Daily Mail reports that the hitherto unheard of Lord Ricketts is paid by Lockheed Martin who had a contract with the US Government reduced by Trump by $600m. If true this should be a big story on the BBC. Or maybe his intervention is a coincidence. Or maybe he is just another corrupt ex-civil servant. If true, the man is a total disgrace.
The Islamic Al Shabeeb webshite (in a nutshell). 1st Feb 2017
Trump evil.
Brexit disastrous.
Liberal good.
Conservative bad.
Islam is magical.
Muslims are victims.
Women are superior in every way.
Men are all rapists.
More abuse of Trump.
Yes sorry Grant. I just took today’s propaganda word for word as written on their webshite.
Isnt it ironic how the feminazi’s have a cronic supply and demand shortage amongst their own people, and then all their psychotic dreams come true at once when an actual group of people who culturally utterly despise women, murder them, rape women, hate women, suppress women…..as is eternally mandated by child raping mad mo….and the cowardly bastards bottle it! The fact our suicide bomb loving, mass rape fanatical, infidel slaughtering, death merchants are not the ONLY concern for the feminazis, shows how crazy this mentally dranged psychopaths truly are
Perhaps there is a biological explanation. Women opening their legs for the conquerors, who are according to natural selection the fittest to breed with. Hence biology overrules morality, politics and culture.
Is this a neologism?
Combining :-
a) Chronic, defining the incurable nature of their diseased organisms.
b) Cronic (like a crone) defining their transmogrified and obsolete state.
Very appropriate, I commend this with a neologism of my own to describe this, unportmanteau, hope you approve.
Thanks but you didn’t need to even list this garbage. I could have foretold the lot. I just can’t stand their biased diatribes and hatred of Trump anymore. There’s a lot of other news out there that never gets a look-in because of their Trumpophobia. I think they’re on their way to a mass, collective, corporate breakdown. They’re probably all “in therapy” and needing “safe spaces.”
Kaffir Latte – I have been wondering if the media could somehow ‘bring Trump down’ with their obsessive hostility – but I think now that it may be having the opposite effect. They tried to do this during the elections, and he still won, because people can now see beyond what the MSM is doing. I was reading the London Evening Standard yesterday and the anti-Trump opinion pieces were laughably ill-informed, full of disinformation and prejudice.
I heard on the BBC again yesterday, Sadiq Khan erm “1st Muslim mayor of a western capital”(BBC thinks that’s something to celebrate?), still bleating about the Trump’s state visit, demanding it be cancelled etc.
Once again rank Islamic/political hypocrisy of the highest order as he s hosting diplomats from nations banning Israeli passport holders in London
… the BBC didn t mention that part.
Worse than “worzel” Johnson, would take some doing you would think, but once you factor in the “I” quotient its easy.
Whatever happened to “talking” to the enemy – as they did with the IRA etc? I thought Khan was eager to show Trump his wonderful multi-kulti London and to change his (perceived) attitudes to Muslims. Obviously that pledge of his is consigned to oblivion. Two-faced oily politician.
Yes, “some nerve”. Estimated >93 billion Euros to be spent on so-called “Refugees” in 2017? Next, presumably, cuts in public services to finance Merkels bad habits? Germany’s spiral downward is now palpable. https://gatestone.eu/merkel-lectures-trump/
Missed news feature by the BBC. We should not be denied a laugh at the irony.
Looks like Mad Merkel is on a collision course with Trump. Hell hath no fury… But she should not let her personal feelings affect much more important matters. I know who my money is on. What an incredibly stupid, irresponsible woman.
The thing is, how far does the continuing destruction of Europe go before the Remoaners accept that the slow death is a major negative (and increasing) element to their Nirvana?
I caught a bit of Rhod Sharp on the dire Radio 5 ‘Live’ last night. He was telling us that he didn’t use the trains much but when he did he had to work out which railcard he might want to use etc., all very complicated. All very puzzling as he lives near the other Boston, the one that voted for Hilary Clinton, and our US cousins don’t ‘do’ trains like we do, so surprised to hear about ‘railcards’.
Turns out he had picked up on a snippet of UK news and he had tried ‘Cor Blimmy Guv’ to work it into his patter to pretend he was a ‘local’.
