BBC Points West leads with the lack of government funding to charities helping Bristol’s young people and a rise in demand for their services. Apparently Bristol’s young population has risen by 14%…
Why is demand greater? The report didn’t say, but we did get to hear from Ashaf Hassan who fled war torn Yemen and when he arrived in Bristol 3 years ago was given help and a home..
I think I’ve answered my own question, shame the BBC didn’t connect the dots.
To rub salt into the wounds the latest BBC trailer followed, based on the periodic table it was stuffed full of diversity.
Apologies if this has been covered already.
I noticed that following yesterday’s Question Time and the audience member who made the statement that she had voted for Brexit because of bent bananas there has been a lot of tweeting going on particularly from remainers who suggest that this is an example of people who voted for brexit.
Initially I thought the woman in the Question Time audience had just made a flippant and somewhat stupid remark, now I’m wondering if it is a BBC fit up job.
Yesterday the bBC kept the story that 6 Muslims in Rotherham had been jailed for kiddy rape and that 2 of screamed ‘Allah ackba’ when sentence.
Today in Sheffield a white man found guilty of sex abuse with teenagers and the bBC headlines it across the web.
Two very similar stories (actually the Muslim one is worse as it entails 6 Islamic paedophiles) and yet the bBC only advertise widely the white story.
“Two very similar stories…”. Not really; Roger Dodds was employed by the state with implications of a cover-up by the City Council.
A “very similar story” would be the child prostitution and abuse trial currently taking place in Sheffield, where five of of the six accused could be described as WHITE or CHRISTIAN depending on your prejudice.
Just as that unsung group of heroes who read the Daily Mail to decry Daily Mail readers garner insufficient recognition, so must your efforts monitoring peadophilia far and wide to an epic extent, to share what ‘could be described’.
maxicony – I never saw the sentencing of the Islamic rapists from Rotherham mentioned on the national news, just on the local news which (incidentally) didn’t mention the Muslim supremacist chanting by two of the Pakistanis.
This morning on Today, however, there was an interview with one of Dodd’s victims. Why was there not a similar interview with the victims of this Muslim rape gang or members of the victims’ families?
Why was the sentencing of six Muslim child-rapists in a town, which is infamous worldwide for gangs of Islamic molesters assaulting indigenous; female; kaffir children, not given national coverage yet that of an old white Paedophile was?
‘One case is ethnic Muslims and the other 2 are.ethnic Christians’
Not true as the suspects include
“Andre Francis-Edge, Taleb Bapir ”
“Could it be Biased-BBC, the coverup artists for Christian rape?”
No your post is still here
And in the second case seems Dodds was not charged/convicted of rape.
Crucial difference is that in the third case the perps are still legally innocent
It’s titled
“Sheffield child prostitution and abuse trial begins”
BTW 3 of the accused were 13 and 14 at the start of the events.
Tricky one for Beeboids. I assume that the criminals are not muslims. Maybe, nominally christians. They are white. But they come from a country which is very patriotic, but with shades of right-wingism.
Too complicated for simple-minded Lefties who just see the world as black and white.
SG – Were the Hungarians Roma though? Like the one who ran over those two girls (also Roma) in the North West recently and the ones who have sold their daughters to Muslims in Bradford and Sheffield in the past few years.
Mmmmmm, looks like we should be checking tourists visas very carefully, if indeed the French attacker was an Egyptian tourist. Perhaps Donald was right after all.
Did anybody else hear The Listening Project earlier?
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between friends about how they see their faith reflected in the media and how it makes them feel. Another in the series that proves it’s surprising what you hear when you listen.
Basically, two schoolgirls ranting about how wonderful Islam is and how horrible people are for criticising it.
It made me feel very uncomfortable. That was probably intended, as most things seem to be on the BBC now. It was a propaganda piece sure, but one that took advantage of two kids, and not what I wanted to hear on my drive home.
Don’t think the BBC should have allowed this, but that’s what the BBC has become I guess.
@GWF alerted us to possible fakenews that the Whitehouse has a #dresslikeawoman dress code.
The Guardian run with under the line ‘oh look people are responding to this leak’ from
Actually strangely after 18 hours there is no substantiation nor wh denial.
But i guess wh is pretty busy.
It’s great to see so many new posters on here in recent times. Whether the BBC has finally ‘jumped the shark’ with its absurd bias against Donald Trump, I don’t know. But I still nurse the faint hope that this rotten parasite will be washed away forever on a tide of popular anger.
ITV are just as bad Robert Moore Washington correspondent ” In the 2 weeks since the inauguration here it is now apparent that American foreign policy is facing its greatest disruption in decades impacting many countries and millions of people”
….”the travel ban imposed on all refugees and on 7 majority Muslim nations was the biggest shock of the opening fortnight…”
(Why was this a shock? He did what he said he was going to do)!
” Those watching the erratic decision making in this White House say there is an urgent need for more seasoned professionals to be involved”!
” the immediate danger is that escalating measures or military gamesmanship in the waters off Iran like we saw this summer could lead to miscalculation and confrontation.”
” Those watching the erratic decision making in this White House say there is an urgent need for more seasoned professionals to be involved”!
I wonder who “those watching” might be?
A week or so ago Robert Moore interviewing Sir Peter Westmacott, retired UK ambassador in Washington, addressed him as ‘Peter’ which makes him almost as sycophantic as he is biased, conceited and ignorant.
The most insidious aspect of this supposed ‘correspondent’ is that he is employed by ITN which used, until quite recently, to offer an alternative, factual source of news.
It is another BBC euphemism for “we the BBC are watching”. It is Fake News. Whenever journalists refuse to name a source, I assume that the report is an invention of the journalist.
Oh and fighting has escalated in Eastern Ukraine THIS WEEK because “some suggest” Russia may be testing the response of a “Trump” White House……
(Cue vulnerable evacuees and implied links to new administration in Washington).
How many other funerals will follow if this fierce upsurge in violence continues
The Graham Norton show promises to be even more impartial than usual. Already a stream of anti-Trump jokes AND Harriet Harperson is on, gushing to Norton “You should be Prime Minister “. Will no one rid us of this turbulent broadcaster?
Have walked out of the room after the first 5 minutes, lest the TV get a foot through it. How the BBC can possibly think this meets any form of impartiality requirement is beyond me. A complaint will be going in, for all the good it does.
This is even better, it contains a lot of clips from interviews with beeboids. My God! Don’t they just hate him, it seeps from their every pore. What complete and utter b@st@rds.
NewsShite turned its attention to “Fakenews” axe-grinding again.
Blah,blah,blah,blah – nothing we have not heard before ad nauseam.
In conclusion Squark ponders what might be the touchstone of truth and falsehood in this new media landscape
The stooge philosopher pipes up on cue that the “gold standard” is the BBC or perhaps even the Times. Smiles all round.
The German BBCs are also obsessed with fakenews and Volkverhetzung, a term used to suggest Hitlerite anti-semitic rantings. The purpose is, of course, to set up a “pre-narrative” to undermine the credibility of the forthcoming key European elections should Le Pen win in France or Wilders in Holland or the AfD advance in Germany.
In one discussion between political luminaries they were talking about “the need to inform the political debate”. One participant then said “the need to control the political debate”, which was repeated by others who did not seem to be aware of what they were saying. It is slips like these that reveal what the pundits are really thinking.
Yes, they want to control the political debate, the vote, what we say and what we do, what we think. They are Fascists. The Left are the real Fascists.
“Only a week ago the A-lister, married to Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer Victoria Beckham, spoke about his charity work on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs.”
Bet Jimbo’s fact checkers are on the case as we speak. Or, maybe, not.
Government response to the Revoke the BBC’s Charter petition.
“The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Revoke the BBC’s charter”.
Government responded:
The new 11-year Charter establishes Ofcom as regulator of the BBC. This will include considering any complaints concerning impartiality and accuracy in BBC’s news and current affairs content.
The BBC Charter Review, which commenced in 2015, is one of the biggest consultation exercises the government has undertaken. We listened to views of the public and industry (including 192,000 consultation responses), set out detailed policy proposals in the White Paper in May, and worked closely and collaboratively with the BBC and Ofcom to negotiate the new Charter and Framework Agreement.
The Charter has given the BBC a new public mission, which is
To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.
In addition, the new Charter and Framework Agreement will:
○ enhance the distinctiveness of BBC content – the BBC’s Mission and Public Purposes have been reformed to reflect this requirement;
○ reform the governance and regulation of the BBC – the new BBC Board will be responsible for governing the BBC, and Ofcom will take on the regulation of the BBC;
○ prioritise the independence of the BBC – the Charter explicitly recognises the need for the BBC to be independent and the BBC will appoint a majority of Board members;
○ ensure the financial stability of the BBC – the licence remains as the key source of funding for the the next period;
○ ensure that the BBC’s impact on the market is proportionate to the public benefits it delivers and, where possible, positive for both the public and commercial organisations – the BBC is also obliged to work closely with others, and share its knowledge, research, and expertise, for wider public benefit;
○ make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent in its operations and the important information it shares, including the salaries of its employees and talent earning more than £150,000; and
○ ensure that the BBC serves all nations and regions and is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom – through a new operating licence regime, specific Board representation and the continuation of production targets
These reforms will mean the BBC can continue to thrive, deliver for audiences, and act as an engine of creativity and growth for the UK.
The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.
Ofcom, the trusted media and communications regulator, will take on regulation of the BBC. Following the end of the transition period, from 3 April 2017 Ofcom will be able to monitor and review how well the BBC is meeting its mission and public purposes; regulate editorial standards; hold the BBC to account over market impacts and public value; and consider appeals from industry, after they have complained to the BBC.
The BBC is also subject to Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, which provides that news, in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Click this link to view the response online:
The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response. They can press the government for action and gather evidence. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament”
Apologies if already been mentioned, but more attacks on the innocent public by men of ‘middle eastern/Latino (useful alternative) appearance, without any possible motive!! They really must be laughing when they write these reports.
There was also a stabbing attack in a restaurant in LA the other day, not sure whether it made it to the MSM in Europe. didn’t see it mentioned on the bBBC.
I have never heard of this silly Sally woman, but if the repulsive Hillary had won , I doubt if Trump supporters would have reacted in the hysterical way that the Lefty snowflakes have and certainly they would not have rioted at Berkeley. All the hatred and violence comes from the Left-wing Fascists.
Nice to know I’m not alone, #7.
My “family” go mad when I tell them, “No, I haven’t seen the latest pile of inconsequential shyte you posted on the misnamed” “social media”
I worked in chools after my early retirement and have seen the damage this platform can and does cause. I have seen students, after taking a two year course in whatever, refusing to take the final exam,for their qualification because they could not bring their ‘phone into the exam room. And the problems it csuses reagarding bullying etc.and I’m talking about 8 year olds here!
Religion used to called the opium of the masses, according to Marx, not any more, I wouldn’t trust Zuckerberg as far as he could be thrown, sinister and agenda driven.
That is amazing ! Not having children in the UK, I was not aware of that. No such problem in Gambia. Most kids don’t have phones. My little girl has a phone but my wife does not allow her to take it to school. And school discipline is similar to the UK in the 1950s.
I have been slagging off Zuckerberg to people for years but they don’t seem to get it. One lady said to me “but he looks so nice ” ! Facebook has a virtual monopoly. Zuckerberg has a Left-wing agenda. People have no way of knowing how he is selling personal information to third parties. We also have no way of knowing how he is censoring Facebook. He is a nasty piece of work and I would not trust him an inch.
The tourist slogan for Gambia is ” The smiling coast of Africa “. And the smiles and laughter are one of the things that make it such a wonderful country. But, there is a saying in Wolof, my wife’s language, ” But what is behind the smile ? ” That could apply to Zuckerberg perfectly.
Grant, how about 3 and 4 year olds in nursery throwing a tantrum because they were having their mobile taken from them? Their parent(s), banging on the door, threatening violence over the removal. We have created a generation who cannot communicate face to face, they live their lives through a screen and boast about the thousands of “friends” they have online. I realise this must sound hypocritical, considering what I am doing at the moment but I somehow don’t this is in the same league, off to refit my kitchen now.
At least we are discussing serious issues, mostly. Some years ago I was on a bus in Edinburgh. 3 schoolkids were sitting in front of me, not speaking, but texting……. each other !
” And school discipline is similar to the UK in the 1950s.”
I would hate to sound like a dinosaur but it’s good to see that standards remain high in some parts of the world!
Honest mate, the discipline is the best thing for her but then I might be hopelessly biased cos I was a military cadet from the age of 13 then enlisted at 17….Saw active service…the works….best thing I’ve ever done. Bloody sorry I didn’t stay in. Ah well.
I’ve given up hope of getting my 14 year old to consider a similar path….. “Too hard Dad”……………
Some new technique for treating alleged ADHD featured on BBC TV this morning.
Mother, whose main area of concentration appeared to be food, with young princess who claims to have this crippling disability. Princess made staggering claim that her ADHD appears to kick in during school lesssons (or something along those lines) but is not a problem when she is doing something she likes.
Well holy cow!
Nobody in the studio gave any indication whatsoever that they had grasped the idiocy of this claim.
Critical faculties appear to be more-or-less dead in many quarters.
