Started already. Headline on BBC website: “French soldier shoots attacker at Louvre”.
What bastards French soldiers are, eh? Ah until you read the next line: “A French soldier guarding the Louvre in Paris has shot a man who tried to attack a security patrol with a machete shouting “Allahu Akbar”, police say.”
So the headline ought to have been: “Islamist Terrorist stopped by Brave French Soldier”
I venture to make 2 predictions about Al-bibistan from now on:
1) All islamophobic incidents (real or imagined) will henceforth be laid at the feet of Trump.
2) Islamic acts of terror, especially against the US, will also be blamed on Trump or slyly linked to his policies in some way.
The attitude will be a mix of, Well what do you expect… he asked for it… serve him right…
All deviously couched in the ‘impartial’ language of ‘some people blame Trump’ for this latest bombing…
Not us guv, we’re just reporting what we hear. (Yes, at the bibistan water cooler!)
“There has been a worrying spike in cases of Kafiraphobia since Muhammed’s “revelations” in 622AD.
Tens of thousands of reported cases of Kafirs being raped, tortured, ensalved, mutilated and murdered have been documented across the world in what campaigners are describing as a “hate crime” epademic. In some cases, Kafirs have even been verbally insulted in the street.
No politicans have come forward to say that the fault lies with the demonisation of Kafirs in the Islamic texts’ misrepresntation of the entire Kafir community as evil, sinful heretics who should be subjagated by the superior ummah.
Jimmy Infidel, from the Dhimmi Council of Great Britain, added: “The vast majority of Kafirs are peaceful, loving people and heresy is a religion of peace. But, with Muhammed in charge, things will continue to get worse. This is a man who grabbed a nine-year-old girl by the pussy, beheaded hundreds of Jews, said he wants gays killed and advocated slavary and sexual slavery.”
An online petition of Muslims to condemn Muhammed has attracted zero signitures so far.”
Louvre, Paris, 3 February 2017
The BBC has learnt that a vicious attack made by a French soldier on a man without arms at the Louvre earlier this morning was instigated by the Russian authorities. The callously exploited victim was an unfortunate, mentally disturbed, lone wolf, right wing, Norwegian Christian. After an extensive search by security police his identity card, proving all of the above, was found under the seat of a lorry left in a nearby street. Luckily, the security services were completely aware that an attack was imminent but, unfortunately, his killer car accomplice made an audacious escape. We have to be thankful that a female Islamic hero was able to save 15,000 white art lovers found cringing in the museum basement. Despite earlier eye witness accounts that the attacker shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ they have all been completely discredited. The attacker’s face book page displays an unhealthy interest in Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler. Please disregard any fake news reports you may hear otherwise a storm, which has not yet been named, may come and take you away while you’re sleeping.
Name… Excellent post. If only more people realised how many of your jokes are just the things the BBC has said in an attempt to excuse islamist barbarism. I’m sure the BBC will use a selection of them to excusde the would be murderer in this case. You should make a bingo card with all the known excuses prepared and ticked off when the BBC uses them.
Mariella Frostrup yesterday on Radio 4 ‘Open Book’ asked the children’s author A L Kennedy ‘is there a sense when you are writing a book for children that you do need to introduce themes that have a correlation to real life, I mean its just such a great chance isn’t it to influence young minds?’. at 21 mins 19 seconds/
I was absolutely horrified but what a glimpse of a BBC mind. Firstly why cannot a book just be there to be enjoyed – it is why Harry Potter was such a success (I dislike the politics of the author but in general she keeps it out of her stories). But that children’s minds should be influenced through their reading – I presume on issues like climate change, acceptance of transgender, views on immigration etc etc – not said but implied. I presume it is the BBC mindset that they are there to influence minds in everything they do.
“is there a sense when you are writing a book for children that you do need to introduce themes that have a correlation to real life, I mean its just such a great chance isn’t it to influence young minds?”.Years ago it was called Sunday school reading stories from the bible thus making a connection between scripture and real life situations. Funny I can never see this discussion being aired on Radio 4s ‘Open Book’
Foxcote -parents sending their children to Sunday School are not looking for impartiality – but it is what I should expect from the BBC, (but have given up on).
All good books for children, in fact all stories ever written, ‘introduce themes that have a correlation to real life’. How could they do otherwise?
C.S. Lewis’ books for example introduce children to ideas of self-sacrifice and redemption. Even Famous Five books introduce ideas of self-reliance, looking out for your friends, doing the right thing when the wrong thing is easier, etc.
What R4 lefties mean by ‘themes that have a correlation to real life’ is, I suspect, whatever progressive ‘isshoos’ are popular in Islington salons this week.
BBC News ————– BBC Middle East News ————–
India Times – Kuwait has banned nationals from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It said the ban included on tourism, visit and trade visas as well as visas sponsored by spouses. The ban was attributed to the “difficult security conditions”
Financial Express – Kuwaiti slaps visa ban on 5 Muslim countries, including Pakistan
You d have thought a sudden visa ban, of Muslim countries nationals would be news
BBC … the BBC seems very keen to keep it news,
unless that is … its not D Trump … and Still no report
Middle East news appears to be this …
BBC ME – Amona settlers have to be dragged from homes by Israeli police
BBC ME – New Israel settlements ‘may harm’ peace
BBC ME – Protesters cleared from West Bank outpost (outpost? interesting term BBC).
Appears to be a certain fixation BBC, bit like the UNHRC, and no room for the Kuwaiti “Muslim Ban”.
Ah Well! this is real news though
BBC – Nadiya What’s it like to be British, female and Muslim? Nadiya – The Full interview with Nadiya Hussain Nadiya – on anti-Muslim abuse: ‘I thought, gosh, what have I done’
BBC – Why non Muslim women are all wearing the hijab
“Women in America have walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab for World Hijab Day” 1000s of “solidarity selfies” were posted all across the social media.
The BBC was there, and asked non-Muslim women why they decided to don the headscarf.
WARNING – do not hold anything fragile if you watch the Al BBC report.
Today is the only bit of BBC output that I consume and it rarely fails to disappoint. Thursday’s programme early on was all over some allegations (not yet tested in a criminal court I believe) from 40 years ago about a former acquaintance of the current Archbishop of Canterbury involving child abuse, including beatings – frankly about the same stuff that went on in my church school in Newcastle in the 70’s. It was mentioned at least three times in the first hour of the programme.
Compare with Today’s coverage today (I listened on and off between 6-7am) of the sentencing of a Muslim rape gang yesterday for the vicious and prolonged sexual abuse, including rape, of girls aged 12 and 13 in Rotherham, topped off by these scumbags (and their supporters) shouting “Alan’s snackbar” as they were taken down. This story wasn’t even mentioned in the summary of the news. It’s a disgrace.
Jack M, the suspect in that case was introduced on the BBC news as ‘barrister and evangelical Christian’. Have you EVER heard a suspect in any case referred to as a Muslim? And the ‘abuse’ seemed to amount to corporal punishment, which was legal at that time anyway.
Given how much the BBC loves petitions against the democratic will, as expressed by Brexit and Trump’s election, I think Brendan O’Neill’s analysis of the anti-Milo (essentially anti-Trump) riot at UC Berkeley yesterday bears repeating:
“So last night’s mad, mob-like behaviour at Berkeley tells us a bigger story about the 21st century. It speaks to a shift from earlier generations that wanted to be treated as adults, as free, political creatures, to a new generation that wants to be infantilised, and which infantilises itself in fact, seemingly not trusting itself to be fully adult. ‘Give us freedom!’, cried the student radicals of the 1960s. ‘Protect us!’, cry so-called student radicals today.”
“Free, political creatures”. A group the BBC hates.
Yes, his campness is a bit much, but part of his act. You are right, he is so much more intelligent than the Lefties and funnier (that would not be difficult ). They hate him.
I loved his comment in yesterday’s interview with Tucker when Tucker said some people accuse him of racism. Milo said “well, they should come to one of my talks or into my bedroom “. Priceless.
At an American college a SJW accused Milo of being racist to which he replied:
‘The amount of black cock I’ve had I must be the most self loathing racist in history’. Cue laughs from the audience and illiterate chanting from the snowfalkes!
Hi Rick, I agree in this interview he was a little bold with his hands but he is gay and that’s how we express ourselves. A point that he made which I found fascinating and until now really didn’t think about it or analyse was how it’s very divisive when you pander to every inindividual movement. What looks like politicians taking an interest and showing concern is actually hollow and shallow. Politically manipulating them to believe that only a certain type of political party can stand up for them. He does express a view that being gay, or a feminist, or black, or an immigrant, those labels tend to automatically send out a message that you are a certain type of voter. Sadly I see things getting worse and BBC is not an asset but a huge liability.
Quite agree. Milo also makes the point that the Left assume that all “minority groups” get along well together whereas, in reality, they don’t. Mind you Leftism has nothing to do with reality.
I love Milo ( not in that sense ! ) and I posted here before that he has a book coming out in march “Dangerous”. I would not normally buy these kinds of book, but may make an exception for this one. I expect to be laughing out loud.
Yes, I would buy Milo’s book for the same reason as I bought Geert Wilders “Marked for Death”. Milo may not have been chased around his house by an axe-wielding Muslim maniac but he must be taking some risk. We all know how touchy the Goat-Shaggers of Qom can be.
‘where the President of the United States of America openly threatens to remove federal funding from one of the world’s premiere universities because it canceled an address by the tech editor of an online publication.’
Any student of that Uni swallows that, I have some sodium mines in the Somerset Levels to sell them.
‘Steve Sternberg from The Sternberg Report, February 2, 2017 at 4:07 p.m.
The phrase “we can’t independently verify, but…” has become an all-too-often preamble to presenting something that may well be untrue. CNN and MSNBC actually do this at least as much, if not more, than Fox News.’
