish policy akin to feeding the crocodile when you are trapped in the same pool. Amber Rudd should be sacked for what she has said publicly and in particular for relaying something similar to the US administration. Unfortunately I don’t think that May has the guts to sack Rudd.
These days if you did all you could to defend British values you’ll end up in prison, just ask Tommy Robinson.
May won’t sack Rudd – two cheeks of the same @rse. The Americans won’t give two hoots what our Home Secretary has to say about the travel restrictions the new administration has put in place.
Nice informative little article by that quaint old rag, The Hastings Observer…
I thought children had to be home after dark! That picture is taken from a spot just a few yards from where the winos congregate and fester; perhaps she could deal with them first.
Spot on ID.
I’d not of the case of the Kriss Donald, an allegedly under reported murder cos it involved Pakistani gangs looking for a white victim. 2004 Glasgow.
OK guess the prog ?
..They centre around Lenny Henry on the couch banging on about Children In Need
– Then a piece about Discrimination against Asian police officers.
– Then a piece about kids in Africa.
Virtue Signalling turned up to 11.
This was a case of “discrimination” of an Asian police officer, stew,
Foul play and hit job ruled out but I bet there was a few sighs of relief in certain quarters.
Saira Khan the well known Muzzie with her snout in every trough she can find, especially the BBC.
To Farage on “loose women” (loose of brain?) about Trump ban “it is totally and utterly racist”. Well, you dim cow, it is not racist at all, you Muzzies are not a race, but an infection.
Khan ““I have a child who comes home from school and asks, ‘Why don’t people like Muslims in this country?” Well you can explain to your child that it is because Muslims have killed at leat 200 million Hindus in the Indian sub-continent. That Muslims have also killed millions more, in every place unlucky enough to have been enriched by them. That Muslims are maintaining their proud record of being the nastiest organisation in history, today. That Muslims believe the most arrant nasty nonsense whose origin is one of the comedy triumphs of history, or would be if it was not so savage.
You can tell your children and their descendants, for the next twenty generations, that they need to spend all their lives apologising.
I saw that, TS, I thought that Nige got a pretty good reception from most of the audience, even the panel (except Saira Khan) seemed pretty supportive as well.
Saira Khan just sat there at first with the look of a bulldog urinating on a nettle, not listening to what he had to say, just waiting to jump in with her me, me, me and mine dialogue. How the hell he remains civil in these situations is a mystery, he never has a bad or nasty word to say about anyone. I’d have told her, if she was worried about how she was being treated here, she could always p*ss off to a country more in keeping with her beliefs, like Saudi Arabia for instance. I’m sure she would welcome not being allowed out the house without the company of a close male relative, not allowed to drive, have to walk about in a ring wraith’s pyjamas and have her love button removed as the cherry on the cake!
Khan ““I have a child who comes home from school and asks, ‘Why don’t people like Muslims in this country?” Don’t think that is 100% true however, I think there are some parents who have to answer far worse questions than that. For instance:
Those who lost parents in the London bombings that killed 50 people.
Those who lost parents in Tunisia when 30 British people were killed.
Lee Rigby’s Wife after he was killed.
The families of the 400 + killed in Afghanistan
The families of the 179 + killed in Iraq
I could go on. The sense of proportion in this country has gone out of the window.
The question Khan should be asking is ” Why do muslims hate all non-muslims ? “
Just had an email to say that Parliament is going to debate the petition to allow the Don to visit the UK.
I take a hard line here. President Trump should not deign to come to Western Europe ever now. Western Europe and that includes us until we see some change is finished..
We have little military power now and less will to defend ourselves. The US should stop funding Nato completely . It is long past it’s sell by date.
The rapid Islamisation of Germany and Sweden tells us that Europe as we have known it for centuries is over. Demographics is destiny.
The US should be working towards a type of Pax Romana but imposed on the world by the real powers. That is the US, Russia, China and India.
One way or another we and the rest of Europe along with the other nations of the world will have to behave as these four nations want.
These four have the will and the military strength to bring us and the rest to heel. It is a reality long overdue.
Nothing is more pathetic than the posturing of our media and politicians .
The best advice a father or a grandfather can give to our young is to go and go soon.
