Well worth a listen – “What Does Steve Bannon Think?” BBC Word Service.
Owen Bennett Jones (sounding quite rational) presiding and delivering a truly shocking program featuring, someone from the Washington Post (“The break up of the EU will lead to war”) and three, yes three Brietbart friendly blokes! “The euro is under valued for Germany but over valued for the rest – a recipe for disaster” etc..
As I said, shocking to hear such on the BBC and I can’t imagine that was the plan?
I’m not a great fan of Six Nations rugby – one of the problems for me is the anti-English BBC coverage. This evening on the News Channel after gushing praise for a narrow Scottish win we are told with an air of regret by a beardy beta male: “England, stealing the victory at the end, really”.
BBC Any Answers – on and on, and on about Netanyahu visit, the settlement obsessed BBCs complete narrative. wheeling out that gobshite Malik from Palestinian Solidarity, a nauseating diatribe the oppression, the erm “occupation”, illegal settlements …its all just garbage. 2 Reps from BDS though not announced as such
… orchestrated manipulated garbage.
The April 2016 there was an accusation “planting Jewish of fake graves” in Palestinian territory, and with UNESCO declaring last year that the ancient Jewish Biblical sites Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs are actually Muslim holy sites, and last month that the Temple Mount, where the Jewish Temples were destroyed in 587 BCE and 70 CE, is an Islamic site with no connection to Judaism. This is alternate reality, an inversion of the obvious facts.
West Bank: This territory was for millennia called Judea and Samaria. After the 1948 War of Independence, Transjordan annexed it, renamed it the “West Bank,” and occupied it for nearly two decades. In the Six Day War, after Jordan attacked Israel, Israel entered the territory and administered it until the Oslo Accords era, when Israel turned over much of the area to the Palestinian Authority.
Occupation: When it comes to Israel, the UN is obsessed with the word “occupation.” A recent Wall Street Journal article documents 530 General Assembly references to Israel as an “occupying power” versus zero for Indonesia (East Timor), Turkey (Cyprus), Russia (Georgia, Crimea), Morocco (Western Sahara), Vietnam (Cambodia), Armenia (Azerbaijan), Pakistan (Kashmir), or China (Tibet). Saying that Jews are “occupying” Judea is as nonsensical as saying Arabs are “occupying” Arabia or Gauls are “occupying” France.
Settlement: The UN uses the term to insinuate Israeli theft of “Palestine.” The Obama administration eagerly embraced this terminology. If there is an occupying force in Gaza, it is Hamas. The West Bank is “disputed territories” to anyone claiming a modicum of neutrality.
“the term ‘settlement’ loses meaning, becomes void, when applied to Jews building homes in their own nation’s capital city”, it can however be applied in the opposite
this is typical Islamic inversion of reality.
I prefer BC and AD, but in deference to those who struggle with the latin in AD I’m prepared to use:
Before the Christian Era (BCE) and
Christian Era (CE)
I’ve been told (repeatedly) that the “C” doesn’t mean Christian, but that has to be wrong as the change from BCE to CE is the nominal birth of Christ; so “C” can only mean Christian.
For those who don’t agree with me on the meaning of “C” I can only refer them to the biblical exhortation “Go forth and multiply”, although in its shorter form.
I use BC and AD always.
I am a long time (c50 years) athiest so I do this to irritate athiests of other persuasions. The Humanists, Secularists and other types who swallowed the lefty nonsense at their mother’s breast. And still believe in it despite Lenin, Stalin, Gorky, Ho Chi Min . . .
Then I am an intransigent irredentist.
I still call Eskimos, Eskimos. They can call themselves whatever they like but the correct term in English is Eskimos. Got that lefties? ESKIMOS.
Then I am an intransigent irredentist.
I still use the traditional ENGLISH names for certain centres of population in the South Asian Eskimo sub continent. Bombay, Madras . . .
Did I mention the proclivity for the great and the good lefties (AKA the world’s worst mass murderers, outside Islam) have for changing the names of centres of population to indicate their approval of the blood stained record of the left? Stalingrad, Leningrad . . .
Then I am an intransigent irredentist. I cannot wait for the renaming of enties in our green and pleasant land, currently ssociated, by the lefties, with some black South African terrorist who should have been shot.
Time for intransigent irredentists to rename BCE Before The Now Defunct, Discredited, Disbelieved, Disgusting, Mass Murdering, Commie, Lefties, Became Universally, Totally, Permanently, Despised.
I apologise for the moderation of my contribution.
And do not start this AH Izzy nonsense either.
BCE Before Common Era and CE Common Era. Not only for the Guardian. If you are not Christian and don’t necessarily believe he even existed it is a bit hypocritical to talk about BC Before Christ and especially AD anno Domini,” which is Latin for “in the year of our Lord.”
Go on using BC /AD if you will. The skeptics will still understand you.
BTW Even if you are a believer most calculations have him born in 4BC.
If those who “don’t necessarily believe he even existed” wish to avoid hypocrisy by not using BC and AD, wouldn’t they still be hypocrites even if they used BCE and CE; as they are merely different initials referring to the periods before and after the same point in time: Christ’s birth?
If you think he was “born in 4BC” shouldn’t you begin your Common Era then, rather than four years earlier? This would then avoid any hypocritical sensitivities being pricked.
The use of BC and AD has been employed in Britain and Europe for centuries, to attempt to change this is just another example of forcing western society, itself rooted in Christianity, to give ground to political correctness and multiculturalism; hence the reference to The Guardian as they are often in the PC vanguard with this type of BS.
Perhaps some of the reporters in the BBC and msm should read this article.
They might think twice about the bias and bile that they spread around the world with their miss information.
Okay, it was written by a Jew, but after much research and cross referencing, the information and statistics cannot be faulted.
It’s a long haul but well worth the bother, as I can now close down any arguments with my left wing intellectual friends. http://www.mythsandfacts.org/conflict/8/refugees.pdf
If a lie is repeated enough eventually it becomes the truth.
Imagine a world were even the most preposterous set of untruths were repeated on a daily basis. Daily bombardments of a false message.
Surely people will recognize stupidity??
Well how about transmit this message from a seemingly credible source. Also chuck in some guilt accusations for anyone who questions the status quo.
Could a country really be duped in such a way?
Would Europe open it’s borders to it’s enemies & think they’re being virtuous by doing so?
Not in this modern age surely not.
Maybe in the days of Hitler & fascism but we’re better & cleverer than them. We were taught all about propaganda at school.
But the masses were tricked. Too busy getting on with their own lives to really notice the gradual eroding of everything that makes a country great.
At last the public have finally woken up. Both sides of the Atlantic.
And the mainstream media does not like it. They’ve had to drop all pretense of impartiality now & gone full nuclear on anyone who disagrees with them.
But the anti England, anti men, anti white people, anti anyone who doesn’t fit into a fashionable minority box, left wing delusion is over.
It’s been seen in it’s hideous true image. Like a monster in a horror film finally being seen for what it is.
Now the people know. I just hope they never forget the lessons learned from the inherent lies behind cultural Marxism.
On R4 today I noticed a certain softening towards Brexit. There’s also quite a good, almost pro-Brexit feature in this week’s Radio Times by BBC reporter Katya Adler.
I suspect there are two reasons for this:
1. The attempts to derail Brexit have not only failed, but have backfired rather spectacularly. The Supreme Court challenge was pre-empted, and the vote in Parliament sailed through, with a three line whip from none other than Mr Corbyn (which must have short-circuited a few snowflake brains).
2. It has been almost overshadowed by the election of the Prince of Darkness, Destroyer of Worlds and Lord of the Flies himself, Mr Donald Trump. However, I suspect a similar thing may happen with Mr Trump, who is likely to doggedly and calmly pursue his objectives by legal means, showing up the snowflakes for the irrational fearmongers that they are in the process.
Or ……….
Al Beeb have suddenly realised that they are up against the most powerful man in the world who has the CIA, FBI etc, at hand and can scrutinise with microscopic vision, the biased background of the beeboids.
The Snowflakes are melting along with their ‘Trustees’.
Using children is despicable. Especially when your mum carries a placard using the C word. So it’s ok to use that against a bloke who said ‘pussy’? The irony!
Second photo down.
At least the Mail reports it as it is. If it was pro Trump rally – it would not get a tweet on the BBC. Still it is a non-event. The only thing I noticed was Socialist Workers paradise throng. A day out for the BBC peoples party.
We should be encouraging the snowflakes. They have no real stomach for the coming fight for the West and it’s way of life and are of no real account. The same with the MSM. That too is not up to it really. Just noise.
President Trump is not putting a foot wrong. The opposition in the US is demoralised and the sheer speed of the counter revolution has it responding far too late and on the President’s terms.Using violence as a first resort is very bad tactics
Here and in Europe it is irrelevant . Completely irrelevant .Passes the time I suppose but to no purpose that I can see. Again using violence as a first resort.
I still think that if the Commons debates whether the President should have his invitation cancelled then he should refuse to come. This country needs to learn a harsh lesson in power and who really has it.
It will really help us here who oppose the liberal tyranny by polarising views at last. Imagine the impotent rage when the embassy moves to Jerusalem .
Put countries like Germany, France and Britain on notice.
Europe is now a minor actor in the world’s dramas and no longer can expect to be listened to or indulged.
RJ is that your quote or are you quoting – anyhow it is so true.
Europe has taken a back seat and saved it’s coppers, Euros of late, and as you say why should the real powers give Europe a second thought.
Brissles – no not me generally either (harm people that is) but if you have a vocal minority of deluded open-borders fools that could easily sway our soft authorities via mainstream media collusion, you have to think of what harm might they indirectly do to the rest of us.
The BBC R4 news this evening is always referring to President Trump’s ban on 7 “mostly Muslim” countries.
Iran, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan.
Why do they keep stressing “mostly Muslim”? Just to create a stick to beat Trump with; of course, we know that.
The BBC could describe these countries as high risk, terrorist havens, failed states, undemocratic, lawless, theocratic, repressive, dangerous, nepotistic …
hmmm , maybe “mostly muslim” does the job after all.
President Trump is also being beastly to Iran. How dare he. The Iranian regime is not very nice. Not only does it not have any conceivable territorial dispute with Israel but it has declared it’s intention of wiping Israel off the map and presumably all that entails for the people who live there.
This same regime has humiliated British and American sailors and laughed in our faces.
Suddenly they are faced with an American President who is not going to give them an inch. Our snowflakes are frightened and resentful.
Yet another reason to march and scream insults in London and other snowflake cities in the West. In the real USA they are cheering a real President at last.
And this morning, R5 news continues to refer to the US temporary ban on entry as being on “muslim-majority” countries. Definitely trying to keep the anti-Trump and anti-State visit mobs fed.
On the other hand, when organised gangs sexually exploit and rape young girls in towns in the UK, I do not see the term “muslim majority” used to describe the gangs, even when the convicted shout allah akbar. Hmm.
It’s like Israel is mostly Jewish and it is Israelis permanently banned from the 16 mostly muslim countries.
Because only nationals have been banned the BBC cannot say it is a ban on muslims per se, so its their way of saying it is, but, if challenged, can say they worded it “correctly”
On and on it goes
BBC News US reverses travel ban over court ruling Trump fumes
BBC News I’ll dress like a woman when you act like a president, police officer tells Trump
BBC News Der Spiegel: Trump beheading cover sparks criticism
BBC News ‘Can Trump really be compared to IS killer Jihadi John?’ – German press weigh in
Of course, this madness, is set to go on
Londoners form human chain around mosque amid Donald Trump travel ban,(misleading) https://t.co/quOIJGg6ts
“Dozens of Londoners formed a human chain around a mosque as a gesture of solidarity in the wake of a deadly attack in Quebec … and Donald Trump’s travel ban. 😀
Crowds from varying religious backgrounds gathered and linked arms at the #LondonIsOne event just before Friday prayers at the Wightman Road mosque in Haringey”.
“The event was backed by Reform Judaism????, Islamic Society of Britain, Christian Muslim Forum, Faiths Forum for London and erm Hope not Hate” 😀
Hmmm So… no Reform Islam?
Reform Judaism aim is to reform Jewish values and traditions”??? and hate not hope????
… Sooo, I think no other words are necessary, but
once again look at the coverage
For the first time in bloody ages we have an American President with a big stick who isn’t actually scared to use that big stick. Let’s get back to the 80’s style – everybody working earning money – people with a brain running the major countries – none of this PC bullshit – Life was and can be good – fk off all you lefty no mark liberal twats we have had enough bullsht
Just seen a reporter from RT in Paris asking snowflakes who do they think was responsible for the recent machete attack and do they think that things have got worse of late. No prizes for who was held responsible, in their view, although Putin was also mantioned at one point. How do these people manage to get things so wrong?
I’m going for muslim piece of sht about 25-30 years of age. Left his own Country because he doesn’t have the bollocks to defend it. Listen here Allah Akbar tossers we ain’t scared of you
Shot four times as well, according to some papers, I had heard five times on the news. None of the shots were life threatening. What the hell do they teach their squaddies in France?
Low velocity 9mm rounds with no hitting power. Bring back the old 7.62 NATO (known in the US as the 30 odd 6) – a hit in the arm is life threatening due to the size of the exit wound. Now only used by special forces & sniper units.
No.7, –
Fond memories of the Belgium SLR 7.62mm (and the GPMG, same @ 7.62). One claimed reason the SLR was dropped is that for sniper use in towns and cities where the general public may surround a target, to hit the target may cause fragments of bone to injure those surrounding. A sure powerful piece of kit!
We’ve have no room to criticise them about not killing this terrorist, remember when that armed policewoman deliberately chose to shoot to wound that POS who murdered Lee Rigby instead of killing him?
The French police usually kill terrorists, they would certainly have done so had a soldier in Paris been attacked in such a way.
About the Lee Rigby case – I remember being very surprised that which ever of the perpetrators who had the firearm was not killed. The police don’t normally mess about if someone is brandishing something even vaguely gun-like. And with them standing over a bloody corpse too.
And for the Louvre incident they should just have finished the job, save the French taxpayer some money. It’s not like they’ll be able to torture him for more info, or deport him back to where he came from as I’m sure it’s against his human rights.
Wild Bill.
Agreed. We need these people in court defending themselves. That way, their vile beliefs become a matter of proven record, which Al Beeb cannot dispute. They will of course edit out those sections from their reports, but others will not.
Toobi, how do the BBC get counter intuitive interviews in the street that invariably support the BBC’s narrow view?
This is what happens: reporter has an axe he is grinding, so he goes out for some vox pops to back up his view. He records (say) 20 interviews, or sufficient to give (say) 5 that are in his favour.
For the case opposing his views, he can choose the most idiotic, hopeless presentation of the argument by those who appear dumbest and most inarticulate. He can edit those how he pleases, if they don’t appear stupid at first sight, then they will by the time he has finished editing their spots!
An ex head of BBC news once rang up a journalist, after he saw this journalist’s vox pops on the tv news. The reporter was investigating the ‘racist’ opposition to Afghan migrants being settled in Dover. Knife crime and rape had shot up and people had been protesting about needing more resources to handle the influx.