By the way, Far Left Professor Robert Reich of UC Berkeley, is claiming that the rioters may have been Right Wing and , in effect, the whole thing is a set-up. Milo on Breitbart says that he believes the police were in collusion with the University and agreed to do nothing. Now, who am I to believe ?
The BBC excelled itself last night with BBC4’s ‘History’s Greatest Fibs’. I knew it would be laughable but I didn’t realise just how naked the bias would be. ‘Historian’ Lucy Worsley, someone I hitherto had a degree of respect for, sniggered and smirked her way through a hatchet job on the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which apparently was neither glorious nor a revolution and in fact was something, like all aspects of our history, of which we should be deeply ashamed.
No attempt was made to understand WHY the Glorious Revolution was, and is, so important to our nation. It was implied that all the benefits were for rich white men; Lucy Worsley seemed unable to understand that ALL politics at that time revolved around rich white men.
She viewed the whole thing through a 21st century cultural marxist lens. What a disgusting piece of self-hating revisionism. No wonder we’re in such a state in this country!
She was out of her depth on this subject . Her background is that of a curator and social historian not a political historian. I imagine the script was written by some BBC leftie toad. I’d recommend an alternative TV historian’s view of tbe Glorious Revolution by watching David Starkey.
Yes, it was all about aristocrats as was all politics at that time. But the concessions won by Parliament against the monarchy do deserve the epithet Revolution. Im sure that American Revolution very much relied on it. All the rubbish at the end about Ireland was a sideshow .
She emphasised the Protestant origin of the Revolution by a long section from Northern Ireland, but she couldn’t bring herself to mention the clause in the Bill of Rights guaranteeing that a future government couldn’t reverse the outcome:
“Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law”
In 21st century Britain we might have expected the principle of ending religious discrimination to have resulted in Roman Catholics being given the same rights as Protestants, but the policy of equality has been interpreted to mean that the Protestants are now as disarmed as the Roman Catholics were then. Instead of leveling up to freedom we are leveled down to subjugation.
…has been noticed here before, but there are several good passages in this particular piece, and more on other posts, many of which chime quite a lot with bBeeb ideals!
My apols if it’s been seen before! (It’s from a reliable source)!
Thank you for drawing attention to this site and its relevant and well written articles. It is pieces like those it has published there whivh inform us exactly how the BBC mindset works, especially on its anti white fanaticism
The link came to me from a committed Republican chum, and the stuff he used to send on ex president Obama used to set everyone’s hair on end, so I wondered where this one came from…
Luckily, Google came to the rescue!
I hope others here can see the essays; especially the one about professional politicians. I bet that bBeeb wouldn’t touch it with a bargepole!
Only slightly related to BBC bias, but this explanation of the Antifacist movement and black blocs tells us much concerning the Guardian and BBC’s affinity with the mindless left.
These are the people who will disrupt, with minimal police intervention, President Trump’s visit to the UK.
Lets hope that this latest example of Muslim terror in Paris will persuade another large number of French people to vote for Mme Le Pen. Nonetheless it is unlikely that she will become President of France in May. Perhaps if there are , God forbid , more terrorist attacks the French will come to their senses and realise that unless resolute action is taken France will , at some future date, face a full scale civil war or accept the rule of Islam. Eventually , perhaps at the 2022 election , the French will realise the stark choice that confronts them. Only Mme Le Pen and the FN will take this action. Let us hope that the French elect them in time for them to be able to rectify the situation. Anyway we will be subject to by the BBC to lots of anti Le Pen hysterical coverage and the rise of Racism, Facism etc.
As to this attack, All the usual platitudes will be wheeled out, lone wolf, mental issues, nothing to do with Islam etc etc . At least the French police chief has clearly said that the terrorist was shouting Muslim twaddle , so the BBC can’t say that the motive for attack is unclear.
I think its unlikly as France is more socialist than we are. France could do with a huge political upheaval such as the jolt Mme Le Pen would give. I’ve just read The Spectator and it worth noting that Fillian Macron may be called a French socialist but he’s no overt communist either (like Hollande was). Considered favourite by some. But then another Islamic atrocity on french soil could swing it to Ms Pen nationally. I hope so but French politics is more opaque than our own. Much more devious and weird.
The French constitution works against Le Pen. It was drawn up to suit De Gaulle. The two round election makes it impossible to win unless a candidate can attract over 50 per cent of the vote and so round two is marked by tactical voting . I’m sure that some non FN centre right voters will vote tactically for Le Pen but will enough socialists ? She is trying to appeal to the left too, however . Maybe it will be enough but I doubt it .
U.K. Judges Throw Out Brexit Lawsuit Seeking Single-Market Vote
I had to get this from Bloomberg as there is no mention of it on bbc.con. Which is strange as it’s another attempt to muddy brexit waters and they were all over the last one like a cheap suit. Why would this be? Maybe because the plaintiff(s) lost and the result is therefore off-message to the Trotskyist news chiefs at the anti-British broadcasting corporation?
For those that petitioned ‘Revoke the BBC Charter’ petition to Parliament can relax as it ‘all under control’ for another 11 years. In that time the BBC have to pull their socks up, less overt political bias (or OfCOm wil say something) and provide light hearted ‘entertainment’ for the liberals who are ‘under represented’ and need a platform to ‘express themselves’ both sexually and poltically. This is called BBC ‘opinion’ and ‘balanced reporting’ of a mainstream broadcaster with a 70% monopoly of TV and Radio. Uniquelly funded and priviliged.
For those of us still in doubt that the ‘BBC Charter’ is an outstanding Guarantee of past and future EU political impartiality, UK commercial Independance and UK democratic values will find its business as usual for the time being. But this surely is the last Charter, the last chance to reform itself.
I can’t believe that this petition only attracted 13000 votes . I must admit I wasn’t aware of it and I hadn’t seen it publicised on here. The Government’s response was drivel . Our only chance to achieve change us at the 5 year review stage .
Tucked away in Sheffield news
BBC – Six men have been jailed for sexually abusing two girls who they plied with alcohol and cannabis. One girl was 11 when the assaults began and was made pregnant at 12. The second girl was 13. The offences took place between 1999 and 2001 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
Two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock after sentencing.
Allah Ackbar? … were they muslim then BBC?
The judge is at fault here, he should have immediately recalled them, and increased the term by 10 years … and be ready to increase it again with any further utterance.
You can be sure that shouting Allah ackibar as they were being led away sent a clear message to the judge that they were entitled to all the privileges that people of their faith are entitled, prayer, facilities, special diet, and an exalted position within the prison hierarchy.
Can you imagine what would happen to prisoners who shouted, God save the Queen or British people first?
Three cases completed , some six to go according to the Mail ( that’s just for Rotherham and I doubt that 9 trials will ensure that all 1400 victims will ever get justice). The BBC gives little publicity to these sentences , as others have pointed out . Are they a deterrent ( all out in 5-10 years with parole ) and is such abuse in Rotherham and other such places now definitely stopped ?
Under Sharia law isn’t adultery which is what these vile assaults on children are punishable by stoning to death. Perhaps we could get Chaudery to cast the first stone?
Still the BBC fails to report this.
The odious and disgraced Liam Fox, gives Hunt, May, and Hammond a break from lying.
The UK government is not aiming to change anything of any substance. Britain will virtually keep the an identikit EU tariff system
“In order to minimise disruption to global trade as we leave the EU, over the coming period the Government will prepare the necessary draft schedules which replicate as far as possible our current obligations”.
Yep!, our industrious trade department is working day and night on replicating the status quo
and there s more
This nose growing extraordinaire then dismisses NHS takeover fears – Trade secretary says idea of allowing in US healthcare providers is an urban myth and ‘won’t happen on my watch’ errr … he knows full well, that is exactly what J Redwood and Oliver Letwin are busy doing and have been, with Hunt and May barefaced lying about it
… We require a clear out of the lot of them
Newspaper headline in my newsagent here quoting Prince Harry to the effect that Trump is a threat. Now I know that it is not his fault that he probably inherited part of his IQ from his parents but , if he had any sense, he would keep his mouth shut. God forbid that he becomes as big a buffoon as his father.
I don’t think the BBC has reported this yet, but you can be sure they will.
EU deputy Swedish woman not happy with Trump’s pick for US EU Ambassador because, ‘he does not believe’ in the EU. Well, the EU isn’t keen on Trump, so what.
Seems like the EU is rather like a school class who’ve had a sappy teacher (Obama) but now a more strict replacement has turned up, in the form of Trump, and they don’t like it. Sadly for Merkel etc., a German Chancellor can never equate with a US President.
Gaxvil, this is exactly what I’ve been thinking. The left in general are like a class that’s been used to having a dopey liberal teacher who lets them do what they want, but now a traditional teacher strong on discipline has turned up. The question is, will they knuckle down and eventually respect him, or will they cause havoc until he is broken?
Here is one they prepared ‘much’ earlier !…………..
“Why France is struggling to cope with the terror threat”
“Once again France must contemplate an attack on its people, but what was the motivation and why was it not stopped? ”
Sadly not RJ. Of the 5 shots, 4 missed and one hit lower abdomen which suggests, much like our so frequently labelled police ‘marksmen’, that it was panic rather than cold professionalism behind the trigger.
Beltane, thank you for the correction. I’d picked up the details this morning from the BBC reports that he’d been shot 5 times. I should have known better.
The bBC Charter…………cast your mind back to the disabling of Mr Whittingdale
by methods commonplace in Soviet Union tactics just at the point where he might have been concluding that the bBC organ needed extensive surgery.
The allegations that PM Cameron tried to silence the Mail makes you wonder about Mr Whittingdale’s demise although they may be unconnected, of course.
