BBC report that the convicted Norwegian Somali London knife murderer was not a terrorist and just because he kept muttering “Allah” repeatedly, this attack had nothing to do with Islam.
You beat me to it Cassandra. At the time od this Muslim attack the BBC did all they could to distance the attack from Islam and yet as usual it turns out, surprise surprise, the attacker was a Muslim all along.
I am disgusted and sick to death with the BBC’S fake news and pro-Muslim propaganda. They are an utter disgrace. They even tried to pass this scum off as Norwegian… unreal. He’s about as Norwegian as a kebab.
The BBC will not be looking into how this Norwegian Somali ended up living in London and on what passport he arrived here. They could not without an internal breakdown.
However he is illustrative of the second wave of migrants who are already coming to England in enormous numbers. They are those asylum seekers in other EU countries who can legitimately come and live here – if looking for a job [!] – once they have their new country’s nationality.
That explains why there are now hundreds of thousands of particularly Dutch and Swedish Somalis living in UK ghettos. Oddly those countries are keen to grant nationality quickly, in the sure and certain knowledge the newbies will head west. Brexit means this unplanned migration can be curbed.
There has been a clever move by Trump, who has played the Beeb and MSM at their own “nothing to do with Islam” game.
Trump accused the media of under-reporting Islamic terror attacks. The Beeb, in its urgent knee-jerk desire to prove him wrong, decides to document all the Islamic attacks to prove that they covered most of them (even if the I and M words are not always present):
But now the flipside. By documenting all these attacks and hundreds of brutal murders carried out by Islamic terrorists and madmen in a single list, the BBC unwittingly ends up supporting Trump’s narrative that there is clearly a problem with violent Muslims.
You mean that disgusting pile of blubber Diane Abbopotomus? I cannot believe Jeremy Dustbyn was porking her. Put it this way… if she broke wind in the pub she would blow the froth of your pint!
What no erm …. “pork sword” 😀
and it looks Like Bibi s not on the agenda either
… Mr Netanyahu? has he been “no platformed”? by Al BDSBBC
Not on BBC News Home page, Not on BBC News England and gets tucked away right at the bottom of the politics page
I Expect that every visitor to this site had no doubt that this was exactly what the BBC would say and the rest of the liberal left establishment will follow suit. The establishment just don’t understand that every time they try to cover up ,or explain away, Islamic terror , their credibility drops further and further. Now their credibility has the status of a junk bond. Now , always a Bell weather of British attitudes, the MSM is now the butt of jokes.Hopefully this will hasten the end of the state funding of the BBC.
Rachel (Kings College, Cambridge – BA in social and political sciences, of course) effortlessly moving from a Laura K presumptive generalisation of a grateful nation to a Hugs Boaden laughable cliche* in one sentence.
‘With the current fears about fake news, the BBC needs to be a trusted source, she says.’
In fitting with BBC Non-Diversity of thought policies
Shes’s Posh, from Islington, comes from a True Labour Party family, worked for Lefty thinktank Demos, married to another Beeboid
(Her sister in law is a Labour MP)
All true unless her Wikipedia page was hacked
“As a (Labour-supporting) family they would go on anti-racism marches.[3]
As a student she worked at Demos (UK think tank).
Her parents live in Islington.[4]
Her brother, Ben (Benedict), is married to Helen Hayes (politician), a Labour London MP.[5]; he works at Social Finance Ltd.[6]
wife (since 2008) of Miles Jupp (and mother of his five children”
Call her what she is- ancien regime and about to have to face reality at last.
Where do they find these people? They must have a collection of pods somewhere ( Invasion of the Bodysnatchers) .
The NHS is in the headlines regarding charging for treatment.
There is a solution to this which should satisfy everyone although some think that the estimated £500,000,000 isn’t much compared to the total NHS cost.
I would have someone in each hospital who will gather together all the costs of the services given freely to all and sundry who pop by and present this bill to those who handle the foreign aid budget.
As all the NHS services that are subject to repayment by non entitled people are performed for foreign people, this is exactly what foreign aid is for.
At a rough estimate, if 10 percent of the £500,000,000 was allotted to running this scheme it would allow for 2,500 people at £20,000 per annum to be employed for the sole reason of claiming this money back. We have 2,200 hospitals in the UK so that is more than one per hospital. Some hospitals are very small and one person could service a few hospitals. These people would be paying tax and ni, they would be taken off benefits and with the money they bring in could pay for maybe another 20,000 nurses.
The £500,000,000 isn’t such a small insignificant sum after all, is it.
The NHS, or as it calls itself, ‘The envy of the world’ (although strangely enough, nowhere has copied the NHS model) would benefit in every way and if this deterred people flying in to have triplets then it’s a win win situation.
The money from the foreign aid budget would definitely be helping foreign people (aiding them) as opposed to being given to Ethiopian spice girls, Peruvian guinea pig farmers, dictators Mercedes suppliers or Indian space/nuclear laboratories.
Is this too much like a common sense solution, it costs nothing, brings in millions and would decrease the NHS workload.
Please though, don’t give the people ‘management’ status, as they’d just piss it up the wall like all the other snowflakes in NHS ‘management’. Just make them independent consultants and paid by results, and we’d all be quids in!
Mind you, the airlines catering for pregnant ‘visitors’ would need some compensation…
You need to watch the recent ‘Hospital’ on the BBC.
A bit late to the party but at leat the Beeb got there in the end.
Anyway, a whole episode listing people turning up for treatment, getting the bill and sodding off without payment. Well worth a watch.
Especially when you hear medics who clearly think talk of money is vulger.
So you get to hear the recovery team going through the motions of debt collection and failing, you know they are just too soft and because they can’t get the money they want to increase the size of the team!
If you are taking money from the foreign aid bill, the British tax payer is still paying for everything. I don’t see how this would reduce demand from the third world for the “envy of the (third) world” and increase availability for British patients.
It may be too much trouble for doctors to collect cash for the NHS, but I don’t imagine that doctors show the same lack of urgency when private patients are concerned.
The medical profession seem to share a reluctance to collect money from the foreigners they’ve treated within the NHS, at the expense of British tax payers; the same tax payers and their families who are also deprived of places in hospitals due to their occupancy by said foreigners.
I think that a 5% levy should be imposed on the salaries of all medical staff who treat a patient that doesn’t pay for the care they’ve received on the NHS, this would be put towards the treatment cost. I’m sure that would provide the necessary encouragement for them to get with the programme.
The 5% would be levied on every patient they failed to ensure had the means to fund their treatment.
It’s true the British tax payer would still be paying but seeing that foreign aid seems to be untouchable and we HAVE to hand it out, at least this way we would know that it was being spent better.
You’re spot on about the Doctors and the money. They are very cavalier with tax payers money but if it was their own income I doubt if they would be so quick to do the work free of charge.
The politicians love giving our money away to poor (and not so poor) countries, it makes them feel so important as they strut about on the World stage. They must get really turned on giving hand outs to the unfortunates, a power trip for their ego.
If I was running foreign aid I would organise volunteer groups of our youths, equip them and send them out on 3-6 month trips to places where they are needed to build fresh water wells and the like. Then, we would know the money was being spent on the needy and not the rich charity bosses or bent officials.
Imagine our youth having six months of that work on a cv and applying for a job. A very worthwhile addition to a cv and something employers would appreciate.
Of course, that is also too much like common sense and the politicians wouldn’t get their virtue signalling rush so it will never happen.
I would limit the pay so that everyone got the twenty thousand. Possibly paying some kind of commission on the amount claimed from the person getting the treatment.
Once the higher paid lot get their noses in they would spoil it and manipulate the monies to make themselves look good. That’s a trait the higher paid have. The ordinary worker does the good work and the bosses claim the credit for it.
Emmanuel G.
Essentially, you are using 12 billion of taxpayers money to pay health tourists to come to Britain. Health tourists, non-taxpayers, are problematic because they are using services they have not paid for and by doing so limiting the availability of services to the people who have actually paid for them. If the foreign aid budget is too high, simply cut it. Paying for health tourists with taxpayers’ money simply legitimises the practice and increases demand. What happens when the bill for health tourism exceeds 12 billion? The British taxpayer is then worse off. A more humanitarian approach would be to treat all health tourists and then arrest them for fraud. How would your approach deter health tourism? If I am ill I want all available NHS resources used for my benefit, not the benefit of a health tourist.
I travel the world….. a lot…… and I wouldn’t dream of travelling without hefty insurance cover, specifically covering health issues….. , and despite EHIC coverage, my insurance includes for healthcare in those countries in the EU. In fact, I can’t think of anywhere else in the world where I would risk travelling without such insurance. In addition, virtually every transaction involved in travelling abroad gets you pounded with advertising for insurance cover.
Now, turn that on its head. Everyone in the world absolutely knows full well that they would be stupid to believe that they will get away with turning up on another country’s doorstep with existing healthcare needs (e.g. having an imminent multiple birth event), or with even the slightest risk of having a healthcare need during a stay, and having any effective treatment entirely free of charge. And I don’t care what the BBC/BMA says, every other country will get the money from you, or proof of insurance, as soon as it possibly can, and if possible, before any treatment is given.
The one apparent exception to that is…. the UK. And the extremely highly-paid Chief Execs and Finance Execs of the NHS should just be told that failure to get this money in will trigger a very brief separation-from-salary discussion.
Richard D, this is another example of how the so-called progressives are actually living in the past. I’m convinced a lot of people think that Africans are wide-eyed ‘picanninnies’ living in mud huts, dressing in rags and earning 2p a year, like something out of Live Aid c.1984. They don’t realise that someone on an average salary from, say, Ghana or Nigeria can scrimp and save for a year or so to afford the air fare to the UK. Once freely admitted to the UK (as let’s face it nobody will stop them) they can stay with relatives then throw themselves on the mercy of ‘our wonderful NHS’ because even if they get refused treatment (which I believe does sometimes happen) it is still better to take the chance than have to go back to Africa for it.
“even if they get refused treatment (which I believe does sometimes happen)”
Cranmer, the NHS is not allowed to refuse emergency treatment. If they have a chronic condition they just have to tell a suitable story as to how it’s flared up and they’re in a lot of pain. Of course, once it’s classed as an emergency they become the priority patient for the last remaining bed.
Alex, when the BBC first reported the murder and attacks in Russell Square by Zakaria Bulhan, a 19 year old Somalian Muslim, it omitted to mention that the killer came here with his mother from Norway, or that he was carrying carrying a copy of a book called the ‘Fortress of the Muslims’ – a daily book of Islamic prayers while he carried out his vile acts.
Now that the BBC is setting up a committee or whatever to investigate ‘Fake News’, will they be including omission of all the relevant facts when reporting a news worthy story?
I hate to say it, but if this country had control over it’s borders, we could have stopped these “EU nationals” from setting foot in the UK.
In Britain the Left undoubtedly have the judiciary on their side. Ensconced firmly in their immoral pocket.
I feel so very sorry for Jane Collins UKIP MEP. So then, the Judge thinks that the three politicians in all likelihood knew nothing about the child sex scandals which had been going on in their areas for years. 1,400 children were sexually abused between the years 1997 and 2013 by members of the Muslim community. Each of these Labour mp’s is to receive £54,000 in damages. I am utterly disgusted. If these MP’s did not know what was happening in their area. What are they still doing in their jobs.
Just how stupid were these people in Rotherham electing these MP’s at the the last election. They clearly support child abuse!
It’s a bit like the very ‘thick’ men of Peckham voting for Harriet Harman, a self confessed man hater.
Defamation supports left wingers but not for those not on the left.
My general point is as follows.
I am growing heartily sick of generally the political Left being allowed to spout hate from the nations ‘beloved’ broadcaster.
I hear politicians, people of supposedly good judgment and reasoned thought, supposedly respected members of our country saying openly and with such bile that a political opponent, of whose comments do not correspond with that of their own are racist, sexist, misogynist,etc.
What these offensive, thought limited, politicians are effectively saying is that the very person they are offending are wholly racist in everything they think and do, they are wholly sexist in everything they think and do, they are wholly misogynist in everything they think and do.
They do not say on this topic I think you are being racist. No. They are saying that you are,as a person, a whole and complete racist in every facet of your personality.
The BBC need to stamp this hate speech out. To call someone wholly this ‘ist’ or wholly that ‘ist’, when they don’t really know anything about this person’s character is very unfair and above all, defamatory.
Why has no Left leaning MP been accused of making defamatory remarks in the courts for such personal abuse when appearing on the BBC.
Last week on Any Questions (Friday pm) I heard Leanne Wood accuse Donald Trump as being a misogynist, racist and sexist. She has never met him, how therefore can she conclude such a judgment?
Don’t the BBC have a duty to apply manners and decorum to such debates. The BBC should correct such imbecilic statements as elicited from Ms Wood and state that Mr Trump’s opinion on the 7 selected countries is not one I concur with, an then go on to explain the reason why. NOT- ‘HE IS A RACIST’. Clap. clap, clap from a ridiculously yet predictably biased left wing BBC audience.
Should I come out with such a remark in deploring the high level of immigration. I am immediately denounced from the Lefties as a ‘Racist’. My whole being is therefore a racist. They may never have met me, but I am labeled by these ignoramuses as forever racist.
Some people think because I voted UKIP, I must be a racist.
The BBC wholly encourage hate speech predominantly from the left. Hate speech directed the other way though is seen by the BBC as acceptable. There is no sense of balance to the subject of hate speech. The ‘left’ can get away with saying what they want, accuse others with tirades of personal abuse against their personal character and yet leave themselves, and their own character completely unblemished.
The ‘right’ need a response against the likes of the BBC in their acceptance of hate speech. To date there has never been a counter response and there probably will never be one. Such is the state of our snowflake society.