All the vox pops shown were those of migrants, who couldn’t see a problem with immigration.
The Head of the news service asked the reporter why he hadn’t interviewed any of the indigenous people of Dover. The reporter replied that he had, but they were all racists so he hadn’t bothered showing their views.
A classic tactic and neatly described. And oh so commom.
Just last night on Al Beeb there was a vox pop (my new term is vox famae editoris) from Liverpool.
The guy opposing government policy was smartly turned out and erudite.
A woman then came on, not exactly supporting the government but prepared to give them a chance. She was scruffy and inarticulate.
Yup the “vox pop” technique is so obviously open to abuse … and has been by the BBC for years.
Quite simply, when a vox pop is used, it’s a clear sign that the news is being manipulated. The reporter is there to report and cannot be too obvious. But by using vox pop he/she can broadcast the bias under cover.
The BBC training film for this technique is an episode of Jonathan Creek where Jonathan’s boss, Adam Klaus, paints a number on his chest, put a jumper over it and asks random people in the street to give him a number between 1 and 50. The dozens who give “the wrong number” are thanked and allowed to go. When someone gives “the right answer” Adam lifts his jumper to show the same number and everyone in the street is amazed.
The BBC doesn’t even bother to hide what it does – or is the phrase “hidden in plain sight”.
I wonder when we will see the “vast majority of moderate” muslims taking to the streets and marching with banners saying “Not in my name” following the latest atrocity by the likes of ISIS, similar sounding bunches of atavistic koranderthals and lone wolf Norwegians with mental issues?
And yes to an earlier post – ‘Woman’s Hour’ – I’ve listened to it for over fifty years – it used to follow, ‘Listen with Mother’ when I was a child.
Yes, it used to be child friendly – women’s issues like childcare, divorce, careers and health issues. A recipe and the serial from Jane Austin or such.
These days they have on a succession of lefty, nut jobs. We have graphic sex talk and numerous curse words. The serial is usually some kind of, dark paedo, serial killer type BUT we still get the odd recipe.
Recently we’ve heard demands for later and later abortions and of course the obligatory Muslim and ‘refugee’ propaganda but, as noted in an earlier post, Woman’s Hour is now facing an existential threat. The terms, woman and mother are no longer PC in the wake of genderism and women are portrayed as oppressors and an enemy of the trans genderist cult.
Woman’s Hour, you really have been foist by your own petard and to quote an old Black Country metal bashers phrase – Yow dow know if yer arse is bored or punched.
Big story today that scientists manipulated global warming data for political reasons and specifically to influence world leaders at the Paris climate summit. Who’d have guessed!
The 1986 to 1996 “Global warming” Solar Cycle 22 was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years. The 1996 to 2008 “Pause-Peak-Hiatus” Solar Cycle 23 was of about the same length of the Solar Cycle that ended in 1976. Solar Cycle 24 looks like its going to be the longest for 200 years, so is predicted to cause “Global Cooling” from 2018 onwards.
Land temperature data isn’t too clever to start with, much of it being extrapolated due to absence of weather stations over huge areas. The ‘scientists’ have trashed the superior satellite data because it doesn’t give them the answer they want so we are basically now looking at a fantasy temperature record that has been fiddled with so much to get the data closer to what the ‘science’ and its models says it should be doing that it’s scientifically worthless. But even then they are struggling to demonstrate a rise in temperature that exceeds the margin for error of +/- 0.1 deg. C.
They have also been ‘adjusting’ the post-war temperatures to erase the inconvenient 30-year cooling (the one which led them during the 70s to predict the coming of a CO2-induced Ice age) so it fits their alarmist narrative.
And still the politicians lap it up. Is there something we should know? Oops, almost forgot, we do know – it’s called UN Agenda 21.
The latest shock/horror climate “fact” is that 2016 was (allegedly) the hottest year by 0.02C. That’s a number that always makes me smile (I know, I’m sad).
Rounding the numbers very slightly, temperature falls by 1C for every 100 meters of altitude (a formula). If we say that a tall man is 2 meters high, that is 1/50th of the height figure in our formula, so we need to reduce the temperature figure by 1/50th = 0.02C.
2016 was the hottest year (allegedly) by the temperature difference between your foot and your head – so we’re all going to die. 🙂
And the BBC took a policy decision to campaign for these lies.
And yet they have still never satisfactorily explained what is wrong with the satellite data. Their last attempt was just risible and was easily dealt with by UAH.
None of his, of course, is ever reported by the BBC, which maintains the gross fiction that the ‘science is settled’.
Indeed GC, the science is settled according to the BBC who quite cheerfully and without a hint of hypocrisy or irony at other times broadcast that “Climate Science is a new science”, “Climate Science is still developing” and “Climate Science needs further study”. (And, no doubt, much more taxpayer money but not from mid-rate and top-rate Income Tax payers at the BBC.)
I remember a scandal in Astronomy called Judithgate. It was found that the IPCC produced a faked consensus that the Sun was not a key player in climate change, and all from one single scientific paper. Astrophysicists Doug Hoyt and Richard C. Willson, the satellite experts behind the collection of the original data found that the scientists who produced the paper had fraudulently manipulated their satellite data.
jtf, indeed and the sensible – and scientific – thing to do would be to be consistent with the good old proven mercury measurement.
I would have thought that large land or sea or atmospheric areas without measurement facilities do not matter. What does matter is consistency of place of reading, the known error variation of the measure (good quality mercury thermometers) and regular noting of the numbers. If you do this in enough countries worldwide you get an accurate result of Global Warming and Global Cooling when it happens, the ‘unread’ territory becoming unimportant.
A thought has just occurred to me: does anyone here have records, especially via BBC Radio 4, of the wild claims made in the late 1990s and early 2000s by environmental charities, so-called climate scientists (although any scientist worth the title should not make wild claims) and Green Party politicans together with any other Parties’ politicians and BBC journalists?
You probably remember the sort of thing: “By the middle of the second decade we will see a 2-4 degree increase in temperatures/major flooding from melted glaciers/Venice will dry out/there will be food shortages/there will be massive deaths in summer due to heat stroke/water shortages will become normal worldwide … ” .
I’m sure there are recordings in the BBC Archives but they may not be too keen to recover and broadcast them, especially the closer we get to 2025-2030, IF conditions remain much as they are. If there are some in public hands it might be a good idea in this era of Fake News that they are brought out at regular intervals and made available in various forms and different places.
(Site software appears to have mislaid this post – sorry – I’m sure I clicked Reply to johnnythefish.)
Why is the BBC interviewing one of its own reporters on the Andrew Marr? Sorry, I’m not really interested about a BBC star getting carried through the jungle but has to leave because he gets pressure sores on his bum – he knew the risks and chose to do it. I feel more sorry for the poor buggers carrying him! This is just the BBC advertising one of its own… a wee jolly in the jungle funded by you and me.
Talking of wee jollies, why does it take three people to present “Rip Off Britain-Holidays”, all of whom are sitting on the beach sipping Martinis or whatever? Surely it could be done by one person sitting in a studio. And another thing, is that cadaverous looking bloke from the Independent the world’s only travel correspondent? He must be earning a fortune in BBC appearance fees. Rant over!
Lobster – I’ve mentioned before about Nikki Chapman doing her sound bites on Wanted Down Under with a backdrop that is definitely NOT the Shetlands !!! She is never seen with the participants of the show, so her dialogue could be done in the studio ! why has she been flown to some exotic location at our expense to deliver an A4 page of text with just a change of frock and hairstyle ?
Perhaps any of our Trolls on here could answer that for me – I really would like to know.
Switched on Marr. AAAAAAAaargh!! It’s brain-dead Emily again!
What the fuck is that stupid bitch waffling on about?
She seems unable to grasp that inane prattlings within Parliament will have no impact on negotiations with the continentals. The constant refrain on the continent is “no cherry picking” and, based on the fallacious assumption the the EU is an earthly paradise “no deal better than EU membership”.
But what about Sourby MP? A woman with a death wish and another job lined up for after the next election: 57.9% voted Leave and 42.1% voted Remain. She’s got to go, the sooner the better!
The Beebs favourite conservative Ken Clarke, gets yet another slot on radio 4. This time he gives us his wise words on what Enoch Powell would have thought of Brexit. Clarke waffles on about “free trade” (!!!!) and immigration, but Powell’s objection to the EU/EEC was first and foremost was about sovereignty and transfer of powers from London to Brussels.
The very same Clarke that labelled UKIP “a collection of clowns”.2013
“The pro-European cabinet minister said UKIP had no positive policies and was just “against” foreigners.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22328898
Well his comments have come round and ‘bitten him on his backside’
You were laughing then but you are not laughing now are you?
Whenever I see the bloated and florid faced Clarke, I’m reminded of that line of Basil Fawlty when addressing his wife drinking away at their hotel bar:
“Another vat of wine dear?”
Clarke’s just an old soak who should have been shunted off into retirement or the HoL years ago.
You’re Having Us On, You Crazy Diamond
Can’t help but notice this morning that the BBC have made their pick for next French President.
You could knock me down with a feather: it’s an ‘economic conservative and social liberal’.
From seemingly nowhere the ex-Socialist now ‘Independent’ Monsieur Macron – according to the BBC – is ‘young’ and ‘charismatic’. Well that’s all you need to know, eh?
Goofy Ben Brown the BBC News Channel anchor gets the heads up from our BBC man in Paris, Jonny Diamond. Talking of things incestuous we get an interview with Pere Le Pen – conducted by BBC Arabic (is there something the BBC are trying to tell us here?). In a dramatically darkened room the scary old father of the daughter who has them all scared looks like something you might find inside a Dalek – and is treated as such by the BBC. Clearly this interview is aimed at smearing the daughter.
Oh dear, that ‘Far Right’ Marine Le Pen, she’s anti-EU, you know. Funny she has all these Statist, rather Far Left Wing ideas about benefits and pensions – but hey ho, let’s go on calling her Far Right. And she only has about 20% support in the polls. Whereas this Macron man from out of nowhere, well, he’s packing them in at a rally. Cut to a rather Tony Blair-esque blue-suited young chap, smiling, pressing the flesh and kissing babies.
Now in normal times our BBC Europe people would be saying Alles in Ordnung. Macron’s a shoo-in. But as our Jonny D warns there have been some extraordinary election results lately. Who know’s, I’m wary of this BBC chap and his insights. He may look like a hard-bitten old school journo with his craggy visage and shaven head. Appearances can be deceptive, you might take him for a bouncer at a boxing club in the boon docks. But 24 hours ago the guy showed himself to be as innocent as a lamb in terms of current affairs – you remember that machete wielding guy shouting ‘god is greatest in Arabic’ whom the French authorities were treating as a Terrorist? Well he had Jonny Diamond all perplexed: “We’re still waiting to find out what his motives were” bleated our Jonny. Perhaps he should have a word with his colleagues at BBC Arabic who may explain this Islamic Jihad that’s been going on for a year or two now.
AISI, I was puzzled at the relish with which the BBC on R4 in the past week stirred the Fillon Scandal pot.
It seemed to me as though they wanted Marine Le Pen to win. Thanks for the explanation why they went after Fillon, apart from the fact that he has an Welsh wife. They have their preferred candidate, hopefully not a high taxing the ‘rich’ type of ex-Socialist, (Hollande gives the Beeboids nightmares) in Macron.
It will be interesting (Eric) Blair-wise to watch the language the BBC now use for Macron in future News reports.
One can see it would appeal to the BBC; weak as the piss it tastes like. Bet Emily Thornbury likes flute of it in the Green room as part of her daily rider.
Sources close to GW Towers have also wondered whether, considering lead times for such a production, they had really anticipated a Trump win.
Doubtless Jimbo’s unit has checked on this. Or not. Given the choice.
I simply cannot bear it a minute longer. I’m sorry but I had to turn it off… not even a few minutes. I should have known by the smug and self-rightious manner of Nicky Cambell’s introduction but I bravely listened on only to be confronted by the foulest immigrant propaganda/sob story. You could tell that this ungrateful immigrant was milking this opportunity to make us feel bad for everything it was worth. My argument is thus: you don’t like it here then piss off. In fact just….
The ‘Big Questions’ is a loathsome braindead hour of pure lefty drivel. Some of the big wimpish Cecils in the audience epitomise the spoiled snowflake generation.
Yes, I thought I’d give the Big Question a bash…oh dear, oh dear… Within minutes I was reaching for the remote. There always seems to be some lecturing foreigner telling us how appalling we all are and how awfully he has been treated. So far, after many years of watching this dross, no-one has ever asked one of these ingrates, “If this country really is so dreadful, why don’t you (please) just xxxx off and take the rest of your moaning mates with you?”
Then Nicky introduced the next topic, transgenderism. Ye gods, it really is beyond parody. There’s a couple of blokes sitting there in frocks and stockings trying to tell us that we need to get more bogs to accommodate people suffering this peculiar problem. I honestly don’t know whether to roar with laughter or burst into tears. There are important things going on in the world. We have Brexit, we have a new leader of the free world. We have a hostile and violent, undemocratic, ultra left-wing militant tendancy threatening to kick off on our streets. I honestly couldn’t give a rat’s arse about some geezer who wants to wear his aunty’s knickers.
Swiftly changing channels I’m confronted by a sour faced Carloyn Lucas telling Robert Peston that we must have a second Brexit referendum. The mantra, according to the sole Green MP, is that British people wouldn’t want to reduce immigration if it meant that the economy was harmed. However, on the very same show, their poll showed that 58% said reducing immigration was essential. It is the most importatnt part of the Brexit agreement.
Did dozy Peston point this out to her? No of course he didn’t. It was straight over to Rory Bremner for a few minutes of juvenile piss taking out of Trump.
Normal service has been resumed…
I bet Peston didn’t point out to viewers that the Green Party manifesto advocates open borders, let alone ask her what she thinks the consequences might be.
Al Beeb Radio Wales this AM – having already failed with its propaganda with the last UK GE, Brexit, the USA Election, its still anti-Trump, but lo and behold the ‘searchlight’ now focuses on Marine Le Penn. ‘Facist’, ‘populist’ and name calling etc .
Meanwhile looking back last month, the ground is already prepared……….. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38321401
If their track record is anything to go by, it may be a ‘cloud with a silver lining’ for Pen?
Make way for yet another story the BBC won’t run! Just as some of us were arguing here with one of the ‘true believers’ last weekend, fake scientists at NOAA have been caught manipulating climate temperature data for political purposes.
The alarmist branch of the science will keep falsifying, the BBC will keep lying, sceptical scientists will continue to be called deniers, our headlong dash to ‘de-carbonise’ and trash our economies will not let up and Trump, our only hope to rid the West of this destructive eco-socialist bollocks, will be painted as a destroyer of the planet for wanting to confront this politically-driven scam.
Mail on Sunday “But the software used to process the figures was bug-ridden and unstable.”
