The BBC reports…
David Cameron ‘tried to get Mail editor sacked’ over Brexit stance
The proprietor of the Daily Mail told its editor that David Cameron pressed for him to be sacked during the EU referendum, BBC Newsnight has learned.
Lord Rothermere told Paul Dacre the prime minister urged him to rein in his pro-Brexit editor, then suggested he sack him, a source told the BBC.
Perhaps Newsnight could tell us who else Cameron tried to influence in an attempt to ‘persuade’ them to peddle pro-EU propaganda. Did he contact the BBC for their support or was that unnecessary?
“Perhaps Newsnight could tell us who else Cameron tried to influence in an attempt to ‘persuade’ them to peddle pro-EU propaganda. Did he contact the BBC for their support or was that unnecessary?”
I expect the BBC called Cameron and told him to get Paul Dacre removed. Haven’t you noticed that the BBC sets the political agenda, (it certainly isn’t driven by ‘the people’).
No need to contact the BBC for their Anti Brexit support, the BBC tried their level best to derail Brexit and continue on a daily basis trying to convince their viewers and listeners they made the wrong choice.
Cameron was never a Conservative in the true sense anyway, he is a Liberal, like many in the current Tory party.
As Grant has pointed out, the latest government consultation about fake news, propaganda, censorship and all round meddling seems to again exclude the BBC.
For some reason, as the tyranny of the majority is isolated from the wisdom of the 650, including Di, Ken, Nick…
Many genuine Conservative MPs, too many LabLib MPs wearing blue. They would feel more comfortable elsewhere.
The answer to this, and many other problems, is a UKIP government.
I will give you some insight to this Paul Dacre story. I was helping a Mail columnist with some background information on a novel being written . I was told that Lord Rothermere who was staunchly in the Remain camp, insisted that one of his two stable horses , The Daily Malicious
or the Malicious on Sunday come down on the Remain side. So it was the Sunday edition of the Mail that went for Remain whilst it’s sister paper went Brexit. The ever populist newspaper
then could burn the candle at both ends,and tell us ” We told you!!”
I hadn’t noticed much difference between the Brexit coverage of the Wail and the Sunday Wail. You pays your money and you makes your choice, except that both Wails online are free.
As regards AL Beeb, however…
How the media works, by Evan Sayet:
“The pattern is always the same: the mainstream media lies. The braindead Left protests (often violently.) Over time, the truth finally seeps out via the alternative media and word of mouth. The media then invents a new story to be ‘outraged’ about, the Leftists protest, the truth comes out and the media invents a new story….”
I noticed on the Today programme when they mentioned this story this morning, almost as an aside, they mentioned that Lord Rothermere had said something to the effect that other prime ministers had also tried to influence his choice of editors for the Mail. Now the BBC could do another story on that issue but I think I can guess which PMs and it would not be the story that the BBC would want to do.
I used to read the Daily Mail website quite frequently (although less so now as it increasingly becomes a free version of ‘Hello’). It was so obvious that the Mail on Sunday was pro Remain and the Daily Mail pro Brexit – it was almost like a switch around mid-night when the slant on stories changed. Foscari’s comments give a good explanation.
The way to read the Mail on line is to read it through glasses with the right-hand lens blacked out.
The BBC is no longer an accurate News channel, its all their opinions, conjecture, half truths, very carefully edited one sided scripts, sensationalism and bare faced lies.
The Pro Trump petition is close to 200.000 now. I don’t suppose the BBC will sensationalise that.