A final point on the Any Questions programme. The first two questions from the audience, Trump and Brexit.
All four panelists spoke against Trump, all four panelists spoke against Brexit. -Badly Balanced Cr*p.
Apologies for reposting from the fag-end of the weekend thread, but I do think the following is a spiffing example of self-basting political sanctimony. Since it’s a repost, my conclusion is itself a bit sanctimonious, but still . . . Responding to this afternoon’s statement by the PM on the recent informal EU Leaders’ Summit in Malta, Capt Irrelevant (Westmorland and Lonsdale) rose to offer the Lib Dem perspective:
On her walkabout with Angela Merkel, during which I’m sure she offered the Chancellor a state visit, did the Prime Minister [something about child refugees . . .].
That was the gist, anyway. There was a low murmur of complaint in the House; the Hon. Member sitting on the bench behind Farron winced; and close to hand, but sadly off camera, an Ulster voice insisted, ‘Not head of state, not head of state’.
So quick to signal his point-scoring virtue. So slow to engage his brain.
A little OTish collection from afternoon tea, with a side order of ‘what will BBC ‘editorial integrity’ see run up the flagpole, and what will they quietly not have time for?’.
Professor David Rothkopf speaks to decision makers from Tony Blair to Malcolm Rifkind , and from Zbigniew Brzezinski to General Wes Clark, to chart the rapid and radical transformation of modern diplomacy.
At the heart of each episode is one seminal event or turning point, through which Professor Rothkopf discuss how diplomacy has evolved and – in some cases – lastingly changed.
The Cuban Missile crisis, for example, is a familiar story of brinkmanship but we discover how subsequent accounts of that event were manipulated to create a narrative about strong coercive leadership – one which was not only at odds with the facts but which sent out the wrong messages about the conduct of diplomacy. We also hear how dancing with the back of a chair honed the diplomatic skills of one of the 19th century’s most prominent foreign ministers, and how hot drinks by a log fire in Norway broke the stalemate in middle east negotiations. A former spy reveals how espionage and diplomacy can be frequent if uncomfortable bedfellows. And finally, we discover how so called twittocracy is replacing conventional etiquette and laying foundations for the invention of a new diplomacy.
Readers might recall this same professor David Rothkopf was posted on these pages as being yet another Fascist leftie, calling for the genocide of white males.
Not him of course as he will be able to run away to Israel – an option most of us don’t have.
Today’s ‘The World at One’
24 minutes in, an item that proved conclusively that intelligent people voted Remain; stupid people voted Brexit. This was done by interviewing some intelligent-sounding people who voted Remain and some stupid-sounding people who voted Brexit.
I also objected to the twin assumptions that (a) all people with degrees are better educated than all those without, and (b) they are therefore better able to make a political judgement. I don’t have a degree but I know a lot of things about a broad spectrum of subjects, including politics. My vocational knowledge is far above degree level. I know people with good degrees who have received a very narrow education and have then gone though life without learning much else. There are naïve both politically and generally.
What the Beeb is constantly missing here is that analysing the vote by education level, ethnicity, age, whatever is fundamentally undemocratic. The strength of democracy is “one person, one vote”. Full stop.
It’s becoming ever more clear that the RemainBBC is not a supporter of democracy.
Fred. I have heard it said many a time that, although (supposedly) academically clever, the majority of those with degrees have no common sense whatsoever.
It seems strange that the media should be interested in ‘intelligence’ when it comes to Remain v Leave, when for decades we have been told that there is no such thing as ‘intelligence’, or at least no agreed way of assessing it in objective terms. I thought the ‘science is settled’ on that one?
Remain Übermenschen simply cannot believe that any normal person could or would vote Brexit. Their judgment is never wrong so the people who go against them must be Untermenschen in some way. They are either morally defective because they are afflicted with the modern forms of original sin (maleness, paleness, staleness, racism, sexism, etc.) or mentally defective – they are incapable of knowing where their own best interests lie and need the guardianship of progressive thinkers. It all sounds a bit Hitlerite – groups of people who are inferior in some way and have to be excluded from society. Divisiveness anybody?
Prior to the appalling Rothkopf piece we were treated to TWATO with 15 minutes of bias about the perennial uneducated leave voters vs the highly educated & intelligent (Oh my God how could they possibly be wrong) remain camp.
Of course they didn’t go into the issue of massive left wing indoctrination at universities driving a wedge between the people and the so called intelligentsia.
NO wonder BLiar wanted so many kids to attend uni, it wasn’t for ejukashun it was so his mates could indoctrinate them !
“NO wonder BLiar wanted so many kids to attend uni, it wasn’t for ejukashun it was so his mates could indoctrinate them !”
It also took them out of the unemployment figures.
I went to university and I’m youngish. However unlike most of the morons I did a proper degree (engineering) and can think for myself. I also served in HM Armed Forces another reason for the lefty twats to hate me…until their house is flooding and they need some squaddies to come and fill sandbags. C*nts.
For MPs at least, the “voters are too thick argument” is self-undermining. Unless politicians like Fatso Clark are voted for by a cabal of all-knowing intellectuals in his constituency, thickos must have voted for him in large numbers so he is, by his own judgement, the wrong choice.
World at One had to apologise for claiming Middlesborough, the supposed citadel of stupidity, was in the northwest of England. Who in their right mind could possibly think the BBC is trapped in a metropolitan bubble and knows nothing about the more vulgar and barbaric regions of the country?
Local voting figures shed new light on EU referendum
‘The data confirms previous indications that local results were strongly associated with the educational attainment of voters – populations with lower qualifications were significantly more likely to vote Leave.’
What does this say about our educational elite?
They have no understanding of nationhood.
They are spineless.
They care nothing about our history.
They do not value our culture.
They like to be controlled by unknown elites
They do not believe in democracy
They are without values.
“Local voting figures shed new light on EU referendum” so says the bBBC headline, shame they shoot themselves down withe the first line of the article.
“The BBC has obtained a more localised breakdown of votes from nearly half of the local authorities which counted EU referendum ballots last June.”
So they have no data on over half of the country. by Martin Rosenbaum.
It’s the usual uneducated plebs voting for Brexit, or should that be uneducated Welsh and English plebs as the argument loses a little credibility when looking at Northern Ireland and Scotland, 55.8% – 44.2% and 62% – 38% for remain respectively. There’s a little more going on here than the article covers, “Lies, damned lies, and statistics” Martin.
Do they never consider the effect this ‘mental illness’ talk on people with genuine mental health problems? There is a big campaign at the moment to fight the stigma of mental illness. It really does not help when every mass stabbing is attributed to poor mental health and nothing else.
Treezer is doling out taxpayer’s money to Saatchi to combat far right extremism,like Breibart. And donating a couple of million to the lads who are keeping them happy in the mosques.
Guardian article
‘the government would challenge “people who read Breitbart and stuff like that, the conspiratorial media”.
Breitbart, the US news outlet, has become a gathering point for extremists from the “alt-right”. Fears that conversations previously conducted on the fringes might enter the political mainstream multiplied after Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart CEO, was appointed as Donald Trump’s chief strategist and now plays a fundamental role in the president’s administration.
Anti-hate speech experts said the Home Office would challenge propaganda from the far right by using social media.
Mosques in need of protection from far-right extremists are likely to be key beneficiaries from a £2m security programme for places of worship.
That’s the way Treezer, an appeasing Quisling. The Guardian’s page three pin up tart
This is a hint from Treezer to BBC – keep Breibart off the air
We have been expecting something like this sinister move ever since the MSM began to run the fake news story that far right fake news was a big issue . The fact of course is that the likes of the BBC have been broadcasting false news for years. This attack on civil liberties is world wide , but of course their is not a word of protest from the civil liberties industry. The liberal left globalist elite have clearly decided that the democratic revolution started by Brexit and continued by President Trump is gathering momentum and must be stopped by any means possible. State Control and censorship of the internet is high on the agenda. Those idiots who are protesting about Brexit and President Trump should be horrified by this attack on freedom of speech but they are so easily manipulated by the elite that they have been persuaded it’s good thing.
Those who read Breibart will probably regard this attack as proof that Breitbart is truthful and more importantly those who don’t yet read a Breitbart but may be disposed to do so will now have their curiosity piqued. In short great publicity for Breitbart. Which will result in increased readership.
But let’s not underestimate how serious this world wide attack on free speech is. This site may be targeted by state censorship in the future. Perhaps even the likes of the Daily Mail will be targets in the wave after that. Who would ever of thought that a mere 30 years after those two heroes of democracy ,Thatcher and Reagan , won the Cold War for the West, we would be seeing the apparatus of Orwells 1984 being wheeled out by supposed democracies right across hemisphere.
Arrgh but Teezer believes in the message above the door of broadcasting house. How can she be an unbeliever when so inscribed above the door of the BBC?
It reads: This Temple of the Arts and Muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors of Broadcasting House in the year 1931, Sir John Reith being Director-General. It is their prayer that good seed sown may bring forth a good harvest, that all things hostile to peace or purity may be banished from this house, and that the people, inclining their ear to whatsoever things are beautiful and honest and of good report, may tread the path of wisdom and uprightness. (Latin below inscribed).
Hmm The Guardian could have made the whole thing up.
It wouldn’t surprise me if T May had heard of such a scheme.~
The article seems like total projection : It’s the Guardian that has allowed known death threats in its comments and done nothing.
It’s Bannon that is in the WhiteHouse mere years after getting int Breitpart
And it’s the Guardian that has been around 100+ years but makes bigger and bigger losses every year.
Just when I thought the bBBC couldn’t rake up another NHS fail story, they dig up one of their own. BBC News!? has done it’s OWN investigation into hospital bed occupancy. Lots of interviews with staff with leading questions being put by the bBBC ‘reporter’. If the staff in my company were complaining about the way I organise it, I would not be letting the bBBC in to interview them on my own property. Who is giving bBBC permission to film, and interview staff in A&E and other wards? Perhaps if there were less camera crews and ‘reporters’ in the wards, the clinicians could get on with the job they are paid to do.
bBBC ‘polls’ show 40% of people willing to pay more tax to fund the NHS, but hey, that means 60% do not. The bBBC never propose taking £6bn from the foreign aid budget….in 10 years that’s an extra £60bn for the NHS. They should do a poll on that one, where I live (not in north London) that would be 90% in favour of taking foreign aid money.
To those who say recouping the cost of treatments to those not entitled to it, is not worthwhile, easy, slap on a £250 administration fee to each invoice, banks and solicitors manage to do this routinely. Tesco or Vodafone would not let their users get away without paying for their service, get some commercial nous into the NHS, and quick. £500 million per year peanuts they cry…..says it all really. I know of two NHS junior doctors who say they will not on principle pursue those not entitled, well, todays proposal will make it law, so they will have to. If they still won’t, put in a private company to collect the money, and pay them on results, but they probably won’t like that either.
Al Beeb – Shortage of hospital places, housing, schools, doctors, nurses etc…..
Remedy – Cut immigration, charge the health tourists, spend Foreign Aid on the NHS.
And ND, just to emphasise the point that all these problem immigrants are a figment of UKIP’s imagination, every patient bar one at the Blackburn Infirmary was white. Just goes to show what a self-imposed burden we all are on The NHS Envy of the World, and without the heroic efforts of all those immigrant NHS staff how quickly we would descend into third-world status. Thank god we’ve got the BBC to tell it the way it is, that’s what I say.
Yes heard the Doctor’s union, I mean BMA, given too much airtime by the BBC, saying that collecting the fees would be chaotic and too difficult, etc.. What rot. Nothing to do the Doctors anyway – you have to go through all manner of administration before seeing the doctor and the money would be collected there.
The BMA just oppose everything the Government wants to do to make the NHS more efficient as a knee- jerk reaction . Doctors won’t even be responsible for collecting this money. If the monolithic NHS didn’t exist the BMA wouldn’t be such a powerful trade union, always looking to benefit doctors not patients .
If we go abroad for our holidays for a Sports holiday i.e. such as Sking in Austria, Swirzerland or France it is standard practice to have compulsory Hospital Insurance (even the Albulance service charge and they all want paying pronto and won’t move you unless they see your insurance chit or demand cash. So apart from the BMA bullshit and bluster, it would all be covered by holiday insurance for NHS visitors, no insurance, no treatment unless you have a UK passport. One of the problems the BBC has is with the word ‘national’ as in the ‘N” of NHS. We are not a BBC World service on healthcare.
In what one MP described as a “scandalous failure”, it has emerged that the UK pays more than £670m to EU countries for Brits’ healthcare abroad, while claiming back less than £50m from the EU, even though there are significantly more EU citizens in the UK than UK citizens in the EU.
Even in countries such as Poland where net migration is massively towards the UK, the discrepancy is four-fold in Poland’s favour.
MP John Mann, who obtained the figures in a parliamentary question, told Sky News that “logically the UK should be receiving more than it pays out”.
He estimates “the real cost is a billion pounds a year”.
The NHS has more than enough money if it wasnt saddled with £300 billion in PFI debt and a top heavy and utterly inneficient management structure stuffed full of cronies much of which happened between 1997 and 2010 and the leftards and BBC might want to look at the 2006 NHS act all brought about by a couple of dodgy characters called blair and brown Oh hang on a mo didnt we have a labour government from 1997 to 2010 something nulabour, the BBC, the BMA and the leftards all seem to have forgotten about yet they are seem to think that to cure the NHS is to chuck yet more taxpayers money into the black hole that is the bloated incompetently run NHS rather than carrying out a long overdue reform of the way the NHS is run
Had to walk out of the room, while watching the ‘news’.
Bbeeb still bashing the NHS with ‘reports’.