Wonder if anyone at the BBC, preferably Roger Harrabin, will ask of a NOAA scientist “What is wrong with good old-fashioned pencil, paper and a calculator?”
I have been thinking about the support for Islam among the feminists, many of whom were making Isis signs during their pro Islam anti Trump marches. I have suggested before that biology is transcending morality, and feminists seek to breed with the conquerors, despite their record towards women.
Note how the BBC is fully committed to the war against white males. Ever tried to argue with a feminist that Islam is bad for women? Even Treezer thinks it is good for women.
So I put these pictures together. The top one is a regular BBC pic when reporting on the Isis freedom fighters
It’s going to be a nightmare for many, among them are dating agencies.
For example:-
1)GENDER – Male, Female, None Binary, Bisexual, Undefined, Transitional?
2)Wish to Meet – Male, Female, None Binary, Bisexual, Undefined, Transitional?
3)Do You Have a Penis? YES/NO
4)Are You Keeping Your Penis?
5)What penis status do you prefer for who you wish to meet?
Looks like Dr. Gorka has whipped the BBC at least 2:0 after Sunday Politics debacle.
Presumably, even the slow-learning BBC will not dare have him back again.
He does not accept the malicious and fallacious assumptions on which the BBC pose most of their questions to their ideological enemies.
“Will Trump, the new elected Caligila, murder his wife and marry his favorite horse? “Unstabke Trump refuses to comment on his plan to murder his wife”. So it goes on. Create enough smoke and the BBC hopes a sufficient number of people will come to believe there really is a fire.
Gorka speaks the truth – it just won’t do!
He’s been popping up on Fox the last few years – that should have been warning enough for the BBC filth hounds.
A white paper on housing issues.
AlBeeb loving it.
Plenty of analysis and advice, from an impartial, unprejudiced, neutral, no axe to grind, even handed, disinterested, source, available for the Government.
Naturally the source is not AlBeeb.
We do not need any more houses.
We do not want any more houses.
We do want illegals expelled.
We do want self confessed enemies (Mulsims) expelled.
We do not any more enrichment from any sources.
Drain the swamps, use BBC staff for landfill. Other suggestions are welcome if they are better than my landfill idea.
Following Brexit and the election of Trump, more and more facets of the left-wing mindset have been made apparent.
One of the striking elements is that they are mostly unable to find any good reason why people should have voted the way they did, and the only ‘logic’ they can muster for this is that those who did are racist, lack compassion, bigoted, etc. They really show a complete inability to think anything through despite reasons and explanations given them.
I can only think that any disagreement with the way they think they take as insulting and demeaning, an affront to their dignity. It doesn’t seem to matter what facts or reasoning is presented in an effort to illuminate, they take it as an insult, and react accordingly. A mistake we make is that we believe everybody uses their brain the way we are used to doing. That because we will adapt and modify our thinking as new facts, reason and evidence is presented, without feeling slighted, we think everybody is like that. THEY’RE NOT!
If you wish to try this for yourself here’s an example you can use if you’re debating a left-winger on the subject of refugees fleeing the various Islamic conflicts. We are constantly told by all the Muslim appeasers that the radical and extremist element among them are only a tiny minority, and are not even considered Muslims.
Which then brings in the logical question – if they are only a tiny minority, why do all these able-bodied refugees need to flee?
I have no doubt that there are many Muslims who genuinely want to live their lives free from the extreme ideology spouted, but it is up to them to do something about this ‘minority’. In the same way Britain and its allies fought off Germany and Japan during WWII. Few UK and US citizens left their homes to seek asylum elsewhere – but stayed to fight against those who threatened their beliefs and values.
So this alone creates a justified suspicion on many who claim to be refugees, particularly those of a fighting age.
I suggest using this example the next time you are engaged with those of the left persuasion, and just watch their reaction. You are giving very credible logic, but watch carefully how they perceive it and respond. The better we understand what we are up against, the better we will know how to combat and neutralize it.
I cannot say I have even got as far as trying to debate with a leftie. They instead refuse to debate and just repeat rubbish like “Trump is soooooo right wing” or the usual conversation killer… “Jo Cox said ‘they is more that unites us than divides us'”.
Like all others I see the shots on the TV. I’m struck by the fact that virtually all, “protesters” are in fact youths who cannot conceivably have had any experience of life. One expression I heard some years ago, from a youth, was, “age and experience is the enemy of innovation” – would you believe: uttered by a person naive enough to think that his ‘unique’ thought process and approach to a particular issue/topic conclusion cannot have been reached by anybody else. Unbelievable.
Pointless exercise. They just shout, screech, wave their arms about, call you a liar, then say they don’t want to hear your views, anyway, and you can just shut up and piss off.
Teddy I agree with the trust of your post , but I must take issue with your second paragraph about the liberal left only being able to put the electoral revolution as being down to racism , ill education etc etc. This was indeed the case until a few months ago and then the hit on two ideas , both probably outright lies but they don’t care. The first idea was fake news, a neat piece of doublespeak as they have been skilful purveyors of fake news for years. The second idea was that Russia and sinister far right elements in the west are manipulating the voting process. All they have to do now is to keep on repeating this at every opportunity for a year or so and it will become an accepted fact. They will then ,in true Orwellian style , be able to censor out any news they object to and leave the field free for their own version. They may even be able to say that any election that goes against them has been rigged by the right and demand a rerun. Leftist judges will no doubt find in their favour. Of course elections which go the way they want will be pristine.
Democracy has turned against the liberal left and they are determined to undermine it by any means. The liberal left establishment is far from dead and hold the levers of power. President Trump has much work to do to get rid of the unelected liberal left officials , judges, media folks, academics, luvvies , who will constantly undermine him and obstruct him at every turn. Those who voted for him need to make their support very clear. In the U.K. Our politicians are far too timid to even try to follow his lead and most of them still support the liberal left consensus of the past decades.
DT – I actually think we agree although you’ve identified an additional recent twist to it. Their psychology forces them to dismiss whatever we think by whatever manner they can. They are incapable of real thought so this is the only defence they have.
We have been observing this with the BBC and their kin for years. Only now are we seeing just how their brainwashed public have bought into it and doing their best to revolt against what they see as a turning tide.
Because I see so often those like ourselves trying to understand the left by interpreting their reactions as if they were capable of thought I am wanting all of us to better understand this psychology in the hope that we will better discover a solution – besides violence – that history reveals has always happened in the past.
That’s why instead of getting frustrated with their reaction, if we can just use argument to get them to react and observe it, we might better know how to deal effectively with them.
Ah I see what you are driving at. Yes I do find that the brainwashing is almost unviversal for under 30s , but young folks usually grow up, at least they used to but I find more and more 40 somethings still cling to liberal leftist views. I agree it impossible to discuss things with them because they really do trot out the racist /fascist mantra at the first sight of any non conforming view. I believe that for many young folks their views are more to do with fashion than with conviction. This is where the media and the luvvies play such an important role for the left and why it is difficult to use logic or common sense to successfully persuade the brainwashed to change their minds.
I have been trying to account for this ease of brainwashing that seems to be so prevalent in our society for a long time, as no doubt have many of us here. Several ’causes’ that seem to account for it, at least in part:
1. An inferiority complex that might have been inflicted on them when they were young and stopped their brain from developing naturally. So they cling to tenets that make it appear as if they are really intelligent, regardless of true merit. After all, if our national broadcaster and their teachers promulgate these views – how wrong can they be?
2. Then there is the education system itself. The meaning of ‘education’ from Latin is to ‘bring out from within’. What we see mostly in ours is ‘cramming in a load of crap’ that doesn’t require thought or mental development. This might also account for the inner ‘inferiority’ and insecurity described above.
I believe it is this that forces these individuals to desire power so much. Proof that they are really superior and why they so easily resort to violence when they are denied this power.
Could it also be a peculiar and perverse return to the Age of Deference that was well and truly done away with by the end of the 1960s?
They (the Snowflakes) defer to what they are told by (S)socialist/liberal teachers at school, pick up on the constant bickering of the main & other Party politicians, reach for the remote control of the TV (from which they have been spoon-fed since birth if Millennials or Generation Z) zip through ‘the beliefs’ from many varied channels and then – just like picking a sequence of coloured Smarties or M&Ms from a full bowl – defering to their peers and influenced by fashion, they choose their belief with which to be brainwashed.
They are then able to say “Of course I AM NOT brainwashed, it is you who do not believe who are brainwashed” and “What I believe is right, must be right because I have chosen to believe it. It has not been forced on me. I chose it. (I shopped for it!)”
One of my grandsons is at a very good school- state but lets keep the name quiet. A grammar school in fact. He reports that the teachers are 100% anti Brexit and 100 % anti President Trump and by implication and fact anti American.
I asked him if they made references to this in lessons ( my education was almost politics free as it should be ) and he said yes constantly.
The real swamp is in the universities and the schools. Until this is drained we can but hope to let our young find out reality for themselves. The BBC sits on top of this and can never be drained. Closure is the only realistic option .
Because of the forces that keep the status quo going Dave, I can’t see the will by the ‘elite’ to close the BBC or address the mindset of schools. Unless we can find a way to completely neuter the effect of these then it seems violence is inevitable.
DT ‘… and why it is difficult to use logic or common sense to successfully persuade the brainwashed to change their minds.’
Exactly why we need to find another tack.
I’m wondering if we can lead them to come to the answer themselves – Lieutenant Colombo style. We feign ignorance and just present the problem (guiding style) and see if they can give the answer themselves.
DT @4.41pm, they also do not get any credible cross-examination from the media, especially the journalists and presenters at the BBC. Have a listen to Mark Mardell on TWTW today (R4, 1pm) for a great example of this, if you did not listen in real time.
TB and U2S,
I think that you guys have more stamina or appetite for the fight than I do. You are to be admired for it and perhaps if we had a President Trump I would also march to the sound of the guns, But my 65 year old legs are getting weary. I wish I didn’t take such a passive line but if the young fools really can’t see where liberal leftism is taking the country and the rest of the West, a Muslim dominated hell hole, then I have nearly given up on them. I am concerned for the future of family and friends but if they are determined to commit mass suicide and react very aggressively to ‘ warnings’ , well sad to say ,hell mind em and I’ll enjoy the time I have left. Just don’t need the hassle.
Perhaps I’ll feel better tomorrow and stick it to em again.
DT – I think it’s largely because we are the age we are that we remember a completely different society with great values and we are doing our best to see them re-established. I’ve often thought that if I was offered the chance to be 20 years old now, but have been born 20 years ago, I wouldn’t take it. I’m very happy that I know the world and our society I did, which is probably why many of us are here to try and get it back in our lives, at least as much as is now possible.
Regarding kids – I hope this example helps.
I used to work for quite a few years as a driving instructor and especially loved the challenge of getting these young adults to think independently. I would explain to them from the first lesson that school hadn’t really taught them how to do this and it really wasn’t their fault – that’s the system. I also got them to see that there was no way we could cover every eventuality they would be likely to encounter as a driver and it was essential for them to learn how to assess a potentially hazardous situation and deal with it effectively and safely.
With this understood by them I would then ask them to explain the purpose of the zig-zag lines on each side of a Zebra Crossing. I made it clear that I knew they didn’t know but I wanted them to give me their best estimation. Sometimes it would take 15 minutes and there’d be a whole lot of frustration. I took whatever (wrong) answers they gave me and showed why they were not right, and made it clear that the right answer would make absolute sense.
The joy when they got there was immense – and the high five was special. I had a very high pass rate percentage and I believe it was mostly due to helping them develop independent thought. I hope and believe this would also serve them in every aspect of their future lives.
Yessssssss ! my Sunday just got better. Finally, those in thrall to he-who-can-do-no-wrong Beckham, are waking up to the fact he ain’t so ‘golden’ after all. I don’t think I’m alone in suspecting his charideee work are just steps up the ladder for a ‘K’ which has never materialised. And now,(there is a God up there), he’s scuppered his chances for good with leaked emails which reveal the true character of the man. Desperate Dave has used choice language in describing those on the Honours Committee, and even Katherine Jenkins has not escaped his wrath ! I cant help dancing around the kitchen !!!! as the wheels of this awful publicity seeking family seem to be coming off their ‘Brand’.
I’m sure he can spin his way of out this one by saying he is any of the following…
a) supports immigration
b) hates Trump
c) loves everyone and anyone linked to LGBTQiabc..xyz
d) loves Muslims
e) has converted to Islam
He’s made his money not from football so much, but having the ability to raise one eyebrow when advertising the products of his sponsors. A sad world we live in when your eyebrow can net you millions, cos he sure as hell cannot articulate in a conversation !
France elections: What makes Marine Le Pen far right?
First sentence of the article
‘She described Britain’s vote for Brexit as the most important event since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Donald Trump’s US presidential victory as “an additional stone in the building of a new world”.’
Wonders will never cease. One of the German BBCs has just interviewed German Foreign Minister Sigmar “chubby cheeks” Gabriel on his return from the USA. During the interview, they showed a clip from the BBC’s very own This Week where Ted Malloch made the “infamous” comparison between the EU and the USSR. The hysteria over this remark is unbelievable. Yet again Sigmar twitters on about the EU defending democracy as we know it and common European values. He also called for “more European solidarity” to neutralise the “Trump threat”, whatever that might be. Mad Merkel called for “more European solidarity during the “refugee” crisis and now Turkey owns her. Looks like the end might be nigh for the EU sooner than we hoped.
It would be ironic if Germans got the idea that the BBC was pro-Trump and anti-EU by not declaring Malloch persona non grata at the Font of Truth.
There is also a weird current of thought amongst the media wafflers that Germany might step into the vacuum left by “Trump isolationism” and do its bit fighting for “our common values” around the world. Seems like a real recipe for disaster.
Does that mean the German forces will have to be prepared to work overtime to replace any forces the U.S. may wish to withdraw if the EU wants to act on its own?
Had to laugh at “The state of the German military had come under scrutiny afters it came to light soldiers were forced to train with broomsticks instead of rifles due to equipment shortages.”
The German army is having to replace its G36 rifle because it won’t retain its accuracy when it gets hot. It’s excellent on the range but not so good in a fire fight. In contrast the German police are picking up the G36 because its 5.56mm rifle cartridge is more powerful than the 9mm pistol cartridge in their current MP5s.
The BBC is telling us that everything is fine in the EU, but both the German army and the German police are improving their smallarms inventory. The army to win in a sustained action and the police to stop individuals quickly.
RJ -In case this goes badly overbudget I recommend the Nerf N-Strike Elite Hyperfire Blaster from Hasbro.
Whist it is an american produced weapon – I understand that Theresa when she was Home Secretary agreed to it being secretly trialed by the Met for doing battle against terrorists.
Its rugged aggressive design and plastic construction guaranteed to strike terror into any rampaging Jihadi within visual range.
The powerful foam darts with a terminal velocity of at least 2m/second will incapacitate any terrorist helpless with laughter when confronted with such a formidable weapon.