Two state funded long standing enquiries are coming under fire, the behaviour of the British army in Iraq and the behaviour of the British army in Northern Ireland. Questions are being asked about how the authorities are handling them and about the fairness of the investigations . Of course yesterday the execrable Phil Shiner has been struck off for lying amongst other things. But We all know how keenly the BBC hung on every word that Shiner said when he defamed our soldiers and how they swallowed everything he said without challenge, how they gave him a nation wide platform to spout his lies and to defame our soldiers and the army. The stance of the BBC is very similar in NI , believe every claim by the IRA terrorists and give them a platform to accuse the British army. The BBC is not neutral or impartial , it actively supports those who are trying to undermine the army.
From a wider perspective you have to ask how on earth these enquiries were ever set up by the government of the time in the first place. My view is that these enquiries are actually symptom of the liberal left hatred of Britain and its key institutions. I believe that most British people still support the army and other services. I hope they see the fact that these enquiries were even set up as showing how far the country has moved down the liberal left path and how the BBC is just a leftist anti British propagandist . Perhaps Brexit is showing that at last the British people are waking up to what has been done to the country and that only by using their vote can they influence the future path the country takes.
If you signed the, “Revoke the BBC Charter” petition, you will have had an email telling you how super the BBC is and how it will be even better in the future.
“The Charter has given the BBC a new public mission, which is
To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.
In addition, the new Charter and Framework Agreement will:
○ enhance the distinctiveness of BBC content – the BBC’s Mission and Public Purposes have been reformed to reflect this requirement;
○ reform the governance and regulation of the BBC – the new BBC Board will be responsible for governing the BBC, and Ofcom will take on the regulation of the BBC;
○ prioritise the independence of the BBC – the Charter explicitly recognises the need for the BBC to be independent and the BBC will appoint a majority of Board members;
○ ensure the financial stability of the BBC – the licence remains as the key source of funding for the the next period;
○ ensure that the BBC’s impact on the market is proportionate to the public benefits it delivers and, where possible, positive for both the public and commercial organisations – the BBC is also obliged to work closely with others, and share its knowledge, research, and expertise, for wider public benefit;
○ make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent in its operations and the important information it shares, including the salaries of its employees and talent earning more than £150,000; and
○ ensure that the BBC serves all nations and regions and is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom – through a new operating licence regime, specific Board representation and the continuation of production targets
These reforms will mean the BBC can continue to thrive, deliver for audiences, and act as an engine of creativity and growth for the UK.
The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.
Ofcom, the trusted media and communications regulator, will take on regulation of the BBC. Following the end of the transition period, from 3 April 2017 Ofcom will be able to monitor and review how well the BBC is meeting its mission and public purposes; regulate editorial standards; hold the BBC to account over market impacts and public value; and consider appeals from industry, after they have complained to the BBC.
The BBC is also subject to Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, which provides that news, in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.
So another Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. One for the most important department at
BBC news ” The Diversity Department.” ” OK boys lets get to work. Make sure that we don’t
have the views of any indigenous Parisian. We want the views of ethnic folk who happen to be near by. Better even still if they look Muslim. ” I am not quite sure what you mean Faisel?”
” Come on Seamus ,even positive discrimination wont save you if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” How many times have I got to tell you to watch Riz Lateef’s and Assad Ahmed’s
Londonistan programme to understand what interviews I want shown!!”
Oh! Joy of Joy’s! BBC News at One R4 today: BBC reporter summarising DT’s week so far – first 100 days. What with the halting of some Middle Eastern countries nationals being banned from entering the US and swiftly on to, just, banning Government employees from becoming lobbyists for 5 years – boy is this guy going to town! Indeed, I am personally so enthralled at all the good he is doing that, with some of DT’s choice expressions interspersing the report, I actually took great pleasure in joining in. Confession time: I joined in, actually shouting at the top of my voice, along with the recording of DT: “DRAIN THE SWAMP”. I imagine it will be an oft used expression in the UK come the next election……….
Never mind first 100 days, even Donald Trump’s first 100 hours were impressive! I just hope he has the best personal security because otherwise certain vested interests might arrange a little ‘accident’.
Robinson interviewing cyber crime specialist on Today this morning, concerns being about Putin’s cyber attacks on the West and in particular his perceived (by the BBC/Left) role during the US elections. The phrase quoted by Robinson in his introduction to reflect the concerns of our security services re Putin was ‘peddling false news in a post-truth era’ which he immediately followed up with ‘that could be Donald Trump, couldn’t it?’
Robinson is pathetic. He should have specified what false news Trump is peddling. Prick is totally unaware that the biggest peddlers of false news are the BBC.
Beeboids still have not got over the fall of the Soviet Union. Their little world fell apart then and it is falling apart again now.
‘Robinson is pathetic. He should have specified what false news Trump is peddling’
That would require getting out from behind the safety zone of his ‘sources who say’ one degree of separation safety zone, jealously guarded by BBC complaints and FOI DPA depts.
The BBC would crumble if it had to back up its fake news and bent allusions.
“Sources who say” is the best you’ll ever get from bBeeb, Guest.
They rabidly promote ‘investigations’ where they’ve cobbled together negative comments from a few minor journos on provincial papers, then join up all the lines and spend a million quid on a programme ‘hosted’ by a half-wit, gabbling twaddle and trying to look serious.
Nearly all their ‘investigations’ are negative ‘observations’ (they’ll never actually try and find out the truth, they just watch from the safety of the sidelines), of the NHS, the police, law and order etc.
If they’re so diverse, why not send a team to North Korea and get a story there? They could send Orla Guerin!
In another flagrant case of islamophobia and racism, a French white supremacist, in full vigilante uniform, has shot an innocent visitor to the Louvre for being of Mediterranean appearance.
Little is known about the victim other than that he was a doctor or an engineer, possibly both, and had nothing to do with Islam, which as Saint Hussein kept telling us is a religion of peace – or was that pieces?
According to our BBC Arts Correspondent, P. Galle, the man would have been going to admire the acme of Western art and culture.
Sources have told us that since the election of racist islamophobic Trump, people of Mediterranean appearance have taken to arming themselves with machetes as a defensive measure in the climate of fear created by Brexit.
This vid celebrates the Shiite practice of self-flagellation.
It’s a wonderful cultural tradition where you smack yourself on the head with the
flat of a sword until you bleed. Alternatively you can cut up your back.
It’s an ancient tradition predating Islam. But now you are doing this to mourn
for your messiah Husayn. It’s a special holiday, Ashura. Those stuffy Wahhabists in
Saudi don’t approve of this. It’s too progressive for them. But what the heck!
You have your own Mosque, Karbala.
Unfortunately they stop before they die. I am quite happy for them to injure themselves, but it translates into violence against other people and terrorism. Maybe the BBC could make one of their famous investigative documentaries into this quaint, traditional practice. At the end of the day, it is just a muslim equivalent of morris dancing.
PS. I have seen similar practices in West Africa, but it does not seem to lead to terrorism. There must be another factor involved in the case of muslims. I wonder what ?
US businesses added 227,000 jobs in January, way above economists’ forecasts of about 175,000.
…the jobs growth suggests that new president Donald Trump has inherited a stronger jobs market.
BBC news channel acknowledge French authorities have made a statement that this was being treated as terrorism.
BBC man on the spot Jonny Diamond tells us the attacker shouted:
“God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic”
But our Jonny seems to be a bit slow on the uptake: he tells us:
“we’re still waiting to see what his motives were”
Perhaps someone could explain to our Jonny.
The BBC man does admit “these attacks are becoming common across Europe”
So seeing as the BBC are having to do a lot of reporting on such incidents, perhaps it’s time the BBC held a staff training day and told their reporters all about Islamic Jihad and the war on the West.
Because these people keep telling us what their motivation is, but the likes of our Jonny can’t bring himself to believe them.
Grant – Perhaps he was in possession of a Halal felt-tip pen and wanted to draw a hijab on the Mona Lisa to preserve her modesty. You know what those French infidels are like when they glimpse a strand or two of female hair.
Anyway, hopefully it will translate into a few more votes for Marine Le Pen.
Actually it was rather more meaningful Grant. That vile picture of the bare-headed Mona Lisa, sneering at all proper female values and behaviour, deserved a good swipe with a machete.
An evaluation of the misunderstood and unfairly assaulted Muslim art critic’s motives by Will Gompertz will be on Newsnight at 10.35.
“To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.”
Additional egs
“make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent”
“is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom”
Still Metrobubbleworld
“The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.”
Yeh right!
‘Over the last 12 months can you tel me how many shows you have broadcast on your Asian network that have either been for/in the language of/played music from China, Japan and Korea.’
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and wil not be doing so on this occasion.
That spelling mistake is in every refusal, so the template is as dire as it is cynical.
* Of course there is a twitter page: “Celebrating British Asian life, culture and music. On DAB Digital Radio, Online and on Mobile”
* To a legitimate request to provide information simply on how those cultures from Asia are served, the BBC has refused to do so, for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature’.
i would dearly love to hear Lord Hall Hall, James Purnell, James Harding or even A. Newsroom Tealady explain that to Andrew Neil on a BBC 1 show like BBC QT.
Allahu Akbar is French for Where is the Mona Lisa?
Don’t you peasants know anything?
Or is it ‘The Mona Lisa’s 11 year old daughter’? I only did French up to O-level.
I read an EPG blurb for Feedback on R4 which ponders “Do interviews with President Trump supporters reuire more care -or even censorship?” Says it all really.
Every day the BBC becomes more bizarre. They are exhibiting a collective mental breakdown. Why should interviews with Trump supporters be handled any differently than with anyone else ? The BBC are totally beyond belief.
Precisely. They believe that anyone not followong the BBC line must be channelling Hitler, never Mao or Stalin, or be possessed by Demons. The BBC always deny they have a line, but, of course, by asking this question they prove they do have a line. Taking the same approach to Hilary supporters would never enter their minds. They are not as clever as they think they are.