Why are they such a cowardly bunch of failing ‘journalists’, who will never ever get to the crux of the problem! It’s all bluster, number calling, report reading, and the rest of the sort of ‘research’ they insist they’re doing, the silly comments they make just do not make sense. They’re pathetic!
Come on Beeb, go for the throat if you dare! Get to the NHS ‘managers’, take them to task! Doorstep them! Demand action! Demand replies to awkward questions!
Are these journos up to it?
Naaaah! Cowardly stuffed-up powdered little ‘reporters’, unable to tackle a proper story!
Sadly none of today’s autocue readers (hardly reporters) have neither the intelligence or gravitas of the old style journalist. Even someone in the Letters Page of a national today has written complaining about reporters shouting questions across Downing Street knowing they won’t get answers – so why do it ?
Its all teeth whitening, hair flounce and lipstick now, with the men having hair dye and trendy beards – clearly more bothered about their image and appearance than reporting real news. And don’t get me started with this business of ‘interviewing’ each other on split screens. ‘News’ channels in general are a joke, with the accent on attack attack attack together with a sarcastic comment at the end of the piece.
Bercow should keep his trap shut. He is clearly jumping on the bandwagon of the ‘right-on’ media; but for a few thousand who have protested against Trump coming here, he obviously believes that is the mood of the country. It may or may not be, he has no idea stuck in his luxurious accommodation – but I certainly don’t want him speaking for me, which is the opposite to his views.
#1 Bet speaking to Parliament wasn’t on the agenda anyway
..and that it’s just PR VS Virtue Signalling by Bercow
..and incidentally stops the public as viewing the Tories as completely pro Trump
(I suspect T May was complicit in this stunt)
#2 Bercow opposes Sexism, Racism and believes in a fair judiciary.
I bet Trump would say the same thing.
#3 Reminder Bercow’s marriage only just been saved after his wife had an affair with his cousin.
As the Tory Government does not have an effective opposition it is quite clear that Al Beeb with its overinflated opinion of itself, thinks it should step up to the mark and stand in for ‘the Liblabtards’.
I’ve grown to expect a slew of anti-Brexit stories every morning on the Today Programme. However the BBC must be getting really desperate now. The latest scare story is that opera companies won’t be able to fly in emergency replacements for singers from mainland Europe, once free movement is ended. How disastrous! imagine the pain that will be endured by the countless millions of opera-loving Brits! Will the Stoke Central by-election finally swing Labour’s way or even that of the Lib Dems when the good folk of Stoke realise what leaving the EU will do to their favourite pastime ?
I heard that interview today, and, although I am no opera connoisseur, I suspected that such things as ‘understudies’ probably exist to cover for any emergencies like the ones put forward by the diva divvy on ‘Today’ this morning.
Looked it up, and guess what…. ?
Even if it does take a few days to get a short-term work visa for some other unknown from some other part of the world….. so what ? It’s not like the end of the world, is it ?…. Oh, I forgot, some of the snowflakes (relatively very small in number) who go to such highly subsidised events probably do think it means the end of the world. Ah diddums. Get over your precious selves ! Get a life !
Not many know that Giuseppe Verdi was Jewish. I am surprised that there are no
liberal fascists standing outside Covent Garden when Il Trovatorah, A Matzoh Ball or
Oi ! Tello are performed. Mind you these boycotters are fit for one thing and it
aint Rigloletto . More like rigamortis!
By the same token, I am surprised that “Abduction from the Harem” by Mozart has not been banned for islamophia. Osmin, the harem overseer, seems to be prototype ISIS. Erst geköpt, dann gehangen, dann gespiesst auf heissen Stangen, etc. Nothing changes in 200 or so years.
Tried to get back in to see some interesting news, then – I think the little Nick Someoneorother starts off with ‘deeply divided United States’! Had to walk out again…
What’s so ‘deep’? More than half of the counties wanted President Trump, and I did too (although I live in Kent, so don’t have a vote in the US)!
But the inference, of course, is that under Mr Obama, there was absolutely no division within the country at all, everyone lived under a ‘kumbaya’ mentality, everything was just wonderful, and all of the political parties were really lined up in support of their unifying president – then along came that awful Mr Trump….
To paraphrase the currently proposed US Ambassador to the EU…… BULLSH1T.
On p.m. tonight was Eddie Mair interviewing Steve Hewlett, who sadly has been told he is now on palliative care. However he has just got married, that is in the last few days. Like so many, the BBC presents these ‘late’ marriages as romantic. They are not. For well paid BBC luvvies, people in the Arts etc, I guess someone has realised that there will be large sums of inheritance tax due; once married this money can go straight to the spouse with no tax payable. I remember the late author Iain Banks marrying shortly before his death and the BBC reporting it as a lovely thing to happen.
Tonight 7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out ..Regional variations
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
#2 London : What impact will Brexit have on nursing recruitment? with @JanetRCN
Matthew Wright finds out why European nurses are starting to turn their backs on Britain
more BBC Virtue Signalling
West : a Bristol University graduate challenges her former university on its diversity record
East : “day care centres are under threat” (but the Council one is now successful after becoming independent)
North West : Play called Graeae “boldly placing Deaf & disabled artists centre stage.”
+ Thomas Harrison House, the UK’s first rehab centre for veterans
East Mids : Light therapy for the treatment of vitiligo (patches of white skin )
+ Girls at a Derby home may have faced experimental drug treatment
Other stuff
Yorks : we delve into an amazing archive of the Lincolnshire company who were engineers to the world.
West Mids : Black Sabbath’s story
West : Pop Up Brothels
South : Kent was at the forefront of the #Telehealth experiment. But what’s happened since? Tech ruled obsolete
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
And try getting a job in an “Indian” restaurant or corner shop if your name is Bill or Frank.
The experiment was a worthless attempt to make a political point about ‘Islamophobia’. Why didn’t they also send out CV for Bogumil Kopwalski or Kong Dun Fa? For that matter why not send one for Anna Marie Litchfield?
Sunday Times: TV license cash rises (from the Sunday Times MONEY section – 5/2/2017) BBC television license fee revenue has increased every year since 2010-11 to £3.74 bn last year, in spite of the cost being frozen since 2010. However, fewer evaders have been caught. Of the 3m enforcement visits in 2015-16, only around 300,000 were successful.
But from past records it’s uneven (as well as more Woman than men being caught):
England and Wales are both three times more likely to be fined than the Scottish! here
And from 2015. Despite the BBC saying ‘only’ and how successful this TV tax collection is (and how popular it is not with the local courts) the overall prosecution and jailings facts for the entire UK make depressing reading.. Considering that 38 people were given an average of 25 days for fine default in relation to TV licence offences in England and Wales in 2015, each stay is likely to have cost tax payers close to £2,275. If we add the 57 prison stints in Northern Ireland, it means over £100k was wasted in the process of recovering fines worth around £16k. And that’s on top of all the other expenses. Collection fees alone are over £100M. Jailing people for TV licence fines is literally throwing good money after bad.
“BBC television license fee revenue has increased every year since 2010-11 to £3.74 bn last year, in spite of the cost being frozen since 2010.”
Indeed, I assume that because the population keeps going up then the BBC’s license fee income keeps going up too. So that we all share the benefits of mass immigration, I suggest that the license decreases in proportion to population increase.
Think about it, 150 plus countries in the world, and seven ‘mainly Muslim’, i.e. less than 5%, are vital for their business. If one was looking for talent would Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen really be ‘go to’ places?
Now if it was Switzerland doing the banning I could understand the concern of Rolex, TAG Heur, Tissot etc. being unable to source suitable ‘clockmakers’!
Are they trying to convince all others that the so-called, ‘High-tech’ individuals required are all Muslim and from the Middle East? Give me a break!
I can confirm that Brexit is a very popular decision amongst Mensa members. This is because most members are “free of fear” because of a well educated knowledge of the undemocratic and poor economic governance of the European Union compared to the Pro-Democratic Self governance of the Commonwealth and the better economic prosperity of territories similar to Britain but not in the European Union.
As a Mensa member with an unusually high IQ of 164, I have on occasions been called thick. This is usually a response to disagreement from people of left-wing persuasion who do not like intelligent people, so call them thick. This is why they like Black people but not Jews. Also, I believe that the Labour Party was set up 100 years ago to represent the uneducated, after the Liberal Party gave the uneducated masses the vote. So I assume that the problem in our Universities was caused by Blair’s 50 percent University initiative, which has lead to unemployable, therefore highly paid by the taxpayer, low IQ University attendees congregating in the areas associated with voting Remain, while well educated employable University graduates disperse to areas that voted Brexit, like the nice area of Yorkshire that I live in.
An example of the problem we have can be seen with the BBC and Climate Change, were unemployable low IQ middle-class morons have obtained highly paid jobs at the BBC using the dumbed down non-Science, non-Maths and non-Intellectually challenging University degrees of Blair’s 50 percent University initiative. Such people should have been employed in the menial jobs given to immigrants, but instead advise, control and dominate the BBC on Climate Change policy.
While on the other hand, a smaller number of intelligent people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy are excluded from advising the BBC, due to a seminar of environmental activists, presumably telling the BBC that the United Nations has decreed that we are sceptics, which means “thick people”, who deny that the Climate Changes.
We are not sure if anyone at the BBC is intelligent enough to understand that intelligent people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy do not deny that the Climate Changes? But we are hopeful that Donald Trump could bring this up with Prince Charles, after the Goon gives Trump a rude lecture on how to stop the Climate from changing.
Mr Pinder, you are right I believe about mass university education being partly responsible for mass immigration. Take cleaning for example. In the old days, offices, shops, houses etc were cleaned by armies of char-ladies from working class households who ‘did’ for people on part time wages. Now, the granddaughters of those women will have ‘done ever so well’ and gone to ‘uni’, got a second in media studies and will now be working on the taxpayer’s buck in some state paper shuffling job, charity or quango, and the charring gets done by eastern Europeans and Africans.
This is an area I have difficulty understanding. The liberal lefties always shout down attempts to control immigration, on the grounds that we need their special skills because of a lack of skilled UK nationals. What is our education system doing? Not so long ago I recall government ministers gushing about how many A-levels were being passed, and at high grades, lots of A* passes, more than any going on to our universities from all different cultures and backgrounds. What are these students doing now? Are they doing degree courses in subjects we need? Are we teaching the wrong A-level subjects, more Arts than Sciences? Are science degrees too difficult even for those with good A-levels? If we have a skills shortage it needs to be addressed in our education and FE system.
… come and get educated in Islam, ask me anything ya da ya da
BBC London News crowing the same tune this weekend
… well folks I have, and never had a straight answer yet, not one.
Last time I only asked about Jewish people, I got told some waffle about Jerusalem
so I asked well what is the connection then, Islam seems to cause a lot of trouble over it, more waffle about the dome of the rock so I interjected “the one built on the Jewish temple mount is that it then conquest?”
no no noooo sir Mohammed you see PBUH he … “look, I know he had a dream … is that it?” long pause so I piped up
“don t you want to tell me about Jewish people then?”
conversation over … and no I didn t get a biscuit
Not only London either, Blackburn Mosque Imam invites communities for a cup of tea on ‘Visit My Mosque Day’ learn about Islam etc.
If you steer away from the Al BBC, a slightly different erm “tone”.
I think we all know the BBC line when a senior judge issues some proclamation they agree with – Brexit Trump, anything the government doesn’t win especially the European courts. Strange then they have missed reporting on this one:
Senior judge slams lawyers for obstructing Rochdale child sex grooming gang deportation case
Lawyers are helping a child sex grooming gang avoid attempts to deport them by obstructing the courts and “weakening the rule of law”, Britain’s most senior immigration judge has warned.
Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey accused taxpayer funded lawyers representing the gang of treating the immigration tribunal, which will decide whether they should be allowed to remain in Britain, with “sustained and marked disrespect”.
The case has raised fears that convicted criminals are adopting a strategy of timewasting and obstructing the courts in an attempt to put off any possible deportation from the UK as long as possible.
The judge said there had been “multiple recent examples of similar conduct and misconduct” and has urged Government legal officials to mount an investigation into such cases.
MPs have accused lawyers of making money by “gaming the system” and using delaying tactics to spin out cases.
The percentage of the lawyers, ex-lawyers and ‘legally trained’ among MPs of all parties should be of deep concern. The fact that this appears to be ignored, and has actually increased over recent years, is yet another symptom of our disrupted and manipulated society.
The saying: ‘Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach’ could well be paraphrased to read: ‘Lawyers leech. Unsuccessful lawyers become MPs.’
While there may yet not be guns and battles involved, this country is at war with itself… a civil war between British patriots/true conservatives (not the left-wing David Cameron type) and the far-Left treacherous filth and their useless idiots. Violence across Europe is only a matter of years away. Particularly, this island is no longer big enough for the opposing ideological standpoints of communism/cultural Marxism and British patriotism. Thus war beckons; the far-Left only understands violence but as of yet has met no protest resistance or opposition. Someway, there needs to be a mobilisation of the good decent folk of this country to counter the far-Left’s violence.
After listening to that objectionable and arrogant little shit Bercow in the parliament today, I have concluded that this country’s parliament is also no longer representative of the people, if ever it was to be honest. Our political class lie, they scrounge our money and hold the views of the populace in utter contempt. They give our money away in foreign aid without a care in the world and have purposefully swamped our nation with a hostile ideology and immigrants. Somehow, someway, we need to rise up and make ourselves heard, because we are the silent majority. I love this country and our Christian heritage… it flows through my veins and stirs memories of country lanes and hay fields in the summer, real ale and trips to the beach, walking past ancient churches and listening to the bell chimes and noble organ pieces on quiet Sunday afternoons…. getting lost in steep cobbled lanes winding through old villages. I don’t want to lose this sacred Britain… but I worry that such a Britain will only live on in just the hearts and distant memories of our grandchildren the way things are playing out. I for one am so proud to be British… click like if you are too!
