I have some advice for the BBC…wait, wait until we can ascertain the good that Trump does…because his legacy maybe that on balance, he does more good than harm.
Trump has set the running dogs of the extremist liberal elite running. There’s wild panic and headless chickens on the continent of Europe as their comfortable existences are threatened much as the Communist Dacha loving elites saw their easy, privileged living coming to an end as the Berlin Wall fell. The greedy, liberal elites, those for instance in the BBC who feel entiltled to our money and to then preach to us about our immorality and racism, see the Trump bulldozer shattering the foundations of their utopian dream, a dream bought at the expense of all those ‘populist’ workers that the BBC elite so disdain, mock and denounce as racist Nazis.
Paradoxically those burgeoning populist Trumpian forces are small and insignificant as John Humphrys reminded us today when he averred that there is ‘huge concern in many quarters’ about Trump’s appalling policies [he didn’t actually say appalling…but Nicky Campbell has…so fair game] echoing Laura Kuenssberg’s attack on Trump where she grandly and mistakenly said she spoke for Britain. Why does the BBC not say that there is huge support in the UK for Trump…just as valid if not more so…and in the US he has the majority for his immigration policy.
The BBC of course doesn’t think Trump is a man who we should do business with but can’t seem to keep the narrative straight. When Farage got his foot in the door first May was criticised for being too slow to contact the new President. Then when she won a small diplomatic coup and was the first national leader to meet Trump she was roundly criticised for being too quick and for fawning…and then she was criticised for being too slow to criticise his immigration policy…the BBC has often moaned about Politicians using soundbites and off the cuff remarks to grab the headlines…and now they demand May does just that…instead she took her time to consider what the issues were and then spoke about it…she unfortunately isn’t made of the same stuff Thatcher was and has caved in to pressure and denounced Trump’s policy as ‘divisive and wrong’…not sure in what way it is divisive.
The BBC et al are hounding May for maintaining and developing further a close working relationship with one of our most powerful and closest allies….strange that on the continent, in the ranks of the EU apparatchiks, they too demand a close relationship with the US….
“We cannot surrender to those who want to weaken or invalidate the Transatlantic bond, without which global order and peace cannot survive. We should remind our American friends of their own motto: United we stand, divided we fall.”
So whilst Trump may make them quake in their Italian loafers they want to do business with him.
So what’s the problem? The BBC tells us…
Donald Trump has professed doubts about Nato, admiration for Russia’s Vladimir Putin and support for Brexit. He has also criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, particularly her welcoming policy towards refugees.
In a recent interview with Germany’s Bild newspaper, Mr Trump confirmed his view of the Nato alliance as “obsolete”. He has also dismissed the EU as “basically a vehicle for Germany”.
Interesting that the BBC equates support for Brexit with admiration for Putin. But as with all BBC ‘news’ you have to take it with a pinch of salt.
For instance whilst he may talk of closer relations with Putin he also said…“Well, I start off trusting both [Merkel as well] — but let’s see how long that lasts,” he said. “It may not last long at all.”
Then there’s that comment about NATO being obsolete…well all is not as the BBC tells us…what he actually said…
“I took such heat when I said NATO was obsolete,” Mr. Trump said. “It’s obsolete because it wasn’t taking care of terror. I took a lot of heat for two days. And then they started saying, ‘Trump is right.’”
As for Trump wanting the EU to break up as a policy that’s not true either…he merely thinks that if countries want independence they should have it…
Mr. Trump also said that Britain’s decision to leave the European Union would “end up being a great thing” and predicted that other countries would follow. “People, countries want their own identity, and the U.K. wanted its own identity,” he said.
Not sure he has said anything detrimental about the EU other than that it is a vehicle for Germany…and even the New York Times agrees with that...
His critique of German dominance over the European Union is hardly a novel thought; many Europeans share the same complaints.
And of course his criticism of Merkel’s immigration policy as catastrophic was hardly controversial.
So when you actually look at what Trump has said he doesn’t seem to have said anything really controversial unless you are a dyed-in-the wool EU supporter who wishes to hide the truth from the voters….
What is startling is how an incoming American president would make such a statement about a key ally and, in doing so, give succor to populist parties seeking to shatter the European political establishment.
So really we must do what the BBC does…censor the truth and shape the news to reflect what you’d like to happen rather than report what has happened. Can’t have the cosy cartel of the liberal elite shattered by the inconvenient truth can we?
The thing that scares the crap out of so many of these ‘world’ leaders is President Trump saying that too many countries (i.e. excluding mainly the UK and the US) are just not pulling their weight financially, and paying on defence spending (and that includes funding NATO) what they have agreed to. That is, they’re all for criticising Mr Trump about his supposed lack of support for NATO when they haven’t been bothering their hind ends for years, and letting others pay for their protection. And don’t get me started on the UN and who’s not pulling their weight on that either !
Chiselling hypocrites all….. and somehow, the BBC fails to actually castigate any of these ‘so-called’ leaders who think they have the right to criticise Mr Trump’s views on NATO – but the BBC sure as hell lays into Mr Trump when he has anything to say about the failures of NATO.
Bias by Omission yet again, BBC
I saw comments last week that the US contributes 25% of all UN funding and Trump is in the process of leaving the UN and actually telling them to find another location for their HQ. Now that is going to be fun to watch. 🙂
This woman could do with some cultural revolution in a re-education camp.
The BBC mentioned that President Trump was still popular with a majority pf Americans. So they went out into the country, Chattanooga, to find out “what kind of people” could support President Trump.
What they found were decent people, who worked hard, supported local the community via the church, and thanked God that they could still meet in a church, unlike in many places in the world.
The BBC android could not understand. I suppose he was expecting, that after being educated by the BBC, they too would be rioting, burning cars, and assaulting people.
Diane is ill.
And mental.
Guest who
The diane abbopotomus may be ill both physically and possibly mentally but its the people who were stupid enough to vote for her that you have to really worry about, And not just the abbopotomus but the likes of sadiq khan
Child sex gang members yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ in court as they were jailed for abusing a girl who fell pregnant aged 12 after being groomed with alcohol and drugs.
Six men were given sentences between 10 years and 20 years – and totalling more than 80 years – by a judge who heard details of how two young girls were sexually abused in Rotherham between 1999 and 2001.
Judge Sarah Wright described how one of the girls was plied with alcohol and drugs and was having sex with a number of men from the age of 11.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4184966/Child-sex-gang-members-shout-Allahu-Akbar-court.html#ixzz4XY1iRnEh
The lib-lefty animals will tolerate all this by the tens of thousands. But when President Trump wants to protect his country from these animals, all hell breaks lose.