I’d wager that ADHD isn’t a massive problem in Japan, S Korea or China.
I meant that you have no sympathy for the girl whose ADHD co-incides with her school attendance, so I guess you would have no sympathy for my ADHD , which co-incides with contact with the BBC. A rather clumsy joke !
My daughter taught English in a private school in Seoul, South Korea for 4 years. The kids started classes at 8am and finished at 6pm and seldom got to bed before 11pm after doing their homework. These were 5 year olds! She asked them why they drove their kids so hard and was told that education was the only guarantee of a better future. One of the kids she taught was the granddaughter of the Chairman of Hyundai.
There are more Korean and Japanese post grad students in top US universities than Americans.
I think that the BBC should start a seperate channel ” BBC Hate Trump “, so they can put all their Trump news and Fake Trump News in one place for people who are interested.
In the north of England, “to trump” means to suffer from flatulence. I’m surprised that the BBC hasn’t had a giggle about that. But that would mean consorting with people who live on whippet and chips and keep coal in the bath.
Media Studies at York University is about as close as they get.
1: BBC ONE = Anti-Trump pro-violence Dramas
2: BBC TWO = Anti-Trump Communist Education Comedies
9: BBC FOUR = Anti-Trump Documentaries
101: BBC ONE HD = Anti-Trump pro-violence Dramas Hate Democracy
102: BBC TWO HD = Anti-Trump Communist Education Comedies Hate Democracy
106: BBC FOUR HD = Anti-Trump Documentaries Hate Democracy
107: BBC NEWS HD = Anti-Trump Fake News Hate Democracy
120: CBBC = Anti-Trumpton remakes with Pro-EU riots
121: CBEEBIES = Anti-Trumpton remakes with a PC message
123: CBBC HD = Anti-Trumpton remakes with Pro-EU riots Hate Democracy
124: CBEEBIES HD = Anti-Trumpton remakes with a PC message Hate Democracy
130: BBC NEWS = Anti-Trump Fake News
131: BBC PARLIAMENT = Anti-Trump House of Lords raging & ranting
601: BBC RED BUTTON 1 = Anti-Trump Music Festivals with Lovvies ranting
104 ChannelFake News
703 BBC Radio W*nk
702 BBC Radio Untrue
703 BBC Radio Twee
704 BBC RadioFalse
705 BBC Radio Fake Lies
725? BBC Radio Loondon
732 LBC Loondon Belittles Conservatives
Stew, here’s a thing. I never quite worked out how the BBC claimed a ‘reach’ of 70% all over the UK until I found this whilst listening to Classic FM online. On the top left of the pop out there is listed the entire BBC radio network… All playing the same song of Anti-Brexit chants…! So much for diversity of opinion.
BBC Radio stations
BBC Radio 1
BBC Radio 1 Xtra
BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 4
BBC Radio 4 LW
BBC Radio 4 Extra
BBC Radio 5 live
BBC Radio 5 live sports extra
BBC Radio 6 music
BBC Radio Asian Network
BBC Radio Scotland
BBC World Service (costs -£245m for BBC World Service July 2014)*
BBC Radio Ulster
BBC Radio Wales
BBC Radio Nan Gaidheal
BBC Radio Foyle
BBC Radio Cymru
BBC Radio Cymru Mwy
BBC Radio Berkshire
BBC Radio Bristol
BBC Radio Cornwall
BBC Coventry and Wales
BBC Essex
BBC Guernsey
BBC Hereford & Worcester
BBC Radio Humberside
BBC Radio Jersey
BBC Lincolnshire
BBC Radio London
BBC Radio Newcastle
BBC Radio Norfolk
BBC Radio Northampton
BBC Radio Nottingham
BBC Radio Cambridge
BBC Radio Cumbria
BBC Radio Derby
BBC Radio Devon
BBC Radio Gloucester
BBC Radio Kent
BBC Radio Lancashire
BBC Radio Leeds
BBC Radio Leicester
BBC Radio Oxford
BBC Radio Solent
BBC Radio Stoke
BBC Radio Solent
BBC Radio York
BBC Radio Shefield
BBC Radio Shropshire
BBC Radio Solent & Weymouth
BBC Radio Somerset
BBC Radio Suffolk
BBC Radio Surrey
BBC Radio Sussex
BBC Radio Tees
BBC Radio Three Counties
BBC WM 95.6 (Liverpool)
And then if that is not enough we have the both UK and World TV stations and I am unsure how many there in total – but I can guess that some are banned propaganda channels they call ‘entertainment’. Many of those channels outside the UK do not have to declare the BBC Charter which is UK based only. Very few of any of this make any money. We the TV license fee payer pay for it all (the white English people they despise).
I have just read an article in the Express whereby BBC viewers want Nigel Farage banned from the BBC airwaves.
On the video it shows three different men who appear to be academics that probably have never had proper jobs and don’t live in the real world wanting him stopped and shutting up.
Very one sided they don’t seem to realise that UKIP polled more votes in the General Election than the Liberal Party and The Scottish Nationalists combined.
Nigel Farage certainly does not receive more air time than the likes of Sturgeon, Clegg and Co.
Maybe Nigel should get his retaliation in first and boycott the BBC. If Trump did the same , it would surely damage the BBC’s “reputation”. Some people ( as the BBC would say ! ), may start wondering why ?
Same old story – the left don’t like anyone with an opinion other than their own, and feel anyone who has such an opposing opinion, should be silenced, for fear of the alternative (and usually sound) argument influencing people.
Quite right OG – the reason the Progressives don’t want to have to defend their policies and beliefs, is that the things they represent can’t withstand scrutiny and examination; they just don’t stack-up – they never have.
Exactly, John! Academics do nothing to bring wealth to this country.
“Nigel Farage certainly does not receive more air time than the likes of Sturgeon, Clegg and Co.”
That’s all it is for these people, just hot air. With Nigel Farage, it’s real facts, which of course get in the way of other politicians, and of course, the bBeeb.
Many apologies here but last night UK tv boiled my piss.
You had Harriet the harpy and some Dem bint on the Beeb (Graham Norton show)
You had some rsoles bleating about fake news(only right wing fake news obvs ) on news night and at the same time on four you had the preening narcissistic ubertwat Brand.
To top it all you had the last living Gibb bro on the fake news in chiefs show on ITV.
A lefty four card trick.
According to one of the TV mags it was supposedly Nigel Farage on Piers Morgan so what happened there?
Did the @rseholes trying to get him banned succeed?
The Trump executive order on immigration from 7 days has been overturned by a Federal judge after an ambitious Democrat brought the case.
None of the news media seem to have realised the consequences which will follow.
The CEO of Philips once came out with a very nice maxim “If you shoot your arrows at every rabbit, then you may not have an arrow when the deer comes along”
In other words, was this the right time and the right battle to fight? Trump has already said that if this happens he will simply go through Congress to enforce his order, and after that there will be nothing the moaners can do about it
Not only that but he will be free to pursue subsequent orders which may be more far reaching.
It is often said that people who carry out actions fail to consider the unintended consequences of their actions, this appears to apply even more to the left.
All we keep hearing from the followers of cult Leftlam, is how random, unthoughtout, amateur, unplanned, and panicked everything President Donald Trump is doing. To me it seems like he is 10 steps ahead of his (and our) enemies, and everything that he is doing, and the fall out of those actions, has been anticipated, expected, and part of the plan.
Trump has assembled a team of social, political and business giants/juggernauts/geniuses that are light years ahead of anything we have ever witnessed here or in the US. These aren’t just production line created vessels reading from the same script, like the brainwashed morons we have had for the last 4 decades in western politics. These men and women utterly embarrass to a man, in every way, our current self-serving elite who are trying to stop them.
Most people are so apathetic and brainwashed by the current system they do not know there’s an enemy. We know there is, and so does Trump and his team. We needed to expose the enemy before we can take them on, and Trump has done that brilliantly.
Trump keeps saying “he is doing this for the American people” and the enemy are going to war with him. This is a fatal mistake by the enemy as the fast majority of the west aggree with everything Trumps doing! With every act of war against Trump, the enemy are attacking the silent majority, and Trump knows this. Trump is winning every time as it looks so obvious that the people attacking him are doing so to protect their own interests, not the people at home agreeing with Trump.
Trump went high, got the enemy all worked up and hate filled, then went low to the level everyone sane agrees with what he says, and the enemy have still attacked him. Trump is utterly brilliant and has played them for the intolerant, bigoted, fascists they are, and the evidence is there for everyone to see
Spot on . Trump is outsmarting them with every move. And the more hysterical the Leftist Fascists, inside and outside the BBC, become the worse things get for them. But they are too stupid to realise this. They cannot cope with anything outside their tiny, narrow-minded, pre-programmed bubble. I am loving every minute of their suffering after decades of suffering at their hands. It is revenge time and it tastes sweet !
After the 7 o’clock pips the very first two words on the Today Programme this morning were “Donald Trump”.
And so it was for about an hour or so when they started to say “President Trump” or “Mr Trump”, and I smiled at the thought that the BBC must have received complaints.
The problem is that so entrenched is the bias in the BBC that they probably don’t even realise that they’re doing it.
The al beeboids always exhibit a complete lack of respect for those in public life whose politics or beliefs they don’t share, they can’t even bring themselves to show respect for the office or position which is held by such a person.
This was on display by L.K. during the joint conference the PM held with the POTUS, when he challenged her on something she’d asked her response was:
“Let’s see what she says shall we.”
If that had been an American MSM journalist, even one who was hostile to the new president (i.e. most of them) they would not refer to him as “he” in that way; they would say refer to him as “Mr President” or “the president” and they would NEVER do it in a joint news conference with the leader of another country present, such is their respect for the presidency regardless of who actually is president.
It illustrates the complete and public disdain beeboids have for the office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I don’t know why the Conservative government here bothers with them when they are hated by them to such a degree.
A couple of days ago things went completely wrong on the Today programme. They started the 7 a.m. news with the words, ‘Today the Government will……’ This used to be their favourite line from 1997-2010. I don’t think I have heard is used since. But it wasn’t said with their past enthusiasm for those words. (My usual examples of ‘tone of voice’ bias are are John Sopel and the little Iain Watson who I keep wanting to call Tom).
I put the telly on BBCnews first thing. Headline one: Judge in Seattle halts Trumps immigration order.
(Liberals celebtarting everywhere)
Next headline summary: French authorities say they believe the man who tried to attack the Louvre museum in the capital Paris on Friday was a 29-year-old Egyptian man. “Egyptain” Prosecutor Francois Molins said he is thought to have travelled to Paris from Dubai on a tourist visa last month.
So we don’t need travel restrictions on Muslim countries huh?
The BBC webpage on this story follows up with:
“Police are trying to establish if the man acted alone or under instructions”
AS…..The al beeboids always exhibit a complete lack of respect for those in public life …..
Sadly its not just the BBC, or those in public life. I realise we live in an alien world to 60 years ago, but in that era respect and discipline were learnt at a young age. Young children were never heard to call an adult by their Christian (first) name as you do now, which I believe is the start of the breakdown in respect. I am the age of grandparents, possibly great grandparents, and I positively bristle when I’m introduced as my first name to children of 7 years upwards. I would prefer to be called Mrs ?? but then I’m looked upon in horror by the parents ! I also take to task cold callers who refer to me by my first name – they quickly backtrack. I would add that I’m not some grey-haired-in-a-bun stereo type old lady, I still retain a youthful attitude – I was backstage with the Stones in the 60’s for God’s sake !
A few years ago I was in the company of my old school teacher, and despite her protestations, myself and others still couldn’t be that familiar with her, and addressed her as Mrs Watkins. THAT is respect.
Why is this ? why have we as a society gone down the road of being all ‘matey’ ? My generation are dying out, and with it all our manners, respect and discipline in all areas of life; everyone appears to ‘challenge’ everyone and everything regardless.
Brissles – it is the fact that my hairdresser and my window cleaner both call me by my first name. I did go briefly to a hairdresser that used to kiss his clients goodbye – but I soon found another one.
I think the word ‘respect’ has been hi-jacked, mainly by kids who need to find new words of more than one syllable for reasons only known to themselves, Brissles. When anyone says ‘With respect’ nowadays, you can be pretty sure it isn’t!
Even Dotun Adebayo on R5 asked a US ‘journalist’ to show some respect for Mr Trump, well before his inauguration. The journalist was just being very rude!
I went to meet my retired headmaster once, and when we fixed up the time, one of the most awkward things I had to ask, was ‘What may I call you now’? His answer was lovely; ‘Gerald is fine by me’!
What were you doing backstage with the Stones, if I may ask ?
The Gambian, Abdou, who built my house has become one of my best friends ever . We discuss many things , International Politics, History, Literature etc. He always calls me “Sir”. Many times I have asked him to call me “Grant”. I finally pinned him down as to why he insists on “Sir”. Answer “Because you are older than me “. He is 44, I am 61.
So, I solved the problem and I always call him “Sir” now. all the other Gambians think we are nuts.
I like that, Grant! You could tell him that calling him “Sir” in reply is a very Victorian British thing to do. It may help cure him but I suspect he may actually like it and use it even more. He’s obviously a gent and a right proper one at that, Guv’nor!
