Petition for the resignation of the Speaker of the House.
Following Speaker Bercow’s intervention in addressing Parliament today. As William Lenthall famously told Charles I, the Speaker of the Commons has ‘neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this house is pleased to direct me’. We, therefore, petition for his resignation
BBC TV, Sky TV and MSM seem to be strangely quite about the Article 50 bill and it’s current journey through the ammendment stages.
I’m reminded of the scene from the film Zulu with Stanley Baker, Michael Caine etc. when the Zulus were chanting and making significant noise, during which time there was no threat to the outnumbered British troops. After a while the chanting suddenly stopped and a look of fear and apprehension spread across the faces of the troops, for they knew that the attack from the Zulus was imminent.
To my mind there is a parallel between the above and what has happened with the Article 50 bill. We had a lot of noise last week when the subject was to vote on the principle of launching article 50 and most MPs (fearing political suicide) voted in favour. Now we have the real part and the silence (from the BBC and others) is deafning.
I hope I’m wrong but will it transpire that what started out as a thoroughbred racehorse may end up as a three legged camel attempting to limp away from the EU?
The number of members of the House of Lords must now be the same as the number of Zulu warriors. So 100 Remainers will flee the field including Bercow, 17 Brexiteers will be killed in the House of Commons, with the Brexit supporting Queen giving 11 Brexiteers a VC, but only after the House of Lords loses hundreds of members to machine gun fire.
But eventually the House of Lords loses 2,000 more members in the next battle in March and then is abolished by the 4th July, so that President Trump can celebrate the first step of restoring democracy to Britain, by speaking up for the freedom that comes with leaving the European Union and abolishing the House of Lords.
It must be hard to make a rational case for following the violent example of a paedophile, rapist and murderer who has been dead for 1400 years. The mental strain of trying to do so may help explain why so many followers of the holy prophet of allah (pbuh) are batshit crazy.
The BBC was gloating last night, leading news bulletins with Bercow’s intervention on Trump. Can they please stop banging on and on with calling Trump names? It is like when I babysit for my nephews and I will not let them play on the Play Station.
-But I want to play!
-No you have had your go.
-But that is so unfair!
-Waaaaaaaaaaaah! So unfair! I hate you. I want another go. You’re a stinky head!
He is the President now. He won an election. MOVE ON! Do you not think most people are sick to death of the same thing over and over and over? At least criticise his policies at an intellectual level – I have no problem with that – but all this infantile name-calling. I am sick to death of it.
R4 NEWS – Apparently the Goverment is going to “fix” britains broken housing system.
I have an idea – why dont they fix the broken immigration sytem fIrst – it may make life a lot easier and cheaper rather than building over miles of countryside.
The breathless excitement about building 250,000 houses per annum when immigration is 330,000 per annum was completely ridiculous.
The stock reply to demands to cut immigration is “I’m not going to blame immigrants” No one is blaming immigrants.
Maybe politicians really do believe
330,000 – 250,000 = o
presuming of course the aim is provide houses for citizens who need them and building more and more houses is not an end in itself
I happened to be speaking to my Labour MP at the weekend. Talking about housing, she said that she could not agree to a ban on building on green belt land when so many new houses were urgently needed.
So there we have it. The rights of existing long standing British residents do not count when up against the need to house immigrants, legal or otherwise.
Labour Party policy.
What a shame others are still so mindnumbingly PC they cannot call them out.
BBC TV News this morning of course includes our daily mention of the “Housing Crisis” and the “NHS Crisis” too. Both issues viewed only from the aspect of supply side factors. More demand is treated as a given which needs to be met with more funding and adjustment of regulations.
The BBC’s top two headlines in their UK news however are related to American domestic policy. Criticism of Trump and then a second report on criticism of Trump.
Oddly enough, if you can be bothered to talk to Lefties their preoccupation at present is completely in line with the BBC’s priorities as set out above. Funny that.
Trailer on the Today programme this morning for Tom Heap (frequently seen on Countryfile) and his programme about forest wildfires. The trailer stated that they are a cause of climate change and a result of climate change. Apart from the fact there has been a 18 year pause – couldn’t it be that the fires are measurable now whereas 100 years ago if they were away from human habitation then nobody knew they had happened – plus because there are more people living near forests there are more people to set the forest’s alight. But we have to link in the trailer to climate change. BBC – please give us a break.
It’s not the House Science Committee making the claim it’s a NOAA Scientist who has, from the relative safety of retirement, blown the whistle on unethical and devious practices used to ‘create’ a paper (Karl et al.) supposedly undermining the ‘warming pause’ just in time for the Paris wankfest.
If you can believe it, the massaged data used has self destructed on a computer that crashed and there was, contrary to procedures, no backup. (the dog ate my homework).
Despite no accessible data being available to verify the results, as should be the standard, the paper was hurriedly ‘peer reviewed’ (how?)
This is NOT going to get the Climategate whitewash treatment that’s for sure. The longer the scientits (sic) refuse to cooperate with the committee the worse it will be for them and those who funded them.
All this after the snowflakes declared that they were backing up all their data (they should be doing that anyway) to stop Trump altering it. As far as I’m concerned anything they DO care to backup should be treated ‘evidence’ rather than data !
A key point missing from the trailer is that Fort McMurray is a new settlement built – in a forest – to provide accomodation for ‘nasty climate-changing oil sands’ development.
No oil sands, no town, fire no problem.
Tom Heaps reminds me of the old joke: “A woman gives birth to a child every minute. Well find her and stop her!” Tom Heaps appears to find a disaster every minute so find him and stop them!
And I always have in my mind the several Islamic mullahs (doubtless of many more of which we have not heard) who have advocated fire as a weapon to be used against the West. Who doubts that the recent Haifa fires were deliberately started by jihadist Palestinians, for example.
The left-liberals are so established in our institutions after 30 years of ascendancy that one referendum vote and one presidential vote are only the first steps in a long process of changing the elite in our society .
They are everywhere – BBC Trust, OFCOM board ( hence no change in BBC bias for at least 10 years), University Vice- chancellors , university lecturers , teachers, trade unions for professionals like the BMA, every quango you can name, big charities, the civil service, local government, NHS managers, etc etc
Now we are insulted by another manifestation of the elite – the Speaker of the House of Commons. While Bercow is long known to be a self- regarding, attention- seeking little twerp, he has been more of an irritant than anything else, albeit at considerable expense to the tax- payer. Now he has entered new territory. However he is not invulnerable come the next general election. Break the tradition and , if he can’t be deselected, have a single right of centre non party anti- Bercow candidate stand against him. I’m sure that there are enough genuine Tory voters plus kippers in his constituency to oust him. About 12000 Tory votes are required .
Bercow is scum and always has been. He has a big majority but UKIP came second and it is not beyond the realms of possibility.
Agree with your other comments. The only institutions which have not been infested by Left-wing Fascists are the military and, to a certain extent, the intelligence services and they are under threat. Where is the British Donald Trump to clear up this mess ?
God, the BBC are just so absolutely useless. With all their thousands of journos, what the hell do they do all day?
Toady R4 is running a theme about care homes this week.
It just happens to be one of my specialist subjects, for all the wrong reasons.
They are amazed that someone who is incontinent and cannot walk does not qualify for nursing care.
But I could have told them that 10 years ago. Nothing has changed. Unfortunately I know.
And as for the unco-ordination between NHS and social care, I could have told them that too.
There are some really serious issues here, monetary, philosophical. The BBC could perform a useful service. But instead all we get is the sob story element with the inevitable jibes at lack of cash, nasty Tories etc etc. Social care is the single most wealth redistributive feature of society. With a tax rate of 100% on assets above £23k, thus higher earners who have paid higher rate tax and have assets get hammered again, and the feckless get it all for free.
Meanwhile successive governments have kicked it into the long grass.
And then again, why do we keep 90 year olds with severe dementia alive at all. They get flu jabs for heaven’s sake, to keep them alive.
Should we spend the £50k a year to keep those with no assets in a care home on something else?
The issue can’t be ducked. The demographics will see to that.
No answers required. No likes. Just your quiet contemplation.
And as for the BBC on these questions. Diddly squat.
Bias is one thing. Totally inept is quite another. A total waste of £4bn.
Its a quality of life thing. Life expectancy has risen, we can keep people alive. But life quality expectancy has not moved with it. So we are keeping very frail elderly people alive with little or no life quality. What is the point? Grant, your mum is 4 years older than my parent. I hope she has enough cognisance to get some enjoyment out of life. TV, visits from friends and relatives, little treats. I fear my dad is trapped inside his own brain, boring himself to a very slow meaningless death through severe dementia. No-one in government or outside has the balls to confront this issue, and the useless BBC just go for the sob story element.
I agree with everything you say Sluff. Except this bit ” and the feckless get it all for free”.
I wrote a lengthy piece to the D/Express a few years ago when readers and columnists were making the very same assumption about those who had to rely on Council subsidies for their care.