The line the BBC takes is decided in seminars of like minded Liberal-left middle-class morons with mickey mouse degrees, unemployable useful idiots appointed to taxpayer funded left-wing campaign groups, posing as charities or pseudo-scientific Institutes.
These seminars advise the BBC to censors debate by individuals not approved by the above campaign groups. Victims of this “BBC policy line” are Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers, Tory and Labour Brexiteers, Tory and Labour Scientists, Ukipers, Mensa members, residents of Trumptonshire, Daily Mail and Daily Express readers, and the majority of BBC licence fee payers who voted UKIP in the last European elections, Tory in the last General Election and Brexit in the referendum.
The problem for the BBC is that this policy means that the majority of licence fee payers are now becoming aware that their opinions are now subject to censorship by BBC journalists.
Censoring information is the opposite of Journalism, so the collective mental breakdown at the BBC would eventually result in producing not much news, other than say, headline news about a child with cancer on the day that the Euro currency collapses.
BBC man on the spot Jonny Diamond tells us the attacker shouted:
“God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic”
Since the BBC has set itself up as the arbiter of fake news when they report something we must obey and believe all they say literally. Quite why someone would shout in English “God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic” I am not sure. Maybe he was asking a question and the French couldn’t understand him so he got upset. I await the BBC clarification on this with eagerness. Not!!
‘Allahu Akbar’ emphatically does not mean ‘God is great.’
It means ‘Allah is greatest.’ A totally different ‘god’ and a totally different meaning. The BBC are no longer able to get away with the Norwegian, mental health lone wolfery. Therefore the intent here by al-beeb is to mitigate and misdirect the actual meaning of the words, to the benefit of Islam.
And it’s a warm welcome to this week’s edition of ‘Cram the left liberal Narrative’
Just watched last week’s Call the Midwife with Mrs S.
Yep. In the first two minutes we get dwarves AND Indian Subcontinentals. One sees such combinations not nearly enough on our screens.
Then we have the evil capitalists on the docks making the workforce work unsafely. Queue an accident and the focus on another disability – the problems of a blind person.
Then its over to the Lesbian storyline.
But underpinning it all is the new Sister in Charge at the nunnery. This personnification of evil wants to run the show efficiently and effectively, making midwives spend time on midwifery. Booo. Hiss. They all want to carry on being touchy feely, doing the shopping for their mums to be, running errands, visiting them in perfectly good hospitals. Ah, bless. Obviously no parallels with the evil Tories running the modern day NHS and demanding reactionary things like value-for-money.
It’s just a ceaseless attempt to beat and brainwash the public and smother them in right-on socialism.
Sorry but in a similar vein (banging on about Father Brown again), and set in the 50’s decade , in every episode there has been cast a black character – highly unlikely in this supposed village setting.
The first series of Fortitude (Sky Atlantic) there was a single black actor, now the second series looks an outpost of the Caribbean ! (slight exaggeration, but still)
“BBC – Why non Muslim women are all wearing the hijab
“Women in America have walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab for World Hijab Day” 1000s of “solidarity selfies” were posted all across the social media.
The BBC was there, and asked non-Muslim women why they decided to don the headscarf.
WARNING – do not hold anything fragile if you watch the Al BBC report.”
Infested at every level of the establishment, here in parliament
(what! no “wimmins” marches to stop Islamic female oppression if they refuse to wear it?)
So Iran tests a new, longer range ballistic missile and Kim Ghattas on the BBC news this evening informs us that the “Iranians are showing considerable restraint”, as that nasty man Trump has hurt their feelings. Better still the BBC repeats with a straight face the statement from the regime in Tehran that the missile is being developed for”defensive purposes”.
Oh well back to the Brexit-induced lettuce shortage.
Headline news on the BBC website Ex-Sheffield City Council boss Roger Dodds jailed for sex abuse
But you have to go to the BBC’s Coventry page for Men who trafficked teens for sex jailed but ‘rapist’ still loose
and the Shields Gazette for Married dad caged for grooming underage girl after being spotted by dog walker
I wonder in what way the two later cases differ from Roger‘s so that they deserve less attention.
Phone and computer records revealed Uddin, who had a wife and children, had been supplying the teen with drugs, grooming her and had incited her to engage in sexual activity. Uddin denied wrongdoing but after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court the 35-year-old, of Anderson Street, South Shields, was convicted of meeting a child following sexual grooming, two offences of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two of being concerned in the supply of mephedrone.
The money will be used to fund 150 “local democracy reporters”, funded by the BBC, but employed by “qualifying news organisations”.
Great. Now even when a ‘Black and Decker get nicked’ story is in our local rag, it has to be run via a BBC-approved commissar rejected from their fact-checking unit, first.
I knew about the Paris attack but listening to Radio 2 at work this evening, the news at 5.00 pm had the attack as about the fifth item of the news, I thought they weren’t even going to mention it!
Obviously playing it down while trying to think how to blame it on Trump.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
Started already. Headline on BBC website: “French soldier shoots attacker at Louvre”.
What bastards French soldiers are, eh? Ah until you read the next line: “A French soldier guarding the Louvre in Paris has shot a man who tried to attack a security patrol with a machete shouting “Allahu Akbar”, police say.”
So the headline ought to have been: “Islamist Terrorist stopped by Brave French Soldier”
… Mental Illness?
I venture to make 2 predictions about Al-bibistan from now on:
1) All islamophobic incidents (real or imagined) will henceforth be laid at the feet of Trump.
2) Islamic acts of terror, especially against the US, will also be blamed on Trump or slyly linked to his policies in some way.
The attitude will be a mix of, Well what do you expect… he asked for it… serve him right…
All deviously couched in the ‘impartial’ language of ‘some people blame Trump’ for this latest bombing…
Not us guv, we’re just reporting what we hear. (Yes, at the bibistan water cooler!)
BBC are sooo transparent.
Perhaps they will flip the narrative soon:
“There has been a worrying spike in cases of Kafiraphobia since Muhammed’s “revelations” in 622AD.
Tens of thousands of reported cases of Kafirs being raped, tortured, ensalved, mutilated and murdered have been documented across the world in what campaigners are describing as a “hate crime” epademic. In some cases, Kafirs have even been verbally insulted in the street.
No politicans have come forward to say that the fault lies with the demonisation of Kafirs in the Islamic texts’ misrepresntation of the entire Kafir community as evil, sinful heretics who should be subjagated by the superior ummah.
Jimmy Infidel, from the Dhimmi Council of Great Britain, added: “The vast majority of Kafirs are peaceful, loving people and heresy is a religion of peace. But, with Muhammed in charge, things will continue to get worse. This is a man who grabbed a nine-year-old girl by the pussy, beheaded hundreds of Jews, said he wants gays killed and advocated slavary and sexual slavery.”
An online petition of Muslims to condemn Muhammed has attracted zero signitures so far.”
“An online petition of Muslims to condemn Muhammed ”
Do you have a link for that please? I think I’ll want to monitor that one.
Louvre, Paris, 3 February 2017
The BBC has learnt that a vicious attack made by a French soldier on a man without arms at the Louvre earlier this morning was instigated by the Russian authorities. The callously exploited victim was an unfortunate, mentally disturbed, lone wolf, right wing, Norwegian Christian. After an extensive search by security police his identity card, proving all of the above, was found under the seat of a lorry left in a nearby street. Luckily, the security services were completely aware that an attack was imminent but, unfortunately, his killer car accomplice made an audacious escape. We have to be thankful that a female Islamic hero was able to save 15,000 white art lovers found cringing in the museum basement. Despite earlier eye witness accounts that the attacker shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ they have all been completely discredited. The attacker’s face book page displays an unhealthy interest in Nigel Farage, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler. Please disregard any fake news reports you may hear otherwise a storm, which has not yet been named, may come and take you away while you’re sleeping.
Name… Excellent post. If only more people realised how many of your jokes are just the things the BBC has said in an attempt to excuse islamist barbarism. I’m sure the BBC will use a selection of them to excusde the would be murderer in this case. You should make a bingo card with all the known excuses prepared and ticked off when the BBC uses them.
Cheers Demon, I might give it a go! What’s the biggest card size available?
Mariella Frostrup yesterday on Radio 4 ‘Open Book’ asked the children’s author A L Kennedy ‘is there a sense when you are writing a book for children that you do need to introduce themes that have a correlation to real life, I mean its just such a great chance isn’t it to influence young minds?’. at 21 mins 19 seconds/
I was absolutely horrified but what a glimpse of a BBC mind. Firstly why cannot a book just be there to be enjoyed – it is why Harry Potter was such a success (I dislike the politics of the author but in general she keeps it out of her stories). But that children’s minds should be influenced through their reading – I presume on issues like climate change, acceptance of transgender, views on immigration etc etc – not said but implied. I presume it is the BBC mindset that they are there to influence minds in everything they do.
“is there a sense when you are writing a book for children that you do need to introduce themes that have a correlation to real life, I mean its just such a great chance isn’t it to influence young minds?”.Years ago it was called Sunday school reading stories from the bible thus making a connection between scripture and real life situations. Funny I can never see this discussion being aired on Radio 4s ‘Open Book’
Foxcote -parents sending their children to Sunday School are not looking for impartiality – but it is what I should expect from the BBC, (but have given up on).
All good books for children, in fact all stories ever written, ‘introduce themes that have a correlation to real life’. How could they do otherwise?
C.S. Lewis’ books for example introduce children to ideas of self-sacrifice and redemption. Even Famous Five books introduce ideas of self-reliance, looking out for your friends, doing the right thing when the wrong thing is easier, etc.
What R4 lefties mean by ‘themes that have a correlation to real life’ is, I suspect, whatever progressive ‘isshoos’ are popular in Islington salons this week.