Then over to Australia and a young English-sounding whippersnapper telling us that New South Wales was ‘Scorchio’. It is summer there now, but he missed that bit out. As expected ‘all records broken’, we are all going to die. However he lived in Sydney, a city with all mod cons, pity the poor guys out in the bush. Over to the mayor of a small township. Oh dear! Hot? You should have been here 20 years ago! Wingeing Ozzies! My 88-year old mum copes, she was brought up during the blitz. The crops are all fine. We are expecting a great cotton harvest.
Note to ‘amateur’ Five Live: You will need to take more care over scripting your guests if you are to do Radio 2’s climate change night shift.
No real loss, but he has been off the airwaves for a while and whilst one is sure banking his chekkie at Bondi Barclays has been uncharacteristically quiet of late.
Trump v Merkel. He must not back down, it is his most crucial test.
But first he needs to put the UK Government in their place and tweet publicly that he won’t accept an invitation from a Government that is siding with the Islamoids against him. Naming Treezer, Johnson and amber Amber as servants of the pro Islamic BBC for starters.
“The European Union declared the Trump administration a “threat” on Tuesday, laying bare what many Europeans think privately and setting the stage for increased tension between the US and EU. ”
That’s them out of a trade deal then,well done that man.
Witless completely fell into a trap on Newsnight against Sebastian Gorka. She kept harping on about that daft petition (probably loaded with contributions from overseas and no mention of the other one) and when he swatted her down saying the democratically elected and representative Government of the people had extended the invitation, she said that doesn’t matter! He started to pursue that and she suddenly cut him off, realising that her logic was countering the basis on which the BBC and Gina Miller are trying to undermine Brexit. So thick and short sighted that she couldn’t see in advance how the interview would pan out if she pursued that line of questioning.
The BBC obviously didn’t think that 100,000 petition signatures calling for ‘Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom’ was worthy of a report on bbc.co.uk. In the absence of reporting on the Trump petition, here’s a selection of 100,000 signature petitions that the BBC did consider newsworthy.
12 Dec 2016
Boxing Day shopping ban petition being debated by MPs
An online petition urging curbs has attracted more than 100,000 signatures. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-38286794
The above web page includes the fake news* reference to ‘A rival petition, arguing that Mr Trump’s trip should go ahead, has attracted more than 150,000 supporters.’
*no petition proposed that Trump’s trip shouldn’t go ahead.
I doubt it but perhaps the BBC will consider 200,000 pro Trump petition signatures will equal the newsworthiness of the ‘high heels row’?
They did mention it on Radio 4 PM but with the usual bias and lies by omission.
A petition calling for the state visit to be cancelled has reached over a million signatures, while a poll calling for it to go ahead has just over one hundred thousand.
The implication here was obvious. What they didn’t say was that one poll had been running for almost a week, where the other had been up for just a few hours.
This distorts the entire meaning, and without this vital piece of information skews it towards the BBC view that the visit should not go ahead.
Hardly surprising. Obama was pro-EU and anti-British, Trump is anti-EU and pro-British. So there is bound to be a strong correlation between Remainers and anti-Trumpers. Looking at the comments on LBC , some snowflakes are trying to deny it. I don’t know why.
I noticed on R4 last night that the figure given for the pro-Trump petition was several hours behind the current reality. Somehow, I get the feeling that the BBC have been watching the anti-Trump one with far more attention to such details.
Of course, the other factor in all this is that the ant-Trump petition has been puffed by the BBC like a barrage balloon.
An interesting take on the recent anti Trump demonstrations and the real reason why they are being organised:
Socialist hypocrisy aimed at embarrassing the government behind Manchester anti-Trump demonstration
Posted By: January 31, 2017
Chronic-Oldham is primarily about local issues so we are not going to elaborate on why we think Donald Trump’s decision on travel restrictions is born out of ignorance and is ultimately self-defeating. We will however comment on the fact the anti-Trump demonstration in Manchester, judging by banners on show, was driven by Labour, the remain camp, Unite, Momentum and student bodies. Something really distasteful about how easily people will demonstrate against democratic decisions that don’t meet their expectations. Manchester, a City where local government systems are currently facing the biggest operational changes in generations and have done so without public consent, consultation or street demonstrations. We are being led to believe that more people in GM are concerned with U.S. immigration rules than local spacial framework plans to decimate the greenbelt. Absolute nonsense, the usual suspects driving demonstrations against the U.S. are also driving MP’s to block article 50. This is about discrediting the UK government not upholding human rights. The hypocrisy of these socialist manipulators and human rights champions can be no better demonstrated than in their lack of response to Russia’s new law on domestic violence. 53.5% of Russians are female and Russia just past a bill to decriminalise some forms of domestic violence. More than half of Russia’s population have just had their chances of violent assault substantially increased under state sponsored bureaucracy. Where are Labour, Unite, Momentum and the whole host of human rights groups and why have they not taken to the streets to demonstrate? Travel restrictions are far more worthy of demonstration than state sanctioned violence against women and children.