Added advantage is due to the slow velocity and soft comforting, foam “warhead” of the projectiles, there will be reduced mortality and therefore reduced likelihood of Government or law enforcement agencies being taken to court, by Human rights lawyers or castigated by the BBC or Shami Chakrabarty or Sadiq Khan.
Especially useful when dealing with SJW demos. If it turns violent it is unlikely that any snowflakes will be seriously injured and can carry on throwing stones at police vans.
Imagine it the Elite Hyperfire Blaster coupled with the Nimbus 2000 What a combination!
Better not let our MoD become involved in the procurement though. If it does it might not be ready for action until 2035.
On the BBC London news they had a lengthy report on Open Mosque Day on East London. Everyone was getting on fantastically well – men, women and children of all races smiling, laughing and holding hands. Clearly we are living in a multicultural paradise!
Any question about the faith, oh over tea and biscuits?
… quite a few of them to ask, problem is I ve never had a straight answer yet, to ANY of them, and I ve asked.
I see the bBBC web site is back on familiar ground with more NHS ‘bad news’. 1 in 14 people on NHS operation waiting lists, however, they do not suggest not adding to that list by allowing more people into the UK.
I had to smile, I don’t usually get many laughs from the bBBC, but in the article they interviewed a Nikki Alldis, who has been waiting 15 months for a bowel operation. ‘I’m gutted’ she says, ‘it’s hanging over me’, does this mean she has had the operation now!!!???
North, the bbeeb love to denigrate the good people who actually have to work in the NHS, never blaming the layers of fat cats in ‘Management’, who cream off most of the budget for their thick stupid nasty lives.
I weep for the nurses, sisters, staff doctors cleaners receptionists, who have to deal with Joe Public, while the blasted ignorant management fart around with our money and taxes.
It’s not very different from the bloated taxpayer’s fund for the bbc, as they’re not far off as far as wastage is concerned.
Because the ISS orbits the Earth at around 17,000 miles an hour, the football was travelling at around 8,000 metres per second!
That means the ball (and everything else on board, of course!) travelled a massive 285,000 miles.
Even the video clip shows the ball being thrown 560,000 yards so how the heck did they calculate 285,000 miles?!? I hope BBC policy on pro-immigration isn’t based on the same flawed maths skills.
Hi everyone. I was watching a BBC ‘ Drama ‘ called Doctors it is broadcast early afternoon. Anyway i have been sending random complaints to the BBC to see where they stand on things that are offensive to mostly white straight men. Anyway their responses are so pathetic that it is not worth printing them here. Just last week in an episode of Doctors, in one scene 3 middle-aged females are sat around a table drinking and announce that MEN are MORONS even in their SLEEP. I stopped what i was doing and sent off another complaint to the BBC , the subject was MISANDRY. I also noticed this episode was written by a female. So from what i can see the BBC openly supports MISANDRY but not MISOGYNY. How are they not being held accountable? how are they getting away with such openly vicious man hating broadcast in their shitty daytime dramas?
Hatred of men has become compulsory at the BBC. The worst example of this has been Dr Who for the past few years. All the male characters are invariably weak, the female characters always “feisty” and any previously-male strong characters have been converted to female – eg The Brigadier and The Master. They even turned the Sontaran into a fawning, pathetic gimp for some lesbian lizard that was supposed to be a Silurian.
I listened to a “profile” of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee on Radio 4, I don’t recall them doing a similar profile for any of Obama’s nominees.
Yes, it was a bit odd really wasn’t it? Why take up prime time R4 on the BRITISH BC with a profile of a nominee to the US Supreme Court? Well my guess is that the Beeb had set out to do a hatchet job on the nominee and thereby Trump too. Beeb is obsessed with doing down Trump.
The program started with trying to portray the nominee’s mother as a crazed rightwing fanatic. But once program got on to the nominee himself … well there was nothing derogatory they had found to fling at him at all. None of his contemporaries had a bad word about him, the guy even has an English wife and admires Churchill! Beeb must have been very disappointed.
Obama was of the Angels a modern day messiah that was sent to save us. He could do no wrong especially in the eyes of the beeboids and to criticise him in any way was the worst kind of racism ever. Anybody that worked with and agreed with him was also of the Angels and beyond approach. We had eight years of that utopia and never never land bollocks but that has all changed as we have the modern equivalent to hitler in charge now (copyright the left wing media worldwide) and to agree with him in anyway makes you a racist (the worst kind of course), islamaphobic mysoginist (how does that work for the female fans) far right nazi etc etc. And anybody that works for him is the equivalent to himmler and goebbels as bannon and the Supreme Court pick is finding out.
Welcome to the next 8 years hopefully where you can be guaranteed no Nobel peace prizes will be awarded in the first 12 months and God forbid if he ever gets one the howls of derision from the left will be massive but forgetting that the messiah had a side hobby in operating drones and dropping bombs on women and kids. But did I mention he was the messiah.
I’ve only ever seen a couple of editions of Loose Women (admittedly ITV) all the years its been on, and have never watched or listened to anything so puerile. If a group of blokes sat around discussing women in public in the same way, there’d be protests on the street a la Trump !
Most of the daytime ‘magazine’ programmes are a load of rubbish anyway, ideal for Sun readers who just like pictures to look at.
It’s called the man hater show in my place. I believe the us has an equivalent version with whoopi Goldberg. The amount of bile and anti men rhetoric on both shows can be off the scale. My namesake Katie Hopkins is the number one female target for the uk harridans but Kelly Ann Conway and Ann coulter is on That list now. The claws are out for them.
Heart breaking news over Beckham, our one and only British hero and role model.
If we lose him, who’s left? Diane Abbott, Edie Izzard, Gina Miller? Who?
BBC News- Trump’s telephone un-diplomacy … un-presidential?
BBC News- Trump suffers new travel ban setback … undermined weak?
BBC News- What would happen if Donald Trump tries to bring back torture? … loose cannon?
BBC News- Trump now defends Putin over Russia killings allegations … unpatriotic?
BBC News- Just what do the Donald Trump tweets reveal … unstable?
Anyone notice a pattern emerging? 😀
This isn t going to end, you know … it might eventually end the BBC
Can anyone please let me know when and if anything major happens in the world? I keep turning on the BBC at news time in the naive hope of getting the news but for the past fortnight all I have got is relentless coverage relating to the US president and the minutiae of his domestic polices. Surely there must be some other news from closer to home – Rochdale or Rotherham perhaps?….Even a dog that can say “Sausages” would make a change.
Well a guy called don solved the nhs ‘crisis’ on Jan 20, the equivalent to Ethiopia in 1985 according to the screeching Red Cross. Not a word since. The same goes for Syria not a peep about it so another crisis averted. This don is doing good things already so I think how about a Nobel peace prize then. Better go and walk my unicorn now as he is in need of a walk.
She is pure poison. The damage done to Britain’s foreign policy by her twisted mouth might be significant. Still at least the BBC will be happy when we have no allies left in the world and everyone hates us because of the spite. Of course it won’t be Laura’s fault – blame Brexit/Trump/Le Penn/Wilders/Tickasappropriate.
Netanyahu is the PM of Israel. Perhaps they will ask Mishail – not enough Jews killed- Hussein the Radio 4 token Moslem to interview him. She could ask him a question, like ‘Our listeners want to know why you are oppressing the Palestinians and are condemned by the British Labour Party for genocide and bombing babies in Gaza’. Then standing next to him Treezer May might respond with ‘Israel and the UK are friends, but I do not support Israel’s apartheid state and implementation of Nazism in the Middle East’.
It has been interesting to see various women posting pictures of themselves in uniform, operating gown etc.etc.
Are they not actually wearing the correct attire to do their job? I’ll bet the lady soldier toting the gun in front of the helicopter pops on her No.2s for every day in the office and No.1s for parades.
So all those ladies are actually conforming to a dress code at work – just what DT (unless it is a spoof) would appear to be asking his staff to do. No different to many businesses?
The reason the Progressives in the U.S.; the U.K.; here; there and everywhere have gone into meltdown over Trump and also why the MSM is unrelenting in its hatred of the new POTUS, is because they so nearly won!
They were on the verge of victory of a complete revolution in the U.S. if Clinton had been victorious: unstoppable immigration; non-binary public toilets; disarming the populace; Obummercare; Progressive dominated SCOTUS forever; whites soon to be a minority etc ad infinitum.
All of that was displaced by Donald Trump and the rage against him won’t calm down, what you see now in the MSM and the protests in America will continue for the next 4 or 8 years, make no mistake about that – watch the NYU professor, in the film someone posted higher up this thread, for an example of quite how malevolently deranged the frustration of losing has made these people.
The interesting point is that the Overton window will be enlarged dramatically, as the Progressive Left view anyone who is slightly more conservative than Bernie Sanders as a fascist. This will force those main stream conservatives to move further to what is now defined as the “extreme” right, due to the violent and non-violent attacks which will be directed against them by the Left – they won’t have a choice.
The positive aspect of this is: all of these protests strengthen Trump’s presidency.
This is despite the fact that the MSM attempt not to convey the truth to the majority in the U.S. (and here) who support the policies his administration seeks to implement. The majority see through the lies, or enough of us do anyway, as was narrowly shown in the Referendum result and the equal loathing of the MSM and the Left to that result here and to Clinton’s defeat there.
Buckle up! If we thought 2016 was a politically momentous year: it could be almost nugatory compared to this one.
Very good. The sheer speed of events now as always when change happens is going to be something. Violent the progressive might be but they lack courage.
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 18:22 Midweek 5th March 2025 ‘extremely vulnerable’ girls is code for girls removed from their parents and raised by socialist services. Out of the frying…
tomoMar 5, 18:20 Midweek 5th March 2025 Let’s remember the BBC was on USAID payroll. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1896930796310806835
tomoMar 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th March 2025 Didn’t go far enough but still an all too rare piece of push back. Just Stop Oil (and others) are…
DoublethinkerMar 5, 18:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 Freddy Gray of the Spectator usually gives a fair assessment of US affairs and has only the faintest trace, almost…
Richard PinderMar 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://preview.redd.it/day-41-44-of-britain-colonising-europe-british-denmark-v0-6w86d9rzn88a1.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=03788bfc8d74bb318d13bb730ceb502ea44289df[/img] Flag of the Dominion of Ukraine Mandatory conscription for those who put a little yellow and blue Ukrainian flag…
atlas_shruggedMar 5, 17:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Harry Miller outside Newcastle copshop saying Transwimmin are men: https://www.youtube.com/live/GrdmA0VWGSE
Lucy PevenseyMar 5, 17:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 Professional journalists https://twitter.com/runews/status/1897230271659041182
non-licence payerMar 5, 17:40 Midweek 5th March 2025 Starmer’s co-operation with the French clearly going well.
DocmaroonedMar 5, 17:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Such bravery! Must have fought well for this collection of meaningless nonsense.
MarkyMarkMar 5, 16:55 Midweek 5th March 2025 First to the Ukraine Frontline? [img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/06/05/16/85752695-13498029-image-m-49_1717601797482.jpg[/img]
Well worth a listen – “What Does Steve Bannon Think?” BBC Word Service.
Owen Bennett Jones (sounding quite rational) presiding and delivering a truly shocking program featuring, someone from the Washington Post (“The break up of the EU will lead to war”) and three, yes three Brietbart friendly blokes! “The euro is under valued for Germany but over valued for the rest – a recipe for disaster” etc..
As I said, shocking to hear such on the BBC and I can’t imagine that was the plan?
I’m not a great fan of Six Nations rugby – one of the problems for me is the anti-English BBC coverage. This evening on the News Channel after gushing praise for a narrow Scottish win we are told with an air of regret by a beardy beta male: “England, stealing the victory at the end, really”.
Thanks for the spoiler. Had taped that to watch later.
BBC Any Answers – on and on, and on about Netanyahu visit, the settlement obsessed BBCs complete narrative. wheeling out that gobshite Malik from Palestinian Solidarity, a nauseating diatribe the oppression, the erm “occupation”, illegal settlements …its all just garbage. 2 Reps from BDS though not announced as such
… orchestrated manipulated garbage.
The April 2016 there was an accusation “planting Jewish of fake graves” in Palestinian territory, and with UNESCO declaring last year that the ancient Jewish Biblical sites Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs are actually Muslim holy sites, and last month that the Temple Mount, where the Jewish Temples were destroyed in 587 BCE and 70 CE, is an Islamic site with no connection to Judaism. This is alternate reality, an inversion of the obvious facts.
West Bank: This territory was for millennia called Judea and Samaria. After the 1948 War of Independence, Transjordan annexed it, renamed it the “West Bank,” and occupied it for nearly two decades. In the Six Day War, after Jordan attacked Israel, Israel entered the territory and administered it until the Oslo Accords era, when Israel turned over much of the area to the Palestinian Authority.
Occupation: When it comes to Israel, the UN is obsessed with the word “occupation.” A recent Wall Street Journal article documents 530 General Assembly references to Israel as an “occupying power” versus zero for Indonesia (East Timor), Turkey (Cyprus), Russia (Georgia, Crimea), Morocco (Western Sahara), Vietnam (Cambodia), Armenia (Azerbaijan), Pakistan (Kashmir), or China (Tibet). Saying that Jews are “occupying” Judea is as nonsensical as saying Arabs are “occupying” Arabia or Gauls are “occupying” France.
Settlement: The UN uses the term to insinuate Israeli theft of “Palestine.” The Obama administration eagerly embraced this terminology. If there is an occupying force in Gaza, it is Hamas. The West Bank is “disputed territories” to anyone claiming a modicum of neutrality.
“the term ‘settlement’ loses meaning, becomes void, when applied to Jews building homes in their own nation’s capital city”, it can however be applied in the opposite
this is typical Islamic inversion of reality.
What’s all this BCE and CE nonsense?
It’s BC and AD – this isn’t The Guardian.
BC and AD “might” offend none Christians Al S, just another turn of the rachet to expunge Christanity fronm the West.
I prefer BC and AD, but in deference to those who struggle with the latin in AD I’m prepared to use:
Before the Christian Era (BCE) and
Christian Era (CE)
I’ve been told (repeatedly) that the “C” doesn’t mean Christian, but that has to be wrong as the change from BCE to CE is the nominal birth of Christ; so “C” can only mean Christian.
For those who don’t agree with me on the meaning of “C” I can only refer them to the biblical exhortation “Go forth and multiply”, although in its shorter form.
I think the new-fangled CE abbreviation is for ‘Common Era’, but I much prefer the old school AD myself.
I use BC and AD always.
I am a long time (c50 years) athiest so I do this to irritate athiests of other persuasions. The Humanists, Secularists and other types who swallowed the lefty nonsense at their mother’s breast. And still believe in it despite Lenin, Stalin, Gorky, Ho Chi Min . . .
Then I am an intransigent irredentist.
I still call Eskimos, Eskimos. They can call themselves whatever they like but the correct term in English is Eskimos. Got that lefties? ESKIMOS.
Then I am an intransigent irredentist.
I still use the traditional ENGLISH names for certain centres of population in the South Asian Eskimo sub continent. Bombay, Madras . . .