What the BBC mean by real life is Left-wing propaganda .
The adult version is through a different medium and is known as Eastenders.
BBC News ————– BBC Middle East News ————–
India Times – Kuwait has banned nationals from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. It said the ban included on tourism, visit and trade visas as well as visas sponsored by spouses. The ban was attributed to the “difficult security conditions”
Financial Express – Kuwaiti slaps visa ban on 5 Muslim countries, including Pakistan
Asia News –
You d have thought a sudden visa ban, of Muslim countries nationals would be news
BBC … the BBC seems very keen to keep it news,
unless that is … its not D Trump … and Still no report
Middle East news appears to be this …
BBC ME – Amona settlers have to be dragged from homes by Israeli police
BBC ME – New Israel settlements ‘may harm’ peace
BBC ME – Protesters cleared from West Bank outpost (outpost? interesting term BBC).
Appears to be a certain fixation BBC, bit like the UNHRC, and no room for the Kuwaiti “Muslim Ban”.
Ah Well! this is real news though
BBC – Nadiya What’s it like to be British, female and Muslim? Nadiya – The Full interview with Nadiya Hussain Nadiya – on anti-Muslim abuse: ‘I thought, gosh, what have I done’
BBC – Why non Muslim women are all wearing the hijab
“Women in America have walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab for World Hijab Day” 1000s of “solidarity selfies” were posted all across the social media.
The BBC was there, and asked non-Muslim women why they decided to don the headscarf.
WARNING – do not hold anything fragile if you watch the Al BBC report.
Thanks for this, Nogginator, my blood pressure is now sky high – and that’s without reading the BBC’s website.
Whatever next “world FGM day”? ‘The BBC asked non-Muslim women why they decided to undergo female genital mutilation….’
But these ‘non muslim’ women were all Asian or Black ! Usual BBC/Muslim deception going on here I think.
Today is the only bit of BBC output that I consume and it rarely fails to disappoint. Thursday’s programme early on was all over some allegations (not yet tested in a criminal court I believe) from 40 years ago about a former acquaintance of the current Archbishop of Canterbury involving child abuse, including beatings – frankly about the same stuff that went on in my church school in Newcastle in the 70’s. It was mentioned at least three times in the first hour of the programme.
Compare with Today’s coverage today (I listened on and off between 6-7am) of the sentencing of a Muslim rape gang yesterday for the vicious and prolonged sexual abuse, including rape, of girls aged 12 and 13 in Rotherham, topped off by these scumbags (and their supporters) shouting “Alan’s snackbar” as they were taken down. This story wasn’t even mentioned in the summary of the news. It’s a disgrace.
Jack M, the suspect in that case was introduced on the BBC news as ‘barrister and evangelical Christian’. Have you EVER heard a suspect in any case referred to as a Muslim? And the ‘abuse’ seemed to amount to corporal punishment, which was legal at that time anyway.
Given how much the BBC loves petitions against the democratic will, as expressed by Brexit and Trump’s election, I think Brendan O’Neill’s analysis of the anti-Milo (essentially anti-Trump) riot at UC Berkeley yesterday bears repeating:
“So last night’s mad, mob-like behaviour at Berkeley tells us a bigger story about the 21st century. It speaks to a shift from earlier generations that wanted to be treated as adults, as free, political creatures, to a new generation that wants to be infantilised, and which infantilises itself in fact, seemingly not trusting itself to be fully adult. ‘Give us freedom!’, cried the student radicals of the 1960s. ‘Protect us!’, cry so-called student radicals today.”
“Free, political creatures”. A group the BBC hates.
Milo will be laughing his way to the bank. He has a book ” Dangerous” being published in march !
Even though I find Milo’s excessive campness a bit tiresome, his analysis of politics is tremendously insightful and realistic, which the Left hates.
My favourite is still his US election-eve interview with Andrew Bolt where he nails point after point.
Yes, his campness is a bit much, but part of his act. You are right, he is so much more intelligent than the Lefties and funnier (that would not be difficult ). They hate him.
I loved his comment in yesterday’s interview with Tucker when Tucker said some people accuse him of racism. Milo said “well, they should come to one of my talks or into my bedroom “. Priceless.
At an American college a SJW accused Milo of being racist to which he replied:
‘The amount of black cock I’ve had I must be the most self loathing racist in history’. Cue laughs from the audience and illiterate chanting from the snowfalkes!
Hi Rick, I agree in this interview he was a little bold with his hands but he is gay and that’s how we express ourselves. A point that he made which I found fascinating and until now really didn’t think about it or analyse was how it’s very divisive when you pander to every inindividual movement. What looks like politicians taking an interest and showing concern is actually hollow and shallow. Politically manipulating them to believe that only a certain type of political party can stand up for them. He does express a view that being gay, or a feminist, or black, or an immigrant, those labels tend to automatically send out a message that you are a certain type of voter. Sadly I see things getting worse and BBC is not an asset but a huge liability.
Quite agree. Milo also makes the point that the Left assume that all “minority groups” get along well together whereas, in reality, they don’t. Mind you Leftism has nothing to do with reality.
I love Milo ( not in that sense ! ) and I posted here before that he has a book coming out in march “Dangerous”. I would not normally buy these kinds of book, but may make an exception for this one. I expect to be laughing out loud.
Great to hear that it’s already number one bestseller on Amazon!
Yes, I would buy Milo’s book for the same reason as I bought Geert Wilders “Marked for Death”. Milo may not have been chased around his house by an axe-wielding Muslim maniac but he must be taking some risk. We all know how touchy the Goat-Shaggers of Qom can be.
Always worth a revisit.
I share here some links to the media he refers to.
‘where the President of the United States of America openly threatens to remove federal funding from one of the world’s premiere universities because it canceled an address by the tech editor of an online publication.’
Any student of that Uni swallows that, I have some sodium mines in the Somerset Levels to sell them.
This reply resonated:
‘Steve Sternberg from The Sternberg Report, February 2, 2017 at 4:07 p.m.
The phrase “we can’t independently verify, but…” has become an all-too-often preamble to presenting something that may well be untrue. CNN and MSNBC actually do this at least as much, if not more, than Fox News.’
IIRC, the BBC likes that phrase… a lot.
Now, imagine if those who are not keen on the BBC had the choice of ‘deleting its app’ without legal consequence?
That headline could of course be read another way.
Tucker interviews Milo here about the riot at Berkeley and “free speech” in the U.S.
By the way, Far Left Professor Robert Reich of UC Berkeley, is claiming that the rioters may have been Right Wing and , in effect, the whole thing is a set-up. Milo on Breitbart says that he believes the police were in collusion with the University and agreed to do nothing. Now, who am I to believe ?
Yes he is excessively camp. I’m thankful that he said it doesn’t have to be rammed down my throat! 😮
The BBC excelled itself last night with BBC4’s ‘History’s Greatest Fibs’. I knew it would be laughable but I didn’t realise just how naked the bias would be. ‘Historian’ Lucy Worsley, someone I hitherto had a degree of respect for, sniggered and smirked her way through a hatchet job on the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which apparently was neither glorious nor a revolution and in fact was something, like all aspects of our history, of which we should be deeply ashamed.
No attempt was made to understand WHY the Glorious Revolution was, and is, so important to our nation. It was implied that all the benefits were for rich white men; Lucy Worsley seemed unable to understand that ALL politics at that time revolved around rich white men.
She viewed the whole thing through a 21st century cultural marxist lens. What a disgusting piece of self-hating revisionism. No wonder we’re in such a state in this country!
I think you mean Lucy Worse-lie.
She was out of her depth on this subject . Her background is that of a curator and social historian not a political historian. I imagine the script was written by some BBC leftie toad. I’d recommend an alternative TV historian’s view of tbe Glorious Revolution by watching David Starkey.
Yes, it was all about aristocrats as was all politics at that time. But the concessions won by Parliament against the monarchy do deserve the epithet Revolution. Im sure that American Revolution very much relied on it. All the rubbish at the end about Ireland was a sideshow .
I can’t take any historian who likes to play dress up seriously.
She emphasised the Protestant origin of the Revolution by a long section from Northern Ireland, but she couldn’t bring herself to mention the clause in the Bill of Rights guaranteeing that a future government couldn’t reverse the outcome:
“Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law”
In 21st century Britain we might have expected the principle of ending religious discrimination to have resulted in Roman Catholics being given the same rights as Protestants, but the policy of equality has been interpreted to mean that the Protestants are now as disarmed as the Roman Catholics were then. Instead of leveling up to freedom we are leveled down to subjugation.
I’m not sure if this site…
…has been noticed here before, but there are several good passages in this particular piece, and more on other posts, many of which chime quite a lot with bBeeb ideals!
My apols if it’s been seen before! (It’s from a reliable source)!
Thank you for drawing attention to this site and its relevant and well written articles. It is pieces like those it has published there whivh inform us exactly how the BBC mindset works, especially on its anti white fanaticism
Thank you G.W.F.
The link came to me from a committed Republican chum, and the stuff he used to send on ex president Obama used to set everyone’s hair on end, so I wondered where this one came from…
Luckily, Google came to the rescue!
I hope others here can see the essays; especially the one about professional politicians. I bet that bBeeb wouldn’t touch it with a bargepole!
Only slightly related to BBC bias, but this explanation of the Antifacist movement and black blocs tells us much concerning the Guardian and BBC’s affinity with the mindless left.
These are the people who will disrupt, with minimal police intervention, President Trump’s visit to the UK.