When he was younger he got a scholarship to study at a college in the USA, and he went , but the money ran out before he could go to Uni. If he had, I think he would now be a Professor.
i sometimes wonder if he calls me “Sir” because he forgets my real name !
I remember several years ago when the University I attended made a decision that staff would no longer address students as Mr/Miss but use their first names. I always thought that addressing university students by their title indicted that they were adults, not schoolchildren. Soon after, Drs, Professors were being called by their first names, often encouraged by radical lecturers.
I have a title and although I do not insist on it I do find it to be a put down when some snotty doctor’s receptionist uses my first name when taking my details before I get to the the Doctor – who is always given the title.
In my family, no matter what age, people were always referred to as Aunty, Uncle, Grandad, Grandma and these titles remained as did the respect for family members.
My Dad was in various hospitals for a year before he passed away age 91. The local hospital were great and asked patients how they would like to be addressed. But at the hospital in Perth , the first nurse called him ” Jock” ( Yes , really, it was his nickname from the British Army and all friends called him that ). He said that he would prefer to be called Mr. Smith. The nurse said that was not their policy. Dad replied ” But it is MY policy”.
He would have loved this site. He hated the BBC from right back in the 1960s. Way ahead of his time .
Grant – back in the 60’s my Dad ran dances for the youth of the town, so the Stones, Kinks, Swinging Blue Jeans et al all were all booked just as they were starting out. OF COURSE I had a back stage pass with my mates !!!
GWF – my family and upbringing was the same with their titles. Neighbours were referred to also as ‘aunty’ or ‘Mrs’ depending how friendly they were with the family.
Grant – during my time in the NHS I always referred to all outpatients as Mr or Mrs. One elderly gent complimented me in calling him Mr Grey rather than ‘George’. So it clearly rankles with many people, and just wish the latter generations would realise this.
Oh Grant ! – a ‘groupie’ seems like such a quaint word now !
Yes of course I got autographs – no selfies back then. Although I still have a terrific photo of my Dad stood in the middle of the Rolling Stones including Brian Jones – lots of kudos there with family and friends !!!! I collected all the advertising posters as well – still have them ! Amongst them is one for a Paul Raven as he was known back then, who sadly later become the infamous Gary Glitter.
Look after all that stuff ! It is history and money.
I met Gary once when I was auditing Morrison Leahy . He was a really nice guy. We went to a pub somewhere near 1 Hyde Park , London. He paid all the drinks. I was really surprised when I heard the news of his paedo stuff.
But that’s how devils are; being charming is how they get away with it for so long. They’ll be plenty in today’s LibMob.
Some shouting “look over there at Trump”.
The BBC must bear some responsibility for the increase in violence deemed to by justifiable by those attacking and trying to silence so called ‘far right’ groups.
If the Government was not so hell bent on attacking so called far right extremism, stamping out offensive speech, these thugs might be contained. Don’t expect the police to follow this too closely. It is not as if the perpetrators were throwing bacon at a mosque.
“Anti fascist” is camouflage for Communists and totalitarian Marxists of various types infiltrating the liberal and soft left.
They used this trick in the 1930s and have continued ever since, except for the period when the Soviet Union had a treaty of non aggression with Nazi Germany between 1939-1941.
The trick also involves calling all opponents “fascists” even when they are not remotely connected to Fascism. This enables them to justify their violence to fellow travellers in the media and the uncommitted but gullible public.
Hard leftists, Communists and cultural Marxists should always be called out on this, and should always be identified for what they are….totalitarian leftists.
Yes thanks for that Guest Who. In the comments section below that article I found this quote from Cassandra worth repeating here:
The BBC has been guilty of fake news for as long as I can recall. This is done, not by actually lying, but mostly by selecting facts to report – omitting ones inconvenient to their left- liberal agenda – and spinning those that are reported. This amounts to the same thing.
For example, although according to opinion polls at least half the population is and always had been opposed to mass immigration and multiculturalism, if one relied on the BBC for one’s information, one would never know that.
Back in 1964 in the then Southern Rhodesia, a BBC team and camera crew were filming in a black housing estate. They were throwing money into rubbish bins and filming the kids diving in to retrieve it. You know the headline; “Starving black children raiding the rubbish bins because they are so hungry.”
The parents were less than happy and fetched the police.
All recorded material was destroyed and crew deported the same day.
BBC Complaints Department still very much “on message”…
My complaint: The headline on this page is: “Theresa May fails to condemn Donald Trump on refugees”. Can you explain to me how the use of the word “fails” can be deemed to be impartial or unbiased? “Fails” expresses an opinion: the BBC’s opinion. I do not want to know and could not care less what the BBC’s opinion is as, and this may come as a surprise to you, I am quite capable of forming my own, thank you very much. Had you used the words “does not” instead of “fails” then I would not be writing this complaint, and you would not have to write me a reply telling me that my “complaint has been logged” and the “BBC got it about right”. There’s another beauty…
We used the word “fail” in the headline in the sense that Mrs May did not address the specific question she was asked – as Laura Kuenssberg notes in her analysis: “…when pressed for an answer on Donald Trump’s controversial refugee ban she first of all, uncomfortably, avoided the question. Then on the third time of asking she would only say that on the United States policy on refugees it was for the US.”
It’s the same principle as a climber not reaching the top of a mountain – we would say they had failed to achieve their goal. And in this case, Mrs May failed to provide answers to the specific point that was raised. In effect, she fudged the issue.
We’re sorry if you feel this showed the BBC was taking a view on the matter but don’t believe that this was the case.
While Donald Trump has featured heavily in the news recently, we have sought to provide rounded coverage, featuring supporters as well as those who disagree with him.
Many thanks for your response to my recent complaint. I was not disappointed. You correctly wrote “Then on the third time of asking she would only say that on the United States policy on refugees it was for the US.“. Forgive me, and perhaps I am wrong, but that sounds like an answer to me and a perfectly plausible and accurate one too. Hardly a failure to answer, I feel.
I note too Kuenssberg’s use of the word “uncomfortably”, which again is purely a matter of opinion and only Mrs May could tell us whether she was uncomfortable or not, and she is not likely to do that.
You will see from my contact details that I live in glorious North Wales, a beautiful region blessed with fine mountains and about as far as it is possible to get from London-centric metropolitan-minded BBC Bubble Land as it is possible to get. So you must forgive me for laughing out loud when I read your comment “It’s the same principle as a climber not reaching the top of a mountain – we would say they had failed to achieve their goal.“. For many years I have been climbing the Welsh mountains and I have enjoyed every single moment of the experience. Reaching the top is a bonus, not a goal. However, I will look at my hobby in a new light from today because never, ever have I considered myself to be a failure – but the BBC says that I am, apparently. Nice one. Worth every penny of £145.50 … or perhaps not.
Your organisation is a disgrace and the sooner I can release the legal grip you have on my choice of television viewing the better.
Excellent stuff- well done! I only hope I can come up with something half as good in reply to the inevitable obfuscation I will receive regarding my complaint about Graham Norton.
Bibistan plugging their multi-culti bias in Paris bombing on website:
Photo of ethnic policeman and BOTH eye-witnesses interviewed are non-white.
Dog-whistle subliminal message? “See, it can’t be Islamic terrorism cos even muslims are being hurt by it.”
The deceit is subtle and relentless.
There, he bought two machetes from a shop selling guns.
FooC Just started
“Jon Sopel asks if we have got it all wrong about Donald Trump. He’s not just a deal maker, he has ideologues standing right behind him. Will Grant, in Mexico City, muses on how President Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and yet a distinctly unsavoury Mexican has been sent back across that border, to the US. ”
Smearing Bannon and Breitbart
Soppel uses all kind of rhetorical tricks
eg quoting wacky Breitbart headlines without adding the context that they were intentional provocative jokes.
Next bit from Will Grant
“Trump characterised Mexicans as rapists and….”
Actual context was Trump was talking about “Mexican criminals” not deported by Obama after serving jailtime.
Labour party via John McDonnell trying to claim back traditional northern seats with policies to break down the ‘North/South’ divide. Admirable cause, no problem with that, but which party approved Crossrail at £7bn + £6bn overspend? Great service for Newham, Tower Hamlets, Islington and Camden to Westminster. What did Labour do in 13 years in power to reduce the North South divide? Same old plans, same old spending, £500bn of plans it knows it hasn’t got a cat in hell’s chance of getting elected to implement.
Is bbc objective news or SJW campaigning ?
2 examples of how they cover this story
This tweeted from 3 official BBC accounts : News, NAmerica, HYS
using a hashtag looks like campaigning
The difference between President Trump signing an Executive Order and the PM of Sweden signing a new law, is that no one outside Sweden cares a damn about the laws of Sweden.
That local activists stack the audience for Any Questions (BBC R4 8pm Fri) was obvious last night in the programme from Tywyn, Wales. The audience enthusiastically & loudly applauded any Remainer comment but Stephen Crabb MP observed at one point that the local community had overwhelmingly voted to Leave the EU. I don’t recall Jonathan Dimbleby observing at all that the audience might not be representative of the local community but I missed the first couple of minutes of the programme together with the last five minutes. He may have done.
BBC Bias Alert: Barnabas Fund, which supports persecuted Christians throughout the world, has lodged a formal complaint with the BBC Trust over a “wholly false claim” about Christian refugees in the USA. This was the offending item:
“In an interview with an evangelical television network [President Trump] claimed without any factual basis the old Obama policy favoured Muslims over Christians” (emphasis added). (
The related Barnabas Fund editorial ( also has the following para on the BBC:
“The BBC has set up an agreement with Facebook to remove any news stories the BBC fact-checking unit says are untrue. However, it has long been claimed that the BBC itself has its own bias and sometimes gets things wrong itself. In fact, just this week Barnabas Fund wrote the BBC Director-General to correct a serious error in the 10pm TV news on Sunday.”
The BBC may be none of President Trump’s business, but I suspect many would not object if, in swatting CNN, he also “accidentally” hit the BBC at the same time…
I read the Barnabas Fund submission. Good luck to them. I think Trump is well aware of the BBC poison. He has spent enough time in the UK and Nigel will have briefed him.
Dark looks from James Obsworth round the water cooler?
Not the best way to get a Newsnight gig.
WATCH | The great Nick Ferrari demolishes the media nonsense about Trump's so-called "Muslim ban". So important to counter the lies!
OK some actual work from @BbcRealityChuck!
They fact checked Labour MP Cadbury claims
Story Reality Check: Was pollution worse in London than Beijing?
Tweet here
“Some #pollution readings were higher in London, but this was unrepresentative and Beijing is generally far worse.”
“They suggest that Beijing’s levels are about five times worse than London’s.
The cities with the dirtiest air are Zabol in Iran and Onitsha in Nigeria.
In the UK, overall emissions of all types of air pollution have fallen dramatically since 1970.
Pollution in Beijing is much worse than in London – or in Stockholm, where the same claim was made this week.”
BTW im guessing today’s Times took this line from activist PR
“Parents are so frustrated at the lack of action to address pollution from diesel cars”
Not credible that many parents spoke those words specifically aimed at diesel cars.
Of course diesel trains, buses and trucks emit nothing but Chanel No. 5 presumably. No mention. I suppose, about the former illustrious Prime Minister Brown trying to get us all to use diesel cars because of their alleged lower CO2 emissions.
Lobster – the EU also introduced policies favourable to diesel engined vehicles which were, coincidentally, helpful to the Germany economy; as the Germans are very good at manufacturing diesel engines.
The clue may be in the name (Diesel) I suppose.
Do they have London red buses in Beijing? (Most of London’s stop start pollution I should think can be blamed on buses and coaches). Trams are only from Croyden to Wimbledon routes and no farther than that. If Sadiq had any bottle he would extend them London wide. But then he won’t as he is only too aware it was the last Labour government that made Diesel the winning choice and it complied with EU directives designed to encourage the German VW range to sell more small auto diesels as well as the larger diesels we still have on our roads). Of course the fact that VW have been found fibbing on diesel and petrol emissions (as approved by the EU) and adopted by the Labour party when in government as a ‘GREEN’ fuel. Suggesting bio-fuels at the time, now its electric cars.. but the better answer would be London Trams (as we had in London before Electric Trolley Buses took over (and then replaced with Diesel) for mass transport. Sadiq Khan would be better directed towards that. Not sure who Labour MP Cadbury chap is but no doubt he lacks knowledge of transportation systems and the EU and Labour recommending London adopt small Diesel engines (then) made only in Germany has all been erased from memory.
Iain, true I forgot that. I grew up when trams were almost London wide and then abolished. I think they are the future, as long as we build them in the UK. They are cheap to run and cause minimal pollution unlike the usual unreliable (and smokey) London bus!
I do wonder why the rejection of trams seems out of step with so many other cities, although I read a short while ago that trams along Oxford Street, one of the main candidates, would present weight problems for the Central Line directly underneath.
I think you’re right about trolley buses. I remember them well – quiet and clean but it wasn’t unusual for the trolleys to separate from the cables overhead. However, a modern electronic guidance system embedded in the road or, better still, an optical system, could perhaps deliver most of the advantages of trams without the cost and disturbance of track laying. Extending and changing the routes would also be easier.