Did I mention the proclivity for the great and the good lefties (AKA the world’s worst mass murderers, outside Islam) have for changing the names of centres of population to indicate their approval of the blood stained record of the left? Stalingrad, Leningrad . . .
Then I am an intransigent irredentist. I cannot wait for the renaming of enties in our green and pleasant land, currently ssociated, by the lefties, with some black South African terrorist who should have been shot.
Time for intransigent irredentists to rename BCE Before The Now Defunct, Discredited, Disbelieved, Disgusting, Mass Murdering, Commie, Lefties, Became Universally, Totally, Permanently, Despised.
I apologise for the moderation of my contribution.
And do not start this AH Izzy nonsense either.
Ah, a man after my own heart! (‘cept for the atheism)
I do like to stick with the old names and I’m not one for all this trendy re-naming. You give some good examples TTP.
I suggest everyone should visit an irredentist on a regular basis.
BCE Before Common Era and CE Common Era. Not only for the Guardian. If you are not Christian and don’t necessarily believe he even existed it is a bit hypocritical to talk about BC Before Christ and especially AD anno Domini,” which is Latin for “in the year of our Lord.”
Go on using BC /AD if you will. The skeptics will still understand you.
BTW Even if you are a believer most calculations have him born in 4BC.
If those who “don’t necessarily believe he even existed” wish to avoid hypocrisy by not using BC and AD, wouldn’t they still be hypocrites even if they used BCE and CE; as they are merely different initials referring to the periods before and after the same point in time: Christ’s birth?
If you think he was “born in 4BC” shouldn’t you begin your Common Era then, rather than four years earlier? This would then avoid any hypocritical sensitivities being pricked.
The use of BC and AD has been employed in Britain and Europe for centuries, to attempt to change this is just another example of forcing western society, itself rooted in Christianity, to give ground to political correctness and multiculturalism; hence the reference to The Guardian as they are often in the PC vanguard with this type of BS.
Perhaps some of the reporters in the BBC and msm should read this article.
They might think twice about the bias and bile that they spread around the world with their miss information.
Okay, it was written by a Jew, but after much research and cross referencing, the information and statistics cannot be faulted.
It’s a long haul but well worth the bother, as I can now close down any arguments with my left wing intellectual friends.
Totally OT, but as I am off to the pub…
If that does not get a BBC charter booked, what will?
If a lie is repeated enough eventually it becomes the truth.
Imagine a world were even the most preposterous set of untruths were repeated on a daily basis. Daily bombardments of a false message.
Surely people will recognize stupidity??
Well how about transmit this message from a seemingly credible source. Also chuck in some guilt accusations for anyone who questions the status quo.
Could a country really be duped in such a way?
Would Europe open it’s borders to it’s enemies & think they’re being virtuous by doing so?
Not in this modern age surely not.
Maybe in the days of Hitler & fascism but we’re better & cleverer than them. We were taught all about propaganda at school.
But the masses were tricked. Too busy getting on with their own lives to really notice the gradual eroding of everything that makes a country great.
At last the public have finally woken up. Both sides of the Atlantic.
And the mainstream media does not like it. They’ve had to drop all pretense of impartiality now & gone full nuclear on anyone who disagrees with them.
But the anti England, anti men, anti white people, anti anyone who doesn’t fit into a fashionable minority box, left wing delusion is over.
It’s been seen in it’s hideous true image. Like a monster in a horror film finally being seen for what it is.
Now the people know. I just hope they never forget the lessons learned from the inherent lies behind cultural Marxism.
Wow – good post – powerful and thought provoking like it
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
You can’t fool us
Fool me once, shame on you – fool me twice, shame on me.
We won’t be fooled again.
Very, Matrix.
On R4 today I noticed a certain softening towards Brexit. There’s also quite a good, almost pro-Brexit feature in this week’s Radio Times by BBC reporter Katya Adler.
I suspect there are two reasons for this:
1. The attempts to derail Brexit have not only failed, but have backfired rather spectacularly. The Supreme Court challenge was pre-empted, and the vote in Parliament sailed through, with a three line whip from none other than Mr Corbyn (which must have short-circuited a few snowflake brains).
2. It has been almost overshadowed by the election of the Prince of Darkness, Destroyer of Worlds and Lord of the Flies himself, Mr Donald Trump. However, I suspect a similar thing may happen with Mr Trump, who is likely to doggedly and calmly pursue his objectives by legal means, showing up the snowflakes for the irrational fearmongers that they are in the process.
Brilliant, Cranmer!
“”It has been almost overshadowed by the election of the Prince of Darkness, Destroyer of Worlds and Lord of the Flies himself, Mr Donald Trump.””
Or ……….
Al Beeb have suddenly realised that they are up against the most powerful man in the world who has the CIA, FBI etc, at hand and can scrutinise with microscopic vision, the biased background of the beeboids.
The Snowflakes are melting along with their ‘Trustees’.
Women’s march against Trump in London today.
Using children is despicable. Especially when your mum carries a placard using the C word. So it’s ok to use that against a bloke who said ‘pussy’? The irony!
Second photo down.
At least the Mail reports it as it is. If it was pro Trump rally – it would not get a tweet on the BBC. Still it is a non-event. The only thing I noticed was Socialist Workers paradise throng. A day out for the BBC peoples party.
Mr Jones decided he’d stay at home for this one, seems he’s not a big fan of the SWP
A case of the ‘Judean peoples front’ versus the ‘Peoples front for Judea’ me thinks.
We should be encouraging the snowflakes. They have no real stomach for the coming fight for the West and it’s way of life and are of no real account. The same with the MSM. That too is not up to it really. Just noise.
President Trump is not putting a foot wrong. The opposition in the US is demoralised and the sheer speed of the counter revolution has it responding far too late and on the President’s terms.Using violence as a first resort is very bad tactics
Here and in Europe it is irrelevant . Completely irrelevant .Passes the time I suppose but to no purpose that I can see. Again using violence as a first resort.
I still think that if the Commons debates whether the President should have his invitation cancelled then he should refuse to come. This country needs to learn a harsh lesson in power and who really has it.
It will really help us here who oppose the liberal tyranny by polarising views at last. Imagine the impotent rage when the embassy moves to Jerusalem .
Put countries like Germany, France and Britain on notice.
Europe is now a minor actor in the world’s dramas and no longer can expect to be listened to or indulged.
“Europe is now a minor actor in the world’s dramas and no longer can expect to be listened to or indulged.”
That will be written in letters of fire when Putin offers Trump an alliance to destroy ISIS and Trump accepts.
Hope so.
RJ is that your quote or are you quoting – anyhow it is so true.
Europe has taken a back seat and saved it’s coppers, Euros of late, and as you say why should the real powers give Europe a second thought.
Gaxvil, the quote is from Dave’s post immediately above mine.
It’s so sad.
If only they sat and watched President Trumps full speeches and saw the truth instead of believing the lies and BS of the BBC & the MSM.
I saw pictures of that march in the papers, and with so many idiots crammed together in a line my inner evil voice said ‘cluster bombs and napalm’.
I don’t wish harm to anybody, but who would that marching lot blame if a ‘lone wolf’ decided to vehicle ram the crowd protesting ?
Brissles – no not me generally either (harm people that is) but if you have a vocal minority of deluded open-borders fools that could easily sway our soft authorities via mainstream media collusion, you have to think of what harm might they indirectly do to the rest of us.
The BBC R4 news this evening is always referring to President Trump’s ban on 7 “mostly Muslim” countries.
Iran, Iran, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan.
Why do they keep stressing “mostly Muslim”? Just to create a stick to beat Trump with; of course, we know that.
The BBC could describe these countries as high risk, terrorist havens, failed states, undemocratic, lawless, theocratic, repressive, dangerous, nepotistic …
hmmm , maybe “mostly muslim” does the job after all.
President Trump is also being beastly to Iran. How dare he. The Iranian regime is not very nice. Not only does it not have any conceivable territorial dispute with Israel but it has declared it’s intention of wiping Israel off the map and presumably all that entails for the people who live there.
This same regime has humiliated British and American sailors and laughed in our faces.
Suddenly they are faced with an American President who is not going to give them an inch. Our snowflakes are frightened and resentful.
Yet another reason to march and scream insults in London and other snowflake cities in the West. In the real USA they are cheering a real President at last.
And this morning, R5 news continues to refer to the US temporary ban on entry as being on “muslim-majority” countries. Definitely trying to keep the anti-Trump and anti-State visit mobs fed.
On the other hand, when organised gangs sexually exploit and rape young girls in towns in the UK, I do not see the term “muslim majority” used to describe the gangs, even when the convicted shout allah akbar. Hmm.
It’s like Israel is mostly Jewish and it is Israelis permanently banned from the 16 mostly muslim countries.
Because only nationals have been banned the BBC cannot say it is a ban on muslims per se, so its their way of saying it is, but, if challenged, can say they worded it “correctly”
On and on it goes
BBC News US reverses travel ban over court ruling Trump fumes
BBC News I’ll dress like a woman when you act like a president, police officer tells Trump
BBC News Der Spiegel: Trump beheading cover sparks criticism
BBC News ‘Can Trump really be compared to IS killer Jihadi John?’ – German press weigh in
Of course, this madness, is set to go on
Londoners form human chain around mosque amid Donald Trump travel ban,(misleading)
“Dozens of Londoners formed a human chain around a mosque as a gesture of solidarity in the wake of a deadly attack in Quebec … and Donald Trump’s travel ban. 😀
Crowds from varying religious backgrounds gathered and linked arms at the #LondonIsOne event just before Friday prayers at the Wightman Road mosque in Haringey”.
“The event was backed by Reform Judaism????, Islamic Society of Britain, Christian Muslim Forum, Faiths Forum for London and erm Hope not Hate” 😀
Hmmm So… no Reform Islam?
Reform Judaism aim is to reform Jewish values and traditions”??? and hate not hope????
… Sooo, I think no other words are necessary, but
once again look at the coverage
For the first time in bloody ages we have an American President with a big stick who isn’t actually scared to use that big stick. Let’s get back to the 80’s style – everybody working earning money – people with a brain running the major countries – none of this PC bullshit – Life was and can be good – fk off all you lefty no mark liberal twats we have had enough bullsht
Couldn’t have put that better myself. Well said!
Just seen a reporter from RT in Paris asking snowflakes who do they think was responsible for the recent machete attack and do they think that things have got worse of late. No prizes for who was held responsible, in their view, although Putin was also mantioned at one point. How do these people manage to get things so wrong?
I’m going for muslim piece of sht about 25-30 years of age. Left his own Country because he doesn’t have the bollocks to defend it. Listen here Allah Akbar tossers we ain’t scared of you
Shot four times as well, according to some papers, I had heard five times on the news. None of the shots were life threatening. What the hell do they teach their squaddies in France?
Low velocity 9mm rounds with no hitting power. Bring back the old 7.62 NATO (known in the US as the 30 odd 6) – a hit in the arm is life threatening due to the size of the exit wound. Now only used by special forces & sniper units.
No.7, –
Fond memories of the Belgium SLR 7.62mm (and the GPMG, same @ 7.62). One claimed reason the SLR was dropped is that for sniper use in towns and cities where the general public may surround a target, to hit the target may cause fragments of bone to injure those surrounding. A sure powerful piece of kit!
We’ve have no room to criticise them about not killing this terrorist, remember when that armed policewoman deliberately chose to shoot to wound that POS who murdered Lee Rigby instead of killing him?
The French police usually kill terrorists, they would certainly have done so had a soldier in Paris been attacked in such a way.
About the Lee Rigby case – I remember being very surprised that which ever of the perpetrators who had the firearm was not killed. The police don’t normally mess about if someone is brandishing something even vaguely gun-like. And with them standing over a bloody corpse too.
And for the Louvre incident they should just have finished the job, save the French taxpayer some money. It’s not like they’ll be able to torture him for more info, or deport him back to where he came from as I’m sure it’s against his human rights.
I’m sure she had in mind the £35,000 a year it costs to keep the savages in jail.
Good to keep him alive to answer questions.
Wild Bill.
Agreed. We need these people in court defending themselves. That way, their vile beliefs become a matter of proven record, which Al Beeb cannot dispute. They will of course edit out those sections from their reports, but others will not.
Not if they get a PC judge like the one in the Rigby murder trial.
“I’ll have no grandstanding on your religious beliefs in this court”
Toobi, how do the BBC get counter intuitive interviews in the street that invariably support the BBC’s narrow view?
This is what happens: reporter has an axe he is grinding, so he goes out for some vox pops to back up his view. He records (say) 20 interviews, or sufficient to give (say) 5 that are in his favour.
For the case opposing his views, he can choose the most idiotic, hopeless presentation of the argument by those who appear dumbest and most inarticulate. He can edit those how he pleases, if they don’t appear stupid at first sight, then they will by the time he has finished editing their spots!
An ex head of BBC news once rang up a journalist, after he saw this journalist’s vox pops on the tv news. The reporter was investigating the ‘racist’ opposition to Afghan migrants being settled in Dover. Knife crime and rape had shot up and people had been protesting about needing more resources to handle the influx.
All the vox pops shown were those of migrants, who couldn’t see a problem with immigration.
The Head of the news service asked the reporter why he hadn’t interviewed any of the indigenous people of Dover. The reporter replied that he had, but they were all racists so he hadn’t bothered showing their views.
The BBC at work folks.
A classic tactic and neatly described. And oh so commom.
Just last night on Al Beeb there was a vox pop (my new term is vox famae editoris) from Liverpool.
The guy opposing government policy was smartly turned out and erudite.
A woman then came on, not exactly supporting the government but prepared to give them a chance. She was scruffy and inarticulate.
No bias, as usual.
Yup the “vox pop” technique is so obviously open to abuse … and has been by the BBC for years.
Quite simply, when a vox pop is used, it’s a clear sign that the news is being manipulated. The reporter is there to report and cannot be too obvious. But by using vox pop he/she can broadcast the bias under cover.
The BBC training film for this technique is an episode of Jonathan Creek where Jonathan’s boss, Adam Klaus, paints a number on his chest, put a jumper over it and asks random people in the street to give him a number between 1 and 50. The dozens who give “the wrong number” are thanked and allowed to go. When someone gives “the right answer” Adam lifts his jumper to show the same number and everyone in the street is amazed.
The BBC doesn’t even bother to hide what it does – or is the phrase “hidden in plain sight”.
Brainwashing by proxy.
As Ian Dury once said ‘There Ain’t Half Some Crafty Bastards’.
Wonder when Muslims will be seen marching in support of women, gay rights, Christians or just any group other than Muslims?
I wonder when we will see the “vast majority of moderate” muslims taking to the streets and marching with banners saying “Not in my name” following the latest atrocity by the likes of ISIS, similar sounding bunches of atavistic koranderthals and lone wolf Norwegians with mental issues?
the moderate ones do mate, but three people marching are hardly going to attract a camera crew.
It would also be a nice day out for them – a chance to meet people from other cultures, perhaps.