Lets hope that this latest example of Muslim terror in Paris will persuade another large number of French people to vote for Mme Le Pen. Nonetheless it is unlikely that she will become President of France in May. Perhaps if there are , God forbid , more terrorist attacks the French will come to their senses and realise that unless resolute action is taken France will , at some future date, face a full scale civil war or accept the rule of Islam. Eventually , perhaps at the 2022 election , the French will realise the stark choice that confronts them. Only Mme Le Pen and the FN will take this action. Let us hope that the French elect them in time for them to be able to rectify the situation. Anyway we will be subject to by the BBC to lots of anti Le Pen hysterical coverage and the rise of Racism, Facism etc.
As to this attack, All the usual platitudes will be wheeled out, lone wolf, mental issues, nothing to do with Islam etc etc . At least the French police chief has clearly said that the terrorist was shouting Muslim twaddle , so the BBC can’t say that the motive for attack is unclear.
I think its unlikly as France is more socialist than we are. France could do with a huge political upheaval such as the jolt Mme Le Pen would give. I’ve just read The Spectator and it worth noting that Fillian Macron may be called a French socialist but he’s no overt communist either (like Hollande was). Considered favourite by some. But then another Islamic atrocity on french soil could swing it to Ms Pen nationally. I hope so but French politics is more opaque than our own. Much more devious and weird.
The French constitution works against Le Pen. It was drawn up to suit De Gaulle. The two round election makes it impossible to win unless a candidate can attract over 50 per cent of the vote and so round two is marked by tactical voting . I’m sure that some non FN centre right voters will vote tactically for Le Pen but will enough socialists ? She is trying to appeal to the left too, however . Maybe it will be enough but I doubt it .
U.K. Judges Throw Out Brexit Lawsuit Seeking Single-Market Vote
I had to get this from Bloomberg as there is no mention of it on bbc.con. Which is strange as it’s another attempt to muddy brexit waters and they were all over the last one like a cheap suit. Why would this be? Maybe because the plaintiff(s) lost and the result is therefore off-message to the Trotskyist news chiefs at the anti-British broadcasting corporation?
That is a big news story. I am sure that it will be headline news when the BBC finally catch up with it.
or, more likely, when the anti-british, pro EU, liberal algorithms running on their Blue Peter BBC Micro churn out a suitable spin story.
It’s finally there on the UK page. Strange how Trump news is always on the landing page but significant, albeit unpalatable, UK news is not.
For those that petitioned ‘Revoke the BBC Charter’ petition to Parliament can relax as it ‘all under control’ for another 11 years. In that time the BBC have to pull their socks up, less overt political bias (or OfCOm wil say something) and provide light hearted ‘entertainment’ for the liberals who are ‘under represented’ and need a platform to ‘express themselves’ both sexually and poltically. This is called BBC ‘opinion’ and ‘balanced reporting’ of a mainstream broadcaster with a 70% monopoly of TV and Radio. Uniquelly funded and priviliged.
For those of us still in doubt that the ‘BBC Charter’ is an outstanding Guarantee of past and future EU political impartiality, UK commercial Independance and UK democratic values will find its business as usual for the time being. But this surely is the last Charter, the last chance to reform itself.
I can’t believe that this petition only attracted 13000 votes . I must admit I wasn’t aware of it and I hadn’t seen it publicised on here. The Government’s response was drivel . Our only chance to achieve change us at the 5 year review stage .
Tucked away in Sheffield news
BBC – Six men have been jailed for sexually abusing two girls who they plied with alcohol and cannabis. One girl was 11 when the assaults began and was made pregnant at 12. The second girl was 13. The offences took place between 1999 and 2001 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire.
Two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock after sentencing.
Allah Ackbar? … were they muslim then BBC?
The judge is at fault here, he should have immediately recalled them, and increased the term by 10 years … and be ready to increase it again with any further utterance.
You can be sure that shouting Allah ackibar as they were being led away sent a clear message to the judge that they were entitled to all the privileges that people of their faith are entitled, prayer, facilities, special diet, and an exalted position within the prison hierarchy.
Can you imagine what would happen to prisoners who shouted, God save the Queen or British people first?
Three cases completed , some six to go according to the Mail ( that’s just for Rotherham and I doubt that 9 trials will ensure that all 1400 victims will ever get justice). The BBC gives little publicity to these sentences , as others have pointed out . Are they a deterrent ( all out in 5-10 years with parole ) and is such abuse in Rotherham and other such places now definitely stopped ?
Under Sharia law isn’t adultery which is what these vile assaults on children are punishable by stoning to death. Perhaps we could get Chaudery to cast the first stone?
No, they were raping dhimmis, and thus doing the work of allah. It’s what mohammed, the holy prophet of allah (pbuh) would have wanted.
The girls could be stoned for adultery, if they didn’t become Muslim and marry one of their rapists.
Still the BBC fails to report this.
The odious and disgraced Liam Fox, gives Hunt, May, and Hammond a break from lying.
The UK government is not aiming to change anything of any substance. Britain will virtually keep the an identikit EU tariff system
“In order to minimise disruption to global trade as we leave the EU, over the coming period the Government will prepare the necessary draft schedules which replicate as far as possible our current obligations”.
Yep!, our industrious trade department is working day and night on replicating the status quo
and there s more
This nose growing extraordinaire then dismisses NHS takeover fears – Trade secretary says idea of allowing in US healthcare providers is an urban myth and ‘won’t happen on my watch’ errr … he knows full well, that is exactly what J Redwood and Oliver Letwin are busy doing and have been, with Hunt and May barefaced lying about it
… We require a clear out of the lot of them
Newspaper headline in my newsagent here quoting Prince Harry to the effect that Trump is a threat. Now I know that it is not his fault that he probably inherited part of his IQ from his parents but , if he had any sense, he would keep his mouth shut. God forbid that he becomes as big a buffoon as his father.
I don’t think the BBC has reported this yet, but you can be sure they will.
EU deputy Swedish woman not happy with Trump’s pick for US EU Ambassador because, ‘he does not believe’ in the EU. Well, the EU isn’t keen on Trump, so what.
Seems like the EU is rather like a school class who’ve had a sappy teacher (Obama) but now a more strict replacement has turned up, in the form of Trump, and they don’t like it. Sadly for Merkel etc., a German Chancellor can never equate with a US President.
Gaxvil, this is exactly what I’ve been thinking. The left in general are like a class that’s been used to having a dopey liberal teacher who lets them do what they want, but now a traditional teacher strong on discipline has turned up. The question is, will they knuckle down and eventually respect him, or will they cause havoc until he is broken?
I reckon that depends on the calibre of the ‘teacher’?
Here is one they prepared ‘much’ earlier !…………..
“Why France is struggling to cope with the terror threat”
“Once again France must contemplate an attack on its people, but what was the motivation and why was it not stopped? ”
The EU is still indecisive of what to do about its invaders.
Boy, am I glad that we are getting out of the ‘failed’ states.
“Once again France must contemplate an attack on its people, but what was the motivation and why was it not stopped? ”
My understanding is that it was stopped – with 5 shots.
Good grouping.
Sadly not RJ. Of the 5 shots, 4 missed and one hit lower abdomen which suggests, much like our so frequently labelled police ‘marksmen’, that it was panic rather than cold professionalism behind the trigger.
IIRC, the recently sadly deceased promising footballer on benefits Lambo driver here did not enjoy French markspersonship to the same level.
Beltane, thank you for the correction. I’d picked up the details this morning from the BBC reports that he’d been shot 5 times. I should have known better.
The bBC Charter…………cast your mind back to the disabling of Mr Whittingdale
by methods commonplace in Soviet Union tactics just at the point where he might have been concluding that the bBC organ needed extensive surgery.
The allegations that PM Cameron tried to silence the Mail makes you wonder about Mr Whittingdale’s demise although they may be unconnected, of course.
Two state funded long standing enquiries are coming under fire, the behaviour of the British army in Iraq and the behaviour of the British army in Northern Ireland. Questions are being asked about how the authorities are handling them and about the fairness of the investigations . Of course yesterday the execrable Phil Shiner has been struck off for lying amongst other things. But We all know how keenly the BBC hung on every word that Shiner said when he defamed our soldiers and how they swallowed everything he said without challenge, how they gave him a nation wide platform to spout his lies and to defame our soldiers and the army. The stance of the BBC is very similar in NI , believe every claim by the IRA terrorists and give them a platform to accuse the British army. The BBC is not neutral or impartial , it actively supports those who are trying to undermine the army.
From a wider perspective you have to ask how on earth these enquiries were ever set up by the government of the time in the first place. My view is that these enquiries are actually symptom of the liberal left hatred of Britain and its key institutions. I believe that most British people still support the army and other services. I hope they see the fact that these enquiries were even set up as showing how far the country has moved down the liberal left path and how the BBC is just a leftist anti British propagandist . Perhaps Brexit is showing that at last the British people are waking up to what has been done to the country and that only by using their vote can they influence the future path the country takes.
If you signed the, “Revoke the BBC Charter” petition, you will have had an email telling you how super the BBC is and how it will be even better in the future.
“The Charter has given the BBC a new public mission, which is
To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.
In addition, the new Charter and Framework Agreement will:
○ enhance the distinctiveness of BBC content – the BBC’s Mission and Public Purposes have been reformed to reflect this requirement;
○ reform the governance and regulation of the BBC – the new BBC Board will be responsible for governing the BBC, and Ofcom will take on the regulation of the BBC;
○ prioritise the independence of the BBC – the Charter explicitly recognises the need for the BBC to be independent and the BBC will appoint a majority of Board members;
○ ensure the financial stability of the BBC – the licence remains as the key source of funding for the the next period;
○ ensure that the BBC’s impact on the market is proportionate to the public benefits it delivers and, where possible, positive for both the public and commercial organisations – the BBC is also obliged to work closely with others, and share its knowledge, research, and expertise, for wider public benefit;
○ make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent in its operations and the important information it shares, including the salaries of its employees and talent earning more than £150,000; and
○ ensure that the BBC serves all nations and regions and is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom – through a new operating licence regime, specific Board representation and the continuation of production targets
These reforms will mean the BBC can continue to thrive, deliver for audiences, and act as an engine of creativity and growth for the UK.