BBC, please provide an in depth report on how well the Navy have done to date. Questions in the House? – “We cannot comment on on-going operational matters”.
What with the UN providing the so-called, “Refugees” with a survival backpack (emblazoned with the UN logo) each, the truth would be appreciated.
And here’s the petition to protest the BMA wanting to stop using terms like, ‘woman’ or ‘mother’ etc. as it relates to childbirth because it is TRANSPHOBIC.
Signed it. I cannot believe some of the things that are happening in this country. We seem to be heading for totalitarianism and the “conservative” government are doing nothing. The animals are truly in charge of the zoo.
Absolutely no reason for anyone to switch their vote to the Lib Dems. Let’s hope that , at the next election, they are consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.
I think I forgot to post that, in yesterday’s debate, Prick Clegg referred to “elite eurosceptics “. He doesn’t do irony or humour, at least not intentially. What a prat !
It’s been mentioned above but worth posting the link to Newsnight last night and Emily M’s bruising encounter with a grown-up conservative. Hilarious – parody standard, including the other interviewee (for balance, natch) from Snowflake Central Media. The very last words are quite delicious. Logic and reason having destroyed any argument, Emily says: “This is our new place for fresh ideas and original opinions. You won’t agree with everything they say, but that’s sort of the point.”
Classic. “Fresh ideas and original opinions”…hmmm, only to the BBC. Rather apologetic. She’s sorry if that upset anyone in Islington, deep breaths. “You won’t agree with everything THEY say” – meaning “we certainly don’t!”. “But that’s sort of the point”…sort of?? It’s what you should be doing, if you want to call this a serious current affairs programme and not a torture chamber for anyone right of the weathergirl!
There’s an old movie – a comedy take off of Flash Gordon. Anyhow, in it there’s a trial in which the defendant is found guilty of the crime of, Ass-hole-ism.
We really need that crime on the statute.
I’m really surprised that there has been no posts about this:
David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance.
It now really does become a matter of urgency to find out what discussions were had with the BBC regarding the renewal of its charter – very suddenly & unexpectedly, and whether the odious Cameron did a deal with them in return for supporting remain – a pointless compromise as they would have done that anyway.
It’s amazing that I support:
1. Brexit
2. President Trump
3. Scotland To Remain In The UK
These are all majority positions, yet I have no representation in the media.
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Kelvin Mackenzie on form on GBNews. “Why should the public be forced to pay, under threat of prosecution, to watch…
FlotsamMar 10, 21:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve studied the tracks of the two ships and it’s clear to me that both were moving when the collision…
BRISSLESMar 10, 21:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My nephew married a Russian girl – from Kursk, a few years ago. Her parents (just lovely ordinary people like…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Daily Mail reports that the hitherto unheard of Lord Ricketts is paid by Lockheed Martin who had a contract with the US Government reduced by Trump by $600m. If true this should be a big story on the BBC. Or maybe his intervention is a coincidence. Or maybe he is just another corrupt ex-civil servant. If true, the man is a total disgrace.
PS Excellent expose of the repulsive Ricketts in the Daily Mail today by Andrew Pierce. Clearly a very corrupt man.
The Islamic Al Shabeeb webshite (in a nutshell). 1st Feb 2017
Trump evil.
Brexit disastrous.
Liberal good.
Conservative bad.
Islam is magical.
Muslims are victims.
Women are superior in every way.
Men are all rapists.
More abuse of Trump.
Saves you all from having to read it
Thanks for that summary. So it is SNAFU as usual. Take issue with your “Men are all rapists “. Isn’t there a word missing ? White.
Yes sorry Grant. I just took today’s propaganda word for word as written on their webshite.
Isnt it ironic how the feminazi’s have a cronic supply and demand shortage amongst their own people, and then all their psychotic dreams come true at once when an actual group of people who culturally utterly despise women, murder them, rape women, hate women, suppress women…..as is eternally mandated by child raping mad mo….and the cowardly bastards bottle it! The fact our suicide bomb loving, mass rape fanatical, infidel slaughtering, death merchants are not the ONLY concern for the feminazis, shows how crazy this mentally dranged psychopaths truly are
“psychopaths” sums it up. But, in their hearts they should be scared, very scared.