Get a decent education and get out.
We who are of English descent came here for sound reasons. Time to go. .
There be the rub, Dave, “get a decent education”.
I heard a former Foreign Office diplomat interviewed on Toady this morning, a Lord Rickets or Rackets or something, he said Trump shouldn’t be invited for a state visit because it was a great honour and “too early” in his term for him to be granted such an accolade and that it could embarrass the Queen were he to come for such a visit.
I don’t remember Rickets or anyone else in the MSM saying that it was “too early” in his term when Obama was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, when he’d been in office for one month and was declared the winner after eight months.
There is always more to the story than the BBC let on. There was a piece on Guido this morning about Ricketts. He is also a paid advisor to Lockheed Martin who are building the F-35 fighter which we are buying and is subject to huge cost overruns and delays. Just yesterday Trump instructed Lockheed Martin to cut their costs by $600m and also asked Boeing how much the F-18 Super Hornet would cost which wouldn’t have gone down well with LM. So today Ricketts is advising against the Trump state visit. Could be just coincidence I suppose…..
The midday news on Radio 2 came out with this line with no other context:
Lord Ricketts, a former permanent secretary at the Foreign Office, said “the invitation was premature”.
That was it. So what. Why should the words of a retired civil servant be of any importance?
Next Jeremy Vine picks up the baton.
“Cheers Tom! Nice to discover Lord Ricketts”.
What was that supposed to mean? “Well done lads!” Telephone around long enough and eventually ‘some say’ exactly what the BBC wants to say but knows there is a limit to how many times they can push the ‘impartial’ views of their own correspondents before even the plebs notice the bias.
With a bit of coaching Lord Ricketts might be able to join the likes of Ishtiaq Hussain, who just happens to be able to call in and get on air when Muslims need a BBC boost.
The ‘Bash the Trump’ story must be flagging as Jeremy Vine tried to drum up trade as he acknowledged that some of the protests had fewer than twenty participants. Well we wouldn’t want to cover anything ‘populist’ would we?
I have just had an email about the debate on Trump on 20 feb. They will send me a video and transcript.
It would be interesting to see Yvette Cooper or Stella Creasy interviewed by Tucker Carlson, he’s good here with a pro-refugee advocate.
Not sure if anyone else has experienced this kind of scenario.
You’re just chatting to a colleague about work when a confident colleague says something derogatory about Donald. You immediately turn it back on them and ask why they feel like that? They stare back at you and answer with some kind of unfounded BBC drivel. Immediately you counter attack with facts and suddenly, out of the blue, the caretaker, the secretary and the line manager agree with you, colleagues almost frightened to say what they truly feel about Brexit and now Trump and back you up. Why are people so scared to be honest?
2016 was a great year for common decent people.
Sorry for the rant.
Nige for PM – if only!
Actually not so common – just real.
Pull … yes I know where you’re coming from!! It’s the “shy Tory” scenario (2015 election) … why would anybody in today’s vitriolic/ I’m gonna kill you if you’re not a lefty snowflake condemnation society stand up to have their head cut off?? It’s only when somebody who has some guts who actually says something they believe in that they begin to crawl out of the bunker and agree. We just have to hope that they will find courage when they put their x on the paper and vote out their traitorous MP’s
I would love to see Yvette and Stella being Tuckered. That would be great on the BBC. Can’t they tempt him to come over here ? Maybe he could present Newshite.
So.. the left are so in control of this Country that OUR parliament (that’s a joke) is being forced to have a debate on whether to downgrade Donald Trump’s state visit…. Don’t forget he was lawfully elected and is THE most powerful man in on the planet, and has firmly indicated his support and friendship of the UK, not that it makes any different to the left wing anarchists who run this Country. The UK is supposed to be his biggest ally why doesn’t the government just shove two fingers up to him. What an embarrassment this country is…..
They are doing it because they realize that having Trump in our corner is a great fillip to our negotiating position against the EUscum, the Remainiac enemies of our country in Parliament will grab onto anything to try and derail Brexit, even if that means damaging our economic future.
If they can drive a wedge between the Trump administration and our current government – they will attempt to do so and to hell with the consequences for the rest of us; because they don’t want Britain negotiating from a position of strength with our enemies in Brussels.