Just to add to that piece; ‘In a damning ruling, the judge said the sex abuse gang’s barristers and solicitors had failed to submit papers to the court and had repeatedly asked for adjournments.
The gang’s solicitors, Nottingham-based firm Burton & Burton, are funded by the taxpayer via the Legal Aid Agency, with fees reported to be £50 to £70 an hour – adding up to thousands of pounds over the course of the case.
Rajiv Sharma, the barrister who represented Ahmed, is a protege of campaigning lawyer Michael Mansfield QC.
And Michale Mansfield (mentioned above) is another greedy leftie lawyer hilself criticied in playing the ‘legal fees’ system not dissimilar to another greedy lawyer called Phil Shiner who has since been banned from practising.
I love this country and our Christian heritage… it flows through my veins and stirs memories of country lanes and hay fields in the summer, real ale and trips to the beach, walking past ancient churches and listening to the bell chimes and noble organ pieces on quiet Sunday afternoons…. getting lost in steep cobbled lanes winding through old villages. I don’t want to lose this sacred Britain…
Didn’t you know that according to Mark Easton Britain doesn’t have a culture? So by definition, we have nothing worth protecting. The third world cultures invading and fragmenting our country however are something to be celebrated….
I posted this towards the end of the weekend forum but I want to repeat it just once more. Every BBC employee should read this and think about its meaning.
From a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, in Paris, 1910.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride or slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”
I think your asking a lot of the BBC. Even if they could understand it, they would loose their job, status, position and benefits of being well paid in a crumbling public sector, however grubby, distorting the mirror is, the last thing they want to read is ‘truth’, ‘honesty’ and ‘faith’ in the common man. They don’t want to be disgustingly (demos) popular or ‘common’, they want to be elitest and immoral and have rights to everything.
Having watched and been enlightened by a Simon Reeve documentary covering the Indian Ocean in Indonesia today, Sharia Law is so much more than even I imagined. Reeve was allowed to travel with the Vice & Virtue Police, and their job ? to patrol the streets and areas looking for couples who are not married, yet can be seen touching one another ! Several young couples were spotted just sitting on the river bank with their arms around each other, the police sprang into action – to arrest and warn them. The couples all leapt onto their scooters and rode off. Those who were caught were separated into separate vehicles and taken off to be reprimanded. Even Reeve was stunned, saying these kids were just doing what teenagers do – in non-Muslim countries, but was vehemently forbidden in Indonesia, whose Islamic population are brainwashed into living under this religious law.
We constantly hear about Sharia Law, and for most of us it goes over our heads as it doesn’t affect us, but given the media’s predilection for giving Islam a long leash, we need to see the real effects and consequences of Sharia should it come to the West, and then see the reaction !
Brissles, on R4’s ‘From our own commie-spondent’ on Saturday there was a report from some gushing BBC woman in Nigeria who sounded like she’d just finished her A levels. She visited a park in some Muslim controlled area, where young people went to hang out. Muslim propriety was enforced (no hand holding etc) and when the puzzled Beeboid schoolgirl asked why, she was told the ‘parkie’ was being particularly strict about it because there was a western woman in the park, ie her!!!
There appears to be a deafening silence on the news channels about the Beckham scandal, why ? the n/papers have been full of the story yet not a peep from our main broadcasters. Other well known and celebrity tax ‘dodgers’ have usually been the lead item on the news, not so this time. Is it because there would be too much hypocrisy given the saintly treatment he’s received by all who have come into contact with him (apparently).
It was on the Radio 4 news this morning. I think the issue is that the Emails have been obtained by criminal means, and so far as I’m aware there’s some kind of injunction on them. There is also an allegation of blackmail being touted around and it wouldn’t really be good for the BBC to be making news out of hacked information when it’s gone to town on its great enemy, News Corp.
Rather than this having anything to do with Beckham I think it’s more to do with the BBC attempting to keep its powder dry after the dastardly Murdoch papers paid for and ran the story at great cost.
Just watch over the next few days as recriminations fly from ‘hacked off’ and the Beckhams against the hated Murdoch press.
I am not so sure Thoughtful whilst I agree with your comments – I think it is also quite likely that the story is being somewhat played down by the BBC because they have been somewhat “in love” with the whole ghastly Beckham clan for a number of years. And in their usual left wing denial they just hope it will all die down and everyone will focus on Farage getting a bit of extra marital legover or similar high “value” story
I think the BBC saw the Beckhams as a cheap and lazy way to get a bit of extra popularity with us proles (cos hes football innit) and boys want to be him and girls want to love him etc.
Whilst not overtly left wing, with all his “charity” work and synthetic heart on sleeve persona he certainly fitted in nicely with the the BBCs “caring and concerned” agenda. And certainly with his selfless quest to further expand his fortune and ego he was a more than willing participant in this whole tawdry circus.
And just like Lineker he possesses an enormous ego and a sense of entitlement but with maybe a few less brain cells.
As usual with its normal lack of imagination the BBC saw little wrong in Beckhams outrageous travel demands for his “charity” work, and so he was further encouraged in his increasingly excessive and ostentatious demands. One feeding the other in a vulgar spiral of demands and fawning obsequiousness from our “national treasure” Broadcaster and the “Boy next door” hero.
And so we are where we are. Though I must say I always gain a degree of personal amusement when these “great and good” who the MSM put on a pedestal and shower with plaudits end up showing that they are no better than the rest of us – All I can say is ha ha ha! And I also take satisfaction knowing that at least I dont have to go home to look at a scowling, vapid clothes horse!
Agreed, Thoughtful. I hesitate to comment on this because, though I hold no brief for the Beckhams, nor tax dodging, the way all this has come out is horrendous. I think there’s another issue too, to do with the alleged tax issues. Part of that story on that seems to be to do with Beckham’s investment in a film finance scheme (story in the Mail). There is some controversy over schemes like this after they may have been misused by some, but essentially they were set up on Gordon Brown’s watch as government-approved tax incentive schemes to encourage film production in the UK. These schemes took in the investments and some very high-profile films were made as a result. Then the government back-tracked, and started questioning the legality of their own scheme. In very simple terms, it was like suddenly deciding that ISAs had saved people too much tax on savings and that any interest gained should be repaid. Court cases are fighting this, involving some very wealthy people.
The relevance to the BBC is that some of their most successful programmes are financed using similar schemes, notably The Missing which proudly blazoned the involvement of the Belgian Tax Shelter scheme in the credits. A visit to the scheme’s website says that it is a “win-win-win situation”. Until the UK tax authorities decide to rewrite the rules, that is.
I think a lot of people would like to get rid of Bercow (even Cameron failed to shift him), perhaps that poll will help focus minds (and MP’s) on who should be the next Commons speaker. I hope so. I signed, its about time he left.
Upfront charges for NHS foreign patients in England
It isn’t rocket science, but as ever the politicians make life so difficult it’s impossible to work the system they put in place.
As the leftie doctor the BBC had on says, just make it a requirement of anyone entering the UK, that they have at least a million pounds health insurance before they even board the aircraft.
One other thing for lefties to consider is that almost all companies have Employers liability insurance and have done for years as its compulsory. Plus trainees and school placements always ask for proof that the company they are working for (even unpaid work experience) have this. Even the NHS (or BBC) has insurance for its own employees. Health insurance is just bleed’in obvious for those foreigners who currently pay *nothing*.
Gatestone Institute has Marine Le Pen’s speech in translation. It is extraordinary and a real call to arms for France and the greatest challenge to the ancien regime and the elite of the globalist liberal world I have ever read .
Essential reading.
Is she wins then Europe is alive again .
I have seen the following betting odds………….
Macron 13/10 and Le Pen 5/2
I think if Le Pen wins, the EU is doomed. Holland next and it will be the ‘domino effect’ .
“Vive la France”, “Vive la liberté !”
President Trump has suggested that terrorist attacks often don’t get reported in Europe. The news channels have been aghast at this. “What on earth is he talking about?” the MSM jouro’s smugly crow. Well, how about today’s case of the Somalian who murdered several and attacked many more in London. We heard about the case again today but this killer won’t be considered a terrorist just another deeply confused young Muslim….there do seem to be an inordinate amount of them, don’t there? This little charmer won’t even be accused of murder, due to his being psychotic.
Early reports gave the impression there was a terrorist link when police officers heard him use the phrase “Allah, Allah, Allah”. As far as I’m concerned that certainly suggests there is a clear a link to Islam. The police, however decided otherwise. WTF?! It seems the police, our judiciary, the press and our wonderful, virtue signalling politicians are bending over backwards to suggest we’re safer than we are. A problem with Islamist terrorism? Nah!
And don’t get me started on that pathetic, posing little cuckold, Bercow…
The press did their level best to conceal the mass sexual assaults in Cologne, and the BBC conceals any mention of islam when they are forced to report on yet more “men” convicted of raping English girls.
The women of Europe are facing a future of rape and terror, and The Donald is absolutely right, the lying MSM conspire to suppress the news of this sexual terrorism.
Surely even the BBC must be feeling the fatigue. Bashing out the same old, same old, day after day, after day. Getting in the same old hacks for their same old, dire warnings, utterly predictable opinions and dystopian forecasts.
I think we get it, even we ill educated, racist, whatever-phobes get it.
Honestly, we get it – you hate Trump and Brexit. You love Europe, Globalisation, immigration, Merkel, Muslims and Global Warming. Accept it BBC, those you can’t influence have immunity.
We the People are strongly opposed to John Bercow ever speaking in Parliament again.
At a time when good relations with the US are vital, he should not be jeopardising them with his sanctimonious grandstanding.
wwfcMar 4, 21:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img][/img]
tomoMar 4, 21:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sign the minerals agreement that he (Zelensky) proposed to DJT, the candidate – in Sept ’24 – not that you’d…
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 That will learn me for poncing around an open goal. Well played wwfc.
non-licence payerMar 4, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 Open goal again. What is happening. Defund the bBC. Defund Gary Lineker
Northern VoterMar 4, 21:12 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, the arms tie round the back. This was meant follow feds comment.
tomoMar 4, 21:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 There’s quite a few psychotic bandits in Nigeria already – one more won’t change anything there… A deportation order was…
Up2snuffMar 4, 20:54 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you do not say why, BBC! ‘He was born navy blue’: Real-life stories behind Toxic…
Van HelsingMar 4, 20:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Grauniad is running with it too. Perhaps the Ambassador to the US is signing the Treaty obo Ukraine?
Fedup2Mar 4, 20:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Dubious comment on X that Zelenski will sign the mining agreement Tonight as part of the Trump speech to congress…
BBC report that the convicted Norwegian Somali London knife murderer was not a terrorist and just because he kept muttering “Allah” repeatedly, this attack had nothing to do with Islam.
You beat me to it Cassandra. At the time od this Muslim attack the BBC did all they could to distance the attack from Islam and yet as usual it turns out, surprise surprise, the attacker was a Muslim all along.
I am disgusted and sick to death with the BBC’S fake news and pro-Muslim propaganda. They are an utter disgrace. They even tried to pass this scum off as Norwegian… unreal. He’s about as Norwegian as a kebab.
You mean you’ve never had a reindeer kebab Alex? You haven’t lived.
Somalian, huh? Sounds like a good argument for extreme vetting.
Hey, why does that sound familiar….
The BBC will not be looking into how this Norwegian Somali ended up living in London and on what passport he arrived here. They could not without an internal breakdown.
However he is illustrative of the second wave of migrants who are already coming to England in enormous numbers. They are those asylum seekers in other EU countries who can legitimately come and live here – if looking for a job [!] – once they have their new country’s nationality.
That explains why there are now hundreds of thousands of particularly Dutch and Swedish Somalis living in UK ghettos. Oddly those countries are keen to grant nationality quickly, in the sure and certain knowledge the newbies will head west. Brexit means this unplanned migration can be curbed.
There has been a clever move by Trump, who has played the Beeb and MSM at their own “nothing to do with Islam” game.
Trump accused the media of under-reporting Islamic terror attacks. The Beeb, in its urgent knee-jerk desire to prove him wrong, decides to document all the Islamic attacks to prove that they covered most of them (even if the I and M words are not always present):
But now the flipside. By documenting all these attacks and hundreds of brutal murders carried out by Islamic terrorists and madmen in a single list, the BBC unwittingly ends up supporting Trump’s narrative that there is clearly a problem with violent Muslims.
May I take this opportunity to wish Ms Fatbott a speedy recovery from her distressing attack of Brexit Flu or Yellow Fever as it’s also known.
You mean that disgusting pile of blubber Diane Abbopotomus? I cannot believe Jeremy Dustbyn was porking her. Put it this way… if she broke wind in the pub she would blow the froth of your pint!
Alex, pork is not on the agenda for bBeeb.
It has to be the beef bayonet!
What no erm …. “pork sword” 😀
and it looks Like Bibi s not on the agenda either
… Mr Netanyahu? has he been “no platformed”? by Al BDSBBC
Not on BBC News Home page, Not on BBC News England and gets tucked away right at the bottom of the politics page
I hope they don’t sell cappuccino in your pub
I Expect that every visitor to this site had no doubt that this was exactly what the BBC would say and the rest of the liberal left establishment will follow suit. The establishment just don’t understand that every time they try to cover up ,or explain away, Islamic terror , their credibility drops further and further. Now their credibility has the status of a junk bond. Now , always a Bell weather of British attitudes, the MSM is now the butt of jokes.Hopefully this will hasten the end of the state funding of the BBC.
I shouldn’t hold your breath, though I agree 100% with your final sentence.