I took issue with the term ‘feckless, squanderers etc etc’. My father and mother were born in the 20’s and would have loved to have owned their own home, but sadly were never in a position to. Dad served in the Fleet Air Arm during the War, and then married and had 3 children – spending many years as a coal face miner to put food on the table. He did a lot of voluntary work with the youth of the town – getting a Youth Club up and running and managing a football team – all without pay or ‘honours’. These were the days when women did not work, but stayed at home to bring up the children, so private rented accommodation was the way they lived throughout their lives. We were never wealthy enough to have holidays (these were spent with Grandparents), a couple of bottles at Christmas was their alcoholic intake, and if us kids needed glasses then we would have them as part of our birthday/Christmas present, so consequently there was never enough money left for buying a house – survival was the name of the day. Home buyers in the 50’s and 60’s were generally those in business, the local doctor, or the ‘posh’ people, but we had a loving home, always food on the table and Mum at home to kiss our cuts better.
They still rented in their later years, then Dad had a stroke and had to go into care, with the Council taking up the slack after his pension was taken into account.
My parents could not be less removed than the alcoholics, squanderers or the feckless of this world, just hard working people who craved nothing from the State all their life except care in their old age. By the same token I don’t agree either that those who have assets should give them up to pay for their care – unless they wished to pay for more luxury care in the private sector.
I own my own home, with no children to inherit, so I fully expect my house to be sold to pay for any care I might need. Its the way things are now; but please don’t condemn or vilify my parent’s generation who were grafters in this world for not being in a position to own their own homes !!!
Brissles, I didnt describe all those who get free treatment as feckless, But to be honest I can give you an equivalent story about my own family back in the 20s and 30s. In fact you dont need to take my word for it, Barnados wrote it up at the time and I have a copy.
But the cliff edge of £23k means tested assets is downright vindictive and cruel, and some tapering or other so,ution is in order. Another one of the issues the useless BBC could debate, but won’t.
Brissles. I absolutely agree. I’m in a not dissimilar position but with two parents at 90 years with dementia who both worked all their lives – my dad until he was 73.
My mum is in a care home now and I have to make partial payments for her care. What really annoys me though is the fact that there are three Bangladeshi and two Pakistani women in the same care home who are fully funded by social services. All have arrived in this country in the last five years as members of extended families and none have ever worked. It can’t be right.
Yes Pete, sadly there are many who find themselves in this position – particularly that generation who are now in their 90’s and in need of care. I think now we shall see a sea change in the demographic once that generation has died off, and the next generation (i.e. my lot in the 60 – 70 age group) who did start to buy their own property at an early age, will be the ones (and are) to hock their homes for later care.
Your comment about the migrant elderly from Asia being in care was surprising, as its always been reported that the Asians look after their own – clearly they’ve seen another ‘benefit’ to latch onto. Perhaps like the American chap who was dumped in this country with dementia, Asian families are now bringing their unwell and dementing elderly over here for the free health service and knowing that us idiots will subsidise them in residential care homes. If this wasn’t allowed to happen then there might be enough staff and room for our own people to be better cared for. Yet another reason to cut the migrant numbers.
Bercow’s idiotic comments about Trump are making headlines on African News sites giving the impression that all British are against Trump. I have been posting that Bercow is a little shit and does not represent the British people and that Trump is popular with many of us.
By the way, many black Africans who I chat to, consider that Obama was a big disappointment and did nothing for Africa. Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on that !
Berk-o, News-shite and the sanctimonious anti-Trump morons are spitting in the face of all this priceless goodwill from America, which we need now more than ever and which once lost will be hard to rebuild, the traitors:
“Earlier in the programme (News-shite), Republican Congressman Joe Wilson described Mr Bercow’s stance as “disappointing”.
“If ever in recent years there’s been a more pro-British President of the United States, it’s Donald Trump,” he said.
“I consider it too a slap to the Republican Party. It was the leaders of our party that actually placed the bust of Winston Churchill in the US Capitol Building and we urge all persons to come visit our Capitol Building.
“They will be welcomed, but they will be particularly welcome to know that there is a bust of Winston Churchill in the US Capitol Building showing our great affection for the people of the United Kingdom.”
Sadly Grant because the screaming anti Trumpists get all the media attention, whether in the street, in Parliament or the press – that is the impression the world receives.
I suspect there is a large body of support for Trump in UK, but you wouldn’t know it from the media, partly because they never speak up it’s so unfashionable. You’d be lynched by the baying mob.
I think that Nigel will have told Donald that the noise is from the Quislings trying to sabotage Brexit. He has the support of the Deplorables on both sides of the Atlantic.
Your petition is nearly ready to go.
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NHS being abused by foreign nationals? Solution – rigidly charge them up front and for ongoing treatment stage payments. Stop pregnant Nigerian women from entering the country to have IVF created multiple births (anything up to 6/7) with the NHS covering the cost. The Nigerian Health Service recommends those following IVF treatment should give birth in the UK. Oh! sorry, apparently this conflicts with Bercow’s vision of ‘British values’. I’d call it British stupidity.
Housing shortage? – the indigenous population is decreasing – dying off – and there is a regular source of houses from that source. Should we house, mainly the World? Because that is what it amounts to. Solution – ship them out.
A BBC unbiased exploratory programme? – I really don’t think so…………
O/S Groupthink: how does it come about? How do the gov, local gov, services, schools, universities, BBC all seem to have same attitude. On LBC Ferrari was interviewing the new woman head of the fire brigade. She came out about how inclusive the Firebrigade will be recruiting, ethnics, LBGT, etc. The point being it would be unlawful to discriminate, so she had no need to say it. However, it is just the sort of thing that she must say to get the job. This is how all those in the higher echelons get their jobs and think alike.
I’m sorry, but if my house was on fire I don’t think I would give a rat’s arse about the race/sex/sexuality or religious beliefs of the firefighters. Just put the bloody fire out!
Much to be said for, “If you keep picking it – it’ll never get better”.
And that’s what we have a lot of these days. Too many picking the metaphorical spot till it becomes a festering sore that then requires constant, but constant attention.
God Almighty, just watching that awful woman Yasmin Alibaba Brown on All Out Politics. Can she not hold a proper job down ? as she appears to wait for the next call from the tv news channels who no doubt pay her handsomely. Her arguments don’t hold water and everyone is wrong except her. Pity she doesn’t feel as vehemently about her home country, and makes inroads to right the wrongs there instead of telling us in her adopted country what we should do !
I am looking for some home help for my mum, washing dishes, cleaning, ironing. I wonder if Yasmin could help ?
On the subject of useless people, I checked Bercow. His only job outside politics was as a ” Merchant Banker “. Seems to me that he carried that on into his political ” career”.
Grant, YAB has probably no idea what domestic work is. Coming from Uganda where 98% of the population were poor, and the other 2% were the wealthy Muslims, she no doubt had servants to cater for her every whim !
Yes, she is from a very wealthy family in Uganda and, amazingly, left just before Amin’s expulsions. I guess she and her family were tipped off. Why the selfish bitch wants to undermine the country which gave her refuge is beyond me. If she hates the UK, she should bugger off back to Uganda.
So Trump is a sexist. Evidence?
So Trump is a racist. Evidence?
Those are serious accessions with profound implications for diplomatic relations. Has he presented his evidence to the House?
So Trump is a sexist. Evidence?
So Trump is a racist. Evidence?
Those are serious accessions with profound implications for diplomatic relations. Has he presented his evidence to the House?
I find it odd that none of the ‘abused women’ have sued him. That would be the scoop of all scoops for the liberal media and downtrodden women alike.
Where are the lawsuits then?
Fake news? Drain the swamp.
Even the Monika Lewinski scandal went to court. Why are all these abused women so quiet now?
Seismicboy, this is one of the reasons I tend to trust Mr Trump. Think of all the millions of pounds that must have been spent on trying to bring to light ANY kind of scandal surrounding him – and yet the best they could come up with was a recording of him referring in a non-specific way to groping women. By contrast, all kinds of dodgy stuff hung around the Clintons.
The ‘Berko Affair’ . My opinion and only my opinion, is that he has overstretched his mark. He has damaged the prospects of the revival of our trade, economy, growth and the jobs of ordinary working people just when we are about to get our ‘independence’ from the defunct states of Europe. Is he a closet anti Brexiteer ? Many snowflakes want to see our economy collapse because we voted out – they are bad losers – Drain the swamp Treezer before the next election.
There is a HYS running, get ‘yours in now’ before it closes.
Yes, I’ll bet he will really be concerned about abused women and muslims as he sits in his Tuscany villa supping Chianti Classico Gran Selezione. When there are liberals around hypocrisy is never far away.
Al Beeb goes on and on complaining about the housing and the doctor crisis. They blame the ‘ageing population’ (The very same people who built the houses and the NHS).