There must be a downside otherwise someone would have done it already, maybe.
On Muslim Refugees, RealityCheck is quite different from BBC narrative and implies Obama was letting it slip out of control
“The number of Muslim refugees who entered the US in 2016 was 38,901, making up almost half (46%) of the total, according to this Pew Research report from October 2016.
The report says this is the highest number of Muslim refugees in any year since data on self-reported religious affiliations first became publicly available in 2002.”
Snopes led the way on this : the first thing is gatekeeping ie what facts you decide to check and publicise
eg Do the Donald
But Chuck fact checking which might show Hillary in a bad light
That was wonderful!
Who is the complete d**khead who tried to draw him into answering whether he’d be in favour of a state visit by al Baghdidi? (FFS). Then was instantaneously shot down in flames, which won’t have been an unfamiliar experience for him by the end of this exchange between himself and the good doctor.
From ‘Conservative Woman’ (a comment by Odo Saunders on an article; I’ve changed the paragraphing in three places, just to make it easier to read.)
BBC Radio 4 and Radio Five “the home of all show-business and other human trivia” Live have certainly gone into overdrive with their largely venomous attacks on President Trump, despite the fact that he is only giving effect to a promise made during the recent American presidential campaign!
The problem here is that the BBC do not like the idea of democratic decisions being exercised by the ordinary person, which are not in line with those approved by the metropolitan elite. The daily debate this morning on Radio Five Live on Trump’s executive order relating to immigration was hosted by Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell, and he was on his best politically correct behaviour. When one listener argued that the women marching against Trump should have protested about the way in which the Koran discusses women, Campbell merely said that the matter was a question of debate among Moslem scholars! You could not make it up and demonstrates the mindset of BBC journalists. When Campbell asked one of the “experts” on the show about the fact that persons with Israeli passports were not permitted to enter Arab countries, the question was brushed aside and Campbell did not press her further on the matter.
On the Radio 4 breakfast programme this morning, one of the contributors was the fellow traveller “Baroness” (surely some mistake?) Warsi, who completely ignored a statement made by one of the presenters to the effect that Pakistan was not included in the ban, as well as certain other Moslem countries, and was allowed to get away with the matter. All last week, the presenter Nick Robinson on Radio 4 was adopting a particularly hostile tone as regards the issues of Trump and Brexit. What particularly irked me was that all his questions put to the studio guests were prefaced with the understanding that both matters were bad and should be automatically criticised.
The BBC gave up long ago trying to be an impartial presenter of the news and should be consigned immediately to the dustbin of history. But I am probably preaching to the converted!
FakeNews and False-Narrative are issues but notice how Unverified News is an issue.
BBC/MSM are quick to run it with any excuse , keeping it back when it doesn’t suit narrative.
– Trump’s alleged Moscow video
– #DressLikeAWoman
– The Beckham emails
If you’ve seen this then apologies, if you haven’t then let me know whether we should be laughing or terrified.
Got to 10 mins 20 seconds to see how a liberal University Professor explains to the police how they should be beating up a speaker in the NY University as she doesn’t agree with him. Apparently the police are Nazis because they won’t attack a human being.
After eight years of political correctness backed by Government power during the Obama years no wonder she’s struggling. Lolz!
The serious thing is, that she looks as if she’d got used to using her position by being a sort of Commissar, who could push her views on campus without fear of sanction. I think it’s now dawning that the new President may actually have meant what he said during the election campaign. Now he’s acting on his promises, and has a lot of support.
She’s started to realise she’s going to have to wind her neck in or she’s not going to keep her job when the swamp gets drained.
The totalitarian left call everyone Nazis, even Milo….about as far from a Nazi as one could be!
“This is what a police state looks like! This is what a police state looks like! This is what a police state looks like!”
I’d like to see the response of the police in China, Iran, Russia or Zimbabwe to a similar protest, though I’m certain that these “protestors” wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of it though.
Jon Soapy on ‘From our Own Commie-spondent’ today on R4 excelled himself with personal comments on the appearance of Trump’s team…’receding hairline’, ‘ill fitting suits’, ‘out of shape’ etc. Can you imagine him referring to Corbyn and Abbot as ‘unshaven and decrepit looking’ ‘overweight and heavily bespectacled’ etc. Unbelievable.
BBC Today (Saturday) Its hard to not admire the Woman’s Hour persistence at reporting of barely credible (so called) Woman’s problems. An admiral programme in its day (a long time ago), its gone completely bananas and is totally confused about its own chosen sex. For example we jump from banning the word ‘Mother’ from the NHS confines (maternity ward is banning the word Mother is sought) its so matter-of-fact -fact’ why did nobody think of this before?, and anyway it’s the BMA (they state) (which is the trade union Body of NHS and not part of the NHS at all!. And then we have the ‘trans sex expert’ aired who just happened to argue why banning ‘motherhood’ is just so right and good! She/He/It (it’s hard to follow all the sexes so far identified by the EU lobby group) – but this is (she/he states ‘as a transgender'(sic) it is found (suddenly after thousands of years) to be offensive to the huge ‘Transgender community’ and yes the Woman’s hour is clearly agrees with the ‘commune-of-Transgenderism’ that it is now clearly offensive for children to have identifiable ‘mothers’ in a maternity ward”! Unbelievable arrogance that any (transgender) man can now have a child on the NHS! (This is being introduced in France first for roll-out across the EU next as an EU directive)…
A question of sexual exploitation. I am constantly surprised that Woman Hour put up with this kind of abuse on air as a supposed ‘scientific’ or ‘medical’ edict which of course it is and has neither, but serves a clear political purpose of undermining established biological knowledge and experience over generations – into the basic chemistry and biology of life itself being overturned to suit a trendy minority group..
The problems of accepting ‘Transverts’ into everyday world are never discussed on the BBC. Do Woman really want Unisex loo’s at the BBC, an end to ‘Woman’s only ‘wards’ in the NHS for instance, is it all UNISEX at the BBC now, including pay grades? The right of Woman to be called a ‘Woman’ is being questioned by a man posing as a woman who is ‘offended’ by the word ‘Mother’. From a purely scientific basis the X and Y chromosomes are set and installed long before birth and cannot be altered at all (by anyone). The use of drugs to impose physical traits to impress the media are also damaging their own identity and physical health. A life on hard drugs is not normal for healthy people (however confused). One other aspect that Doctors already know (and cannot comment on) is that many common drugs are ‘left and right’ handed which only work on the sex being identified as the sex your born with. The BBC never discuss the problems bar one ‘right’ of being accepted into the community’, as if its a right to spend a life on drugs with an identity crisis, and (unfortunately) the US experience of this is eventual suicide; due to severe depression due to; (previously undisclosed) major health problems that the BBC mass media fail to report at all. This is not reported in any EU mainstream media for fear of giving ‘offence’. It is however a fact of life of the medical (and psychological) problems they will face. It’s covered up for left wing politics.
The last word I give to BBC Woman’s hour is this gem ”I think sex in itself is inherently ‘sexist’ – that penetrative ‘sex’ itself is an ‘offensive’ word to the ‘transgender’ community That’s why we want to ban the word ‘mothers’….
I won’t bother with the BBC web link. You know the score on Woman’s hour. Its sexist!
Until the 1980s Woman’s Hour was an interesting programme. Then it became obsessed with South Africa and descended into agit-prop. It’s never recovered.
Funny but I think the BBC must have missed out on this petition – after all they seem very keen on petitions, but could it be they’re only keen when the question suits them?
They even reported on a petition to declare London an independent state post Brexit, somehow they must have missed this one:
Frank ‘did I mention I’m in a wheelchair’ Gardner was on telly last night going up the jungle for some reason I didn’t catch. Fair play to him to undertake an arduous trip, albeit with lots of native bearers and other minders.
One thing I noticed was when a native bearer was wheeling him into a canoe. The bearer called Gardner ‘sir’ and he got annoyed. The bearer looked hurt, and said ‘but it is because I respect you.’ Gardner replied ‘I respect you, but I don’t call you sir.’
A little thing, but it shows the mentality of some westerners; inverted snobbery and a desire to prove, possibly even to themselves, that they are on equal terms with somebody paid a pittance to work, literally, ‘like a black’ in the raging heat. He didn’t seem to understand that respectful terms of address are very important in many countries; everyone is ‘sir’ or ‘uncle’ etc.
Bebedict Allen said
\\“Frank revealed that when he was shot, he told surgeons the thing he regretted most was not seeing the birds of paradise in New Guinea. I said: ‘I’m your man.’ It took us six years, but finally we got there.”//
Grant, it’s something I’ve noticed with the boomer generation. They seem to dislike old fashioned courtesy, titles etc. I think this is partly marxist faux-egalitarian influences and partly a desire to be forever young and hip.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
BBC Points West leads with the lack of government funding to charities helping Bristol’s young people and a rise in demand for their services. Apparently Bristol’s young population has risen by 14%…
Why is demand greater? The report didn’t say, but we did get to hear from Ashaf Hassan who fled war torn Yemen and when he arrived in Bristol 3 years ago was given help and a home..
I think I’ve answered my own question, shame the BBC didn’t connect the dots.
To rub salt into the wounds the latest BBC trailer followed, based on the periodic table it was stuffed full of diversity.
Yet they tell us that immigrants don’t get help and a home….
Apologies if this has been covered already.
I noticed that following yesterday’s Question Time and the audience member who made the statement that she had voted for Brexit because of bent bananas there has been a lot of tweeting going on particularly from remainers who suggest that this is an example of people who voted for brexit.
Initially I thought the woman in the Question Time audience had just made a flippant and somewhat stupid remark, now I’m wondering if it is a BBC fit up job.
Great stuff:
Marvellous stuff indeed A.S!
Interesting how Nick Clegg always folds under pressure, and begins to fidget and look like a fourth-former being told off.
Yesterday the bBC kept the story that 6 Muslims in Rotherham had been jailed for kiddy rape and that 2 of screamed ‘Allah ackba’ when sentence.
Today in Sheffield a white man found guilty of sex abuse with teenagers and the bBC headlines it across the web.
Two very similar stories (actually the Muslim one is worse as it entails 6 Islamic paedophiles) and yet the bBC only advertise widely the white story.
The bBC, the coverup artists for Islamic rape
“Yesterday the bBC kept the story that 6 Muslims in Rotherham had been jailed for kiddy rape and that 2 of screamed ‘Allah ackba’ when sentence.”
As reported here:
And here:
“Two of the defendants shouted “Allahu Akbar” as they were led from the dock after sentencing.”
But spot the difference…
MUSLIMS “kiddy rape”
WHITE “sex abuse”
“Two very similar stories…”. Not really; Roger Dodds was employed by the state with implications of a cover-up by the City Council.
A “very similar story” would be the child prostitution and abuse trial currently taking place in Sheffield, where five of of the six accused could be described as WHITE or CHRISTIAN depending on your prejudice.
It’s received minimal coverage by the BBC and yet hasn’t been mentioned a single time by you or anyone else on this web site. Why is that I wonder?
Could it be Biased-BBC, the coverup artists for Christian rape?
Just as that unsung group of heroes who read the Daily Mail to decry Daily Mail readers garner insufficient recognition, so must your efforts monitoring peadophilia far and wide to an epic extent, to share what ‘could be described’.
We who are about to die laughing salute you.
maxicony – I never saw the sentencing of the Islamic rapists from Rotherham mentioned on the national news, just on the local news which (incidentally) didn’t mention the Muslim supremacist chanting by two of the Pakistanis.
This morning on Today, however, there was an interview with one of Dodd’s victims. Why was there not a similar interview with the victims of this Muslim rape gang or members of the victims’ families?
Why was the sentencing of six Muslim child-rapists in a town, which is infamous worldwide for gangs of Islamic molesters assaulting indigenous; female; kaffir children, not given national coverage yet that of an old white Paedophile was?
Excellent post. By the way, have any Trolls given any examples of BBC Right-wing bias yet ?
Me . I stated that Al Beeb were giving Trump too much coverage 😉
‘One case is ethnic Muslims and the other 2 are.ethnic Christians’
Not true as the suspects include
“Andre Francis-Edge, Taleb Bapir ”
“Could it be Biased-BBC, the coverup artists for Christian rape?”
No your post is still here
And in the second case seems Dodds was not charged/convicted of rape.
Crucial difference is that in the third case the perps are still legally innocent
It’s titled
“Sheffield child prostitution and abuse trial begins”
BTW 3 of the accused were 13 and 14 at the start of the events.
So Maxiboy , in true BBC tradition, got it “just about right”, which is good enough for the BBC .
Yesterday in Manchester 3 were jailed for counts of trafficking/prostituting 3 women.
Everyone involved was ethnic Hungarian.
Tricky one for Beeboids. I assume that the criminals are not muslims. Maybe, nominally christians. They are white. But they come from a country which is very patriotic, but with shades of right-wingism.
Too complicated for simple-minded Lefties who just see the world as black and white.
SG – Were the Hungarians Roma though? Like the one who ran over those two girls (also Roma) in the North West recently and the ones who have sold their daughters to Muslims in Bradford and Sheffield in the past few years.
