Thoughtful in the comments links us to this Daily Mail story…not sure why, as it is obviously very uncontroversial, not a sniff of a petition expressing shock and outrage…
Gulf states to introduce medical testing on travellers to ‘detect’ gay people and stop them from entering the country
A medical test being developed by Kuwait will be used to ‘detect’ homosexuals and prevent them from entering the country – or any of the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC), according to a Kuwaiti government official.
GCC member countries – Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – already deem homosexual acts unlawful.
‘We will take stricter measures that will help us detect gays who will be then barred from entering Kuwait or any of the GCC member states.’
You may of course remember the outrage about Farage’s comment about HIV positive immigrants…both that, the above story and the now current incandescent fury at Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim Ban’, all tie nicely in to the fact that US immigration policy has always been tough…just the BBC et al prefer not to look too closely because that would undermine their carefully contrived narrative of a racist, Islamophobic and inhumane Trump.
Is it a Muslim ban? Clearly not as most Muslim countries face no such travel restrictions. Anyway, if you look at the facts instead of broadcasting half-truths and outright lies, you’ll find the actual criteria, laid out by the Obama administration, as to why those countries were chosen…
(ii) Criteria In making a determination under clause (i), the Secretary shall consider—
I’m looking, looking, looking…and yet I can’t find any mention of ‘Muslim’ as a criteria for banning travel. So much for a ‘Muslim Ban’. Shame even Andrew Neil is peddling the same lie.
The fabrication of such a wilfully misleading narrative, that this is a war on Muslims, is highly dangerous. It is a narrative that so many apparently sensible people seem to promote unthinkingly as they jump on the anti-Trump bandagon, all reason and thought pushed out so desperate are they to trash Trump. The Telegraph’s normally reasoned Con Coughlin falls into the trap…
Donald Trump stoking a clash of civilisations only plays into the hands of Islamist terrorists
However it is not Trump who is ‘stoking a clash of civilisations’ it is the likes of the BBC and Coughlin who have invented a massive and dangerous lie that feeds directly into the Muslim radical’s own narrative of an Islam under attack by falsely claiming Trump is targeting Muslims.
Anything else of interest in US immigration policy?
(a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States:
(1) Health-related grounds
(A) In general Any alien—
(i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance; [1]
is inadmissible.
(2) Criminal and related grounds
(A) Conviction of certain crimes
(i) In general Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of—
(I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense) or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime, or(II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of title 21),is inadmissible.
Obama deported 2.5 million immigrants, 90% of whom were criminals judging by 2015 figures….thus backing up Trump’s assertion that uncontrolled mass immigration brings a lot of unwanted and unnecessary crime.
So got a disease and you can’t enter the US….shock and outrage? No. No petition to ban Obama from the UK was there?…and never mind that he dropped 30,000 bombs on ‘Muslims’ last year alone. No clash of civilisations? Perhaps the BBC thinks Obama is a Muslim so it’s OK…Muslim on Muslim.
Remember Folks you didn’t hear it on the BBC first. Oh now that is a surprise
As I posted here earlier. The BBC ” You heard it here last “.
Looking forward to hearing the cries of hatred from the usual george soros funded leftard rent-a-thung leftards, hate not hope, jeremy the garden gnome corbyn, tiny tim farron and the rest of out deludional dhimmified politicians. News of the marches to protest outside out side of the embassies of the Gulf states at their homophobic actions. I mean this has two of the BBC’s favorite types of people involved Gays and the POROP Peretually Offended Religion Of Peace aka islam. Over to you BBC and give us another example of that legendry BBC balanced and in depth investigative journalism
they simply won’t mention it because it depicts one particular set of beliefs as it is and it does not fit into the plan. that belief comes before gays in their plan. the left has already abandoned gays in favour of that belief. it was only needed to make numbers and create support. but gays and trans still do not know. there are already very angry feminists who chuck trans out of their previously cuddling safe spaces. eventually it will be full che guevara because the two do not reconcile. print this out and keep it for 2025 circa
Gulf states to introduce medical testing on travellers to ‘detect’ gay people and stop them from entering the country
I suppose its a good thing. Else they would be forced to throw homosexuals from tall buildings, and the BBC will have to fake the news, or ignore it.
Next time on a stopover I am so going to have Abba blaring on the iPod as I stroll through looking fab-u-lous!
With Jezza Bowen’s personal email primed and ready on the iPhone.
Guest Who
Let me know and I will lend you my Judas Priest albums to put on your ipod as Rob Halford he of Judas Priest is Gay….Two things to annoy muslims gays and music
A poll today shows 49% of Brits think ‘Trump the great’ should visit 29% don’t think he should visit.
What’s that noise I hear from BBC Kremlin… Whaaaaa, whaaa, whaa.
Jerry Owen you do realise that that would require the BBC to accept a democratic decision that was not in accordence with the BBC agenda
President Trump should visit.
He was elected saying and implementing what he said he was going to do,
I wish all uk politicians di the same.
Having said that,its all entertaining.
I noticed from some of the comments being made by beeboid interviewees yesterday and this morning that they were debating whether Mr Trump’s visit could possibly be downgraded to just a visit from a foreign head of state, rather than a State Visit. ….and the excuse they wanted to peddle for that backtrack (although any offence caused by such was not even considered) was that it was ‘just too early in his presidency for a State Visit, after all, what had he done for the world yet ?’
Cue absolute silence, when the next pause could have been filled with the question “….and just what did Mr Obama do to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize so early in his presidency, and where’s the evidence that you were all so affronted by that move, that you publicly and vociferously campaigned for that ceremony not to be take place ?
The Biased Bilge Corporation strikes (or not, as the case may be)again.
The LGBTQXZY community. Best described as a group of suicidal maniacs, the equivalent to a Jewish Waffen-SS division or Waco on steroids.
Never in the history of life on earth, has an error of judgement of this magnitude taken place…..All the while, taking place with limitless amounts of information available to prevent this biblical fuck up from happening!
New phrase for epic levels of self inflicted pain and suffering in the English language: “Doing a LGBTQ”
I wonder what gaydar technology the bedouin boffins have come up with?
Perhaps they play them Judy Garland records and see if they start crying. Or maybe they get them to skip over a puddle. Or even ask them to co-ordinate a random set of coloured cloth swatches.
What ever it is it is likely to be incomprehensibly clever to our poor kafir intellect. After all the islamic world is the undisputed scientific powerhouse of the entire world for the last 1000 years.
“I wonder what gaydar technology the bedouin boffins have come up with?”
Spacemonkey, if you refuse to f##k the camel you must be gay.
The story is dated 2013. As far as I know there isn’t an effective “gay” test in existence. That said, a few countries including our buxom buddies the dirty Saudis have the death penalty for homosexuality…. yet the libtards still don’t realise how toxic Islam is to their ‘values’.
I am not aware of one either but most muslims are too thick to know that. They live in the stone age.
Please don’t slander stone age people. They were the first to take steps to civilisation, by using tools – stone tools.
A medical test to detect homosexuals? The mind boggles. How do you do that? One can detect HIV but that doesn’t mean that you are a homosexual.
The story is a little old but had it been current I would have suggested that this is fake news. Kuwait develops a medical test????? Has any Middle Eastern state (excluding Israel) ever developed a medical test?