No mention of the ‘Elephant in the room’ – the massive ‘influx’ of population over the last ten years . Simples
Here we have Polly (I was too dim to pass my 11+) Toynbee in the
“More people are reading the Dianagur than ever so is there any chance you will ignore the hateful lying bollox our mendacious, spiteful, treasonous, staff write 24/7/365 and give us some money? Only £5 per month will provide clean champagne for little Marina to drink while she acclaims the disappearance of white people”
on the By-election
“ethnic minorities make up only 15% of Stoke’s population”
ONLY? F***ing ONLY, the British people have voted for ZERO % of the population to be non-white.
Apologies if this appears twice, wifi problems, there is one in the luminiferous aether somewhere.
Cue mortified BBC staffer and sensationalist (misleading?) headline,
“The village aiming to create a white utopia”
Maybe the intrepid Erika Benke would like to investigate another city with similar entry policies. She may have a job getting an interview however,
“WARNING: Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the city of Mecca. The penalty is deportation from the country. Documentation will be checked upon entry and anyone not showing proof of being Muslim will be denied entry. As a solitary exception, the Mecca bus terminal (outside city limits) is open to all.”
I understand parts of Medina operate in the same way.
I was half watching the Londonistan programme after the 6PM news last night and was becoming
rather perplexed. There were a couple of early features where indigenous London reporters
were interviewing indigenous Londoners in the street. This is something you NEVER see on this
programme. What was the reason? Then the light sone. The main feature was on how if your
name is Adam you have a much better chance of getting a job interview than if your name is Muhammad. This was back to basics for Liz Rateef and Assad Ahmed and their Londonistan programme. The early stuff was there to show us that,” look we don’t only have ethnic reporters
and only interview ethnic Londoners. What next Liz and Assad are you going to visit a school where there are actually more than one or two indigenous London kids? By the way check on who made this “feature” on Adam and Muhammad. Also ask the BBC who is likely to get a job with them Adam or Muhammad with their positive discrimination policy.
Foscari, a few years ago I was watching a play on the Beeb set in London. There was something not quite right about the way the city looked – too clean, the air too clear – and then in a scene supposedly in an inner city comprehensive, ALL the children were white. I knew there was something funny going on and sure enough a bit of web research showed it was filmed on location in Melbourne, Australia, as a joint enterprise with Australian TV! They had put up a few London street signs and imported a London taxi but as the Aussies drive on the left and some older streets look much the same as 1930s London suburbs, it could just about pass. For some reason this method of film-making hasn’t caught on….
“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” [Edmund Burke]
Something libtard beeboids will never understand: we don’t want touchy-feely pc leaders (we have the useless hand-wringing C of E for that) we want them to get the job done of defending and promoting our country and its interests, economic and political.
Well intentioned liberals have produced mayhem in the Middle East and in our own countries. Enough.
GreenBlob PR people been working overtime
#1 Done big thing at Lords MCC about Climate Change and Cricket
The announcement launches the annual ‘Show The Love’ campaign from The Climate Coalition, whose members include WWF-UK, the RSPB, the National Trust, The Women’s Institute and Christian Aid.
It also accompanies the publication of a ’Weather Warning’ report highlighting how extreme weather conditions are affecting some of Britain’s favourite places – from gardens to local pubs, rivers to our parish churches, iconic cliffs to woodlands.
127 Tech companies signed an anti-Trump letter.
Elon Musk boss of Tesla did not and incurred lefty wrath but he has a company to run and realises Trump is the President. The 127 others have unfortunately let their petulance endanger their future and that of their employees – well done.
As Musk said, ‘I have great plans for the future and don’t have any desire to go to war with our President’.
Name 1 man who has taken more subsidies in the last 10years.
Musk is in the doodoo.
All his businesses after PayPal seem to be a chain of pyramid scams bailing out each other.
His pet at the BBC is Rory Cellan-Jones , gave them another free plug last show.
Ridiculously misleading, childish, and devious article from the professional deviants at the Islamic Al Beeb, in response to President Trumps completely accurate and justified analysis of the Islamaphilic, Islamaphobic-phobic, self-hating lunatics reporting of pure Islamic acts by the lying MSM, especially the mentally ill psychopaths in Al Beebistan.
Its laughable how they just add “Did we cover it? Yes” to every event listed, as the Al Shabeeb webshite was always last to report these events! But lets look at the MO for the deviants articles on Islamic enrichment…
1: Always used “man carried out attack” unlike in Canada when it was already confirmed to be a white supremacist, his name and history, just moments after the event.
2: Never once mentioned the people who were killed (just man/woman). No pictures of the children slaughtered in Germany or Nice. In contrast, in Canada the life history of the victims were on there own articles, all to bring emotion and realism to the event….the complete opposite to every single Islamic event because the Islamic Al Beeb do not care about innocent people dying!
3: Never once referenced the truth that it was an islamic attacked! It was like watching a David Copperfield act with the amount of misdirection and smoke and mirrors used to ensure everything other than Islam was the cause….all this, when the person carrying out ALWAYS said themselves the were doing it BECAUSE of Islam!! How the f**k does that work??!!
4: After a day, its gone forever. No follow up. No further reference. No linking the next Islamic act to the previous. Just like it never happened…….
According to the website this is part of standard procedure.
1. Name the petition.
2. Explain in greater detail.
3. Submit petition.
4. You then have some time to gather 5 sponsors.
5. The petition is then considered for publication.
It looks to be at the final stage, I’ll post any news I receive.
The mind rotting propaganda and virtue signalling white hating lie machine aka our national treasure of a broadcaster just keeps on going…
This morning on so called radio 4 I heard a story about two identical cv’s, one with the name Allan (no not snackbar) and one Mohammed. Well surprise surprise, Allan got three times as many interviews, which proves beyond doubt to the leftard mindset that employers are Waaaaacists.
Now I can only speak from direct experience over the years of reviewing hundreds of cvs, and hiring staff while working for several institutionally corrupt south London councils. Unsurprisingly, they were all passionate about valuing diversity and having a workforce that “reflected” the community, so our Human Remains department insisted that we include the obligatory nonsense that “we particularly value applications from ethnic minorities, especially from the asian community where we are currently under-represented”. I frequently challenged this insanity with the objective facts that we were actually under-represented by white English men – that didnt go down too well.
An alternative explanation to the tired insult of Waaaacism, could be that employers in the real world (unlike local government) have real life experience of the consequences of diversity. I saw at first hand the tensions between the various flavours of the religion of pieces in my teams – the sunni’s, shia’s and sufi’s all hated each other, and all of them hated the ahmadis even more, and non of them considered the others to be real muslims. Team dynamics and productivity proved to be “challenging” to use local government bullshit speak, having people who barely spoke to each other. On top of that for one whole unholy month in the year we had ramadamadingdong to look forward to. Half my team morphed from IT professionals into starving zombies, with their work output dropping from poor to zero. And even though some were very decent kind people, they couldn’t resist playing the M victim card, which meant that as a manager you couldn’t do a damned thing to correct poor performance, and naturally you got no support from spineless gutless directors who’s only motivation was safeguarding their golden goodbye.
Perhaps this is why Mohammed’s get fewer interviews…. just a thought…
As you say, always very little mention of the fact that Muslims hate the ‘other’ Muslims – we ‘infidels’ are really way down the list.
But I guess that, along with all the other edicts of things not to mention, is on a laminated sign on every BBC wall.
Gaxvil, I have a theory about this. Interdenominational rivalry between Muslims seems to be kept quiet in the UK, though it is mentioned in foreign news when the latest skirmishes break out in ‘Wherethefackistan’.
My theory is that once in the UK, Muslims are considered by cultural marxists as part of the unified opposition to traditional western judaeo-christian capitalism. The rag-tag army of special interest/victim groups are all supposed to get along, just as the old ‘workers’ were supposed to be united in their opposition of the boss class. It’s for this reason also I believe the incompatibility of gays with Muslim culture is glossed over.
Oddly enough, some on the hard left initially opposed mass immigration for just this reason – that it was a ploy by the capitalists to divide and conquer organised unionised labour.
Who will the Loony Left stop coming over next, Marine le Penn, Geert Wilders, you can guarantee there will be more protests if those two are invited over, what happened to freedom of speech?
Milo was invited to speak at his former school in Canterbury UK. But Treezer’s Counter Extremism Unit prevented him
She really does belong with the loonie left. And the latest involves doling out £60 million to Saatchi in order to combat far right extremists like Breibart
May had her card marked at the US press conference. When the President said there goes the special relationship I do not think he was joking.
That would have been out of character for him having just been insulted by Kuensberg. He is not the man to take that crap from anyone.
Face it we are a tinpot country thinking itself really hot stuff. Bercow , May and Kuensberg are typical of a type far too common here.
Now if you want to hear a real leader in waiting Marine Le Pen is one hell of a woman.
Also employment law is weighed in favour of the employee. For a small business, a racial discrimination claim, even if spurious, can be devestating. Clearly all the numerous legal protections afforded to ethnic and religious minoritiss can actually work against them as they become a sword of Damocles hanging over the employer; any banter or humour, so essential to a good working environment, is off-limits when you know that any malevolent employee could deliberately misconstrue any words as offensive.