BBC Online News:
“”Germany’s rising tide of populism””
In BBC talk, populism is neo-Nazi.
The BBC are certainly seeking a change in the voting process. They wish to prevent the voice of the majority from being heard.
Why? Because the majority do not support BBC/Labour.
The Moggster in full flow.
Why isn’t he Prime Minister?
Actually I totally agree. Great speech.
Brilliant Lobby. Redwood weren’t bad either.
Why indeed ? One of the few conservatives left in the Tory party.
Thank you for posting that.
Why isn’t he even in the cabinet, when nonentia like James Brokenshire and Jeremy Hunt are?
Perhaps he will be the next Prime Minister after the next GE ?
I hope to God, Treezer doesn’t last that long.
I doubt it, she is not draining the media ‘Swamp’ like Trump, by that I mean she is not listening to the majority of the people of Great Britain, instead she is allowing the media to continue its blatant propaganda in the hope that it does not turn wholeheartedly against her.
BBC News – Gay man from Guernsey has refused to pay for the upkeep of his parish church because of its “homophobic stance on gay marriage”
… Guernsey? 😀 … more LGBTG political posturing, against the softest target imaginable?, with lots of airtime from the BBC eh!
Off round to the Mosque tomorrow, are you?
… I think that will be a no (shakes head)
BBC News – Ciera Taylor: “happy and proud to be trans” More dangerous, overt unrepresentative pushing of a narrative that children should be angled into a box
far too early.
Some schoolboy from Leics gets lots of media attention by being “transgender” and gets representative from The Young Transgender Centre of Excellence in Leicester – (is that a joke? – funded by WHO?), which supports 33 young people, including Ciera – are even invited into the school to speak at assembly
… speak? what?, tell everyone how much attention they can get, how groups like them are going to fall over themselves to erm … advise them? vulnerable kids?
Despicable BBC
Noggin, I think if the bloke from Guernsey went to the mosque he wouldn’t have a head to shake!
If you want a laugh – try searching the entire BBC online news output for “Petition supporting Trump” (now heading for a quarter of a million signatures).
“Sorry, there are no results for ‘petition supporting trump’.”
BBC R4Today said
“fake news is news that Donald Trump would not want you to know of.”
Dingaling that sounds like PROJECTION
Replace “Trump” with “BBC” and you have as good a working definition.
I put in ” Petition Trump “. The only one that comes up is the “anti” petition. How could even the BBC explain away that one ?
Newshite having a post mortem on the Brexit result, blaming it on a spat between Cameron and the editor of the Daily Mail and how it affected how we voted. Apparently, Cameron had a “deal” on “europe” but the DM editor blew it because Cameron wanted him sacked.
Still no complaints about Al Beeb’s ‘Right Wing Bias’ on this site ?
Ok, I have one for the record ………….
Why is Al Beeb giving President Trump so much publicity and air time ? 😉
LOL taffman.
I don’t think Maxiboy will dare to come back , because he is going to get hounded forever on this !
BBC News at Ten tonight, plenty of anti Trump propaganda, highlighting his sacking of the Justice Secretary appointed previously by Obama and believe it or not who has been obstructing the implementation of Trump’s orders regarding the bans on immigration. A case for the USA Supreme Court to decide whether the sacking was legal or otherwise.
Last but not least we were treated to Amber Rudd’s view on Trump’s policy regarding these bans. Why is this woman in the cabinet? is she actually a Tory? is she related to Ann Sourbrey or what? Or more precisely what is her function or worth?
Conspicuous by it’s abscence was any mention of Trump’s acheivements with Saudi Arabia and safe area settlements for refugees.
Never mind we understand that you the BBC must continue to fan the flames that you hope will engulf and burn President Trump and in it’s wake help to destroy Brexit, but consider also that many people know what you do and what you are doing and over time many more may become aware and your days may become numbered. God I am sounding a bit pompous, must be this rather nice scotch I’m drinking! Good nit to ye all!
Solid post cockney boy.
The reason she was fired was that she refused to implement a policy which had been assessed by her own department (Justice Dept) and found to be perfectly legal; on that basis it was impossible for her to remain in post – she should have just resigned.