You are throwing more ingredients into the pot. If I can’t keep up with this , how can the dimwits at the BBC ?
Just another example of BBC pro-muslim bias to add to the daily tally. They are quite shameless.
Mmmmmm, looks like we should be checking tourists visas very carefully, if indeed the French attacker was an Egyptian tourist. Perhaps Donald was right after all.
I thought it was a machete that had gone on the rampage outside the Louvre.
My cartoon on last week’s news
I’ve had a few subscribers since I started doing these, so cheers if that was any of you guys,
Did anybody else hear The Listening Project earlier?
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between friends about how they see their faith reflected in the media and how it makes them feel. Another in the series that proves it’s surprising what you hear when you listen.
Basically, two schoolgirls ranting about how wonderful Islam is and how horrible people are for criticising it.
It made me feel very uncomfortable. That was probably intended, as most things seem to be on the BBC now. It was a propaganda piece sure, but one that took advantage of two kids, and not what I wanted to hear on my drive home.
Don’t think the BBC should have allowed this, but that’s what the BBC has become I guess.
I bet that large numbers of schoolgirls in Rotherham and other towns don’t think Islam is “wonderful”.
@GWF alerted us to possible fakenews that the Whitehouse has a #dresslikeawoman dress code.
The Guardian run with under the line ‘oh look people are responding to this leak’ from
Actually strangely after 18 hours there is no substantiation nor wh denial.
But i guess wh is pretty busy.
Hi, first time post.
I saw the same story on the BBC site
It’s great to see so many new posters on here in recent times. Whether the BBC has finally ‘jumped the shark’ with its absurd bias against Donald Trump, I don’t know. But I still nurse the faint hope that this rotten parasite will be washed away forever on a tide of popular anger.
I’ve been here since … approximately … the 23rd June 2016.
Piss poor journalism
Welcome S.J.H
“But his reported requirement that his female staff “should dress like women” has provoked an inevitable backlash on social media.”
And, as night follows day, what gets ‘reported’ on social media is cut and pasted as ‘news’ on the BBC.
If every disgruntled US HRC civil servant has free access to the UK’s national broadcaster to air their sulks, it is going to be a long summer.
I can do fakes as well.BBC requires this as the female dress code. They are all clowns after all.
Here is some more background info.
ITV are just as bad Robert Moore Washington correspondent ” In the 2 weeks since the inauguration here it is now apparent that American foreign policy is facing its greatest disruption in decades impacting many countries and millions of people”
….”the travel ban imposed on all refugees and on 7 majority Muslim nations was the biggest shock of the opening fortnight…”
(Why was this a shock? He did what he said he was going to do)!
” Those watching the erratic decision making in this White House say there is an urgent need for more seasoned professionals to be involved”!
” the immediate danger is that escalating measures or military gamesmanship in the waters off Iran like we saw this summer could lead to miscalculation and confrontation.”
” Those watching the erratic decision making in this White House say there is an urgent need for more seasoned professionals to be involved”!
I wonder who “those watching” might be?
A week or so ago Robert Moore interviewing Sir Peter Westmacott, retired UK ambassador in Washington, addressed him as ‘Peter’ which makes him almost as sycophantic as he is biased, conceited and ignorant.
The most insidious aspect of this supposed ‘correspondent’ is that he is employed by ITN which used, until quite recently, to offer an alternative, factual source of news.
It is another BBC euphemism for “we the BBC are watching”. It is Fake News. Whenever journalists refuse to name a source, I assume that the report is an invention of the journalist.
Oh and fighting has escalated in Eastern Ukraine THIS WEEK because “some suggest” Russia may be testing the response of a “Trump” White House……
(Cue vulnerable evacuees and implied links to new administration in Washington).
How many other funerals will follow if this fierce upsurge in violence continues
When the BBC say “some suggest”, it means “The BBC suggest”. More Fake News form the BBC.
Julie Etchingham on ITV news reporting on lettuce shortage “It’s not even being blamed on Brexit….(smirk)…yet!”
The Graham Norton show promises to be even more impartial than usual. Already a stream of anti-Trump jokes AND Harriet Harperson is on, gushing to Norton “You should be Prime Minister “. Will no one rid us of this turbulent broadcaster?
Have walked out of the room after the first 5 minutes, lest the TV get a foot through it. How the BBC can possibly think this meets any form of impartiality requirement is beyond me. A complaint will be going in, for all the good it does.
This is even better, it contains a lot of clips from interviews with beeboids. My God! Don’t they just hate him, it seeps from their every pore. What complete and utter b@st@rds.
Al Beeb and the MSM are at war with Farage,Trump and Great Britain.
NewsShite turned its attention to “Fakenews” axe-grinding again.
Blah,blah,blah,blah – nothing we have not heard before ad nauseam.
In conclusion Squark ponders what might be the touchstone of truth and falsehood in this new media landscape
The stooge philosopher pipes up on cue that the “gold standard” is the BBC or perhaps even the Times. Smiles all round.
The German BBCs are also obsessed with fakenews and Volkverhetzung, a term used to suggest Hitlerite anti-semitic rantings. The purpose is, of course, to set up a “pre-narrative” to undermine the credibility of the forthcoming key European elections should Le Pen win in France or Wilders in Holland or the AfD advance in Germany.
In one discussion between political luminaries they were talking about “the need to inform the political debate”. One participant then said “the need to control the political debate”, which was repeated by others who did not seem to be aware of what they were saying. It is slips like these that reveal what the pundits are really thinking.
Out of the mouths of babes and children.
They don’t want to recognise that (in the words of my generation)
Let’s forget you, better still.
PS. How I have felt after the referendum.
Despite a few wobbles.
PPS. A message to Parliament & the BBC.
Yes, they want to control the political debate, the vote, what we say and what we do, what we think. They are Fascists. The Left are the real Fascists.
German media and fake news, eh?
“Only a week ago the A-lister, married to Spice Girl-turned-fashion designer Victoria Beckham, spoke about his charity work on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs.”
Bet Jimbo’s fact checkers are on the case as we speak. Or, maybe, not.
Government response to the Revoke the BBC’s Charter petition.
“The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Revoke the BBC’s charter”.
Government responded:
The new 11-year Charter establishes Ofcom as regulator of the BBC. This will include considering any complaints concerning impartiality and accuracy in BBC’s news and current affairs content.
The BBC Charter Review, which commenced in 2015, is one of the biggest consultation exercises the government has undertaken. We listened to views of the public and industry (including 192,000 consultation responses), set out detailed policy proposals in the White Paper in May, and worked closely and collaboratively with the BBC and Ofcom to negotiate the new Charter and Framework Agreement.
The Charter has given the BBC a new public mission, which is
To act in the public interest, serving all audiences with impartial, high-quality and distinctive media content and services that inform, educate and entertain.
In addition, the new Charter and Framework Agreement will:
○ enhance the distinctiveness of BBC content – the BBC’s Mission and Public Purposes have been reformed to reflect this requirement;
○ reform the governance and regulation of the BBC – the new BBC Board will be responsible for governing the BBC, and Ofcom will take on the regulation of the BBC;
○ prioritise the independence of the BBC – the Charter explicitly recognises the need for the BBC to be independent and the BBC will appoint a majority of Board members;
○ ensure the financial stability of the BBC – the licence remains as the key source of funding for the the next period;
○ ensure that the BBC’s impact on the market is proportionate to the public benefits it delivers and, where possible, positive for both the public and commercial organisations – the BBC is also obliged to work closely with others, and share its knowledge, research, and expertise, for wider public benefit;
○ make the BBC as open and transparent as possible – the Charter sets out obligations for the BBC to be more open and transparent in its operations and the important information it shares, including the salaries of its employees and talent earning more than £150,000; and
○ ensure that the BBC serves all nations and regions and is more reflective of the whole of the United Kingdom – through a new operating licence regime, specific Board representation and the continuation of production targets
These reforms will mean the BBC can continue to thrive, deliver for audiences, and act as an engine of creativity and growth for the UK.
The BBC is required to deliver duly impartial news by the Royal Charter and Agreement, and impartiality has for the first time been enshrined in the BBC’s mission in the new Charter. The government agrees that it is vitally important that accurate and impartial news is at the centre of the BBC’s output.
Ofcom, the trusted media and communications regulator, will take on regulation of the BBC. Following the end of the transition period, from 3 April 2017 Ofcom will be able to monitor and review how well the BBC is meeting its mission and public purposes; regulate editorial standards; hold the BBC to account over market impacts and public value; and consider appeals from industry, after they have complained to the BBC.
The BBC is also subject to Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code, which provides that news, in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Click this link to view the response online:
The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response. They can press the government for action and gather evidence. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.
The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee:
The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament”
Apologies if already been mentioned, but more attacks on the innocent public by men of ‘middle eastern/Latino (useful alternative) appearance, without any possible motive!! They really must be laughing when they write these reports.
There was also a stabbing attack in a restaurant in LA the other day, not sure whether it made it to the MSM in Europe. didn’t see it mentioned on the bBBC.
It looks like she’s got it A*se about Face.
Any idea about her political preferences? I’m a dinosaur – won’t use Facebuck or Twatter.
No. 7,
I have never heard of this silly Sally woman, but if the repulsive Hillary had won , I doubt if Trump supporters would have reacted in the hysterical way that the Lefty snowflakes have and certainly they would not have rioted at Berkeley. All the hatred and violence comes from the Left-wing Fascists.
Nice to know I’m not alone, #7.
My “family” go mad when I tell them, “No, I haven’t seen the latest pile of inconsequential shyte you posted on the misnamed” “social media”
I worked in chools after my early retirement and have seen the damage this platform can and does cause. I have seen students, after taking a two year course in whatever, refusing to take the final exam,for their qualification because they could not bring their ‘phone into the exam room. And the problems it csuses reagarding bullying etc.and I’m talking about 8 year olds here!
Religion used to called the opium of the masses, according to Marx, not any more, I wouldn’t trust Zuckerberg as far as he could be thrown, sinister and agenda driven.
That is amazing ! Not having children in the UK, I was not aware of that. No such problem in Gambia. Most kids don’t have phones. My little girl has a phone but my wife does not allow her to take it to school. And school discipline is similar to the UK in the 1950s.
I have been slagging off Zuckerberg to people for years but they don’t seem to get it. One lady said to me “but he looks so nice ” ! Facebook has a virtual monopoly. Zuckerberg has a Left-wing agenda. People have no way of knowing how he is selling personal information to third parties. We also have no way of knowing how he is censoring Facebook. He is a nasty piece of work and I would not trust him an inch.
The tourist slogan for Gambia is ” The smiling coast of Africa “. And the smiles and laughter are one of the things that make it such a wonderful country. But, there is a saying in Wolof, my wife’s language, ” But what is behind the smile ? ” That could apply to Zuckerberg perfectly.
G – What a great name for a language ‘ Wolof’ love it 🙂
Grant, how about 3 and 4 year olds in nursery throwing a tantrum because they were having their mobile taken from them? Their parent(s), banging on the door, threatening violence over the removal. We have created a generation who cannot communicate face to face, they live their lives through a screen and boast about the thousands of “friends” they have online. I realise this must sound hypocritical, considering what I am doing at the moment but I somehow don’t this is in the same league, off to refit my kitchen now.
At least we are discussing serious issues, mostly. Some years ago I was on a bus in Edinburgh. 3 schoolkids were sitting in front of me, not speaking, but texting……. each other !
Perfectly acceptable.
I don’t understand Edinburgh accents either.
In the 50’s I was allowed to take a phone to kindergarten.
But the line always got snagged on the roundabout between there and home.
“But the line always got snagged on the roundabout between there and home.”
My problem was scraping my ear on the edge of the rusty can.
” And school discipline is similar to the UK in the 1950s.”
I would hate to sound like a dinosaur but it’s good to see that standards remain high in some parts of the world!
Honest mate, the discipline is the best thing for her but then I might be hopelessly biased cos I was a military cadet from the age of 13 then enlisted at 17….Saw active service…the works….best thing I’ve ever done. Bloody sorry I didn’t stay in. Ah well.
I’ve given up hope of getting my 14 year old to consider a similar path….. “Too hard Dad”……………
Whan aaaah wurrr ah lad……
“I wouldn’t trust Zuckerberg as far as he could be thrown”
I think the hypothesis should be put to the test.
“as far as he could be thrown”
Hmm….method not clarified……….wot about?…..
Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.
Generally, I do not believe in censorship, but I shall make an exception in the case of this post. I was trying to eat breakfast.
Some new technique for treating alleged ADHD featured on BBC TV this morning.
Mother, whose main area of concentration appeared to be food, with young princess who claims to have this crippling disability. Princess made staggering claim that her ADHD appears to kick in during school lesssons (or something along those lines) but is not a problem when she is doing something she likes.
Well holy cow!
Nobody in the studio gave any indication whatsoever that they had grasped the idiocy of this claim.
Critical faculties appear to be more-or-less dead in many quarters.
I’d wager that ADHD isn’t a massive problem in Japan, S Korea or China.
Disgraceful comment. I have ADHD whenever I am in contact with the BBC. It seems there is no cure. Still, I don’t expect any sympathy from you.
No Grant, you won’t get any symp….
Er, where was I?