Tothepoint, Grant
Perhaps there is a biological explanation. Women opening their legs for the conquerors, who are according to natural selection the fittest to breed with. Hence biology overrules morality, politics and culture.
I suspect you are right.
Is this a neologism?
Combining :-
a) Chronic, defining the incurable nature of their diseased organisms.
b) Cronic (like a crone) defining their transmogrified and obsolete state.
Very appropriate, I commend this with a neologism of my own to describe this, unportmanteau, hope you approve.
what about the suddenly exponentially growing LGBT “community”?
Thanks but you didn’t need to even list this garbage. I could have foretold the lot. I just can’t stand their biased diatribes and hatred of Trump anymore. There’s a lot of other news out there that never gets a look-in because of their Trumpophobia. I think they’re on their way to a mass, collective, corporate breakdown. They’re probably all “in therapy” and needing “safe spaces.”
Kaffir Latte – I have been wondering if the media could somehow ‘bring Trump down’ with their obsessive hostility – but I think now that it may be having the opposite effect. They tried to do this during the elections, and he still won, because people can now see beyond what the MSM is doing. I was reading the London Evening Standard yesterday and the anti-Trump opinion pieces were laughably ill-informed, full of disinformation and prejudice.
I heard on the BBC again yesterday, Sadiq Khan erm “1st Muslim mayor of a western capital”(BBC thinks that’s something to celebrate?), still bleating about the Trump’s state visit, demanding it be cancelled etc.
Once again rank Islamic/political hypocrisy of the highest order as he s hosting diplomats from nations banning Israeli passport holders in London
… the BBC didn t mention that part.
Worse than “worzel” Johnson, would take some doing you would think, but once you factor in the “I” quotient its easy.
And I wonder what signal that sends out to the rest of the world ?
Whatever happened to “talking” to the enemy – as they did with the IRA etc? I thought Khan was eager to show Trump his wonderful multi-kulti London and to change his (perceived) attitudes to Muslims. Obviously that pledge of his is consigned to oblivion. Two-faced oily politician.
The rapidly changing face of Europe and in particular, Sweden –
First heard on the BBC news?
Yes, “some nerve”. Estimated >93 billion Euros to be spent on so-called “Refugees” in 2017? Next, presumably, cuts in public services to finance Merkels bad habits? Germany’s spiral downward is now palpable.
Missed news feature by the BBC. We should not be denied a laugh at the irony.
Looks like Mad Merkel is on a collision course with Trump. Hell hath no fury… But she should not let her personal feelings affect much more important matters. I know who my money is on. What an incredibly stupid, irresponsible woman.
Certainly the last time Germany went head to head with the USA it did not end well for them.
LOL ! But it did nothing to cure German arrogance. They have a national psychological problem.
As do their BFFs, France.
“Germany’s spiral downward “. The same applies to the whole of the EU. It is a busted flush and we must get out asap.
The thing is, how far does the continuing destruction of Europe go before the Remoaners accept that the slow death is a major negative (and increasing) element to their Nirvana?
It’ llike that good old Carry On actor, Charles Hawtree.
He had a gangrenous limb but refused to have it removed and as a result died.
I caught a bit of Rhod Sharp on the dire Radio 5 ‘Live’ last night. He was telling us that he didn’t use the trains much but when he did he had to work out which railcard he might want to use etc., all very complicated. All very puzzling as he lives near the other Boston, the one that voted for Hilary Clinton, and our US cousins don’t ‘do’ trains like we do, so surprised to hear about ‘railcards’.
Turns out he had picked up on a snippet of UK news and he had tried ‘Cor Blimmy Guv’ to work it into his patter to pretend he was a ‘local’.
Then over to Australia and a young English-sounding whippersnapper telling us that New South Wales was ‘Scorchio’. It is summer there now, but he missed that bit out. As expected ‘all records broken’, we are all going to die. However he lived in Sydney, a city with all mod cons, pity the poor guys out in the bush. Over to the mayor of a small township. Oh dear! Hot? You should have been here 20 years ago! Wingeing Ozzies! My 88-year old mum copes, she was brought up during the blitz. The crops are all fine. We are expecting a great cotton harvest.
Note to ‘amateur’ Five Live: You will need to take more care over scripting your guests if you are to do Radio 2’s climate change night shift.