It’s amazing to me how we are still being subject to the ululation of our MSM about the security measures which the U.S. have introduced, yet in America their MSM are now focused on who the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court will be; it’s old news there now.
Correct me if I’m wrong cockneyboy, or anybody else on here.
Wasn’t Rudd part of a debate Vs Boris,Gisela Stuart & Andrea Leadsom during the referendum campaign?
As I remember, Rudd was teamed with Sturgeon and that Eagle woman.
I posted at the time that it was not so much a debate as the opening lines of Macbeth.
……………I’ve found the link.
Number 7, I knew she was/is a remainer but had forgotten about this.
Continues to be a prominent member of the compromised cabinet designed to unite the Tory party and ostensibly the country. Don’t tell the BBC as they seem to be doing their best to do the opposite.
Evan Davis on Newsnight last night could not have been more biased in favour of the ghastly Stella Creasey and against Oliver Letwin. He interviewed a American Moslem ex-ambassador who would not say what he wanted to say, so he kept putting words in his mouth. It was appalling.
Breaking, Hollywood stabbing.
No doubt the Don will get the blame.
Oh look, four willys, a couple of boobs and a phone box!
Hush dear you’re talking about the Literal Deniercrats here…
The BBC are now relentless in condemning all and everything President Trump endeavours to do. Its all biased interviews with other equally anti-Trump interviewees – no sign of objectivity whatever. I think the Army should be put on alert as revolution is in the air what with air-heads firmly rooted to the idea of remaining within the EU and so, so anxious to make that point in Parliament!
I get the feeling that some very small issue will arise and it will set things off, certainly within Europe.
Classics time, G.
Cave furorem patientis – Publilius Syrus
This is a good article about the reaction to the travel controls in the U.S. and about how Trump may need to be more cautious, in order to achieve what he wants.
Sky news is just as bad as Al Beeb . They are telling us that Brexit is damaging to the arts? Some idiotic finger puppets are going to suffer ? Oh! and the skill shortage ? What bloody skill shortage does the ‘Arts’ have. What a load of hogwash. From the other channel we have …….
“Is squatting art?”
Drain the swamp !
Taffman, purleeeease!
Swamp-draining is an art in itself, it manifests itself in an organic, populist extravaganza of social out-pourings to delineate anxiety, petulism, chocolate and nose-poultices! The skills need our taxes just as much as the bbc wastes them.
Please keep up!
“What bloody skill shortage does the ‘Arts’ have.”
Quite a big one, as I interpret the word “Arts”, but perhaps not such a shortage in the type of modish dross that the BBC likes to promote.
An example – first rate Wagnerian tenors and sopranos come along once per generation, or more likely, once every two or three. And where’s the modern Turner, Jascha Heifetz or Christopher Wren? On the other hand, people who can assemble a heap of everyday objects and call it “Art” are two a penny.
The word “Art” has been perverted.
And, right on cue, another example of overrated arty BS:
Johnny Depp’s $2 million monthly spending – including $30,000 a month on wine – to blame for money woes, his former business managers claim
“Among the most extravagant expenses listed in the countersuit were $3 million spent to blast Hunter Thompson’s ashes out of a cannon… ”
Still, it’s his money I suppose.
BBC News – Austria Veil Ban
“We are committed to an open society, which also presupposes open communication. A full-face veil in public places stands in its way and will … therefore be banned”
😀 The BBC starts explaining all the differences between niquab s, burkha s etc
France, Belgium, Swiss, Holland soon, many local bans Italy, Spain, Barca is already restricting it … 6 December 2016 even Angela Merkel said the wearing of full-faced veils should be prohibited in Germany “wherever it is legally possible”.
Appeaser May? … too busy doctoring and rigging a report that should immediately ban Sharia, typically, once again incompetence, and indeed cowardice
… better to screw the poor eh
Trump’s travel controls won’t anger ISIS.
BBC/MSM calling it a “MUSLIM BAN” drives fragile Muslims towards radicalism.
So is irresponsible !
lets be honest everyone of the millions who fly are inconvenienced everytime for hours by security to stop the feking muzzies blowing up the planes, fek the 100 or so muzzies who got held up for a couple of hours on their way to grift the american tax dollar.