An unwashed port form earlier, plus added URL to show that the girls on top really sing from a limited songbook:
Rachel (Kings College, Cambridge – BA in social and political sciences, of course) effortlessly moving from a Laura K presumptive generalisation of a grateful nation to a Hugs Boaden laughable cliche* in one sentence.
‘With the current fears about fake news, the BBC needs to be a trusted source, she says.’
And the ‘problem’ is old white men?
From the woman who, when head of editorial complaints, bragged that she was inaccessible so as to avoid the power she had got… held to account.
In fitting with BBC Non-Diversity of thought policies
Shes’s Posh, from Islington, comes from a True Labour Party family, worked for Lefty thinktank Demos, married to another Beeboid
(Her sister in law is a Labour MP)
All true unless her Wikipedia page was hacked
“As a (Labour-supporting) family they would go on anti-racism marches.[3]
As a student she worked at Demos (UK think tank).
Her parents live in Islington.[4]
Her brother, Ben (Benedict), is married to Helen Hayes (politician), a Labour London MP.[5]; he works at Social Finance Ltd.[6]
wife (since 2008) of Miles Jupp (and mother of his five children”
If you wanted a template for a typical Beeboid you couldn’t improve on that, could you?
Call her what she is- ancien regime and about to have to face reality at last.
Where do they find these people? They must have a collection of pods somewhere ( Invasion of the Bodysnatchers) .
The NHS is in the headlines regarding charging for treatment.
There is a solution to this which should satisfy everyone although some think that the estimated £500,000,000 isn’t much compared to the total NHS cost.
I would have someone in each hospital who will gather together all the costs of the services given freely to all and sundry who pop by and present this bill to those who handle the foreign aid budget.
As all the NHS services that are subject to repayment by non entitled people are performed for foreign people, this is exactly what foreign aid is for.
At a rough estimate, if 10 percent of the £500,000,000 was allotted to running this scheme it would allow for 2,500 people at £20,000 per annum to be employed for the sole reason of claiming this money back. We have 2,200 hospitals in the UK so that is more than one per hospital. Some hospitals are very small and one person could service a few hospitals. These people would be paying tax and ni, they would be taken off benefits and with the money they bring in could pay for maybe another 20,000 nurses.
The £500,000,000 isn’t such a small insignificant sum after all, is it.
The NHS, or as it calls itself, ‘The envy of the world’ (although strangely enough, nowhere has copied the NHS model) would benefit in every way and if this deterred people flying in to have triplets then it’s a win win situation.
The money from the foreign aid budget would definitely be helping foreign people (aiding them) as opposed to being given to Ethiopian spice girls, Peruvian guinea pig farmers, dictators Mercedes suppliers or Indian space/nuclear laboratories.
Is this too much like a common sense solution, it costs nothing, brings in millions and would decrease the NHS workload.
That’s a great idea, Emmanuel!
Please though, don’t give the people ‘management’ status, as they’d just piss it up the wall like all the other snowflakes in NHS ‘management’. Just make them independent consultants and paid by results, and we’d all be quids in!
Mind you, the airlines catering for pregnant ‘visitors’ would need some compensation…
You need to watch the recent ‘Hospital’ on the BBC.
A bit late to the party but at leat the Beeb got there in the end.
Anyway, a whole episode listing people turning up for treatment, getting the bill and sodding off without payment. Well worth a watch.
Especially when you hear medics who clearly think talk of money is vulger.
So you get to hear the recovery team going through the motions of debt collection and failing, you know they are just too soft and because they can’t get the money they want to increase the size of the team!
If you are taking money from the foreign aid bill, the British tax payer is still paying for everything. I don’t see how this would reduce demand from the third world for the “envy of the (third) world” and increase availability for British patients.
It may be too much trouble for doctors to collect cash for the NHS, but I don’t imagine that doctors show the same lack of urgency when private patients are concerned.
The medical profession seem to share a reluctance to collect money from the foreigners they’ve treated within the NHS, at the expense of British tax payers; the same tax payers and their families who are also deprived of places in hospitals due to their occupancy by said foreigners.
I think that a 5% levy should be imposed on the salaries of all medical staff who treat a patient that doesn’t pay for the care they’ve received on the NHS, this would be put towards the treatment cost. I’m sure that would provide the necessary encouragement for them to get with the programme.
The 5% would be levied on every patient they failed to ensure had the means to fund their treatment.
It’s true the British tax payer would still be paying but seeing that foreign aid seems to be untouchable and we HAVE to hand it out, at least this way we would know that it was being spent better.
You’re spot on about the Doctors and the money. They are very cavalier with tax payers money but if it was their own income I doubt if they would be so quick to do the work free of charge.
The politicians love giving our money away to poor (and not so poor) countries, it makes them feel so important as they strut about on the World stage. They must get really turned on giving hand outs to the unfortunates, a power trip for their ego.
If I was running foreign aid I would organise volunteer groups of our youths, equip them and send them out on 3-6 month trips to places where they are needed to build fresh water wells and the like. Then, we would know the money was being spent on the needy and not the rich charity bosses or bent officials.
Imagine our youth having six months of that work on a cv and applying for a job. A very worthwhile addition to a cv and something employers would appreciate.
Of course, that is also too much like common sense and the politicians wouldn’t get their virtue signalling rush so it will never happen.
I would limit the pay so that everyone got the twenty thousand. Possibly paying some kind of commission on the amount claimed from the person getting the treatment.
Once the higher paid lot get their noses in they would spoil it and manipulate the monies to make themselves look good. That’s a trait the higher paid have. The ordinary worker does the good work and the bosses claim the credit for it.
Emmanuel G.
Essentially, you are using 12 billion of taxpayers money to pay health tourists to come to Britain. Health tourists, non-taxpayers, are problematic because they are using services they have not paid for and by doing so limiting the availability of services to the people who have actually paid for them. If the foreign aid budget is too high, simply cut it. Paying for health tourists with taxpayers’ money simply legitimises the practice and increases demand. What happens when the bill for health tourism exceeds 12 billion? The British taxpayer is then worse off. A more humanitarian approach would be to treat all health tourists and then arrest them for fraud. How would your approach deter health tourism? If I am ill I want all available NHS resources used for my benefit, not the benefit of a health tourist.
As pointed out earlier, people with degrees do not generally have such a thing as common sense.
Speak for yourself Professor Dystopian! Keep away from the lefty bulls**t at Uni and common sense remains intact.?
I travel the world….. a lot…… and I wouldn’t dream of travelling without hefty insurance cover, specifically covering health issues….. , and despite EHIC coverage, my insurance includes for healthcare in those countries in the EU. In fact, I can’t think of anywhere else in the world where I would risk travelling without such insurance. In addition, virtually every transaction involved in travelling abroad gets you pounded with advertising for insurance cover.
Now, turn that on its head. Everyone in the world absolutely knows full well that they would be stupid to believe that they will get away with turning up on another country’s doorstep with existing healthcare needs (e.g. having an imminent multiple birth event), or with even the slightest risk of having a healthcare need during a stay, and having any effective treatment entirely free of charge. And I don’t care what the BBC/BMA says, every other country will get the money from you, or proof of insurance, as soon as it possibly can, and if possible, before any treatment is given.
The one apparent exception to that is…. the UK. And the extremely highly-paid Chief Execs and Finance Execs of the NHS should just be told that failure to get this money in will trigger a very brief separation-from-salary discussion.
Richard D, this is another example of how the so-called progressives are actually living in the past. I’m convinced a lot of people think that Africans are wide-eyed ‘picanninnies’ living in mud huts, dressing in rags and earning 2p a year, like something out of Live Aid c.1984. They don’t realise that someone on an average salary from, say, Ghana or Nigeria can scrimp and save for a year or so to afford the air fare to the UK. Once freely admitted to the UK (as let’s face it nobody will stop them) they can stay with relatives then throw themselves on the mercy of ‘our wonderful NHS’ because even if they get refused treatment (which I believe does sometimes happen) it is still better to take the chance than have to go back to Africa for it.
“even if they get refused treatment (which I believe does sometimes happen)”
Cranmer, the NHS is not allowed to refuse emergency treatment. If they have a chronic condition they just have to tell a suitable story as to how it’s flared up and they’re in a lot of pain. Of course, once it’s classed as an emergency they become the priority patient for the last remaining bed.
Alex, when the BBC first reported the murder and attacks in Russell Square by Zakaria Bulhan, a 19 year old Somalian Muslim, it omitted to mention that the killer came here with his mother from Norway, or that he was carrying carrying a copy of a book called the ‘Fortress of the Muslims’ – a daily book of Islamic prayers while he carried out his vile acts.
Now that the BBC is setting up a committee or whatever to investigate ‘Fake News’, will they be including omission of all the relevant facts when reporting a news worthy story?
I hate to say it, but if this country had control over it’s borders, we could have stopped these “EU nationals” from setting foot in the UK.
Yes, Cassandra. Agree totally…. but I would go further than Trump!
In Britain the Left undoubtedly have the judiciary on their side. Ensconced firmly in their immoral pocket.
I feel so very sorry for Jane Collins UKIP MEP. So then, the Judge thinks that the three politicians in all likelihood knew nothing about the child sex scandals which had been going on in their areas for years. 1,400 children were sexually abused between the years 1997 and 2013 by members of the Muslim community. Each of these Labour mp’s is to receive £54,000 in damages. I am utterly disgusted. If these MP’s did not know what was happening in their area. What are they still doing in their jobs.
Just how stupid were these people in Rotherham electing these MP’s at the the last election. They clearly support child abuse!
It’s a bit like the very ‘thick’ men of Peckham voting for Harriet Harman, a self confessed man hater.
Defamation supports left wingers but not for those not on the left.
My general point is as follows.
I am growing heartily sick of generally the political Left being allowed to spout hate from the nations ‘beloved’ broadcaster.
I hear politicians, people of supposedly good judgment and reasoned thought, supposedly respected members of our country saying openly and with such bile that a political opponent, of whose comments do not correspond with that of their own are racist, sexist, misogynist,etc.
What these offensive, thought limited, politicians are effectively saying is that the very person they are offending are wholly racist in everything they think and do, they are wholly sexist in everything they think and do, they are wholly misogynist in everything they think and do.
They do not say on this topic I think you are being racist. No. They are saying that you are,as a person, a whole and complete racist in every facet of your personality.
The BBC need to stamp this hate speech out. To call someone wholly this ‘ist’ or wholly that ‘ist’, when they don’t really know anything about this person’s character is very unfair and above all, defamatory.
Why has no Left leaning MP been accused of making defamatory remarks in the courts for such personal abuse when appearing on the BBC.
Last week on Any Questions (Friday pm) I heard Leanne Wood accuse Donald Trump as being a misogynist, racist and sexist. She has never met him, how therefore can she conclude such a judgment?
Don’t the BBC have a duty to apply manners and decorum to such debates. The BBC should correct such imbecilic statements as elicited from Ms Wood and state that Mr Trump’s opinion on the 7 selected countries is not one I concur with, an then go on to explain the reason why. NOT- ‘HE IS A RACIST’. Clap. clap, clap from a ridiculously yet predictably biased left wing BBC audience.
Should I come out with such a remark in deploring the high level of immigration. I am immediately denounced from the Lefties as a ‘Racist’. My whole being is therefore a racist. They may never have met me, but I am labeled by these ignoramuses as forever racist.
Some people think because I voted UKIP, I must be a racist.
The BBC wholly encourage hate speech predominantly from the left. Hate speech directed the other way though is seen by the BBC as acceptable. There is no sense of balance to the subject of hate speech. The ‘left’ can get away with saying what they want, accuse others with tirades of personal abuse against their personal character and yet leave themselves, and their own character completely unblemished.
The ‘right’ need a response against the likes of the BBC in their acceptance of hate speech. To date there has never been a counter response and there probably will never be one. Such is the state of our snowflake society.
A final point on the Any Questions programme. The first two questions from the audience, Trump and Brexit.
All four panelists spoke against Trump, all four panelists spoke against Brexit. -Badly Balanced Cr*p.
wronged – what about when Justin Webb on Toady, referred to the future POTUS as a:
“Racist, narcissistic, thug.”
Al beebus is irredeemable, needs to be broken up and state funded broadcasting set up in a different way.
Apologies for reposting from the fag-end of the weekend thread, but I do think the following is a spiffing example of self-basting political sanctimony. Since it’s a repost, my conclusion is itself a bit sanctimonious, but still . . . Responding to this afternoon’s statement by the PM on the recent informal EU Leaders’ Summit in Malta, Capt Irrelevant (Westmorland and Lonsdale) rose to offer the Lib Dem perspective:
On her walkabout with Angela Merkel, during which I’m sure she offered the Chancellor a state visit, did the Prime Minister [something about child refugees . . .].
That was the gist, anyway. There was a low murmur of complaint in the House; the Hon. Member sitting on the bench behind Farron winced; and close to hand, but sadly off camera, an Ulster voice insisted, ‘Not head of state, not head of state’.
So quick to signal his point-scoring virtue. So slow to engage his brain.
Agreed Al.
The BBC has replaced ‘informing the public’ (according to the charter) with its own opinion.
An opinion produces bias.
Today Jane Collins lost a defamation case for less than what Justin Webb and Speaker John Bercow accused Trump of being.
The personal allegations against Trump must surely be litigious, come on Donald, sue them. Start with the BBC.
A little OTish collection from afternoon tea, with a side order of ‘what will BBC ‘editorial integrity’ see run up the flagpole, and what will they quietly not have time for?’.
She seemed to enjoy an open door at the BBC to do so, too.
That’s likely a ‘no’.
They also like the poison dwarf, so I am going just the one?
And this gem for any students of the special logic of Flokker bi-pains:
Hell hath no fury like an SJW denied. And should you ever decide to leave… uh oh.