This whippersnapper… not JonDon by chance?
No real loss, but he has been off the airwaves for a while and whilst one is sure banking his chekkie at Bondi Barclays has been uncharacteristically quiet of late.
Trump v Merkel. He must not back down, it is his most crucial test.
But first he needs to put the UK Government in their place and tweet publicly that he won’t accept an invitation from a Government that is siding with the Islamoids against him. Naming Treezer, Johnson and amber Amber as servants of the pro Islamic BBC for starters.
“The European Union declared the Trump administration a “threat” on Tuesday, laying bare what many Europeans think privately and setting the stage for increased tension between the US and EU. ”
That’s them out of a trade deal then,well done that man.
Can we offer to replace all those Mercs & Beemers with Jags & Range Rovers?
Delighted with Trump’s appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
A virulent opponent of assisted suicide and euthanasia that corporate globalists and insurance companies have been pushing for.
God bless President Trump!
Robert Spencer on why do the Western countries even bother to condemn Jihad attacks –
Apparently the UK Government has banned the entry into the Uk of Robert Spencer. Is another Government petition warranted?
Witless completely fell into a trap on Newsnight against Sebastian Gorka. She kept harping on about that daft petition (probably loaded with contributions from overseas and no mention of the other one) and when he swatted her down saying the democratically elected and representative Government of the people had extended the invitation, she said that doesn’t matter! He started to pursue that and she suddenly cut him off, realising that her logic was countering the basis on which the BBC and Gina Miller are trying to undermine Brexit. So thick and short sighted that she couldn’t see in advance how the interview would pan out if she pursued that line of questioning.
The BBC obviously didn’t think that 100,000 petition signatures calling for ‘Donald Trump should make a State Visit to the United Kingdom’ was worthy of a report on bbc.co.uk. In the absence of reporting on the Trump petition, here’s a selection of 100,000 signature petitions that the BBC did consider newsworthy.
12 April 2013
Petition signed by 100,000 for Guantanamo detainee
4 September 2015
Refugee petition races above 100,000 threshold
9 December 2015
Petition calling for Donald Trump UK ban passes 100,000
8 April 2016
Petition to stop pro-EU leaflets gets 100,000 backers
‘A vote to leave could mean a decade or more of uncertainty’
12 May 2016
High heels row: Petition gets 100,000 signatures
17 May 2016
What am I supposed to eat now? BBC recipes petition reaches over 100,000
31 May 2016
Student loan payback petition tops 100,000 signatures
21 October 2016
Stabbed police dog ‘Finn’s Law’ petition passes 100,000 names
12 Dec 2016
Boxing Day shopping ban petition being debated by MPs
An online petition urging curbs has attracted more than 100,000 signatures.
and, finally under the Trump travel ban heading:
31 Jan 2017
Amber Rudd: Trump travel ban could help IS
The above web page includes the fake news* reference to ‘A rival petition, arguing that Mr Trump’s trip should go ahead, has attracted more than 150,000 supporters.’
*no petition proposed that Trump’s trip shouldn’t go ahead.
I doubt it but perhaps the BBC will consider 200,000 pro Trump petition signatures will equal the newsworthiness of the ‘high heels row’?
They did mention it on Radio 4 PM but with the usual bias and lies by omission.
A petition calling for the state visit to be cancelled has reached over a million signatures, while a poll calling for it to go ahead has just over one hundred thousand.
The implication here was obvious. What they didn’t say was that one poll had been running for almost a week, where the other had been up for just a few hours.
This distorts the entire meaning, and without this vital piece of information skews it towards the BBC view that the visit should not go ahead.
The bbc should be wary of letting numbers and polls do their talking for them. They have slipped on that particular banana skin more than once.
Nigel Farage, on LBC saying that 91% of those who voted for the Trump ban also voted to Remain in the EU in the referendum, this according to the postcodes of those who voted. He went on to say that for these people, they wish 2016 had never happened.
Hardly surprising. Obama was pro-EU and anti-British, Trump is anti-EU and pro-British. So there is bound to be a strong correlation between Remainers and anti-Trumpers. Looking at the comments on LBC , some snowflakes are trying to deny it. I don’t know why.
Excellent comment!
I noticed on R4 last night that the figure given for the pro-Trump petition was several hours behind the current reality. Somehow, I get the feeling that the BBC have been watching the anti-Trump one with far more attention to such details.
Of course, the other factor in all this is that the ant-Trump petition has been puffed by the BBC like a barrage balloon.