Did bataclan not happen? nice, berlin? what is the value of your citizens lives?
Its only a matter of time till its here again, how big does it have to be before our elected “representatives” have the balls to say enough is enough.
We’ll have to wait until President Trump arrives here, Kaiser.
Even our feeble government will get it in the neck from the bBeeb when all his security people start treading on a few toes, hopefully the feet of the usual autocue-readers.
The programme ‘managers’ will be wetting themselves, trying to get pictures of down-trodden protesters on the screen, before the main news even starts! We’ll have the dribbling spite from little Jon Sopel, and even worse, they may well ferry in Orla Guerin for some light banter and smiling entertainment!
Didn’t Putin get a state visit and meet HRH ?
Putin on state visit to UK………….
Double Standards ?
And the latest in the desperate bid to stop Trump is the fallacious claim that his visit would make things difficult for The Queen. They are desperate in their hatred
Sorry if someone has posted about this previously. I cam in late & was too lazy to read all the posts.;)
i bet the pres and prince phil would get on like a house on fire
That is one of the most pathetic ones. I think the Queen has a little bit of experience dealing with these matters. She is certainly head and shoulders above the here today gone tomorrow politicians.
If the BBC is now so concerned about Madge, perhaps they could do one of those edits using their world trusted integrity where President Trump is seen backing out instead of making an entrance?
They have the technology. And practice.
The BBC find the Queen useful….. sometimes .
The Queen is a unique British institution that I have no choice in funding but see as worthwhile.
The BBC are simply idiots I do not.
Totally agree. Although I would rather not fund some of the minor royals, such as Charlie !
Yes, the ‘state visit will embarrass the Queen’ is utter nonsense – the last refuge of a scoundrel media. Her Majesty has been in the job long enough to be gracious and diplomatic with everybody. If she can manage Ceaucescu, she can manage Trump. What the media is really afraid of is that Trump and the Queen and Prince Philip will all get on well which means they will either have to call the Queen evil by association, or admit that Trump isn’t so bad after all.
Agreed. I think Trump should make the trip. Why should a minority of people who are all haters stop him. He would be in the position of looking weak and I don’t think he is.
About the Presidential State Visit. All of the commentary that I’ve seen has been about Trump. But what if the government and Buckingham Palace are more concerned about the Queen. I hope she lives for a good few years yet and I think she will never abdicate but surely she will reduce her duties even more. Didn’t Trump say that his mother loved the Queen, so I guess she is a much more desirable host for Trump than King Charles might be, and she is probably much more reliable from the government’s point of view, unlikely to upset the President. So, invite Trump here sooner rather than later.
I appreciate that it’s not the ‘done thing’ ever to speculate about the frailty or ultimate demise of our Queen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a major factor behind the apparently unseemly haste to invite the President here.
Newsnight and Emily Useless again. The US adviser shows us how to deal with the BBC. Just stand up to them and call them out. Just watch it and enjoy.
They fold like the kiddies they are.
Working till late I looked at a bit of the News channel later. I think it is a BBC hack called Sackur. The poor chap being interviewed just would not call him out as he richly deserved. Did I not realise that President Trump had enraged the British over the travel ban? Thanks for telling me Sackur . I really did not realise I was that upset. Just ignore or hit back at them . It is the only way and the time for reasonableness is over.
This time the BBc have really blown it and President Trump will never give them the time of day.
As to the visit I am even more certain that the President should publicly turn down the invitation and explain that no Us President can be expected to endure the vitriol and the hatred shown by the MPs and the media and that a debate in the Commons is an insult. He should reference the QT after 9/11 .The BBC has never received the payback due. It will help us here in our battle against the rage of the progressives.
BBC Website ” Trump picks conservative for top court “. Well of course he does. I never remember a BBC headline “Obama packs all top posts with far left Democrats “. The BBC really are pitiful creatures.
You hear some daft statements on the BBC weather forecast these days – this morning we get a corker –
“There’s a 30% chance this area of low pressure will be a named storm, if it is it will be called Doris”
Has the BBC brought back early Monty Python?
Will Gompertz’ shiny head may just explode:
Maybe the BBC can get the VP to express his concerns on Newsnight, via the medium of dance?