Friends & Foes a narrative history of diplomacy.
Radio 4:
Professor David Rothkopf speaks to decision makers from Tony Blair to Malcolm Rifkind , and from Zbigniew Brzezinski to General Wes Clark, to chart the rapid and radical transformation of modern diplomacy.
At the heart of each episode is one seminal event or turning point, through which Professor Rothkopf discuss how diplomacy has evolved and – in some cases – lastingly changed.
The Cuban Missile crisis, for example, is a familiar story of brinkmanship but we discover how subsequent accounts of that event were manipulated to create a narrative about strong coercive leadership – one which was not only at odds with the facts but which sent out the wrong messages about the conduct of diplomacy. We also hear how dancing with the back of a chair honed the diplomatic skills of one of the 19th century’s most prominent foreign ministers, and how hot drinks by a log fire in Norway broke the stalemate in middle east negotiations. A former spy reveals how espionage and diplomacy can be frequent if uncomfortable bedfellows. And finally, we discover how so called twittocracy is replacing conventional etiquette and laying foundations for the invention of a new diplomacy.
Readers might recall this same professor David Rothkopf was posted on these pages as being yet another Fascist leftie, calling for the genocide of white males.
Not him of course as he will be able to run away to Israel – an option most of us don’t have.
Today’s ‘The World at One’
24 minutes in, an item that proved conclusively that intelligent people voted Remain; stupid people voted Brexit. This was done by interviewing some intelligent-sounding people who voted Remain and some stupid-sounding people who voted Brexit.
I also objected to the twin assumptions that (a) all people with degrees are better educated than all those without, and (b) they are therefore better able to make a political judgement. I don’t have a degree but I know a lot of things about a broad spectrum of subjects, including politics. My vocational knowledge is far above degree level. I know people with good degrees who have received a very narrow education and have then gone though life without learning much else. There are naïve both politically and generally.
What the Beeb is constantly missing here is that analysing the vote by education level, ethnicity, age, whatever is fundamentally undemocratic. The strength of democracy is “one person, one vote”. Full stop.
It’s becoming ever more clear that the RemainBBC is not a supporter of democracy.
That’s because they’re stupid!
Fred. I have heard it said many a time that, although (supposedly) academically clever, the majority of those with degrees have no common sense whatsoever.
It seems strange that the media should be interested in ‘intelligence’ when it comes to Remain v Leave, when for decades we have been told that there is no such thing as ‘intelligence’, or at least no agreed way of assessing it in objective terms. I thought the ‘science is settled’ on that one?
Remain Übermenschen simply cannot believe that any normal person could or would vote Brexit. Their judgment is never wrong so the people who go against them must be Untermenschen in some way. They are either morally defective because they are afflicted with the modern forms of original sin (maleness, paleness, staleness, racism, sexism, etc.) or mentally defective – they are incapable of knowing where their own best interests lie and need the guardianship of progressive thinkers. It all sounds a bit Hitlerite – groups of people who are inferior in some way and have to be excluded from society. Divisiveness anybody?
43% of ABs voted Leave.
A fact conveniently ignored by the BBC as it doesn’t fit the agenda i.e. their version of the truth.
Guido’s site led me to this extract.
Never heard of this site before but, my goodness, what an interesting article from John Redwood.
And by the way…does John Bercow have the right to express his own opinion…on anything?
Redwood’s blog is good daily reading by the way.. Google redwoods diary.
@Soapbox you got it from Guido ?
@G.W.F. already posted here at 11:45 am a couple of comments
Prior to the appalling Rothkopf piece we were treated to TWATO with 15 minutes of bias about the perennial uneducated leave voters vs the highly educated & intelligent (Oh my God how could they possibly be wrong) remain camp.
Of course they didn’t go into the issue of massive left wing indoctrination at universities driving a wedge between the people and the so called intelligentsia.
NO wonder BLiar wanted so many kids to attend uni, it wasn’t for ejukashun it was so his mates could indoctrinate them !
“NO wonder BLiar wanted so many kids to attend uni, it wasn’t for ejukashun it was so his mates could indoctrinate them !”
It also took them out of the unemployment figures.
Oh yes, that was classic Labour fiddling the numbers.
I went to university and I’m youngish. However unlike most of the morons I did a proper degree (engineering) and can think for myself. I also served in HM Armed Forces another reason for the lefty twats to hate me…until their house is flooding and they need some squaddies to come and fill sandbags. C*nts.
For MPs at least, the “voters are too thick argument” is self-undermining. Unless politicians like Fatso Clark are voted for by a cabal of all-knowing intellectuals in his constituency, thickos must have voted for him in large numbers so he is, by his own judgement, the wrong choice.
World at One had to apologise for claiming Middlesborough, the supposed citadel of stupidity, was in the northwest of England. Who in their right mind could possibly think the BBC is trapped in a metropolitan bubble and knows nothing about the more vulgar and barbaric regions of the country?
Treezer to fight Alt Right using Saatchi. Oh dear, hello Big Sister.
And wrong enemy Treezer, wrong enemy.
Sad. Not smart.
Really dumb. Won’t work and Saatchi have not got a clue.
Local voting figures shed new light on EU referendum
‘The data confirms previous indications that local results were strongly associated with the educational attainment of voters – populations with lower qualifications were significantly more likely to vote Leave.’
What does this say about our educational elite?
They have no understanding of nationhood.
They are spineless.
They care nothing about our history.
They do not value our culture.
They like to be controlled by unknown elites
They do not believe in democracy
They are without values.
wronged – solid post.
“Local voting figures shed new light on EU referendum” so says the bBBC headline, shame they shoot themselves down withe the first line of the article.
“The BBC has obtained a more localised breakdown of votes from nearly half of the local authorities which counted EU referendum ballots last June.”
So they have no data on over half of the country.
There is an HYS on it still.
“Theresa May: Don’t obstruct voters over Brexit”
Its time we got a move on then Prime Minister .
There is a HYS running on this also…….. by Martin Rosenbaum.
It’s the usual uneducated plebs voting for Brexit, or should that be uneducated Welsh and English plebs as the argument loses a little credibility when looking at Northern Ireland and Scotland, 55.8% – 44.2% and 62% – 38% for remain respectively. There’s a little more going on here than the article covers, “Lies, damned lies, and statistics” Martin.
Do they never consider the effect this ‘mental illness’ talk on people with genuine mental health problems? There is a big campaign at the moment to fight the stigma of mental illness. It really does not help when every mass stabbing is attributed to poor mental health and nothing else.
How many times can you spot the word “pressure” being used on BBc news tonight.
Treezer is doling out taxpayer’s money to Saatchi to combat far right extremism,like Breibart. And donating a couple of million to the lads who are keeping them happy in the mosques.
Guardian article
‘the government would challenge “people who read Breitbart and stuff like that, the conspiratorial media”.
Breitbart, the US news outlet, has become a gathering point for extremists from the “alt-right”. Fears that conversations previously conducted on the fringes might enter the political mainstream multiplied after Steve Bannon, the former Breitbart CEO, was appointed as Donald Trump’s chief strategist and now plays a fundamental role in the president’s administration.
Anti-hate speech experts said the Home Office would challenge propaganda from the far right by using social media.
Mosques in need of protection from far-right extremists are likely to be key beneficiaries from a £2m security programme for places of worship.
That’s the way Treezer, an appeasing Quisling. The Guardian’s page three pin up tart
This is a hint from Treezer to BBC – keep Breibart off the air
A far better “alternative fact” would be…
‘the government would challenge “people who believe the BBC and MSM, the conspiratorial media”.
We have been expecting something like this sinister move ever since the MSM began to run the fake news story that far right fake news was a big issue . The fact of course is that the likes of the BBC have been broadcasting false news for years. This attack on civil liberties is world wide , but of course their is not a word of protest from the civil liberties industry. The liberal left globalist elite have clearly decided that the democratic revolution started by Brexit and continued by President Trump is gathering momentum and must be stopped by any means possible. State Control and censorship of the internet is high on the agenda. Those idiots who are protesting about Brexit and President Trump should be horrified by this attack on freedom of speech but they are so easily manipulated by the elite that they have been persuaded it’s good thing.
Those who read Breibart will probably regard this attack as proof that Breitbart is truthful and more importantly those who don’t yet read a Breitbart but may be disposed to do so will now have their curiosity piqued. In short great publicity for Breitbart. Which will result in increased readership.
But let’s not underestimate how serious this world wide attack on free speech is. This site may be targeted by state censorship in the future. Perhaps even the likes of the Daily Mail will be targets in the wave after that. Who would ever of thought that a mere 30 years after those two heroes of democracy ,Thatcher and Reagan , won the Cold War for the West, we would be seeing the apparatus of Orwells 1984 being wheeled out by supposed democracies right across hemisphere.
Arrgh but Teezer believes in the message above the door of broadcasting house. How can she be an unbeliever when so inscribed above the door of the BBC?
It reads:
This Temple of the Arts and Muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors of Broadcasting House in the year 1931, Sir John Reith being Director-General. It is their prayer that good seed sown may bring forth a good harvest, that all things hostile to peace or purity may be banished from this house, and that the people, inclining their ear to whatsoever things are beautiful and honest and of good report, may tread the path of wisdom and uprightness. (Latin below inscribed).
Hmm The Guardian could have made the whole thing up.
It wouldn’t surprise me if T May had heard of such a scheme.~
The article seems like total projection : It’s the Guardian that has allowed known death threats in its comments and done nothing.
It’s Bannon that is in the WhiteHouse mere years after getting int Breitpart
And it’s the Guardian that has been around 100+ years but makes bigger and bigger losses every year.
Just when I thought the bBBC couldn’t rake up another NHS fail story, they dig up one of their own. BBC News!? has done it’s OWN investigation into hospital bed occupancy. Lots of interviews with staff with leading questions being put by the bBBC ‘reporter’. If the staff in my company were complaining about the way I organise it, I would not be letting the bBBC in to interview them on my own property. Who is giving bBBC permission to film, and interview staff in A&E and other wards? Perhaps if there were less camera crews and ‘reporters’ in the wards, the clinicians could get on with the job they are paid to do.
bBBC ‘polls’ show 40% of people willing to pay more tax to fund the NHS, but hey, that means 60% do not. The bBBC never propose taking £6bn from the foreign aid budget….in 10 years that’s an extra £60bn for the NHS. They should do a poll on that one, where I live (not in north London) that would be 90% in favour of taking foreign aid money.
To those who say recouping the cost of treatments to those not entitled to it, is not worthwhile, easy, slap on a £250 administration fee to each invoice, banks and solicitors manage to do this routinely. Tesco or Vodafone would not let their users get away without paying for their service, get some commercial nous into the NHS, and quick. £500 million per year peanuts they cry…..says it all really. I know of two NHS junior doctors who say they will not on principle pursue those not entitled, well, todays proposal will make it law, so they will have to. If they still won’t, put in a private company to collect the money, and pay them on results, but they probably won’t like that either.
Al Beeb – Shortage of hospital places, housing, schools, doctors, nurses etc…..
Remedy – Cut immigration, charge the health tourists, spend Foreign Aid on the NHS.
And ND, just to emphasise the point that all these problem immigrants are a figment of UKIP’s imagination, every patient bar one at the Blackburn Infirmary was white. Just goes to show what a self-imposed burden we all are on The NHS Envy of the World, and without the heroic efforts of all those immigrant NHS staff how quickly we would descend into third-world status. Thank god we’ve got the BBC to tell it the way it is, that’s what I say.
Yes heard the Doctor’s union, I mean BMA, given too much airtime by the BBC, saying that collecting the fees would be chaotic and too difficult, etc.. What rot. Nothing to do the Doctors anyway – you have to go through all manner of administration before seeing the doctor and the money would be collected there.
The BMA just oppose everything the Government wants to do to make the NHS more efficient as a knee- jerk reaction . Doctors won’t even be responsible for collecting this money. If the monolithic NHS didn’t exist the BMA wouldn’t be such a powerful trade union, always looking to benefit doctors not patients .
If we go abroad for our holidays for a Sports holiday i.e. such as Sking in Austria, Swirzerland or France it is standard practice to have compulsory Hospital Insurance (even the Albulance service charge and they all want paying pronto and won’t move you unless they see your insurance chit or demand cash. So apart from the BMA bullshit and bluster, it would all be covered by holiday insurance for NHS visitors, no insurance, no treatment unless you have a UK passport. One of the problems the BBC has is with the word ‘national’ as in the ‘N” of NHS. We are not a BBC World service on healthcare.
In what one MP described as a “scandalous failure”, it has emerged that the UK pays more than £670m to EU countries for Brits’ healthcare abroad, while claiming back less than £50m from the EU, even though there are significantly more EU citizens in the UK than UK citizens in the EU.
Even in countries such as Poland where net migration is massively towards the UK, the discrepancy is four-fold in Poland’s favour.
MP John Mann, who obtained the figures in a parliamentary question, told Sky News that “logically the UK should be receiving more than it pays out”.
He estimates “the real cost is a billion pounds a year”.
The NHS has more than enough money if it wasnt saddled with £300 billion in PFI debt and a top heavy and utterly inneficient management structure stuffed full of cronies much of which happened between 1997 and 2010 and the leftards and BBC might want to look at the 2006 NHS act all brought about by a couple of dodgy characters called blair and brown Oh hang on a mo didnt we have a labour government from 1997 to 2010 something nulabour, the BBC, the BMA and the leftards all seem to have forgotten about yet they are seem to think that to cure the NHS is to chuck yet more taxpayers money into the black hole that is the bloated incompetently run NHS rather than carrying out a long overdue reform of the way the NHS is run
Northern Dreamer……I’m just glad Jimmy Saville is not around to do the interviewing!