No Grant, you won’t get ..
What are we talking about?
I meant that you have no sympathy for the girl whose ADHD co-incides with her school attendance, so I guess you would have no sympathy for my ADHD , which co-incides with contact with the BBC. A rather clumsy joke !
Yes, I got that. And I was feigning ADHD, but not very successfully.
Never mind.
LOL ! I missed that one !
A classic is “I used to think I was mad, but now I’m a toaster”….
Steve mcgovern seemed to like the lass with adhd, “it makes me extra special” ffs.
Nice enough, in a way. Probably never been stretched in her life, or expected to do anything she doesn’t like.
I don’t think potential employers will be queuing up.
My daughter taught English in a private school in Seoul, South Korea for 4 years. The kids started classes at 8am and finished at 6pm and seldom got to bed before 11pm after doing their homework. These were 5 year olds! She asked them why they drove their kids so hard and was told that education was the only guarantee of a better future. One of the kids she taught was the granddaughter of the Chairman of Hyundai.
There are more Korean and Japanese post grad students in top US universities than Americans.
If Clinton had won and Brexit had lost….what on earth would the BBC have had left to hate?
White, working class males, as usual.
I think that the BBC should start a seperate channel ” BBC Hate Trump “, so they can put all their Trump news and Fake Trump News in one place for people who are interested.
What would they have to put on their other channels though?
“Strictly Come Trumping ” ?
In the north of England, “to trump” means to suffer from flatulence. I’m surprised that the BBC hasn’t had a giggle about that. But that would mean consorting with people who live on whippet and chips and keep coal in the bath.
Media Studies at York University is about as close as they get.
For Heaven’s sake. Beeboids read this site. If they suddenly point out that meaning of the word, we know who to blame.
BBC Freeview Channels:
1: BBC ONE = Anti-Trump pro-violence Dramas
2: BBC TWO = Anti-Trump Communist Education Comedies
9: BBC FOUR = Anti-Trump Documentaries
101: BBC ONE HD = Anti-Trump pro-violence Dramas Hate Democracy
102: BBC TWO HD = Anti-Trump Communist Education Comedies Hate Democracy
106: BBC FOUR HD = Anti-Trump Documentaries Hate Democracy
107: BBC NEWS HD = Anti-Trump Fake News Hate Democracy
120: CBBC = Anti-Trumpton remakes with Pro-EU riots
121: CBEEBIES = Anti-Trumpton remakes with a PC message
123: CBBC HD = Anti-Trumpton remakes with Pro-EU riots Hate Democracy
124: CBEEBIES HD = Anti-Trumpton remakes with a PC message Hate Democracy
130: BBC NEWS = Anti-Trump Fake News
131: BBC PARLIAMENT = Anti-Trump House of Lords raging & ranting
601: BBC RED BUTTON 1 = Anti-Trump Music Festivals with Lovvies ranting
104 ChannelFake News
703 BBC Radio W*nk
702 BBC Radio Untrue
703 BBC Radio Twee
704 BBC RadioFalse
705 BBC Radio Fake Lies
725? BBC Radio Loondon
732 LBC Loondon Belittles Conservatives
102 BBC Untrue TV
704 BBC Red-io For LibMob
All part of ”BBC Stop Brexit Hate Trump” Networks
Stew, here’s a thing. I never quite worked out how the BBC claimed a ‘reach’ of 70% all over the UK until I found this whilst listening to Classic FM online. On the top left of the pop out there is listed the entire BBC radio network… All playing the same song of Anti-Brexit chants…! So much for diversity of opinion.
BBC Radio stations
BBC Radio 1
BBC Radio 1 Xtra
BBC Radio 2
BBC Radio 3
BBC Radio 4
BBC Radio 4 LW
BBC Radio 4 Extra
BBC Radio 5 live
BBC Radio 5 live sports extra
BBC Radio 6 music
BBC Radio Asian Network
BBC Radio Scotland
BBC World Service (costs -£245m for BBC World Service July 2014)*
BBC Radio Ulster
BBC Radio Wales
BBC Radio Nan Gaidheal
BBC Radio Foyle
BBC Radio Cymru
BBC Radio Cymru Mwy
BBC Radio Berkshire
BBC Radio Bristol
BBC Radio Cornwall
BBC Coventry and Wales
BBC Essex
BBC Guernsey
BBC Hereford & Worcester
BBC Radio Humberside
BBC Radio Jersey
BBC Lincolnshire
BBC Radio London
BBC Radio Newcastle
BBC Radio Norfolk
BBC Radio Northampton
BBC Radio Nottingham
BBC Radio Cambridge
BBC Radio Cumbria
BBC Radio Derby
BBC Radio Devon
BBC Radio Gloucester
BBC Radio Kent
BBC Radio Lancashire
BBC Radio Leeds
BBC Radio Leicester
BBC Radio Oxford
BBC Radio Solent
BBC Radio Stoke
BBC Radio Solent
BBC Radio York
BBC Radio Shefield
BBC Radio Shropshire
BBC Radio Solent & Weymouth
BBC Radio Somerset
BBC Radio Suffolk
BBC Radio Surrey
BBC Radio Sussex
BBC Radio Tees
BBC Radio Three Counties
BBC WM 95.6 (Liverpool)
And then if that is not enough we have the both UK and World TV stations and I am unsure how many there in total – but I can guess that some are banned propaganda channels they call ‘entertainment’. Many of those channels outside the UK do not have to declare the BBC Charter which is UK based only. Very few of any of this make any money. We the TV license fee payer pay for it all (the white English people they despise).
Jews, obviously.
I have just read an article in the Express whereby BBC viewers want Nigel Farage banned from the BBC airwaves.
On the video it shows three different men who appear to be academics that probably have never had proper jobs and don’t live in the real world wanting him stopped and shutting up.
Very one sided they don’t seem to realise that UKIP polled more votes in the General Election than the Liberal Party and The Scottish Nationalists combined.
Nigel Farage certainly does not receive more air time than the likes of Sturgeon, Clegg and Co.
Maybe Nigel should get his retaliation in first and boycott the BBC. If Trump did the same , it would surely damage the BBC’s “reputation”. Some people ( as the BBC would say ! ), may start wondering why ?
Same old story – the left don’t like anyone with an opinion other than their own, and feel anyone who has such an opposing opinion, should be silenced, for fear of the alternative (and usually sound) argument influencing people.
Quite right OG – the reason the Progressives don’t want to have to defend their policies and beliefs, is that the things they represent can’t withstand scrutiny and examination; they just don’t stack-up – they never have.
Exactly, John! Academics do nothing to bring wealth to this country.
“Nigel Farage certainly does not receive more air time than the likes of Sturgeon, Clegg and Co.”
That’s all it is for these people, just hot air. With Nigel Farage, it’s real facts, which of course get in the way of other politicians, and of course, the bBeeb.
“BBC viewers want Nigel Farage banned from the BBC airwaves.”
Can’t we just ban the BBC from the BBC airwaves?
Many apologies here but last night UK tv boiled my piss.
You had Harriet the harpy and some Dem bint on the Beeb (Graham Norton show)
You had some rsoles bleating about fake news(only right wing fake news obvs ) on news night and at the same time on four you had the preening narcissistic ubertwat Brand.
To top it all you had the last living Gibb bro on the fake news in chiefs show on ITV.
A lefty four card trick.
According to one of the TV mags it was supposedly Nigel Farage on Piers Morgan so what happened there?
Did the @rseholes trying to get him banned succeed?
The Trump executive order on immigration from 7 days has been overturned by a Federal judge after an ambitious Democrat brought the case.
None of the news media seem to have realised the consequences which will follow.
The CEO of Philips once came out with a very nice maxim “If you shoot your arrows at every rabbit, then you may not have an arrow when the deer comes along”
In other words, was this the right time and the right battle to fight? Trump has already said that if this happens he will simply go through Congress to enforce his order, and after that there will be nothing the moaners can do about it
Not only that but he will be free to pursue subsequent orders which may be more far reaching.
It is often said that people who carry out actions fail to consider the unintended consequences of their actions, this appears to apply even more to the left.
Great post Thoughtful.
All we keep hearing from the followers of cult Leftlam, is how random, unthoughtout, amateur, unplanned, and panicked everything President Donald Trump is doing. To me it seems like he is 10 steps ahead of his (and our) enemies, and everything that he is doing, and the fall out of those actions, has been anticipated, expected, and part of the plan.
Trump has assembled a team of social, political and business giants/juggernauts/geniuses that are light years ahead of anything we have ever witnessed here or in the US. These aren’t just production line created vessels reading from the same script, like the brainwashed morons we have had for the last 4 decades in western politics. These men and women utterly embarrass to a man, in every way, our current self-serving elite who are trying to stop them.
Most people are so apathetic and brainwashed by the current system they do not know there’s an enemy. We know there is, and so does Trump and his team. We needed to expose the enemy before we can take them on, and Trump has done that brilliantly.
Trump keeps saying “he is doing this for the American people” and the enemy are going to war with him. This is a fatal mistake by the enemy as the fast majority of the west aggree with everything Trumps doing! With every act of war against Trump, the enemy are attacking the silent majority, and Trump knows this. Trump is winning every time as it looks so obvious that the people attacking him are doing so to protect their own interests, not the people at home agreeing with Trump.
Trump went high, got the enemy all worked up and hate filled, then went low to the level everyone sane agrees with what he says, and the enemy have still attacked him. Trump is utterly brilliant and has played them for the intolerant, bigoted, fascists they are, and the evidence is there for everyone to see
Spot on . Trump is outsmarting them with every move. And the more hysterical the Leftist Fascists, inside and outside the BBC, become the worse things get for them. But they are too stupid to realise this. They cannot cope with anything outside their tiny, narrow-minded, pre-programmed bubble. I am loving every minute of their suffering after decades of suffering at their hands. It is revenge time and it tastes sweet !
The American Gina Miller!
Sorry for the expletives.
After the 7 o’clock pips the very first two words on the Today Programme this morning were “Donald Trump”.
And so it was for about an hour or so when they started to say “President Trump” or “Mr Trump”, and I smiled at the thought that the BBC must have received complaints.
The problem is that so entrenched is the bias in the BBC that they probably don’t even realise that they’re doing it.
The al beeboids always exhibit a complete lack of respect for those in public life whose politics or beliefs they don’t share, they can’t even bring themselves to show respect for the office or position which is held by such a person.
This was on display by L.K. during the joint conference the PM held with the POTUS, when he challenged her on something she’d asked her response was:
“Let’s see what she says shall we.”
If that had been an American MSM journalist, even one who was hostile to the new president (i.e. most of them) they would not refer to him as “he” in that way; they would say refer to him as “Mr President” or “the president” and they would NEVER do it in a joint news conference with the leader of another country present, such is their respect for the presidency regardless of who actually is president.
It illustrates the complete and public disdain beeboids have for the office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I don’t know why the Conservative government here bothers with them when they are hated by them to such a degree.
I’ve noticed that too qq every BBC news opens with those two words that are beautiful ‘ Donald Trump. They aren’t laughing now are they
A couple of days ago things went completely wrong on the Today programme. They started the 7 a.m. news with the words, ‘Today the Government will……’ This used to be their favourite line from 1997-2010. I don’t think I have heard is used since. But it wasn’t said with their past enthusiasm for those words. (My usual examples of ‘tone of voice’ bias are are John Sopel and the little Iain Watson who I keep wanting to call Tom).
I put the telly on BBCnews first thing. Headline one: Judge in Seattle halts Trumps immigration order.
(Liberals celebtarting everywhere)
Next headline summary: French authorities say they believe the man who tried to attack the Louvre museum in the capital Paris on Friday was a 29-year-old Egyptian man. “Egyptain” Prosecutor Francois Molins said he is thought to have travelled to Paris from Dubai on a tourist visa last month.
So we don’t need travel restrictions on Muslim countries huh?
The BBC webpage on this story follows up with:
“Police are trying to establish if the man acted alone or under instructions”
Same old BS
I guess they still haven’t read the unholy Koran.
How do we know he is a muslim ? It has not been confirmed yet. He is just a “man”.
I guess the fact he shouted “A luv Akbaars” gives it away.
I’m sure it is only a typo, Lucy, but you’ve invented a superb new word – (Liberals celebtarting everywhere)!
It really says it all – thanks for the giggle; it would be even better if the subject matter wasn’t so tragic.
AS…..The al beeboids always exhibit a complete lack of respect for those in public life …..
Sadly its not just the BBC, or those in public life. I realise we live in an alien world to 60 years ago, but in that era respect and discipline were learnt at a young age. Young children were never heard to call an adult by their Christian (first) name as you do now, which I believe is the start of the breakdown in respect. I am the age of grandparents, possibly great grandparents, and I positively bristle when I’m introduced as my first name to children of 7 years upwards. I would prefer to be called Mrs ?? but then I’m looked upon in horror by the parents ! I also take to task cold callers who refer to me by my first name – they quickly backtrack. I would add that I’m not some grey-haired-in-a-bun stereo type old lady, I still retain a youthful attitude – I was backstage with the Stones in the 60’s for God’s sake !