All of the BBC’s news is several hours behind all other sources ! Their motto should be ” You heard it here last “. They are useless.
An interesting take on the recent anti Trump demonstrations and the real reason why they are being organised:
Socialist hypocrisy aimed at embarrassing the government behind Manchester anti-Trump demonstration
Posted By: January 31, 2017
Chronic-Oldham is primarily about local issues so we are not going to elaborate on why we think Donald Trump’s decision on travel restrictions is born out of ignorance and is ultimately self-defeating. We will however comment on the fact the anti-Trump demonstration in Manchester, judging by banners on show, was driven by Labour, the remain camp, Unite, Momentum and student bodies. Something really distasteful about how easily people will demonstrate against democratic decisions that don’t meet their expectations. Manchester, a City where local government systems are currently facing the biggest operational changes in generations and have done so without public consent, consultation or street demonstrations. We are being led to believe that more people in GM are concerned with U.S. immigration rules than local spacial framework plans to decimate the greenbelt. Absolute nonsense, the usual suspects driving demonstrations against the U.S. are also driving MP’s to block article 50. This is about discrediting the UK government not upholding human rights. The hypocrisy of these socialist manipulators and human rights champions can be no better demonstrated than in their lack of response to Russia’s new law on domestic violence. 53.5% of Russians are female and Russia just past a bill to decriminalise some forms of domestic violence. More than half of Russia’s population have just had their chances of violent assault substantially increased under state sponsored bureaucracy. Where are Labour, Unite, Momentum and the whole host of human rights groups and why have they not taken to the streets to demonstrate? Travel restrictions are far more worthy of demonstration than state sanctioned violence against women and children.
So, The Royal Navy’s, “monitoring” of people smugglers is not going too well in the Mediterranean.
BBC, please provide an in depth report on how well the Navy have done to date. Questions in the House? – “We cannot comment on on-going operational matters”.
What with the UN providing the so-called, “Refugees” with a survival backpack (emblazoned with the UN logo) each, the truth would be appreciated.
And here’s the petition to protest the BMA wanting to stop using terms like, ‘woman’ or ‘mother’ etc. as it relates to childbirth because it is TRANSPHOBIC.
Signed it. I cannot believe some of the things that are happening in this country. We seem to be heading for totalitarianism and the “conservative” government are doing nothing. The animals are truly in charge of the zoo.
The crew seem to be chatting and enjoying cocktails while we head for the rocks.
And then there’s Tiny Tim and his elder brother, Clegg. At least its a fair bet that they will be absolutely wiped out come the next election.
Absolutely no reason for anyone to switch their vote to the Lib Dems. Let’s hope that , at the next election, they are consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.
I think I forgot to post that, in yesterday’s debate, Prick Clegg referred to “elite eurosceptics “. He doesn’t do irony or humour, at least not intentially. What a prat !
It’s been mentioned above but worth posting the link to Newsnight last night and Emily M’s bruising encounter with a grown-up conservative. Hilarious – parody standard, including the other interviewee (for balance, natch) from Snowflake Central Media. The very last words are quite delicious. Logic and reason having destroyed any argument, Emily says: “This is our new place for fresh ideas and original opinions. You won’t agree with everything they say, but that’s sort of the point.”
Classic. “Fresh ideas and original opinions”…hmmm, only to the BBC. Rather apologetic. She’s sorry if that upset anyone in Islington, deep breaths. “You won’t agree with everything THEY say” – meaning “we certainly don’t!”. “But that’s sort of the point”…sort of?? It’s what you should be doing, if you want to call this a serious current affairs programme and not a torture chamber for anyone right of the weathergirl!
There’s an old movie – a comedy take off of Flash Gordon. Anyhow, in it there’s a trial in which the defendant is found guilty of the crime of, Ass-hole-ism.
We really need that crime on the statute.
I’m really surprised that there has been no posts about this:
David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance.
It now really does become a matter of urgency to find out what discussions were had with the BBC regarding the renewal of its charter – very suddenly & unexpectedly, and whether the odious Cameron did a deal with them in return for supporting remain – a pointless compromise as they would have done that anyway.
excellent information T’ful
Shall we form a petition and then our representatives can debate it in the house. Perhaps cameroon should be banned form UK
It’s amazing that I support:
1. Brexit
2. President Trump
3. Scotland To Remain In The UK
These are all majority positions, yet I have no representation in the media.