Had to walk out of the room, while watching the ‘news’.
Bbeeb still bashing the NHS with ‘reports’.
Why are they such a cowardly bunch of failing ‘journalists’, who will never ever get to the crux of the problem! It’s all bluster, number calling, report reading, and the rest of the sort of ‘research’ they insist they’re doing, the silly comments they make just do not make sense. They’re pathetic!
Come on Beeb, go for the throat if you dare! Get to the NHS ‘managers’, take them to task! Doorstep them! Demand action! Demand replies to awkward questions!
Are these journos up to it?
Naaaah! Cowardly stuffed-up powdered little ‘reporters’, unable to tackle a proper story!
Sadly none of today’s autocue readers (hardly reporters) have neither the intelligence or gravitas of the old style journalist. Even someone in the Letters Page of a national today has written complaining about reporters shouting questions across Downing Street knowing they won’t get answers – so why do it ?
Its all teeth whitening, hair flounce and lipstick now, with the men having hair dye and trendy beards – clearly more bothered about their image and appearance than reporting real news. And don’t get me started with this business of ‘interviewing’ each other on split screens. ‘News’ channels in general are a joke, with the accent on attack attack attack together with a sarcastic comment at the end of the piece.
‘Speaker Bercow: Trump should not speak in Parliament’
then neither should you Mr Bercow!!
More ‘ist’ abuse.
But as Guido points out, Bercow has welcomed speakers from countries with a poor record of human rights, like the Emir of Kuwait.
Bercow should keep his trap shut. He is clearly jumping on the bandwagon of the ‘right-on’ media; but for a few thousand who have protested against Trump coming here, he obviously believes that is the mood of the country. It may or may not be, he has no idea stuck in his luxurious accommodation – but I certainly don’t want him speaking for me, which is the opposite to his views.
#1 Bet speaking to Parliament wasn’t on the agenda anyway
..and that it’s just PR VS Virtue Signalling by Bercow
..and incidentally stops the public as viewing the Tories as completely pro Trump
(I suspect T May was complicit in this stunt)
#2 Bercow opposes Sexism, Racism and believes in a fair judiciary.
I bet Trump would say the same thing.
#3 Reminder Bercow’s marriage only just been saved after his wife had an affair with his cousin.
ITV News just confirmed it wasn’t on the agenda anyway.
Tories got full coverage at top of news some said speaker was breaking impartiality.
As the Tory Government does not have an effective opposition it is quite clear that Al Beeb with its overinflated opinion of itself, thinks it should step up to the mark and stand in for ‘the Liblabtards’.
I’ve grown to expect a slew of anti-Brexit stories every morning on the Today Programme. However the BBC must be getting really desperate now. The latest scare story is that opera companies won’t be able to fly in emergency replacements for singers from mainland Europe, once free movement is ended. How disastrous! imagine the pain that will be endured by the countless millions of opera-loving Brits! Will the Stoke Central by-election finally swing Labour’s way or even that of the Lib Dems when the good folk of Stoke realise what leaving the EU will do to their favourite pastime ?
EnglandExpects….I’m sure they could find a few high pitched squealing snowflakes to take their place!
I heard that interview today, and, although I am no opera connoisseur, I suspected that such things as ‘understudies’ probably exist to cover for any emergencies like the ones put forward by the diva divvy on ‘Today’ this morning.
Looked it up, and guess what…. ?
Even if it does take a few days to get a short-term work visa for some other unknown from some other part of the world….. so what ? It’s not like the end of the world, is it ?…. Oh, I forgot, some of the snowflakes (relatively very small in number) who go to such highly subsidised events probably do think it means the end of the world. Ah diddums. Get over your precious selves ! Get a life !
Not many know that Giuseppe Verdi was Jewish. I am surprised that there are no
liberal fascists standing outside Covent Garden when Il Trovatorah, A Matzoh Ball or
Oi ! Tello are performed. Mind you these boycotters are fit for one thing and it
aint Rigloletto . More like rigamortis!
By the same token, I am surprised that “Abduction from the Harem” by Mozart has not been banned for islamophia. Osmin, the harem overseer, seems to be prototype ISIS. Erst geköpt, dann gehangen, dann gespiesst auf heissen Stangen, etc. Nothing changes in 200 or so years.
Tried to get back in to see some interesting news, then – I think the little Nick Someoneorother starts off with ‘deeply divided United States’! Had to walk out again…
What’s so ‘deep’? More than half of the counties wanted President Trump, and I did too (although I live in Kent, so don’t have a vote in the US)!
But the inference, of course, is that under Mr Obama, there was absolutely no division within the country at all, everyone lived under a ‘kumbaya’ mentality, everything was just wonderful, and all of the political parties were really lined up in support of their unifying president – then along came that awful Mr Trump….
To paraphrase the currently proposed US Ambassador to the EU…… BULLSH1T.
On p.m. tonight was Eddie Mair interviewing Steve Hewlett, who sadly has been told he is now on palliative care. However he has just got married, that is in the last few days. Like so many, the BBC presents these ‘late’ marriages as romantic. They are not. For well paid BBC luvvies, people in the Arts etc, I guess someone has realised that there will be large sums of inheritance tax due; once married this money can go straight to the spouse with no tax payable. I remember the late author Iain Banks marrying shortly before his death and the BBC reporting it as a lovely thing to happen.
Seema that under Obama the USAF failed to declare around 600 airstrikes in Afghanistan – wonder why?
Posts from earlier today.
Topics : Conviction of Norwegian stabbing, Farage been separated for years etc.
That was page 5 and posts from this morning were on page 4
Tonight 7:30pm BBC1 Inside Out ..Regional variations
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
#2 London : What impact will Brexit have on nursing recruitment? with @JanetRCN
Matthew Wright finds out why European nurses are starting to turn their backs on Britain
more BBC Virtue Signalling
West : a Bristol University graduate challenges her former university on its diversity record
East : “day care centres are under threat” (but the Council one is now successful after becoming independent)
North West : Play called Graeae “boldly placing Deaf & disabled artists centre stage.”
+ Thomas Harrison House, the UK’s first rehab centre for veterans
East Mids : Light therapy for the treatment of vitiligo (patches of white skin )
+ Girls at a Derby home may have faced experimental drug treatment
Other stuff
Yorks : we delve into an amazing archive of the Lincolnshire company who were engineers to the world.
West Mids : Black Sabbath’s story
West : Pop Up Brothels
South : Kent was at the forefront of the #Telehealth experiment. But what’s happened since? Tech ruled obsolete
#1 Muslim job discrimination : “Is it easier to get a job if you’re Adam or Mohamed? ”
And try getting a job in an “Indian” restaurant or corner shop if your name is Bill or Frank.
The experiment was a worthless attempt to make a political point about ‘Islamophobia’. Why didn’t they also send out CV for Bogumil Kopwalski or Kong Dun Fa? For that matter why not send one for Anna Marie Litchfield?
Why didn’t the BBC ask those questions?
Sunday Times: TV license cash rises (from the Sunday Times MONEY section – 5/2/2017)
BBC television license fee revenue has increased every year since 2010-11 to £3.74 bn last year, in spite of the cost being frozen since 2010. However, fewer evaders have been caught. Of the 3m enforcement visits in 2015-16, only around 300,000 were successful.
But from past records it’s uneven (as well as more Woman than men being caught):
England and Wales are both three times more likely to be fined than the Scottish! here
And from 2015. Despite the BBC saying ‘only’ and how successful this TV tax collection is (and how popular it is not with the local courts) the overall prosecution and jailings facts for the entire UK make depressing reading.. Considering that 38 people were given an average of 25 days for fine default in relation to TV licence offences in England and Wales in 2015, each stay is likely to have cost tax payers close to £2,275. If we add the 57 prison stints in Northern Ireland, it means over £100k was wasted in the process of recovering fines worth around £16k. And that’s on top of all the other expenses. Collection fees alone are over £100M. Jailing people for TV licence fines is literally throwing good money after bad.
“BBC television license fee revenue has increased every year since 2010-11 to £3.74 bn last year, in spite of the cost being frozen since 2010.”
Indeed, I assume that because the population keeps going up then the BBC’s license fee income keeps going up too. So that we all share the benefits of mass immigration, I suggest that the license decreases in proportion to population increase.
US ‘tech’ companies are having a laugh.
Tech giants oppose Trump immigration ban.
Think about it, 150 plus countries in the world, and seven ‘mainly Muslim’, i.e. less than 5%, are vital for their business. If one was looking for talent would Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen really be ‘go to’ places?
Now if it was Switzerland doing the banning I could understand the concern of Rolex, TAG Heur, Tissot etc. being unable to source suitable ‘clockmakers’!
Are they trying to convince all others that the so-called, ‘High-tech’ individuals required are all Muslim and from the Middle East? Give me a break!
I can confirm that Brexit is a very popular decision amongst Mensa members. This is because most members are “free of fear” because of a well educated knowledge of the undemocratic and poor economic governance of the European Union compared to the Pro-Democratic Self governance of the Commonwealth and the better economic prosperity of territories similar to Britain but not in the European Union.
As a Mensa member with an unusually high IQ of 164, I have on occasions been called thick. This is usually a response to disagreement from people of left-wing persuasion who do not like intelligent people, so call them thick. This is why they like Black people but not Jews. Also, I believe that the Labour Party was set up 100 years ago to represent the uneducated, after the Liberal Party gave the uneducated masses the vote. So I assume that the problem in our Universities was caused by Blair’s 50 percent University initiative, which has lead to unemployable, therefore highly paid by the taxpayer, low IQ University attendees congregating in the areas associated with voting Remain, while well educated employable University graduates disperse to areas that voted Brexit, like the nice area of Yorkshire that I live in.
An example of the problem we have can be seen with the BBC and Climate Change, were unemployable low IQ middle-class morons have obtained highly paid jobs at the BBC using the dumbed down non-Science, non-Maths and non-Intellectually challenging University degrees of Blair’s 50 percent University initiative. Such people should have been employed in the menial jobs given to immigrants, but instead advise, control and dominate the BBC on Climate Change policy.
While on the other hand, a smaller number of intelligent people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy are excluded from advising the BBC, due to a seminar of environmental activists, presumably telling the BBC that the United Nations has decreed that we are sceptics, which means “thick people”, who deny that the Climate Changes.
We are not sure if anyone at the BBC is intelligent enough to understand that intelligent people with PhDs in Atmospheric Physics and Solar Astronomy do not deny that the Climate Changes? But we are hopeful that Donald Trump could bring this up with Prince Charles, after the Goon gives Trump a rude lecture on how to stop the Climate from changing.
Mr Pinder, you are right I believe about mass university education being partly responsible for mass immigration. Take cleaning for example. In the old days, offices, shops, houses etc were cleaned by armies of char-ladies from working class households who ‘did’ for people on part time wages. Now, the granddaughters of those women will have ‘done ever so well’ and gone to ‘uni’, got a second in media studies and will now be working on the taxpayer’s buck in some state paper shuffling job, charity or quango, and the charring gets done by eastern Europeans and Africans.
This is an area I have difficulty understanding. The liberal lefties always shout down attempts to control immigration, on the grounds that we need their special skills because of a lack of skilled UK nationals. What is our education system doing? Not so long ago I recall government ministers gushing about how many A-levels were being passed, and at high grades, lots of A* passes, more than any going on to our universities from all different cultures and backgrounds. What are these students doing now? Are they doing degree courses in subjects we need? Are we teaching the wrong A-level subjects, more Arts than Sciences? Are science degrees too difficult even for those with good A-levels? If we have a skills shortage it needs to be addressed in our education and FE system.
… come and get educated in Islam, ask me anything ya da ya da
BBC London News crowing the same tune this weekend
… well folks I have, and never had a straight answer yet, not one.
Last time I only asked about Jewish people, I got told some waffle about Jerusalem
so I asked well what is the connection then, Islam seems to cause a lot of trouble over it, more waffle about the dome of the rock so I interjected “the one built on the Jewish temple mount is that it then conquest?”
no no noooo sir Mohammed you see PBUH he … “look, I know he had a dream … is that it?” long pause so I piped up
“don t you want to tell me about Jewish people then?”
conversation over … and no I didn t get a biscuit
Not only London either, Blackburn Mosque Imam invites communities for a cup of tea on ‘Visit My Mosque Day’ learn about Islam etc.
If you steer away from the Al BBC, a slightly different erm “tone”.
I think we all know the BBC line when a senior judge issues some proclamation they agree with – Brexit Trump, anything the government doesn’t win especially the European courts. Strange then they have missed reporting on this one:
Senior judge slams lawyers for obstructing Rochdale child sex grooming gang deportation case
Lawyers are helping a child sex grooming gang avoid attempts to deport them by obstructing the courts and “weakening the rule of law”, Britain’s most senior immigration judge has warned.
Mr Justice Bernard McCloskey accused taxpayer funded lawyers representing the gang of treating the immigration tribunal, which will decide whether they should be allowed to remain in Britain, with “sustained and marked disrespect”.
The case has raised fears that convicted criminals are adopting a strategy of timewasting and obstructing the courts in an attempt to put off any possible deportation from the UK as long as possible.
The judge said there had been “multiple recent examples of similar conduct and misconduct” and has urged Government legal officials to mount an investigation into such cases.
MPs have accused lawyers of making money by “gaming the system” and using delaying tactics to spin out cases.
They sound like pals of Phil Shiner.
They are all pals of Shiner. Check out the Haldane Society membership.
A Trump-like PM would sack all the Left-wing Judges.
The percentage of the lawyers, ex-lawyers and ‘legally trained’ among MPs of all parties should be of deep concern. The fact that this appears to be ignored, and has actually increased over recent years, is yet another symptom of our disrupted and manipulated society.