I wonder when Muslims will all be marching Eastward away from Europe to their homes. Can’t come soon enough.
And yes to an earlier post – ‘Woman’s Hour’ – I’ve listened to it for over fifty years – it used to follow, ‘Listen with Mother’ when I was a child.
Yes, it used to be child friendly – women’s issues like childcare, divorce, careers and health issues. A recipe and the serial from Jane Austin or such.
These days they have on a succession of lefty, nut jobs. We have graphic sex talk and numerous curse words. The serial is usually some kind of, dark paedo, serial killer type BUT we still get the odd recipe.
Recently we’ve heard demands for later and later abortions and of course the obligatory Muslim and ‘refugee’ propaganda but, as noted in an earlier post, Woman’s Hour is now facing an existential threat. The terms, woman and mother are no longer PC in the wake of genderism and women are portrayed as oppressors and an enemy of the trans genderist cult.
Woman’s Hour, you really have been foist by your own petard and to quote an old Black Country metal bashers phrase – Yow dow know if yer arse is bored or punched.
I remember both as a child, and the musical link between them – Gabriel Fauré’s “Dolly Suite”
Wonderful piece of music, but difficult to find as a piano piece.
Fauré: Dolly Suite; Nocturnes
Here it is…
Gax – being a Black Country bloke I love the last sentence! It day ‘arf mek me loff!
A New HYS running …….
Is Trump getting it in the neck again from Al Beeb and their allies ?
“This entry is now closed for comments.”
Ah, well.
I see USS Cole deployed. Interesting choice.
BBC website on the Egyptian Louvre attack. Leaving us to guess the religion of the terrorist. Any ideas ?
Roman? The next Dan Brown writes itself.
Big story today that scientists manipulated global warming data for political reasons and specifically to influence world leaders at the Paris climate summit. Who’d have guessed!

Any correlation with Sun Spot cycles? Just interested.
The 1986 to 1996 “Global warming” Solar Cycle 22 was the shortest Solar Cycle for more than 200 years. The 1996 to 2008 “Pause-Peak-Hiatus” Solar Cycle 23 was of about the same length of the Solar Cycle that ended in 1976. Solar Cycle 24 looks like its going to be the longest for 200 years, so is predicted to cause “Global Cooling” from 2018 onwards.
Land temperature data isn’t too clever to start with, much of it being extrapolated due to absence of weather stations over huge areas. The ‘scientists’ have trashed the superior satellite data because it doesn’t give them the answer they want so we are basically now looking at a fantasy temperature record that has been fiddled with so much to get the data closer to what the ‘science’ and its models says it should be doing that it’s scientifically worthless. But even then they are struggling to demonstrate a rise in temperature that exceeds the margin for error of +/- 0.1 deg. C.
They have also been ‘adjusting’ the post-war temperatures to erase the inconvenient 30-year cooling (the one which led them during the 70s to predict the coming of a CO2-induced Ice age) so it fits their alarmist narrative.
And still the politicians lap it up. Is there something we should know? Oops, almost forgot, we do know – it’s called UN Agenda 21.
The latest shock/horror climate “fact” is that 2016 was (allegedly) the hottest year by 0.02C. That’s a number that always makes me smile (I know, I’m sad).
Rounding the numbers very slightly, temperature falls by 1C for every 100 meters of altitude (a formula). If we say that a tall man is 2 meters high, that is 1/50th of the height figure in our formula, so we need to reduce the temperature figure by 1/50th = 0.02C.
2016 was the hottest year (allegedly) by the temperature difference between your foot and your head – so we’re all going to die. 🙂
And the BBC took a policy decision to campaign for these lies.
And yet they have still never satisfactorily explained what is wrong with the satellite data. Their last attempt was just risible and was easily dealt with by UAH.
None of his, of course, is ever reported by the BBC, which maintains the gross fiction that the ‘science is settled’.
Which is, of course, an outright lies.
Apologies for the typos in the above. I was called away before I could edit and correct.
Indeed GC, the science is settled according to the BBC who quite cheerfully and without a hint of hypocrisy or irony at other times broadcast that “Climate Science is a new science”, “Climate Science is still developing” and “Climate Science needs further study”. (And, no doubt, much more taxpayer money but not from mid-rate and top-rate Income Tax payers at the BBC.)
I remember a scandal in Astronomy called Judithgate. It was found that the IPCC produced a faked consensus that the Sun was not a key player in climate change, and all from one single scientific paper. Astrophysicists Doug Hoyt and Richard C. Willson, the satellite experts behind the collection of the original data found that the scientists who produced the paper had fraudulently manipulated their satellite data.
jtf, indeed and the sensible – and scientific – thing to do would be to be consistent with the good old proven mercury measurement.
I would have thought that large land or sea or atmospheric areas without measurement facilities do not matter. What does matter is consistency of place of reading, the known error variation of the measure (good quality mercury thermometers) and regular noting of the numbers. If you do this in enough countries worldwide you get an accurate result of Global Warming and Global Cooling when it happens, the ‘unread’ territory becoming unimportant.
A thought has just occurred to me: does anyone here have records, especially via BBC Radio 4, of the wild claims made in the late 1990s and early 2000s by environmental charities, so-called climate scientists (although any scientist worth the title should not make wild claims) and Green Party politicans together with any other Parties’ politicians and BBC journalists?
You probably remember the sort of thing: “By the middle of the second decade we will see a 2-4 degree increase in temperatures/major flooding from melted glaciers/Venice will dry out/there will be food shortages/there will be massive deaths in summer due to heat stroke/water shortages will become normal worldwide … ” .
I’m sure there are recordings in the BBC Archives but they may not be too keen to recover and broadcast them, especially the closer we get to 2025-2030, IF conditions remain much as they are. If there are some in public hands it might be a good idea in this era of Fake News that they are brought out at regular intervals and made available in various forms and different places.
(Site software appears to have mislaid this post – sorry – I’m sure I clicked Reply to johnnythefish.)
Holding past claims to account
Why is the BBC interviewing one of its own reporters on the Andrew Marr? Sorry, I’m not really interested about a BBC star getting carried through the jungle but has to leave because he gets pressure sores on his bum – he knew the risks and chose to do it. I feel more sorry for the poor buggers carrying him! This is just the BBC advertising one of its own… a wee jolly in the jungle funded by you and me.
Talking of wee jollies, why does it take three people to present “Rip Off Britain-Holidays”, all of whom are sitting on the beach sipping Martinis or whatever? Surely it could be done by one person sitting in a studio. And another thing, is that cadaverous looking bloke from the Independent the world’s only travel correspondent? He must be earning a fortune in BBC appearance fees. Rant over!
Lobster – I’ve mentioned before about Nikki Chapman doing her sound bites on Wanted Down Under with a backdrop that is definitely NOT the Shetlands !!! She is never seen with the participants of the show, so her dialogue could be done in the studio ! why has she been flown to some exotic location at our expense to deliver an A4 page of text with just a change of frock and hairstyle ?
Perhaps any of our Trolls on here could answer that for me – I really would like to know.
That’s nowt, Lobbie, look what Caroline Quentin and Piers Taylor get up to.
All over the bloody world!
Simon Calder is professional and not a Beeboid.
Switched on Marr. AAAAAAAaargh!! It’s brain-dead Emily again!
What the fuck is that stupid bitch waffling on about?
She seems unable to grasp that inane prattlings within Parliament will have no impact on negotiations with the continentals. The constant refrain on the continent is “no cherry picking” and, based on the fallacious assumption the the EU is an earthly paradise “no deal better than EU membership”.
I have given up watching Marr now, prefer Frasier.
But what about Sourby MP? A woman with a death wish and another job lined up for after the next election: 57.9% voted Leave and 42.1% voted Remain. She’s got to go, the sooner the better!
If she like the EU so much she should go and live there.
Perhaps she has a vested interest in the place?
A woman whose partner spent his career heading dairy corporations which grew fat due to EU tariffs against cheaper world dairy producers.
Another loser like Click Negg!
The Beebs favourite conservative Ken Clarke, gets yet another slot on radio 4. This time he gives us his wise words on what Enoch Powell would have thought of Brexit. Clarke waffles on about “free trade” (!!!!) and immigration, but Powell’s objection to the EU/EEC was first and foremost was about sovereignty and transfer of powers from London to Brussels.
Ken Clarke on Enoch Powell and Britain leaving the EU
The very same Clarke that labelled UKIP “a collection of clowns”.2013
“The pro-European cabinet minister said UKIP had no positive policies and was just “against” foreigners.”
Well his comments have come round and ‘bitten him on his backside’
You were laughing then but you are not laughing now are you?
Whenever I see the bloated and florid faced Clarke, I’m reminded of that line of Basil Fawlty when addressing his wife drinking away at their hotel bar:
“Another vat of wine dear?”
Clarke’s just an old soak who should have been shunted off into retirement or the HoL years ago.
He’s a useless boring old fart, who seems to have been left off the HOL gravy train and still thinks he’s important.
He has the first prize for the most boring speech I ever had to sit through when – ahem – I was working and trying to drum up business.
Fat stupid tosser.
You’re Having Us On, You Crazy Diamond
Can’t help but notice this morning that the BBC have made their pick for next French President.
You could knock me down with a feather: it’s an ‘economic conservative and social liberal’.
From seemingly nowhere the ex-Socialist now ‘Independent’ Monsieur Macron – according to the BBC – is ‘young’ and ‘charismatic’. Well that’s all you need to know, eh?
Goofy Ben Brown the BBC News Channel anchor gets the heads up from our BBC man in Paris, Jonny Diamond. Talking of things incestuous we get an interview with Pere Le Pen – conducted by BBC Arabic (is there something the BBC are trying to tell us here?). In a dramatically darkened room the scary old father of the daughter who has them all scared looks like something you might find inside a Dalek – and is treated as such by the BBC. Clearly this interview is aimed at smearing the daughter.
Oh dear, that ‘Far Right’ Marine Le Pen, she’s anti-EU, you know. Funny she has all these Statist, rather Far Left Wing ideas about benefits and pensions – but hey ho, let’s go on calling her Far Right. And she only has about 20% support in the polls. Whereas this Macron man from out of nowhere, well, he’s packing them in at a rally. Cut to a rather Tony Blair-esque blue-suited young chap, smiling, pressing the flesh and kissing babies.
Now in normal times our BBC Europe people would be saying Alles in Ordnung. Macron’s a shoo-in. But as our Jonny D warns there have been some extraordinary election results lately. Who know’s, I’m wary of this BBC chap and his insights. He may look like a hard-bitten old school journo with his craggy visage and shaven head. Appearances can be deceptive, you might take him for a bouncer at a boxing club in the boon docks. But 24 hours ago the guy showed himself to be as innocent as a lamb in terms of current affairs – you remember that machete wielding guy shouting ‘god is greatest in Arabic’ whom the French authorities were treating as a Terrorist? Well he had Jonny Diamond all perplexed: “We’re still waiting to find out what his motives were” bleated our Jonny. Perhaps he should have a word with his colleagues at BBC Arabic who may explain this Islamic Jihad that’s been going on for a year or two now.
AISI, I was puzzled at the relish with which the BBC on R4 in the past week stirred the Fillon Scandal pot.
It seemed to me as though they wanted Marine Le Pen to win. Thanks for the explanation why they went after Fillon, apart from the fact that he has an Welsh wife. They have their preferred candidate, hopefully not a high taxing the ‘rich’ type of ex-Socialist, (Hollande gives the Beeboids nightmares) in Macron.
It will be interesting (Eric) Blair-wise to watch the language the BBC now use for Macron in future News reports.
BBC radio is gleefully telling us that Budweiser have an immigrant themed, anti-Trump advert for the plum half time spot at the SuperBowl. I wondered if a firm selling to a blue collar market would have such a tin ear. Well it is certainly immigrant themed.
One can see it would appeal to the BBC; weak as the piss it tastes like. Bet Emily Thornbury likes flute of it in the Green room as part of her daily rider.
Sources close to GW Towers have also wondered whether, considering lead times for such a production, they had really anticipated a Trump win.
Doubtless Jimbo’s unit has checked on this. Or not. Given the choice.
I simply cannot bear it a minute longer. I’m sorry but I had to turn it off… not even a few minutes. I should have known by the smug and self-rightious manner of Nicky Cambell’s introduction but I bravely listened on only to be confronted by the foulest immigrant propaganda/sob story. You could tell that this ungrateful immigrant was milking this opportunity to make us feel bad for everything it was worth. My argument is thus: you don’t like it here then piss off. In fact just….
The ‘Big Questions’ is a loathsome braindead hour of pure lefty drivel. Some of the big wimpish Cecils in the audience epitomise the spoiled snowflake generation.
Yes, I thought I’d give the Big Question a bash…oh dear, oh dear… Within minutes I was reaching for the remote. There always seems to be some lecturing foreigner telling us how appalling we all are and how awfully he has been treated. So far, after many years of watching this dross, no-one has ever asked one of these ingrates, “If this country really is so dreadful, why don’t you (please) just xxxx off and take the rest of your moaning mates with you?”
Then Nicky introduced the next topic, transgenderism. Ye gods, it really is beyond parody. There’s a couple of blokes sitting there in frocks and stockings trying to tell us that we need to get more bogs to accommodate people suffering this peculiar problem. I honestly don’t know whether to roar with laughter or burst into tears. There are important things going on in the world. We have Brexit, we have a new leader of the free world. We have a hostile and violent, undemocratic, ultra left-wing militant tendancy threatening to kick off on our streets. I honestly couldn’t give a rat’s arse about some geezer who wants to wear his aunty’s knickers.
Swiftly changing channels I’m confronted by a sour faced Carloyn Lucas telling Robert Peston that we must have a second Brexit referendum. The mantra, according to the sole Green MP, is that British people wouldn’t want to reduce immigration if it meant that the economy was harmed. However, on the very same show, their poll showed that 58% said reducing immigration was essential. It is the most importatnt part of the Brexit agreement.
Did dozy Peston point this out to her? No of course he didn’t. It was straight over to Rory Bremner for a few minutes of juvenile piss taking out of Trump.
Normal service has been resumed…
It was like watching the non-PC ‘freak shows’ of old.
…..I honestly couldn’t give a rat’s arse about some geezer who wants to wear his aunty’s knickers……
I’m still chuckling !!!!!!
Same here. lol.
I bet Peston didn’t point out to viewers that the Green Party manifesto advocates open borders, let alone ask her what she thinks the consequences might be.
I’d be more worried about where they’d end up, Johnny.
Sort of ‘somewhere but not here, and wow, look at all those foreign people, wow, let’s get them to join in the fun…’!
Greens = stupid silly brain-dead.
Al Beeb Radio Wales this AM – having already failed with its propaganda with the last UK GE, Brexit, the USA Election, its still anti-Trump, but lo and behold the ‘searchlight’ now focuses on Marine Le Penn. ‘Facist’, ‘populist’ and name calling etc .
Meanwhile looking back last month, the ground is already prepared………..