The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.
Ofcom, the trusted media and communications regulator, will take on regulation of the BBC. Following the end of the transition period, from 3 April 2017 Ofcom will be able to monitor and review how well the BBC is meeting its mission and public purposes; regulate editorial standards; hold the BBC to account over market impacts and public value; and consider appeals from industry, after they have complained to the BBC.
The BBC is also subject to Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, which provides that news, in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport”
In addition, the new Charter and Framework Agreement will:
enhance the distinctiveness of BBC content….
Objective achieved ahead of schedule, thanks to the ‘enhanced distinctiveness’ of the coverage given to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump.
Cynical ‘tell it often enough’ meets flat out brazenness.
And that’s the civil servants supposedly overseeing the BBC.
One day I hope they are confronted.
I’m sure there was less shite coming out of the hippo in the video clip posted on here!
So another Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. One for the most important department at
BBC news ” The Diversity Department.” ” OK boys lets get to work. Make sure that we don’t
have the views of any indigenous Parisian. We want the views of ethnic folk who happen to be near by. Better even still if they look Muslim. ” I am not quite sure what you mean Faisel?”
” Come on Seamus ,even positive discrimination wont save you if you don’t know what I’m talking about.” How many times have I got to tell you to watch Riz Lateef’s and Assad Ahmed’s
Londonistan programme to understand what interviews I want shown!!”
Watch the 1PM News or the 6PM news and you will know exactly what I mean! Or the
Londonistan programe EVERY DAY !!
Oh! Joy of Joy’s! BBC News at One R4 today: BBC reporter summarising DT’s week so far – first 100 days. What with the halting of some Middle Eastern countries nationals being banned from entering the US and swiftly on to, just, banning Government employees from becoming lobbyists for 5 years – boy is this guy going to town! Indeed, I am personally so enthralled at all the good he is doing that, with some of DT’s choice expressions interspersing the report, I actually took great pleasure in joining in. Confession time: I joined in, actually shouting at the top of my voice, along with the recording of DT: “DRAIN THE SWAMP”. I imagine it will be an oft used expression in the UK come the next election……….
Never mind first 100 days, even Donald Trump’s first 100 hours were impressive! I just hope he has the best personal security because otherwise certain vested interests might arrange a little ‘accident’.
Well lets hope he doesn’t decide to tour Paris via the Pont D’Alma Tunnel – all sorts of ‘accidents’ have known to occur there !
Trump is at the pump
He’s drainin’ the sump
The Dem’rats are all crumpled
‘Cos they sure got trumpled
Robinson interviewing cyber crime specialist on Today this morning, concerns being about Putin’s cyber attacks on the West and in particular his perceived (by the BBC/Left) role during the US elections. The phrase quoted by Robinson in his introduction to reflect the concerns of our security services re Putin was ‘peddling false news in a post-truth era’ which he immediately followed up with ‘that could be Donald Trump, couldn’t it?’
Effing relentless.
Robinson is pathetic. He should have specified what false news Trump is peddling. Prick is totally unaware that the biggest peddlers of false news are the BBC.
Beeboids still have not got over the fall of the Soviet Union. Their little world fell apart then and it is falling apart again now.
‘Robinson is pathetic. He should have specified what false news Trump is peddling’
That would require getting out from behind the safety zone of his ‘sources who say’ one degree of separation safety zone, jealously guarded by BBC complaints and FOI DPA depts.
The BBC would crumble if it had to back up its fake news and bent allusions.
“Sources who say” is the best you’ll ever get from bBeeb, Guest.
They rabidly promote ‘investigations’ where they’ve cobbled together negative comments from a few minor journos on provincial papers, then join up all the lines and spend a million quid on a programme ‘hosted’ by a half-wit, gabbling twaddle and trying to look serious.
Nearly all their ‘investigations’ are negative ‘observations’ (they’ll never actually try and find out the truth, they just watch from the safety of the sidelines), of the NHS, the police, law and order etc.
If they’re so diverse, why not send a team to North Korea and get a story there? They could send Orla Guerin!
In another flagrant case of islamophobia and racism, a French white supremacist, in full vigilante uniform, has shot an innocent visitor to the Louvre for being of Mediterranean appearance.
Little is known about the victim other than that he was a doctor or an engineer, possibly both, and had nothing to do with Islam, which as Saint Hussein kept telling us is a religion of peace – or was that pieces?
According to our BBC Arts Correspondent, P. Galle, the man would have been going to admire the acme of Western art and culture.
Sources have told us that since the election of racist islamophobic Trump, people of Mediterranean appearance have taken to arming themselves with machetes as a defensive measure in the climate of fear created by Brexit.
“P.Galle” – love it! Perhaps he knows Vladimir Putain? It’s Jean-Marie Le Penis all over again, because of Herr Drumpf and his Fourth Reich!
Seriously though, there are etymological grounds for judging this to a ‘lone wolf’ attack: Louvre derives from Lupara, a place where wolves run.
Wow Mustapha, a linguist and a scholar 🙂
Do you still build ships or don’t you have so much time now, what with being a Tsar and all that jazz?
Hey! Some cultural enrichment for the weekend.
This vid celebrates the Shiite practice of self-flagellation.
It’s a wonderful cultural tradition where you smack yourself on the head with the
flat of a sword until you bleed. Alternatively you can cut up your back.
It’s an ancient tradition predating Islam. But now you are doing this to mourn
for your messiah Husayn. It’s a special holiday, Ashura. Those stuffy Wahhabists in
Saudi don’t approve of this. It’s too progressive for them. But what the heck!
You have your own Mosque, Karbala.
Unfortunately they stop before they die. I am quite happy for them to injure themselves, but it translates into violence against other people and terrorism. Maybe the BBC could make one of their famous investigative documentaries into this quaint, traditional practice. At the end of the day, it is just a muslim equivalent of morris dancing.
PS. I have seen similar practices in West Africa, but it does not seem to lead to terrorism. There must be another factor involved in the case of muslims. I wonder what ?
We have been celebrating Ashura in London in recent years you see.
We haven’t quite reached the public blood-letting but, give us time.
This has reminded me….when is the Eurovision song contest?
Never – in this house…
Maybe in future when we have more cultural enrichment…….
I presume the females were at the back, or at home?
Cue outrage from Harriet Harman?
Thank God I’m an atheist
Ashura festival: Islamic violence, bloodshed, whipping and mass hysteria? Surely not.
Coming to a town near you soon, guys.
My apologies for this assault on the senses fellas.
I’ll stop posting this rubbish now.
Emily Maitlis denies ever running a torture site.
Maybe so Emily, but you’ve been torturing me and millions of others with your leftie drivel for years.
BBC presenter Emily Maitlis in ‘torture’ tweet mix-up
We only have her word for it. She certainly is dressed for the part.
Maybe so Emily, but you’ve been torturing me and millions of others with your leftie drivel for years
Poor woman has been through the wars from the look of her.
For some strange reason, the words “mutton dressed as lamb” just flashed through my mind. Can’t think why.
Bad case of cellulite Em old girl !
“You can’t make a silk purse of of a sow’s ear.”
But you can make a pig’s ear out of a TV channel.
In terms of BBC and Sky. Is that 1 or 2 sow’s ears or do two halves make a whole?
Taffman and No 7, you shouldn’t really be discussing ‘pork’, especially ‘pulled’ pork for that matter, and at such an early hour too!
(I thought the saying was ‘pull one’s pud’ not ‘pork’, but then I come from a sheltered background…)
Not news, just BBC inside tittle tattle.
Resources shouldn’t have been wasted reporting on it.
US businesses added 227,000 jobs in January, way above economists’ forecasts of about 175,000.
…the jobs growth suggests that new president Donald Trump has inherited a stronger jobs market.
Would it have been an inheritance if the numbers had gone down, or would it have been all Trumps fault?
The Paris attack today:
BBC news channel acknowledge French authorities have made a statement that this was being treated as terrorism.
BBC man on the spot Jonny Diamond tells us the attacker shouted:
“God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic”
But our Jonny seems to be a bit slow on the uptake: he tells us:
“we’re still waiting to see what his motives were”
Perhaps someone could explain to our Jonny.
The BBC man does admit “these attacks are becoming common across Europe”
So seeing as the BBC are having to do a lot of reporting on such incidents, perhaps it’s time the BBC held a staff training day and told their reporters all about Islamic Jihad and the war on the West.
Because these people keep telling us what their motivation is, but the likes of our Jonny can’t bring himself to believe them.
You people are so cynical. He was just a western culture loving muslim who was complaining about the entrance price.
Grant – Perhaps he was in possession of a Halal felt-tip pen and wanted to draw a hijab on the Mona Lisa to preserve her modesty. You know what those French infidels are like when they glimpse a strand or two of female hair.
Anyway, hopefully it will translate into a few more votes for Marine Le Pen.
Funny , I was thinking of the Mona Lisa and wondering what she thinks about it. We shall never know. She doesn’t give much away.
Actually it was rather more meaningful Grant. That vile picture of the bare-headed Mona Lisa, sneering at all proper female values and behaviour, deserved a good swipe with a machete.
An evaluation of the misunderstood and unfairly assaulted Muslim art critic’s motives by Will Gompertz will be on Newsnight at 10.35.
Another “man” Grant. But not an, “extremist” or a “lorry”?
The BBC ‘Breaking News’ always a treat:
Louvre knife attack was ‘terrorist’ – PM
French prime minister says attack by machete-wielding assailant at Louvre in Paris was “terrorist in nature”
Beyond the pervasive BBC ‘quotes’ and “quotes”, I have a new Beebspeak Editorial Guidebook winner: “”terrorist in nature'”
Same on Classic FM “news” – they’re scared shitless of admitting that he shouted “Allahu Akbar”.