The saying: ‘Those that can, do. Those that can’t, teach’ could well be paraphrased to read: ‘Lawyers leech. Unsuccessful lawyers become MPs.’
While there may yet not be guns and battles involved, this country is at war with itself… a civil war between British patriots/true conservatives (not the left-wing David Cameron type) and the far-Left treacherous filth and their useless idiots. Violence across Europe is only a matter of years away. Particularly, this island is no longer big enough for the opposing ideological standpoints of communism/cultural Marxism and British patriotism. Thus war beckons; the far-Left only understands violence but as of yet has met no protest resistance or opposition. Someway, there needs to be a mobilisation of the good decent folk of this country to counter the far-Left’s violence.
After listening to that objectionable and arrogant little shit Bercow in the parliament today, I have concluded that this country’s parliament is also no longer representative of the people, if ever it was to be honest. Our political class lie, they scrounge our money and hold the views of the populace in utter contempt. They give our money away in foreign aid without a care in the world and have purposefully swamped our nation with a hostile ideology and immigrants. Somehow, someway, we need to rise up and make ourselves heard, because we are the silent majority. I love this country and our Christian heritage… it flows through my veins and stirs memories of country lanes and hay fields in the summer, real ale and trips to the beach, walking past ancient churches and listening to the bell chimes and noble organ pieces on quiet Sunday afternoons…. getting lost in steep cobbled lanes winding through old villages. I don’t want to lose this sacred Britain… but I worry that such a Britain will only live on in just the hearts and distant memories of our grandchildren the way things are playing out. I for one am so proud to be British… click like if you are too!
Just to add to that piece; ‘In a damning ruling, the judge said the sex abuse gang’s barristers and solicitors had failed to submit papers to the court and had repeatedly asked for adjournments.
The gang’s solicitors, Nottingham-based firm Burton & Burton, are funded by the taxpayer via the Legal Aid Agency, with fees reported to be £50 to £70 an hour – adding up to thousands of pounds over the course of the case.
Rajiv Sharma, the barrister who represented Ahmed, is a protege of campaigning lawyer Michael Mansfield QC.
The other three men were represented by Zainul Jafferji, who specialises in human rights, immigration and asylum law.’ (excerpt)
And Michale Mansfield (mentioned above) is another greedy leftie lawyer hilself criticied in playing the ‘legal fees’ system not dissimilar to another greedy lawyer called Phil Shiner who has since been banned from practising.
Great post Alex, my sentiments too. But:
I love this country and our Christian heritage… it flows through my veins and stirs memories of country lanes and hay fields in the summer, real ale and trips to the beach, walking past ancient churches and listening to the bell chimes and noble organ pieces on quiet Sunday afternoons…. getting lost in steep cobbled lanes winding through old villages. I don’t want to lose this sacred Britain…
Didn’t you know that according to Mark Easton Britain doesn’t have a culture? So by definition, we have nothing worth protecting. The third world cultures invading and fragmenting our country however are something to be celebrated….
I posted this towards the end of the weekend forum but I want to repeat it just once more. Every BBC employee should read this and think about its meaning.
From a speech by Theodore Roosevelt, in Paris, 1910.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who permits refinement to develop into fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a workaday world. Among the free peoples who govern themselves there is but a small field of usefulness open for the men of cloistered life who shrink from contact with their fellows. Still less room is there for those who deride or slight what is done by those who actually bear the brunt of the day; nor yet for those others who always profess that they would like to take action, if only the conditions of life were not exactly what they actually are. The man who does nothing cuts the same sordid figure in the pages of history, whether he be a cynic, or fop, or voluptuary. There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of the high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of the men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.”
I think your asking a lot of the BBC. Even if they could understand it, they would loose their job, status, position and benefits of being well paid in a crumbling public sector, however grubby, distorting the mirror is, the last thing they want to read is ‘truth’, ‘honesty’ and ‘faith’ in the common man. They don’t want to be disgustingly (demos) popular or ‘common’, they want to be elitest and immoral and have rights to everything.
Well worth a read, from Douglas Murray in the Spectator:
10 mins 20 – she refers to Gavin McInnes reporter and tv host
This is what happens after 8 years of obama and 13 years of labour in this country. A professor for gods sake she would fit in at the LSE here
A MASSIVE explosion has ripped through the heart of downtown Cologne at the Burgmauer near the statdtmuseum.
Breaking news – no doubt more Merkel madness.
“An initial investigation suggests that the cause of the explosion was probably a deflagration in a propane bottle in the basement of the building.”
BTW I once saw that used as an excuse when I was Instanbul and the PKK had blown up the market.
“Victims are 32 and 35 years old. The latter is seriously injured by the police. (translation error ?)
Both came in clinics. @ BILD_Koeln “
Having watched and been enlightened by a Simon Reeve documentary covering the Indian Ocean in Indonesia today, Sharia Law is so much more than even I imagined. Reeve was allowed to travel with the Vice & Virtue Police, and their job ? to patrol the streets and areas looking for couples who are not married, yet can be seen touching one another ! Several young couples were spotted just sitting on the river bank with their arms around each other, the police sprang into action – to arrest and warn them. The couples all leapt onto their scooters and rode off. Those who were caught were separated into separate vehicles and taken off to be reprimanded. Even Reeve was stunned, saying these kids were just doing what teenagers do – in non-Muslim countries, but was vehemently forbidden in Indonesia, whose Islamic population are brainwashed into living under this religious law.
We constantly hear about Sharia Law, and for most of us it goes over our heads as it doesn’t affect us, but given the media’s predilection for giving Islam a long leash, we need to see the real effects and consequences of Sharia should it come to the West, and then see the reaction !
Brissles, on R4’s ‘From our own commie-spondent’ on Saturday there was a report from some gushing BBC woman in Nigeria who sounded like she’d just finished her A levels. She visited a park in some Muslim controlled area, where young people went to hang out. Muslim propriety was enforced (no hand holding etc) and when the puzzled Beeboid schoolgirl asked why, she was told the ‘parkie’ was being particularly strict about it because there was a western woman in the park, ie her!!!
There appears to be a deafening silence on the news channels about the Beckham scandal, why ? the n/papers have been full of the story yet not a peep from our main broadcasters. Other well known and celebrity tax ‘dodgers’ have usually been the lead item on the news, not so this time. Is it because there would be too much hypocrisy given the saintly treatment he’s received by all who have come into contact with him (apparently).
It was on the Radio 4 news this morning. I think the issue is that the Emails have been obtained by criminal means, and so far as I’m aware there’s some kind of injunction on them. There is also an allegation of blackmail being touted around and it wouldn’t really be good for the BBC to be making news out of hacked information when it’s gone to town on its great enemy, News Corp.
Rather than this having anything to do with Beckham I think it’s more to do with the BBC attempting to keep its powder dry after the dastardly Murdoch papers paid for and ran the story at great cost.
Just watch over the next few days as recriminations fly from ‘hacked off’ and the Beckhams against the hated Murdoch press.
That’s what it’s really about.
I am not so sure Thoughtful whilst I agree with your comments – I think it is also quite likely that the story is being somewhat played down by the BBC because they have been somewhat “in love” with the whole ghastly Beckham clan for a number of years. And in their usual left wing denial they just hope it will all die down and everyone will focus on Farage getting a bit of extra marital legover or similar high “value” story
I think the BBC saw the Beckhams as a cheap and lazy way to get a bit of extra popularity with us proles (cos hes football innit) and boys want to be him and girls want to love him etc.
Whilst not overtly left wing, with all his “charity” work and synthetic heart on sleeve persona he certainly fitted in nicely with the the BBCs “caring and concerned” agenda. And certainly with his selfless quest to further expand his fortune and ego he was a more than willing participant in this whole tawdry circus.
And just like Lineker he possesses an enormous ego and a sense of entitlement but with maybe a few less brain cells.
As usual with its normal lack of imagination the BBC saw little wrong in Beckhams outrageous travel demands for his “charity” work, and so he was further encouraged in his increasingly excessive and ostentatious demands. One feeding the other in a vulgar spiral of demands and fawning obsequiousness from our “national treasure” Broadcaster and the “Boy next door” hero.
And so we are where we are. Though I must say I always gain a degree of personal amusement when these “great and good” who the MSM put on a pedestal and shower with plaudits end up showing that they are no better than the rest of us – All I can say is ha ha ha! And I also take satisfaction knowing that at least I dont have to go home to look at a scowling, vapid clothes horse!
Agreed, Thoughtful. I hesitate to comment on this because, though I hold no brief for the Beckhams, nor tax dodging, the way all this has come out is horrendous. I think there’s another issue too, to do with the alleged tax issues. Part of that story on that seems to be to do with Beckham’s investment in a film finance scheme (story in the Mail). There is some controversy over schemes like this after they may have been misused by some, but essentially they were set up on Gordon Brown’s watch as government-approved tax incentive schemes to encourage film production in the UK. These schemes took in the investments and some very high-profile films were made as a result. Then the government back-tracked, and started questioning the legality of their own scheme. In very simple terms, it was like suddenly deciding that ISAs had saved people too much tax on savings and that any interest gained should be repaid. Court cases are fighting this, involving some very wealthy people.
The relevance to the BBC is that some of their most successful programmes are financed using similar schemes, notably The Missing which proudly blazoned the involvement of the Belgian Tax Shelter scheme in the credits. A visit to the scheme’s website says that it is a “win-win-win situation”. Until the UK tax authorities decide to rewrite the rules, that is.
Sign and share –
I think a lot of people would like to get rid of Bercow (even Cameron failed to shift him), perhaps that poll will help focus minds (and MP’s) on who should be the next Commons speaker. I hope so. I signed, its about time he left.
It’s times like this that we really miss Betty Boothroyd.
…and let’s not forget Bercow’s past…
Upfront charges for NHS foreign patients in England
It isn’t rocket science, but as ever the politicians make life so difficult it’s impossible to work the system they put in place.
As the leftie doctor the BBC had on says, just make it a requirement of anyone entering the UK, that they have at least a million pounds health insurance before they even board the aircraft.
One other thing for lefties to consider is that almost all companies have Employers liability insurance and have done for years as its compulsory. Plus trainees and school placements always ask for proof that the company they are working for (even unpaid work experience) have this. Even the NHS (or BBC) has insurance for its own employees. Health insurance is just bleed’in obvious for those foreigners who currently pay *nothing*.
…..and whatever the health tourist spend, take it off their county’s monies to be received for next year. Include interest payments also.
We must become more Britain PLC rather than Britain ‘soft touch’.
When did anyone ever take any notice of a petition ?
Gatestone Institute has Marine Le Pen’s speech in translation. It is extraordinary and a real call to arms for France and the greatest challenge to the ancien regime and the elite of the globalist liberal world I have ever read .
Essential reading.
Is she wins then Europe is alive again .
Dave S,
France is a dead country if she doesn’t. Macron has no policies.
He smiles a lot and wears good suits. I think we had a prime minister like that once. What could possibly go wrong?
The polls predict her winning but apparently it’s still an uphill battle – financial support and the fact that she is a dreaded outsider.
They said that about someone else in an election fairly recently, didn’t they?
I have seen the following betting odds………….
Macron 13/10 and Le Pen 5/2
I think if Le Pen wins, the EU is doomed. Holland next and it will be the ‘domino effect’ .
“Vive la France”, “Vive la liberté !”
President Trump has suggested that terrorist attacks often don’t get reported in Europe. The news channels have been aghast at this. “What on earth is he talking about?” the MSM jouro’s smugly crow. Well, how about today’s case of the Somalian who murdered several and attacked many more in London. We heard about the case again today but this killer won’t be considered a terrorist just another deeply confused young Muslim….there do seem to be an inordinate amount of them, don’t there? This little charmer won’t even be accused of murder, due to his being psychotic.
Early reports gave the impression there was a terrorist link when police officers heard him use the phrase “Allah, Allah, Allah”. As far as I’m concerned that certainly suggests there is a clear a link to Islam. The police, however decided otherwise. WTF?! It seems the police, our judiciary, the press and our wonderful, virtue signalling politicians are bending over backwards to suggest we’re safer than we are. A problem with Islamist terrorism? Nah!
And don’t get me started on that pathetic, posing little cuckold, Bercow…
The press did their level best to conceal the mass sexual assaults in Cologne, and the BBC conceals any mention of islam when they are forced to report on yet more “men” convicted of raping English girls.
The women of Europe are facing a future of rape and terror, and The Donald is absolutely right, the lying MSM conspire to suppress the news of this sexual terrorism.
Next US Holiday
President’s Day (Observed) 20 Feb 17 Monday
Surely even the BBC must be feeling the fatigue. Bashing out the same old, same old, day after day, after day. Getting in the same old hacks for their same old, dire warnings, utterly predictable opinions and dystopian forecasts.
I think we get it, even we ill educated, racist, whatever-phobes get it.
Honestly, we get it – you hate Trump and Brexit. You love Europe, Globalisation, immigration, Merkel, Muslims and Global Warming. Accept it BBC, those you can’t influence have immunity.
Finally, a left wing news reporter actually talking some sense, oh hang on a minute, false alarm, he’s not real. As you were.
Comments from Redwood post
“It’s well-known that the BBC interviews the Left
…& interrogates the Right.”
Just like someone owning an old dog :
‘The BBC is nose-blind to the stink of bias that pervades its entire house’
Another BBC favourite caught with its nose in the trough.
“Just Giving” panned by the Charities Commission, they must be really bad.
As suggested in the article – change the name to Just Taking.
We the People are strongly opposed to John Bercow ever speaking in Parliament again.
At a time when good relations with the US are vital, he should not be jeopardising them with his sanctimonious grandstanding.
it would appear to me that the leftards would rather see Britain fail, than admit they could possibly be wrong