A few years ago I was in the company of my old school teacher, and despite her protestations, myself and others still couldn’t be that familiar with her, and addressed her as Mrs Watkins. THAT is respect.
Why is this ? why have we as a society gone down the road of being all ‘matey’ ? My generation are dying out, and with it all our manners, respect and discipline in all areas of life; everyone appears to ‘challenge’ everyone and everything regardless.
Brissles – it is the fact that my hairdresser and my window cleaner both call me by my first name. I did go briefly to a hairdresser that used to kiss his clients goodbye – but I soon found another one.
I think the word ‘respect’ has been hi-jacked, mainly by kids who need to find new words of more than one syllable for reasons only known to themselves, Brissles. When anyone says ‘With respect’ nowadays, you can be pretty sure it isn’t!
Even Dotun Adebayo on R5 asked a US ‘journalist’ to show some respect for Mr Trump, well before his inauguration. The journalist was just being very rude!
I went to meet my retired headmaster once, and when we fixed up the time, one of the most awkward things I had to ask, was ‘What may I call you now’? His answer was lovely; ‘Gerald is fine by me’!
What were you doing backstage with the Stones, if I may ask ?
The Gambian, Abdou, who built my house has become one of my best friends ever . We discuss many things , International Politics, History, Literature etc. He always calls me “Sir”. Many times I have asked him to call me “Grant”. I finally pinned him down as to why he insists on “Sir”. Answer “Because you are older than me “. He is 44, I am 61.
So, I solved the problem and I always call him “Sir” now. all the other Gambians think we are nuts.
I like that, Grant! You could tell him that calling him “Sir” in reply is a very Victorian British thing to do. It may help cure him but I suspect he may actually like it and use it even more. He’s obviously a gent and a right proper one at that, Guv’nor!
When he was younger he got a scholarship to study at a college in the USA, and he went , but the money ran out before he could go to Uni. If he had, I think he would now be a Professor.
i sometimes wonder if he calls me “Sir” because he forgets my real name !
I remember several years ago when the University I attended made a decision that staff would no longer address students as Mr/Miss but use their first names. I always thought that addressing university students by their title indicted that they were adults, not schoolchildren. Soon after, Drs, Professors were being called by their first names, often encouraged by radical lecturers.
I have a title and although I do not insist on it I do find it to be a put down when some snotty doctor’s receptionist uses my first name when taking my details before I get to the the Doctor – who is always given the title.
In my family, no matter what age, people were always referred to as Aunty, Uncle, Grandad, Grandma and these titles remained as did the respect for family members.
My Dad was in various hospitals for a year before he passed away age 91. The local hospital were great and asked patients how they would like to be addressed. But at the hospital in Perth , the first nurse called him ” Jock” ( Yes , really, it was his nickname from the British Army and all friends called him that ). He said that he would prefer to be called Mr. Smith. The nurse said that was not their policy. Dad replied ” But it is MY policy”.
He would have loved this site. He hated the BBC from right back in the 1960s. Way ahead of his time .
Grant – back in the 60’s my Dad ran dances for the youth of the town, so the Stones, Kinks, Swinging Blue Jeans et al all were all booked just as they were starting out. OF COURSE I had a back stage pass with my mates !!!
GWF – my family and upbringing was the same with their titles. Neighbours were referred to also as ‘aunty’ or ‘Mrs’ depending how friendly they were with the family.
Grant – during my time in the NHS I always referred to all outpatients as Mr or Mrs. One elderly gent complimented me in calling him Mr Grey rather than ‘George’. So it clearly rankles with many people, and just wish the latter generations would realise this.
Wow ! Did you get any autographs or photos. For one minute I thought you were a groupie , what a relief.
Oh Grant ! – a ‘groupie’ seems like such a quaint word now !
Yes of course I got autographs – no selfies back then. Although I still have a terrific photo of my Dad stood in the middle of the Rolling Stones including Brian Jones – lots of kudos there with family and friends !!!! I collected all the advertising posters as well – still have them ! Amongst them is one for a Paul Raven as he was known back then, who sadly later become the infamous Gary Glitter.
Look after all that stuff ! It is history and money.
I met Gary once when I was auditing Morrison Leahy . He was a really nice guy. We went to a pub somewhere near 1 Hyde Park , London. He paid all the drinks. I was really surprised when I heard the news of his paedo stuff.
But that’s how devils are; being charming is how they get away with it for so long. They’ll be plenty in today’s LibMob.
Some shouting “look over there at Trump”.
The BBC must bear some responsibility for the increase in violence deemed to by justifiable by those attacking and trying to silence so called ‘far right’ groups.
If the Government was not so hell bent on attacking so called far right extremism, stamping out offensive speech, these thugs might be contained. Don’t expect the police to follow this too closely. It is not as if the perpetrators were throwing bacon at a mosque.
“Anti fascist” is camouflage for Communists and totalitarian Marxists of various types infiltrating the liberal and soft left.
They used this trick in the 1930s and have continued ever since, except for the period when the Soviet Union had a treaty of non aggression with Nazi Germany between 1939-1941.
The trick also involves calling all opponents “fascists” even when they are not remotely connected to Fascism. This enables them to justify their violence to fellow travellers in the media and the uncommitted but gullible public.
Hard leftists, Communists and cultural Marxists should always be called out on this, and should always be identified for what they are….totalitarian leftists.
Which is not nice.
Or impartial.
Or smart.
Lord Yamamoto best check under his bed for Lightning connections.
Yes thanks for that Guest Who. In the comments section below that article I found this quote from Cassandra worth repeating here:
The BBC has been guilty of fake news for as long as I can recall. This is done, not by actually lying, but mostly by selecting facts to report – omitting ones inconvenient to their left- liberal agenda – and spinning those that are reported. This amounts to the same thing.
For example, although according to opinion polls at least half the population is and always had been opposed to mass immigration and multiculturalism, if one relied on the BBC for one’s information, one would never know that.
Back in 1964 in the then Southern Rhodesia, a BBC team and camera crew were filming in a black housing estate. They were throwing money into rubbish bins and filming the kids diving in to retrieve it. You know the headline; “Starving black children raiding the rubbish bins because they are so hungry.”
The parents were less than happy and fetched the police.
All recorded material was destroyed and crew deported the same day.
BBC Complaints Department still very much “on message”…
My complaint:
The headline on this page is: “Theresa May fails to condemn Donald Trump on refugees”. Can you explain to me how the use of the word “fails” can be deemed to be impartial or unbiased? “Fails” expresses an opinion: the BBC’s opinion. I do not want to know and could not care less what the BBC’s opinion is as, and this may come as a surprise to you, I am quite capable of forming my own, thank you very much. Had you used the words “does not” instead of “fails” then I would not be writing this complaint, and you would not have to write me a reply telling me that my “complaint has been logged” and the “BBC got it about right”. There’s another beauty…
Their response:
Thank you for contacting us about our coverage of Theresa May’s news conference in Turkey. (
We used the word “fail” in the headline in the sense that Mrs May did not address the specific question she was asked – as Laura Kuenssberg notes in her analysis: “…when pressed for an answer on Donald Trump’s controversial refugee ban she first of all, uncomfortably, avoided the question. Then on the third time of asking she would only say that on the United States policy on refugees it was for the US.”
It’s the same principle as a climber not reaching the top of a mountain – we would say they had failed to achieve their goal. And in this case, Mrs May failed to provide answers to the specific point that was raised. In effect, she fudged the issue.
We’re sorry if you feel this showed the BBC was taking a view on the matter but don’t believe that this was the case.
While Donald Trump has featured heavily in the news recently, we have sought to provide rounded coverage, featuring supporters as well as those who disagree with him.
Well-worded complaint and , at least, you had a personalised reply, albeit the usual BBC bullshit.
Has anyone ever heard of the BBC admitting they got it “about wrong ” ? If not, that itself is proof of bias.
Has anyone at the BBC, or the MSM, urged Therea May to criticise Erdogan about his plans to make himself President for life?
I couldn’t let it go without a reply, could I…?
Many thanks for your response to my recent complaint. I was not disappointed. You correctly wrote “Then on the third time of asking she would only say that on the United States policy on refugees it was for the US.“. Forgive me, and perhaps I am wrong, but that sounds like an answer to me and a perfectly plausible and accurate one too. Hardly a failure to answer, I feel.
I note too Kuenssberg’s use of the word “uncomfortably”, which again is purely a matter of opinion and only Mrs May could tell us whether she was uncomfortable or not, and she is not likely to do that.
You will see from my contact details that I live in glorious North Wales, a beautiful region blessed with fine mountains and about as far as it is possible to get from London-centric metropolitan-minded BBC Bubble Land as it is possible to get. So you must forgive me for laughing out loud when I read your comment “It’s the same principle as a climber not reaching the top of a mountain – we would say they had failed to achieve their goal.“. For many years I have been climbing the Welsh mountains and I have enjoyed every single moment of the experience. Reaching the top is a bonus, not a goal. However, I will look at my hobby in a new light from today because never, ever have I considered myself to be a failure – but the BBC says that I am, apparently. Nice one. Worth every penny of £145.50 … or perhaps not.
Your organisation is a disgrace and the sooner I can release the legal grip you have on my choice of television viewing the better.
Blimey, I feel better for that.
Excellent stuff- well done! I only hope I can come up with something half as good in reply to the inevitable obfuscation I will receive regarding my complaint about Graham Norton.
And NOW……..Drum roll……. It’s not Muslims who have been beheading people for 1400 yrs
It’s not Islamic State…. remember you heard it from libtards….
It’s it’s….who else? President Donald J Trump of course. TA DA!
(These people are sick!)
I find that cartoon of the prophet @POTUS offensive!
Bibistan plugging their multi-culti bias in Paris bombing on website:
Photo of ethnic policeman and BOTH eye-witnesses interviewed are non-white.
Dog-whistle subliminal message? “See, it can’t be Islamic terrorism cos even muslims are being hurt by it.”
The deceit is subtle and relentless.
There, he bought two machetes from a shop selling guns.
FooC Just started
“Jon Sopel asks if we have got it all wrong about Donald Trump. He’s not just a deal maker, he has ideologues standing right behind him. Will Grant, in Mexico City, muses on how President Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border and yet a distinctly unsavoury Mexican has been sent back across that border, to the US. ”
Smearing Bannon and Breitbart
Soppel uses all kind of rhetorical tricks
eg quoting wacky Breitbart headlines without adding the context that they were intentional provocative jokes.
Next bit from Will Grant
“Trump characterised Mexicans as rapists and….”
Actual context was Trump was talking about “Mexican criminals” not deported by Obama after serving jailtime.
Labour party via John McDonnell trying to claim back traditional northern seats with policies to break down the ‘North/South’ divide. Admirable cause, no problem with that, but which party approved Crossrail at £7bn + £6bn overspend? Great service for Newham, Tower Hamlets, Islington and Camden to Westminster. What did Labour do in 13 years in power to reduce the North South divide? Same old plans, same old spending, £500bn of plans it knows it hasn’t got a cat in hell’s chance of getting elected to implement.
Even Trump haters Snopes fact check shows #DressLikeAWoman seems FakeNews
Where’s the BBC fact check on their story ?
Is bbc objective news or SJW campaigning ?
2 examples of how they cover this story
This tweeted from 3 official BBC accounts : News, NAmerica, HYS
using a hashtag looks like campaigning
Nada from BBC fakNews detection dept
They’ve all taken steps to attract less attention from their new arrivals.
Very successfully by the look of them.
The difference between President Trump signing an Executive Order and the PM of Sweden signing a new law, is that no one outside Sweden cares a damn about the laws of Sweden.
Correct. Sweden is an example of a great people and country and history which has gone badly wrong. What the hell happened to the Viking spirit ?
I could not care less about their SJW posturing. In 20 years they will all be in burqas.
It was a phony, and the Guardian and BBC fell for it without checking
Have to say, the stab proof vest fitting would be a bit more fun than with the lardbergs causing the hood round here.
Ant Z asked Katty K, and she asked HRC. Totally legit. Newsnight has asked BIJ to confirm.
That local activists stack the audience for Any Questions (BBC R4 8pm Fri) was obvious last night in the programme from Tywyn, Wales. The audience enthusiastically & loudly applauded any Remainer comment but Stephen Crabb MP observed at one point that the local community had overwhelmingly voted to Leave the EU. I don’t recall Jonathan Dimbleby observing at all that the audience might not be representative of the local community but I missed the first couple of minutes of the programme together with the last five minutes. He may have done.
BBC Bias Alert: Barnabas Fund, which supports persecuted Christians throughout the world, has lodged a formal complaint with the BBC Trust over a “wholly false claim” about Christian refugees in the USA. This was the offending item:
“In an interview with an evangelical television network [President Trump] claimed without any factual basis the old Obama policy favoured Muslims over Christians” (emphasis added). (
The related Barnabas Fund editorial ( also has the following para on the BBC:
“The BBC has set up an agreement with Facebook to remove any news stories the BBC fact-checking unit says are untrue. However, it has long been claimed that the BBC itself has its own bias and sometimes gets things wrong itself. In fact, just this week Barnabas Fund wrote the BBC Director-General to correct a serious error in the 10pm TV news on Sunday.”