BBC Website. Bercow is the BBC’s new hero. “6 things about the UK’s Speaker “. I did not know that he was the UK’s speaker . I thought he was Speaker of the House of Commons.
” He was a tennis talent “. Wow ! and it goes on.
But, the BBC miss out Grant’s number 7. Bercow is a wanker and a waster and an utterly useless nonentity.
I’ve been listening to 6 Music a bit recently as they play some good stuff and there seems to be less chance of hearing the usual BBC propaganda.
However the left-wing Stewart Maconie couldn’t let it lie in his lunchtime show. Interviewing left-wing Chrissie Hinde it went something like this:
SM:I believe you’ve just bought an apartment in London because you like London and just walking around and you can just walk out of your door?
CH: Yeh, it’s (the apartment) is not like where ordinary people would live and you know cities in the States are becoming more like London where you can just walk around, plenty of open spaces.
SM: Yes, because cities like Detroit are now being re-invented?
CH: Yeh, whole areas became like just empty when the motor industry closed down but now you’ve got like an alternative culture moving in – lots of artists and the hippy like thing – and they’re putting the gardens back new buildings are appearing and it’s like a great alternative thing you know.
SM: And you’re from Akron which used to be a big rubber production place but presumably all that’s gone now?
CH: Yeh, it got outsourced or something so instead of thinking of something smart the industry just went and we’re all still driving round in cars.
SM: And Ohio of course is a big Trump state?
CH: Yeh, people there don’t wanna know the truth they just hear what they wanna hear.
Maconie and Hinde, the world of ‘truth’ where cars don’t need tyres because people shouldn’t need cars (even though they can’t afford to live in big swanky apartments in the middle of London), where Detroit became a ghost town but it had nothing to do with their reckless left-wing city council, where a hippy culture can bring growth and regeneration and where people vote for Trump not because they’ve seen their industries and jobs decimated but because they don’t want to hear the truth.
Yeh, got that.
Cheers, BBC – another of your crafty little political insertions foghorning your agenda.
Laugh of the day. Despite all the bribes she has paid, even the Malawi Government are telling Madonna to piss off. And, even the BBC are reporting it !
“If Murdoch is successful, he’ll control what is beamed into over 22 million homes. He’ll have even greater power over what news we see and how we see it. “
Mega Decibel Lefty noise on Izzzzy loving AlBeeb and AlAdvertiser today about Trump’s incorrect list of Islamic attacks. I have not bothered to establish how much is beeblies (copyright applied for), how much is irrelevant, etc.
At their list of attacks currently numbers 30258. This is murderous, Izzzzy only, attacks.
What have you been doing Tomi, Zero et al?
Why has the BBC with its huge staff, matchless talent, trough-snout-salivating-salaries, worlds largest budget, spotless historical record (I like to include some humour), been unable to discover and report on many of these disgusting examples of REAL Islam, when a small website run by volunteers with negligible resources can do this?
Admission, I just lied to you, the ROP website has one resource unavailable to AlBeeb. People interested in the truth. People who freely publish corrections when they make mistakes.
An interesting compare and contrast :-
# 1 Huge resources? – Yes.
# 2 Interested in the truth? – No.
# 3 Spends huge sums burying inconvenient truths? – Yes.
# 4 Distorts or otherwise falsifies reports which it publishes reluctantly? – Yes.
Plenty more but I am repeating much that has already appeared on BBBC, small is beautiful. The untrustworthy MSM has been exposed, want the truth? Go elsewhere.
Stop the licence fee, now. AlBeeb will wither and die, taking the moribund AlGuardileech with it.
Best days work, ever.
When are they going to look up and have long, long sniff at what they keep shovelling.
What will it take? With their mind-set even a ‘Twin Towers’ event in London or Toronto etc., wouldn’t do it.
Unfortunately and somewhat selfishly, we can only hope that some other western nation falls badly first, no matter what atrocities they commit over here the hippy dippy traitors will just bury their heads deeper in the sand until one of their adopted favorites separates it from their head.
Germany, Sweden or France will probably fail first, but by the time they do, it may well be too late for the rest of us. Once islam gains a critical mass in a country, that country is doomed.
“Once islam gains a critical mass in a country, that country is doomed”.
Rob, France is further down the road to disaster but I think the French will fight. The murder of a priest in his own church by having his throat cut changed the political dynamic. There hasn’t been any such event in Germany or Sweden so the majority of Germans and Swedes lack the will to fight. Whichever country it kicks off in it will get very nasty very quickly.
We have the advantage of the Channel as a moat, but only if the politicians make use of it – and the BBC will fight them on this with every trick in the book.
Still nothing yet from the legally mandated to be impartial, and unbiased, Islamic Al Shabeeb regarding the outright ban on all Israelis in 16 Muslims states, or the 10 Muslim states where homosexuality is punishable with death……….any day now?….yeah right! More chance of Islam becoming the religion of peace!
Look at the recommended comments at the bottom of this article in the Guardian FFS! People are seeing exactly who the real enemies are, and they have had enough of cult leftlams bullsh*t!
When did putting a suffering dog out of its misery become murder?
George Aligiah droning on about Sgt. Blackman having psycho treatment after being banged up for “murdering” a wounded Afghan insurgent.
Bastard BBC!
That the one that affected his ticker, or the one he was running down the curvaceous backside of a staffer outside a nightclub? The two of course may be related.
Eddy BoothMar 5, 00:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 I’d say yes, at least if he can get the new border set to the current control line, sanctions lifted,…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 5, 00:02 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 O’Donnell is a traitor. This is not merely my view: he condemned himself by his own frank admission. He once…
DeborahMar 4, 23:52 Midweek 5th March 2025 All my right leaning friends are either sending me or showing me a meme of Zelenskyy in the Oval Office…
DeborahMar 4, 23:47 Midweek 5th March 2025 I hate to ask, but does anyone know if Putin actually wants peace?
Lucy PevenseyMar 4, 23:31 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Figuratively speaking our leadership are whores. In a spiritual sense, they are whores selling themselves to a foreign god.
A call for assistance from all at b-BBC.
I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
Petition for the resignation of the Speaker of the House.
Following Speaker Bercow’s intervention in addressing Parliament today. As William Lenthall famously told Charles I, the Speaker of the Commons has ‘neither eyes to see nor tongue to speak in this place but as this house is pleased to direct me’. We, therefore, petition for his resignation
I forgot the Sponsors link – I need five.
Click this link to sign the petition:
Hi Number 7
Sponsored it
Thanks folks – It’s up for consideration.
Number 7
I just signed it calling for Bercow’s resignation.
Just signed it too. Just hope it works!
BBC TV, Sky TV and MSM seem to be strangely quite about the Article 50 bill and it’s current journey through the ammendment stages.
I’m reminded of the scene from the film Zulu with Stanley Baker, Michael Caine etc. when the Zulus were chanting and making significant noise, during which time there was no threat to the outnumbered British troops. After a while the chanting suddenly stopped and a look of fear and apprehension spread across the faces of the troops, for they knew that the attack from the Zulus was imminent.
To my mind there is a parallel between the above and what has happened with the Article 50 bill. We had a lot of noise last week when the subject was to vote on the principle of launching article 50 and most MPs (fearing political suicide) voted in favour. Now we have the real part and the silence (from the BBC and others) is deafning.
I hope I’m wrong but will it transpire that what started out as a thoroughbred racehorse may end up as a three legged camel attempting to limp away from the EU?
The number of members of the House of Lords must now be the same as the number of Zulu warriors. So 100 Remainers will flee the field including Bercow, 17 Brexiteers will be killed in the House of Commons, with the Brexit supporting Queen giving 11 Brexiteers a VC, but only after the House of Lords loses hundreds of members to machine gun fire.
But eventually the House of Lords loses 2,000 more members in the next battle in March and then is abolished by the 4th July, so that President Trump can celebrate the first step of restoring democracy to Britain, by speaking up for the freedom that comes with leaving the European Union and abolishing the House of Lords.
Muslims never seem to be able to make a reasoned, rational argument to put forward their case – it’s always rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth rants.
It must be hard to make a rational case for following the violent example of a paedophile, rapist and murderer who has been dead for 1400 years. The mental strain of trying to do so may help explain why so many followers of the holy prophet of allah (pbuh) are batshit crazy.
From the 99.999% to me, preposterous and lyimg, Guardian. Where I find many oysters have to be opened.
“ThunderChi1d aiwa 14h ago
But if women are treated equally then where does that leave bold pro feminists such as Germaine Greer?
They get ‘no-platformed’ by leftie, liberal ‘feminist’ universities!!”
and then you find a pearl.
The BBC was gloating last night, leading news bulletins with Bercow’s intervention on Trump. Can they please stop banging on and on with calling Trump names? It is like when I babysit for my nephews and I will not let them play on the Play Station.
-But I want to play!
-No you have had your go.
-But that is so unfair!
-Waaaaaaaaaaaah! So unfair! I hate you. I want another go. You’re a stinky head!
He is the President now. He won an election. MOVE ON! Do you not think most people are sick to death of the same thing over and over and over? At least criticise his policies at an intellectual level – I have no problem with that – but all this infantile name-calling. I am sick to death of it.