TV guide said Farage would be on Piers tonight
But I see it’s been changed
“9pm Piers Morgan’s Life Stories
Series 14, Episode 2: Barry Gibb”
Check what the BBC does versus the new charter aims as set out in the government reply to the Licence Petition
“To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.”
Additional egs
“make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent”
“is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom”
Still Metrobubbleworld
“The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.”
Yeh right!
What the BBC says or does versus truth and reality.
The BBC says it is trusted and transparent.
‘Over the last 12 months can you tel me how many shows you have broadcast on your Asian network that have either been for/in the language of/played music from China, Japan and Korea.’
The information you have requested is excluded from the Act because it is held for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature.’ The BBC is therefore not obliged to provide this information to you and wil not be doing so on this occasion.
That spelling mistake is in every refusal, so the template is as dire as it is cynical.
But just consider:
* The BBC has a special channel, called ‘The Asian Network’.
* Of course there is a twitter page: “Celebrating British Asian life, culture and music. On DAB Digital Radio, Online and on Mobile”
* To a legitimate request to provide information simply on how those cultures from Asia are served, the BBC has refused to do so, for the purposes of ‘journalism, art or literature’.
i would dearly love to hear Lord Hall Hall, James Purnell, James Harding or even A. Newsroom Tealady explain that to Andrew Neil on a BBC 1 show like BBC QT.
So what ?
You take next step of appealing to the information Commisioner.
Allahu Akbar is French for Where is the Mona Lisa?
Don’t you peasants know anything?
Or is it ‘The Mona Lisa’s 11 year old daughter’? I only did French up to O-level.
Well, Peter, I did Latin instead of geography, and thought ‘wanking’ was in China!
I’m sorry the bloke in ‘Allahu Allahu’ died recently, but I never watched the programme, so don’t really count…
I read an EPG blurb for Feedback on R4 which ponders “Do interviews with President Trump supporters reuire more care -or even censorship?” Says it all really.
Every day the BBC becomes more bizarre. They are exhibiting a collective mental breakdown. Why should interviews with Trump supporters be handled any differently than with anyone else ? The BBC are totally beyond belief.
Precisely. They believe that anyone not followong the BBC line must be channelling Hitler, never Mao or Stalin, or be possessed by Demons. The BBC always deny they have a line, but, of course, by asking this question they prove they do have a line. Taking the same approach to Hilary supporters would never enter their minds. They are not as clever as they think they are.
Your last sentence is so right. The BBC are so unsubtle and transparent, but seem totally un-selfaware.
The line the BBC takes is decided in seminars of like minded Liberal-left middle-class morons with mickey mouse degrees, unemployable useful idiots appointed to taxpayer funded left-wing campaign groups, posing as charities or pseudo-scientific Institutes.
These seminars advise the BBC to censors debate by individuals not approved by the above campaign groups. Victims of this “BBC policy line” are Atmospheric Physicists, Solar Astronomers, Tory and Labour Brexiteers, Tory and Labour Scientists, Ukipers, Mensa members, residents of Trumptonshire, Daily Mail and Daily Express readers, and the majority of BBC licence fee payers who voted UKIP in the last European elections, Tory in the last General Election and Brexit in the referendum.
The problem for the BBC is that this policy means that the majority of licence fee payers are now becoming aware that their opinions are now subject to censorship by BBC journalists.
Censoring information is the opposite of Journalism, so the collective mental breakdown at the BBC would eventually result in producing not much news, other than say, headline news about a child with cancer on the day that the Euro currency collapses.
Feedback now
I see reference to “censorship” is now left out. Truth filters back on
No, follow the link
The page starts “Roger Bolton asks if interviews with President Trump supporters require more care – or even censorship.”
Followed at 4:55pm LP with two 13 year old East London Muslim children of immigrants
BBC diversity?
BBC man on the spot Jonny Diamond tells us the attacker shouted:
“God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic”
Since the BBC has set itself up as the arbiter of fake news when they report something we must obey and believe all they say literally. Quite why someone would shout in English “God is great or god is greatest, in Arabic” I am not sure. Maybe he was asking a question and the French couldn’t understand him so he got upset. I await the BBC clarification on this with eagerness. Not!!
… Allah is/be victorious
why child rapists shout it, mass murdering scum shout it, they say it at prayers, yep pray for it for victory … not peace
It was a BBC ‘bend the diction’.
‘Allahu Akbar’ emphatically does not mean ‘God is great.’
It means ‘Allah is greatest.’ A totally different ‘god’ and a totally different meaning. The BBC are no longer able to get away with the Norwegian, mental health lone wolfery. Therefore the intent here by al-beeb is to mitigate and misdirect the actual meaning of the words, to the benefit of Islam.
DB – solid post.
And it’s a warm welcome to this week’s edition of ‘Cram the left liberal Narrative’
Just watched last week’s Call the Midwife with Mrs S.
Yep. In the first two minutes we get dwarves AND Indian Subcontinentals. One sees such combinations not nearly enough on our screens.
Then we have the evil capitalists on the docks making the workforce work unsafely. Queue an accident and the focus on another disability – the problems of a blind person.
Then its over to the Lesbian storyline.
But underpinning it all is the new Sister in Charge at the nunnery. This personnification of evil wants to run the show efficiently and effectively, making midwives spend time on midwifery. Booo. Hiss. They all want to carry on being touchy feely, doing the shopping for their mums to be, running errands, visiting them in perfectly good hospitals. Ah, bless. Obviously no parallels with the evil Tories running the modern day NHS and demanding reactionary things like value-for-money.
It’s just a ceaseless attempt to beat and brainwash the public and smother them in right-on socialism.
Sorry but in a similar vein (banging on about Father Brown again), and set in the 50’s decade , in every episode there has been cast a black character – highly unlikely in this supposed village setting.
The first series of Fortitude (Sky Atlantic) there was a single black actor, now the second series looks an outpost of the Caribbean ! (slight exaggeration, but still)
Hopefully Father Brown won’t deteriorate to the extent that Midsomer Mosque has.
At one point yesterday the BBC had no articles about Trump on their website main page. That was soon rectified.
Newsbeat has almost nothing else. Odd for a UK youth entertainment channel.
“BBC – Why non Muslim women are all wearing the hijab
“Women in America have walked in the shoes of Muslim women by wearing a hijab for World Hijab Day” 1000s of “solidarity selfies” were posted all across the social media.
The BBC was there, and asked non-Muslim women why they decided to don the headscarf.
WARNING – do not hold anything fragile if you watch the Al BBC report.”
Infested at every level of the establishment, here in parliament
(what! no “wimmins” marches to stop Islamic female oppression if they refuse to wear it?)
To end oppression bigotry wear a hijab! …. ROFL 😀
World Hijab Day Takes on New Meaning in Midst of Immigration Ban
“Your hijab is beautiful, and we welcome you just as you are,” tweeted NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.
I’m still annoyed that I missed World vagina day. I was going to walk around wearing a rubber c@nt on my head!
So Iran tests a new, longer range ballistic missile and Kim Ghattas on the BBC news this evening informs us that the “Iranians are showing considerable restraint”, as that nasty man Trump has hurt their feelings. Better still the BBC repeats with a straight face the statement from the regime in Tehran that the missile is being developed for”defensive purposes”.
Oh well back to the Brexit-induced lettuce shortage.
Headline news on the BBC website
Ex-Sheffield City Council boss Roger Dodds jailed for sex abuse
But you have to go to the BBC’s Coventry page for
Men who trafficked teens for sex jailed but ‘rapist’ still loose
and the Shields Gazette for
Married dad caged for grooming underage girl after being spotted by dog walker
I wonder in what way the two later cases differ from Roger‘s so that they deserve less attention.
Phone and computer records revealed Uddin, who had a wife and children, had been supplying the teen with drugs, grooming her and had incited her to engage in sexual activity. Uddin denied wrongdoing but after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court the 35-year-old, of Anderson Street, South Shields, was convicted of meeting a child following sexual grooming, two offences of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two of being concerned in the supply of mephedrone.
Read more at:
Interesting to see the BBC program ‘hospital’. This episode is all about our International Health Service.
Case after case of people coming here for expensive treatments and then disappearing before paying a penny.
Further to my comment above about boycotts, there is this gem from Newsbeat:
Nordstrom drops its Ivanka Trump clothes line after the #GrabYourWalletboycott
Ivanka Trump fashion brand dropped by US retailer after sales drop
Imagine a #grabyour£145andahalfpaboycott of those seeking to ruin anyone associated with anyone the BBC hates?
Maybe their ratings would dip a bit?
Quite the invitation. But I can’t help but feel a Beeb on Beeb exchange will get much beyond a group hug.
Maybe the DP editor could ask Samira about this?:
And other gems from her listed on this site’s archive
Better still, is Trump getting too much air time on Al Beeb? 😀
Al Beeb has finally gone right wing !
Sure it has been shared already. But always up for a bit of Friday Fun:
Emily and her 900. Scary.
The money will be used to fund 150 “local democracy reporters”, funded by the BBC, but employed by “qualifying news organisations”.
Great. Now even when a ‘Black and Decker get nicked’ story is in our local rag, it has to be run via a BBC-approved commissar rejected from their fact-checking unit, first.
7pm RT the guy who is rebooting this petition against Sadiq
I don’t agree cos he was kinda fairly elected
Came on 7:21 to 7:25
Yes, all two million inhabitants of Tower Hamlets voted for him at least twice.
I knew about the Paris attack but listening to Radio 2 at work this evening, the news at 5.00 pm had the attack as about the fifth item of the news, I thought they weren’t even going to mention it!
Obviously playing it down while trying to think how to blame it on Trump.