The BBC may be none of President Trump’s business, but I suspect many would not object if, in swatting CNN, he also “accidentally” hit the BBC at the same time…
I read the Barnabas Fund submission. Good luck to them. I think Trump is well aware of the BBC poison. He has spent enough time in the UK and Nigel will have briefed him.
“The BBC may be none of President Trump’s business, ”
President Trump may be none of the BBC’s business.
So, the BBC on Facebook, for kids…
And the winner of placard of the week goes to… ?
ps: It is not from a non BBC-approved riot.
And CBBC editors…
The Today Programme
Donald Trump has been in the White House for two weeks. Here’s what he’s been up to this week.
ps: It is not about his golf swing.
Maybe some Muslims really are not safe from religiously motivated hate crimes after all!
Dark looks from James Obsworth round the water cooler?
Not the best way to get a Newsnight gig.
OK some actual work from @BbcRealityChuck!
They fact checked Labour MP Cadbury claims
Story Reality Check: Was pollution worse in London than Beijing?
Tweet here
“Some #pollution readings were higher in London, but this was unrepresentative and Beijing is generally far worse.”
“They suggest that Beijing’s levels are about five times worse than London’s.
The cities with the dirtiest air are Zabol in Iran and Onitsha in Nigeria.
In the UK, overall emissions of all types of air pollution have fallen dramatically since 1970.
Pollution in Beijing is much worse than in London – or in Stockholm, where the same claim was made this week.”
BTW im guessing today’s Times took this line from activist PR
“Parents are so frustrated at the lack of action to address pollution from diesel cars”
Not credible that many parents spoke those words specifically aimed at diesel cars.
Of course diesel trains, buses and trucks emit nothing but Chanel No. 5 presumably. No mention. I suppose, about the former illustrious Prime Minister Brown trying to get us all to use diesel cars because of their alleged lower CO2 emissions.
Lobster – the EU also introduced policies favourable to diesel engined vehicles which were, coincidentally, helpful to the Germany economy; as the Germans are very good at manufacturing diesel engines.
The clue may be in the name (Diesel) I suppose.
Do they have London red buses in Beijing? (Most of London’s stop start pollution I should think can be blamed on buses and coaches). Trams are only from Croyden to Wimbledon routes and no farther than that. If Sadiq had any bottle he would extend them London wide. But then he won’t as he is only too aware it was the last Labour government that made Diesel the winning choice and it complied with EU directives designed to encourage the German VW range to sell more small auto diesels as well as the larger diesels we still have on our roads). Of course the fact that VW have been found fibbing on diesel and petrol emissions (as approved by the EU) and adopted by the Labour party when in government as a ‘GREEN’ fuel. Suggesting bio-fuels at the time, now its electric cars.. but the better answer would be London Trams (as we had in London before Electric Trolley Buses took over (and then replaced with Diesel) for mass transport. Sadiq Khan would be better directed towards that. Not sure who Labour MP Cadbury chap is but no doubt he lacks knowledge of transportation systems and the EU and Labour recommending London adopt small Diesel engines (then) made only in Germany has all been erased from memory.
“Trams are only from Croyden to Wimbledon routes and no farther than that.”
They also go to Beckenham, about as far again, to the East.
Iain, true I forgot that. I grew up when trams were almost London wide and then abolished. I think they are the future, as long as we build them in the UK. They are cheap to run and cause minimal pollution unlike the usual unreliable (and smokey) London bus!
Philip, trams need the expense of rails, wouldn’t the electric trolley buses be a better solution?
I do wonder why the rejection of trams seems out of step with so many other cities, although I read a short while ago that trams along Oxford Street, one of the main candidates, would present weight problems for the Central Line directly underneath.
I think you’re right about trolley buses. I remember them well – quiet and clean but it wasn’t unusual for the trolleys to separate from the cables overhead. However, a modern electronic guidance system embedded in the road or, better still, an optical system, could perhaps deliver most of the advantages of trams without the cost and disturbance of track laying. Extending and changing the routes would also be easier.
There must be a downside otherwise someone would have done it already, maybe.
On Muslim Refugees, RealityCheck is quite different from BBC narrative and implies Obama was letting it slip out of control
“The number of Muslim refugees who entered the US in 2016 was 38,901, making up almost half (46%) of the total, according to this Pew Research report from October 2016.
The report says this is the highest number of Muslim refugees in any year since data on self-reported religious affiliations first became publicly available in 2002.”
More BbcRealityChuck than BbcRealityCheck
Snopes led the way on this : the first thing is gatekeeping ie what facts you decide to check and publicise
eg Do the Donald
But Chuck fact checking which might show Hillary in a bad light
BbcRealityCheck Blog does seem selective
Melanie blogs about frothing LibMob on Moral Maze
How about this snippet from the show, wait until the end, priceless..
That was wonderful!
Who is the complete d**khead who tried to draw him into answering whether he’d be in favour of a state visit by al Baghdidi? (FFS). Then was instantaneously shot down in flames, which won’t have been an unfamiliar experience for him by the end of this exchange between himself and the good doctor.
Thanks for posting that.
Jesus Christ. Where do they find these utter fuckwits?
From ‘Conservative Woman’ (a comment by Odo Saunders on an article; I’ve changed the paragraphing in three places, just to make it easier to read.)
BBC Radio 4 and Radio Five “the home of all show-business and other human trivia” Live have certainly gone into overdrive with their largely venomous attacks on President Trump, despite the fact that he is only giving effect to a promise made during the recent American presidential campaign!
The problem here is that the BBC do not like the idea of democratic decisions being exercised by the ordinary person, which are not in line with those approved by the metropolitan elite. The daily debate this morning on Radio Five Live on Trump’s executive order relating to immigration was hosted by Nicky “Gameshow” Campbell, and he was on his best politically correct behaviour. When one listener argued that the women marching against Trump should have protested about the way in which the Koran discusses women, Campbell merely said that the matter was a question of debate among Moslem scholars! You could not make it up and demonstrates the mindset of BBC journalists. When Campbell asked one of the “experts” on the show about the fact that persons with Israeli passports were not permitted to enter Arab countries, the question was brushed aside and Campbell did not press her further on the matter.
On the Radio 4 breakfast programme this morning, one of the contributors was the fellow traveller “Baroness” (surely some mistake?) Warsi, who completely ignored a statement made by one of the presenters to the effect that Pakistan was not included in the ban, as well as certain other Moslem countries, and was allowed to get away with the matter. All last week, the presenter Nick Robinson on Radio 4 was adopting a particularly hostile tone as regards the issues of Trump and Brexit. What particularly irked me was that all his questions put to the studio guests were prefaced with the understanding that both matters were bad and should be automatically criticised.
The BBC gave up long ago trying to be an impartial presenter of the news and should be consigned immediately to the dustbin of history. But I am probably preaching to the converted!
FakeNews and False-Narrative are issues but notice how Unverified News is an issue.
BBC/MSM are quick to run it with any excuse , keeping it back when it doesn’t suit narrative.
– Trump’s alleged Moscow video
– #DressLikeAWoman
– The Beckham emails
If you’ve seen this then apologies, if you haven’t then let me know whether we should be laughing or terrified.
Got to 10 mins 20 seconds to see how a liberal University Professor explains to the police how they should be beating up a speaker in the NY University as she doesn’t agree with him. Apparently the police are Nazis because they won’t attack a human being.
Wow! Thanks for posting that!
After eight years of political correctness backed by Government power during the Obama years no wonder she’s struggling. Lolz!
The serious thing is, that she looks as if she’d got used to using her position by being a sort of Commissar, who could push her views on campus without fear of sanction. I think it’s now dawning that the new President may actually have meant what he said during the election campaign. Now he’s acting on his promises, and has a lot of support.
She’s started to realise she’s going to have to wind her neck in or she’s not going to keep her job when the swamp gets drained.
The totalitarian left call everyone Nazis, even Milo….about as far from a Nazi as one could be!
“This is what a police state looks like! This is what a police state looks like! This is what a police state looks like!”
I’d like to see the response of the police in China, Iran, Russia or Zimbabwe to a similar protest, though I’m certain that these “protestors” wouldn’t like to be on the receiving end of it though.
Jon Soapy on ‘From our Own Commie-spondent’ today on R4 excelled himself with personal comments on the appearance of Trump’s team…’receding hairline’, ‘ill fitting suits’, ‘out of shape’ etc. Can you imagine him referring to Corbyn and Abbot as ‘unshaven and decrepit looking’ ‘overweight and heavily bespectacled’ etc. Unbelievable.
BBC Today (Saturday) Its hard to not admire the Woman’s Hour persistence at reporting of barely credible (so called) Woman’s problems. An admiral programme in its day (a long time ago), its gone completely bananas and is totally confused about its own chosen sex. For example we jump from banning the word ‘Mother’ from the NHS confines (maternity ward is banning the word Mother is sought) its so matter-of-fact -fact’ why did nobody think of this before?, and anyway it’s the BMA (they state) (which is the trade union Body of NHS and not part of the NHS at all!. And then we have the ‘trans sex expert’ aired who just happened to argue why banning ‘motherhood’ is just so right and good! She/He/It (it’s hard to follow all the sexes so far identified by the EU lobby group) – but this is (she/he states ‘as a transgender'(sic) it is found (suddenly after thousands of years) to be offensive to the huge ‘Transgender community’ and yes the Woman’s hour is clearly agrees with the ‘commune-of-Transgenderism’ that it is now clearly offensive for children to have identifiable ‘mothers’ in a maternity ward”! Unbelievable arrogance that any (transgender) man can now have a child on the NHS! (This is being introduced in France first for roll-out across the EU next as an EU directive)…
A question of sexual exploitation. I am constantly surprised that Woman Hour put up with this kind of abuse on air as a supposed ‘scientific’ or ‘medical’ edict which of course it is and has neither, but serves a clear political purpose of undermining established biological knowledge and experience over generations – into the basic chemistry and biology of life itself being overturned to suit a trendy minority group..
The problems of accepting ‘Transverts’ into everyday world are never discussed on the BBC. Do Woman really want Unisex loo’s at the BBC, an end to ‘Woman’s only ‘wards’ in the NHS for instance, is it all UNISEX at the BBC now, including pay grades? The right of Woman to be called a ‘Woman’ is being questioned by a man posing as a woman who is ‘offended’ by the word ‘Mother’. From a purely scientific basis the X and Y chromosomes are set and installed long before birth and cannot be altered at all (by anyone). The use of drugs to impose physical traits to impress the media are also damaging their own identity and physical health. A life on hard drugs is not normal for healthy people (however confused). One other aspect that Doctors already know (and cannot comment on) is that many common drugs are ‘left and right’ handed which only work on the sex being identified as the sex your born with. The BBC never discuss the problems bar one ‘right’ of being accepted into the community’, as if its a right to spend a life on drugs with an identity crisis, and (unfortunately) the US experience of this is eventual suicide; due to severe depression due to; (previously undisclosed) major health problems that the BBC mass media fail to report at all. This is not reported in any EU mainstream media for fear of giving ‘offence’. It is however a fact of life of the medical (and psychological) problems they will face. It’s covered up for left wing politics.
The last word I give to BBC Woman’s hour is this gem ”I think sex in itself is inherently ‘sexist’ – that penetrative ‘sex’ itself is an ‘offensive’ word to the ‘transgender’ community That’s why we want to ban the word ‘mothers’….
I won’t bother with the BBC web link. You know the score on Woman’s hour. Its sexist!
Until the 1980s Woman’s Hour was an interesting programme. Then it became obsessed with South Africa and descended into agit-prop. It’s never recovered.
Funny but I think the BBC must have missed out on this petition – after all they seem very keen on petitions, but could it be they’re only keen when the question suits them?
They even reported on a petition to declare London an independent state post Brexit, somehow they must have missed this one:
Frank ‘did I mention I’m in a wheelchair’ Gardner was on telly last night going up the jungle for some reason I didn’t catch. Fair play to him to undertake an arduous trip, albeit with lots of native bearers and other minders.
One thing I noticed was when a native bearer was wheeling him into a canoe. The bearer called Gardner ‘sir’ and he got annoyed. The bearer looked hurt, and said ‘but it is because I respect you.’ Gardner replied ‘I respect you, but I don’t call you sir.’
A little thing, but it shows the mentality of some westerners; inverted snobbery and a desire to prove, possibly even to themselves, that they are on equal terms with somebody paid a pittance to work, literally, ‘like a black’ in the raging heat. He didn’t seem to understand that respectful terms of address are very important in many countries; everyone is ‘sir’ or ‘uncle’ etc.
Bebedict Allen said
\\“Frank revealed that when he was shot, he told surgeons the thing he regretted most was not seeing the birds of paradise in New Guinea. I said: ‘I’m your man.’ It took us six years, but finally we got there.”//
Cranmer ,
You hit the nail on the head. Lefty , patronising , spoilt wankers do not understand this .
Grant, it’s something I’ve noticed with the boomer generation. They seem to dislike old fashioned courtesy, titles etc. I think this is partly marxist faux-egalitarian influences and partly a desire to be forever young and hip.
Frank Gardiner’s “Who Do You Think You Are” turned out to be based on false information. Hard to believe coming as it does from the BBC. Here is a link to the correct research.