John Humphrys was telling the world that there was huge concern in many quarters about Trump’s policies, Laura Kuenssberg reckoned, rather grandly, that she was speaking on behalf of the British people as she slandered Trump, and of course this assumption is a common thread throughout BBC coverage…occasionally qualified with a grudging ‘well there may be some who support Trump of course’.
Well…guess again suckers….In the US Trump has the majority support and in the UK he does too…
Most Britons back Donald Trump’s planned state visit to UK, poll finds
Most Britons back Donald Trump’s planned state visit to Britain, a poll has found.
The survey, conducted by YouGov for The Times, found 49 per cent of the British public supported Mr Trump’s UK visit with 36 per cent opposed.
It is the first poll published on the contentious issue which has provoked widespread protest online and outside Westminster.
Since Sunday more than 1.7 million people have signed a petition to prevent Mr Trump visiting the UK saying “it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen.”
So what will be the dominant news story now on the BBC? Will it be the one that accurately reports the views of the silent majority or the views of a highly politicised and ideological group of activists spurred on by their political masters in Labour, the LibDems and the SNP?
I’m guessing the BBC will almost certainly forget the result of this poll almost instantly and will continue to widely promote the anti-democratic intimidation and bullying of the anti-Trump lynch-mob as the only credible and morally acceptable reaction to Trump….as said before, funny how ‘populism’ is suddenly once again popular with the BBC.
The BBC, a danger to democracy, stability and peace? Gotta think so.
The BBC message is that “we are divided” as a nation.
It’s the same old “divide and rule” rhetoric most commonly associated with socialists in what must be a humorous example of utter irony.
As someone who has mixed with unionists over the last 6 years, the word solidarity is spread on toast at their early morning (9:30 am – 11:30 am) breakfast meetings in random Costa venues up and down the country, on their way to the meeting proper, which could be about an hour away.
I don’t know about you, but ‘solidarity’ is a word I associate with confrontation. It is a word I would imagine using if I was fighting against an enemy.
What has this got to do with Trump?
Well, it isn’t Trump who is doing the dividing. It’s the idiots who insult Trump and his followers. Just like the unionists who do nothing all day apart from have a meeting between 13:00 pm and 14:30 pm to discuss all their hard-working subscribers’ issues, the act of talking and acting compassionately is easier than doing a productive day’s work.
Trump is a threat to this widespread complacency. Trump is a threat to the various gravy trains, no matter how invisible they are to the US taxpayer.
It is a change. A change for the better.
The BBC is one of the most divisive forces around, and not by accident. How such community stirring is allowed, much less uniquely funded is beyond me.
Here’s a bit of news it will be interesting if BBC editorial integrity mentions, much less sees discussed by its current golden boy Owen, along with their variable poll coverage and crowd counting, in trying to foment anger and protest around the county.
No way the BBC would ever report that .
I wonder if Laura and chums will have any questions for anyone about this?
Or will BBC editorial integrity time and space constraints kick in? Again?
Where is that ? Africa or USA ? And where are the police ? Or is it the police doing the beating ?
Not sure. I think it was something to do with Antifa. Likely USA. Not police.
Meanwhile, another slight dilemma for the BBC editorial triage crew, as a sweet young victim of old white men on bikes waves to the crowd…
Best left. Unless Stuart Hughes starts a campaign.
Maybe here?
Odd to think Paul Mason and Owen Jones likely both got a bit moist at the thought.
If the BBC was just a nuisance, an irritant, I could understand why the Tories ignored its leftist bias and lies. If it spoke for the vast majority of the people in the U.K. I could understand why the government paid heed to it. But it much much worse than a mere irritant and it speaks only for a vociferous minority . It is actively seeking to undermine the UK relationship with President Trump, to sabotage the democratic Brexit decision and to force the UK to allow mass migration into the country. None of which a majority of UK citizens support. Why then does the government enforce its funding andwhy are we still supposed to pay for this appalling organisation under threat of imprisonment?
Thing is, no one is forcing you to keep a television. And in this age of the internet, you don’t even need a television. Plenty of alternative news sources. Plenty of alternative sources of entertainment as well.
No television. No licence. No money to BBC. What’s not to like?
I am thinking of complaining to the BBC about their strong Left wing bias when they are supposed to be neutral, and why I should pay my licence fee to pay for that?
Good luck with that Bill…you’ll get the standard reply letter saying they think they get it ‘ about right’….stop paying the fee, i have, i just make do with the Apple and watch films instead….plus Youtube.
Because the Tories are a bunch of stupid , gutless, wimpos with very few exceptions. The Mogginator being one.
Posted here before but worth repeating. When I was a boy and getting interested in current affairs , my Dad said about the Tories ” They are just slow-motion socialists “. He was right. And that was in the 1960s !
Like their Million Man Marches, their Millions of Reemers who want to stop Brexit-the BBC seem not to concern themselves overmuch with REAL numbers.
Migration, crime, Rotherham,Savile…need I go on?
More Or less would NEVER look into their selective lies, bias-omissions and commissions.
So we do-, and like “climate change”-it`s all now reduced to a lime green puddle of piss seeping out of their clickbait itchy triggers…fingers, dciks, fannies are whatever the hell they choose to use.
All crap.
Great takedown on this “petition urge” by the last bloke on The Moral Maze last night-don`t miss his tribute to gnomic nastiness that Ted Malloch Himself would have purred at. Philip Prof something of Kent-Nigel will be pleased if he hears it.
Only a shameless blimp of lefty oafdom could have assumed he`d not been destroyed forever by the Professor-but this is Matthew Taylor of Lauries loins, of Blairs Which Brunch Project, of the Royal Grayson Perryarts Soc and of Camerons “Heal and Pacify” schemes we`re talking about.
He`ll be back next Wednesday.
The BBC, a danger to democracy, stability and peace?
Most definitely.
They are also responsible for misleading the nation about renewable energy – telling us it is ‘almost for free’ (quote, R. Harrabin, lunchtime news 30th Jan) and, through their proxy environmental propagandists such as Friends of the Earth, that if we build enough of it it will satisfy all our energy needs – which, combined with a one-sided view of ‘climate change’, is driving us towards economic and social meltdown.
There is an online petition saying that Donald Trump SHOULD make a state visit to the UK. The BBC don’t tell you about this one. It has about 280,000 signatures so far.
Indeed there is (I’ve signed it) and it managed that without being hyped every few minutes by BBC and the usual far Left suspects.
Who does the BBC speak for apart from its staff, guardianistas, muslims, the usual rent-a-thug leftards and the EU…………..Well for example the BBC does not speak for me, the 17.4 million people who saw through the BBC’s {EU funded} lies and voted to leave the EU and whom the BBC in its arrogance now considers such people all 17.4 million of them in BBC newspeak ill informed and uneducated ie well informed and not programed by the BBC. Then there is the increasing numbers of people who are permantly turning of the BBC and going legally licence free and the BBC can do nothing about them though in its arrogence the BBC still harasses them to get them to pay the £145-50p a year BBC viewing tax, Sorry BBC but to me and many others like me you are just talking to yourself BBC and I like many others are no longer listening or paying