If their track record is anything to go by, it may be a ‘cloud with a silver lining’ for Pen?
Make way for yet another story the BBC won’t run! Just as some of us were arguing here with one of the ‘true believers’ last weekend, fake scientists at NOAA have been caught manipulating climate temperature data for political purposes.
Cue Harrabin et al? Of course not!
The alarmist branch of the science will keep falsifying, the BBC will keep lying, sceptical scientists will continue to be called deniers, our headlong dash to ‘de-carbonise’ and trash our economies will not let up and Trump, our only hope to rid the West of this destructive eco-socialist bollocks, will be painted as a destroyer of the planet for wanting to confront this politically-driven scam.
So nothing will change.
Mail on Sunday “But the software used to process the figures was bug-ridden and unstable.”
Wonder if anyone at the BBC, preferably Roger Harrabin, will ask of a NOAA scientist “What is wrong with good old-fashioned pencil, paper and a calculator?”
Bet they won’t!
My guess is that the “bug-ridden and unstable software” is “deliberately fraudulent software” which rounds up temperature data like this:
1.013 = 1.02 not 1.01 or 2.231 = 2.24 not 2.23
BBC ticked 5 boxes with this short video from New York
“I’m a women, I’m brown, I’m queer, I’m an immigrant and I’m staying”
BBC have obviously thought this is worthy news when the ‘female-brown-queer-immigrant-staying put’ person had nothing of any value to say.
Unfortunately she needed a wheelchair and a hijab for the full house.
They need to fire the podium designer. Screams out for a Milla Jovovich adapt
I have been thinking about the support for Islam among the feminists, many of whom were making Isis signs during their pro Islam anti Trump marches. I have suggested before that biology is transcending morality, and feminists seek to breed with the conquerors, despite their record towards women.
Note how the BBC is fully committed to the war against white males. Ever tried to argue with a feminist that Islam is bad for women? Even Treezer thinks it is good for women.
So I put these pictures together. The top one is a regular BBC pic when reporting on the Isis freedom fighters
It’s going to be a nightmare for many, among them are dating agencies.
For example:-
1)GENDER – Male, Female, None Binary, Bisexual, Undefined, Transitional?
2)Wish to Meet – Male, Female, None Binary, Bisexual, Undefined, Transitional?
3)Do You Have a Penis? YES/NO
4)Are You Keeping Your Penis?
5)What penis status do you prefer for who you wish to meet?
I think I’d keep it simple, and just ask if they played Scrabble !!!
Looks like Dr. Gorka has whipped the BBC at least 2:0 after Sunday Politics debacle.
Presumably, even the slow-learning BBC will not dare have him back again.
ID it was a joy to watch. Straight talking no nonsense Gorka is my new hero
He does not accept the malicious and fallacious assumptions on which the BBC pose most of their questions to their ideological enemies.
“Will Trump, the new elected Caligila, murder his wife and marry his favorite horse? “Unstabke Trump refuses to comment on his plan to murder his wife”. So it goes on. Create enough smoke and the BBC hopes a sufficient number of people will come to believe there really is a fire.
Gorka speaks the truth – it just won’t do!
He’s been popping up on Fox the last few years – that should have been warning enough for the BBC filth hounds.
The Big Question alternates with Sunday Morning Live – I’ve given up watching both, they’re not good for my health.
BBC News Channel at 2pm and there’s a feast of tutting and clucking, much strings of pearl and handbag clutching.
Could this be Dr Evadne Hinge and Dame Hilda Bracket on tour again?
No, it’s just the BBC news anchor teeing up her guest, a lefty academic American from the LSE, to have a good old pop at President Trump.
A white paper on housing issues.
AlBeeb loving it.
Plenty of analysis and advice, from an impartial, unprejudiced, neutral, no axe to grind, even handed, disinterested, source, available for the Government.
Naturally the source is not AlBeeb.
We do not need any more houses.
We do not want any more houses.
We do want illegals expelled.
We do want self confessed enemies (Mulsims) expelled.
We do not any more enrichment from any sources.
Drain the swamps, use BBC staff for landfill. Other suggestions are welcome if they are better than my landfill idea.
Following Brexit and the election of Trump, more and more facets of the left-wing mindset have been made apparent.
One of the striking elements is that they are mostly unable to find any good reason why people should have voted the way they did, and the only ‘logic’ they can muster for this is that those who did are racist, lack compassion, bigoted, etc. They really show a complete inability to think anything through despite reasons and explanations given them.
I can only think that any disagreement with the way they think they take as insulting and demeaning, an affront to their dignity. It doesn’t seem to matter what facts or reasoning is presented in an effort to illuminate, they take it as an insult, and react accordingly. A mistake we make is that we believe everybody uses their brain the way we are used to doing. That because we will adapt and modify our thinking as new facts, reason and evidence is presented, without feeling slighted, we think everybody is like that. THEY’RE NOT!
If you wish to try this for yourself here’s an example you can use if you’re debating a left-winger on the subject of refugees fleeing the various Islamic conflicts. We are constantly told by all the Muslim appeasers that the radical and extremist element among them are only a tiny minority, and are not even considered Muslims.
Which then brings in the logical question – if they are only a tiny minority, why do all these able-bodied refugees need to flee?
I have no doubt that there are many Muslims who genuinely want to live their lives free from the extreme ideology spouted, but it is up to them to do something about this ‘minority’. In the same way Britain and its allies fought off Germany and Japan during WWII. Few UK and US citizens left their homes to seek asylum elsewhere – but stayed to fight against those who threatened their beliefs and values.
So this alone creates a justified suspicion on many who claim to be refugees, particularly those of a fighting age.
I suggest using this example the next time you are engaged with those of the left persuasion, and just watch their reaction. You are giving very credible logic, but watch carefully how they perceive it and respond. The better we understand what we are up against, the better we will know how to combat and neutralize it.
I look forward to read your findings.
I cannot say I have even got as far as trying to debate with a leftie. They instead refuse to debate and just repeat rubbish like “Trump is soooooo right wing” or the usual conversation killer… “Jo Cox said ‘they is more that unites us than divides us'”.
Like all others I see the shots on the TV. I’m struck by the fact that virtually all, “protesters” are in fact youths who cannot conceivably have had any experience of life. One expression I heard some years ago, from a youth, was, “age and experience is the enemy of innovation” – would you believe: uttered by a person naive enough to think that his ‘unique’ thought process and approach to a particular issue/topic conclusion cannot have been reached by anybody else. Unbelievable.
Pointless exercise. They just shout, screech, wave their arms about, call you a liar, then say they don’t want to hear your views, anyway, and you can just shut up and piss off.
Teddy I agree with the trust of your post , but I must take issue with your second paragraph about the liberal left only being able to put the electoral revolution as being down to racism , ill education etc etc. This was indeed the case until a few months ago and then the hit on two ideas , both probably outright lies but they don’t care. The first idea was fake news, a neat piece of doublespeak as they have been skilful purveyors of fake news for years. The second idea was that Russia and sinister far right elements in the west are manipulating the voting process. All they have to do now is to keep on repeating this at every opportunity for a year or so and it will become an accepted fact. They will then ,in true Orwellian style , be able to censor out any news they object to and leave the field free for their own version. They may even be able to say that any election that goes against them has been rigged by the right and demand a rerun. Leftist judges will no doubt find in their favour. Of course elections which go the way they want will be pristine.
Democracy has turned against the liberal left and they are determined to undermine it by any means. The liberal left establishment is far from dead and hold the levers of power. President Trump has much work to do to get rid of the unelected liberal left officials , judges, media folks, academics, luvvies , who will constantly undermine him and obstruct him at every turn. Those who voted for him need to make their support very clear. In the U.K. Our politicians are far too timid to even try to follow his lead and most of them still support the liberal left consensus of the past decades.
DT – I actually think we agree although you’ve identified an additional recent twist to it. Their psychology forces them to dismiss whatever we think by whatever manner they can. They are incapable of real thought so this is the only defence they have.
We have been observing this with the BBC and their kin for years. Only now are we seeing just how their brainwashed public have bought into it and doing their best to revolt against what they see as a turning tide.
Because I see so often those like ourselves trying to understand the left by interpreting their reactions as if they were capable of thought I am wanting all of us to better understand this psychology in the hope that we will better discover a solution – besides violence – that history reveals has always happened in the past.
That’s why instead of getting frustrated with their reaction, if we can just use argument to get them to react and observe it, we might better know how to deal effectively with them.
Ah I see what you are driving at. Yes I do find that the brainwashing is almost unviversal for under 30s , but young folks usually grow up, at least they used to but I find more and more 40 somethings still cling to liberal leftist views. I agree it impossible to discuss things with them because they really do trot out the racist /fascist mantra at the first sight of any non conforming view. I believe that for many young folks their views are more to do with fashion than with conviction. This is where the media and the luvvies play such an important role for the left and why it is difficult to use logic or common sense to successfully persuade the brainwashed to change their minds.
Reckon the same decadent dissolution did for the Romans?
I have been trying to account for this ease of brainwashing that seems to be so prevalent in our society for a long time, as no doubt have many of us here. Several ’causes’ that seem to account for it, at least in part:
1. An inferiority complex that might have been inflicted on them when they were young and stopped their brain from developing naturally. So they cling to tenets that make it appear as if they are really intelligent, regardless of true merit. After all, if our national broadcaster and their teachers promulgate these views – how wrong can they be?
2. Then there is the education system itself. The meaning of ‘education’ from Latin is to ‘bring out from within’. What we see mostly in ours is ‘cramming in a load of crap’ that doesn’t require thought or mental development. This might also account for the inner ‘inferiority’ and insecurity described above.
I believe it is this that forces these individuals to desire power so much. Proof that they are really superior and why they so easily resort to violence when they are denied this power.
Could it also be a peculiar and perverse return to the Age of Deference that was well and truly done away with by the end of the 1960s?
They (the Snowflakes) defer to what they are told by (S)socialist/liberal teachers at school, pick up on the constant bickering of the main & other Party politicians, reach for the remote control of the TV (from which they have been spoon-fed since birth if Millennials or Generation Z) zip through ‘the beliefs’ from many varied channels and then – just like picking a sequence of coloured Smarties or M&Ms from a full bowl – defering to their peers and influenced by fashion, they choose their belief with which to be brainwashed.
They are then able to say “Of course I AM NOT brainwashed, it is you who do not believe who are brainwashed” and “What I believe is right, must be right because I have chosen to believe it. It has not been forced on me. I chose it. (I shopped for it!)”
U2S – Well described and there is no doubt it is very powerfully established within them. We need the ‘key’ to unlock them.
One of my grandsons is at a very good school- state but lets keep the name quiet. A grammar school in fact. He reports that the teachers are 100% anti Brexit and 100 % anti President Trump and by implication and fact anti American.
I asked him if they made references to this in lessons ( my education was almost politics free as it should be ) and he said yes constantly.
The real swamp is in the universities and the schools. Until this is drained we can but hope to let our young find out reality for themselves. The BBC sits on top of this and can never be drained. Closure is the only realistic option .
Same with us and even the children repeat the lefty mantra.
No discussion, no analysis – just mindless received opinion.
Because of the forces that keep the status quo going Dave, I can’t see the will by the ‘elite’ to close the BBC or address the mindset of schools. Unless we can find a way to completely neuter the effect of these then it seems violence is inevitable.
DT ‘… and why it is difficult to use logic or common sense to successfully persuade the brainwashed to change their minds.’
Exactly why we need to find another tack.
I’m wondering if we can lead them to come to the answer themselves – Lieutenant Colombo style. We feign ignorance and just present the problem (guiding style) and see if they can give the answer themselves.
DT @4.41pm, they also do not get any credible cross-examination from the media, especially the journalists and presenters at the BBC. Have a listen to Mark Mardell on TWTW today (R4, 1pm) for a great example of this, if you did not listen in real time.
TB and U2S,
I think that you guys have more stamina or appetite for the fight than I do. You are to be admired for it and perhaps if we had a President Trump I would also march to the sound of the guns, But my 65 year old legs are getting weary. I wish I didn’t take such a passive line but if the young fools really can’t see where liberal leftism is taking the country and the rest of the West, a Muslim dominated hell hole, then I have nearly given up on them. I am concerned for the future of family and friends but if they are determined to commit mass suicide and react very aggressively to ‘ warnings’ , well sad to say ,hell mind em and I’ll enjoy the time I have left. Just don’t need the hassle.
Perhaps I’ll feel better tomorrow and stick it to em again.
DT – I think it’s largely because we are the age we are that we remember a completely different society with great values and we are doing our best to see them re-established. I’ve often thought that if I was offered the chance to be 20 years old now, but have been born 20 years ago, I wouldn’t take it. I’m very happy that I know the world and our society I did, which is probably why many of us are here to try and get it back in our lives, at least as much as is now possible.
Regarding kids – I hope this example helps.
I used to work for quite a few years as a driving instructor and especially loved the challenge of getting these young adults to think independently. I would explain to them from the first lesson that school hadn’t really taught them how to do this and it really wasn’t their fault – that’s the system. I also got them to see that there was no way we could cover every eventuality they would be likely to encounter as a driver and it was essential for them to learn how to assess a potentially hazardous situation and deal with it effectively and safely.
With this understood by them I would then ask them to explain the purpose of the zig-zag lines on each side of a Zebra Crossing. I made it clear that I knew they didn’t know but I wanted them to give me their best estimation. Sometimes it would take 15 minutes and there’d be a whole lot of frustration. I took whatever (wrong) answers they gave me and showed why they were not right, and made it clear that the right answer would make absolute sense.
The joy when they got there was immense – and the high five was special. I had a very high pass rate percentage and I believe it was mostly due to helping them develop independent thought. I hope and believe this would also serve them in every aspect of their future lives.
Hope this helps 🙂
Yessssssss ! my Sunday just got better. Finally, those in thrall to he-who-can-do-no-wrong Beckham, are waking up to the fact he ain’t so ‘golden’ after all. I don’t think I’m alone in suspecting his charideee work are just steps up the ladder for a ‘K’ which has never materialised. And now,(there is a God up there), he’s scuppered his chances for good with leaked emails which reveal the true character of the man. Desperate Dave has used choice language in describing those on the Honours Committee, and even Katherine Jenkins has not escaped his wrath ! I cant help dancing around the kitchen !!!! as the wheels of this awful publicity seeking family seem to be coming off their ‘Brand’.
I’m sure he can spin his way of out this one by saying he is any of the following…
a) supports immigration
b) hates Trump
c) loves everyone and anyone linked to LGBTQiabc..xyz
d) loves Muslims
e) has converted to Islam
Katherine Jenkins? Her shoulder chip exceeds her talent. They deserve each other.
What could anyone expect? Take the house plants from his home and the IQ level would drop by around 70%.
He is probably as obnoxious as Gary “Jug Ears” Lineker. He has made some choice comments recently.
If you are there. Please explain why you Welsh inflicted Katherine Jenkins and Charlotte Church on the rest of us !
