What does the BBC do with your licence money? Apart from skimming off massive sums to pay itself and its ‘Stars’ a huge amount of that money to live lives that most licence fee payers could never aspire to, and then, because they are ‘celebrities’, abuse that privileged position to tell those licence fee payers how ignorant, stupid, bigoted and racist they are. Not just the BBC of course but so much of the Establishment as well.
Thus we get Brexit and Trump as the lowly worms turn. But there is another, darker side to this, an uglier dimension to the BBC’s world view that they propagate.
The BBC keeps telling us that Britain is brutally divided by Brexit. I’m unsure how they think any general election in which several parties take a share of the vote is less ‘divisive’ than a highly democratic referendum in which there are only two sides and a clear winner….and yet the country continued without riots or civil disorder after the election. It’s a simple term that trips easily off the tongue but one that is extremely harmful and the BBC knows that. Keep telling the nation that it is brutally divided, that people are angry and disenfranchised by Brexit, that those ‘left behind’ Remainders must not be forgotten and people start to believe it and you successfully whip up a narratve of grievance, anger, fear and discontent and give it justification…when none is due….Brexit was about leaving the EU there is no cherry picking the bits that Remain want which in total would mean we stay in the EU.
This is a narrative manufactured in order to create some sort of guilt that Remain voter’s needs are being ignored and thus they must be accommodated…not sure how that works as they want to stay in the EU…how do you negotiate that whilst fulfilling the obligation to leave the EU? Just a trick to try and force concessions out of May.
But such a narrative has other effects especially when combined with the BBC’s other two fictions, one , that the referendum vote was stolen by Leave lies, and two, Brexit has given licence to racism and hate…neither of course true but that doesn’t stop the BBC propagating such lies. That BBC narrative is also the template for their reporting about Trump and his election.
The effect of those three narratives is to give licence to the Left, to Remain voters, to like-minded anti-Trump agitators, to mount often violent and certainly threatening campaigns against anyone who doesn’t hold the same values and beliefs as them. The BBC and like-minded media have enabled the thugs, anti-Semites and fascists [who of course are socialists] to use violence, threats and intimidatory language to try and silence their opponents…..just where did the British man who tried to shoot Trump get his anger from? He more than likely got it from the BBC narrative that Trump is a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a danger to the world. And hot off the press….a prison guard killed in the US…blamed partly on Trump due to the false stories and massive exaggerations about him no doubt….
Authorities have stormed a prison block in the US state of Delaware, ending a 24-hour hostage standoff that left one prison officer dead.
One of the prisoners told a local newspaper they were protesting against US President Donald Trump…Everything that he did. “All the things that he’s doing now. We know that the institution is going to change for the worse.”
You can see the direct effect of this in the US where a Milo talk had to be abandoned due to massive violence at the venue……the rioters given licence to attack Milo by the likes of the BBC who denounce him and his like as Far Right racists and thus it is OK to attack him…
Riot Forces Cancellation Of Yiannopoulos Talk At UC Berkeley
BERKELEY, Calif. (CBS SF/AP) — Protesters armed with bricks and fireworks mounted an assault on the building hosting a speech by polarizing Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopoulos Wednesday night, forcing the event’s cancellation.
Several injuries have been reported and at least four banks have been vandalized after demonstrators marched away from the scene of a violent protest at the canceled speaking event by controversial far-right writer and speaker Yiannopoulos on the University of California at Berkeley campus.
The BBC’s et al’s coverage of police shootings of black men in the US as racist must similarly have contributed to the many subsequent murders of police officers in ‘retaliation’…when we know that so many of the shootings of black men were not at the hands of white officers and that the shootings the BBC repeatedly still use as examples of police racism were in fact fully justified as born out by the facts which are fully available…such as in the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson.
The BBC is the real danger to democracy, free speech and a stable, cohesive society.
‘I do wish the BBC wouldn’t do this”.
A. Member of the British public they really don’t speak for on most things now.
I don’t really object to the bBBC paying quite a lot to talented performers – except that it’s a major transfer of our taxes to the homosexual ‘community’ – but what I do really object to is them paying several hundred of their own staff six-figure salaries when they have no talent except the ability to read the Guardian.
If you take a page of the Guardian and fold it four times, Sir Arthur, you’ll find that it exactly fits the autocue screen used by the readers on the ‘News’ at 6!
The only reason that particular rag is scaling down to tabloid format, is that the Beeb are changing their kit to a smaller autocue screen!
I thought you might like to know this!
Just got my petition response about revoking the bBC licence. It will be upto us as of April 2017. Then after getting a crap response from the bBC after your complaint, you can take it to OFCOM. I suggest this site has an entry whereby our failed or successful complaints can be logged. Without an independent register to check what OFCOM does, we can easily get fobbed off by yet another QUANGO.
I have used the OFCOM process many years ago when I complained about the lies spouted by Livingstone, on his sat morn LBC show. The process was that the section under dispute, I had to tell them who, the station and the time. Then they get the recording from the broadcaster and adjudicate. OK so far, but if memory serves me right then the outcome is kept secret. That is why it will be best to keep another record. In reality the full process will have to be investigated.
I have just checked with OFCOM, I am correct except about the bit of secrecy. The complaint is published and the adjudication stated. However, what about bias by omission, they did not broadcast, how is that done? I have just got it confirmed from OFCOM, bias by omission WILL NOT be covered by them.
OFCOM is just window-dressing. An expensive, bloated, toothless wonder. Typical of so-called “regulation” in the UK.
A bit like the Data Protection Act in the uniquely exempted hands of the BBC:
They are the world’s most trusted broadcaster, transparently.
As one is sure J Chan agrees.
But the BBC, uniquely, don’t need independent regulation. There is a complaints procedure and Board of Trustees. Both work perfectly.
Both based on Helen Boaden’s email model, when she was Head of Editorial complaints.
I thought you might find the following link regarding free speech etc enlightening:
Would Gary Lineker be someone who should be permitted to stray offside behind the goals and address the crowds for their madness in voting Brexit?
What is it with bBC Chatmeisters and DJ’s which seems to infer upon them the right to lecture and ha-rang us with their views ………..at our expense.
£2 million has been mentioned for Gary Crisps.
two million pounds sterling……..per annum.
Why should anyone take any notice of a thick ex-footballer’s views on anything except football ?
Why don’t those who wish to remain in the EU sod off to an EU country? They have two years in which to get organised; just get on and do it if you think this country is so bad. Of course they won’t because they’re hypocritical and full of shit like just the rest of the illiberal, infantile left-wing, self-styled intelligentsia. I despise them