R4 NEWS – Apparently the Goverment is going to “fix” britains broken housing system.
I have an idea – why dont they fix the broken immigration sytem fIrst – it may make life a lot easier and cheaper rather than building over miles of countryside.
Only a thought!
The breathless excitement about building 250,000 houses per annum when immigration is 330,000 per annum was completely ridiculous.
The stock reply to demands to cut immigration is “I’m not going to blame immigrants” No one is blaming immigrants.
Maybe politicians really do believe
330,000 – 250,000 = o
presuming of course the aim is provide houses for citizens who need them and building more and more houses is not an end in itself
I happened to be speaking to my Labour MP at the weekend. Talking about housing, she said that she could not agree to a ban on building on green belt land when so many new houses were urgently needed.
So there we have it. The rights of existing long standing British residents do not count when up against the need to house immigrants, legal or otherwise.
Labour Party policy.
What a shame others are still so mindnumbingly PC they cannot call them out.
Beeboids have nothing better to do with their sad little lives. They are total cretins.
Fifty-First State of BBC Headlines
BBC TV News this morning of course includes our daily mention of the “Housing Crisis” and the “NHS Crisis” too. Both issues viewed only from the aspect of supply side factors. More demand is treated as a given which needs to be met with more funding and adjustment of regulations.
The BBC’s top two headlines in their UK news however are related to American domestic policy. Criticism of Trump and then a second report on criticism of Trump.
Oddly enough, if you can be bothered to talk to Lefties their preoccupation at present is completely in line with the BBC’s priorities as set out above. Funny that.
Anyone would think that you are hinting that the BBC may be biased ?
Trailer on the Today programme this morning for Tom Heap (frequently seen on Countryfile) and his programme about forest wildfires. The trailer stated that they are a cause of climate change and a result of climate change. Apart from the fact there has been a 18 year pause – couldn’t it be that the fires are measurable now whereas 100 years ago if they were away from human habitation then nobody knew they had happened – plus because there are more people living near forests there are more people to set the forest’s alight. But we have to link in the trailer to climate change. BBC – please give us a break.
Suspect the bbc ‘not helpful’ unit needs deploying on this one:
It’s not the House Science Committee making the claim it’s a NOAA Scientist who has, from the relative safety of retirement, blown the whistle on unethical and devious practices used to ‘create’ a paper (Karl et al.) supposedly undermining the ‘warming pause’ just in time for the Paris wankfest.
If you can believe it, the massaged data used has self destructed on a computer that crashed and there was, contrary to procedures, no backup. (the dog ate my homework).
Despite no accessible data being available to verify the results, as should be the standard, the paper was hurriedly ‘peer reviewed’ (how?)
It should also be noted that there are other whistle-blowers known to the HSC who have yet to give their permission to be named.
This is NOT going to get the Climategate whitewash treatment that’s for sure. The longer the scientits (sic) refuse to cooperate with the committee the worse it will be for them and those who funded them.
All this after the snowflakes declared that they were backing up all their data (they should be doing that anyway) to stop Trump altering it. As far as I’m concerned anything they DO care to backup should be treated ‘evidence’ rather than data !
A key point missing from the trailer is that Fort McMurray is a new settlement built – in a forest – to provide accomodation for ‘nasty climate-changing oil sands’ development.
No oil sands, no town, fire no problem.
Tom Heaps reminds me of the old joke: “A woman gives birth to a child every minute. Well find her and stop her!” Tom Heaps appears to find a disaster every minute so find him and stop them!
And I always have in my mind the several Islamic mullahs (doubtless of many more of which we have not heard) who have advocated fire as a weapon to be used against the West. Who doubts that the recent Haifa fires were deliberately started by jihadist Palestinians, for example.
The left-liberals are so established in our institutions after 30 years of ascendancy that one referendum vote and one presidential vote are only the first steps in a long process of changing the elite in our society .
They are everywhere – BBC Trust, OFCOM board ( hence no change in BBC bias for at least 10 years), University Vice- chancellors , university lecturers , teachers, trade unions for professionals like the BMA, every quango you can name, big charities, the civil service, local government, NHS managers, etc etc
Now we are insulted by another manifestation of the elite – the Speaker of the House of Commons. While Bercow is long known to be a self- regarding, attention- seeking little twerp, he has been more of an irritant than anything else, albeit at considerable expense to the tax- payer. Now he has entered new territory. However he is not invulnerable come the next general election. Break the tradition and , if he can’t be deselected, have a single right of centre non party anti- Bercow candidate stand against him. I’m sure that there are enough genuine Tory voters plus kippers in his constituency to oust him. About 12000 Tory votes are required .
Bercow is scum and always has been. He has a big majority but UKIP came second and it is not beyond the realms of possibility.
Agree with your other comments. The only institutions which have not been infested by Left-wing Fascists are the military and, to a certain extent, the intelligence services and they are under threat. Where is the British Donald Trump to clear up this mess ?
God, the BBC are just so absolutely useless. With all their thousands of journos, what the hell do they do all day?
Toady R4 is running a theme about care homes this week.
It just happens to be one of my specialist subjects, for all the wrong reasons.
They are amazed that someone who is incontinent and cannot walk does not qualify for nursing care.
But I could have told them that 10 years ago. Nothing has changed. Unfortunately I know.
And as for the unco-ordination between NHS and social care, I could have told them that too.
There are some really serious issues here, monetary, philosophical. The BBC could perform a useful service. But instead all we get is the sob story element with the inevitable jibes at lack of cash, nasty Tories etc etc. Social care is the single most wealth redistributive feature of society. With a tax rate of 100% on assets above £23k, thus higher earners who have paid higher rate tax and have assets get hammered again, and the feckless get it all for free.
Meanwhile successive governments have kicked it into the long grass.
And then again, why do we keep 90 year olds with severe dementia alive at all. They get flu jabs for heaven’s sake, to keep them alive.
Should we spend the £50k a year to keep those with no assets in a care home on something else?
The issue can’t be ducked. The demographics will see to that.
No answers required. No likes. Just your quiet contemplation.
And as for the BBC on these questions. Diddly squat.
Bias is one thing. Totally inept is quite another. A total waste of £4bn.
Despite having a 92-year old mother with dementia, I tend to agree with you. The whole system is a disgrace.
Its a quality of life thing. Life expectancy has risen, we can keep people alive. But life quality expectancy has not moved with it. So we are keeping very frail elderly people alive with little or no life quality. What is the point? Grant, your mum is 4 years older than my parent. I hope she has enough cognisance to get some enjoyment out of life. TV, visits from friends and relatives, little treats. I fear my dad is trapped inside his own brain, boring himself to a very slow meaningless death through severe dementia. No-one in government or outside has the balls to confront this issue, and the useless BBC just go for the sob story element.
I agree with everything you say Sluff. Except this bit ” and the feckless get it all for free”.
I wrote a lengthy piece to the D/Express a few years ago when readers and columnists were making the very same assumption about those who had to rely on Council subsidies for their care.
I took issue with the term ‘feckless, squanderers etc etc’. My father and mother were born in the 20’s and would have loved to have owned their own home, but sadly were never in a position to. Dad served in the Fleet Air Arm during the War, and then married and had 3 children – spending many years as a coal face miner to put food on the table. He did a lot of voluntary work with the youth of the town – getting a Youth Club up and running and managing a football team – all without pay or ‘honours’. These were the days when women did not work, but stayed at home to bring up the children, so private rented accommodation was the way they lived throughout their lives. We were never wealthy enough to have holidays (these were spent with Grandparents), a couple of bottles at Christmas was their alcoholic intake, and if us kids needed glasses then we would have them as part of our birthday/Christmas present, so consequently there was never enough money left for buying a house – survival was the name of the day. Home buyers in the 50’s and 60’s were generally those in business, the local doctor, or the ‘posh’ people, but we had a loving home, always food on the table and Mum at home to kiss our cuts better.
They still rented in their later years, then Dad had a stroke and had to go into care, with the Council taking up the slack after his pension was taken into account.
My parents could not be less removed than the alcoholics, squanderers or the feckless of this world, just hard working people who craved nothing from the State all their life except care in their old age. By the same token I don’t agree either that those who have assets should give them up to pay for their care – unless they wished to pay for more luxury care in the private sector.
I own my own home, with no children to inherit, so I fully expect my house to be sold to pay for any care I might need. Its the way things are now; but please don’t condemn or vilify my parent’s generation who were grafters in this world for not being in a position to own their own homes !!!
Brissles, I didnt describe all those who get free treatment as feckless, But to be honest I can give you an equivalent story about my own family back in the 20s and 30s. In fact you dont need to take my word for it, Barnados wrote it up at the time and I have a copy.
But the cliff edge of £23k means tested assets is downright vindictive and cruel, and some tapering or other so,ution is in order. Another one of the issues the useless BBC could debate, but won’t.