Kate is ok – Lovely girl! 🙂
But Charlotte , you got her because we’re getting our own back on you . 😀
Taffman, he would have done better to get the ball over the posts, if he’d played a real man’s game.
Silly but he’s got £450m from people, (never me) and his odd wife has even more.
Why be stupid when idiots chuck money at you!
He’s made his money not from football so much, but having the ability to raise one eyebrow when advertising the products of his sponsors. A sad world we live in when your eyebrow can net you millions, cos he sure as hell cannot articulate in a conversation !
Geraint Evans, Robert Tear, Bryn Terfel, Gwyneth Jones, Anne Evans (Welsh descent), Margaret Price etc definitely yes. Always grateful.
Pseudo classical Kate and gobby Charlotte, no thanks.
Another, “…so-called Judge..” but a bit more dangerous than DT. It beggars belief.
In America the, ‘peaceful and orderly transfer of power’ isn’t going so well?
As with Brexit they are fighting the entire MSM and a good portion of the judiciary but not, strange to relate, the ordinary working folk.
Its the way they arrange the story.
France elections: What makes Marine Le Pen far right?
First sentence of the article
‘She described Britain’s vote for Brexit as the most important event since the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Donald Trump’s US presidential victory as “an additional stone in the building of a new world”.’
Gorgeous Lady!
Go Marine – we love you!
Fabulous election outcome expected!
Marine has it right. I hope the frogs get out of their farms and kitchens and vote !
Wonders will never cease. One of the German BBCs has just interviewed German Foreign Minister Sigmar “chubby cheeks” Gabriel on his return from the USA. During the interview, they showed a clip from the BBC’s very own This Week where Ted Malloch made the “infamous” comparison between the EU and the USSR. The hysteria over this remark is unbelievable. Yet again Sigmar twitters on about the EU defending democracy as we know it and common European values. He also called for “more European solidarity” to neutralise the “Trump threat”, whatever that might be. Mad Merkel called for “more European solidarity during the “refugee” crisis and now Turkey owns her. Looks like the end might be nigh for the EU sooner than we hoped.
It would be ironic if Germans got the idea that the BBC was pro-Trump and anti-EU by not declaring Malloch persona non grata at the Font of Truth.
There is also a weird current of thought amongst the media wafflers that Germany might step into the vacuum left by “Trump isolationism” and do its bit fighting for “our common values” around the world. Seems like a real recipe for disaster.
Erdogan told Mad Merkel not to say ” Islamic Terrorrism”. I wonder if she will obey her master’s command. I think she loves Islamic terrorists !!
Does that mean the German forces will have to be prepared to work overtime to replace any forces the U.S. may wish to withdraw if the EU wants to act on its own?
Had to laugh at “The state of the German military had come under scrutiny afters it came to light soldiers were forced to train with broomsticks instead of rifles due to equipment shortages.”
Would they be Nimbus 2000s?
Putin must be shaking in his shoes .
Isn’t a broomstick Merkel’s normal mode of transport?
The German army is having to replace its G36 rifle because it won’t retain its accuracy when it gets hot. It’s excellent on the range but not so good in a fire fight. In contrast the German police are picking up the G36 because its 5.56mm rifle cartridge is more powerful than the 9mm pistol cartridge in their current MP5s.
The BBC is telling us that everything is fine in the EU, but both the German army and the German police are improving their smallarms inventory. The army to win in a sustained action and the police to stop individuals quickly.
Feel the enrichment.
RJ -In case this goes badly overbudget I recommend the Nerf N-Strike Elite Hyperfire Blaster from Hasbro.
Whist it is an american produced weapon – I understand that Theresa when she was Home Secretary agreed to it being secretly trialed by the Met for doing battle against terrorists.
Its rugged aggressive design and plastic construction guaranteed to strike terror into any rampaging Jihadi within visual range.
The powerful foam darts with a terminal velocity of at least 2m/second will incapacitate any terrorist helpless with laughter when confronted with such a formidable weapon.
Added advantage is due to the slow velocity and soft comforting, foam “warhead” of the projectiles, there will be reduced mortality and therefore reduced likelihood of Government or law enforcement agencies being taken to court, by Human rights lawyers or castigated by the BBC or Shami Chakrabarty or Sadiq Khan.
Especially useful when dealing with SJW demos. If it turns violent it is unlikely that any snowflakes will be seriously injured and can carry on throwing stones at police vans.
Imagine it the Elite Hyperfire Blaster coupled with the Nimbus 2000 What a combination!
Better not let our MoD become involved in the procurement though. If it does it might not be ready for action until 2035.
On the BBC London news they had a lengthy report on Open Mosque Day on East London. Everyone was getting on fantastically well – men, women and children of all races smiling, laughing and holding hands. Clearly we are living in a multicultural paradise!
Was it Open Mosque Day everywhere ? I just wonder how many would attend in Rotherham.
Any question about the faith, oh over tea and biscuits?
… quite a few of them to ask, problem is I ve never had a straight answer yet, to ANY of them, and I ve asked.
So good luck with that, all you snowflakes, who are blissfully ignorant of any of the facts … Happy Taqiya
3 mins 20
Yes Chilleden
The Mosque was offering curried pork with brown rice and chips for all with a pint of lager to wash it down
I see the bBBC web site is back on familiar ground with more NHS ‘bad news’. 1 in 14 people on NHS operation waiting lists, however, they do not suggest not adding to that list by allowing more people into the UK.
I had to smile, I don’t usually get many laughs from the bBBC, but in the article they interviewed a Nikki Alldis, who has been waiting 15 months for a bowel operation. ‘I’m gutted’ she says, ‘it’s hanging over me’, does this mean she has had the operation now!!!???
North, the bbeeb love to denigrate the good people who actually have to work in the NHS, never blaming the layers of fat cats in ‘Management’, who cream off most of the budget for their thick stupid nasty lives.
I weep for the nurses, sisters, staff doctors cleaners receptionists, who have to deal with Joe Public, while the blasted ignorant management fart around with our money and taxes.
It’s not very different from the bloated taxpayer’s fund for the bbc, as they’re not far off as far as wastage is concerned.
What qualifications are needed to work at the BBC?
Astronauts on the ISS “throw” football 285,000 miles
Because the ISS orbits the Earth at around 17,000 miles an hour, the football was travelling at around 8,000 metres per second!
That means the ball (and everything else on board, of course!) travelled a massive 285,000 miles.
Even the video clip shows the ball being thrown 560,000 yards so how the heck did they calculate 285,000 miles?!? I hope BBC policy on pro-immigration isn’t based on the same flawed maths skills.
“What qualifications are needed to work at the BBC?”
The BBC abandoned qualifications some time ago. Too elitist, apparently. Instead, they introduced their own aptitude test.
A friend of mine applied last year and secretly took these photographs with his smartphone:
Don’t laugh, you only have 15 minutes to complete this stage.
Hi everyone. I was watching a BBC ‘ Drama ‘ called Doctors it is broadcast early afternoon. Anyway i have been sending random complaints to the BBC to see where they stand on things that are offensive to mostly white straight men. Anyway their responses are so pathetic that it is not worth printing them here. Just last week in an episode of Doctors, in one scene 3 middle-aged females are sat around a table drinking and announce that MEN are MORONS even in their SLEEP. I stopped what i was doing and sent off another complaint to the BBC , the subject was MISANDRY. I also noticed this episode was written by a female. So from what i can see the BBC openly supports MISANDRY but not MISOGYNY. How are they not being held accountable? how are they getting away with such openly vicious man hating broadcast in their shitty daytime dramas?
Hatred of men has become compulsory at the BBC. The worst example of this has been Dr Who for the past few years. All the male characters are invariably weak, the female characters always “feisty” and any previously-male strong characters have been converted to female – eg The Brigadier and The Master. They even turned the Sontaran into a fawning, pathetic gimp for some lesbian lizard that was supposed to be a Silurian.
I listened to a “profile” of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee on Radio 4, I don’t recall them doing a similar profile for any of Obama’s nominees.
Yes, it was a bit odd really wasn’t it? Why take up prime time R4 on the BRITISH BC with a profile of a nominee to the US Supreme Court? Well my guess is that the Beeb had set out to do a hatchet job on the nominee and thereby Trump too. Beeb is obsessed with doing down Trump.
The program started with trying to portray the nominee’s mother as a crazed rightwing fanatic. But once program got on to the nominee himself … well there was nothing derogatory they had found to fling at him at all. None of his contemporaries had a bad word about him, the guy even has an English wife and admires Churchill! Beeb must have been very disappointed.
Obama was of the Angels a modern day messiah that was sent to save us. He could do no wrong especially in the eyes of the beeboids and to criticise him in any way was the worst kind of racism ever. Anybody that worked with and agreed with him was also of the Angels and beyond approach. We had eight years of that utopia and never never land bollocks but that has all changed as we have the modern equivalent to hitler in charge now (copyright the left wing media worldwide) and to agree with him in anyway makes you a racist (the worst kind of course), islamaphobic mysoginist (how does that work for the female fans) far right nazi etc etc. And anybody that works for him is the equivalent to himmler and goebbels as bannon and the Supreme Court pick is finding out.
Welcome to the next 8 years hopefully where you can be guaranteed no Nobel peace prizes will be awarded in the first 12 months and God forbid if he ever gets one the howls of derision from the left will be massive but forgetting that the messiah had a side hobby in operating drones and dropping bombs on women and kids. But did I mention he was the messiah.
I’ve only ever seen a couple of editions of Loose Women (admittedly ITV) all the years its been on, and have never watched or listened to anything so puerile. If a group of blokes sat around discussing women in public in the same way, there’d be protests on the street a la Trump !
Most of the daytime ‘magazine’ programmes are a load of rubbish anyway, ideal for Sun readers who just like pictures to look at.
I like Loose Women.
What the program or just loose women in general?
It’s called the man hater show in my place. I believe the us has an equivalent version with whoopi Goldberg. The amount of bile and anti men rhetoric on both shows can be off the scale. My namesake Katie Hopkins is the number one female target for the uk harridans but Kelly Ann Conway and Ann coulter is on That list now. The claws are out for them.
I saw it once. That was enough. Why call it Loose Women? Why not just Slags?
Heart breaking news over Beckham, our one and only British hero and role model.
If we lose him, who’s left? Diane Abbott, Edie Izzard, Gina Miller? Who?
Nigel Farage !
Russell Brand?
Izzard (twice).
Linekar (hope I’ve spelt his name wrong, he’s a nonentity here so should qualify surely).
Lily Allen, Bob Geldof, maybe even Nadiya “what did i do” Hussein
I know … I m sorry
… Ill get me coat 😀
BBC News- Trump’s telephone un-diplomacy … un-presidential?
BBC News- Trump suffers new travel ban setback … undermined weak?
BBC News- What would happen if Donald Trump tries to bring back torture? … loose cannon?
BBC News- Trump now defends Putin over Russia killings allegations … unpatriotic?
BBC News- Just what do the Donald Trump tweets reveal … unstable?
Anyone notice a pattern emerging? 😀
This isn t going to end, you know … it might eventually end the BBC
Nogginator (I hope this doesn’t mean you don’t like a noggin occasionally)
You have a great list here, I hope we can add to it with some silly bits like Doivid Beckham thinking he was famous…
Can anyone please let me know when and if anything major happens in the world? I keep turning on the BBC at news time in the naive hope of getting the news but for the past fortnight all I have got is relentless coverage relating to the US president and the minutiae of his domestic polices. Surely there must be some other news from closer to home – Rochdale or Rotherham perhaps?….Even a dog that can say “Sausages” would make a change.
But not “Pork Sausages” obviously.
Well a guy called don solved the nhs ‘crisis’ on Jan 20, the equivalent to Ethiopia in 1985 according to the screeching Red Cross. Not a word since. The same goes for Syria not a peep about it so another crisis averted. This don is doing good things already so I think how about a Nobel peace prize then. Better go and walk my unicorn now as he is in need of a walk.
We welcome PM Netanyahu to Downing Street tomorrow.
Somebody lock up that horrible Laura Kuenssberg woman!
She is pure poison. The damage done to Britain’s foreign policy by her twisted mouth might be significant. Still at least the BBC will be happy when we have no allies left in the world and everyone hates us because of the spite. Of course it won’t be Laura’s fault – blame Brexit/Trump/Le Penn/Wilders/Tickasappropriate.
Netanyahu is the PM of Israel. Perhaps they will ask Mishail – not enough Jews killed- Hussein the Radio 4 token Moslem to interview him. She could ask him a question, like ‘Our listeners want to know why you are oppressing the Palestinians and are condemned by the British Labour Party for genocide and bombing babies in Gaza’. Then standing next to him Treezer May might respond with ‘Israel and the UK are friends, but I do not support Israel’s apartheid state and implementation of Nazism in the Middle East’.
She looks like Melissa Reid that pudgy faced drug smuggling Scot locked up in Peru….
On his way to Washington. I really hope they announce the embassy move. Then watch the meltdown.
She looks like Melissa Reid that pudgy faced drug smuggling Scot locked up in Peru….
Just a thought on the dress non-story.
It has been interesting to see various women posting pictures of themselves in uniform, operating gown etc.etc.
Are they not actually wearing the correct attire to do their job? I’ll bet the lady soldier toting the gun in front of the helicopter pops on her No.2s for every day in the office and No.1s for parades.
So all those ladies are actually conforming to a dress code at work – just what DT (unless it is a spoof) would appear to be asking his staff to do. No different to many businesses?
you could not make it up!
The reason the Progressives in the U.S.; the U.K.; here; there and everywhere have gone into meltdown over Trump and also why the MSM is unrelenting in its hatred of the new POTUS, is because they so nearly won!
They were on the verge of victory of a complete revolution in the U.S. if Clinton had been victorious: unstoppable immigration; non-binary public toilets; disarming the populace; Obummercare; Progressive dominated SCOTUS forever; whites soon to be a minority etc ad infinitum.
All of that was displaced by Donald Trump and the rage against him won’t calm down, what you see now in the MSM and the protests in America will continue for the next 4 or 8 years, make no mistake about that – watch the NYU professor, in the film someone posted higher up this thread, for an example of quite how malevolently deranged the frustration of losing has made these people.
The interesting point is that the Overton window will be enlarged dramatically, as the Progressive Left view anyone who is slightly more conservative than Bernie Sanders as a fascist. This will force those main stream conservatives to move further to what is now defined as the “extreme” right, due to the violent and non-violent attacks which will be directed against them by the Left – they won’t have a choice.
The positive aspect of this is: all of these protests strengthen Trump’s presidency.
This is despite the fact that the MSM attempt not to convey the truth to the majority in the U.S. (and here) who support the policies his administration seeks to implement. The majority see through the lies, or enough of us do anyway, as was narrowly shown in the Referendum result and the equal loathing of the MSM and the Left to that result here and to Clinton’s defeat there.
Buckle up! If we thought 2016 was a politically momentous year: it could be almost nugatory compared to this one.
Very good. The sheer speed of events now as always when change happens is going to be something. Violent the progressive might be but they lack courage.