Brissles. I absolutely agree. I’m in a not dissimilar position but with two parents at 90 years with dementia who both worked all their lives – my dad until he was 73.
My mum is in a care home now and I have to make partial payments for her care. What really annoys me though is the fact that there are three Bangladeshi and two Pakistani women in the same care home who are fully funded by social services. All have arrived in this country in the last five years as members of extended families and none have ever worked. It can’t be right.
Yes Pete, sadly there are many who find themselves in this position – particularly that generation who are now in their 90’s and in need of care. I think now we shall see a sea change in the demographic once that generation has died off, and the next generation (i.e. my lot in the 60 – 70 age group) who did start to buy their own property at an early age, will be the ones (and are) to hock their homes for later care.
Your comment about the migrant elderly from Asia being in care was surprising, as its always been reported that the Asians look after their own – clearly they’ve seen another ‘benefit’ to latch onto. Perhaps like the American chap who was dumped in this country with dementia, Asian families are now bringing their unwell and dementing elderly over here for the free health service and knowing that us idiots will subsidise them in residential care homes. If this wasn’t allowed to happen then there might be enough staff and room for our own people to be better cared for. Yet another reason to cut the migrant numbers.
Bercow’s idiotic comments about Trump are making headlines on African News sites giving the impression that all British are against Trump. I have been posting that Bercow is a little shit and does not represent the British people and that Trump is popular with many of us.
By the way, many black Africans who I chat to, consider that Obama was a big disappointment and did nothing for Africa. Maybe the BBC could do a documentary on that !
Berk-o, News-shite and the sanctimonious anti-Trump morons are spitting in the face of all this priceless goodwill from America, which we need now more than ever and which once lost will be hard to rebuild, the traitors:
“Earlier in the programme (News-shite), Republican Congressman Joe Wilson described Mr Bercow’s stance as “disappointing”.
“If ever in recent years there’s been a more pro-British President of the United States, it’s Donald Trump,” he said.
“I consider it too a slap to the Republican Party. It was the leaders of our party that actually placed the bust of Winston Churchill in the US Capitol Building and we urge all persons to come visit our Capitol Building.
“They will be welcomed, but they will be particularly welcome to know that there is a bust of Winston Churchill in the US Capitol Building showing our great affection for the people of the United Kingdom.”
I am sure that most Americans are aware that vermin like Bercow do not represent the majority of the British people, at least I hope so !
Sadly Grant because the screaming anti Trumpists get all the media attention, whether in the street, in Parliament or the press – that is the impression the world receives.
I suspect there is a large body of support for Trump in UK, but you wouldn’t know it from the media, partly because they never speak up it’s so unfashionable. You’d be lynched by the baying mob.
I think that Nigel will have told Donald that the noise is from the Quislings trying to sabotage Brexit. He has the support of the Deplorables on both sides of the Atlantic.
Please can we stop mis-spelling his name here on BBBC: it’s Berk-o with a K.
as in k*** with a capital K?
Capitals all the way, from K to T!
With the UN in the middle!
Your petition is nearly ready to go.
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UK Government and Parliament
Thanks folks
The Speaker of the US House said similar a few months ago but when Trump won he forgot all about it – how strange?
NHS being abused by foreign nationals? Solution – rigidly charge them up front and for ongoing treatment stage payments. Stop pregnant Nigerian women from entering the country to have IVF created multiple births (anything up to 6/7) with the NHS covering the cost. The Nigerian Health Service recommends those following IVF treatment should give birth in the UK. Oh! sorry, apparently this conflicts with Bercow’s vision of ‘British values’. I’d call it British stupidity.
Housing shortage? – the indigenous population is decreasing – dying off – and there is a regular source of houses from that source. Should we house, mainly the World? Because that is what it amounts to. Solution – ship them out.
A BBC unbiased exploratory programme? – I really don’t think so…………
Sorry, not really BBC bias, except from their views pushing electric cars, but this really made me laugh.
[video src="" /]
President Trump Immigration Restrictions – ‘Mainly Muslim countries’
Rochdale Grooming gang Convictions – ‘men’
Why not ‘Mainly Muslim Men’?
O/S Groupthink: how does it come about? How do the gov, local gov, services, schools, universities, BBC all seem to have same attitude. On LBC Ferrari was interviewing the new woman head of the fire brigade. She came out about how inclusive the Firebrigade will be recruiting, ethnics, LBGT, etc. The point being it would be unlawful to discriminate, so she had no need to say it. However, it is just the sort of thing that she must say to get the job. This is how all those in the higher echelons get their jobs and think alike.
I’m sorry, but if my house was on fire I don’t think I would give a rat’s arse about the race/sex/sexuality or religious beliefs of the firefighters. Just put the bloody fire out!
Much to be said for, “If you keep picking it – it’ll never get better”.
And that’s what we have a lot of these days. Too many picking the metaphorical spot till it becomes a festering sore that then requires constant, but constant attention.
God Almighty, just watching that awful woman Yasmin Alibaba Brown on All Out Politics. Can she not hold a proper job down ? as she appears to wait for the next call from the tv news channels who no doubt pay her handsomely. Her arguments don’t hold water and everyone is wrong except her. Pity she doesn’t feel as vehemently about her home country, and makes inroads to right the wrongs there instead of telling us in her adopted country what we should do !
Brissles, for a long time I have suspected that Yasmin Alibi Brown is Polly Toynbee blacked up. Have they ever appeared in public together?
LOL ! All I want to know is can they change a car tyre ?
I am looking for some home help for my mum, washing dishes, cleaning, ironing. I wonder if Yasmin could help ?
On the subject of useless people, I checked Bercow. His only job outside politics was as a ” Merchant Banker “. Seems to me that he carried that on into his political ” career”.
2 useless people in one post !
Grant, YAB has probably no idea what domestic work is. Coming from Uganda where 98% of the population were poor, and the other 2% were the wealthy Muslims, she no doubt had servants to cater for her every whim !
Yes, she is from a very wealthy family in Uganda and, amazingly, left just before Amin’s expulsions. I guess she and her family were tipped off. Why the selfish bitch wants to undermine the country which gave her refuge is beyond me. If she hates the UK, she should bugger off back to Uganda.
PS. And I bet they got their money out first. Bribes all along the way !
“Merchant Banker” being Cockney rhyming slang!
So Trump is a sexist. Evidence?
So Trump is a racist. Evidence?
Those are serious accessions with profound implications for diplomatic relations. Has he presented his evidence to the House?
So Trump is a sexist. Evidence?
So Trump is a racist. Evidence?
Those are serious accessions with profound implications for diplomatic relations. Has he presented his evidence to the House?
Double post but heck, worth saying twice.
Trump guilty by Media, guilty without trial – Mr Burcow you are an embarrassment.
I find it odd that none of the ‘abused women’ have sued him. That would be the scoop of all scoops for the liberal media and downtrodden women alike.
Where are the lawsuits then?
Fake news? Drain the swamp.
Even the Monika Lewinski scandal went to court. Why are all these abused women so quiet now?
Very slight mentions of a couple of them in court for false accusations – but you had to listen hard.
Seismicboy, this is one of the reasons I tend to trust Mr Trump. Think of all the millions of pounds that must have been spent on trying to bring to light ANY kind of scandal surrounding him – and yet the best they could come up with was a recording of him referring in a non-specific way to groping women. By contrast, all kinds of dodgy stuff hung around the Clintons.
Cranmer – cue my favourite Monica Lewinsky joke, thanks to the lovely and sadly late Victoria Wood!
“I’d forget my head if it wasn’t screwed on”!
(Apols to any lady readers, but it was on one of her TV shows..;0)
The ‘Berko Affair’ . My opinion and only my opinion, is that he has overstretched his mark. He has damaged the prospects of the revival of our trade, economy, growth and the jobs of ordinary working people just when we are about to get our ‘independence’ from the defunct states of Europe. Is he a closet anti Brexiteer ? Many snowflakes want to see our economy collapse because we voted out – they are bad losers – Drain the swamp Treezer before the next election.
There is a HYS running, get ‘yours in now’ before it closes.
But he goes to his retirement in luxury next year so it’s ok.
Yes, I’ll bet he will really be concerned about abused women and muslims as he sits in his Tuscany villa supping Chianti Classico Gran Selezione. When there are liberals around hypocrisy is never far away.
Sorry, but Treezer is part of the swamp which has to be drained.
As said, she cares too much that people should like her. Trump, Farage, Mogg don’t suffer from such vanity.
“that he has overstretched his mark.”
That would be a length of about three inches then, Taffman!
Al Beeb goes on and on complaining about the housing and the doctor crisis. They blame the ‘ageing population’ (The very same people who built the houses and the NHS).
No mention of the ‘Elephant in the room’ – the massive ‘influx’ of population over the last ten years . Simples
Leftists hate old people, if they are white.
Here we have Polly (I was too dim to pass my 11+) Toynbee in the
“More people are reading the Dianagur than ever so is there any chance you will ignore the hateful lying bollox our mendacious, spiteful, treasonous, staff write 24/7/365 and give us some money? Only £5 per month will provide clean champagne for little Marina to drink while she acclaims the disappearance of white people”
on the By-election
“ethnic minorities make up only 15% of Stoke’s population”
ONLY? F***ing ONLY, the British people have voted for ZERO % of the population to be non-white.
Apologies if this appears twice, wifi problems, there is one in the luminiferous aether somewhere.
Cue mortified BBC staffer and sensationalist (misleading?) headline,
“The village aiming to create a white utopia”
Maybe the intrepid Erika Benke would like to investigate another city with similar entry policies. She may have a job getting an interview however,
“WARNING: Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the city of Mecca. The penalty is deportation from the country. Documentation will be checked upon entry and anyone not showing proof of being Muslim will be denied entry. As a solitary exception, the Mecca bus terminal (outside city limits) is open to all.”
I understand parts of Medina operate in the same way.
And what are the equivalent stats for the UK ?
I was half watching the Londonistan programme after the 6PM news last night and was becoming
rather perplexed. There were a couple of early features where indigenous London reporters
were interviewing indigenous Londoners in the street. This is something you NEVER see on this
programme. What was the reason? Then the light sone. The main feature was on how if your
name is Adam you have a much better chance of getting a job interview than if your name is Muhammad. This was back to basics for Liz Rateef and Assad Ahmed and their Londonistan programme. The early stuff was there to show us that,” look we don’t only have ethnic reporters
and only interview ethnic Londoners. What next Liz and Assad are you going to visit a school where there are actually more than one or two indigenous London kids? By the way check on who made this “feature” on Adam and Muhammad. Also ask the BBC who is likely to get a job with them Adam or Muhammad with their positive discrimination policy.
Foscari, a few years ago I was watching a play on the Beeb set in London. There was something not quite right about the way the city looked – too clean, the air too clear – and then in a scene supposedly in an inner city comprehensive, ALL the children were white. I knew there was something funny going on and sure enough a bit of web research showed it was filmed on location in Melbourne, Australia, as a joint enterprise with Australian TV! They had put up a few London street signs and imported a London taxi but as the Aussies drive on the left and some older streets look much the same as 1930s London suburbs, it could just about pass. For some reason this method of film-making hasn’t caught on….
“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm us.” [Edmund Burke]
Something libtard beeboids will never understand: we don’t want touchy-feely pc leaders (we have the useless hand-wringing C of E for that) we want them to get the job done of defending and promoting our country and its interests, economic and political.
Well intentioned liberals have produced mayhem in the Middle East and in our own countries. Enough.
Yes, for too long now the fleas have been controlling the dog.
Time the dog took a bath and had a good scratch.
Well, they’re already ‘pulling your leg’, Gaxvil…
GreenBlob PR people been working overtime
#1 Done big thing at Lords MCC about Climate Change and Cricket
Really about SUBSIDIES & Virtue Signalling
Yes because Stowe on the Wold has a profound effect on world climate.
127 Tech companies signed an anti-Trump letter.
Elon Musk boss of Tesla did not and incurred lefty wrath but he has a company to run and realises Trump is the President. The 127 others have unfortunately let their petulance endanger their future and that of their employees – well done.
As Musk said, ‘I have great plans for the future and don’t have any desire to go to war with our President’.
Name 1 man who has taken more subsidies in the last 10years.
Musk is in the doodoo.
All his businesses after PayPal seem to be a chain of pyramid scams bailing out each other.
His pet at the BBC is Rory Cellan-Jones , gave them another free plug last show.
My point was that anti – Trump petualance overrides self preservation.
Ridiculously misleading, childish, and devious article from the professional deviants at the Islamic Al Beeb, in response to President Trumps completely accurate and justified analysis of the Islamaphilic, Islamaphobic-phobic, self-hating lunatics reporting of pure Islamic acts by the lying MSM, especially the mentally ill psychopaths in Al Beebistan.
Its laughable how they just add “Did we cover it? Yes” to every event listed, as the Al Shabeeb webshite was always last to report these events! But lets look at the MO for the deviants articles on Islamic enrichment…
1: Always used “man carried out attack” unlike in Canada when it was already confirmed to be a white supremacist, his name and history, just moments after the event.
2: Never once mentioned the people who were killed (just man/woman). No pictures of the children slaughtered in Germany or Nice. In contrast, in Canada the life history of the victims were on there own articles, all to bring emotion and realism to the event….the complete opposite to every single Islamic event because the Islamic Al Beeb do not care about innocent people dying!
3: Never once referenced the truth that it was an islamic attacked! It was like watching a David Copperfield act with the amount of misdirection and smoke and mirrors used to ensure everything other than Islam was the cause….all this, when the person carrying out ALWAYS said themselves the were doing it BECAUSE of Islam!! How the f**k does that work??!!
4: After a day, its gone forever. No follow up. No further reference. No linking the next Islamic act to the previous. Just like it never happened…….
So there will no need to mourn when the BBC dies. Just Yippees all the way. Bring it on.
They missed a few thousand.
Are they West hating Muslims in Iran then?
Would they be West hating Muslims in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan?
Does Thomas Cooke offer holidays to those places – there’s the clue.
Bercow petition live at Nearly 3,000 signatures so far.
But the other Petition I note (the parliamentary one) has been stopped! ‘We’re checking this petition’ it says on that page. One wonders who’s checking it!
According to the website this is part of standard procedure.
1. Name the petition.
2. Explain in greater detail.
3. Submit petition.
4. You then have some time to gather 5 sponsors.
5. The petition is then considered for publication.
It looks to be at the final stage, I’ll post any news I receive.
signed and shared to fb
The mind rotting propaganda and virtue signalling white hating lie machine aka our national treasure of a broadcaster just keeps on going…
This morning on so called radio 4 I heard a story about two identical cv’s, one with the name Allan (no not snackbar) and one Mohammed. Well surprise surprise, Allan got three times as many interviews, which proves beyond doubt to the leftard mindset that employers are Waaaaacists.
Now I can only speak from direct experience over the years of reviewing hundreds of cvs, and hiring staff while working for several institutionally corrupt south London councils. Unsurprisingly, they were all passionate about valuing diversity and having a workforce that “reflected” the community, so our Human Remains department insisted that we include the obligatory nonsense that “we particularly value applications from ethnic minorities, especially from the asian community where we are currently under-represented”. I frequently challenged this insanity with the objective facts that we were actually under-represented by white English men – that didnt go down too well.
An alternative explanation to the tired insult of Waaaacism, could be that employers in the real world (unlike local government) have real life experience of the consequences of diversity. I saw at first hand the tensions between the various flavours of the religion of pieces in my teams – the sunni’s, shia’s and sufi’s all hated each other, and all of them hated the ahmadis even more, and non of them considered the others to be real muslims. Team dynamics and productivity proved to be “challenging” to use local government bullshit speak, having people who barely spoke to each other. On top of that for one whole unholy month in the year we had ramadamadingdong to look forward to. Half my team morphed from IT professionals into starving zombies, with their work output dropping from poor to zero. And even though some were very decent kind people, they couldn’t resist playing the M victim card, which meant that as a manager you couldn’t do a damned thing to correct poor performance, and naturally you got no support from spineless gutless directors who’s only motivation was safeguarding their golden goodbye.
Perhaps this is why Mohammed’s get fewer interviews…. just a thought…
As you say, always very little mention of the fact that Muslims hate the ‘other’ Muslims – we ‘infidels’ are really way down the list.
But I guess that, along with all the other edicts of things not to mention, is on a laminated sign on every BBC wall.
Gaxvil, I have a theory about this. Interdenominational rivalry between Muslims seems to be kept quiet in the UK, though it is mentioned in foreign news when the latest skirmishes break out in ‘Wherethefackistan’.
My theory is that once in the UK, Muslims are considered by cultural marxists as part of the unified opposition to traditional western judaeo-christian capitalism. The rag-tag army of special interest/victim groups are all supposed to get along, just as the old ‘workers’ were supposed to be united in their opposition of the boss class. It’s for this reason also I believe the incompatibility of gays with Muslim culture is glossed over.
Oddly enough, some on the hard left initially opposed mass immigration for just this reason – that it was a ploy by the capitalists to divide and conquer organised unionised labour.
Indeed – get rid of the oppressors and the ‘victims’ will find happiness ……….. or maybe not?
Who will the Loony Left stop coming over next, Marine le Penn, Geert Wilders, you can guarantee there will be more protests if those two are invited over, what happened to freedom of speech?
Milo was invited to speak at his former school in Canterbury UK. But Treezer’s Counter Extremism Unit prevented him
She really does belong with the loonie left. And the latest involves doling out £60 million to Saatchi in order to combat far right extremists like Breibart
Treezer is a traitor. She is a very nasty piece of work, leaving aside that she is of very low intelligence.
I hope there will be a leadership challenge. The Mogginator would be my choice. But I suspect that the Tories are too spineless now.
That just leaves UKIP as the only hope .
May had her card marked at the US press conference. When the President said there goes the special relationship I do not think he was joking.
That would have been out of character for him having just been insulted by Kuensberg. He is not the man to take that crap from anyone.
Face it we are a tinpot country thinking itself really hot stuff. Bercow , May and Kuensberg are typical of a type far too common here.
Now if you want to hear a real leader in waiting Marine Le Pen is one hell of a woman.
Dave S.
Spot on.
May and Laura are just little schoolgirls who will never grow up. Trump has bigger fish to fry and can just ignore these kids.
As the American true-ism goes – ‘Freedom is not Free’.
Also employment law is weighed in favour of the employee. For a small business, a racial discrimination claim, even if spurious, can be devestating. Clearly all the numerous legal protections afforded to ethnic and religious minoritiss can actually work against them as they become a sword of Damocles hanging over the employer; any banter or humour, so essential to a good working environment, is off-limits when you know that any malevolent employee could deliberately misconstrue any words as offensive.
BBC Website. Bercow is the BBC’s new hero. “6 things about the UK’s Speaker “. I did not know that he was the UK’s speaker . I thought he was Speaker of the House of Commons.
” He was a tennis talent “. Wow ! and it goes on.
But, the BBC miss out Grant’s number 7. Bercow is a wanker and a waster and an utterly useless nonentity.
Anyone speaks the BBC’s language speaks for the nation.
Along with a few others, Mr. Bercow has made Parliament a despised laughing stock.
Yes, it has become just another game show. A joke.
BBC Newsnight called out for bias, playing Jerusalem as background music to Bercow the midget’s speech on Trump
“He was a tennis talent” – New Balls Please, as I don’t think he has any of his own.
LOL !!! Nice one ! or 2 !
I’ve been listening to 6 Music a bit recently as they play some good stuff and there seems to be less chance of hearing the usual BBC propaganda.
However the left-wing Stewart Maconie couldn’t let it lie in his lunchtime show. Interviewing left-wing Chrissie Hinde it went something like this:
SM:I believe you’ve just bought an apartment in London because you like London and just walking around and you can just walk out of your door?
CH: Yeh, it’s (the apartment) is not like where ordinary people would live and you know cities in the States are becoming more like London where you can just walk around, plenty of open spaces.
SM: Yes, because cities like Detroit are now being re-invented?
CH: Yeh, whole areas became like just empty when the motor industry closed down but now you’ve got like an alternative culture moving in – lots of artists and the hippy like thing – and they’re putting the gardens back new buildings are appearing and it’s like a great alternative thing you know.
SM: And you’re from Akron which used to be a big rubber production place but presumably all that’s gone now?
CH: Yeh, it got outsourced or something so instead of thinking of something smart the industry just went and we’re all still driving round in cars.
SM: And Ohio of course is a big Trump state?
CH: Yeh, people there don’t wanna know the truth they just hear what they wanna hear.
Maconie and Hinde, the world of ‘truth’ where cars don’t need tyres because people shouldn’t need cars (even though they can’t afford to live in big swanky apartments in the middle of London), where Detroit became a ghost town but it had nothing to do with their reckless left-wing city council, where a hippy culture can bring growth and regeneration and where people vote for Trump not because they’ve seen their industries and jobs decimated but because they don’t want to hear the truth.
Yeh, got that.
Cheers, BBC – another of your crafty little political insertions foghorning your agenda.
Wealthy , Far-Left hypocrite Fascist, Chrissie Hynde talks shit. Brought to you by the BBC ! Unfiltered !
PS, How much did her house cost and how many refugees is she taking ? Does she know that there is a housing shortage in UK ? Silly Cnut !
Hypocrites – Close factories and export production. You remove the pollution overseas. Are they happy with the deadly air in China and India? Oh yes!
How many people do “artists and hippies” employ compared with General Motors and Ford?
Andrew Vine writes a 1/3 page in the Yorkshire Post about an increase in recorded anti-Semitism.
He mentions”far right, Europe, Post-Truth but not the M word.
Laugh of the day. Despite all the bribes she has paid, even the Malawi Government are telling Madonna to piss off. And, even the BBC are reporting it !
Have to love the petals at 38 Degrees.
Today’s petition is about SKY, notionally :
“If Murdoch is successful, he’ll control what is beamed into over 22 million homes. He’ll have even greater power over what news we see and how we see it. “
Guess such power is bad, and even more is worse?
Click to access context_document_april_june_2015.pdf
Just four percent of 70,00,000 spared.
OT. I have an idea for a new beeboid real ‘alternative comedy’ series. Actually, if it were successful it would be just a one-off:
Anders Behring Breivik Pays Portland Place a Visit
I reckon that could have them all rolling in the aisles!
Dying laughing maybe?
Some might even reconsider paying their licence fee to watch such an hilarious production?
Hey, if it proved successful here it might even take Hollywood too! Who knows — it could turn out to be a real box-office hit!
That would be nice.
Mega Decibel Lefty noise on Izzzzy loving AlBeeb and AlAdvertiser today about Trump’s incorrect list of Islamic attacks. I have not bothered to establish how much is beeblies (copyright applied for), how much is irrelevant, etc.
At their list of attacks currently numbers 30258. This is murderous, Izzzzy only, attacks.
What have you been doing Tomi, Zero et al?
Why has the BBC with its huge staff, matchless talent, trough-snout-salivating-salaries, worlds largest budget, spotless historical record (I like to include some humour), been unable to discover and report on many of these disgusting examples of REAL Islam, when a small website run by volunteers with negligible resources can do this?
Admission, I just lied to you, the ROP website has one resource unavailable to AlBeeb. People interested in the truth. People who freely publish corrections when they make mistakes.
An interesting compare and contrast :-
# 1 Huge resources? – Yes.
# 2 Interested in the truth? – No.
# 3 Spends huge sums burying inconvenient truths? – Yes.
# 4 Distorts or otherwise falsifies reports which it publishes reluctantly? – Yes.
Plenty more but I am repeating much that has already appeared on BBBC, small is beautiful. The untrustworthy MSM has been exposed, want the truth? Go elsewhere.
Stop the licence fee, now. AlBeeb will wither and die, taking the moribund AlGuardileech with it.
Best days work, ever.
Bercow said he acted ” honestly and honorably ” about Trump. Bercow would not know honour if it was shoved up his jacksy.
Guilty by hearsay – very honourable, very honest?
He acted like a hysterical Hollywood celeb’.
“shoved up his jacksy” where does vaz come into this?
I wonder what the BBC’s interpretation of this would be if it took place in Hyde Park –
Clearly Canada’s beneficial cultural diversity is taking the white non-muslim population down the road of doom at a considerable pace. Much the same as Europe.
When are they going to look up and have long, long sniff at what they keep shovelling.
What will it take? With their mind-set even a ‘Twin Towers’ event in London or Toronto etc., wouldn’t do it.
Unfortunately and somewhat selfishly, we can only hope that some other western nation falls badly first, no matter what atrocities they commit over here the hippy dippy traitors will just bury their heads deeper in the sand until one of their adopted favorites separates it from their head.
K, I’m afraid you are right.
Germany, Sweden or France will probably fail first, but by the time they do, it may well be too late for the rest of us. Once islam gains a critical mass in a country, that country is doomed.
“Once islam gains a critical mass in a country, that country is doomed”.
Rob, France is further down the road to disaster but I think the French will fight. The murder of a priest in his own church by having his throat cut changed the political dynamic. There hasn’t been any such event in Germany or Sweden so the majority of Germans and Swedes lack the will to fight. Whichever country it kicks off in it will get very nasty very quickly.
We have the advantage of the Channel as a moat, but only if the politicians make use of it – and the BBC will fight them on this with every trick in the book.
Still nothing yet from the legally mandated to be impartial, and unbiased, Islamic Al Shabeeb regarding the outright ban on all Israelis in 16 Muslims states, or the 10 Muslim states where homosexuality is punishable with death……….any day now?….yeah right! More chance of Islam becoming the religion of peace!
A Panorama Special …………. maybe?
“RAF Typhoon jets escort Pakistan plane to Stansted”
probably just a boisterous Hen Party or something, yeah that would be my guess.
As I wrote in a post near the top of the page….
The brilliance of people like Trump, his team, and Milo, is working. They called the bluff of the left and the hate filled bastards went ‘all in’!
Look at the recommended comments at the bottom of this article in the Guardian FFS! People are seeing exactly who the real enemies are, and they have had enough of cult leftlams bullsh*t!
Premature Pygmy Hippo born – Abbott absent – Strange?
Was it born with a migraine?
I’ve been looking for signs of a beard.
When did putting a suffering dog out of its misery become murder?
George Aligiah droning on about Sgt. Blackman having psycho treatment after being banged up for “murdering” a wounded Afghan insurgent.
Bastard BBC!
Sanctimonious, self righteous twats have no place in battle – it’s a men only thing.
and who cares if he did anyway, one less scumbag refugee living in burnley on the dole
That the one that affected his ticker, or the one he was running down the curvaceous backside of a staffer outside a nightclub? The two of course may be related.
Maybe the BBC could fact check?